Starfield - 5 Tiny Ship Builds You Need to Try!

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shipbuilding can get kinda crazy and it's so easy to spend ages in it and begin to be like oh of course I need a workshop that can go here of course I need an extra living quarters how else am I going to fit four missile launchers and after so many such decisions you end up with an over-designed hunk of junk that just gets deleted so that you can try again it's so easy to want to cram everything cool into a single design and well I've been there many times welcome to fudge muppet my name is Scott today we're going to take it back to the basics strip down all the bells and whistles into play the efficiency game we are going tiny we are making small ships trying to push or I suppose pull in the boundaries of shipbuilding and even if you aren't interested in having a mini ship the same design principles May Inspire other brilliant design decisions in terms of efficiency and appearance most of these ship designs use very few halves and are at about or under 20 meters in length and under 20 meters in width with an exception that is more so tight tiny on the interior but we'll get to that let's begin here are five tiny ship builds that you should try out beginning with ship number one this cute little thing I called Tic Tac and this was me trying to take the least amount of space possible on a ship without it looking like a hodgepodge of stacked Parts I still with all these following designs tried to make it look like an actual ship something that someone might want to use themselves now this cute little guy has a single one by one Hub in addition to the cockpit we need at least a single Hab for the hanger into the docker to link into and like all these ship builds it's a b-class ship the C-Class reactors do take up more space and along with the increased size they just Supply way more power than is needed for these tiny ships I did however use four ranks of Starship design to gain access to all of the parts that I wanted but many of these same design principles could be applied without Starship design using different parts but also these same principles could be applied to class A ships however of course the reactor grav drive and weapons would have to be different though they usually occupy a similar space though keep in mind that when we are designing such a small ship we do have to be aware of how many attachments a single piece has for example certain grav drives or reactors won't have attachment slots on the back or side and when we have so few options to place things we may sometimes need to pick options that aren't the best options but are more flexible in terms of attachment slots anyways this is Tic Tac width is 12 meters length is 18 meters and if you want to for whatever reason make it super tiny you can just delete the nose cap and it becomes something like 15 meters but come on it looks much better with it on and we want to make it so ships look good so this is an asymmetrical design and it's port side almost gives the appearance of a shield arm and also you will find that the shield generator is also attached on the inside of that arm so it's like a tiny night ship the Weaponry is also on the smaller arm or Wing it's kind of like a shield and Lance situation you get the idea I thought this was cool and if there are any Pokemon fans out there it's kind of somewhat reminded me of cloza a tiny guy with a big arm quick interior tour this is it it's a one by one companionway and a cockpit let's jump into the actual build for easy viewing I split each of the Wings and took off the reactor component starting with the starboard Wing we have one of the pinpoint 3G landing gear set to the four variant and atop this is one of the pb0175 autohelion beams with so few weapon choices I thought it was best to go with something that has both Hull and shield damage like a particle beam behind this is another of the pinpoint landing gear set to the mid variant it could probably be set to the rear variant but that would make the overall design even longer and I was trying to make it as small as possible the other Wing begins with a Teo nose cap which again you can take off if you really need the shorter length but I felt this brought the whole design together behind this is a Teo mid cap and underneath an acculanda 11 landing gear by Stroud next to that is our stability Pro Landing Bay and atop this is another of the Teo mid caps at the back of this are two white dwarf 3015 engines they have the highest top speed in the game and it made the most sense to me since we have such a small ship that we may as well be getting the most speed out of it the base speed here is 180 versus the 150 of every other class a engine into the 140 of b-class and 130 of C-Class engines of course the downside is that they have less thrust so you can't move as much mass efficiently damaging our Mobility but that is not a consideration for our low mass tiny ships but do note that with the engine system's rank 3 skill we gain 20 more top speed and if you have Samco on your crew you will gain a further 30 top speed I think this can also be achieved with Amelia as well resulting in a top speed of 280 which is pretty in insane finally attached to the Teo mid cap at the front is a 44t Defender Shield generator we need this side attached type Shield because we simply do not have the room anywhere else and we couldn't place it on top of the mid caps because a is compromises the design I felt and B it prevents our Docker from reaching and I didn't want a bigger chunkier Docker as I felt that didn't look quite right anyways that is the port side Wing the midsection is made up of a Teo Samurai cockpit again guys lower level versions look the same and like the engines can just be replaced with lower tier versions while still maintaining the same physical design attached to this is the Teo Companion Way one by one top B and above this is the extender Port Docker behind this is the Aurora 13g grav drive there are better ones for class B but this was necessary because unlike some of the other better ones this has an attachment slot at the back so we can still place a 400g helium tank but don't worry we still have a 30 light year jump ring change lastly we have a 103 DS mag inertia Reactor with a horizon weapon mount on the starboard side with the second of the helium beams attached and there you go a really really tiny ship that I still think looks good if you want to just expand it slightly it's easy enough to bring the cockpit forward and just slot in a two by one Hub instead and do note being so Compact and Tiny does only mean we have two weapon slots available but on to the next one something with more Firepower this is the trilobite and as the name suggests it's silhouette and color scheme is based off the tiny alien creatures you may find of the same name this particular design is a little more stacked with Weaponry but again it is small coming under a 20 meter squared area I love this little bug ship just weaving through the asteroid Fields but it's also deadly and Speedy first the interior tour again a single one by Hab connected to the cockpit tight and snug cloistered in this exterior shell let's get on to the build itself we split the layers here it's a very simple two layer construction the bottom layer beginning from the rear has has a 400g helium tank attached to the acculanda 11 landing gear and at each side next to that is one of the white dwarf 3015 engines again for max speed moving forward to the starboard side we have another of the same accolanda landing gear in the middle is a one by one Nova companionway and on the port side is a stability Pro Landing Bay by Stroud at the front are two of the Stroud cap A's flipped for the underside and nestled between them is a Nova Magellan cockpit from the top layer the rear features two more of the Stroud cap A's each with pb0100 auto Neutron turrets cool little additions for some rear-facing Firepower in between these another of the 400g helium tanks attached to the back of a 103ds MAG inertial Reactor with a warden SG 300 Shield generator sitting atop it an ng2 Docker sits in the middle of this layer with Stroud cowling 1lb on either side with an equipment plate and a Ace 39 missile launcher on top in front there are two more of the Stroud cap A's each with a pb100 auto Neutron beam mounted on top this can also be a helium beam instead and between these is a Rd 3000 beta grav drive with an equipment plate and another of the same missile launchers on top snap these layers together and Bam we've got the trailer bite a tiny ship packing some serious Firepower now the previous two have been quite flat and Compact and perhaps you want to see a shape or design with a little bit more height this little red rooster might be a good fit for you it appears a little more conventional but I gave it the snub nose type cockpit and yeah it kind of does remind me a little bit of a chicken but I'm memeing it a bit here you can adjust the same design principles and color scheme to give it a more menacing appearance the interior is again a tiny one by one Hab and the cockpit is the small Armstrong type this is the interior short tour again let's build it three-way split let's look at the underside first a 120 LD Landing Bay attached to some Teo cowling flip flipped for the underside the main layer features a white dwarf 3015 engine at the back with a Rd 3000 beta grav Drive do note the engine doesn't actually connect to the grav drive because there is no connection point but instead connects to the engine above which connects to the ship itself either side of the grav Drive is one of the 220 CB landing gear and another pair of the same landing gear surrounds the damos one by one companionway in front which itself attaches to the Armstrong cockpit we can move all that on top and then for the top layer itself we have at the back a 3015 white dwarf engine onto which the other one connects but this engine connects to the mag inertial reactor which itself has a warden SG 300 Shield generator on top and either side of this is a m30 Ulysses helium tank in front is a ng2 Docker with two weapon mounts at the side each equipped with a ce39 missile launcher on the upper end and an auto Neutron Beam on the bottom ends snap on that layer and there you go a tiny ship but a little all stacked up okay I kind of cheated on this one it isn't really a tiny ship in conventional terms of meters squared but it is skinny and made of tiny Interiors plus it has to make do with similar limitations as in there's not a lot of space to attach stuff to so it was a fun challenge I just really wanted to demonstrate some of the unique ship designs that are possible this is an asymmetrical scav ship trying to emulate the feel of a small star station or satellite somewhat let's have a look it has this smaller section which is dedicated to The Landing Bay and the docker along with a weapon Mount stacked to the brim with weaponry and this smaller section is connected to the larger rocket section via hope tech Cross braces I really love the flexibility afforded by The Hope tech Cross brace Habs and the spine brace tabs both of which are easily accessible at Hope Town's technician which is on polvo in the valo system its interior is very simple basically two one by one hope Tech Habs connected by long hallways including to the cockpit this also is easy to adjust for more halves which I will show in the build so speaking of which let's do that I can just remove the smallest top layer part and then the rest is all one layer very easy to see and explain starting with a smaller section we have the shipbed 200 Landing Bay to the port side is a h40 atlas helium tank to the other side is a pinpoint 3G landing gear set to the rear variant and attached to the front of that is the same landing gear but the four variant and mounted atop this is a Firebolt 400 suppressor em weapon this section is attached to a one by one hope Tech Companion Way with a slim Docker on top so everything enters into this single Hab on the front of this Hub is a Nova weapon mount with three pb0174 Auto helion beams arranged like so alongside a ce9 missile launcher on the inner side three hope tech Cross braces attaches this section to the main part of the ship and the top the closest is the warden Shield generator this cross brace attaches to the one by one Companion Way right here at the rear of the main section we have two of the pinpoint 3G landing gear that attached to the mag inertial reactor and the first of the done 61 engines sits at the back of this this ship has a speed of 140 instead of 180 like the others on this list the other done 61 engine is attached to the rd3000 beta grav Drive which is winged by two of the Nova radiators adding to the satellite star station type look that I was going for this whole section attaches to the top like so along the port side of the ship we have landing gear all the way to the front where the final one is adjusted for the four variant and it has another of the Firebolt em weapons mounted on top along the center of this main section are four damos spines arranged like so with the front having another em weapon atop it this is geared so that we can use the EM weapons constantly but again as is the case with all weapons you can slot them to whatever you like these demos spines connect to the Armstrong cockpit which connects to three hope Tech spinehabs that lead to the companionway and closing these off are three Teo side caps now this gives a more satellite type aesthetic however fun design aside practically I can imagine many of you would want to replace this entire interior bit with actually useful Habs and so that's easy just delete the three spine halves and the companion way and you'd have room for two two by one halves that you can make good use of but with that palette cleanser let's look at some true tiny ships this is my favorite of the bunch this I called the imperator the one on the thumbnail and it's something I would consider for some kind of assassin character it reminds me of something a Sith Lord might get into both in color scheme and shape this is fully specked out for Firepower and speed so that no target can outrun you we have a beefy b-class Reactor with 35 base power generated engines with 180 speed which reaches 280 speed with engines systems rank 3 and samco's 30 speed buff as crew and we have some shredding Weaponry all packed into this tight package that maintains full Mobility the interior is a little bit more spacious with a two by one all-in-one berth by damos which leads directly into the cockpit anyways this is a terror in the sky but let's see how it is all put together this is a two layer ship horizontally cut here for easy understanding of how it goes together starting with the bottom layer we have the ship bed 200 Landing Bay and either side of it is a white dwarf 3015 engine both of which are connected to an acculanda 11 landing gear of which there are four that are arranged around the central component of the ship which is the damos 2x1 all-in-one berth which then connects at the 4 to a DS 20.3 fobos cockpit either side of this cockpit connected to the accolanders are a damos hull a each with an equipment plate and a Hellfire Cannon mounted and an additional of these cannons is mounted on the cockpit itself and they just shred through an enemy's Hull of course you will have had to have progressed to a certain extent within the Vanguard questline to get access to these parts two through the front of the whole pieces are two demos braking engines which can help complete the look on each side of this layer we have two of the damos wing A's arranged like so to create a sleeker silhouette and on the underside of These Wings facing the front we have a pb0175 auto helion Beam on the top layer in the center at the rear we have the final of the 3015 white dwarf engines we needed an extra one to maintain 100 Mobility either side of this is a 500 ton helium tank in front of this are three damos Hull A's arranged across the midsection like so on top of the middle one is the warden SG 300 Shield generator and in front of this middle Hull piece is the damos docker on the starboard side of this is the Z machine 4000 reactor and on the port side is Ard 3000 beta grav drive a damos spine A4 is placed on the top of the grav Drive followed by a demos spine B and an additional spine a bit reversed at the back on top of the fuel tank the same combination is placed Atop The Other aside these I felt just added to the aesthetic Flair of the ship we then have another set of the damos wing A's arranged like so with the rear sides featuring pb0 Auto Neutron turrets and the front sides featuring another pair of the autohelion beams both sides of this ship are exactly the same by the reactor and grav drive we then just grab the top layer and slide it on top and we're done a tight and tidy Shredder of a ship with top speed and a savagely Sith appearance I've seen a bunch of you guys ask about prices to make these things and in the shipbuilder itself the value seems to be determined by what you could sell it for so that's not correct however in the ship section of your menu it seems inaccurate price is reflected I'm not sure if a completely one-to-one Stacks up to the price of all the parts but I imagine it it should do so if not apologies in advance but the ships I made today have a total value of 214 400 credits for the Tic Tac 269 525 credits for the trilobite 217 275 credits for the Red Rooster 367 575 credits for the scav ship and a whopping 368 625 credits for the imperator the Sith Lord ship bear in mind the more expensive engines reactors grav drives and especially weapons can really rack up the cost and it's quite possible to make cheaper versions of these designs simply swapping out for the cheaper versions or slightly different versions of weapons and reactors and such while maintaining the same silhouette and overall structure of course any of these designs can be expanded to create larger versions or in the case of the scav ship a more dense version any of the weapons can also be swapped out for varying results and remember each of these ships were Class B meaning that you only need piloting rank 3. however many of these use Starship design for as well for their parts hopefully these different designs offered something for you to use or if not copied exactly then rather Inspire different ideas remember these were all done with the limitation of tiny in mind offering different examples of ships that have to be efficient with space and using the same principles practicing making small ships can help your larger ships be far more economical and efficient in design allowing you more space for aesthetic and structural pieces keep this kind of stuff in mind to avoid creating bloated over-designed masses of ships hop down into the comments below and drop any particular requests that you would like to see I have several ship builds planned and on the way it is really one of my favorite things to do in Starfield so subscribe if you haven't already to see the good stuff when it drops my name is Scott thanks so much for watching and I'll be back to nerd out with you again real soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 192,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield review, starfield gameplay, bethesda starfield, starfield gameplay 4k, starfield best ship build, starfield best ship, starfield ship building guide, starfield ship building, starfield ships, starfield fastest ship, starfield tiny ships, starfield 5 tiny ships
Id: oxtDM8Kp03w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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