One of the Best Ships You Can Make in Starfield Max Stats and Functional Complete Guide

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hello everyone and welcome to the build guide for this beautiful ship behind me with this beautiful stat block right here this is going to be a video with chapters in it so you can jump around we're going to start with the requirements and talk a little bit about chip then we are going to do the stat block then we are going to do a walk around then we're going to do a quick interior tour of the ship then we're going to do this the shopping list we have six stops to make with 68 items to buy and then we will do the Assembly of this ship and then we will follow up with some combat footage of this thing just launching pp's everywhere because it's got 12 weapons on it it's gorgeous looking now let's talk a little bit about the ship this is not going to be in this exact setup a starter ship you could build this ship as a starter ship and put lower grade stuff on it and upgrade over time and it will feel good and like the ship is making progression but to build the ship as it stands now you're going to need about 840 to 900 000 credits she's an expensive ship this is not a joke you are also going to need the skills piloting level four because it is a C-Class ship of this C-Class reactor and you are going to need Starship Design 4 to put experimental modules on this you will also need to finish part of your main story Quest where you do stuff for shroud Echo and I think it's Walter is his name it's not too far in it doesn't really spoil anything but it allows you access to the engines that this ship has you will also need level 60 to put the reactor on this ship you can use a slightly less reactor again you can upgrade this as you go and it'll feel good but as it stands you're going to require level 60 as well now that we've gotten that part out of the way let's jump over here to the stat block of this ship she has 9 900 cargo capacity it is a ton of cargo you can bring an entire star with you if you want 320 of that is shielded so you don't have to worry too much about your pesky little Smuggler items like you'll loot some like mechanical parts or organs or something and you'll jump in somewhere and be like damn and I forgot I had those then you'll get arrested in this ship you should have an 89 chance to avoid scanning after it's fully put together even without the Captain Skill that is so you can get that higher with with proper skills and even though she almost has 10 000 cargo she maintains a hundred percent Mobility you take zero penalty from Mobility you have a 130 sheet top speed and with the captain skills you have about 210 220 cruising speed in space that feels really really good it's quite quick for how much she brings to the table uh if we bring myself smaller down here you can see that we also pack all of this in a 21 by 35 footprint so she's not huge you have a good clean camera angle when you're behind this thing flying around in space you don't have a giant ship in your way which is really really nice she can have eight crew members with four passengers all while keeping you protected with 4479 Shield because the light year jump your range of what a weird way to say that a jump range of 30 light years which is a reactor of Base 40 so you can get that to like 45 46 proper crew skills on top of that she brings 12 weapons to the table not just your I personally does a design Choice here to go with all weapons that can have four or not just three so she's symmetrical ends so you just have the most Pew pews flying out of this thing as possible and it just looks really really cool flying around in space and it sure gets the job done which is little low on the whole side with the 1530 because of how compact she is I don't just have a bunch of extra crap strapped onto her to allow the hull to go a little bit higher but she has maneuverability and you should have zero problems in combat even fighting the highest tier enemies in the game she has enough fuel to jump from one side of the Galaxy all the way to the other now that we've done the stat block here we're gonna jump into a quick little outer tour of this ship here you can see here that in my design philosophy is every legendary ship and every legendary Captain should have like a ship that stands out like a striking feature of the ship a distinctive silhouette so when you show up on the battlefield everyone knows to either fear you or have hope that you're going to save the day and I did that by putting this bright color up front which we have tons of options in the showroom here you can choose and paint it to whatever color you want and from every angle it stands out as a pretty distinctive ship flying at you with all the guns blasting the bright colors in your face you've got these beautiful little radiators under here keeping the main engine pods uh nice and cool you've got these huge reverse thrusters to keep your Mobility up really really high you've got Thruster packs strapped all over this thing just to keep your Mobility up really really well we've got our first of six that's right six of these huge top-of-the-line experimental engines coming out of Strat here huge primary coolers thing up there with uh redundant like a backup system coolers jammed under here and then when you're looking at this thing from the back you're just like oh damn that ship's got a haul ass like it is so much engine for such a little ship that you just like even just the vision of this thing is like that's a fast ship and it is it's a quite fast ship for everything it brings to the table primarily that cargo weight is absolutely ridiculous with a huge reactor strap underneath there and I heard during like old Earth history during like a world war or something we tried the base that land in the front and a lot of people still use those and it didn't go so well it was kind of catastrophic a little bit so we went with the rear loading Bay we learned from history here and we even gave you some cover when you land down here to fight with then for loading purposes these can be retracted up and the ship can support itself on the rest of them uh it's got strong backbone here um but I just think it's a little bit nice to have some cover when you come down here then you come around to this striking like almost gnarly but like distinctive front Silhouettes here on this ship just looking amazing then we're gonna jump up top here and we can see the bristling weapon package up top here you have 10 weapons with two on the bottom here if something is above you here or in front of you it will die you have this amazing little fuel giblets here it just looks so cool a combination with this engine struck here I think it provides really really well got the shield placement Central so it's good coverage of your whole ship overall it's a really really good systems layout we're gonna come under here and we're gonna do a little inside tour that was my phone going off not yours we come into this little Bay here and you can see what I'm talking about with tons and tons of room in here you even have options to take cover here and fight your way out if you need to and when you address down here if you're getting ambush from the back you can take cover here and fight out of these uh and you can just Excel your ship in safety without immediately getting gunned down because we know you Legendary Heroes like to get yourselves into some stuff now for travel up inside real quick we'll see just how simple of an interior this is but it does come with all the crafting stations you will ever need we come around here at first we're gonna back up into this infirmary here and you're gonna have a gallery here for cooking you're going to have a pharmaceutical station and a research lab and this beautiful little infirmary back here come around we move back into the main room here you're going to have your industrial workbench a weapon workbench a spacesuit workbench the only thing this does not have which I would like to have found a way to do it and make it really compact still would be at least one chest of storage but you have almost 10 000 cargo space so just keep your stuff in there and if we move up into the cockpit here you can see it's this huge open room you have a navigation table in the middle got two little side rooms that your crew usually likes to sit in and do something I've got this beautiful freaking windows that have no obstructions from your ship on either side you have full Clear View and like visuals for fighting and targeted notifications really really nice in here now that we have done the little inter truer and a quick little walk around we're gonna get into the shopping list part first we're going to jump over to another ship and Bam just like that through the magic of editing I'm in a new ship I'm going to operate on the principal that whatever ship you bring I don't care what it is it is getting deleted from every part that you bring is getting deleted we are buying every single part you need to assemble the ship uh this is just some random ship I captured like two weeks ago and I've been experimenting crap on it so that's why it's this convoluted mess but again whatever ship you bring every single piece is getting deleted off of it and I am showing you exactly what to buy and exactly where to buy them it does not matter where you start your shopping I am just on Atlantis because everyone has access to Atlantis and then we will be moving on to Neon City here which will be zooming out twice and we're starting in Alpha Centauri here and we are going to move over to volley too and we are going to go to Neon actors on a valley to Alpha we're going to go to Neon core and we are going to the land here and I've set up for again this ship is meant for end game but you can build it with non-end game stuff and fly it whenever but for the purpose of this guide everything on the shopping list is going to be from the end game stuff now when we arrive here we are going to take a left and we are going to go to the Stroud eklind little building right here go on into Stroud eklund's building load screens am I right then when we come in here we're going to run over here to this terminal the Strat Iceland kiosk we're going to view and modify ships and now on your screen right yeah there should be a shopping list of everything you are going to buy here so pause it and just pick up all these things and then after you've done that I'm just kind of going to ramble here for a minute for you to pause this yeah you can pause it now pause it now okay now that you've finished your shopping list you shouldn't have this many parts here from now on I like these top down views we're gonna do these in every single one uh and then we're going to go over what you should have you should have your six South 683 engines these you unlock by doing the main story Quest you're gonna help Walter at Stroud Eklund and after that these should be unlocked that's what it says online I hope that's correct or I'm giving out bad information this Z8 pinch reactor is going to require level 60 it's one of the very few things in this entire build that does require level 60. you can't afford it you can get the next best one you should have your SG 1800 Shield generator then your j51 Gamma Drive jump drive there is a better one of these the 52 but this also gives you all the same stats and there's no reason to just spend the extra money but if you want the Best of the Best Buy the one Higher uh there's the H or 500 THC 3 tank for fuel the h30 atlas he3 tank for more fuel you are going to have the Stroud cap c f top the two Stroud engine bracers a and the two Stroud cowlings one La PT now you might be like how are we going to fit these things on my ship well first you're going to delete all the old fuel tanks you are going to delete the engine the reactor then you are going to take Stroud companionway ones and just hook six of them on your ship in some way or somewhere or another and then we are just going to start slapping things on here so we have six stops to make total this is one of six and once we're at the final stop we will actually assemble the entire ship in the meantime we just need to get all the parts from one place to another it's kind of a pain in the butt but it's just how the game is what the heck was that screen again we're just gonna throw it all on here I'm gonna finish throwing it all on here and you can see the monstrosity we make afterwards and now that we have everything thrown on here you should have one flight error and that is going to be that the ship has too few landing gears unfortunately there's no real simple way around this one but you were just need to come in here and they only sell one type of landing gear here and you are just going to start slapping them onto your ship wherever they fit until that air goes away I think I only need three of them for mine because I have two ng-20s that just happen to be on the ship with a mass of four you might need five six seven or eight of these things to get the ship flight worthy then once we do that we're going to accept that that is the ship modifications we are going to do we're gonna back out of here we are not leaving this planet yet so we're gonna go back outside into the neon core and we're gonna wait for this beautiful loading screen we're going to take a hard right when we come out of here and we are going to run all the way down to the end keep on going this beautiful little city that reminds me a lot of cyberpunk to be totally honest cyberpunk 2022 is that the name of that game I haven't played that game in a while 2072 I don't know we're ranting about some random stuff here I know fat guy you're out of breath I get that way too then we're going to come into the elevator all the way down here at the end and we're going to go to Tayo astroneering and then we're all going to run Straight Ahead after the loading screen take a right take another right and we're gonna come talk to this lady right here who's nice and fuzzy modifier ship be amazed yes can I have my screen now please and thank you we're gonna go into shipbuilder and then you are going to purchase these items that are on your screen in this beautiful shopping list there should only be two here it's quite a simple list so if you're gonna pause it now you can pause it we're pausing it you're pausing it to read what you need to buy hopefully you paused it now after you finish your shopping list you should just have these four simple modules here again we're just gonna slap these on the ship wherever they fit uh remember where you put these little guys because these can kind of get lost sometimes in the final stage because they're the smallest pieces we add to the ship almost now once we're finished with that you back out if you have to throw more landing gear on here just to make it flight worthy feel free to do that now we are actually going to go to our map and zoom back out twice and we're gonna head on over to Seoul all the way up here in the top left just to the top left of el Centauri and we're going to go to Mars and then we're going to go to demos which is orbiting Mars and we're going to set course the Deimos asteroid which is where the demo Shipyard is which is our next current stop and poof just like that because of editing we are on the demo station you're gonna run forward take a left follow this little pathway here walk down here come down these stairs here looking on the left and talk to this beautiful ball gentleman right here and modified your ships who like to say if you can't afford our ships then you're a piece of crap more or less then you are going to buy all of these pieces on your screen right here this is your shopping list so again pause it boom these pieces you should have one 110 DP Docker top one demo skeg a structural piece one 120 LD Landing Bay and one DS 40.2 Aries Bridge which is going to require us to delete our old bridge and it is going to require us to delete our old docking module you might actually have to do some reworking of your ship here to get the stocking module to fit in a position that the game is actually happy with then you're gonna have to delete the docker module put the landing Bay I think it should work for me strapped under there again strap a cockpit onto there this can just go right underneath that thing and if we Z to flip this over that should function down below just like so and we have no flight warnings and now we can head on to our next location except the changes here that we've added all four of those things and now we are going to head to the key or to the red mile or the key if you have it but I'm going to go to the Red Mile because I do not have the key in my game still the Red Mile should be over in poor Media or Mia hopefully I can pronounce that correct they are going to poor Mia three this is two we're going to three Formula Three up here then we are going to be going to the red mile onward we go and once you're at Red Mile I got jumped by bounty hunters up in space so I had to run away but we are here now you're going to run all the way up to the front door of Red Mile big old beautiful sign and you know exactly where it is you're gonna wait for this really long cycling airlock surprisingly enough and we're gonna head on in again wait for a long cycle of your luck because it's really really fun they don't even have elevator music in here for us it's absolutely ridiculous big run straight forward just give me a little DS cure the ship services with no one at it we're gonna open this door and you're gonna talk to Leon Anderson he might have a Spiel to talk to if you've never been here before and once you get through that you can do I can modify my ship and then you're going to be shopping again same as always here's your shopping list now pause the video pause it hopefully you pause it we're positive we're positive pause okay now that you've bought these two things you should have one 10st hollow shielded cargo hold and one scan Jammer multi-frequency with a little pirate icon we are just gonna slap these things on the ship wherever they fit and I am actually going to have another error because I do not have enough landing gear so I will attach one more piece of landing gear if I can find where those would be on this station gear uh sure you will do just fine just tack you on right here just like that we are ready to fly we're going to back out of that window again open up our map back out twice again and now we're going to be heading towards a hope dealer which will be in The Velo system so if you got Alpha Centauri here you're going to see nerion neuron and if you click on that you have the option to choose value and once you click value we are going to go to Palo Lavo hopefully I'm pronouncing all those right it could be butchering them then we are going to travel to Hope Town we're going to be buying One Singular item at Hope Town but unfortunately this is what we gotta do because we're operating under the premise that people have not built out posts because it's hard to just lump that all into one place this is just a guaranteed way to get all these parts come over here I'm gonna talk to our ship technician I would like to modify my ship please and thank you we're going to be purchasing this beautifully huge shopping list yeah you guys pause it yet we're getting into the rhythm of things here it's paused you have spots should be pause yep we're paused okay and after completing your shopping list you should have two hope Tech radiators these are structural things and you'll never guess that we are just gonna hook these on the ship wherever they will fit uh that'll do just fine and this is the most trust yeah I'd add a landing gear here again because I was over the weight limit you're going to accept that and then we're going to head off to our final stop here double Tab out of here open our map Maybe please and thank you uive this game is beautifully magnificent no complaints whatsoever ever and we're going to head back over to Seoul zoom on in here then we're gonna head over to Titan we're going to land new Homestead explored and this will be our final stop where we will have the biggest shopping list and then we will beautifully start the assembly list here it's going to be a wonderful time I'm not sure in editing if this is going to be a double shopping list or a single shopping list because this is actually a lot of items I'll see how they scale in here no problem okay we see how it is and we are going to go into shipbuilder and then you're going to pause pause check out your shopping list here you can pause it again and we're gonna buy all these parts every single one so many parts many many parts do you guys pods yet okay bam shopping list number two if needed if needed I'm not sure if we're gonna use this but you should pause it here and buy all this if it is used so that's cool buy all the stuff we're shopping we're shopping in a video game hopefully you paused it and now that you've completed the Nova shopping list you should have some arrangement of this variation with two Nova cowling one ltfs two radiator tops two Nova Wings two Nova Thruster arrays two horizontal weapon mounts one Nova engine strut two Nova radiator two ports two Nova radiators which is the exact same name as these but these are radiator tops you should have four novocaling two lpfs you should have if you're going the exact same weapons you can run whatever weapons you want you should have four PPO one seven five Auto helium beams four pbo100 Auto Neutron turrets and four pbo300 Alpha turrets there are better weapons per se but these are the highest DPS with the longest range weapons that you can have four of like and I wanted the most ppus coming off the ship as possible and I wanted it to be symmetrical you should have four Galleon s204 cargo holds six ng20 Landing in Gears and two Nova Galactic ABS one workshop and one infirmary it should be all of your Nova Galactic parts hopefully I didn't miss anything because it's a heck of a shopping list here now for the fun part we're going to zoom out and you are going to pull off every single thing you bought from every other shop this is going to take some time so I'm gonna do it here real quick and now you should have some schmeandering of parts that looks like this if you want to pause it here and put this in like the exact same kind of layout by just visually matching the parts you can that'll make assembling this thing a lot easier then you're going to take whatever is left of your old ship and you're just going to delete it all and kind of make sure you got all your bits off it you're not deleting any of the things you actually need that's kind of an important pit maybe do a once over hopefully I don't make an ass out of myself and I deleted something we needed and now for the really fun Lego assembly part of this all of our pieces are organized into certain ways and we're going to start off by taking our Bridge we're just going to start at the front kinda I'm gonna say work our way backwards but it's not exactly necessarily true then we're going to take our Nova Galactic Workshop have attached to the back of our Bridge we're going to take the Nova Galactic infirmary and attach it directly to the back of that super simple and easy so far then we're going to take the Nova engine struts and we're going to bring it up here and attach it to the spot directly behind the uh wow the bridge on top of the noble Galactic workstation 2.1 then we are going to take our 500 th e tank and we're going to attach it to the back of that and we are going to take two of our Galleon s204 cargoals and throw them up on top right behind the fuel tank on top of the infirmary stacked up just like that all nice and easy then we are going to take our Z pinch 8z reactor and we're going to attach it one down so it's not attached to the back of these carb containers but it's attached to the back of the novo Galactic infirmary while sticking out one awkwardly down below and we're going to come up here and we're going to grab our strout cap C aft top and we're going to attach it to the very back of this Galleon S4 cargo hold above the reactor you can see what I'm talking about right here if we can get the camera angle well the Builder is always a little weird about that where that's going to go then we're going to take or 10 St shielded cargo holds we're going to hit Z on it once for PC and if you're on Console I think it's why I don't actually know the console controls to rotate it so you can see here it is now sticking behind the reactor hanging off the strut C and it's lined up so the diagonal is facing the back of the ship super nice and clean then we're going to take Anova cowling 2lpft we're going to bring it up just like this and we're going to attach it so the very front is attached to the side of our fuel tank and the back part of it's attached to this cargo hold then we're going to take another one of these and do the same to The Other Side by rotating it and slapping it right here just like that super nice and simple and we're going to take another one of these flip it around and we're going to offset it by one down here underneath you can see how it's just offset back by one so it's lined up directly with the Nova Galactic infirmary however I want to put the same thing on the other side just like that and then we're going to grab Our Hope Tech radiators here these big guys and one's going to go right behind this top Nova cowling but we're going to grab the other one and do the same on that side and then we are going to take our j51 gamma jump drive and we're going to line it up perfectly with the back two of this cowling in this hope Tech radiator you can see up here they're going to snap together just like that and then we're going to take our last two of our Galleon s 204 cargo holds and apply them right here and then right behind the radiator so it looks something like this it matches the reactor on the other side and being a square figure you can see here the two and two sticking out the back just like this with the reactor still sticking one lower than the rest of those then we're going to grab an engine and we're going to attach it to the bottom just like this you can see here where it's sticking one out of the reactor then we're going to take another engine and match it on the top here so it's sticking one out high on the top here attached to the back of the reactor then we're going to do the same on this side but to the cargo holds sticking out in the same way up top just like that and see how it looks a little weird with these offsets then we are going to take our Nova cowling 1lts I'm going to bring them up here and attach them directly to the front of this engine just like this so it kind of makes it a little bit more seamless we're going to match the other side just like so and then we find our little Nova Wing ports here we're going to bring them and attach them to the top part of our reactor you can see here you're gonna have the two points on the reactor we're going to the top one so it's kind of in line with the bottom of this hope Tech reactor cooler and then we're going to come around here and do the same on this side so it's attached to the top one of your two cargo holds here now we get to work on the underside of the ship which is always a pain in the butt I'm going to grab two of my landing gears and bring them back here and try and hit f a bunch to get underneath the ship so I can show you what we're doing and there's a spot right here with the reactor we're going to attach one of these right there so it kind of lines up with the engine and kind of Blends it in looks really really nice I'm gonna take the other one and do exactly the same on that side then we are going to take another one of these landing gears which I should have grabbed three to begin with slap it on over here that was really really wonky but you know what it worked out in the long run oh the camera angle is getting really really crazy Gotta Love The Game's controls we're going to select this and we're going to change it into the NG landing gear wide I think on controller it's d-pad I couldn't tell you on controller this controller on the mouse and keyboard it is the arrow key so transform what you're doing that is going to go directly in front of the reactor just like that slap it right in there then if you can pan around and find your loading Bay we're going to hit Z on the keyboard with it selected to flip it around so it's facing backwards Pan the camera back down underneath this is going to line up directly into the next slots let me pan down or you've got your landing gear here then you're going to have your Landing Bay right here they almost look like they're going into each other and then we're gonna go over here and grab our docking module bottom if yours is still facing upwards we're just going to transform it into facing down and we're gonna snap that right after our Landing Bay right here then we're going to come get another piece of this landing gear we are going to transform this again into a wide landing gear and that is going to go right in front of your docking module right underneath the ship you can see how it's lined up with these ones right here then we are going to get this little demo skag a little structural bit here just for some flare and we're gonna slap that right on to the very last slot that it can go on underneath your demos Bridge or right in front of the wide landing gear here then the whole core of the ship is pretty much done oh we can grab these side caps Huck them underneath this bottom right now rotate it around you can see that that goes right underneath the wing cowling here on the bottom part of your reactor start putting some flares on this you can put this one over here goes to the bottom Galleon directly underneath the snow Wing just mirroring the other side exactly the same then we're going to take a strut engine brace a and we're going to attach it here to the front piece of your Novo Galactic workshop and there's going to be your Docker right underneath it which is going to get one of these Nova radiators attached to it like so and then we're going to mirror that on the other side so we're going to attach that there put the wing up top here then we're going to take one of these Stroud catalings one l a tpts right here and we're going to select it we're going to transform it actually into a shroud cowling 1lpt which gives it a mounting spot on top and we are going to attach it there and then we're going to mirror that by hitting Z and transforming it a few times I think it's three times to transform it into a Stroud calang 1 lbtst now we're going to attach it to the top of this you can see how it's still an open radiator at the bottom and it's attached to the Stroud engine brace Edge directly and then we're going to take our final two engines and we're going to attach it directly to the back of this you can see how they're flush and sticking out one down below then we're going to come over to our landing gear we're going to transform these into wide as well and attach them directly underneath the engine here or directly underneath the Stroud cowling in front of the engine is how I should pronounce that I'm going to drag this one over here transform it as well smack it under there so now both sides are completely mirrored then we're going to take our tile breaking engines and we're going to attach one here I'm going to grab this one and Z to flip it around and transform it to attach it down here and you should see how this all lines up nice and smoothly and flushly right in there on both sides super nice and simple then we're going to take an over radiator top throw it on top of this entire assembly just like so we're going to come in here we're going to grab our H3 Atlas fuel tanks I'm going to hit Z to flip it and it's going to Snug right under here in line with these other fuel tanks underneath this cowling right here on the back part of the Nova Galactic Workshop it should snap right in just like so come around again hit Z come on down she'll snap right in there so both sides are completely mirrored then we're going to take our Nova radiator ports these little radiators and they're actually going to tuck in underneath here so you're going to have your cowling the back part of the cowling it's going to be attached to this landing gear that is in front of this one right in front of the reactor that's kind of snug right in under there these are what I call the auxiliary uh like backup cooling arrays like if everything else starts to go down see if some sort of cooling that's tucked in way underneath there we're going to take these Nova Thruster reports and they're just going to get smacked right on the very very outer edge of these giant pylons sticking out of your ship the engine base just like that I just think they're a nice little touch to add rotation to your ship if they actually did anything it's a little RP flavor here I kind of forgot about the shield way over here that can get slapped right on the back or the second carb container in front of your shroud cavaling C you can see here it's in between the two radiators if you prefer it you can put it up front I like it in the back there it's a little bit more shielded then we want to take our two horizontal weapon mounts and they actually get attached to the landing gear that is underneath our cockpit right here on the side you've got the demo skag bit and then one back you're going to attach these here you should have two of them this one's gonna need to get flipped around and then smacked on right there just like that and then all we should have left is the scan Jammer and our weapons now there's a few places you can tuck this I actually have two other modules on my ship the com link and there's another one that you get from the keys quest line and I like to tuck them up under here I know I know you want to it does it fit there in the past oh it'll fit on this side by the way I like to tuck two of them up under here and then I put the com scanner thing up on top but you're not going to have those unless you have the key available so I just left them out because they're hitting pretty deep in a quest line now we're going to start by attaching our pbo175s here uh two of them go on top of our cockpit right here the bridge one goes to the left one goes to the right just like that and then the other ones are actually going to come down here onto these weapon mounts and snap onto the bottom part of it and look kind of like this cool little cross section of weapons oh where did it go sometimes it gets a little crazy get that close to it come down here pan around and get that to snap there and then that should be your attachment for your 2pb or four pbo175s out of helium beams then we're going to grab the PPO 100 Auto Neutron turrets bring them up here come on and they're gonna snap right onto these cowlings up top two of them I'm gonna mirror these apparently we have to go to the moon and back to get these to attach then the next two are going to come all the way back here and attach to the end of your wing pylons just like so can we mirror that on this side I know you want to do it game now I'm actually just going to move all these closer because this gets a little ridiculous having to pan all the way back over there just like so now these all four of these are going to get attached to your Nova cuddling 1ltfs up on top they're going to go to the outer diagonal parts let me just do this move all these up here make this maybe a little bit faster a little bit smoother it's kind of a mess that worked out so much better and just like that every single piece is attached to this ship now you should have some flight check warnings here chip has unattached modules if that happens you will double click on your ship and see what it considers de-attached it considers this thing detached so take it off and slap it back on we have now gotten rid of that flight check air the other flat check error is weapons now what I like to do is have my left Mouse button which would be my actual physical non-tured ones that I have to shoot manually to be my PBO 150 Auto helium beams now like my right click which we're never going to use because these are turrets to be the PPO 300 Auto Alpha turrets and that's just so like I know where my power levels are where technically my right Mouse button or the weapon group one is going to be my most powerful weapons so I can apply the most power to them if I so choose then we just throw the PPO 100 Auto neutrons on the weapon group 3. and everything should be good you should be able to fly this ship out of here walk away and then there's the fun fun job of painting the whole ship and to paint a ship you're going to click on the module you're going to hit J and then you can paint it so we're going to get into some painting here real quick and we're going to speed this up and I'm going to show you guys what it looks like I tried something different here we went with like a nice bumblebee uh color scheme here just a bright red yellow instead of my teal color I still think it looks pretty darn cool uh you can choose whatever colors you want to customize your ship and I really hope you enjoyed this video I hope it helps you build this thing I hope you enjoy flying it uh probably gonna throw some combat footage right here at the very very end and yeah that's my ship it's the first ship I ever built which is expensive as heck uh she requires a lot of skills she's an end game thing but that's where we're all at and uh she's a beast she can carry a lot she's the only ship you will ever need as far as I'm concerned you have eight crew four passenger slots all the cargo all the weapons all the shielding she can let it all out you know what I forgot to color two pieces of my ship so I'm gonna quickly do this in the background this is gonna drive me nuts just staring at it we're gonna color it paint them all black forgot to do these little outside Port thrusters here by the way everyone again I really stop by hopefully this video is okay this is the first one of these I've done it takes a while to take some getting used to here so I will see you all in the next one bye everyone remember
Channel: Digfig
Views: 239,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield end game ship, starfield endgame ship, starfield endgame ship design, starfield end game ship building, starfield ship building guide, starfield ship design, starfield ship building designs, starfield ship tutorial, starfield best ship build, starfield best ship designs, starfield best ship parts, starfield ship building, starfield ships, starfield ship guide, Starfield Class C Ship, starfield class c, starfield class c ship design, starfield class c ship tutorial
Id: Z657nv2XhAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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