The Big 2020 Autumn Release - Kyle Cease

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what i'm finding is there's a way that we constantly want to be somewhere else and then when we get where we want to go we shoot that down too right and all we're doing is being at war with where we are you're not escaping anything but this moment you're not escaping you're unloved you're not escaping your parents you're not escaping you know what they'll say about you you're at war with this moment and you're trying to get somewhere else but there is nowhere else so you're just fantasizing about somewhere else still in this moment and wishing you were somewhere other than where you were and even when you have the breakthrough and free yourself you still go shoot i wish i knew this two weeks ago and be at war with the fact that you're having a breakthrough and constantly be in hell with yourself our job in this time is to get okay with where we are even if it feels like [Music] there's been something really amazing happening as i've been working with my different clients and myself and i've been taking the themes of the things that have been happening um and learning something big and i wanted to share it with you because i noticed that no matter what the conflict is that the different person in my life is working through uh this seemed to bring a lot of light to stuff that's going on um and it's it's kind of exciting to me so everyone take a deep breath before we start and release it and please allow yourself to feel welcome here as you're um settling in on august 31st today as we're about to go into september in this massive exciting time of uncertainty i'm kind of excited about it because we need uncertainty if you have certainty you know what you're doing and a lot of times with a lot of certainty you can't grow right you know which way to go you already know the direction you know what you're doing with your life uncertainty takes you out of that old pit and causes you to surrender and causes you to undo the idea that you're here to know every next step and what your future is going to look like and it puts you into an amazing form of surrender and in working with the different people that i've worked with recently what has come up um is this concept that i'm creating now called the three layers the three layers is the concept that we're going to be talking about tonight and if you take any person um and let's let's use like if you take any person they come into this world and they're fulfilled a lot of people come in you're connected to source you're feeling fully connected you feel fulfilled you feel good and then society does something to you society um takes you and it makes you feel off it makes you feel like you're not enough like for instance i'm sure there's many women that were born into this world felt fine with themselves and then cosmo magazine is showing you you should look like this you should you know you're not enough unless you have this makeup and you have this barbie doll look and you have this thing so of course what that does is it causes the person to think i'm not enough they lose their self-esteem and they go into the second layer of not enoughness of pain of of darkness of unseen of abandon and then there's of course this third layer and the third layer is your ability to block yourself from feeling the fact that you don't feel like you're not enough right so the third layer could be the thing that you do to cover it up so for a lot of people for instance a relationship could be that some relationships are in alignment and some are i'm scared to be not enough i'm scared to be alone and if i have this person in my life then i don't have to look at my aloneness so my job is to keep this third layer thing going so i don't have to expose the darkness of what i don't like about myself so imagine in a first layer there's pure you right here's this pure version of you pure i'll put kyle feel free if you want to put your own name in here and create your own little target here because you were born and there's a pure version of you right in other words you're fulfilled as is you don't know the essence of like making things happen you don't know about achieving you don't know about you know that you're not enough unless you have enough money or you have the right relationships or anything like that you're just in a place of you are enough and then there's a ton of conditioning that starts to happen life says you're not enough your parents say you're not enough you have to become more you have to get everyone to see you better tap dance for everyone on stage and at the same time don't overdo it right you have to uh you know achieve something you're not enough unless you become a doctor you know society's saying you got a model you got to look a certain way you got to do all these different things and you start to feel what that you're not enough that you're abandoned that you're you're a piece of crap that you're unloved right so let's write what's the thing what are the things that you start to feel uh based on the second ring and they're the things that you're scared to feel right there's stuff that right now you might be like i'm scared to feel unloved i'm scared to feel trapped i'm scared to feel controlled i'm scared to feel unheard i'm scared to feel seen i'm scared to feel unseen what are yours i would love to hear from a couple of you of what yours are right so um controlled okay so i'm going to write a couple of these down right controlled now obviously we all have all of these but there's some that we're really scared of individually some are really scared of being vulnerable some are scared of being unloved some are scared of being abandoned mine's abandoned right so i'm going to put a band in there because i have that too a band done right okay what do we got rejected how about that i like that i'm scared to be rejected i'm scared to be seen isn't that funny i was working with someone amazing today who had both unseen and seen how much are we screwing our inner child over with that right i'm scared to be not seen and i also don't want to be seen so i gotta like entertain people but not overdo it right i gotta kinda get something going but at the same time don't get people to really see me so i put you in a position like i wanna get my book out but i hope it doesn't become a bestseller and i hope it doesn't bomb right like like you're just in this position where there's all these things you're scared of feeling unheard unheard right these are the dark things that are in our bodies that we are scared of feeling criticized i love it uh criticize wait a minute princess when i'm writing in front of you like i i consciously spell worse because i'm like you gotta spell this right and i start really worrying that you'll reject me so we're gonna circle rejected for me again because i can spell great unless there's 102 people looking at me and then i can't spell right so critic s i swear to god if you weren't here i would have spelled that four times perfectly and then i'm like why am i writing this down four times so okay mocked yeah mocked right we got it we're getting this these are the things that these are the things that we are deeply scared of feeling you guys and i know that some of you are going uh yeah i have that every once in a while but i'm talking about let's say something's not going the way that you want you're worried that someone you really love is going to leave or you could lose this job or someone might criticize you i want you to think about the stabbing pain that you're worried about feeling there's kind of a dark place that all of us start to go to and that dark place is the place that the second we start to feel a little bit of it we go to an addiction right we go to okay i'm going to call that person too many times or i'm going to block someone or i'm going to try to figure out where this is coming from right everyone in the achievement world goes i'm going to think positively about it so i don't have to feel the thing right i'm going to immediately scream all the optimistic things that are showing up so i don't have to feel this shard in my heart right so i'm going to come up with all the amazing things that are coming out so i don't have to feel the thing right and i know that i have this a little bit with myself i had the other day you know um i'm very close with vivi's mom christy and i just had this thing in my heart that showed up where we weren't texting for a little bit and my heart started coming up with am i unloved and we're just dear friends we're close and i was writing her and she didn't write back for a few hours and i just noticed this feeling of abandonment showing up in my heart not because she's doing anything she was busy right but my heart was just starting to ache now in that time before this week i started having revelations about this this week when the ache starts to show up there's so many things that i can do to not quite feel the ache do you get what i'm saying i can go to netflix i can figure out where it's coming from i can come up with this positive boy it's there i can scroll through the phone i can youtube forever i can tell someone else about it forever until i feel that they see me steffi says i can shop on ebay so this is what your third ring is ladies and gentlemen your third ring is basically check this out you have a building that's trying to fall down and what you're doing instead of letting this building that's not on a strong foundation it just wants to collapse you're putting a fake sign over the building that says perfectly structured building like it's a sign but if you take the model that i was talking about she comes in fulfilled life says your self-esteem feels like and then the third level for her is okay well i'll buy that makeup and i'll become a model for instance and i'll i'll show everyone how great my life is while deep down i feel like i have low self-esteem and not connected also there's some models that are also connected to themselves i'm not saying everyone but i'm just saying the amount of things we do that are a level three thing so that you don't have to feel your level two pain are unreal right and there's so many subtle things i was talking to someone this morning one of their things that they do is they try to figure out where it came from now that's nice but if someone actually physically stabbed you in the heart i promise you your heart isn't going please tell me the back story of where this came from and the grandfather of the guy that stabbed you no your heart would be like be with me give me your attention hold space with me you get what i'm saying like it wants your attention it wants your present moment so level three are all the things that you do to not have to feel the pain of level two right we all have a giant fear all of us right now have a giant fear of being something abandoned unloved avoided rejected unheard and those fears are so big that we've become this giant collection of light addictions so we don't have to just be with these things in other words on one level you could be scared to feel unloved and you'll do something so you don't have to feel it but on a higher level you could just sit there and be present with the feeling of unloved you could just sit there and just feel the knife in your chest for a couple hours you could just be with it because the real problem is that you're not allowing yourself to be okay with feeling level two this is our key problem and notice that what's going on in the world is the collective not only in you and not only in everyone here but the world's number twos are coming up and that's why everyone's level threes are louder and more desperate do you get what i'm saying do you notice the desperation of the character of the level three that everyone's becoming whether they're in groups whether it's you know being against other groups whether it's screaming about something whether you see a person in a store screaming about someone else in their mask or they're not masked that you're just seeing all these people going crazy screaming at other people why is that because every person's level two is unbearably coming up and we can't stop it right now we're lucky because we get to look at this and become some of the first people who understand this so we can consciously move to a higher consciousness because once that level two is up and exposed you get to move to a higher frequency and i'm going to explain that very shortly too but the way to allow your level 2 to come up is to be aware of what the level 3 is and stop doing it right we got to stop putting the little mask over the building that says this is an amazing structure so that we can prevent the building from falling if we just take it off and we own actually it's not a very good structure this building is trying to fall and it's fine if the building falls because you're not the building you're the one that's trying to keep it from falling are you with me so far is this making sense your old building your old story your old thing is trying to collapse it's not you and the problem is you're under the illusion that what's trying to fall is you right like for instance if someone says the relationship's falling apart that scares me because that means i'm unlovable has anyone ever felt that before if the relationship falls apart that means i'm unlovable but wait a minute how are you the relationship like the relationship requires two people like if you're moving a couch and the other person stops moving the couch you don't go i can't move couches i'm not enough the other person put it down the factor of the relationship requires both of you so there's no way you could be the relationship right but most people are horrified of their relationship collapsing because they're under the illusion that what we'll show on the other side is unlovable alone loneliness not enough abandoned and if they would just let that show and sit with it they might go through a couple days of intense pain and then a hell of a lot of tears and they'll live only in one and two and we'd rather at one point move to a place of one and two and undo ourselves from three and all it takes is awareness if we're aware that there's a lot of things we do in order to prevent ourselves from feeling something that we will inevitably feel and then event and inevitably alchemize right you feeling the intense fear of abandonment you feeling the intense fear of loneliness or rejection and being with it for a while and becoming really present with it will cause it eventually to move from being the stabbing in the heart to this incredible release now teresa just said it hurts how long is a while the biggest reason theresa you feel the pain is because of your war with it and desire to escape it i'm going to dare you guys when you feel that pain to want it there want to invite it just so you know your darkness is an amazing place full of revelations and most people want to get to the breakthrough and not find all of the incredible revelations that come from you being okay with being in that pain right you saying yeah it's fine you're here most people want to get to this light side and i know some people there's a couple people that are on this call i know that when they get to the light side they actually don't receive it and come up with why didn't i know this earlier so the second you get the breakthrough and you actually feel good you still bring this guilt in to go back to the darkness anyway so what i'm finding is there's a way that we constantly want to be somewhere else and then when we get where we want to go we shoot that down too right and all we're doing is being at war with where we are you're not escaping anything but this moment you're not escaping you're unloved you're not escaping your parents you're not escaping you know what they'll say about you you're at war with this moment and you're trying to get somewhere else but there is nowhere else so you're just fantasizing about somewhere else still in this moment and wishing you were somewhere other than where you were and even when you have the breakthrough and free yourself you still go shoot i wish i knew this two weeks ago and be at war with the fact that you're having a breakthrough and constantly be in hell with yourself our job in this time is to get okay with where we are even if it feels like our job is to get okay with where we are i will have meditations and i'll be like okay i can't wait till i get to the other side and it goes i want you to want the darkness too because there's a lot of information in the darkness it goes in the darkness you really explore yourself in the darkness you get to find all your patterns that are in the darkness you learn more so stop trying to get to the freedom of this pain embrace this pain be here right there's so much magic in the darkness and if you could go into a meditation and it's not breaking you through to some place that you want to break through to and you just go hell yeah there's information in this wall in this trap that i'm feeling in this agony that i'm feeling i don't i don't know what it is but i'm going to sit in it you're going to become so powerful because even if it feels like you're accepting the moment and the more you accept the moment the faster it can transcend that stuff but the ironic twist is we don't want you to want to transcend the stuff we want you to want to be here and the more you're okay with here the byproduct is it transcends the stuff you can't transcend your own pain but you can create a space that's more here for the pain to be seen and it goes yeah we're not going to spew this out yet because i want you to see this thing we're not going to purge this because look here's where this came from oh you want to get over the pain of you and your ex well just so you know this links to the story of your mom oh you want to let go of your mom well just so you know here's why your mom's like that here's her childhood oh you want to get rid of that well just so you know you need to forgive you too and not just your mom it's i'm trying to teach you everything and you stop paying attention when you're not in pain so i'm going to keep this wall here right and it's going so you are going to learn more and more presents because if i make life easy for you you're just going to skip across the ocean and not go into the deep where yeah there's sharks yeah there's pain there's also treasure there's also depth there's also magic in the ocean right so what i'm doing is doing what i can to call attention just to the light little habits that you have to avoid feeling abandoned feeling controlled feeling unheard feeling mocked criticized rejected seen or unseen right what are your habits because we all have different habits but i would love to hear from you guys what are some habits that you have to uh to avoid feeling this inevitable pain that will come up and just needs you here okay tracy says busy just tons of work just organized how about that one right just dishes i don't have to feel this pain if i clean everything chocolate says keith chocolat i don't know if that's spelled right anymore i can't spell anything people please all right people please that's not planned parenthood queen of organizing yes text just start texting someone anyone just someone like me socializing red wine drinking yeah drinking drinking a great way to avoid just i don't want to feel abandoned right writing gambling gambling writing like writing can be a healing thing but it can also be an escape right i totally see that shopping right so these are your level threes that you're using to avoid the pain in your level too watching spiritual videos good call some of us have very subtle ones right that's i'm so glad you said that and i do what i can to not be a distracting from your pain spiritual video but try to make it you're learning your if you're watching me but you're right you know personal growth books oh i get it i feel all this pain i'll just study what everyone else did so i don't have to find god myself oh eckhart tolle says the now that's nice maybe i'll do that next week all right so procrastinating yeah procrastinating hating okay so right get mad okay great i'll write it yeah now how about the subtle ones how about the ones that aren't seen as addictive like fixing right how about i hear you cry exercise yeah so how many things are we doing to prevent that pain now some of these are great exercising's a great thing but we want to do exercising more when it's calling to you then as a way to abandon your inner child that's trying to talk to you right now right do you see the difference check this out you go through a breakup you feel this agony in your heart you really really really miss the person so you call them well if you call them then they're just here to help you avoid your pain that is not going to be sustainable that's an impossibly not sustainable thing do you understand why if you're calling and dating someone out of i don't want to feel the pain in my body that how could you that ever be sustainable they're just helping you put a band-aid over something what was level one just the fact that you're already here right so teresa says i don't want to be alone so immediately that makes me go the greatest thing for you teresa is be okay with the pain of being alone right the thing that you're worried about is trying to come up and you won't believe even though it feels like it takes a long time to transcend you won't believe how quickly you can transcend it right it might feel like a few hours but it's only a few hours you get what i'm saying like the few hours feel like eternity but it also is a few hours right so what is this is it that you feel alone is it that you actually are alone is it that you're trapped i have a part two of this so is everyone getting this so far right we might bring this back up later but you're getting what i'm talking about right so if you're not doing the external thing [Music] to stop yourself from feeling the second thing then you're going to start to be present with the second thing so a huge shift that literally happened this week and i say this happened for me this week because you know i've been doing this work for years and i'm 42 and i still didn't get all of this till three days ago so get that you're never there there's no such thing as there right and i say that because i want you never again to avoid a breakthrough by going why didn't i know this earlier because life has a bunch of really exciting for you and life wants you to learn forever and there's a bunch of stuff you're going to learn in three weeks from now that you don't know now and when you learn it you don't need to go why didn't i know this three weeks ago so you can keep avoiding the breakthroughs right there's so much for us to learn and it can't give us the three weeks from now breakthrough because it wants us to learn this one right now right and i'll tell you i started realizing this and it seemed to apply to every person that i've worked with in the last few days and i'm like wow every person i worked with today it was like popping balloons we all are releasing i cried a ton yesterday i meditated a couple hours in the middle of the night last night i worked with a couple clients this morning both of them big open-hearted releases today is a day that a lot of alchemizing is happening meaning the cells in your body that are scared to feel abandoned are scared to feel rejected we're bringing a new level of love and light to them and they're being purged and when they're being purged the collective conscious water level is rising so you're making space for other people to to heal theirs and you'll notice as you release yours that a lot of other people around you suddenly need to release theirs because it's like you put your weight down and you're lighter and all of a sudden their weight feels heavier to them and quicker to be purged right is this making sense are you guys with me so far is this exciting this is exciting to me i was really pumped to offer you guys this today so i want you to picture like let's make this like i don't know just like a field or a pond and these are little i don't care make it fish make it people whatever this is a third dimension right and imagine right here that in this third dimension a lot of times in the third dimension you need to have things in your mind like what's my next step i'm trying to see what my path is what do i do that's how third dimension thinks it needs to figure like how many breakthroughs did you have tonight and still immediately follow with so what do i do you know what i'm talking about so what do i do with this that's great but what do i do so just cry all day what do i do do i just yeah tomorrow do something what do i do i need to know a path i need to know what to do doing do what i am is do i only do i don't i'm not a person i don't exist i'm just i need a i'm a collection of actions when i feel really bad i need a collection of actions so i don't actually feel the badness and when i feel really good i need a collection of actions so i can't enjoy the moment right i know when you go what do i do that the same people who feel like say what do i do about this pain as a way to avoid feeling their level two pain and then when things get really amazing like you could win the lottery before even enjoy feeling the excitement of winning the lottery like what do we do with this how about be happy for a second how about we don't have the answer yet how about we feel through this thing that's transcending bigger than your consciousness is willing to receive right so what do we do with that i hear you kyle i understand this breakthrough thing but what do i do with it right so in third density people live in a what do i do and what they're doing is they're trying to move to different places in the pond what do i do how do i be the number one in the pond and what's going on here is life is trying to change your frequency so what's happening is everyone that's in third density who has a high awareness which is anyone who's on this call third density densities becoming tell me if i'm right on this unlivable third density is like they're putting poison in the pond right it's just hard to see what's going to happen with the election what do i do with this thing there's riots everywhere there's people fighting there's all this stuff with covet i don't have a job i can't figure out my money situation and you're sitting there screaming what do i do what do i do what do i do and what if it just keeps poisoning the pond because it's trying to get you to go to a higher density and it goes we want you to go to here we are making the pond suck because you have three options in this pond your doer will not make it so we're going to poison the pond and make it unlivable you can either get addicted to something right you could just say it's over you could feel terrible this is there's a lot of suicides in this time i'm so so sorry to say which is horrible because the doer is what's dying your doer your action part is what's dying your i need to have a path is what's dying your next steps are what's dying and it's trying to get you to go to a frequency where you stop being the path and understanding what the next path is to you are the path right the more you practice being here the more you practice being with all of the level two pains in your body the more that you're present with the trap the more that you're present with the mocked the unheard the criticized the unseen and the scene the more you're the more you're present with the abandonment and i mean really present it's gonna take you a while it's forcing you to merge with source to be a presence that's so big that it's going to purge your doer that literally was created for your survival in your childhood you needed to do things so you wouldn't have things happen to you if i organize then my mom won't yell at me if i if i whatever if i fix this if i'm act like i'm busy then i won't be abandoned these are the actions that we created in our childhood and almost every action that we're taking is not your calling it's protection right so your actions are based on the physical third density reality of physical reality but on 4d your connection is to the moment and physical reality changes around you but if you think of the universe going okay i'm going to mirror for you how you're living and the way you're living is constantly being in survival anticipation of what do i do you're screaming to the universe please i'm practicing being in danger make life dangerous right i want to stay in this pond and the universe is like you don't want my help and you're like yeah no what do i do what do i do oh i'm feeling unheard so i'm going to eat i'm feeling stuck so i'm going to drink and you're sitting here in all of these actions that are the avoidance of this moment in this density that you all have an awareness about that exists it's the opposite you are what am i it's different and you don't look at things through your mind your fear-based mind tries very hard to analyze your heart but your heart is so much bigger than your protective survival mind right so your your your mind can't get what your heart is feeling so that's why when you start to feel abandoned or hurt your mind kicks in because it's not trying to fix this it's trying to avoid this i feel agony i feel pain i feel unheard i feel criticized you're feeling these things and your mind goes so what do we do because we feel that oh what a great avoidance tactic to put this thing that's coming up off for another day right i feel stuck i feel lost okay let's go to netflix good now i don't have to feel it i have this very loud thing in front of me i literally have i have a group of people pretending to play a bunch of other people in a fictional show for me so i don't have to feel my that's what a movie is and so i don't have to feel my abandon i i literally watch as people make 20 million dollars to pretend that they're a group of other people who are also not true so that i can watch the big show and so i don't have to feel my heart if i can watch terminator 2 then i don't have to deal with the agony in my heart if i can okay you're all going to pretend you're transformers do it really loud and thx sound please so i don't have to at all feel any emotions in my heart i need a collection of people to pretend like this is crazy right i need i need entertainment i need my phone to have and what's going on right now is all of our routes are moving quicker and quicker you can't escape it right you get to have every escape pod and it doesn't work right so used to be oh i'm i'm i'm scared to feel alone and but i can't maintain a relationship so it's like well welcome to facebook where you can date everybody and then you're on facebook and it's like well i don't know it's like oh tinder now you don't this is our dating process [Music] and you're still like why aren't i happy why aren't i happy and everything you're trying to grab so that you don't have to feel your heart is moving quicker and quicker and you don't have any collective way to and get you're going to see the whole society just collapse because they can't avoid the dark pain of unloved of unheard of abandoned that's coming to the surface is coming the surface now this next year is just level twos popping out of level ones so many people are going to be in surrender but we can be ahead of the game right and all we got to do is be present because when you're fully present you start to realize that it's not you that's being abandoned that it's not you that's unheard that it's not you that's controlled it's an expectation or a pattern or an agenda you had do you get what i'm saying it's a past you that's feeling unheard it's a you that had an agenda right you're going through a divorce and you're like no one's going to love me i had an agenda that all the love was through this relationship so your agenda gets screwed not you you're not losing anything your pattern is your old story the you that had expectations that you would be seen a certain way that's what feels trapped that's what feels controlled that's what feels stuck right you are fine notice how actually fine you are in almost any given moment you can easily go to the news and have it ruin your agenda and your plan but that's what we want we want your plan to be ruined because we want the universe's plan we don't need your egoic plan to escape feeling unloved anymore we want the universe's plan are you with me we want what would happen if you and the universe actually merged together where you were actually here and not in the constant escape from here and a fantasy that you call the future what if you in this moment merged and that this moment and you the longer and the more you merge will immediately purge these what do i do patterns that are always trying to escape the moment because you see through the lie of it and you experience the feeling of worthiness enoughness connectedness and freedom all at the same time that's a declaration to god or the universe take over if you really look at the patterns how you lived was there really any room for the universe to come in and help was it real like how much is that maybe i'll meditate for a few minutes so i have a good speech in front of my boss but were you really in surrender right have we of course the universe hasn't been delivering to us on the level that we want because we haven't been connecting to it we had a bunch of agendas we had a bunch of plans we had a bunch of patterns that would keep our parents happy but right now life wants you to merge with the universe now and it just it's here and the mind goes how do i do it and that's the escape from it how do i merge with it later how do i the people hear me go yeah right i gotta start merging with the universe now now you need to not don't plan it because you'll never ever actually do it you'll just keep practicing that that's later right so i'm gonna show you how to merge with it now because the new you is going here and there's more past here too but we're gonna leave this pit that's being poisoned and loud and judgmental and you can't make your parents happy in this world anymore so the first thing we got to do is allow the unloved the mock the criticized the unheard to surface so one way we do it is we start to say this is going to sound like a demotivational speaker but i'm allowed to be unloved i'm a yes say whatever yours is i'm look at your second circle and i want you to say a few of those i'm allowed to be unloved i'm allowed to be abandoned i'm allowed to be controlled or to feel controlled because no one can control you but your belief that they can control you is what controls you right i'm allowed to feel trapped i'm allowed to feel sad i'm allowed to have i'm allowed to be forgotten hell yeah kirby make a space for that i'm allowed to feel used christine ann says i'm allowed to be used i'd like to even add feel because we're not saying so everyone use me you know like we're we're saying it's scared that it won't be loved in that feeling and if we start to say i am allowed what are we doing we're saying that other people aren't the factor you're taking over and making yourself seen in your fear of other people not seeing you because your inner child doesn't give a about anyone else seeing you including your parents your inner child gives a about you creating a safe space for he or her to exist no matter what they feel if your child rachel says i'm allowed to feel alone if your child inside of your body hears from you you are allowed to feel alone and i'm still here you are allowed to feel powerless and i am still going to love you you are allowed to suffer and i'm going to still be here we're not caring about if mom or dad see it or the public or your fans or your friends i'm allowed to be a failure and i'll still be here i'm allowed to that's an interesting teresa i'm allowed to love me i'm allowed to be a bad mom yes yes now people hear that so she just gonna start sucking as a mom intentionally no you're not in resistance to what is so you're making space for forgiveness you guys this is you creating a space for forgiveness that's how you change it you change it by forgiving it not resisting it everything you resist is going to come up over and over the more you keep trying to not feel abandoned the more you're going to act out in ways that will make everyone abandon you right the more you keep trying to feel unworthy the more you will act unworthy it's the weirdest thing whatever you're trying to avoid is what you walk right into because you want to see that you could still do that and still be loved so you actually start testing the waters and continually doing the thing that you're worried of how about happening right so the more you're worried about feeling unworthy the more you're judging yourself the more you will feel unworthy the more you're allowed to feel unworthy kelsey says i'm allowed to make big mistakes hell yeah you are every one of us is we better have room to be loved by ourselves if we make big mistakes we know why we did it we know how it could have happened forgive yourself all the way you were there i'm allowed to feel too much says christine anne yes yes inner inner child inner christine you can feel too much and i will still love you we are not trying to get your mom who is also a collection of patterns to be fine with you she doesn't know this stuff and your dad doesn't either probably so we don't need to get them to see us the reason we want other people to see us is because we use that as permission for us to see ourselves if you see me then i see what you see and i see me right but you can cut out the middle man and stop expecting people who can't see themselves to see you the way people are trying to be seen and most people try to be seen by literally people that can't see it's like going to a party and going why isn't stevie wonder noticing my hair because he can't see there's a bunch of other things he's really good at right like why are we choosing people that can't see themselves to see us right take a deep breath in you see yourself directly and that's what 4d is you undo yourself from the middleman and the need to be seen by other people and you see yourself directly 4d sees you god and the universe unconditionally love you and see you stop creating a middleman of people who grew up in a different time and don't have the consciousness you have and expect people who grew up in the 40s and 50s and 60s to see you they don't have the ability to you in meditation starts to transcend the need to be seen by the external right and you see you take a deep breath in release it analysis says i have to share a blind man on a new york street lifted his head and grinned at me when i got near him this blind man could see me well that's beautiful so don't take it as literal yes yes actually stevie wonder can probably see us better than everyone right there's a lot of stories i've heard about people that are like dude he can see that guy walked right up to me and gave me a hug i didn't say i was here i hear stories constantly everyone take another deep breath and release it here's the second part i want you to train yourself my offer to you is to train yourself to look and think from a different place in your body meaning like usually we think from our head and our fear do you notice that constant pattern of what do i do that is a place that you usually think from and by the way the things like netflix and your phone are here to keep you there right but i want to show you that you can also think from your heart you can actually think from your heart like someone asked eckhart tolle where do i put my attention and he said you are the attention so i want you to understand that's what you are if you put your attention on your heart and your stomach and your legs and anything that's right here you can start thinking from your heart can you actually feel that is anyone getting what i mean i want you to actually feel your attention on your heart take deep breaths in and let love just be there and you'll notice that your mind will kick in louder and louder and louder because you're not thinking from that and it'll be like look at me look at me look at me and you're just bringing a new compassion as you practice thinking from your heart think from your heart your heart doesn't care about any of your story your bank account your ethnicity your gender your history it's just beating so if you're here practicing being here this is a literal thing an actual thing right here you actually are practicing paying attention from your heart now if you consciously spend a week still do stuff go to the restaurant go to the store whatever but actually think from your heart don't just leave yourself and be in the frequency of what's external actually consciously stay in your heart this is hard for a second because your pattern just because your pattern is in your head but if you start to breathe from your heart you pay attention to your breath you could have something going on chaotic outside and you don't have to join it because you're not playing with your head you're from your heart now here's what's crazy just like going to the gym the first week's gonna be hard because your pattern is used to not going to the gym but when you get to 100 days you're going to be more soulfully fitter and you will be it'll be a normal thing to think from your heart it's a habit-changing thing so the first thing is to be okay with the seeming mediocrity of the moment because eventually the moment's going to be amazing terry says my brain won't shrivel no it's going to be so much happier because you're not overworking it and exhausting it and stressing it no man you're going to feel here and it's meditating and your brain will feel so held and then guess what your brain won't make decisions from a lack of love up until today most of us make a lot of decisions out of fear how many decisions do you make out of not going broke out of not being unloved out of not being abandoned how many decisions do you make out of that that you're like scared no one's gonna like you so you do something when you're connected to your heart you only feel love so your mind will make heart based decisions your mind will make decisions that ascend you they're four deed decisions decisions that the highest you wants so the more you connect to your heart the more it will give you a next step it will finally go do this and it'll only give you one thing and the mind will take an action but it's an action that's guided from the heart not from the fear most of us live like we have a gas tank that's at an eight full and we just keep it at an eighth eighth full and then don't let it go out i want you to fill your tank and you can fill your tank by consciously spending ongoing practice connecting to your heart it's a gentle effortless thing feel your heart beating this is practice right and you'll feel sometimes you'll feel lack because it doesn't feel really high and it doesn't feel like you're saving yourself from a bunch of lack and chaos it's just here but this here will expand as you are okay with here take a deep breath in someone wrote they're slow clapping which baby laugh because i was the slow clapper and not another teen movie who knew this was where i was headed i was like oh my god i'm gonna have a great career as a a teen movie star cut to me all right so your heart in the fourth density if you show me that and when i was 23 i'd be like what the hell what am i doing i'm guiding women in costa rica through transitions what am i what is this what i thought was gonna be doing stadiums by now nope what a gift what an amazing thing you have no that's why i couldn't have had a for sure plan when i was 23 what's your giant goal of life the most i could see then was i'll be a huge hbo comedy central star i got to do that but if i had looked at what i would be like at 50 i promise you i wouldn't have seen this i wouldn't have seen heart target density shifting i used to make fun of what i do right so take a deep breath in and the reason i say take a deep breath in frequently is because it makes you present when people are falling apart if i make them take a deep breath in they get present and become the presence to help the purge of what they're not right you take a deep breath in and release it again ashira says well you had to make fun of this because that's the world economy it's probably why i became it life's like i need to show you what you've been making fun of because you're gonna you're gonna not agree with your 23 year old self pretty soon let yourself just fall into yourself can you just be here and notice the energies of what do i do notice the energies of where do i go and notice that they're scared do you notice that the what do i do energies are scared that if they don't know then their level two is going to show up they're i'm not loved how is every what do i do can you see what happens on the other side of that what do i do if i don't know what to do i'll be abandoned if i don't know what to do i'll be unheard if i don't know what to do i'll be criticized do you hear how every what do i do if you go a little bit deeper with your heart is just horrified right you feel that what if life makes you like creed to make make up for when i made fun of creed take a deep breath in and then it turns me into the pillsbury doughboy and nintendo and just all my old act right here this is what is in just so you know where you're headed you will inevitably be forced to shift into so we can shift into it now gently by choice or we can wait till life violently forces us into it by poisoning this thing 10 times more every week can you see the world's being poisoned so they change can you see that the world is saying third density is no longer sustainable can you see that it goes just so you know in third density you forgot about nature just you know in third density when you're floating on just enough money or a complacent enough job or a medium enough relationship you forgot about the animals and the rivers life's like hey just you know you in your amazing life or your fear-based life whatever you forgot about everything else and everyone else you forgot about other people you forgot about giving you forgot about sharing you forgot about harmony and just because life might have seemed good enough for you as a unique individual you were not in harmony with the world so it's time to purge third density because in your heart you will give a about other people you will give a about the trees you'll give a about wildlife you'll give a about the animals you will be in more harmony you'll stop throwing plastic in the ocean because just because you feel good enough doesn't mean you're in the ultimate version of yourself you're in any harmony with god and that that you're in the right place because if one person in this world is suffering we all are fourth density it's not like that's becoming some kind of like socialist or something it's not being any certain way politically it's just saying no matter what your belief is politically you need to get into a place where your heart guides you because as you purge the fear of unloved as you will purge it by finally being with your heart so that unloved is welcome today you're allowed to be unloved you're allowed to feel abandoned you're allowed to be controlled criticized rejected unseen or seen if you make that possible these old fears will leave and we will move from a higher density and you will actually normally connect from your heart it will become the norm to actually communicate from your heart to be connected to your heart we're so exhausted from not connecting to our heart that we have to be constantly entertained the reason everyone's scared to meditate is because their mind will be going crazy yeah i will and then eventually you'll be connected to your heart the mind will eventually collapse into the heart it's your childhood story basically that i don't want to be unloved is a five-year-old you trying to run your life you have five-year-old you and it's time for you and the universe to take the wheel it's time for you and the universe to take the will it might take a few months but it's not negotiable for everyone here it's not negotiable we know that in this time a week is what a year used to be right in this time you notice that in a week you have more breakthroughs and more revelations and change happens faster than it took 10 years ago it took a year to have the change that you can get in a week now why is that because you can't grab onto the old things that stop you from feeling your heart and so the faster you feel your heart the faster the pain alchemizes and the faster the pain alchemizes the world changes around you the world is mirroring what you haven't alchemized in your body and whatever is left to alchemize you'll be shocked when you cry all that out and the next day the whole world feels different not just you you start to notice everyone's purging right after you did you start to go holy we're more connected than i thought like i release a bunch and then all of a sudden they announce stuff on the news that's good news right like you'll have like i just heard a good news thing right after i cried this out you will discover if you cry things out and really are there with the unloved part the news people around you starts to get more positive and everything that feels negative you have no part of it attacking you because you start to understand that's other people's level two coming up so that we're all connected to our heart and imagine a world where our level threes are gone imagine a world where unloved is okay imagine just live in a world where we can be a little bit of a mess for a while and we don't have to have this perfect looking instagram story so that we bury our unloved abandoned selves imagine a world where you don't need to go to an addiction and you start to just let yourself go god i feel so abandoned and that's okay i'm gonna do nothing about it i'm just gonna sit with this knife in my heart and be cool with it and take deep breaths it's just a calling for me to get more present that's all it is it's just screaming at me to get more present that's all that is it's screaming for me because presence is how this world lives you're the present moment this is the the goodbye to what do i do this is much more what am i this is much more what's what's arising in me this is much more thank you this is much more here this is much more gratitude this is much more now this is much more permission and accidentally a release by the way you don't have to let go of anything if you connect to your heart everything will fall off don't try to let go of anything because if you try to let go of anything you pick it up right if i go i gotta let go of this pen this pen everybody i gotta let go of it yeah this old relationship it just it's not a part of you you just keep picking it up again i gotta let go of what people think about me it's not a part of you you just keep picking it up what people think of you has nothing to do with you but you keep picking it up and in the 4d world those things just fall off don't try to get rid of anything just connect to your heart don't go i got to look at this and figure out where it's coming from and get rid of the thing you can't your ego's trying to get rid of itself right but if you're just here oh you're moving to a consciousness where the nowness is going to take over it just goes goodbye old story goodbye pattern goodbye achievement goodbye not enoughness goodbye fixer goodbye abandon goodbye prais busy and procrastinating goodbye mad goodbye people pleaser goodbye unnecessary texting drinking gambling chocolate writing and shopping goodbye can you feel the nowness can you feel the now-ness that's happening right now can you feel how much you don't have to figure out how to get to the now can you feel that any pain that comes up you don't need to know its history and back story so that it can't be felt just gently fall into yourself right here just allow yourself to feel thank you and if your mind is panicking right now and not getting what i'm saying let it let it will the pain leave when it's ready yes 100 but any pain that's there is inviting you to be with it because it has information in it just so you know there is no pain that you have that's not an illusion the more we shine light on the depth of our darkness the more we see it was actually a bunch of lies it was the illusion of not enough it was the illusion of abandoned if you see backstage how a magic show works you're gonna watch it much differently right i've seen how they cut the woman in half i see how they pull the rabbit out of the hat the show's actually totally different you're not gonna go wow when you know what happened and the same way you won't be totally caught in the illusion of your darkness when you shine a light on oh this is this like you're not your relationship like some of the other days like yeah but i'm alone and i don't have a relationship you're under the illusion that who you are is the relationship who i am is the relationship no you're you and you're trying to take on the job of the other person in the relationship so if we shine a light on that illusion then you don't have to feel the pain because it's a lie it doesn't mean it won't have to be felt through doesn't mean it's not stored in your body and doesn't need to be alchemized i'm just saying just still know the depths of the truth the more you do this work i can disprove what do i do when i work with someone i disprove the lie we just look at what's under the lie when someone says yeah i don't know what to do and i will say so you're under the illusion that you're not enough unless you know what to do they'll be like oh you know like it's like oh that feels good all of your pain will still need to be felt through but it's still an illusion because the light's not shining a big enough light on everything and that's why your meditation can be so important here's another example if you have a nightmare you're having a nightmare you're scared to death what's the number one factor that you don't know that really is what's scary here you don't know that you're asleep so you can trick yourself into being horrified but when you wake up it's like oh that was all a lie that's what a nightmare is it's an illusion of fear i promise you as you do this work this is too this is the same and it's up to you to choose to meditate long enough and listen to silence and be with the pain and the fears of abandonment so you can see the illusion that's under it so you can see the moment that made you believe that you could feel abandoned so you can relive that pain that's stored in your body that was traumatic for you at the time so that you can bring atonement to it and forgiveness to it right so when you feel that you're scared to be unloved or abandoned it's your job to sit there in meditation and see the light that's under that because it's a lie it's based on one experience that you haven't forgiven right maybe you think someone doesn't love you but you don't know their inner child and their fears so you're sitting there seeing them as this monster that's this crazy narcissist but you don't see their five-year-old boy that's scared that they're not enough in their vulnerability you don't know the whole story my dad never loved me your dad's probably scared to death you don't love him and he's shaming himself all the time and has no idea how to be with his emotions my dad never saw me yeah he didn't see himself he doesn't know he just hates himself he's embarrassed and sorry and looking back at his childhood and how he raised you and he probably feels like he's a failure and doesn't want to own it so he screams political slogans at you and makes you feel like and then you're thinking he's a monster but he's just scared and then you see this thing under it and he's just a little kid that's really scared that you don't love him that he did a bad job or your mom there's a little five-year-old girl before her trauma that just like is so scared she didn't do it right like is full of mistakes in her body that she's never forgiven take it easy on these people you're able to know more than they know it's up to us to just bring our own compassion to our self our forgiveness to our childhood and bring that to them not wait till these people who aren't doing this kind of work see you just can't happen and you'll be shocked when you see them how quickly they see you like you just start to undo the need for them to see you and break off and forgive them and say goodbye what a gift then they can be themselves and then they're suddenly stuck with themselves and they they don't have to they criticize you so they don't have to be with their own self-hate and then you don't take it on so now they're stuck with their own self-hate right a lot of people criticize other people so they don't have to focus on how much they hate themselves i hate myself so much so i'm going to spend my life telling you how you should live your life because i'm so scared of what i am so if you focus on me at all or any of my emotions i'm going to crack so you're a piece of and then we take it on we're like you're right mom i should have you know we're sitting there taking it on but what if you see their inner child and their scaredness and their sadness and their growing up and their abuse and you just see this insecure little kid in a 70 year old's body and you just are like it's okay and you don't take it on because you understand more you saw the magic trick you saw how it works and you bring this compassion to them it's our job to learn to self forgive and not need to be parented by people that don't know how to see themselves yet and bring your own you parent to the world will that help heal them of course it will and it'll also speed it up because they'll suddenly be alone with their own self-hate because they aren't focused on you anymore so it'll speed things up really quickly because they're like oh i don't want to be alone and i'm like what's that mom [Music] melting take a deep breath in and release it and know that you're going to feel nothing but forgiveness as you choose forgiveness by being with this moment and it'll just guess what forgiveness is so powerful that it will decide when you get to feel it you don't get to run your own forgiveness do you get what i'm saying by that you don't get to run your own forgiveness i decide i forgive all right i'm over no no forgiveness is when you stay present with your darkness it hurts for a long time you don't know what it is you get more and more present moment and then you make space in this moment to be big enough for it to go here's what you didn't see here's where you didn't feel love and you purge it out and it's real forgiveness i'm not talking about i understand why my dad did it forgiveness i'm talking about you release the whole thing from the cells in your body by bringing a present moment that is so big when it decides to purge you you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 65,907
Rating: 4.9395947 out of 5
Keywords: Yoga, Meditation, Kyle Cease, Evolving Out Loud, How do I, How do you, Motivational videos, Motivational Speaker, Comedy, Comedian, Funny videos, best video ever, inspirational video, breathwork, personal development, spirituality, consciousnesses, how do I love myself, learning to love myself, darkness, collective consciousnesses, collective darkness, fear, love, trump, biden, election, cnn, fox news, tesla, wayne dyer
Id: d6UIRQgOkfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 57sec (4197 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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