The Darkness No Longer Has Control Of You - Kyle Cease

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are you ready you're ready for um an actual kind of report i i don't want to be a some kind of psychic where i'm like i'm an intuitive and i'm going to tell you something that's a a very very for sure prediction to me of the next six weeks whether it's inside or outside i want to just tell you guys something that i know for sure is happening and that's that all control whether it's inside of you or outside of you has no control over you anymore there has been so much pain in the last year and a half because there has been so much light shining on the truth and when light shines on the truth uh the darkness is the lie that has to come to light right the old story that says this can't be i'm this small thing i'm this job and this relationship i'm this whatever and then the light shines on that and goes no and and you're so much more and anything you're worried about on the outside i'm telling you right now if it's based on control it's done it's done you're going to see it for the next six weeks you're going to see the light shine on everything and it's going to be hard for the people that aren't ready for it and it's going to be very very easy for you someone just wrote why six weeks well you know first of all that is a changeable thing but i can tell and you can feel do you notice how just yesterday was so much more energy than a month ago what a day a month ago was like the amount of change that happens in a day now is what 10 years ago would be like a long time and now it's even exponentially bigger and bigger and bigger the light is shining everywhere and people are waking up everywhere and when that happens the the factor is just the awakening the factor is just seeing it and there are so many things that you might feel like are closing in on you whether it's control inside of you whether it's control outside but the second you see that it's closing in on you you're seeing it because the darkness was always closing in on you but you didn't see it 10 years ago the darkness was always closing in but we didn't see it now you see it and the number one thing that ends darkness is light so as you've done these meditations as you've gotten present as you really have seen things it comes to the light and it's coming to the light everywhere darkness is always closing in on you you just didn't see it there are things that we're discovering about the outside world that were always the truth about the outside world but we didn't know that before we didn't see it you you would not be here you would not be here if you hadn't been doing this work and even if you feel some darkness it's just it's just the remainder that's gonna fall off your back it's just gonna roll right off of you even if it's really painful that's because it's on its final legs and it's screaming and so any part of you that feels like anything is closing in on you whether it's internal or external see it like the bad guy in a movie that's just reaching like this as it's falling over right you're just here and your job is to get that you're just here you're just here just stay in your power stay in your presence stay alive stay here and sometimes something will feel like it grabs you but how much quicker are the things that are grabbing you falling off of you does anyone else see what i'm talking about oh my god i feel the most darkness i've ever felt in my life i don't know if i'll ever get over this one hour later what i don't know where it went because it's just like the final purge imagine like i've said before imagine it used to be a car that was under water in the ocean now imagine that the car is out of the ocean on a crane and the water's falling out of it and just know that it's painful that would be heavier right it would rather be in the ocean kind of oblivious and let the water just go in and out but if the crane has it right here the water is just falling out right and then it just keeps falling out keeps falling out keeps falling out and eventually the car is lighter and free and doesn't need to be full of all that water anymore so one person just said i can't sleep the energy's moving through me completely understand that's happening right now you're gonna have different sleep patterns your your some of you as you i checked this out did you notice some of you as you lighten your energy need to eat way less food is anyone else seeing that the higher you go in vibration your body doesn't want nearly as much food did you because a caterpillar eats thousands of times its weight every day a butterfly eats much less than a caterpillar right you need less your body is much more on the fasting side than on the uh how much cake can i eat at this italian restaurant it's just done right it's just falling off because you're connecting to you and so many things that don't align with you are falling off of you so many things that don't work are falling off of you the wrong relationship the wrong friendship and all the inner patterns that would have grabbed and created those relationships and friendships are falling off of you so it's not only the external falling off of you it's the little patterns inside of your body that would want those things the little addictive patterns those were not you those were things that are that are just coming to light why because you're meditating you're here you're freer and you're seeing the world do its final act that isn't you it's doing everything it can it's loud as hell it's so obvious now and you know there's a famous movie called what's love got to do with it and it's the story of icantina turner and if you don't know the story um ike turner was this um blues musician who meets who later we know is tina turner this woman at a bar who's an incredible singer and she's the light she's the energy that's just completely a free spirit singer who's just wonderful and he was kind of he created this identity like you're nothing without me and i'm going to have control over you and i'm going to dominate you and i'm going to take all your money and i'm going to beat you and i'm going to do all the stuff and here she is as this light and everything in my life i always give it the i contain a turner test and that's obviously when tina turner got away from him which took a lot of courage to do because at the time she didn't know she was going to be the tina turner all she knew was she was leaving ikentina turner who was very famous for many hit songs including proud mary and all this other stuff but when she got enough light in her he had no power over her and when she got in there was just a day where the factor was she had enough light in her to leave she had enough light in her to fight back and what it took was her seeing what he was seeing what he was doing it just took then and what she did she could have done years earlier but she didn't have the awareness of that and and when she left if you don't know the story she ran out of a car when he was beating her she fought back she goes to a hotel she tells the person at the hotel i'm tina turner i don't have any money can i just stay here tonight i'll figure it out then she divorces him says i don't want a dollar i just want the name i just want the name i don't want one dollar from that situation she energetically cleared herself of the old story and then became tina turner now the factor was her seeing because he was beating her years before but she didn't see what she ended up seeing one day nothing changed right it was just her seeing seeing his fear seeing that that control wasn't what it looked like there was a scene like i see your fear you're not the scary controller like he created the illusion for her that she's nothing without him but the truth was the opposite he needed her name he needed to be like i'm why she's famous he needed to have that to kind of suck off of and say this is it this is the same thing and i'm not just talking about external i'm talking about the fear in your body the pain in your body the control that's in your body can you see its fear can you see everything on the external doing its final thing you know when she left ike turner he's like you'll be nothing without me i'm gonna ruin you and she just she was now immune to him she's like i'm not worried about it you can ruin me because you can't i don't want your money like she's like you i'm untouchable because you have nothing i have nothing you can take from me because i don't want any of it so she just let him have all the money and then freed herself energetically and made grillions more as tina turner that's happening inside and outside of you right now and it's not something that you even have to actively do anymore do you understand that it's not something where you're like how do i get over this just so you know you've passed the tipping point it's just gonna it's just gonna come off now all you gotta do is stay present stay alive you'll if you get caught in fear it'll be so quick now do you understand that if you get caught in fear it's just gonna oh that's fear it's just such an obvious vibration dip right if you if you're like freaking out and you feel guilt and shame you you have an awareness that's bigger than it already and you're going that's not true right i already know and the thing that's now scared is not you it's the thing that's in fear meaning you're here and the energy you thought you were right the energy you thought you were you're realizing is not what you are and now the fear is scared of you and anyone who's trying to control you is scared of you anything that's trying to control you any government that's trying to control you is horrified of you because the light is too bright the light's too bright now and and so in you know maybe eight months ago we'd be like what do i need to do and we did all this inner work and we meditate and all this stuff and still meditate and do that stuff but know that you've graduated energetically and you're on the other side and even if you try to do something addictive you're going to feel so not into it and not excited about it because you're on the freer side so like try to do one of your addictions and watch how quickly you go never mind you know try to get whatever that ex back try to try to eat the bad food try to get drunk and watch how quickly you're like you'll just have a sip of vodka and be like what the hell am i doing right and i'm i'm not talking to everyone in the world i'm talking to you i'm talking to anyone who's here doing this and your other next job is to free yourself from other people who aren't freeing themselves because you could be enabling people to stay in that by trying to change them you're here to let go of what god is trying to do let god do it you just raise your vibration now you be in the frequency of what the new world looks like don't try to pull everyone else off the ground let the story of that that person needs to change break off of you and you get here and get here deidra says i was writing about this this morning that's because we're all one that's cause we're all one we're one right now and the new world will prove we're one we're going to have all kinds of synchronicities and psychic revelations and and awareness of what is true this is actually a thing the way you transcend tyranny is through oneness it's not through only resistance and being at the same frequency as the tyranny it's through oneness we are also here to create a frequency of the new world and you're doing it and your job is to just see everything that's coming at you as it's it's don't worry about it don't even resist it just it's i mean don't get into things you know but don't don't get too caught in the same frequency of it it's falling you just stay here imagine now you're in a bubble and your bubble is protected and there's less of a u now do you notice this there's less of a u do you get what i mean by that what do i do do you notice that voice is a little quieter and it's just more here what do i how do i who's i oh i'll do this how quickly 20 years ago when you said what do i do you did it and you stuck with it i've had recent clients that are like i'm trying to do something and then i give up and i fail at it i'm like you didn't fail at all you're you're moving frequencies so any long you know linear mission is going to change do you understand that like you're on an elevator and you're going what do i do when you're looking at timelines you're looking down that floor but you don't get that the elevator is going to change so you just let go of the floors it's got you now it's got you it's the elevator is moving too fast so you can't quite see time anymore but you can start to get you're an elevator and see oh okay time includes the elevator so there's this exponential climb that really i will always be aware that i can't quite see but this elevator is exponentially moving faster and faster and faster so my job is just to go holy and i'm telling you right now you're you're not going to believe the next six weeks i was talking to mary on my team last night and i said you know like a bridge or a building falls in a second it might hold on for a long time but if you ever see the footage of like the tacoma narrows bridge it's just like rocking there's in seattle like they're in tacoma washington like i don't remember like 50 years ago the bridge is like rocking like this there's a car on it you see some guy like running off the bridge like all right and then just one minute it just collapses and it just collapses we're at this right now this is where we are move into surrender and know that this rocking this rocking is not you when the bridge falls you'll still be here let it fall let your ego collapse let yourself be wrong about what you thought the world was then like 20 minutes of falling and then a new acclimation as you're like i don't know anything anymore it's like right welcome to god watch as this new presence just comes in and you've lost your what do i do you just feel unconditional love hill says what if all your family disowns you that's fine they're making room for god to own you what if all your family disowns you you'll be here you'll be present you'll be fine and if anyone disowns you because of your journey and you being authentically you that's supposed to happen if you're being disowned if you're being disowned because you're becoming a butterfly thank god you're being disowned what are you gonna do shove yourself back into caterpillar it's okay isn't it funny the word is disowned they don't own you anymore the word wasn't disloved the word wasn't dissupported my mom disowned me thank god no one owns you anymore keep being your free self because a frequency that owns you will not be able to hold you if you're freeing yourself a frequency that would own you is screwed because everyone that wants ownership of you has lost their grasp of you that's the point of this call and in the new world you don't want to own anyone and you don't want to be owned you want to love you want to support you want to encourage you want to expand you want oneness you want permission you want to be heard you don't want to be owned the old world is about owning what's life if nobody owns you the first step is no one can own you from the inside you follow your light no one can own it no one can control you anymore what will you experience if no one can control you anymore and what else can't own you anymore like netflix or youtube or the world and hi and what is it replaced by whatever owned you what are we going to replace it with how about we find out remember the old days when meditation was this like hard thing that you needed to do and now it's just you connecting to the true essence of you it's you letting go of everything that doesn't own you anymore and just being here and watch as you just do a decent sized meditation every day how many more things don't own you how about a friendship or a relationship based on love not based on owning a question that just came up is can we talk about healthy boundaries and others when it seems to come up well the more you're in your light the more you're divinely protected you have divine boundaries too yes if you're still entangled in them maybe you need to create a boundary to break off of them but at one point your elevator is just too fast for anyone and so you're divinely boundaried already your frequency protects you take a deep breath in how about we listen to what's here because it's louder than the old world get ready everyone listen listen to silence that's here on the other side of you being owned could you imagine a parent saying i'm disowning you yay what am i your dog you know you hear stories of people that trap people and they have people chained up or whatever and then they you can do that emotionally too right you can be chained up emotionally but that's not necessarily because of what the external is doing that's because of your lack of awareness someone just asked do you mean there is a shift in the next six weeks for all of humanity or for us on the call everything in the world first of all everything's shifting but right now it's shifting so clearly and so fast and so obviously that six weeks from now will be it'll be a different world than now and there will be parts of darkness that feel like it's closing in so much and then there's going to that's what's needed to even counter the light even faster do you understand what i'm saying so be times where things feel really scary and then you're free that's how meditation works that's how ayahuasca works that's what happens you start ayahuasca and it's crazy and then the next thing you know there's five demons and your grandpa yelling at you and then you're floating somewhere else and it's crazy and then it's just god it's like i need to purge what's in here and welcome to the now and you can do it also with meditation when you start to listen to silence and you hear that pattern that goes i can't do this whatever that's the darkness fighting and you stay in it and you see it and it goes to light
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 148,497
Rating: 4.9424119 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, Meditation, How do I, How do you, What do I, What do you, Motivation, Inspiration, Inspirational, love, fear, viral, trending now, money, comedy, shame, learning to, anger, guilt, how to, what to, love myself, Michael Beckwith, eckhart tolle, how do, what do, help me, oneness, non-duality, non duality, present moment, possible, switching timelines, changing reality, money problems, abundance, depression, pain, anxiety, addiction, overcoming addiction, goals
Id: c_U2RdX9Cyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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