Kyle's Most Emotional Call

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think of like that first moment when you you wanted you just wanted your mom to see you a certain way and you were doing the best and she was in a bad mood and she didn't mean to do it but she just turns and yells at you and it's so scary for your little body stop doing that to yourself stop being that stop saying to yourself i need to stop stop saying to yourself i need to overcome this little version of you that's like right at the surface [Music] there's two types of hidden there's the patterns that are in your body that you don't know are there and those are the patterns that you don't want to feel you know when you say i feel this like running away from or i feel like i can't figure out that's all actions that you're doing based on uh based on a pattern that you don't know is there right so there's something stuck so i was talking to an amazing woman this morning who the 101 was so crazy and magical i asked her if i could make it a public one-on-one and she said yes so we're gonna release it because i just was like i usually don't release private one-on-ones but with her permission we're going to be releasing it it's really amazing because we're talking about you know she was going i'm trying to get away from this and i said what do you feel right now and she said i feel like running away and i said that's actually a response to what you're feeling and i said it's like you know she said it feels like a rabbit in a cage that's trying to run away and i said that's actually more of a response than what you're feeling so what is it running from and she just i just tears just started and she said sadness i was like right so up until that second sadness was actually hidden right it was hidden and she couldn't see it and then there's the stuff that's hidden that you can just know is hidden my daughter wants to play hide and seek with me all the time and what she does is she goes dada will you play hide and seek with me and i go of course and then she'll hide in front of me like i mean she'll literally like be on my lap and put a blanket on top of herself and be like try to find me i almost have to move her to the ground so i can fake find her like i have to walk around the house like where is she under the table you know and then you'll hear her laughing under the blanket right and i'll be like is she and the blankets moving and you know everything's so funny looking right and i'm like where is she and then i'll be like uh i don't i didn't remember buying a laughing blanket you know and then she laughs more but she's also realizing i'm on to her you know and i'm like i didn't when did i get a i never got a moving laughing blanket anyway nope she's not in the closet she's not behind the couch whatever she's hidden but i know where she is and that can happen with your feelings where you can have your feelings coming up and they're just like it wants to stay hidden it's trying to hide can you just become that parent that goes i understand you go ahead and hide but you know it's there right it's trying to hide i know it's okay i'm right here for you this is what we want to do because if you can see that it's hidden you don't have to pull it out you don't have to fix it you don't have to you know get it seen because it's seen the feeling itself just believes it has the safety of not being seen and so you can just sit there with an energy that feels scared and you can be a mom that's just there like or a dad like yeah i know you're scared yep you're hiding i know this is a very different type of hidden because it's actually seen playing hidden and this is really really really important because sometimes we trick ourselves into thinking this hidden is the first hidden right so we're trying to get it out but you already see it so anything you see is that second hidden so you don't have to do anything about every single pattern that you can see do you understand that when you are going it's feeling shy it's feeling stuck it's feeling whatever cool let it be stuck let it feel shut you already see it so when you try to overcome something you're tricking yourself into that it's actually hidden but the truth is it's coming up to the light and you are the light you are the light that's seeing it you are the awareness that's right here just present for it right and that's what you're here to do is just be a light for all of the feelings that you already know are there and stop fixing the feelings that you already know are there they're already taken care of right they're everything you see when you're like oh i feel this stuckness it's already taken care of you see it right you already see it oh it's it's trying to so every pattern you can identify you have nothing to do to fix it other than love it so paula just asked right now how do you release it from your body it's already released take it in your how do i release it from the body is your ego actually keeping it there it's already leaving it's not your energy anymore how could you see it if it was actually lodged in your body it's already on its way out it's already actually out what's keeping it there you trying to do something about it you trying to fix it you trying to figure out its core you trying to understand the story you're trying to overcome it keeps it there because you're implying it's a problem by changing it you're implying that it's not supposed to be there by changing it so it gets stuck it's on its way out it's already there so the first thing is move into a harmony move into a harmony with it so uh dot just said what if it keeps repeating itself the factor of it repeating itself is you asking that question the factor of it repeating itself is you trying to overcome it the factor of you keeping yourself is your judgment of it if anything's judged it has to stay there right because you're learning to stop judging so allow yourself to just be here right now and just let the patterns be here too every pattern you see is a kid playing hide and seek right in front of you imagine if the neighbor came over and had a conversation with you you're going to have conversations with people when you do picture that the three of you are there if an actual friend came over and talked to you and you had a three-year-old kid who's hiding under a blanket next to you you both can know that's there and you just sit there and have a conversation can you allow feelings to be there and still live your life can you allow all these energies to be there the unseen is there i see the unseen cool don't do anything about it just live your life hey unseen cool right like it's it's it's yeah you're there i'm in harmony with you right this is really really really profound because we have created these stories one of the shadows of doing all this inner work is you can suddenly go i know how to overcome this i know it overcome this and you're starting to move into the overcomer versus god and our job is to merge with the now not become the overcomer not become the fixer of everything not become the figure outer of everything trust me you will transform just by moving into the now just by needing to be seen by the now and not people just by harmonizing with this space right here that's your transformation from an ego that overcomes an ego to the now and in that now part of the things is things will come out but you've never gone to the bathroom and said i need to overcome this you just let it comes out when it comes out and you don't know it's there and then finally you know it's there and you just allow and it comes out this is your job now just be here can you and every pattern that you see be here and not take it as something to do something about because it's the second hidden it's the good and hit it's the good hidden it's just scared and every time if your kid actually was hiding in front of you and you kept doing something about it they wouldn't get to play their game if your actual child is hiding like sometimes she's on my lap i know where she is but i have to play with it i oh i don't know where she is i can't find her i have no idea where she is wow that's okay and if she if i'm like i gotta overcome that she's here like i'm not letting her be herself so you and any pattern that's there doesn't change your nowness right so it's and even saying i have to love it sounds like a job it's just like it's here can you just be here and patterns be here as long as they need to right can you just be here and stuckness is here can you be here and i don't get it is here everything negative is a kid hiding in a blanket everything negative is a kid hiding in a blanket and then you'll have things where the the you i have to look at that i have to overcome that you know that's the kid in a different blanket overcoming itself so it can keep itself there right so our job is to be here right now and be present right now and be here for whatever's here unseen broke lost unworthy not enough sad right oh i can feel it because the amount of times i hear someone say uh you know she wants to come out but she's scared cool you're done with your job do you understand that you're already seeing her let her come out if she wants to don't pull the blanket off of her and end her game of hide and seek now if you if you've ever adopted a rescue dog that had any past issues your job is to become a safe space so that the rescue dog sees that it won't be like what it was before you're going to feel some trepidation you're going to feel fear you're going to feel all kinds of different things because the pattern needs to know that you're a safe house and up until today you were a bad past house that was always judging and always trying to overcome everything that it felt and i want you to picture that today you are the new house and your pattern is going to wonder if you're safe for a while because it's last house was really judgmental or every time it felt anything it you made it overcome it you didn't and let it be shy when it was shy you didn't let it be scared when it was scared you didn't let it go through its trauma and you need to today or you have the opportunity today to connect with the now and become the safe house for the patterns that have not been seen because they've been in a bad house in the past they started out in a bad house in the childhood then you took on the house that they had and became the same judger as the parents and now you need to connect to the now make the now your parent and connect with them now merge with the now take time to listen to the now and be there for the pattern that has never been allowed to be that pattern every time that pattern comes up and you're like i gotta do something about this that would be total abuse i've said this example before but if vivi came into a room and said to me i feel unloved how insane would it be if i was like well let's put some makeup on you and show you to the neighbors and maybe they'll love you i want her to know she can feel unloved in my arms i will love her with every feeling she has i feel like i'm a failure i love you so much i won't even say you're not a failure because that's not a thing i will say you're allowed to feel that way here you're allowed to be under the illusion that that even matters because the love for you is not based on if you fail or not i love you no matter what your arbitrary assignment that you gave yourself that you didn't achieve in the egoic way you decided you would has nothing to do with if i love you right and so so i feel this space of love and then allow myself to walk around with the patterns allow myself to just be lost because it would be crazy to fix them and we would never do that to our kids or we would never do that to someone else's kid why are you doing it to your kid why are we taking the time to go you need to stop being this way you need to become something else you need to shift this no no you are allowed to feel that way feeling well i feel scared of course you do i've been totally trying to change you you should feel scared and i will become a safe space for you to see that you're allowed to feel everything you're feeling that's my job on this planet just be here walk around with the feeling and stop thinking what do i do about this because that pattern is your parents or your avoidance of your parents what do i do about this is totally not you so you're the now you're the space you're the hereness right this is you this right now right here hello pattern you're allowed here and just feel the loudness of the now feel the loudness of the space feel the loudness allow what's there this is the question that comes up paula says what happens when your child makes your body sick and pain and in pain whenever she tries to come out i promise you i promise you it's that you're trying to do something about it and you're allowed to be in pain part of transforming is pain is allowed it's when she shows up you go i'm sick i gotta do something about it that's the thing that's the thing that you're egoically going to do something about it versus allowing god to take it so you merge with god can you hold the space of the now and the patterns stop doing something about i have yet to work with a client that when they say i got i'm trying to figure out what to do that we didn't see that that was the problem that's the problem you're a doer versus the now stop being a doer just let some patterns dance and if you need to get sick for a second so a pattern can come out let's get sick for a second you have to get the flu sometimes you have to have diarrhea it's annoying throwing up is painful too you got in your body for 40 years sometimes it's gonna be painful i walk around sometimes in massive pain and i'm just like i know it's passing and i know it's here and it's allowed welcome pain it's fine get present why are we so not allowed to be in pain let pain be there what are you you're the space but the more you you know what meditation is is it's the opening it's the opening of your portal and the more you open your portal the faster the stuff comes out sometimes it'll slip out sometimes it'll even you don't even know it but what we've been doing a lot is we're doing this inner work and then sometimes we stop so you get this opening so the baby's about to come out i see the head and then you're like going to dinner and on facebook so we close the portal and now it's just a baby's head and you're walking around why am i in pain because you you need to let the midwife do their job you keep closing on it when it's coming out like be here and your portal opens and then people go every time i meditate it hurts would you rather it stay there forever would you rather be a bunch of addictions that stops it from coming out or would you like to purge it i promise you giving birth as pro i don't know actually i've never done it it's probably pretty painful but would you rather keep the nine-month baby in there i'm gonna just keep going to every distraction so this insane pain in my body doesn't come out let's purge it and the more you meditate it's like the more we're opening the womb no this canal you're opening the portal right you're opening it up so this will come out really easily so if you're walking around and you're fine with it it'll come out easily you have to stop trying to orchestrate your own surrender you cannot orchestrate your own surrender that's not surrendering looking like surrendering do you understand that you you're saying it's like the way that most of us try to surrender is like laying back and letting a midwife take the baby out but really getting the way of it and interrupting the midwife and being like what do i do about this and where did this baby come from my grandpa had a baby no shut up let let the midwife take it out like you have to stop orchestrating your own surrender the part of you that wants the breakthrough is what's going to die the second you have the breakthrough you connect to god and that's the surrender just connect now whatever will happen when it's supposed to don't even make win the pain comes out better than what you're in now right like what you're in now is right there's a really final component of the ego that's always in the overcoming and the you know because before they had a breakthrough so they try to now aim for the breakthrough but you forgot that the first time you had a breakthrough it was a surprise and you weren't trying to do it in fact has there ever been a breakthrough that you orchestrated or are you just suddenly blindsided out of nowhere you're watching a movie or hear the right note of a song and you just go crazy for an hour you meditate and you just start crying you cannot orchestrate your own surrender and the orchestrator of the surrender isn't even you the what do i do isn't even you it's a pattern that what do i how do i get there is a pattern if you go for a walk or you just sit and you just start the practice of everything's perfect right now everything in the world is perfect this isn't denial everything in the world is exactly what it's supposed to be that doesn't mean it won't change for the better at one point but stop trying to egoically change it instead accept it so it can change really fast when you walk around you have the thoughts of the world you're in resistance to it you're like that corporation and that thing and that president and that stop just walk let the feelings come through because you're just mad at thoughts not even the world you're mad at your own thoughts calling it the world it's you're not mad about the world the world is going the way your ego has decided it shouldn't go and you're sitting here saying it should be this way but you don't know how much greatness is coming out if you're only watching cnn you don't see all the positive that's happening my buddy brian showed me something we don't mind me mentioning this brian but on google if you type in it's like how do i learn to the first thing on google brian is that right i don't remember that was it how do i learn to the first thing on google is love myself really think of that if you type in how do i learn to the first thing on google on google in the whole world is love myself do you think that doesn't spell out the most incredible shift is happening do you think in 2018 that would have happened i guarantee you would have said make more money or find a partner how do i learn to love myself is the number one google question that's not the number one question in like our field or in the field of esther hicks that's the number one question being asked in dayton ohio and uh you know montreal and uh you know jacksonville florida and indianapolis the collective is asking how do i love myself that is the biggest sign of a shift that i've ever seen we are shifting they're not asking how to beat someone or even win friends and influence people or make more money they're saying how do i love myself holy what's happening everything that's been trying to control is losing its control and the way that we did things is falling and that's okay did you know cnn's ratings have gone down 66 percent in the last nine months 66 percent that's because it's not news we are news the now is news the space is news the calling is news this is going to become the news what meditation says becomes the news what what the speakers that you you hear and and listen to and really only if they align with your heart will become the news and your soul becomes the news right alyssa prefers the now's that's good this is real i guarantee you anyone that had a control agenda is probably their pants that the number one question is how do i learn to love myself that wasn't the plan we're trying to keep everyone separated and hating each other how do i learn to love myself and everyone else how do i learn to see the good in that person that i thought was my enemy how do i forgive this is god getting in this is us going from a bunch of egos to god so you want to know how to get rid of the egoic part of you just connect to god just connect to god just be here and there's no problem with the ego it's your it's the childhood version of you playing hide and seek you love that kid right love that kid he or she has been through the ringer and you don't need to keep being the ringer be the god space be the love be the now you don't have to keep being the ringer you have to keep unconsciously playing your parents judgment who did the best that they could too just become present then you stop then you start when you get present for those patterns you start to get present for everyone else's patterns right you start to get present for whatever anyone else is feeling and you don't become the big fixer and you hear them and that's all that they want is their inner child's trying to play hide and seek and when you hear them then they start becoming a space for their inner child and you'll just watch people shift right you just watch things shift then you start to become present and you hear bad news that's happening right now and you just sit there and be a space for it to go through your body and bring love to it so it can it can heal itself faster than you egoically trying to get in there because it happening is inconvenient to your inner child just become love for the world right now just become present for the the space that's here right now just become all that is for this space that's here right now can you hear the fan in your house the space in your body can you hear that and can you hear also all the little kids of you playing hide and seek and just let them they're just hiding they're scared to come out wouldn't you be scared every time it came out you'd be like what are we gonna do about you i'd be scared too hey i'm a safe space for you to come out when you feel like it and you are welcome to play hide and seek all night and you just sit there i see you it's okay i know you're there i love you too henrik and chelsea if those were coming to me maybe you two are falling in love and i'm making it about me i love you guys too and i love your inner children and i love that we're in this work together and i'm so honored that we get to have this moment right now to to bring even one percent more hereness to it because what's happening in this time is god is getting in god is getting into this planet god is getting in the now is getting in and what's leaving the old pain stories that that triggered past and i promise you it'll be a crazy moment when that kid finally gets to play hide and seek with you then peeks out and you're still the same safe space and you're still the same loving space and then you'll be sad when she or he goes okay i'm gonna go now wait i've i've been with you my whole life no i'm gonna go you loved me and you see me and i'm gonna go you've always tried to overcome me and now you're trying to love me and i feel safe no matter what so i'm going i had a weird moment happen my friend tim had made a shirt of me uh with my face on it you might have seen it a couple times like my face is on it and this is the weirdest i don't know if this is insane narcissism or what but i did i was wearing the shirt at a workout and then i took it off and i was taking a bath and i looked over at the shirt and i just saw one day that'll just be there when i'm dead you know like and like just seeing vivi seeing it or whatever you know someone i love seeing it and just being like it was weird because i was like i'm gonna miss me and i'm gonna miss everyone you know and i just saw this me on the floor and i just felt for how much experience i got to have in this life so far you know i was just like it's like i got to do all the stand-up comedy and become a dad it was like really a weird moment and i just started crying in the tub just like i'm accepting my life not trying to overcome it i'm grateful for my life and no matter what your life is it changes if you you start to be grateful for it you know i don't need to overcome my patterns they they were told that my whole childhood i love my patterns they're they're they've protected me they've helped me become a famous comic at one point like they help me get to do comedy clubs they help me find love you know why am i trying to overcome them i can hang with them another week just bring this open heart to it just bring this now to it thank you patterns why am i trying to figure out how to get rid of you you've been a part of me and you did the best you could with really challenging parents at times and all of you can say that you did the best you could with they did the best they could but it still was hard right you did the best you could five-year-old me with in a house that had violence in it or a shame in it or whatever why am i gonna why am i gonna tell that kid he needs to straighten up or be better or figure out why he's like this right don't don't do that to yourself you already had that you already went through that with your in your childhood when you didn't know any better like think of that think of that like first moment there's like a a little you like think of like a four-year-old you not knowing what you're doing and some angry dad yells at you for it and he's scary or an alcoholic mom you know like i just think of you then just like uh uh think of like that this first moment when you you wanted you just wanted your mom to see you a certain way and you were doing the best and she was in a bad mood and she didn't mean to do it but she just turns and yells at you and it's so scary for your little body stop doing that to yourself stop being that stop saying to yourself i need to stop stop saying to yourself i need to overcome this little version of you that's like right at the surface there's a version of you ah that you're forgetting you're thinking of what your parents did and you're mad at them but like just think of that moment that there's a four-year-old you that's shaking on this planet and doesn't know why you're here and why you were assigned to these two parents some of them aren't here even some dad that wasn't ever there like what what did she or he feel i i love my parents so much but i'm just being there for the moments i have a home video of me like i just am thinking of right now where i'm at a wedding and my dad's just filming the wedding and i i go dad look you know and i'm moonwalking really good and i'm five and i go dad is it good and my dad goes no and you just see my face like it's not and then he's just filming the wedding you know and i love my dad i'm not even judging him but i just remember that that little boy like was so vulnerable you know that little boy was so like trying to find love and was good too when i watched the video like he it looked like michael jackson's moonwalk coming out of a five-year-old but i know my dad was just spaced out because i know his childhood was difficult and he's looking for love you know but think of a moment when you saw another kid scared and how much it like like when i saw vivi one time just try and like she felt she failed and was scared from and i just dropped the world and i'm like you are so wonderful you know and now do that for these patterns they're scared because you keep being your parents and you can now be loved this was able to come out because today i haven't i haven't been trying to overcome anything i haven't been um i haven't been trying to figure out anything i just loved the pattern starting this morning i'm on a walk and i saw the patterns and i walked and they all hung out with me this is this is what happens you know i just i wasn't i wasn't planning that you know and like the the now feels so loud you know there was some deep stuff that just came out that i many years have been trying to get out and it feels replaced with the silence is so loud you know i'm actually right now i just noticed a pattern that i'm just gonna be there for that started thinking of people that i want to see this and i know there's a part of me like so they'll see me i'm just bringing love to that pattern now you can be there i see you yeah i see you under the blankie this is why 2020 and 2021 are the way that they are because we almost were about to head into going the rest of our life and never seeing these patterns i mean before 2020 it was like as long as i have the best job as long as i have the right relationship i don't have to look at feel the real peace that exists here and feel feel the patterns and feel the space uh i hope your your patterns are playing hide and seek right now and they're allowed to can you just see seven or eight blankets or kids hiding under six feet tall desks that you know where they are sometimes she hides and starts counting and i'm like so what do you want me to do okay one two i'm just like um i'm still here i'm taking vivi to disneyland tomorrow and i've never been a corporatey person uh i totally was a corporate person today and it's fine i went and i bought mickey shirts that are in the wash right now so she doesn't get itchy and i'm going to get a balloon and that part of us that's trying to make everything perfect could be missing on some stuff do you know what i mean that part of us that's like i don't want to go there because it's a big corporation that's okay but like you know what there are there's a major bunch of evil corporations and also i'm not gonna take that from vivi you know i want to see her light up and i got to stop trying to get everything perfect so i can miss out on this and i promise whatever is in its darkness will come to light on its own you don't have to be the one that brings everything to light it's coming to light on its own i had no idea that cry out was coming it was coming to light on its own you don't need to bring anything to the light you are the light you don't need to bring anything to the light you are the light and be the light for that little kid and never say to yourself why do i always do this never say to yourself what's wrong with me you're telling your five-year-old who has been through the ringer since childhood the same thing at 50 stop it welcome man one of my favorite things and it might be a pattern's favorite thing is showing people stuff everyone that knows if i've ever dated them i'd love to show them a certain song they hadn't heard or i'd love to show them you know a restaurant dude i get to show i get to show vivi the world why am i trying to get over that pattern maybe the part of me that always wanted to show my mom i'm enough is getting to play right now and getting to show vivi everything [Music] and maybe one day that'll serve its purpose and be like okay you show yourself what you want or whatever and then it'll leave when it wants you don't need to get rid of everything dude i keep losing it but it was with andrea was in town and we went and we saw hollywood boulevard and vivi one time saw mickey and went nuts and when we were at hollywood boulevard there were different people in dirty costumes you know that and black panther you know with a fanny pack and you know whatever you're like it's cute it's good and at one point i was so shocked because i might have shown you this first of all a guy walks by with a python and vivi immediately wanted to hold it she had no fear you know she was holding this python right and then mickey walks up and i i every part of my body when mickey walked up and she was looking somewhere else and i just noticed this thing i don't know if andrea you saw but this thing overtook me that was like babe look i picked her up and i turned her and i'm like i'm like i i couldn't even wait the five seconds for her to see it i was so like taken over by the fact that she could see mickey and dude like this smile like i don't know i think i took a one shot of it i probably am just like a weird person now to you guys but like i'm trying to find the close-up this smile man this smile that that was like that was blindsidingly exciting to me it was in the top three greatest days of my life it was so exciting thank you for being a space for me tonight when people ask me like how do you just do a talk in an hour it's talking from here you know it's just talking from here think from here is an offer i have for you think from this space not think about just things oh the lakers did a thing or the you know ham sandwiches are edible those are my examples think from here start having your conversations with god all the time what do you want from me what do you want god what's the life you want for me what's the life you want from me god not what do i want to have not what you know when we're upset about our life it's because we're getting the life that god wants for us and we keep demanding the life that our ego wanted right we we go no i want a life where i have this type of person i'm supposed to be in a relationship like this i'm supposed to do that's your ego talking what does god want your life to be that's what's going on right now stop fighting it because any part of you that's trying to orchestrate your life is your ego's life and you your ego wants that life in order to avoid the poor kid that's hiding in front of you if i have the life that i want then i don't have to be with my feelings when i finally get a million dollars and i have just enough circumstantial happiness that i don't have to be with me no give it all up to be with you trust me everything will take care of itself because you're actually feeling from god capacity you're here with what is you every second you're in an argument with what is you're in an insane lie you're just in it's actual insanity we've just normalized it i gotta be there i gotta whatever i gotta do it's like i had no idea this was tonight's call but i can feel its vastness and i can just feel so grateful to god and i really believed that this space i was watching a clip of um greg braden last night and he just said this conscious space is a a living actual entity like it's it's this whole thing that you're connecting to has its own intelligence it's changing it does its own transformation this is a real thing it's not just a nice space it takes care of everything something's making those trees grow something's making your fingernails grow something knows to do this there's an intelligence that we are missing out on connecting to when we argue with what is so we can get to the right place on time that our ego arbitrarily has decided is the answer to everything god screw that what do you want from me god okay right now god wants me to play hide and seek what was the thing you shared mary i don't even remember what i said someone said what was that clip from mary shared it and i'm like what what are we talking about oh gregory that's how much i'm here i don't remember you know i have my personal trainer and sometimes he'll tell me okay now do three do three sets of push-ups here and then go to uh this over here right and then do this and i'll do the push-ups and go i don't remember the second or third thing and he has to re-tell me i'm like i am so here that i can't plan the exercise after this one and sometimes it'll be like okay do push-ups and he'll go do 20 and i'll go one two i don't remember how many you want you have to three it's probably really annoying for him but at the same time i'm just like here so like i'm laughing because i said the greg braden thing and i'm like what are you guys talking about oh this space is so beautiful what an honor to be with you tonight tonight was a big night for me i love you so much i really am honored that you're a part of our community i'm really honored that i get to do this work with you here i hope you know how much i don't see you guys as numbers at all in fact i was talking to someone today i'm like i have no idea what the actual number is and i have no goal of anything specific i'm just here to give my gift and i'm honored that you're here to hear it and i hope you hear that you have that too this isn't just i'm bringing my gift to you so you know you do what i say i'm just trying to show you you have it the space that i connect to is the same one that you connect to so with all my heart thank you to all of you for being with me tonight i was going to go to questions but there's no way i can follow this with a question like let's just let's just let this be and i'll in a new obviously in a new energy do a good q a next week together in the kind of world where we [Music] [Music] [Music] you know it's gonna make it that we could say good night and stay [Music] near wouldn't it be nice if we were older then we wouldn't have to wait so long wake up you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 25,609
Rating: 4.9544878 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, Meditation, How do I, How do you, What do I, What do you, Yoga, Motivation, Inspiration, Inspirational, love, fear, viral, trending now, money, comedy, shame, learning to, anger, guilt, how to, what to, love myself, Michael Beckwith, eckhart tolle, how do, what do, hiring god, help me, oneness, non-duality, non duality, present moment, possible, it's totally possible, switching timelines, changing reality, money problems, abundance, debt, highest calling
Id: lsffv3lqJWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 40sec (3160 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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