Accepting One Big Truth - Kyle Cease

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it's just finally saying what's true dad didn't choose me that's acceptance that's true it's not even anger at dad it's just being with what is for a second what does that feel like for you bro i think you just said it right there it's it's not that yeah i'm not angry at him it's just more just accepting really accepting what happened right so what are we accepting say it out loud that my dad didn't choose me yes [Music] i'm right here with you brother what's that that's crazy to say my question is where is the balance between being with what is and ambitions and goals is it wrong to have ambition to compete doesn't competition make yourself better and have goals make you better athletes compete get better so where is the balance in life with judgment of feeling lack while also staying present should we call chris shawn chris you want to come on do they have to compete do the the two things have to be opposing values is that the highest thing you want do you think that if you connect to yourself you can't be an athlete do you think that if you're aligning with the highest source you wouldn't be the greatest ever something to play with too right what's up chris man i i gotta take can you hear me yes sir and i gotta take a second and uh holy i'm call cesa's right there i feel the same with you my friend thank you that is wild man hi everybody um welcome to now rising dude i've been a part of aep uh since like late 2019 and just so many people's different stories and struggles and and overcome like it helped me so much through covet because uh just like the lady that you had the personal call with um a few days ago or that was released a few days ago like 2020 was great for me uh just so many different things and just got rid of a lot of stuff that just wasn't serving me and everything and uh it's been great so thank you for that the work man you do is um you really can't put a label on a man so it's just it's unbelievable thank you dude thank you for thank you for doing the work thank you for the amazing kind words thank you for i mean seeing yourself and and and being a part of this and and thanks for being on the call today my brother i appreciate it so much cool no problem man um so yeah that's that's my question man um basically and i and i'm getting the gist of it as as far as what's on paper with being with what is and things of that nature towards like really finding yourself to where the more connected you are with yourself then everything just works itself out uh with little to no effort more than you ever expected to right and um i know for me you know i've been in athletics my entire life i still am in ways you know also you know i know with your stand-up comedy career like i'm also in a part of entertainment too to where i travel i gotta compete things of that nature but also joyfully and met so many great people and everything like that it's just the only thing is it's just that through that sometimes it's like it just gets complicated from my perspective to where it's like if i feel like if i'm not doing enough or if i don't compete and i just be with what is and then do nothing it's like a war so it's like okay i find the balance in that sure do not judge and things of that nature so it's kind of because i hear what you say also on on the money programs as well with larry to where it's all like you know uh just be with what it is and connect more to yourself on different things to where things will naturally rise but also at the same time it comes off and maybe i'm just hearing it differently to where like competition or ambitions would maybe not be the best thing but then again as an athlete that's what's made me better in different areas and also in life so i'm just trying to get it more clear on that so yeah totally well let's let's explore that and and not only let's explore that but let's see if it it creates a a pain in your own belief system too like where where there's like a split that shows up like do i allow myself to be in the moment or do i that they're they're even seen as opposing right like there's something in there that kind of is like this energy means i'm not with myself right for me to be competitive or or whatever else one of the first things i think uh i see is that one point i believe in consciousness uh the highest that we knew was to make something happen you almost have to be against the wall or in some type of lack or you know you need to feel like crap so you can motivate yourself to something right like yeah like i know a lot of people they go once i'm against the wall financially i make money right like as long as i if i if i'm in a place where i can't pay rent then suddenly this them shows up and kicks ass and makes money right right and i think that we can have that energy with everything right and so the idea is like i can't i can't work out or get really fit or be amazing at sports unless i'm creating some primal lack that i'm going to overcome right right and what if we're creating a new consciousness that goes actually you can start from i'm complete now and still lift weights and still uh create in fact what would you be if we were like in a place of i'm totally amazing now and i want to express that would there be us that actually could would be better at sports would there be an us that um you know and and we're not necessarily competing with others but we're we're beating what we were before right right and and the idea is would that actually stifle our athleticism or our our amazingness or is it possible we'd be more a person that keeps showing up in my mind as i say this is prince for some reason i mean i know prince had a major competitive style with michael jackson there's like a famous thing about that but i also think of prince as like so someone who was just connected to source and just creating and creating and creating and there were there were thousands of songs he wrote that a lot of people apparently never even heard and he just was always writing and constantly creating and so that didn't stifle his ability to be one of the greatest right because he wasn't more focused on uh i gotta be ambit i don't think ambition would be the word you'd use for him as much as like just source was coming through so much does this make sense so far next no that makes that makes sense yeah and so if we embraced a little bit more of the consciousness that's here now and we just said okay do i need to beat other people to make money do i need to think that i'm broke and then overcome it to make money do i need to hate myself and then use the motivation that i hate myself to get really muscular or fit or anything else what if you start with i love myself and you actually find an actual love there and then create from there what i find is that the more that i'm connecting with myself or the more that i've watched other people not need money the more it just shows up the more it really does show up i i can't tell you how many what's that i said no i said that's interesting yeah you know what you're saying for sure and it just i think that's just that mental hurdle and maybe it's just a lot of like inner subconscious just judgment or anything of that nature to work because it makes sense to where if you feel more connected with yourself really into more with yourself and that's where all the creativity that's where everything just naturally flows out of you right the way you put it that way it makes so much more sense what i was originally thinking and that's i mean that's pretty much it for the most part but yeah yeah that would make sense so it's probably most likely just from my mind it'd be some kind of subconscious judgment that's down lingering somewhere so well what if we saw it this way okay so check out if you're really only this moment you're only putting out a frequency of this moment right there's in this now there's no other thing there's there's one level where you're the victim and the victim is someone who is putting out the energy my life sucks there's no hope right then there's the achiever who sees hope so imagine that what you're putting out in the universe is a lot of block with this this illusion of light hope so your energy in the now is just maybe probably right right so it's like this thing but now our pain and our joy is that anyone that's on this call your body has probably been blown open past this hope being the highest thing you can see right in other words like this hope that finally one day i'll be really fit or finally i'll be a millionaire or finally i'll get the person you can actually we've experienced enough times of getting some of the things that we want and seeing actually never mind it's not the highest thing so if you're do you know what i mean have you experienced getting the thing you want and then going wait actually yeah well in a way yes i i uh in 2018 i i achieved a lifelong dream and i got to chase a passion that led me to japan for about almost three months and it was like my dream like oh my god to do this in japan would be great and i was able to fortunate after that to go to canada and i've been around the country and everything like that and uh but when i got it it was kind of like like i enjoyed it and i was totally in the moment like so in the moment and i was sitting there and it was funny because i've seen some of your videos even before then before i joined ap so i was thinking of you and other people that i'd follow during that time and i was in the moment i was present creative everything was great and then as soon as things were coming to an end i was like all right what's next yes and i'm just like ah right and then um yeah and so i was i was going to be going back and before covid but unfortunately some things happened outside of my control and i wasn't able to go and i was crushed by it i was crushed and then uh cove had happened and then yeah yeah here we are so check this out don't so with that experience i want to offer every i bet every person on this call can identify if you've experienced one time in your life thinking something would be the ultimate thing and then getting it and going okay what's next in fact for a second lindsay could you undo the chat and i'm curious if there's if if every person i bet on the call has experienced just for a second we'll we'll block the chat again in a second but i just want to know uh right did anyone experience who here has experienced when i get the thing i'll be happy then you got it and it's like what's next right like you or you didn't care or you were not fulfilled okay so i just want i want us to really bring to light this is what happens when you get the thing you thought you wanted right it's like we're all a little bit aware of that right we're all a little bit aware of this so look at all this is there anyone that got a thing and now i'm curious if there's anyone that got a thing and was like that's the answer the end was the seeking done once you got the thing is any is there any person on the call that got the thing and said that literally was it when i got the job or when i got the person the all-seeking was done right so this is this is the awareness right every person is saying no like there's no one going yep once i got married right i was done seeking anything in fact you wouldn't be here everyone would be done you're all complete right right right so so what it but how many people can say probably 20 years ago that thing was the answer you know what i'm saying like like there was a consciousness a while ago that life is making it happen we were in an achiever mindset in the 80s and 90s and it really is imagine when you're finally achieving that huge thing that really was the highest we knew and imagine that what's happened in consciousness now is we now have experienced probably especially in the last year and a half but in the last 10 years that's not the truth anymore that and we might not have become aware that we're aware of that right in other words you chris you might have noticed when you when you got to do these things in 2019 you were like what's next but you might not have noticed that you noticed in other words like i'm here to bring light to that you felt that way right that's what the question was about almost it's like what about ambition well we had ambition we got the thing and we experienced it and we're like what's next so what if you could still experience those things but from i'm already whole whether i have it or not mentality right and this is what we're moving into this is where you start to understand your connection to source by the way your connection to source is something that when you get it you don't go now what when you actually feel connected to source you finally are like this is the highest this is the greatest i could feel i don't care who i'm dating i don't care about what i'm doing with my life i don't care what i'm doing with my career this i've actually experienced so many times feeling fully connected to source and going this is it there is no what's next frequency and man when you're at my connection in myself is it it's nuts how much you how safe you are for life to give you things because you're not in a place of what's next you actually are more connected to yourself than your belief of that thing so from here you might start to work out and really really like just the process of working out versus chasing some kind of end goal in it which could make you work out longer right it could make you do even more you might really enjoy the the actual process of the curl versus going when i get to 20 curls then i'm enough right this this constant little carrot on the end of the stick of a goal right is it fun to have goals totally have goals but what if the goal is something that is you moving towards you like what if you've discovered like i notice for me when i fast eventually i feel closer to source right when i when i whatever so sometimes i create a goal that helps me get to the thing that i'm already connected to but helps me experience that more so then the question is would it affect in a negative way your competitive style your athleticism your financial situation my belief is no my belief is using the ambition and the goal style won't work anymore as much because you're at a consciousness that sees that that's anyway because you're at an awareness that sees and when i get there who cares right and when i get to that goal like i've experienced having everything i wanted in 2019 i actually showed myself the experience of it's not the end-all so now that voice is a little bit here so any goal you give yourself right now you have another voice that goes and i won't care when i do it do you get what i'm saying chris like the voice goes when i finally achieve that also now what is what happens so that'll get in the way of you achieving that goal because you already see it's not the end-all does that make sense yeah i i loved how you just put it i never looked at it that way to where when you when you get that thing that you've been you know that you've been working for and like enjoying the process obviously as well that injustice like okay instead of what next it's like oh this is expected i'm just going to keep enjoying this and just keep you know doing what i'm doing so to speak but the way you put it was just way better than what i just paraphrased you know other other than that man that that makes a lot more sense it really does and and it's you you always do the highest with what your awareness are of what you are so imagine i've used this example before but imagine if you were born into a world where you're an actor playing a character but for a while you think you're a character and in every movie there is the character has this goal that's really the biggest deal in the world like michael j fox plays marty mcfly right if you think you're marty mcfly you will not exist if you don't get your parents to fall in love again back in 1955 and you're going to start but what happens if in the middle of being marty mcfly he realizes wait i'm michael j fox now getting my parents to fall in love at the enchantment under the sea dance isn't the end all because i exist whether the character does or not and we start to dissolve the idea that we are here to be the character that's only on this planet to fall in love that's only on this planet to achieve the the number one thing that and and then we start to go okay now my consciousness gets i'm the actor the actor playing the character and once you realize this whole thing is virtual reality and it's not your survival for you to achieve within the realm of virtual reality your goal starts to be to take the goggles off and and then you go man this me can do way more than the characters most ambitious moments can do exactly that's exactly what i'm trying to get to yeah like just being that because you know like how you said in the past like you stay connected to that and then you actually tap into that when you pee in one part of the pool you pee in all the pool right i'm just trying to pee in the pool man right awesome man yeah so let me ask you this what what brought that question up because part of me wonders if there's a uh a core thing that wants uh the goals or the the question might have come from a character in your body that learned that competition or the goals or the ambition as a way to either not lose love not lose connection right like was the character in your childhood trained about being number one or you're nothing unless you win or anything like that do you get what i'm saying oh oh yeah um yeah basically where it came from uh you know competing and everything like that it was just and that's kind of one of those things just uh basically when i when i was a child growing up um my dad wasn't in my life kind of chose another family over my me and my older sister because he had pretty much had ultimatum they my my parents divorced my dad quickly remarried all this other stuff my mom wasn't handling well next thing you know the his new wife uh was like it's either me new family or uh your old family and i'm out of here my dad made a choice there you go so basically from that i've accepted it let go everything like that i still keep somewhat communication with my father and everything like that but through that i pretty much developed the genesis of just like i have to compete so i can go ahead or not feel like because i wasn't chosen when i was a child um right right so i have to go ahead and do that and it's worked out great for me as far as different in sports things of that nature and everything like that and then uh going back to japan it wasn't uh and maybe i wasn't i apologize if i didn't say clear it was in 2018 when i went to japan which was a big dream or whatever but like from getting that it was just more of like what made that so great besides being dreams that i was chosen to go right just like you know what i mean so i'm just like yeah and then yeah and then once again i didn't get brought back because other people were chosen to go instead of me just because of uh social media standpoint long story short but anyways hold on one sec hold on one sec so let me in here because you're doing some great stuff here i want to go through this actually and real quick i'm going to pause the chat here again so we're just going to pause the chat and we're gonna come back to that afterwards so chris okay so the character that you were handed to play that the character you're you were acting out in your childhood was a kid who it sounds like really seeked that your dad saw you too it's not just that what i hear also is not just that your dad you know because there i can feel sometimes there's people that are like my dad wasn't there and then sometimes there's people that i can feel like it's like i feel like even if you've forgiven it it hurts that your dad wasn't there like i can actually even now right yeah right and so that's what's one of the things that's trying to come to light right that there's a child inside i can feel it man and i can feel it probably because i have a similar thing and not the same story but there's ways i wanted my dad to be there and wanted to be seen yeah and like now i notice it's more painful than men even it's just like when i think about it like you start to realize the different ways that he wasn't there and there's and you realize it and so that means that the kid that was burying all that and was staying hidden in your bodies is coming to the surface right now and if i were to just reflect here right now i feel that kid hurting and saying see me dad like don't choose a new woman over me like i'm your son right yeah and what is it what do you when i say that what do you feel right now in your body um i mean you nailed it i mean and that's the the work i've been doing all through ever since i fell into your uh material and your content of just really being there for that little boy you know to let him get it was good enough this whole time like just because his father you know made a decision that had nothing to do with you and i i know that from a conscious life yeah yeah yeah but but don't use that to avoid what he feels like i know you understand that and you're right and what do you feel right now like i can feel he's like almost exposed and we're almost ah it's nothing dad you know if i'm like looking right at your heart right now like what do you feel in this moment um man i you know if i have to be completely honest and i don't know maybe i'm judging myself for saying this but it is honest and i'm gonna answer your question i just feel a lot of anger yes why why why women why create another family we were good enough like yeah against them because i have love for them and all that stuff but like also at the same time it's like it's just been like it was it was also good right here like you could add both well hold on one sec i'm going to show you something you feel anger i'm with you right now right can we remove the why for a second let's let's just be with the angers that part of the reason for the anger is he feels unseen by the now he feels unseen just that he feels angry so if i say i've used this example before but just so everyone gets this if you're new if i say this guy is hurt and i say this guy's hurt they were the same reason but i say this guy's hurt and this guy is hurt because someone cut him off in traffic today with this guy what are we focusing on we're focusing on yeah go ahead no no no no no i was i was i was gonna say something but you you got it um you said the guy i was thinking something completely devolved so sorry bringing a problem you're on live feed baby no problem i'm with you brother we're in the work together let's go back sorry apologize well here's here's what that is you've created a brilliant mental understanding of life partly to protect yourself from seeing this pain right wow yes i mean and i'll show you it right and and so when i s what i was saying in this example is if i say this guy is feeling hurt we're going to focus on his feelings right but if i say this guy's hurt because someone cut him off in traffic we're going to focus on the in traffic and ignore this guy's feelings right so his hurt energy stays repressed because it's not seen because we're focused on the reason so if i say okay we have your dad this stuff happened and this hurts and then i just stay with the hurt and we don't go dad should have known better there was this woman or it's fine he did he did the best he could with what he understood our focus leaves this inner child that i can feel dude you have that inner child right here like you are like you're it is so obvious and and and so here and i know anyone watching can see it he's just totally exposed right now and you're in like the final stages of thinking that it's not seen by being like yeah over here in this circumstance and this thing and my dad did the best he could whatever but if i was just to take those kind of thoughts away and just be with just the feeling right now what you said is there's the feeling of anger right yeah yeah yeah but i feel lack of not good enough this that whatever which wants me to work harder this that whatever so yeah like all this is yeah it's so perfect so so take take a deep breath and and this is kind of a weird thing to say but like for this next let's talk a little bit slower okay meaning like i want to be with each thing i want to actually put a pause between the feelings so that they can be seen so the first thing let's just be with anger right okay can you feel that can you feel like a little space between that there's a almost just be the space there's an angry child right now and i know that part of the reason we think it's partly the dad thing and it is but i guarantee another one is that it's actually hurt and it's being stifled by the you now you don't know that but it's hurt and we're not looking at it in fact every time the hurt comes up guess what we do we look at dad yeah right so imagine you're that you imagine your five-year-old chris how old were you when dad left um i want to say i i think i was either around five or six and then when the divorce happened like literally 30 days after the divorce was finalized my dad remarried because uh my stepmom and my mom were actually friends okay with that so wow that was fun yeah that's crazy so so you're five you're at a really impressionable age yeah right okay so that kid at five who really wants to be seen by his father is hurting right so when he's hurting he's trying to show this you that he's hurting and imagine being a five-year-old version of you right imagine literally a five-year-old boy literally in the body right that's stuck in the body and every time he says to you i'm hurt right you have a you that comes in and thinks of dad doing that you have a you that comes in and literally imagine every imagine you looking up to a higher you going i'm hurting and then every time you tell him he looks away right every time he says to you i'm hurting and what i'm doing right now is literally sitting with him right i'm sitting with the wound i'm like almost overriding the words that are coming through and going hey i see that you're hurting to that kid where do you feel the hurting right now my chest yeah take a deep breath in would you say this to the energy because usually this isn't allowed and today it is you're going to say to the energy you're allowed to feel hurt in my body you're allowed to feel hurt in my body yeah beautiful right now you're with him right you're the actual father of this child now and you connecting with source you meditating and all that is going to make it even easier for him to be brought to light right right what do you feel right now just feelings like unseen or seen held lost yeah i mean for sure definitely more seen um definitely definitely more seen and also at the same time in the back of my head it's like okay so this feels good now yes they pop up later and you're in the yes that's part of my language so that's just a pattern i want that to i that's just a pattern that has to come up right now imagine i've used this example recently too but if you if you rescue a dog right and it came from an abusive household its first few days in the new household are going to be like yeah right it's going to be hesitant it's going to be scared right because it's patterns come from the past i want you to start to see yourself as the new household and and what you were yesterday is the old household interesting okay so imagine right now in the new household the old pattern comes and goes yeah right well we'll see if this shows up later we'll see when actual happens what's gonna be like and you're just aware that it's safe in the new house right so and can you hear that voice but not cater to it do you get the difference from that the analogies that you use new household and everything yeah i do yeah so can you hear the voice just saying yeah right you know i'm sure that it'll be but don't like fix what it's saying don't like cater to what it's saying don't you get what i'm saying don't don't uh react to it or act like it's true because the you that's here right now is actually what you are see if that voice says all this fear and you cater to that fear then that voice is in charge right that voice that says everything's going to go wrong is in charge that voice is actually going to look for problems to prove its point right you are the now and you're slowly all of us right now are shifting into being this present 2021 space for the unseen patterns of the past our old version of us like in 2019 we were a collection of patterns from the past and we were not looking at what we are in the moment but our shift in this time this huge thing all the covet lockdown all that is really if you look at it from god's perspective it's the awakening out of we are done being able to be our patterns we are going to become the now for the patterns and the patterns will slowly dissolve as you get more and more here and stop chasing power or winning over others or whatever and you're gonna be here right and in this now you're gonna actually and by the way don't expect it to be nailed by tomorrow everybody this is a slow long process and there's a lot of deeper and deeper patterns and the ones that you're ready to see just come up and the ones you're not ready to see won't right so as you meditate or you hold the space more can come up faster because you're a bigger capacity for it right so if i were ask you now chris what you feel we're just bringing present moment awareness to what we feel what do you feel in your chest or your stomach any pain of alone any any feeling of free any foot or sensations like a tingling in my stomach or anything like that tingling in the stomach and i do i do feel lighter um just because the analogies you use kind of connected to me in a way as far as new household and everything of that nature and uh i'm glad that you actually said that because that would actually be something i would have to tell myself later on on the fact of like hey this ain't gonna happen overnight man it's gonna be a slow burn yes and that's okay yes well one of the reasons that you feel lighter is because what you are is light and and when you hear all this kind of third density fourth dimension you know in a fifth dimension fourth density shift thing i want you to imagine that density is actually a real thing that you feel lighter because there's our physical body weight energy and heaviness but there's also just our energy in our body and you can either be present and connected to the now or you can be at war with the now and if you're at war with the now you're energetically more dense right so a lot of ambition and being in the future comes with partly being in war with the now it's that it's better when i'm number one it's better if i'm over here so i have to kind of hate the now and be on a thicker density and say it's when i get there that i'm something but you can also start to merge with the lightness of the now it's going to start to see the patterns that are under the illusion that they're not complete and your density actually will get less dense and you're actually getting lighter isn't that hopefully yeah because this is this is what we want to blow open the egoic structure right it's there's a vastness here that will make no sense to this so we have to almost think with our body now we almost think through our heart and through like this energy over here is thinking if as you do this more you'll start to have feelings in the other end of the room like you'd be like why do i feel off but it's in the closet like it's like like you start to connect to because you can feel things outside of the body too right what do you whether it's in or out of the body whether it's something that feels off feels here feels clear whatever what do you feel right now well multiple things um trying to put a label on it's it's um even if it's like it almost feels like a tug and pull okay light at the same like that's what it feels like it literally feels like i'm getting yanked this way that way but yet also i'm center but also it it's it's kind of hard to put a label on it but so what if i told you you're neither way you're all of it you're the space that the ways are right imagine that like there's two egos pulling in this room and you're the room right yeah right so there's a you that's tugging away because it thinks that there's an outcome because it's trying to escape itself and then there's another you going no this is fine or here's another way and you're the whole thing like it's crazy how it's you're such a great first person because we're so deep already like we're only two hours into this and we're already at you're the whole room yeah man that's man thank you for that but i i a thousand thanks to you man this is uh this is improving a lot for sure hell yeah man do you do you what do you it's funny because you'll notice that when we go there's nothing to do just noticing what you're feeling every one minute i'm asking each minute what you're feeling do you notice it's different so there is something to do and that's observe right so if i ask you what you're feeling right now do you what in fact i can feel something what do you feel right now i'll show you where it is in a second uh stillness right now at this moment beautiful right i don't really feel any pulling anywhere perfect that's interesting to where it's like one minute it's this the next minute it's that and then it's yeah and and without you doing anything it's changing so everything's changing everybody whether you're egoically participating in it or not everything's changing but chris is able to feel the change quicker because he's not in an egoic i gotta be number one pattern that by the way requires the repression of the abandoned child you were in other words you need to keep that guy under wraps to stay competitive in the same way yeah right you have to almost keep him buried and like keep this problem here to fix it on a surface level and then you're number one in sports right and it's like if we just honor there's nothing wrong the fear is you won't be competitive in sports though or you won't be ambitious right but you know 92 of suicides are men and part of the reason is because we were trained and and so were women too but men were often trained that a goal is what makes you so instead of even being with these layers of shame and abandonment and pain we have this secondary goal that keeps us oh i'm enough because i have the cars in the garage and i have enough because i have the money that covers up all the pain that's here right so there's this belief on top of it i don't feel good but i should because i have a porsche or i should because i whatever and this is why actually some of the most successful people are the most suicidal because i almost feel guilty that i feel pain because i should be thankful because i'm achieving all this and this is why ambition and being number one isn't necessarily the answer it can become the cover-up to the real pain like like there's a reason you lose child stars so much to drugs or suicide because they never got to develop actually what they feel they were handed everything so their circumstances were so huge that they had no need to actually meet themselves right so we're going to cut the middleman of saying i'm enough when i achieve so now dad didn't abandon me and going instead i'm going to be with him so he was never abandoned because he's connected to source he's not your dad's child he's god's child and it's your dad's ego that he was seeking love from and in this 2021 time he's going to connect with source and feel real fulfillment and real love and be god's child the now's child the universe's child not just the story of the the you know parents and their egos and their pain that we came from right you're you're now all that is this child and this you trust me can kick ass in football or whatever the ambitious sport was at the beginning right yeah i mean it was multiple things it was football and wrestling and everything else but yeah man um and i'm glad you said that too because that's the kind of one thing that made me uh realize from diving into your work and other people that i follow is this like as a guy as a you know as a man you know i i feel and it's getting better but like just the more normalizing that guys express the feelings and the pent-up stuff that we have because you you nailed it it's like you have a goal you have an ambition it's to it's almost like an addiction like i'm covering up that with this there i need to go and then even on the call that you did with that lady the private one-on-one that you showed it was you said something about the upper middle class like that's where most of suicides come in because you have everything the way you want it to where when you want it you don't really put that attention to where you need to do that inner work for yourself yes everything like that i don't know if it was eckhart tolle that said this but he said there's two ways to be unhappy one is to not get what you want and the other is to get what you want of course okay right because you get what you want and this is the thing and you get to have this long and some people don't get to experience what they want like they want to date this like famous actress or something they spend their whole life with that fantasy but they don't know that you could very well date them for three weeks and be like oh now what you know like there's it's like it doesn't it's not it right let me let me show you something i'm feeling that i could be totally wrong with but i want you to go past your chest for a second and feel almost like deep in your stomach okay i'm going to show you something i want you to take a deep breath in and you're going to breathe the air all the way out until there's zero air for a second okay and i want you to notice if it's almost like when you get to the the last 10 of the air here if there's a sad boy almost in like a dark cave or something right there a little bit of sadness or a pinch of something deeper do you feel that at all little little pinch okay that's something right so maybe breathe out again and do that again breathe in and breathe all the way out if i could talk just to that kid what i feel is he's almost distant like the cave is deep and there's like a kid at the bottom of a well you know or something and it's an echoey hello you know kind of in there do you feel that thing i'm feeling yes awesome awesome what we can just start by knowing there's something there we don't have to uncover it or figure out the whole history of it but i want you to just be in the capacity to be that cave that that kid's in for a second and just know that's there just know that's there with no desire to change it because you have a higher capacity that kid's been there the whole time but we hadn't been connecting enough to know that so there's a you now that can see that right so kind of just breathe kind of and connect and just know that little energy is there and if i were to ask that energy even if it's a little pinch what he feels would he say alone helpless abandoned lost any word like that helpless helpless perfect take a deep breath in do you notice he's a teeny bit bigger now like it's almost like we're seeing him a little bit more and even if he's far away would you say the words you're allowed to be helpless in my body you're allowed to be helpless in my body yeah this is unconditional love this is love i'm here for you and i'm not judging you and i'm not going to overcome something you are allowed to just be lost and helpless in the story of now that's something he's never heard helpless has meant he's usually had to run everything and figure out how to not what what is it he's trying to prevent from happening not have dad leave again yeah because he wasn't chosen okay so the worst is to be not chosen hmm i'm right here with you brother and that might be the new thing to accept this sounds really weird and in the long run we can do major work around this but we can just accept for a minute your dad didn't choose you yeah it's our denial of that that keeps all this ambition going right it's our it's our i can get dad to have chosen me do you get what i'm saying but if we just own right like dad did not choose you at that time it's just bringing it to light it's not a judgment of it it's not anything it's just finally saying what's true dad didn't choose me that's acceptance that's true it's not even anger at dad it's just being with what is for a second what does that feel like for you bro i think you just said it right there it's it's not that uh yeah i'm not angry at him it's just more just accepting really accepting what happened right so what are we accepting say it out loud that my dad didn't choose me yes i'm right here with you brother what's that that's crazy to say it's a crazy thing to say and it's true but it's also empowering for a second right because if we just don't keep being in a denial of that fact many of us our dad didn't choose us and many of us our mom didn't choose us and let's just sit with that fact for a minute so we don't keep arguing with 1983 and just like really be with what is this is also liberation right like can you actually be okay with that your dad didn't choose you now i can because it brought me to this point okay can you without a reason i like what you said and can you without a reason do you get what i'm saying like in this moment can we because it's true yeah on that aspect you're absolutely right yeah right because there's something about when you add a reason that it almost takes the the condition it almost takes like check this out if i say i love this person that's true but if i say i love this person because of how they smile then if they get in an accident that hurts how they look i don't love the person there's a condition right right do you hear what i'm saying like so so we don't want a reason sometimes because the reason is like i'm going to make sense out of it's fine that my dad abandoned me because i got to have all this other good right but if we instead say it's fine that might it's it's okay that my dad didn't choose me because it's true everything else is a crazy argument with the with the air and man that's that's liberation right well i'm sorry i didn't mean to cut yet no it's okay only thing i was gonna say was was that i love now that it's really cementing into me that um i just don't need a reason for everything right oh that that's huge for you because i felt a lot of reasons at the beginning and if it's like yeah you need alma it's almost as if we needed reasons to get dad to not have left you that's that's really freeing that i just uh it doesn't it just it's what what is doesn't that mean you're enough doesn't that mean you're enough period not you're enough if you win at football doesn't that mean you're enough on on that aspect yeah absolutely all right yeah for sure yeah i mean yeah that's free what are we if we we can remove the what a great idea for everyone watching this call what if we can remove the reasons for stuff like we can remove the reasons for why we're enough i'm enough if i make this money i'm enough if i help enough people or get my word out or i'm or just like everything's fine period because that's a fact versus everything's fine because xyz happened to right like look at the presence you're embodying right now yeah man that's that's free man that's like just like a weighted best just just like i just took a bunch of weight off that's yeah the weight was the reasons yeah and the reasons were needed to make sense out of something that we were not ready to face oh dad left me because he liked the other woman more dad left me because he was abused in his childhood dad left me because dad left me and that's the access point to total liberation because i'll tell you something really interesting there's a good chance i don't know that had your dad not done that and had your dad chosen you that you would have felt so close to your dad that you would have never done any of this inner work right that you would have been your dad's son yeah and been loved at the highest your dad could have versus finding this unconditional love in the now it's fine to have that love but sometimes you can be totally cursed if you have a pretty good parent because you're their love you're you're like that's enough love that i don't have to look at anything that's enough approval that's enough seeing me that i don't actually have to change and i and and your dad gave you such a easy obvious thing that that we get to see what would you become you've never known did you realize up until this last hour you've never known your life without that accepted every amazing thing you've done has been with the denial a little bit that your dad didn't choose you how old are you i'm uh i'm 36 36 so for 31 years we've seen how you function with somewhat denial that your dad didn't choose you how would you function with the acceptance that your dad didn't choose you yeah um without the acceptance it's just the same figurative but with now accepting it it's um without any reasons yes i'm going to say a lot different because now that i've accepted it fully um now i'm really kind of i'm really excited to kind of see where this is going to go yeah yeah we don't it's not going to happen overnight you know like there's you know i'm gonna it's gonna take some time for this to let it like brew and get in but dude this is the this right here is just [Music] and it's heroic work man like it's heroic work and and i'll tell you something men who are who are also competitive and and kick ass in certain areas are the hardest people for me to crack because they're you know they they have that don't show your emotions thing they have that you know we're going to be tough and kick ass at everything which is a beautiful thing in certain ways but then there's also like you're so heroic to come on all buffed up and like the wall behind you looks like a prison wall it's like perfect like that's the guy that brings in a totally different energy to change right it's it's just my wall man but yeah now i'm like oh it does look like a prison cell yeah like the bricks and everything that looks like what uh tim robbins scaled through even got the black like that if that was orange that shirt it's exact right like v-cut you know it's yeah it's black and this is like a like a navy like a forest green yeah yeah man but but what i'm saying is you're a different energy than we're used to having on and it's so awesome that we're all still the same we still got that same vulnerable thing and you you bring a different type of person to transformation here yeah well that that was one of the things though too just and i appreciate man just a thousand times thank you for everything that you do um regardless of just being there for me today just other people because once again so many other people and their struggles and everything it helps me and and how you help them overcome that or at least bring awareness to it like it helped me through so so much stuff man and i knew that i just couldn't not trying to say this economically or anything i'm just saying like i know i couldn't be the only guy that wanted to just like tap in to like the feelings the hurt and everything like that because once again it's so conditioned that guys don't show it you know yes and we don't do it we don't cry we don't do this don't do that and it's like man like i'm a human being man like of course yes why would we you know yes yes we are human beings we're human beings wearing wearing a guy suit or wearing a woman's suit or whatever but like we're you are me you are every person on this call that's where we're connecting right and every one of us knows what it feels like to not be chosen everyone knows what it feels like to be abandoned everyone knows what it feels like to be lost and one of the things i said on the wednesday night call is i created this thing called three the three questions and the first thing is what is true that we were denying was true before so what is true your dad didn't choose you right that would be the thing we say is true right very true the second thing is what is it possible that owning this truth could be the death of right whether it's patterns you have needing reasons for something the you that needs to be competitive to find love tell me a few things that this could and everyone feel free to write these questions down the first one is what is something that's true that i've been denying the second question is what is this truth the death of so chris tell me a few things this could be the death of i mean you've already said too i mean just putting a reason for everything um not putting so much judgment on myself which in a way is a reason why i put the judges on myself whether i do something or i don't or if i don't do it then i'm you know i'm i don't want it bad enough or you know whatever things get conditioned like guys do you know where it's all like oh you gotta want it no sleep all that stuff anyway um be the death of that and really just trying to find the right verbiage for it um basically just just just being way more connected to yourself and everything else will fall into place and really understanding that that the more connected you are so this could be the death of the death of things not falling into place right yeah right this could be the death of your avoidance of things falling into place yeah this could be the death of you having to do everything this could be the death of helplessness this could be the death of denial this could be the death of relationships or or income that didn't align for you this could be the death of right like a non-worthiness do you feel that this is the death of i'm not worthy an underlying belief of not or not belonging did you have a belief of not belong like if your dad didn't choose right but worthiness and not belonging yeah all the time i've gotten better over it and everything like that i'm a recovering people pleaser but uh right yeah for sure so here's question three these are excellent and i want to offer everyone to in a little bit we'll take a break and i want everyone what's true what's a core true thing we really hit it with chris's here my dad did not choose me this is what the helpless guy was running from the second question everybody feel free to write down what is this truth the death of and then see if you can write down 10 to 50 things this could be the death of you know that living in a house you don't feel worthy of living in this could be the death of scrambling to fix everything this could be the death of you exhausted this could be the death of an addiction right the question three is what could this be the birth of so everyone write that down and then chris you tell me what could this be the birth of and and this is a a good one to keep open-ended right because it's we're just kind of playing with some new possibilities but one of the biggest things of the birth of is an unknowing of magic in its speci in its specificity you know yeah man um no i i i can definitely agree with that i would just say this is just birthing just the you know just the possibilities of just what i can really tap into and not only tap in from for myself but you know i can tap into others that are struggling and dealing with the same things or similar things and stuff um and see through their illusion by the way yeah see through their illusion yeah for sure and heal them if you see that right yeah absolutely absolutely what else um completely get uh put to rest the uh the paralysis by analysis i'm i was very big on that you know what i mean our analysis by perhaps yeah however it is basically overthinking it so much you know not being tapped into where basically i just don't do anything and then i just beat myself up over here right right right just a figure eight of and because everything was what will what will keep me chosen every decision what we'll make right that right there what will keep me chosen right so where we will enslave ourselves to that we will do everything we can to not let anyone else leave we will do everything we can to to keep relationships going with the wrong people because the worst thing in the world is to not be chosen because we're in denial that it happened so if we own that it happened and we now it can embrace not being chosen who would you be if you were fine with not being chosen how would you move you wouldn't probably try to save many old friendships that were not aligning you would right like this is god showing you all the people that won't choose you so you can see those patterns here right right no absolutely man i think once again uh you nailed it on the fact of just like the relationships um with certain things just wouldn't choose that because i've actually it's been on my mind recently of just even though i have some communication with my dad very lackluster at the thought of just completely as much as i love them completely cutting that off because it just doesn't because every time i see him it just brings up these old i wasn't chosen you know other you know and all this other different things and it just it would always just make me feel just down so and there's two ways you could you could still see them now but that chosen thing doesn't matter you know what i mean like or you could just go also it just doesn't fit to hang out with them a bunch so i'm gonna take some time off here right like like both are fine but the the core element of that partly was the the resistance to that he didn't choose you right but if you're just with them now it's like yeah you're just a dude just a dude yeah you know i'm sending you love i get it i get why you know we why you why you chose that i understand i'm not judging it but also i'm not hurt by it anymore and that's what changes right so yeah now i'm just hanging out with a dude right dude i'll tell you something i know a lot of people on this call have that feeling of my parent didn't choose me and um you're such a great first person to talk to on our call and you've just opened up so many doors for everyone watching and you probably might not have even remembered you're doing this live in front of like a lot of people i kind of realized that before we started taking the deep breaths and talking about finding the kid like down in the cave i was like there's a lot of people watching this right now but i was like i'm already in man let's go well and you and you overrode your need to be chosen to do the real work right and and yeah for sure and so you're you're a hero to us so a thousand thank yous thank you thank you so much and kyle dude you're bro you're the man man man's man i'll tell you that the type of work you do man i i wish i wish more and i'm not you know man woman i don't i don't you know it doesn't matter we're all human beings but just dude you i mean probably one of the one probably one of the more mainly your men that i know doing this type of work helping me out and uh helping out so many man i just i mean i'm i'm just going through a couple there's just so many so this is you're the man dude like so many people are lucky to have you so i'm the same brother dude your heart's huge man and it is interesting to think that that pattern that said you you you know you weren't chosen it's almost like you were ready to go through that and be chosen you know there were 11 questions in the q a there's over 100 people on the participants and you're the first person i called on right and so you're you were chosen first right and yeah and i think that partly that's because you were ready for it you're ready to own that right if you weren't you would have continually manifested a world where you feel unchosen because that's what's going on inside but you're finally ready to heal it you probably meditated long enough and the section before to like open it up and it's going hey i see through something without even you consciously knowing you see through it and then the universe is like okay he's first and then how ironic to be like the person who's never chosen or has a pain from not being chosen but is ready to heal it yeah and uh yeah i've been yeah i've been ready for for a minute yeah but mary makes a great point you choose you by doing this work yeah yeah dude you're meditating as you're you choosing you you connecting to you you know so does that answer your question about goals is that funny here's here's a question a quick question about goals oh get ready we're going to go into this cave oh that's a great question chris this is totally fine if you only want it to be on this but having this was a good call and could help a lot of people would you be interested in us making a youtube video out of this so thousands of people can see it absolutely awesome man i'd be honored man that's um yeah wow uh yeah i i'm gonna put this in the front of the line i really like it it's so it's you're at a totally different energy with the same heart as all of us right and to to come on and see a guy like you who's asking from competition like this could be a call dispelling the idea that it's all about competition and ambition and this would be a fantastic youtube video i think that would would open a lot of people up so we'd be honored to share this if you want to bro i'm i'm i'm honored man just everything man i just you know i uh little loss rewards man i'm blown away because you know writing that question i was just like oh is there like you know i don't know is is it maybe a little bit of a balance of this or that or whatever and you're just like all right you ready dude you know one thing i get accused of a lot is that people go oh he must have planted that person like that that i'm just acting this out with everybody and we're all masterful actors apparently but i want my oscar amazon to my front door really to be honest with you'd be great yeah it's so funny but no man that life life is so amazing that all you got to do is go with it you don't have to structure or put it all together and of course i'm just i'm going to call you on and we're going to explore that's because my body didn't know what i get out of this i just said i feel it let's go right and and that's what i'm talking about with the meditation when you meditate everybody just be like i don't know what i'll get out of this i feel it let's go right and then you start to live in flow with source oh this is a red light in my life i'm gonna let this pause this is a green life right green light i'm gonna go with it i'm gonna call this out i mean chris is you're magical brother and and you're so good this is such a good call and you this will help so imagine if in 2021 check this out imagine if 2021 starts to be the acceptance of we were abandoned by our parents and cho not chosen by our parents imagine if if this is the start of the world seeing that like that that we finally accept what we've been denying from our childhood imagine if this call could be the start of that being a normalized thing that we all just accept yeah when i was a kid i wasn't accepted and it's not like this thing we're in denial of right it's just this thing i wanna like imagine you starting this now with me this is what i notice whatever breakthrough i have starts to be what the world is and i want you to just notice in the next few months how you'll start to see people owning that kind of thing i wasn't chosen i was not you get what i'm saying and like this is this is what you're here for brother man that's wow wow wow right man um yeah blown away man that's uh that's super cool and uh what's even cooler is that you know apparently i helped a lot of people today yeah they feel amazing and by the way you helped a lot of people not from a how do i do it not from a competition place not from uh results just happened that you were not planning on yeah yeah no man i was just having a conversation with you man i'm i'm so blessed man that's uh yeah that's wild awesome i love you brother i'm honored to be cute yeah you're great nothing is as true as a love i have for you you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 10,930
Rating: 4.9476638 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, Meditation, How do I, How do you, What do I, What do you, Yoga, Motivation, Inspiration, Inspirational, love, fear, viral, trending now, money, comedy, shame, learning to, anger, guilt, how to, what to, love myself, Michael Beckwith, eckhart tolle, how do, what do, hiring god, help me, oneness, non-duality, non duality, present moment, possible, it's totally possible, switching timelines, changing reality, money problems, abundance, tony robbins
Id: 7RccHCB-Xu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 8sec (4448 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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