2020: Anger, Money, Tears - Kyle Cease

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[Music] you just need this breath and this breath you just need the breath in and you need the breath out how much more love money anything could come if you treated money and love and relationships like you treat air do you have enough to get through the day do you have enough creativity to get through the day are we even using our creativity when you're on your highest you do you go what's my highest i want to paint i want to create i want to dance i want to sing are you using it those things might actually access a higher level of consciousness to bring in more it might up your lung capacity and go you know what you can receive more air this week because you're doing these things and forgetting about the fear-based things [Music] i noticed today when i was working with a lot of great clients that one theme kept coming up and it was almost the idea of chasing relaxation like people were like i'm relaxing and it's still not working and i said can you make that okay and then you just see tears and i just would love to give you words that we were taught to never say but i just want to offer what if these are the words that we need to say today because i see a theme of a lot of people trying and trying and trying and trying to do things a certain way and trying to relax a certain way and trying to let go a certain way and i just want to offer you a phrase that most people do not want to hear but we're going to really extrapolate it and see if there's something magic to it feel free to say this out loud i give up now that doesn't mean you're going to stop working that doesn't mean you're going to stop being amazing but you're going to give up you're going to surrender to what the world's doing right now do you understand what i'm saying you are going to surrender to what the world's doing right now why because it's impossible to keep up with what's going on i want you to just think about how many things you're trying to get to you're trying to get the politics a certain way you're trying to figure out kovid you're trying to you know and people hear this and they think i'm saying don't fight for what's right or don't stand up for yourself or or don't make something happen that's you know amazing but i'm saying imagine how much more you could if you just start with the vibration of i give up i want you to just notice even trying comes with a you know trying to give up is not something you can orchestrate right i want to just dare you to say this out loud i surrender just feel yourself when you just say i surrender and then notice his energy comes up and it goes yeah but you can't surrender because what about this right over here then you go i surrender that and it goes yeah but then they're gonna talk about you i surrender that yeah but it's not working your results aren't coming and you're not making money i surrender that yeah but it's you're just gonna keep surrendering and never make money again i surrender but no one's gonna like you i surrender that you're gonna get sick i surrender that notice how much we try to control and notice how much stuff is under that right just allow yourself to surrender and notice how much of your life you were used to controlling and life goes oh you want to keep controlling me okay turn on the covid this is life turn up turn up the masks no one can walk outside turn it up and you're like okay now i'm having a stressful day i just need to look in a target and want to start crying turn it up make it a more mess everywhere this isn't working okay okay fine i surrender covet turn it up unemployment through the roof okay and you get to see these things that it's turning up it's just showing you that you had what you thought a couple years ago was your together and you were keeping an identity alive but not you do you get what i'm saying you weren't keeping the true you alive let's break it down you were a kid and you had to do something to impress your parents you became like your parents who rejected your parents and you created a character through your teens through your 20s through your 30s and you had this character going and now what's happened we shine a new level of light on you like one inch more of light this little light shines on you and you start to see the character that you were is a character but you're still attached to the character so it can't really fall out of you right because you're still attached to it because if what you were for the last 20 years falls apart then you're going to die so you're in this bizarre dance between wanting to purge these emotions and keeping them in at the same time you're scared to let go of what you think you are right so taking a deep breath and release it and say out loud again i surrender i surrender i surrender and and i mean surrender i don't mean strategize surrendering i mean right now surrender i mean lie down on the couch for a second can you get comfy while you will hear me talk can you get in a way that's just relaxing probably not with my hyperactive delivery but just just totally chill for a second and just start with some really cool expansive things that used to be scary for you to say like i don't know you know the biggest truth of the world is you don't know and that's a good truth do you know that i don't know what's coming up even when i know what's coming up even when us spiritual speakers announce this is the fourth immense demensity ascension of the wave they're they're blowing up q anon is you just no matter what no one freaking knows what's going on and no one knows what's coming and if you could just start right now just honoring how freeing it is to go i don't know and then start with and then it's after that i don't need to know i don't know and i don't need to know i don't even need to know what's coming up in 10 minutes from now i don't know what i'm going to say in a minute from now i just listen and i sit here and i don't know right and there are these things that we created to to because that was the most we knew so in high school we created this character in college we created this character and we have this us that's that that we did what we need to do and the highest we understood was achieve or or you were supposed to do what your parents told you or the school said this you basically had your entire soul and identity sucked right out from you and here you are trying to figure out what to do what to do what to do and then you did it and you know many people i work with that say man everything was totally in place five years ago everything was fine five years ago no you were wearing the costume that answered your fear you were wearing the that you were hiding behind the structure that you needed to avoid abuse you were you were you know creating what you needed to create to get just enough love and you had no part of you that was seeing through the illusion that there was even more right sorry that that this is an illusion and there is even more right so what's happened this year is our our microscope our are looking at ourself our view of ourself it just went up a little bit so all of a sudden it's like if you're watching a play and you're really into it and then like one of the houses fell down and you see that it's cardboard and you're just like i thought this was a i thought this was a real play and you just see cardboard and then one other one falls down and it's cardboard and now you're in this bizarre combination of trying to see the rest of the ones that are cardboard and put the cardboard back up right like i want the cardboard up i want the lie up i want the i want the put it put the lie back up where i got just enough love based on what i do where i i got my body a certain way i got my income a certain way you know i got the relationship a certain way so i got my circumstances how i wanted it i was spinning plates and everything was great and life is just walking around us right now and knocking the plates off and you're like well i can just get the plate up and now you got like nine more sticks of plates and it's just like boom boom boom and you're okay and you got more plates to spin and it's like let me tell you something you're gonna be so happy once they all fall and you just go and you can live in alignment with yourself just because we nailed our circumstances doesn't mean we're living in true alignment with the power of what we truly are we don't just because we had a job or even worse killed it at a job just because we knocked it out of the park every once in a while in a relationship just because we got all the relationships away and got a we were able to hide in our house and get our circumstances how we wanted it that doesn't mean it's the highest you so i want to first of all dare you to not compare yourself to anything before now that you perceive as better than now do you understand what i'm saying because a lot of people it used to be so good i know surrender that it's not supposed to be now better is coming yeah but it used to be so good i i was something five years ago ten years ago i was so in the pocket right you're that's just because you didn't see the buildings falling over and that they were just plastic no i had everything perfect you had the illusion of everything is perfect and you weren't seeing your soul you didn't know that you weren't seeing your soul you were seeing the highest you knew you were nailing it you totally were but today in 2020 life is trying harder and harder to show us our soul it's trying to show us the pain that's inside of our body it's trying to get us to take our focus off of the things outside and notice our response to the things outside and be there for the feeling more than the things right if you're just looking through social media if you're just going through you know what people are saying if you're just you're still totally burying the feelings because the feelings are always trying to come up today i was working with a client and he said my i feel like my feelings feel like i'm buried in a coffin like i got this coffin thing you know and i'm trying to make all these changes at work and i'm trying to change this and i'm trying to change that and i said that's why like imagine your your emotions and they're trying to come up and when they the way they come up is they're seen by you is you might get to a conscious level that's bigger and you can see it you might meditate and see this truth in you so these emotions imagine you're the emotion in a coffin and it's trying to come up and they go hey kyle all you need to do is look at me and then i can be released all you need to do is see this first wound from your childhood all you need to do is see where this came from and i will leave and i don't look at it but instead i look at a solution for this pain and go when i get the job x y z then i'll be happy and it goes god i was just coming up i was just showing up in your body it was just coming up and you don't pay attention to me you pay attention to the person over here that's crapping on you you pay attention to these people you're breaking up with you pay attention to what these people are saying about you you pay attention to covid you pay attention to everything but me my emotions and so we have this kind of split going on right now between the exposure of your emotions your explosions and the old story i want you to notice how even if you got your story to the rocking way that it was five years ago even though right now is more painful and you have no idea what you're doing that it's better right now imagine you went backwards and got back to the pick and fence story that you had rocking it 10 years ago imagine you had it there again now and notice the contracting feeling notice the feeling that it actually says actually this isn't our goal we just maybe need to bring awareness to that because unconsciously we keep chasing those things but we don't realize that actually that's not where fulfillment is in other words take in the idea that even if you're feeling massive agony in your body right now if you could change this situation you might not want to right take a deep breath in and release it can you just say thank you right now you've never seen life with i give up you might not have ever seen life fully with a new level of i give up even if you've said i give up a bunch of times can you join me and i give up right now join me in a new level of it is there one percent more give up that's available for you right now can you join me in just saying screw it that's a rated g version can you just join me in that can you just sit there and then when you go it's not working that's not giving up you don't give up and go now give me because i gave up that's not surrender is it here's what that is your ego your inner child is running your life every time you make a decision out of anticipation achievement or fear when you have this higher you that's birthing the achievement or fear is actually your child you so your five-year-old runs everything no wonder it's hard here instead of god you have a choice every moment between god running everything or your inner child that hasn't been seen and most of our inner children that we aren't seeing lash out and so you know let's say someone says something to you and you feel angry okay right there you have a choice you can retaliate or you can be with the child who feels hurt and every time you're not with the child that feels hurt it turns into anger because the hurt in you is not seen by you because you're focused on that dude that person's like hey blah blah blah blah and you're hurt but if you go no it's because of that then the hurt gets buried under you so even though you're blaming them for doing it you're the one who's doing it to yourself and life has made it so easy in the last 40 years for us to just coast in some some cases just have just enough going on that we don't have to look at this we've all been able to kind of figure something out even if you grew up broke or unhealthy at the same time life right now is just making all of the world impossible it's like all of our little cubbies that we lived in are being open lights going in you can't control your emotions anymore don't don't control them that doesn't mean lash out that doesn't mean go crazy but that means they're going to come up eventually and let me tell you something it will never come up bigger than you can handle if you stay in the moment you will always be able to handle the emotions that are coming up in the moment right our fear of the emotion is actually bigger than the true level of what an emotional actually come up at ever for you right so when i was at the darkness retreat i remember starting to anticipate things that i went through in my childhood that were really really really dark and on day seven i was like oh no is it going to bring up all this trauma is it going to bring up different things that i went through forms of abuse all kinds is it going to bring that up and i started anticipating what it was going to be and that was much scarier to me and that was where all the hell was because i wasn't present i was in the future about how bad the pain is going to be and it needed me here so i'm sitting here not here and it goes no no i'll i'll bring up what i need to bring up stop being so scared of 10 minutes from now i'd sit there and be like this is gonna be bad this is gonna be bad what do i do how do i brace myself and the darkness is like what are you doing be here and i'm like man coming up is going to be bad and i started feeling the build-up i started feeling the pain but it wasn't because it was coming and i was reacting to it it was because i was creating it by not being present here every time i anticipated how bad it would be it got bad because i was ignoring the now notice right now how everything's okay right now i know you can go into the future i know you can come up with examples in your head about how it's not but if you just stay here right now with what's here more and more and more you will always be able to handle what comes up because your practice is being here and the more you practice being here the more you go up the emotional grades the capacity to handle more and more and more emotions so no matter what comes up you keep opening your your body you keep opening your heart you keep opening your consciousness to being at a state that can handle it oh man it will be fine right so take a deep breath again and release it and feel your heart beating because that's all you got right now so diana tesla said that she had a panic attack and if you just stay present life is making panic attacks so we get present life is life is making anxiety so we get present life is making people attack you so you get present life is making your money go out so you get present notice how much when you think of money you go in the future you don't realize you have enough now but you're constantly saying i won't have enough later so you don't even notice that you have enough now like does everyone here have enough to get through today even if you're just using a credit card even if you're just using unemployment even if you're even if you're a hundred thousand in the debt you're do you have enough right now right just be grateful for that you just need this imagine if we treated money or air like we treated money or oxygen like i'm never taking a breath and going will i have enough air next month will i be able to pay the air rent in a month well i don't even think i'm going to be able to survive next month that would actually stop me from breathing right i'm like okay i gotta keep i gotta save my air for there it's like no dude fully take the air you need understand that you have a capacity that you're capped at don't go over the capacity or your lungs will blow up and you won't be able to receive later and then breathe the air out flow put some in this spend it donate some give someone some if if if you take in the equal level don't give someone some if you don't have any give yourself air and then give some right give yourself air and then give yourself give give some and we've never been like will there be air next month actually now with the mass we probably will be it's like will we be able can we have air nope 100 are fine right so if you breathe in right now you're not thinking well i have enough in a month and we've been trained to always be in the future we've been trained to save air till you're 65 and then retire on your social security air get as much as you can until you're 65 and then retire on social security air and then some people are like i got billionaire i'm a billionaire that's what they mean right like jeff bezos is holding a bank of so much more air than we have look how much air bill gates and jeff bezos have they have tons elon musk full of air but he can't enjoy it any more than his lungs can his lungs have a capacity so even if they got billions and billions of air you can't enjoy any more than your lungs can handle and the more you try to the more you don't notice the air you have now right you just need this breath and this breath you just need the breath in and you need the breath out how much more love money anything could come if you treated money and love and relationships like you treat air do you have enough to get through the day do you have enough creativity to get through the day are we even using our creativity when you're on your highest you do you go what's my highest i want to paint i want to create i want to dance i want to sing are you using it those things might actually access a higher level of consciousness to bring in more it might up your lung capacity and go you know what you can receive more air this week because you're doing these things and forgetting about the fear-based things see most of the actions we take are out of fear so we train our body and we train the world that we want a life out of fear for instance if someone triggers you and you respond to them out of the anger then you're teaching yourself that your behavior matches i work from the lowest vibration but as you keep doing the work we start to go what if when someone triggers you you don't respond you just you just feel it you're being called to go to a higher dimension you just notice you just be with you someone triggers you someone attacks you someone says something about you someone isn't working with you someone abandons you and you want to write out of anger and hate i'm gonna dare everyone here you will change your entire life if you never respond again from fear when you're angry at someone don't do you're being called to look at you and you are avoiding it if you respond to them and you are being invited to a level where this low vibration no longer serves you by being present with it someone says your ex attacks you boom just do this next time you're when you were like this you're sitting there texting you're like well i also don't like your pajamas and lip and then they're just like you and then just don't send it just like say it like and then don't send don't send it we have trained ourselves to react out of fear and pain that's why you have road rage everywhere and like three people who are actually creating consciousness change right don't send it just let them be with themselves and their attack to you go away separate yourself and grow ascend ascend don't enter that consciousness become present during that consciousness when you when you feel sad or angry or lost or scared don't do anything and then that will pass much quicker because check this out let's say someone attacks you and then you write back back now you're creating an engagement that's back and forth that keeps you stuck there because then you want to respond to this then you want to respond to the next thing then you want to respond to the next thing now you're stuck on a very third density thing right you're stuck your old story your make dad proud of you is doing the talking right let yourself not enter when it feels bad just become present don't do anything and here's another one you feel really really shitty don't do anything don't go on social media for a second because you train yourself every time i feel off go to this that's how you create an addiction what if right when you feel hurt angry stuck scared you do nothing you just turn out the lights and just go just do that for a while if you can heal yourself while you aren't doing anything external then you start to show yourself that you have the power and you have the power to transcend this and then you start to teach yourself no one has the power to take that from me even if they were terrible to me they don't have the power to take that from me if you feel like crap and you go to something then you teach your body then when i feel like crap do that and so this becomes the answer and that's why everyone lives on social media right and right now covet is doing what it can to get you to be present right now 2020 is going look i just want you to chill for a minute i want you to be here for a minute i want you to be present for a minute right it's going it's even making us stay home you can't even go to a bar and do something about it but if you keep feeling like crap and doing something external then you train yourself that's what you do when you feel like crap and that's how an addiction is formed i don't have to feel like crap if i do this but what if when you feel like crap you breathe you just go this will take a half an hour and you just look at the wall i'm serious like just totally like i do this sometimes i'll feel triggered and by the way i'm talking to me i'm not perfect at it you just get present about what's going on right is there even water in this if you get present then you're transcending yourself to a higher higher density that's actually true because when you start to feel angry you'll get in the habit that you feel stuck you feel angry and you're the presence that is not scared of it and is here and loves it i feel unseen oh i know that feeling it feels like a pit in your stomach it's like against the wall it feels like oh you're being called to raise your vibration just don't do anything don't take anything external for that second just breathe in and be you feel stuck it feels against the wall and the old story maybe doesn't even need to say it's that you fix it based on food or social media maybe when you feel like the old story goes i'm gonna talk to someone else about it that can be an awesome thing if that's something you've never ever done but sometimes people talk about it so they don't have to feel it right if it's new for you to talk to someone about it someone who can hold a space that can really raise your consciousness i'm not talking about someone who will join you in on the other person i'm not talking about talking to someone who will you know screw it margaritas i'm not talking about that i'm talking about someone who will hold a presence for you someone will hold a higher space sometimes we need that but also at the same time if you can't don't sacrifice yourself and talk to someone else who has a bunch of their so that you join them and they become the social media type addiction if you don't have that just practice being with your emotions being alone but not in a repressed state being fully emotional with yourself you can access a consciousness that's a higher grade that can be there for that and everyone here is trying as hard as they can to trigger you so you can free yourself and not be co-dependent on them and not decide that you're seeing you is through those people you get to back up and have someone trigger you you drive by someone on the road hey kiss my ass you can't even turn left in a lane or 20 20. you can't even turn left in a lane when you see that right don't respond don't make actions from the old you that's a fake mask by the way just relax just let them go don't match their energy and if you feel triggered hell yeah the more stuck and shitty you feel hell yeah you're about to transcend way bigger than you were anticipating it might still take an hour and you might want to fix it now and you might want to drink now and you might want to do a drug now and you might want to go on social media now but i dare you when you feel like just get away sit on the couch just do nothing journal whatever sit don't give anything external power that's like that's like you feeling off about weight or something and then eating sugar don't fuel it don't reward anger with social media just totally i'm so pissed just be by yourself i'm so pissed oh my god just sit with this thing i give up i'm so mad when will they see me i give up and everyone here knows what it feels like to feel anger and then have few minutes go by maybe 20 minutes some people maybe an hour and have a whole different perspective and if you could take note of that and tell yourself that when you feel off you have the ability to override it then even when you're in the maddest you can have that one percent voice that just says we can override this right we can override this let's just let's just back up even when it's 99 flames and angry and fury and stuck and you feel like you're in a prison just that you'll have one teeny voice it's the smallest voice it's just like devil and screaming and everything and like we can override this just it's like a dental floss coming down grab me you're just like really dental floss i'm like 180. you just grab it and you oh and then just keep going and then guess what the dental floss starts to get thicker and this world of anger and pain starts to be a little bit quieter and the thing that you're holding on to gets stronger and stronger and then eventually it's a full rope that's turned into a swing and it's totally carrying you out of the vibration of that old story and that's how you go to your highest excitement that's how you change your consciousness from an angry place right you keep going you follow the thing you don't feed the bad things you don't feed the dark things when you're feeling like just stay in it it's a gift don't give it fuel and then when you really really rise and you keep going you won't need fuel you feel so much better inside than anything outside can give you right do you see what i'm saying you just stay in your power and by by not catering this is your shift right now i i realized something that might be going on too is i realize there's two types of people when it comes to anger there's the people that get angry and then can learn from it and realize something like they go you know i was mad about this but i realized i also was contributing to it and i feel bad you know i'm sorry and i see both sides and there's another type of person that just gets angrier and is getting angrier and angrier and angrier and some people are going to explode because they're just getting matter and matter and catering to the matter and they're not bringing this awareness to that right and we if you're here have the right to override our anger by being patient by being here by allowing by loving not catering to it this is really a shift because then you start to know that little dental floss voice runs you more than the five-year-old reactive part of you right this is what's going on there's a reactive part of you and a part of you that can override your reaction are you getting what i'm saying there's a reactive part of you the one that wants to respond because you're so scared to hit your own trauma that's what that is we all have some trauma in our body anytime anything happened in your childhood that was bigger than your consciousness could handle you get trauma your body goes i don't can't deal with that i'm gonna store this right here right in the freaking gut it's in the gut for me i bet it is for you too right that's where the trauma is right and when someone says something that's too much for you it can feel like trauma but it's not because you can't handle it it's because you keep living at the age that the trauma happened right like if you had something happen when you're five and then you created an alternate you that wasn't connected to source as much so that you could keep yourself protected from having that happen again then you are at the same stage as the trauma itself you didn't grow you're the true you did but you're staying more connected to the trauma in the consciousness right the you is still growing and when you pop out of that you're going to access a consciousness that's going to just puke this right but what what's trauma is when people are in that old story and then other people do something that hits them bigger than they can comprehend they go this is dangerous this is scary to me i'm going to die it feels like an attack it feels like a threat a threat so i need to react so i don't die right and when you react from the trauma now the trauma is running your life i'm mad at this person so i hit i won't deal with it so i might trauma response and you're seeing a ton of people's trauma reacting right now all all facebook and twitter is just trauma trauma that the the you know all the fears of what kovan means all the fears of if this person's president then get ready for bad trauma that's trauma that's trauma if this happens i gotta wear a mask drama i can't wear a mask trauma whatever it's just trauma and so if you learn that you can override your trauma and become a safe space for the trauma then you move to a consciousness that's bigger and you will very gently easily release it the trauma will be released because you move to a higher grade basically a third grader can't release third grade while staying in third grade and i want you to imagine what 2020 is is the dance between third and fourth grade it's like you're go you're seeing the birth of fourth grade so you could release third grade but you're also totally codependent on third grade the good thing about literal grades is they just tell us you're done with this grade go to the next one but with the emotions and life we don't know that we can go past a certain level right with emotions in life we don't understand that there is a graduation we were supposed to have 20 years ago then 10 years ago there's a lot of graduations i'm better than this job i'm better than this thing i'm more creative than i thought i'm better than this story i'm better that i'm bigger i'm supposed to keep evolving but it's gonna they're paying me more money this year and i'm going to get a corner office but i my soul is bigger but the corner office so i should stay another year so basically imagine that you're in third grade you're going into fourth grade but you keep checking on third grade and they keep like putting cake in there and giving you a raise in third grade and now third grade is finally just collapsing it's like you're gonna need to go to fourth grade you're gonna have to move to fourth grade now because third grade is just right third grade we're good let's just third grade needs to go meaning the patterns how third grade work manipulation control you know anger all the stuckness the old energies third grade is collapsing everyone is going to have to acclimate to new truths everyone's going to have to see that there you're better than third grade and it's scary because third grade killed it you knocked it out in third grade it was so good but we got fourth grade coming so when people go what do i do guess what that's a third grade pattern what do i do how do i get to fourth grade is a third grade question you are a fourth grader most of us are fourth graders going to third grade and asking how to get to fourth grade you're already in fourth grade you're in fourth grade just receive it you're there fourth grade works differently than third grade and you might have nailed third grade so you might be confused about fourth grade but fourth grade says no no just be here fourth grade says just relax and you can be so excited because the planet shifted to a fourth grade planet imagine this we were in this crossroads in 2012 i really believe what the that december date was was the day that we shifted from third grade to fourth grade as a planet so now it's ascending and we all got to catch up with it so everything that's trying to move out of intimidation manipulation control all of our meters are through the roof right now we see in our body we can see the truth we are we see something bigger right so in the 80s you could have like an advertisement with scream like get the ginsu steak knives and act now and just like no everyone's like okay will i still get high do i get the ginsu safe knives with the with the purchase of the egg later right and and everything was just manipulative and crazy and then imagine that enough people on the planet access their fourth grade and they see it now i'm not saying everyone's living in fourth grade most of us are fourth graders making third grade moves but that doesn't mean you're not a fourth grader right and so imagine that the planet is like like imagine there was a split it's like third grade third grade third grade 2012 and it's just doing this thing and you gotta just receive that you're in fourth density that you're in a higher grade and notice that everything that's trying to do anything out of manipulation and effect and craziness won't work notice that every time you try to overdo something do you notice does everyone notice how much the more you try to do something the more it doesn't work like i'm working extra hours it's still hard to make money right you get what i'm saying i'm trying so hard to get stay healthy i'm eating the best food and i'm still not healthy yep that's your third grade pattern in a fourth grade world you're making it happen from your trauma protection more than your soul your soul just wants to receive fourth density fourth grade that's what this is it's just receiving on a higher level i wouldn't get too caught in the literal of what's the mayan calendar thing but the way i see it is you see the world evolving to a higher plane and the pain and all the control you see i know that there's a lot of control that we see right now like oh the government's coming in and doing this thing but what if they can't reach us like what if you see the government coming in not as that they will be able to do whatever their agenda is for anyone that's worried about that but more like the final scenes of a movie when the bad guy's caught and then he's like saying to his guards like she's him and the guards like no and he's like that's what you're seeing right now control fall apart do you get what i'm saying like the like the way the media is trying to scare you all the time and then they have like 10 viewership now right everything that's trying to come in and scare you and whatever you're worried about that seems like it's closing in just so you know it's doing that because you've outgrown it i was talking with an amazing client this morning about rumpelstiltskin and weirdly she said she'd just been talking about it last night it was like how often do you talk about rumpled stiltskin but i was realizing that rumpled stiltskin is a great analogy for the ego because what is he's a little guy that tells her like you gotta make gold or some i can't remember and and i want your kid unless you can figure out my name which is an arbitrary thing to agree to but he just said like i you have to give me your first born if you can't say my name and then he just tormented her and she was so scared and she was doing everything she couldn't you know yeah i didn't i don't even know the whole story i just remember that part so she was just scared she's gonna lose her kid she's paranoid and what's the trick how does she how does she the trick is she has to say his name do you understand what that is that's you seeing ego if if you can if you can spot me if you can name me if you can identify me you're free of me right so she's like is it rumpled stiltskin he's like no ah you can watch it on fairy tale theater it's like ah and it splits shelly duvall like says it is it rampant stilts he goes nuts and then it does a terrible terrible 80s crappy quality wipe you're literally watching a-list actors with this terrible graphic wipe but how did she win by identifying him right when you identify the lie that's what's showing up right now when you identify it it's a lie so we're just receiving right now take a deep breath in and release it and when you say i give up we're talking about my surrender third grade i surrender third grade i'm already a fourth grader everyone say this out loud take a deep breath in and say i'm already a fourth grader i'm already a fourth grader i did it with you i know you would have mumbled it and already that's what it sounds like when i do live events i'm already a fourth grader [Music] and you always hear one later i am already a fourth grader greater or if you have something with an s sound you just hear it so much i'm so thankful i'm so so so so i'm playing thankful you're already a fourth grader what does that mean just receive this moment fourth graders move in every direction the same way we do with air i have enough money right now i'm thankful for this money i don't need to look forward to the future even if you just have it on credit i have enough money right now the situation's fine right now everything's fine everything's fine right now fourth grade is very much excited about the now it doesn't look too far in the future about what's going to happen to you it's just now i'm so thankful for now right now that's why it's so important to lie down like relax you just got now all social media can do is take you into the future and pass which doesn't exist so i'm just here with you guys right now right now just receive this moment would you just let yourself just totally relax with me and just feel gratitude for this moment just life we're not turning a blind eye to all the bad things happening in the world we're we're putting our focus on what's true and not giving power to the bad things we're birthing what's true here you're alive you're here right now you get at least this breath you don't even know that you'll get three breaths from now but we just get this breath so you don't have to anticipate will i have enough in three breaths from now so why would we do that with money and that's why we have so many issues with money and like of people i have issues with money and i and like tell me about it like well i have you know whatever i got a little bit in the bag but i could see that in two months i'm like how many single breaths in each moment are you taking you just have this breath and this breath i don't even need air for two breaths from now i just need this air and you notice there's enough for all of us do you notice we all are allowed to have it i think michael beckwith might have said this but has anyone ever said if i take air no one else will get it or if everyone else takes air then i won't get it breathe in this moment this is the only thing true and release it let yourself feel so relaxed and so grateful period so grateful for this moment so grateful for you so grateful for your heart right here can it just be awkward for a minute where i'm not talking can you just like let this moment like sometimes i know if i'm quiet people be like oh my i can't i can't handle silence why was mr rogers one of the greatest shows of all time i'll tell you one reason one reason is he meditated two hours a day before every episode that's a true thing but two that show's full of silence i mean like yeah i i was up for a show that would have been his studio i got to play in the neighborhood of make-believe even he meditated two hours before every show here's how divinely protected he was someone stole his car and learned that it was his car and gave it back with a note apologizing how how protected are you someone steals your car realizes it's your car and gives it back mr rogers but if you watch a show which he made weirdly thousands of episodes of his show was just presence presence there was like a 10-minute segment on feeding the fish gonna go feed the fish and you're just walking with this old guy into the kitchen he's like fish like food do you like food and just like why is this the greatest thing i've ever seen in my life i've never seen anyone change their clothes to go into each room time to go into the bedroom now just puts on scuba gear the half the show is him changing break like we're all working on i gotta have the best look i have the best you know how do i have a nine point camera crew and you know how do i how do i present myself on a date and look so good how do i right how do i create the illusion that i'm gorgeous how do i get the right haircut okay hi no hey no hi no hi no ta-da hi that's us just what the hell just be here you will nail any date meaning nail the making it happen sorry if you if you just are present the number one thing everyone wants to feel is heard so just sit present go to a job interview and say nothing they'll be like do you want the company you're so good at everything because you're embodying the truth of what they are you're embodying source that's what mr rogers did he embodied a truth that was higher than our emotions you you watch that show and you're scared and he holds a space that makes you want to cry because he's standing in the truth of unconditional love and you're like why does my anger want to turn to tears because this dude is just seeing me if you haven't seen that documentary on him watch it it's amazing but he was like fourth that guy was like fourth grade from the 60s and we all can be that it's a choice he just spent two hours listening to silence every day instead of spending two hours watching good morning america and getting caught in politics and and and worrying about stuff and we're going to take a deep breath and let's connect to that energy that mr rogers lived and showed us you will feel a space just start to form for that part of you that just worked so hard don't you feel like going god i work so hard i just want to relax i just want to give up you're not giving up like you're never working again or you're you're breaking up with someone you're giving up third grade so it can fall into fourth grade so they can fall into what you are when you feel that ice melting remember you're a hot tub that it's melting into you're not the ice that's melting you're the hot tub that it's melting into and the more you do this work the hotter the tub gets the faster the ice melts the butt not the poop you're the space that it's coming out of you're the space these emotions are coming out of and remember with both the butt and the poop and your emotions the only way to change your life is to sit and do nothing just sit and do nothing you can't force it you can't get rid of it yourself you can't hold it back you can't go to an addiction when it starts to show up but you need to take a shift take a big shift everyone take a deep breath in and release it can you just with your body without even saying it with your body communicate thank you you don't even have to hear it in your mind just can your body communicate thank you can you feel thank you can you say to yourself man i really killed it i did a really good job and even when i feel unseen i just celebrate that i did a really good job i i feel so grateful to this third grade pattern that i've lived for 20 years and i'm so excited about the slow gentle celebratory leap and leave of third grade i love it you know how we let go of third grade by forgiving it by loving it by holding it the only thing keeping third grade alive is your resistance to it when people say to me i just keep trying and it's not working and like can you be okay with that i love it i love you third grade i love every pattern i have i love the comedy that i created to avoid feeling unseen when i was a kid when i was a kid i definitely got attention with comedy but i didn't feel that i got attention with regular things so whenever i was with my dad and we watched comedy i felt connected and i felt safe and i felt seen so i spent 20 years making sure that i wasn't ignored and was protected and wasn't going to be heard and was seen and i thought who i was was a comedian and through my teens i got all the love i needed to not be yelled at or resented or hurt because i had comedy i had this thing that i could go to and so i was a comic from my teens into my 20s i did over a thousand colleges as a comic i headlined almost all the improv comedy clubs i had two comedy central specials and boy was i safe from being yelled at or hurt or abandoned and then one day my comedy career started falling apart when i got my own anxiety and i got a stage fright and i was like what if i faint when i'm on stage and it became this thought and i thought well then i would be nothing and what i didn't understand under that was if i faint when i'm on stage then my comedy career goes so i could be yelled at or hit or hurt so i had this thing that was my mask that i could wear and that was when i went to this first stage of consciousness and followed tony robbins and went from suicidal anxiety to number one comedy central special i didn't realize that still i'm back to wearing the mask and now i'm the best at wearing the mask but as time went on i was able to just completely kill it and have a number one everything and just knock it out of the park comedy comedy comedy and then life said i'm gonna i want to show these positive things i'm learning to other comedians and then other comedians started attacking me because of this comic that's suddenly positive and i forgot comics are cynical so i was getting shipped for that so i decided i want to follow this bigger thing and leave comedy for a while and then i just left it and then all kinds of life said you've graduated from the character that you needed to be to protect yourself from being hurt so because you've graduated here's all these rewards and then life was bizarre and synchronistic and magic and then i had 10 great years of that and now i'm here feeling the birth of here just feeling the birth of now i understand that you might have had things awesome i'll tell you it was so fun to do the dolby theater it was so fun to be a stand-up comedian it was so fun to get so much attention and love and be on late night shows and this moment is more fun this moment is more fun than when i was on craig ferguson this moment is more fun if that moment was the most fun doing it it was the highest i knew then and right now the highest i know is unmatching pajamas saying thank you to mr rogers celebrating the release of third grade and sitting here with you this moment is better than everything you can think of that you've ever been in fact the other things you've ever been don't exist anymore so all they are is the judgment of this moment this moment i get to sit in my house one of the big shifts that kovitz made for me i'm emotional about it is i've never gotten to work and see my daughter on the same day i'm either out of town doing a meditation retreat for a week or home with nothing to do and this has brought this beautiful beautiful combo that i've never experienced before i'm just like getting to say hi to you and connect with you and then get off and see her and play in her pool and then come back and do this it's like the reverse of a midlife crisis it's like the best thing i get to do both everyone thinks oh when i just want to do this giant thing like no i want this i wouldn't go back i wouldn't go back to the dolby now maybe if it's a highest calling for a different reason but i wouldn't trade now for the dolby time right i get to i get to do all of it because i'm okay with now and so do you but you gotta start with getting okay with now amount of people that said to me easy for you to say and i go i promise you it's because of how i acted that things started not the other way around it's by being thankful now and and following the highest now and doing everything i can to not allow when i'm angry to be answered it's to just sit here that i only have this moment you'll never have this exact moment this way where sam just write i love that for you kyle that might not come up exactly the same way if it does i'll be in a different position this moment is exactly only this moment you have no other moments right so just be so excited about this moment just that you're here while we're looking at all the things to be scared of taking the idea that i'm able to sit and talk to you live we are so futurey that we get to open a computer be face to face from all over the world and from what i saw at the beginning pretty much canada all over the world we get to connect right now do we even notice what's going well do we notice that as this thing's happening that pollution's dropping do we notice that we're using better energy a little bit more for better things we notice that we're not spending as much and we're not buying a ton of new clothes as much we're not in malls like just letting them manufacture thing after thing after thing and hurt wildlife as much like there's some good stuff happening here there's stuff we're scared of and there's stuff we just don't know but if let's start by celebrating a few amazing things and we're going to take a deep deep breath release it with a little i give up take another deep breath release it with a little i surrender take one more deep breath and say thank you to that third grader who did so many amazing things to protect himself from drama and tell it you're gonna take the wheel now a little bit more thank you you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 41,721
Rating: 4.9455042 out of 5
Keywords: Kyle Cease, Evolving Out Loud, Transformation, Transformational Comedy, Comedy, Comedian, Stand Up Comedy, Best Video Ever, Motivation, Motivational Speaker, Transformational Speaker, How do I, How do you, How do you meditate, how do you love yourself, motivational videos, spirituality, spiritual, yoga, meditation, new world, new normal, love, tiktok, trump, biden, election news, what are the rules, viral, cancel culture, teal swan, elon musk, tesla, election, law of attraction, awakening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 25sec (3805 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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