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the more you meditate the more you outgrow the lie of the world of fear the lie of the world of control the more you move to a consciousness where you purge the egoic structure right so that at first that you feel the pain because your attention is back and forth between the ever expanding true consciousness of what you are and the fear you and i have become so attached to the physical world how could we not it's all we know we know our physical parents we know our physical friends we know our you know the structures our phone it is just designed to keep you in the live world right you have this big lie world of control this big lie world of i gotta stay small and life is giving you this test right now and it goes i want you to prove to me that you'll leave making all of the physical world a priority over the truth of what you are i want to talk about something that could really really affect how long you meditate um this week um today and tomorrow and and sunday and for the rest of your life if you want one of the things that our ego often wants to do is see results and if it can't see the results it gives up and meditation is something that you do and you're getting results every second whether you see them or not so if you're really listening to silence all kinds of changes are happening and your ability to see results might not be there because it's taking you to a world that you've never been so usually results are measured through an egoic structure that had that knows how to measure results based on what it's seen so far but when you're meditating the way we're meditating it's very possible you're going into new territory right and the more you're in new territory the more you might not see any results in fact the more you might feel a lot of pain and there's a reason for that if you're starting to go past the story of your body if you're meditating and you're getting into a place that's farther and farther out you're you're looking at yourself from a farther plane well of course eventually you're going to feel a ton of pain because the part of you that had a structure that knew how to do things that you thought was you is not being the the normal thing that runs the show you're now outside of it you're you're farther out you're looking from a much bigger scope you're starting to look at you more and more the way god sees you versus how your ego sees you and the more you look at yourself through the eyes of god and actually expand your consciousness out of your body do you understand what i'm talking about the more you actually expand your consciousness your awareness is moving to a place that's bigger than your egoic structure right the pain is an egoic structure and it's not you you call it me which is why it has a hard time falling apart i feel a lot of pain nope you're actually able to see yourself from much farther outside of your egoic structure than you thought and that's death to the belief that the egoic structure is you all the pain all the stuff that's here is i thought this was me this entangled story that i've usually just been sitting on top of and never looking at but when you meditate long enough it's expanding its viewpoint and the farther you go the more that the egoic structure is kind of exposed as not you the more it flips out and your your attention goes back and forth from thinking this farther place is the viewer of the egoic structure which is true and the egoic structure is you you think that that egoic structure is you so the pain is you think you're dying but you're not your egoic structure is and what you're doing is you're creating a bigger and bigger space and you're actually connecting when you meditate more and more and more to this ever expanding consciousness of oneness right here and imagine today we got to hear now what is the ego want to do it wants to get you back in here but you're here today and we can go farther and the ego goes no i want to get you back in the ego goes i want this is death to me if you keep going farther you're abandoning me you're you're doing all the things that i have trained myself to protect myself from do you get what i'm saying you're rejecting me if you keep going and you're like nope i'm seeing you and it's going no you're leaving me and now you're going no i'm seeing you you want me to just be right here ego and sit with you right here so you can stay hidden you can stay hidden if my attention is just from the small consciousness of you and the world the physical world designed itself to keep you in this small story the world goes oh oh your attention is going to infinite god you're you're finding that you are the oneness of all that is okay make infinite youtube videos make infinite crazy fear-based news keep fear going so that they have to stay in the ego right because as you keep expanding too your fear is going to dissolve because the the fear goes well if we keep dissolving what happens if all these bad things happen what happens if i go broke what happens if the government does a thing what happens if there's massive control what happens if i gotta stay in my fear to make sure i can protect myself from potential things but what if the ironic twist is you're moving to a world where those things can't happen you're moving to a world that's beyond the world of fear think of when you're five the things that really trigger you right let's say you have a toy and someone takes the toy away from you right my friend jp actually made a video about that for a second but imagine you had a toy and someone took the toy away from me you have fear i'm nothing without that toy right but at one point you outgrow the idea that you need that thing you you understand that that pain and that fear right was a lie that's just the most you knew at that time right and the more you meditate the more you outgrow the lie of the world of fear the lie of the world of control the more you move to a consciousness where you purge the egoic structure right so that at first that you feel the pain because your attention is back and forth between the ever expanding true consciousness of what you are and the fear you and i have become so attached to the physical world how could we not it's all we know we know our physical parents we know our physical friends we know our you know the structures our phone it is just designed to keep you in the live world right you have this big lie world of control this big lie world of i gotta stay small and life is giving you this test right now and it goes i want you to prove to me that you'll leave making all of the physical world a priority over the truth of what you are now this is probably too much for us to comprehend but quantum physics shows the farther you go into the oneness of what you are the more the physical world changes around you did you notice have you ever had it where you were scared of something and then later you weren't scared of something and then the thing you weren't scared of even if it happened had no effect on you right like if i tell that person this truth about me or whatever like they're they're going to whatever and then later you transform it yourself and you don't care if they know and then you're just like yeah i was worried you'd care and then oh yeah like all like the whole thing changes around your fear are you in fear of it happening if it is you're asking life to match the fear that you're staying in you're saying i have something to be scared of so that's actually a request of the universe to create scary you have the option of moving into this expansive consciousness all the time but what are you declaring to the universe check my facebook check my phone blah blah blah i'm asking for fear i am requesting fear i'm requesting the attachment to the physical world versus the understanding of what i am it's too i'm too attached when you're actually not i egoically believe i'm too attached and and many people after this event's done are going to make all the moves to show that they're attached to fear which is a request of the universe to keep being scary i mean every one of us knows people who we see are scared of something happening and often have it i have one friend who for years was scared she would get in car accidents and did maybe once a week right have you ever seen someone like that they're always scared that a specific thing will happen that they'll go broke and then weirdly they keep attracting it it's like you're saying to the universe please i'm scared i'm going to go broke i don't want to go to a consciousness that's past this please keep me scared and meanwhile we're expanding to here so here there's two choices like you could go oh i i meditated yesterday maybe a collective of two hours and 15 minutes or whatever we did yesterday maybe maybe a little bit more right and and today i can go back to the familiar fear-based world this is mom and dad raise me this is i'm still in the small thing this is i have an amalgam of addictions that i can go to constantly and not quite meet the truth of what i am or today we can go farther now why would we pick farther when we know nothing about it the ego's freaking out it goes the fear world is familiar i actually need fear to exist and the soul is like yeah you don't because we're going into the truth of what you are there's no such thing as time there's no such thing as issues there's no such thing as all these things and the more you go into the oneness of what you are you create space for the fear-based world to dissolve because it's not just your fear that you're transcending it's the collective fear you specifically are transcending the collective fear and you don't have to teach it to a bunch of people imagine if this was your dream everyone in the dream in a real sleeping dream you created they're all images in your head so imagine that there's like a frequency of fear here and when you live in it you're asking for a world of other people that are in their fear and imagine that you keep moving forward into the oneness and the truth of what you are just because it's unfamiliar doesn't mean it's not the truth of what you are so you keep going past it and then you go more into what you are but your addiction to your old story like withdrawals when you stop drinking or having any addiction kick in they're they're loud right now you're leaving me well welcome to withdrawals if you stop smoking you feel withdrawals if you stop egoing you're going to feel withdrawals right the more you go out into the oneness of what you are the more you're actually meeting your actual self but the ego is going to be loud and it's like no the same way someone quitting alcohol their ego their alcohol ego on day three and four is really loud i gotta have a drink i gotta have a drink right well imagine if it's not just because i want a drink but it's because i think that's what i am like you're purging what you think you are not just like one substance you're letting the ego die and that's why the more you go out there the more the ego is screaming no we only know and have lived for 40 years or 50 years or 60 years or 30 years or whatever as this fear story i know the ego says the truth is what i am is a small separate one person out of eight billion people on a planet with no power and meanwhile we've gotten evidence that that's true based on how we've lived right and what are we doing we're going past that so the ego's screaming no no and this small story there's a horrible thing planned for us we're all to be screwed whatever and you're moving to a consciousness of a world that that's never been planned it's not scary see if you think something scary you'll stay in the small story that's why the only way anything has power over us is fear the only way the wrong relationship has power over you is fear the only way a job has power over you is fear the only way the news has power over you is fear the only way the government has power over you is fear the only way is for you to stay in the smallness of what you are to be under the constant illusion of fear but the truth of what you are is infinite love and you have to not just know that while living in the fear body and telling everyone that while making the moves like you live in a fear body right but moving to the oneness of what you are so we're doing that so when you start to meditate one of the things people say is not only i'm not getting anything out of this yeah you are everyone is getting the exact same amount might be measurable in different ways but everyone who meditates for one hour is getting the amount of change it's not based on what you measure it's based on how long you do it and your ego needs to stop looking for results measured through the ego's mind right so when you meditate you're listening to silence and as far as your ego is concerned often nothing's happening or i just feel pain or it's just a wall right right because your ego's doing everything it can to stay alive because you think that's you and we speak that way in fact watch how much we say i'm feeling blocked no no no the ego is you the ego is there is no you that's more like day three there is no you what do you mean i'm feeling thought no the ego's pattern is feeling blocked we are moving beyond that and and when we go i'm i'm i'm seeing myself from a plane of the truth of what i am which really is all of this then at one point the separate story will no longer serve you and you will have the cry of your life and you will start to be more and more and more the truth of what you are every day which is all that is you every time you cry you are purging partial illusion of separate self and the greatest thing you can do for everything in your life is this in my opinion oh i got money issues it's a traumatic egoic hold on to get love in a certain way from your parents in your childhood or someone that was your guardian or whatever for you to have money issues i i have health issues yeah your body is holding an addiction to a small separate egoic self would be stressful and there's some times where you can change how you eat or take the right vitamins or whatever but also at one point we have this ability to move to this oneness plane and see whatever stressful thing is just screaming to stay small in order to protect yourself from 1981 the hurricane as we learned last night like if you if you grew up and found everything's a hurricane you're gonna go into the rest of the world moving like everything's a hurricane so if you have a body that lives as a normal place and calls it me when it's in fight or flight then calm peace is death to you everything being okay is death to you let's think about that everything is death to you that's wonderful isn't that weird isn't that let's think about this there are people that would rather do dangerous things talk crap about someone some people would rather kill someone than sit with themselves people are always like that's so brave that person went out and did the thing that's true this is the bravest thing because this is you actually accessing you and you are actually finding you and it's the death of what you thought was you but it's not you you thought it was you but it's not you there is no separate self and the more you meditate the more you get proof of that and when i say there is no separate self do you notice your ego kicking in and trying to disprove that it would rather prove me wrong and say i am this small separate self then you would rather learn the essence of what you are and disprove the ego the ego fights for its smallness the ego wants to kill us the ego says eat that addictive thing cause that problem over here right the ego is actually not that great and the ego only exists out of patterning but there is no actual ego you can't actually find it anywhere there is no ego but you've just sat in the idea that there was an ego forever over and over and over again but it's still just a projected image and all you're doing when you're meditating is changing your attention to the truth of what you are and the illusion of what you're not is screaming think of how many things in movies right there are bad guys or bad the the bad villain kind of dies when it gets seen i was thinking of this not too long ago like i use this as an example on one of our wednesday night calls but like rumpelstiltskin literally says i will take your firstborn unless you say my name meaning like unless you identify me right and the pain is that you can't identify it right but once you see the ego everything that's dark once you shine light on it has no power over you right so the more you are okay with your own darkness and bring it to the light the more you're gonna watch the whole world the light shining on everything right like what's the wicked witch in the wizard of oz she just starts melting i'm melting i'm all illusional power i'm just screaming fear even the wizard of oz there's no one behind the curtain right like just don't worry about that we're all not as powerful as you think all fear has no actual power now you can wait and find this out when you die or we can let the ego die now and have an incredible life if you truly dedicate yourself to this massive space now check this out if it turns out you are receiving that you are all that is don't you think you would also choose life experiences relationships you know be able to receive finances different things that are better right like you're you're willing to learn to receive that you're all that is so you're not going to be scared to receive a million dollars or an actual good relationship in fact what dies with the ego is the part of you that accepts mediocrity in certain aspects of your life right like if that ego purges so does the addiction to a bad relationship if the ego purges so does the addiction to i'm not enough so does the addiction to non-worthiness if the ego purges everything purges with it everything that's negative then your ability to receive it's not even an ability or it's like this i gotta receive bigger than myself the self that's scared to receive is gone it's dead so your ability to receive matches just the frequency you're at so magic will have to come to you because that's physics that's actually scientific physics your ability to receive is literally based on your ability to receive the magic of the oneness of what you are and you deserve to receive huge today if you're willing to go through the feeling of a little bit of darkness so that you can feel through the aspects of your ego dying into you it's just dying into you that's not you dying that's it dying into you you're creating a space where it has to purge right it has to purge and the more more and more you go into the oneness of what you are the more the ego will have to purge into you and if you're all that is you're not going to be scared to receive it's just normal you won't even have that part that's in the ego but learning to receive okay i'm going to do something confident okay i'm going to say yes to this really good relationship it's just normal it's the normal match i'm gonna say yes to this i'm gonna get over my thing and who's saying that that's the ego right do you get are you with me so far you you are all of it you are worthiness you are infinite worthiness there's no egoic worthiness to get over now you might need to feel through it and do it at one point but all you are is worthiness i mean worthiness beyond anything you've ever understood not just worthiness of getting a raise like your worthiness is oneness right your worthiness is oneness uh your worthiness is oneness that's gonna feel better than getting a big promotion or having the ultimate relationship but you will only find the match to you finally actually moving into the oneness of what you are in a relationship someone else who thinks they're oneness it's not the same structured relationship of a bunch of rules where you make the other person your god more than you it's two onenesses expanding together are you kidding you will only be with that match you will only find that and weirdly you will go i've never no right now from the ego you might go there's no one else that does that work where do you do it then everyone suddenly is doing it the world gives you the match to what you are there's no one else that i could be a match with that would do this kind of magical work would then you do it and purge the old story and that's all you see and the more you're not trying to egoically create whatever you need to create to get that person or that thing or that career or that whatever and the more you just purge the part of you that's trying i mean all we're doing is sitting and listening right but when you purge the part of you that's trying because the ego tries you don't you are i want to get there that's ego you are there there's no location other than here right then all you experience all you will experience is all that is and by the way if you're all that is that means you're everyone you see so guess what they're all you and you're them so no one triggers you anymore they could only trigger the ego itself people can't trigger the truth of you and by the way all death is not you all letting go is not you it's just what you were so when people say i'm falling apart you put yourself in a position where it's falling apart but you're calling it me so you're actually letting it be your death versus its death it's dying you can't fall apart so what if all of the world everything that's going on right now what if you created it based on where you're living what if the whole world is the exact mirror do you notice how triggering the world is do you think that's the world waking you up are there aspects of the world that actually feel familiar to your parents like the way society moves kind of feels similar to your childhood in certain ways like there's certain people that feel unseen in this world right now that society's looking at me in this judgmental way just like when i was a kid right what if we stop grabbing on to the story that we are the separate self and what if we listen today for a longer period of time do some great work and let the egoic pattern come up more now sometimes it might really feel like death if you need to you know walk around you know but don't grab on to an egoic structure don't grab onto the phone don't grab on to facebook be willing to do this and know this even if you meditate today for whatever we do a total of three hours or whatever and you swear nothing's happening promise me that you'll understand things are happening even if you can't see it you sitting here like this could feel like nothing but it's everything because the universe is constantly in flow the universe is constantly moving it's always moving it's doing all this flow it's always working on you even if your ego can't see it see your ego wants to see this very big result that never is actually the truth it wants to see like quick measurable results now but the things that actually change move so slow that you can't see it right like a a seed in the ground is is turning into a tree but slowly but for sure when you work out for 100 days your body is changing even though you might not measure anything for the first 30 days but it's changing it's changing you're 30 days in and a ton of changes happen but you might not see it on the scale that much and you might not see it when you look in the mirror but it's changing real measurable change happens so slow that you can't see it but ironically so much faster than egoic change which sees results instantly but it's never sustainable so it goes back it goes egoically this way now this way now this way think of how many things the ego wants to see that it has that it's losing now when you egoically make a sale ah we got it egoically it's like i got it it's also going to be a refund when you when you egoically have the relationship we're a couple you're gonna egoically lose it we're not everything we do that we egoically see results from you often will egoically lose it because you have no foundation to really receive the result you want and what we're doing is foundation-based work this is the real work this is the real work the real work the most direct real work you could do by the way every time you feel pain you're also about to feel god maybe write that down every time you feel pain something's about to die so keep going because when it dies it's going to be replaced by more oneness so feeling pain is a good thing feeling really stuck is really good because all of that stuff is about to be flushed out of you take a deep breath in and release it and it's going to move slowly but surely let's find out more about what we are really take in how incredibly brainwashed you've been to stay in the small story and we're choosing to know what we are would you be willing to give up all of the old story to know what you are that's my intention on this planet i want to know what i am i'll give up whatever i need to to know what i am i want to know my whole soul it's worth it i'll give up everything i'll give up my attachment to everything and i know that the more i learn what i am the more better arrives like think of what we're scared to let go of to while i'd like to i'd like to so much know what i am but i don't want to lose this job yeah but if you're oneness you're gonna have a way better job like you're you're all that is or how about this one things that you think well i'm not gonna give up my my kid for it okay but you could give up your egoic attachment to the story of how you need to be for your kid or your kids to know who you truly are to give your kids an incredibly present magical reality so they are not brainwashed into the smallness as you stay in your smallness kid our kids need us to do this our kids need this do we need to be the pattern of crap that we went through in our childhood more for our kids so that they can try to figure this out and watch my daughter's seminar in 30 years from now as vivi comes on hey okay i heard about your parents i have to do this for vivi i see there's reality here i see why would what i'm gonna have the courage to go there don't you wanna have the courage to go there wouldn't you give it all up oh my god i have a little bit of a knife pain in my heart for a few minutes i don't wanna feel that so no back to the small familiarity please versus what am i that's your choice fear-based familiarity versus what am i and i promise you as you access more of what you are you'll be like why did i wait so long i like this is so much better everything's magic everything i think just shows up there's so much synchronicity and so much craziness in this [Music] love you guys so much i had a big meditation and all of that stuff that i just said to you came up in that meditation wouldn't have happened had i not meditated this morning so let's see what you get when you [Music] meditate
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 34,574
Rating: 4.9524374 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, JP Sears, Tony Robins, Meditation, Yoga, Zen, How do I, How do you, What do I, Motivation, Motivatinal, Inspiration, Inspirational, Comedy, Comedian, Relationship
Id: sorat6_btcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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