Golden Globe Winners On The Graham Norton Show!

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how hard it is to be that mean to harry mellon he is like the sweetest individual in the world because uh yes he played harry his name's harry melling and you i mean that was exciting for you to do a scene with harry melling a moment yeah yeah it was her rihanna tell us why tell us why he meant so much to you well i learned to speak english reading the harry potter books so as lame as it sounds those characters really were my first friends um so still a big fan of the harry potter franchise love the movies oh my god look at him he played dudley dursley i mean he's not an obvious one but so many people don't come up to him all the time he's still part of the universe and so what what language were you speaking when you learned to speak english through harry potter spanish okay and yeah so when did you come to london when i was six but i only learned english when i was eight because i was convinced that if i didn't speak the language my parents would have to take me home and that failed miserably so i had to learn and the the chess set sails all over the world have gone through the roof and mel gedward here you've you've got into it haven't you yes and yeah um i've got to say we have now started playing chess regularly in our household because of you it's it's written yeah my daughters have really involved it's fantastic well well i have to tell you this so this is going to sound really random but being in beth's head space the whole time was quite an intense experience and i had never seen bake off before and i clung to vape off whilst i was filming queen's gambit the whole time like any time i was in a costume change i was watching bay pop so you were right there with me and yeah i'm not in it anymore i started i started from the very beginning because i'd never seen it before oh hang on not series one where the the the hairdos the styling was tested one lady i was a classic there it gets better series three canonical public service bake off yeah yeah you started out in theater and when you were a student a theater student you had a mysterious benefactor did you not oh great expectation uh yeah i i went to i did a summer exchange at the british american dramatic academy at baillio college in oxford um i didn't have the money to pay for it but one of my teachers at that time was well she would come in for a weekly class felicia rashad uh people a lot of people know from the cosby show she would come in and do a class at howard and so she wanted us to you know audition for this program and you know it was nine of us she got some of her friends to pay for it and so my benefactor would ended up being denzel washington wow so all right you know i found that out did i did you play him you sound like him sorry he's not exactly like him so you know the funny thing is he he showed up at the new york premiere of black panther and i had never told anyone you know about that and uh you know he comes in the back and he thinks he's sneaking in and ryan coogler the director we're there and i'm like you know it's great to meet you big fan of your work i just wanted to tell you thank you for paying for me to go to to oxford he was like oh you owe me money so yeah yeah and after black panther you can pay him there he i just did a movie that he produced and so he got me cheap you know are your kids got them do they get what they do they have no idea have they ever seen you no well we went to see cars two once they're five and three and um and when we were standing in line for popcorn it was at the same time that johnny english reborn was in the theaters and so i was handed a box of popcorn that had me as the character on the front of it and my little boy said that the five-year-old said mom it's you and i said and he grabbed it and he started turning it around i said what are you doing he said where's daddy [Music] that's so sweet like it's family popcorn yeah and that's the extent of it because as a young child you played football but like to a really high level you could have been a professional i was yeah i was pretty pretty decent yeah yeah really no way who fought i'm joking oh my god do you like football i do like football yes i do do you watch it i do i watch it when it's the thing that happens every four years [Applause] and i think you know on a movie like this you're spending all this time together you have to get on you are buddies but on silence of the lambs is it true that did you never speak to anthony hopkins no never spoke to him he was scary i mean the first day we had a reading we had like a little read through and we i got there early and then i went to the bathroom and i came back everybody was sitting down we did the read through the of the film and by the end of it i never wanted to talk to him again i was petrified um and so then we did the whole movie he was always behind those the glass partitions or he was in his cell and because the scenes were so long they'd kind of lock him in at the beginning of the day and he'd go there and then the next day he'd be on the other side and i'd be i i'd be on this side and we got to the end of the movie and it really had never had a conversation but you never passed backstage in a car no i avoided him as much as i could uh i really avoided him and then uh i was eating a tuna fish sandwich it was the last day and he came up to me and he i guess he was settled up to me and i said i i don't know i sort of had a tear in my i was like i was really scared of you and he said i was scared of you i think it's funny because why would anyone be scared of me so so when you were filming the the scene you know i'm available would you do that again when you were filming the scenes when he was behind the partition while they were reset cameras you just sat there well yeah because they were he was screwed in you couldn't i couldn't get to him he was behind the glass did he stare at you um sometimes he did you man he's always saying my name like that you know because this is good john got his star wars cash and he i don't know where you hit but you hit a shop a wonderful shop yeah and you have bought some stuff so uh you you've very kindly brought some pictures of some of the things you want yeah they did so your your bed at the bottom of your bed what have you got uh i've got some lions sculptures some clients yeah so he's got his bed but no those are like those are like trinkets compared to what else we've got but the reason why i bought that is because i feel like my spirit animal is a lion i just feel that you know i am african i am yes that's why you bought the lions why did you buy the saxophone lamp oh man there's no reason for that man that was glorified nonsense i can't lie to you yeah i don't mean no i mean i mean i was in australia and this dude just told me that there's a saxophone with a light bulb with it yeah something in my brain said to me bye yes by the way i made a lamp out of my father's clarinet so well there's a we have a thing it has something to do with some thing that we have we share you're like a lion i like i'm like a lion kind of yeah i could do that yeah how about that okay you have a saxophone lamp and i have a clarinet yeah and goldie can i just ask you do you have a more attractive bulb in yours that is an ugly ass bulb john that's one of those economy light saving world it's environmentally friendly yeah it's environmentally friendly maybe or something that just yeah yeah then as you so you we've been in the bedroom we've now i don't know where that is but we've walked past that's my living room where do we find this that's in the corridor okay is it an antique um nah just quite off uh gumtree or something you know okay but it's it's it's just a replica i'm just a big fan of weird things i told you i'm 73 deep though wait wait wait though here's the excitement have you ever played it you're in john's house you want to go to the louvre yeah so you've seen the lines you're excited the saxophone lab is brilliant i really enjoy that helmet on the way to the toilet give it to you you get into the loo okay you sit down you do your business you need a little bit of toilet paper in john's house this is who gives it to you boom [Applause] i wish i was with you it's very surreal it's very surreal being sort of knowing that i'm about to appear on the screen behind you and also quite quite creepy i would say well now after when we have people on zoom i say where are you and normally it's ola or new york or something but you have an interesting unusual answer where in the world is rosamund pike she is in snowy central europe uh any guesses from our studio contestants as to which uh city i mean i don't know which would shed which central european shed you down i'm in prague i'm in prague oh okay so you and your husband your kids are all there and you've been learning a language is this right well yeah um i've been i've i have been trying well i've i've i've got my kids homeschooling me because my kids speak mandarin which and i and i don't and um they grew up bilingual really because my partner thought that if he was going to have kids for more kids he has he had four already um he thought it might be exciting to talk to them in a language he didn't already know so he taught himself chinese from the ground up in a very sort of well you could call it brilliant or you could call it you know really stubborn or you could call it a kind of desire for single parenting uh because you know he's basically talking to them in a language that i don't understand so i thought that maybe lockdown was an opportunity for me to catch up um and so yeah so that's been that's been i should really be learning czech i am aware of the irony of living in the czech republic and learning chinese um can you can you give us some mandarin well uh there's this thing that might my kids i i said i said i think graham might want to to hear something in chinese i said what do you think i should i should say and they said and i said all right great that's that's great what does that mean and they said that's the act of taking your trousers off to fart oh wow um [Applause] and they said you know so that can be lobbed you know someone who's you know maybe for you gordon you know if you put in a sort of ingredient that's unnecessary or you just you know you you go through a stage in a recipe that's just a bit too far that would be like taking your trousers off too far oh i see it's like butter on bacon that kind of thing yeah yes kind of thing yeah i could teach well they could i should have got them to teach you really anyway i think that's a useful phrase if you're going to know one thing in chinese that's that's not bad yeah and obviously you know as actors you're you're getting into kind of you know the emotional truth of the scenes and all those things but equally you've got to be like charles and diana so what are the shortcuts to get into say charles what are the shortcuts right right yeah it goes right okay i'll get ready with a stick spinning image so there's a couple of things that i sort of i mean i didn't spend too long kind of dwelling on the little charles things but there was one thing i noticed that in every time he got out of a car he'd do this thing still does it now i saw something recently anyway he gets out of the car and he goes cufflink cufflink so he goes checks the cufflink checks cufflink checks his pocket square and then waves so every time he goes to a public event or anything it's cufflink cufflink pocket square i wonder if he's ever not had his pocket square and then it's completely yeah yeah yeah slightly yeah yeah without the grunt when he waves yeah and and he does speak in a very kind of uh because it must be hard not to just do an impression because people do do impressions of him i think i think so much about the crown is sort of doing a bit of that sort of work i don't know what you think emma but i think it's kind of finding little things that make people feel safe in the knowledge that you're not just doing some something random for me you feel like it is you recognize something of charles so with charles for instance uh he does the thing he just thinks his voice where he sort of like speaks yes so everything's like through teeth he is yeah and actually emma's amazing we have competitions charles and diana and i'm rubbish at diana but she's very good at charging what are the shortcuts for diana um diana's for her voice um it's mainly that everything goes sort of goes down at the end so her pattern of speech so it's sort of like my word to get into her was always like um was always all right all right yeah that's just what i'd say all right but then everything she says sort of um always goes down at the end so it's almost like even if she had the best time ever it would always sound a little bit sad but it's very [Applause] yorker did it good i used it i used to spend most of my time trying to perfect my all right oh do it do it um hang on you do it with a tilt the head tilt all right thank you oh yeah that's you've had some practice now with the the big celebrity because obviously the golden globes yeah so who did you meet at the golden globes ah how long you got man it's just like oh so did you meet these guys the golden globes no i met her before it was awards governor's governor's awards and she was really cool when we just spoke about stuff it was really nice good story because his accent was so flawless and get out and i was like oh my god and anytime i meet anyone who's english i'm just immediately like i love london i miss it do you live there oh yeah at the same time it was like it was just this segway it was just this like this i don't know like african-american excellent segway of black ex i don't know what happened it's like denzel came up to me i was like oh he came to me english accent was like yeah mate yeah cheers mate cheers mate cheers mate and i'm like what's happening how do you know who i am and he was like and then he went to his wife like he thinks i don't know who he is and then uh and then he goes call me oprah and then i was like bro let me oh and then and then i just yeah i hugged her i hugged her so tightly she felt so good man yeah she felt she felt good apparently she smells rich she has an amazing smell amazing graham like i swear like oh it is just you premium have all met oprah does she smell amazing i've never met oprah but when i do i'm going to hug her for sure the golden globes but she was too far away you're going to inhale deeply inhale deeply was suddenly such a nice smell in the room olivia we should say you join us literally join us tonight hot foot from the set of your other queen job qe2 in the crown yes and where are you are you nearly finished or i feel like we're uh we're nearly at the end which feels like the longest bit you know and we've been going for months yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but you're nearly there no no nearly there yeah and for you because it seems to me that because of the way this is happening you're basing it on kind of two people because there's obviously the real queen elizabeth yes but then are you in any way having to be a continuation of claire four yeah my first few weeks i was just trying to do an impression of claire so i was thinking what would claire do i had to channel claire and then uh now it was you know sort of so busy i've forgotten so i might not be doing anything like the queen or claire now but isn't there a thing that because you're you're the mobility of your face is not something that our lovely queen shares so how hard is that i'm suspended from the ceiling it's quite hard well so if other characters are saying something that's sad i naturally can't help myself i go and birthday which is not what the queen does she is our rock she is not often not not caught on camera yeah and um so uh they film quite a lot from the back of my head on those days and also they've come up with a trick so they give me an earpiece and they play the shipping forecast to me so i just have to try and tune into the shipping and that which is rude because i'm not really listening to my fellow actors i'm just trying not to listen to them that's good we'll remember that when we watch it yeah i hope you can faintly hear it yeah what's happened to you it's just amazing it's wonderful you know that that you know you're very successful in this country and much beloved but now you see kind of the world discovering you and but like but now you see you in things like vogue and all these things doing high fashion shoots and stuff like is this what you dreamt of is this great at last at last um no that's um i love my job very much i love it i love going to work which is i know very lucky yeah yeah yeah um uh but the other stuff is a bit embarrassing but do you have to do it do you have to kind of rock up you have to do it i think i've been sort of persuaded to do it i don't really know do you know if you have to do it i think they tell you you have to do quite a lot you have to yeah you you do a lot yeah yeah we don't have to do it but do they say but they persuade no you have to yeah because like i i don't know that i do but then suddenly you find yourself it's important it tries it yeah they say that they say that yeah they do say that a lot i said you had to do this right yeah even i've been told i have to do this genuinely even though they absolutely did but this is genuinely one of the things that's really enjoyable to do oh bless i mean that oh oh it's very sprinkled happy new year no but didn't you you had your own cocktail i had the margarita [Laughter] and what are you doing but i ended up having uh you know i'd start early and i'd had my my thursday night crowd yeah partially because and i'm sorry sean mcpherson wherever you are i gave away a lot of free drinks it wasn't a great quality in a bartender but you were good dealing with with uh drunk customers which is a i had to deal with a lot of drunk people yes and sometimes they were not very nice no there'd be nights where i'd be up to my eyeballs and a-holes um i'm saying nothing can i keep going i don't know what's going on wasn't there a guy who wanted uh was there a drunkard oh i get it yeah wasn't there a drunk guy it wasn't that kind of bar was there a drunk guy who wanted uh sambuca yes there was okay tell us about him so occasionally um you would get someone who was so obnoxious and uh it was the end of the night and this guy came in and he's like and he was wasted and he was such an a-hole and uh he's like i want a zampooka i'm like come on man you you're doing okay you're like give me a zambooka and did he hit his knee like that i thought yeah give me a zamboca i'm like okay so i pour on the sambuca light it i'm not gonna let you drink man i don't like drinks okay you want to let your drink you let you drink yourself light it okay i light the drink he takes it and it goes all over his face dripping down his face blue flames everywhere and i'm trying not to laugh and he beats the hell out of himself to get it out give me another no sure thing you want me to light it for you yes same thing it was one of the greatest nights i sort of like him for having another one i love him he walked out with like uh like a a flaming red goatee [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 687,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show new, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Daniel Kaluuya, John Boyega, Mark Ruffalo, Emma Corrin, Rosamund Pike, Josh O’Connor, Jodie Foster, Gillian Anderson, Anya Taylor-Joy, Chadwick Boseman, golden globes, golden globes 2021, golden globe winners, golden globes interview, golden globes graham norton
Id: ZYazyXiKGpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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