The BEST MEME Wins $10,000!

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Me: watching people play Minecraft Lazarbeam: uploads yehah boya

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tiny_Pay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Me when the water hits me balls

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fergusgwynne420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's turning into Mr beast

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ttvspitefiresav πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bruh that’s just sad

Lazarbeam:trying to be helpful

People:ask for 10 grand

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DOUBLEOBRIEN πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
the best memes will win $10,000 yeah so I was laying in bed one night and I decided to host the little fun competition get the community together make some really funny memes just overall give back to the meme community ah there's backfired horribly the only thing people submitted was stolen tic TOCs and literally just content creators asking for money I'll just try to be a nice guy for the community and yeah I guess but I am a man of my word the competition will go ahead ten thousand dollars for the most retweeted means [Music] this is my first video of 2020 Happy New Year I can change the lights in my background it's like fireworks whoa Happy New Year you know they spent six and a half million dollars on the Sydney fireworks and I got the same thing for fifty bucks now I will absolutely not make this back in ad revenue so I was trying to get a sponsor but they all said the ideas sucked you know there's some there's some great memes in these twenty thousand responses but there's also just a whole lot of people reposting stuff from tech dock and I will save the top five for the end because they should be the best ones and I want a really dramatic reveal all right so here is the original tweet we had forty-four thousand retweets I asked them to try to make some original content none of them listened let's just start scrolling through all of this you know man you gotta be really careful when you're playing with TNT and minecraft Terry couldn't put it in reverse the original video of this Terry was completely fine I just want to be clear do not strike this video I mean this guy got four and a half thousand retweets he might be one of the winners he might get two thousand dollars from stealing us from tech talk I this is my mate now 350 retweets meanwhile in a parallel universe it is a t-shirt ironing a man hey but your skin would become so smooth have they thought about trying I ins to reverse aging you just point out the wrinkles I am this got one and a half thousand retweets I am NOT a player I'm a gamer players get chicks I get pull this couple ha relatable the F and B are plug three candy crickets no one to be found free v bucks ah you got the kids running and modern problems require modern solutions you got to think outside the box you got to adapt to modern times yeah kids if you ever get some free v bucks from one of these vans don't forget code laser when you're using those 3v bucks hash god hashtag epic partner if Shrek driving doesn't deserve to win then I don't know what does that's what happens when you enter Shrek swamp shrek don't like people in he swap he will run over you like a grandmother forgot the difference between forward and reverse he will crush you seems like everyone was ok so I don't I don't have a problem showing this ah this appears to be a very small baby holding up gang signs they're starting young I've seen so many kids on tik-tok doing gang signs and stuff it's like Chad Keith whatever your white boy name is you live in suburban Minnesota here's our Grande's amazing submission give me 2000 United States toll the greatest meme creators the planet's ever seen they clearly put in so much effort so I'm joined by Molly the biggest tick-tock guy in Australia and Brody I have nothing of note to say about him yeah just thought I'd get some help to review these amazing memes this one got two and a half thousand retweets it is a dog with the melon on its head I mean I like melons I like melons too yep let's go punched in the face for being named Marc that's gone that's gonna leave a that's gonna leave a mark I this deserves to 200 retweets I like it and then someone just responded with Marc thank you for explaining why that's funny thank you Andrew this is our friend Marcus from click a fantastic photoshop job of me on James Charles was the nice little yeet tattoo there oh he's got even got my gingy painting in the background great job market that's yeah I've always had a big crush on James Charles but never thought about becoming James Charles love you James love you yeah it's got a thousand retweets [Music] okay that I mean this guy's definitely cheating by using some like higher tier material like that but I think he's in the top five all Matt here might be in the top five we'll have to determine it later the kids okay he's alright let's not get too mad here just wish I could have known how badly I was messing up because I would never of ever thought of even making those kind of videos if I knew that it could have actually happened I know now how big a mistake this was unlike oh we are before we kill anyone I really just want to say never use a bookcase never ever use angle and your whole life never do it you're gonna get banned I'm a hundred percent gonna get bad Oh House you got these heads make it go up like that he's gonna flint and steel man what are you talking about you gotta be careful not to use flint and steel on wall it'll go up like nothing else she the clip of you with the big sheep in else's sir okay okay when I say I want to be Australian PewDiePie I'm not talking this is not what I'm talking about ah the world was such a simpler place before this happened Blair killing Brad woto was a situation that changed history on YouTube that might as well say Blair killed ad revenue look honestly it was only quick but I really appreciate it alright McCree me 300 retweets is just as Photoshop to my face on to Carson space that's all we love to say I wish I was half the man that Carson was at least McCrea me put some effort into Photoshop something make some original content didn't just make a meme that says please give me $2,000 me when I get drafted for World War 3 I would definitely try and act far too stupid to be drafted for the war I don't think you'd have to act someone just posted a poop on a plate Jackie alright still got 12 retweets like who Oh roses are red he shows never more Santa Claus enjoyments here is the most beautiful poetry I've ever seen earth makes a circle around the Sun humans [Music] telling you boys new year's time to celebrate ah oh yeah look at them lights change World War three is brought to you by rage shadow fetch imagine CNN breaking news World War three is begun but first a message from our sponsor red shadow legends are with sound it appears to be fresh and then me okay okay when laser beam tries to 1v1 friend it's a bunch of streamers surrounding laser beam I'm gonna have to blur every single one of those things but we all know what this means doesn't need explaining but it's very accurate that's my sleep paralysis demon right there tick tock really went from awful to great real quick now see we can put that one in the video because unless you know you don't know you know alright we are into our top 5 situation so like we went through all 20,000 about 15,000 of them were way too offensive to be shown on YouTube there's kind of rules right so if you offered to give away money for retweets or if you will massively racist you are automatically disqualified avoid some lessons like next time don't do voting via retweets that was a big lesson to learn but this is our top 5 situation now before I mean we already looked at this one but the boys haven't seen it four and a half thousand retweets coming in at number five personal favorite of mine [Music] Harry could not put it in reverse a worthy a worthy winner a worthy worthy winner even though he didn't make this even though he probably absolutely stole it from tick tock copy and pasting is a very hard work all right coming in at number four the man asked very nicely he used the word please so we will in fact give him $30,000 Doland are coming in with the creativity very impressive performance here one of the best meemers in the business you can tell you can see all the effort he put in we just took Carson's face and asked for money but at least he asked nicely all right coming in at number three is a super canary cannot canary we've said I've seen this one but we'll show it again all makes bill knees palm poor blow look at devastation absolute devastation oh oh we've all been nine nine point two thousand retweets once again I know this is just someone taking a clip from someone else's content that like still doesn't matter iconic iconic moment in history now this is our favorite guy we don't condone this oh well well oh it seems like this is originally from Paul though so like this might be actually this might've been his original work number one is Paris Syd Terra he's a foreign creator with a million followers we've got 19,000 retweets on this picture of him dressed up as a knight I don't know why this got 19,000 retweets it might be very funny and this is where I learnt to definitely do not set voting based on retweets next time I'm just gonna pick my five favorite I'm probably gonna have to use Google Translate to send him the money I don't even know how to communicate with this man but we'll find a way he'll figure it out special shout out goes to King Oh Craig oh he is also getting $2,000 he joined the competition his son has cerebral palsy and apparently $2,000 will pay for over 30 sessions so he should have been in the top five but we wanted to give him a special shout-out this is all a very stupid meme this was all a terrible idea this entire competition it was run incredibly poorly I came up with the just as I was about to fall asleep but clearly some good can come out of it so we're gonna try and help him out that is it the greatest prize pool for a man competition in history this is the world cup of memes and it was clearly stupid I've made a lot of mistakes this was a terrible idea I'm clapping away the pain right now I was just I just thought I could you know do something crazy for the community and then it was suspect
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 9,209,864
Rating: 4.9469891 out of 5
Keywords: gaming, lazarbeam, gameplay, meme
Id: pTkT494YG1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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