Donating $100,000 For Christmas

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warning you might cry in this video my name is scuffs Anna and I decided to spend the holidays giving back to people doing really good things twitch streamers doing charity streams helping out people putting their lives on the line for others in order to make all this possible in today's video I have partnered up with our chair it's a game where you control an archer on a quest to slay all the monsters it's free to play on ios and android i just died you can use my link in the description to download arch arrow for yourself i'm taking everything from that brand deal and a whole bunch of my own dollar adduce and we are gonna make the world a better place scuffed christmas is a very magical time of year I've been super inspired by like mr. beast david dobrik dr. Luber jacksepticeye in the spirit of stuff christmas let's go out there and spread some holiday cheer get one thing clear there is ads on this video but everything is being funneled back into this video one of the men that I said inspired me to try and do more with my platform this guy he is an absolute legend the amount of work this guy does for charity he's also shared the stage with me during the biggest moment of my career coincidentally right now he's doing a charity livestream for st. Jude st. Jude is a charity that not only cares for kids with cancer helps research cancer I'll let the man himself talk about it st. Jude Children's Research Hospital if you don't know about st. Jude the research that is done at the hospital and this is on top of everything else this is on top of increasing the survival rate of the most common forms of childhood cancer substantially it is on top of paying for every bill everything for every patient that goes there this is on top of that the research that they do about how to beat certain forms of cancer any research they do is shared with the entire planet this is one of the most effective most globally reaching charities that you can support what's a Jew does is real I've seen these things I've been there in person he's already raised four hundred and seventy six thousand dollars dr. Lupo is scuffs Anna's favorite child you are going on the good boy list this year well I think I found a good course to donate sir let's go for art thousand US dollars maybe scuffs Anna does not have the power to beat cancer but this man is one of the Angels this whole community is one of the Angels maybe together we can make a difference every single one of you that donates to sent you it if you're coming in from Nick a thirty stream be coming in from an industry if your laser beam if your laser beam and you donate $10,000 if you're CC Coonan you donate twenty five thousand dollars CC passed me with twenty five immediately after absolute legend just went over half a million obviously I can't show his entire stream here but this man is he's doing some good work laser beam and CC good God ten thousand and twenty five thousand dollars but get our big donations though like look at how many like hundred dollar donations $10 donations twenty dollar donations that's what you love to see feel free to look into st. Jude's they're clearly doing insanely good work Mary's Guffman I'm gonna go cry now alright there's a lot of people on Twitch that need a visit from scuffs a nurse cuffs and his little helper Brody pictured here he knows twitch really well so I've set him out on to twitch to find people doing good things people in need Aaron's tiny he's trying to click money for a soup kitchen it seems like he's just got a cat on the screen Aaron come back you're just like my dad he never came back are you also getting milk well cut the guy some slack he's been gone for 17 hours guys you guys are pretty big I'm scared this is so weird who are you people I I don't know it's this guy I was just like the news reporter ladies babe never heard of it I've never heard of him I'm gonna give him a thousand euros what's the thousand euros can you scream yay are you kidding me have you heard of I used to be Maron this is not real what's it a thousand bucks for the soup Aaron Paul the third but a soup guys for the soup yeet I'm a bit nervous I'm sorry hi this is all going to go to homeless people in my hometown should we give a Iran another thousand dollars he sounds like a pretty good dude okay so apparently if you donate money to him it adds to the time area apparently has to go for eighteen more hours okay so that means if I give him another thousand you are never going to sleep scuffed Santa says hello feed them homeless [Music] we love you iron alright Brody where do we go next you're like my Rudolph I ride you to the houses and next one is gonna be a rora peachy raising money for the Rhett syndrome foundation raised over $50,000 in oh shoot of stream [ __ ] he is clearly going on the good list I mean we could just straight-up just hit that goal the goal straightaway you I just hit the goal let's just hit the goal it's a goal one thousand and one thousand two hundred and ninety five dollars USD can I get ya biggest ye there we go we hit the goal right then in there I think she's noticed yet I'm waiting for the y8 Aurora wait what we're not even allowed to say a single word in this chat scoffs Ana works in mysterious ways can I get your biggest can we get some use in the jet love to say it look at the eights in chat I don't even know who that is I've never heard of laser beam that is our goal exactly exactly guff Santa loves MEF's what do we need to do to get this to six thousand one to nine at six there we go I love being Santa now in no way does it we love it wait that's her stepdaughter that has Rhett syndrome let's bless her what's another mm let's let's bless the child Barton for a good cause we love to say it scoffs Santa loves to say it my god here we go now gosh Sarah doesn't cry I don't have emotions I'm a mystical being see it is real [Laughter] alright Brodie where we going next we're gonna head over to Lady @erisa lady @erisa here is raising money for her best friend's daughter who at six years old was just diagnosed with leukemia in the last couple of months so that ain't right that's not fair I need a waste week scoffs and I can do is hit the 500 goal three and five dollars can you scream yeat please oh hey Disney Channel boys holy crap Scott Santa do you hope her generous of you thank you so much she blows on a giant barking horn what he's not to love there's also she's also got a dog cam maybe we give like a little bit extra for the dogs those dogs better get a treat on stairs keep donating so she'll use the barking horn thank you so much the dogs are getting treats for the daughter dog gets a treat the dogs get treats another cheeky $1,400 we're gonna help a poor kid here I just did it for the barking horn Brooke is the you know the daughter who was just diagnosed with leukemia about three weeks ago she's been sick for a while and we couldn't really figure out why they don't have health insurance more and they did a bone-marrow biopsy and diagnosed her with leukemia that's brutal Oh why do kids have to deal with something like that kids shouldn't have to deal with that you guys are doing a great job I hope I can bring some sort a little happiness all right Brady where are we going next we are off to see Rachel tad she's raising money for the koalas yes the bush fires that are ravaging Australia have taken out a lot of koalas tragically scuffs anna loves koalas this one's for the koalas and I get your loudest there we go it's through Oh oh my gosh disgusted $3,000 I'm waiting for the y8 Rachel that was I was a good yay all right we're doing that one for the koalas it was cute little cut the animals put on the cats ah she put on the cats we love the cats she's yay ting and has cats on the screen this is awesome all right so rewarded drawer is raising money for autism you'll give us your loudest Yee let's just get him to his goal has always same plan two hundred forty two dollars and fifty cents from scuffed Santa who asked me to give them their loudest eats oh hold on [Music] that was the most insane dude I've ever seen this is my mates pax Ranier Brodie's told me a lot about this kid as he stream title says he's a one-handed fortnight players that's not the only thing my mate Brody's been researching it talking to him his dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer it's just him and he's dad for Christmas I'm just gonna write you in chat see what he says laser beams in my chat alright so his real name's Jacob what do we say we give Jacob a good Christmas how about you start with like a thousand give us your biggest yay holy moley do me oh thank you so much then spend it on good stuff with the family pseudo guseva feely I will go win a game and I'll give an extra Christmas present well I'm like nervous maybe I can bash a laser beam that should I that's a good way to spend the money there's kids cranking the space K would say you're you're insane bro it's the right tweet out extreme real quick here comes the viewers oh no here comes the viewers laser beam raid oh my god oh it is insane I can't even see what's happening he's cranking so fast I dig one hand he's plays cranking that in one hand he lets nothing stop him - left - left can he do it roll cheering yawn Jacob can this kid out crank and win the game oh I was almost insane little flick brother look at nervous he is he's so nervous he got this body this may take me a second go get your dad if you want go get your dad wait I thought dad Chuck he can't come he says he's very sick at the moment he doesn't feel too great but he said hello and it up thank you - Lannon I mean I'm doing five thousand US dollars yeah he just donated me five grand oh well I hope it just gives them a good Christmas you know that's all this is about longing I got him to subscribe to love it with the posters hope you guys have a good Christmas look after you dad oh I hope you guys have a good Christmas look off your dad please thank you so much laser beam thank you thank you scoffs Ana still has so much dollar reduced I asked you guys on Twitter say I want to give away a good chunk of money where should I donate it one of my inspirations for doing this jacksepticeye he listed some good charities AbleGamers is a really good one these guys basically support the disabled through gaming give them access to games they do a lot of good work so maybe we give them some love this we can get peer counseling arm so let's do more than that let's just do a little more than that keep up the good work no worries no worries keep supporting the people who need the help there are some great websites like UNICEF we can actually choose what you buy for them like shopping stuff ah so you can see what your money actually goes towards like $85 produces one hundred and forty measles vaccines six hundred and fifty six dollars get some water pump let's get a water pump let's get a vaccine super PAC that sounds like it's a good thing polio vaccines yeah let's help eradicate polio that's a good cause ah we need some babies clothes of course we need some babies clothes let's get some of that food ration oh of course we need that some therapeutic milk sachets of course we need that I really don't like the measles so maybe I'll get a measles pack this doesn't look like enough this doesn't look like enough you know get me some more water pumps I want more water pumps yeah that looks a little bit closer to what I had in mind all right let's do that scoffs Anna loves these water don't forget to hydrate all right easy thank you for giving to UNICEF I don't know why they're talking about dress I just magically created like eight water pumps next up is make-a-wish I've actually done a few maker wishes and they're a great organization Chiqui 10k that's hopefully enough to make machole's wish come true right now Australia is literally on fire there is massive bush fires setting fire to the entire state of New South Wales there is firefighters out there right now being absolute heroes putting their lives on the line to save people's properties to save animals lives to protect the cities I mean i'ma sit here and say I've seen the effects because Sydney has been blanketed in smoke that is only a small taste of what the heroes out there fighting the fires on the frontlines are facing that is only a taste of the people losing their homes multiple people innocent people have died because of these fires and recently two firefighters lost their lives it doesn't feel right to sit here in my air-conditioned office and do absolutely nothing so in honor of Christmas I'm gonna do my small part these are the two absolute legends that lost their lives they both left behind young children obviously no amount of money will ever you know replace lives I hope it just helps a little bit New South Wales Rural Fire Service is the volunteer firefighters that are out there right now putting their lives on hold putting their lives on the line I'm gonna do my small part easy done hopefully makes the lives of those guys somewhat easier in some small way I don't know Merry Christmas boys they're gonna be spending Christmas out there fighting a giant ferocious fire so this is the least I could do I hope you enjoyed supporting people doing some good making people happy spreading some holiday cheer helping me celebrate scuffed miss I didn't do the exact math but I believe we gave over a hundred thousand Australian dollars we gave it to soup kitchens the koalas kids with cancer and the heroes fight and the ferocious boys I know about you but that was a pretty good Christmas once again a huge thank you to our chair for supporting this video you guys should definitely go check them out it's an awesome game where you run around you avoid getting attacked by monsters you move around the arena in a tactical way fighting back in this game you fight by moving dodging it and perfectly timing your arrow attacks but you are very vulnerable when you attack with each new stage in the game you pick a new ability you have to strategically fight your way through stage after stage of different types of monsters but once you're dead you're dead so to get a higher score you've got to play it safe and careful with each stage the game gets harder and harder they've just released the massive Christmas update with what's the new weapons and equipment and there's daily Christmas events with enemies to fight through I'm just saying maybe we add scuff sander to the game also there's a brand new hero called meow geek I'm probably saying that wrong what are you waiting for use my link below download arch error and once again I could not have made this video with the out them they allowed me to do so much more than I was originally gonna do Mary scuffed miss everybody
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 24,461,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazarbeam, christmas
Id: l-FSvLrksWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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