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this video begins I just wanted to get my mate brenton say g'day okay you go come in you good day there you go yes that was my mate Brenton from make-a-wish being a legend just wanted to make sure he got a shout out i am very bored i am insanely bored roughly one week ago i went number one trending worldwide searching random crap on google me googling blue waffles was number one worldwide trending i was above Wonderwoman though laze beam doing random weird things on the internet has to happen again okay let's see if we can get number one worldwide trending once again make sure to like and share this to all your friends so we can get number one like last time I found this website where you can slap a dude with an eel I just keep slapping him like this kids channels cope are coming in hot number one trending please be yeah so like this is clearly the peak of content like this got number one worldwide trending you know we've got to come back we've got to do it again more of this type of content apparently so yes I asked you on Twitter I'm bored what are the dumbest most useless randomest websites I should look for on the invisible care move your cursor to find the invisible cow it's hiding behind at the shouting gets louder why is this website screaming the word cow at me so it's like a warmer colder kinda game Marco Polo kinda game getting way out of boys we gotta find you oh it's getting quieter I will find this cow yeah this is the type of content I was talking about like there's no way this can get number one worldwide trending right me trying to find an invisible cow we're getting closer my cursor just changed I think we found him you can't hide from me cow we got it move ladies and gentlemen we got a f to pay respects for this cow guys he's now gonna be eaten that was a fantastic first web site I was very happy with that this person said yet calm what kind of misuse of the word y8 is this I can buy McCafe premium roast coffee 3498 bargain yet calm is a bargain shopping website why yet you don't need a reason to eat G is a state of mind this is a disgrace this is disgusting patience is a virtue doc org this is from Ilsa my girlfriend then we'll say if this is good loading please wait [Music] is it like broken or something [Music] patience is a virtue finished and this is what I got I waited for like a solid hour in this I've got a cat failing to jump now that was really worth it I'm glad I'd literally waited for 87 years that website to finish this man suggested meets being calm that's illegal we all know what that is I didn't grow up yesterday all I can say his children don't look at it ah I remembered it being bad but snow level just showed system eights pin plows bridge body he mayn't Kade said the useless web take me to a useless website oh my god this is perfect I love being a youtuber when you find something that'll just do all the content please take me to a useless website hi need to be calm yo let's start a band okay what if i zoom in now the tuber ain't so tiny big brain can't wait for this to be number one yeah yeah I need more websites like that thousand percent take me to another one car not tweet this calm [Applause] I will not tweet this my twitter is exclusively for me talking about anxiety and posting random complaints about fortnight I will not tweet whatever this is ah the website where you draw a stickman let's see how this stickman goes go on another bench a little stick man oh look at him wha ah a box it's fun and you draw a key in my hand how do I tell him he doesn't have hands um this is a key use the key well oh my god this is incredible he opened the box with the key draw a balloon in my hand why is he gonna work out he doesn't have hands there you go you have a blue nail I don't think the balloon worked Oh My gods had chick ah that's a dragon I'm gonna give him a big sword get him with your sword yeah attack diving with the darn stick him with the pointy end this is actually incredible - this game can do this he died draw rain cloud above the foil alright alright allow me to draw a rain cloud okay oh it's a rain cloud yeah don't worry it's putting out the fire like I know I'm immature but that's kind of like what's so funny about this take me to another useless web site please bees bees bees oh my god Oprah has sent bees on everyone the audience is terrified that lady's being stung in their eyeballs oh praise a monster those poor people weed or confusing calm sell me something weird or confusing please it's a yodeling pickle unicorn canned meat okay so we know unicorns don't exist so what meat is it what animal is this from is the from a rhinoceros fish a [ __ ] it took me to a book about crafting items with Pat hare cat bounce calm it's a bunch of bouncing cat make it rain that's incredible I can throw the cats and make them bounce ready yay yay ah this is what yet calm should have been yeah oh my god that thing reached supersonic speeds I'm I ran out of cats i eated them all the that's the finger this website's flipping me off hey no screw you buddy no one flips me off and gets away with it back to element I deleted him from the code that's what you get no one flips me off and gets away with the body is my computer on yes dammit I didn't know that thank you for telling me ninjaflex oh it's a little ninja and a flexing arm see no I thought this was gonna be one of those ninja flexing private jet tweets it's not hate the man successful he's allowed to be successful I just really want to thank this web site for doing all the hard work for me let's go get ourselves another useless website it's just a middle finger again inspect element' delete that it's gone forever I win eyes the website but you can pet a dog I deleted the dog no comm press in dire situations when your whole channel gets deleted by Coppa [Music] point-to-point accom so this website detects where your pointer is and then finds an image of someone pointing at that exact spot I'll put my pointer up there yeah hey guy Oh making a Hawaiian shirt pointing right at it right what if we move it over to here yeah all right who has a catalog of these images ash is terrifying that man is literally a demon this is just so random added they collect these photos it's so weird Chihuahuas spin calm you're sat through two spins three spins me mate bra later cookie clicker oh man you get lost on this for hours I'm starting to get addicted to cookie clicker I've already hired three grandmas to cook more cookies for me maybe I just got distracted for an hour playing cookie clicker oh I get 35,000 cookies a second I've got cookie factory's cookie morons cookie bombs and enslaved army and grandmas to harvest me cookies even got cookie Banks a cart stop clicking cookies all right back to the video I look like Barack Obama calm I'm gonna say no it's the eyes it's the only thing that's different but yeah you don't look like him I'm sorry the board button go ahead and press the board button what is your IQ okay I guess I'll take an IQ test really quick all right I completed the IQ test in seven and a half minutes get my results gonna pay twenty dollars I'm gonna do it I'm just gonna do it for the culture the real IQ test is are you stupid enough to pay for this yes yes I am I'm really actually quite curious I really want to I have an IQ of 150 yes my brain is good who needs education I got a massive brain average or normal range of IQ for 25 year old is 90 to 110 i excuse i q-- scores of 120 are considered superior how does it feel all those teachers that told me I would go nowhere I am of above-average intelligence let that sink in honestly forget every other website I'm just playing cooking click on ya know guys I've decided I'm just forget everything else forget my youtube career forget number one trending forget meets been playing cookie clicker actually liked this video if you want more lays beam those random things I mean you guys are pretty bad at sending me in random websites but pretty just addicted to cookie clicker now I don't really want to do anything else with the rest of my life I'll be happy here I'll be happy here
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 27,970,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazarbeam, funny, reaction
Id: qBNVadmFj-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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