18 minutes of lazarbeam hating life

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scissors goddamn scissors I failed his first man his second map I made a video I was very successful I came back to finish it I spent four hours dying on one level and had to scrap the video but scissors has made a new map this one is different it is a death maze it is not just set out to kill you it's not a parkour challenge it is a test of brain intellect so for this I have a chance I have the IQ of heaps of IQ I have heaps of IQ this may finally be that scissors course I can I late now I'm gonna give you a warning normally I try to edit my videos to their quick haha funny entertaining this is a long one it's honestly just pure frustration you'll probably hate it but I had to finally beat a scissors map alright level 1 let's see what we got now this one is like a maze it's not straight up just death challenges it's also supposed to be a maze you know you're supposed to find your way through it alright so far it's just opening a bunch of doors alright what's up I just keep opening doors I'm supposed to find my path to the next level wait where do I where the hell do I go god there's so many doors hold the door now I'm already pissed off it's been 2 minutes of opening doors and I'm already pissed where do I go maybe through here so where do I go hello that may be alright open that door and then jump right on through this is this is a metaphor - what scissors is doing to me you wanna know how I got these scars well at least I know how to beat it yeah so go trigger trap ha gotcha whoa that was close let's break this wall god damn it I thought I was so smart where do I go now aah blow you out yeah I'm looking for other doors now I'm looking for other second-story doors I know it there's got to be another door there's gotta be another I told you I might have found all your other bloody maps but this time I'm coming for you aah aah I am so smart now you know there's gonna be trapped in there or something I'm on here I think I'm gonna go in there Loki that's probably where I've actually gotta go he walks doing that kind of crap what do we had Danny in here no this is a suspect looking for traps everywhere yeah I was looking for him and you still bloody got me all right what's behind door number 3 it's got to be this one it's got to be this door I've tried the others go trigger all the traps there's always more traps it's got to be in here what [Music] you suck I think I need to flip this door they're gonna a debate it I needed to do that we roll again [Music] yay just look for hidden traps don't you know there's gonna be trap under there when does level to start can I just hit a checkpoint already walking slowly triggering traps in case sir they're ok maybe there's none on the stairs but this jet was definitely one there I knew they would be Oh nailed it bingo Bongo level tone I am so smart scissors are dumb see the thing with scissors is you've just got to expect traps at any moment it could be any of these doors that I have to go through maybe I don't actually have to go through a door maybe I maybe I am the door what I'm just gonna get over here you know this you don't know that yeah what's through this door hey what's through this door yep there's some traps now I say like each door is gonna have its own maze then its own set of traps and hey you just make this [ __ ] simple can I get fresh to carry me into death maze as well every damn door I checked every damn door you won't believe where it actually is use white uh Youth Orioles bow on one of these doors wrong I wish you would never invent it all right what now what now you have to go through one of these little holes just try to get in the hole these beams life motto where do I go up there would be too obvious so I'm assuming it's through here sneer watch for traps nope dead end well where do I go this looks we're gonna get down there I don't it died out of the trap I have to do it all over again warned out of the trap [Music] doubt it I'm through oh god oh god traps can suck my willy and by that I mean my dog oh there's level three just don't die to this trap oh thank god you cycle yeah oh yeah oh yeah be level three baby I only took me 50 minutes I'm looking at all those doors and I'm like no impulse needs that's what I see is it just trial by error got to dodge the traps I suppose and get to a door wonderful it's just one on the ground alright whatever it is what if he's just this one no that's just the room with the trap in it am I really gonna have to try every door no it's not that one okay great is it this one nope not that one is it that one nope not that one is it that one nope no that one [Music] it's that one you can see now all i gotta do is launch up there easy-peasy business easy business this [ __ ] easy hazy Sun lemon squeezy no daddy just one more trap to bait and then we good [Music] whoa what must died on that one level four here we come baby I want so many wipes for that alright now this corn oh I bet you there's gonna be like traps are here I'm just gonna eat alright no traps well what is this what is this oh no it's just it's a it's a whole room full of corn in it why do you love corn so much man what is with your devotion to corn what is this [ __ ] I can't break it either if it was this together it's like a wooden thing was that did I just win you see this that's me this is scissors now I'm the daddy and checkpoint who I was waiting for a trap alright what's that level 5 over 5 yeah I'm saying a lot of books now never been much of a reader this looks like a weird labyrinth with bots lots of little tunnels through the bookcases I'm a trust my gut by that I mean I'm just gonna run in random directions my gut has been correct before and I think it was just correct again no that looks like a reset to level 1 I ain't doing it this door says level 6 but I just don't trust it looks like there's levels to the bookcases you know yes look at this I told you I told you that one was a trap wasn't falling for it I knew you Ally enemy door it's too good to be true it's just a question of where do we go now it's very confusing it's like a labyrinth isn't this okay we're up [Music] oh yeah we're making progress now be careful don't jump off it's annoying to get back here ah there's a door right at the entrance ass this is thought I was dumb but I'm in fact a genius all right I mean by street triggering traps easy does alrights gave me some tricky up here I know this is all a trap I could I can feel it I don't know if I'd if I trust this this oh god I don't think I have a choice anymore what's happening please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good this doesn't feel good oh my god it's a big scab Bob [ __ ] six and a half hours later all right I'm back finally and find out what's really going on I'm gonna find the real door Oh care if it kills me what's that I knew it look like there's a clutter of bookcases over here that's the bloody door maybe this is another trap to send me back to level one now look for traps the traps look for traps there ain't traps no oh my god a checkpoint this is the way I do know Dawei and this is it all right why do we have trip why do we have Ches Bush why could they possibly be here what why do I need bushes what all right maybe there's a weird invisible monster out there that wants to eat my flesh maybe if we're a bush we can hide from it now this guy's gettin some codes of ethics oh I thought the bushes were supposed to protect me all right maybe we follow the arrow I don't know what invisible monster is killing me I think I finding the way I think I find a way all right well we know step one each block has five possible combinations and I need to reach there my handoff figure out where I'm going that weighs cooked that weighs cooked hmm this is the way oh my god I didn't start writing this down no I need it I never write this down I'm a guest here I have to write it down every time I'm successful I will find a way I am unbelievably close I just tested that kills me so scared does this one kill me oh my god [Music] hey no I yeah cracking it I'm cracking it okay I think I've cracked the case I think I've done it oh god I see you ice traps and I see I just beat your puzzle I just I just beat your puzzle that's how I'm rewarded oh oh I strap some traps kick cut me to bits let's just try it I guess yeah oh I see it's time we jumped through the door all right you ready [Music] I'm a god oh don't stop stop stop still chitchat chill you know there's a trap somewhere no oh my god Tommy called call me Tony Hawk pro skater ginge man oh my god what's that door there what's that dog what are you doing there I'll come back for you oh I see a checkpoint ah thank God level seven there's more doors and [ __ ] I am so sick of doors what could they mean The Doors Mason what could they may I'm scared to do anything any door could send me back to level one Oh more doors more doors a more doors really I don't even know where I'm going anymore what is this where am I more doors sorry guys if you're confused at this point for I'm confused too I've got no idea what's going I'm two hours in no I know his scissors loved doors there's just more door hosts I think you understand I've a headache one eternity later I feel my first solace door I reckon all those other doors are a decoy I was searching around him for like 10-15 minutes they're a decoy I betcha I betcha it's this door yeah I wasn't supposed to say this was a god this gonna suck oh this job's gonna suck guys this jump is gonna sag ah yeah baby feels good yeah I know there'd be something up here I knew this would be the way yeah nope nope yeah I'm checking all the doors they're all traps for the hallway I guess for the hallway Aaron 44 minutes to beat the rest it's supposed to be near the end so he's supposed to be seven levels I was sent here you know I have four traps I just guess I'm going down where am I going oh I don't like the idea of seeing corn again all right we can rule out that way I've been down in there this place just gives me a headache it's so confusing so many doors and pathways ah the so many pathways and loops no that's just traps [Music] I don't like to think this much I know I go what's that you and your sacred friggin Turtles all right it's a traffic there's no trap up the top there's a trap there easy easy to trigger it yeah we got a easy trigger more traps no more traps I think we're good oh god damn it more doors doors are the worst thing ever invented now I got more doors on every door is just more doors every door just has Mordor oh my god every door every door has more doors saying dorsum you know I miss more doors more those doors in every direction boudoir more dough oh my god I've already been oh wait no where I come from is this where I came from oh my god I back to the stairs I'm I don't care if that's the actual way to go I've never gone back in there let's go pee oh go stays cool oh I'm cool with stairs I just don't want to say doors anymore I've completely lost track of where I am I'm sorry if you're confused I'm confused too now not doing it I'm a checkout of the stairs again that worked last time no way I knew it would be under stair I freaking knew it I just spent freaking 15 minutes opening [ __ ] doors so many doors so many toys any traps up there this time I'm so scared why my create cheap why do I create oh no this is gonna set me back to level one oh it's gonna send me back to level one I know it just sends me back to level one I'm rage quitting so either way I'm done I'm just done I'm so done with this [ __ ] I'm just done no we're not back to level one oh okay thank you alright we've been given two doors oh no oh no we go this way oh please guide me to success please guide take me to the finish line baby take me to victory yeah baby I am NOT going back to level one take me out of this hellscape take me out I still have an hour and a half I choose the right door let's just say sorry no thinking about it this is guy swear to God if this takes me back to one as well I am oh there's there's hell to pay ah more doors more doors nice how's it all I swear to god I'm done I'm sorry Don it's better beta fall Check Point know what this this is one final dole no one scissors this is yeah there's a trap and there's a trap right there this whole thing's gonna be a trap there we go well if I'm so defeated how's this gonna kill me Sue's saying what's this where do I go GJ DJ is that it a my dog my dog I don't even want to celebrate [Music] I don't get why I got the impulse while they get the imposter don't get it I finally beat you [Music]
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 12,269,025
Rating: 4.9515429 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, cizzorz
Id: aeCRnp5HQMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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