the best memes from reddit

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LoremIpsumsDolor 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

When lazarbeam realize he hosting meme review

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
means I hosted a meme competition on Twitter I was trying to spark something cool in the community I gave away 20,000 Australian dollars of my own dollar adduce it was no sponsor I was just trying to be the scuffed mister beast I had to disqualify some people this made French Twitter very mad I got attacked by words like I don't even know bucket bucket bucket obviously I'm joking I love the French we worked everything out everything's fine so this time in this video it is about memes but I I'm giving away nothing no charity in this video y'all ain't getting nothing no but we are on reddit now we're looking at memes just for fun whoa so we're on the memes subreddit so I've sorted it by top memes of the week this means all the memes are from 2020 these are literally the best memes of the decade when it's finally 2020 but you realize that both 18 20 in 1920 had massive plague outbreaks hmm no plague outbreak just massive bush fires that make the air unbreathable alright though our prime minister went on holiday good bloke when you find out priests don't get drafted for World War three you son of a B oh man yeah I don't think I'd do too good in war hallelujah praise the Lord someone get me some baptism oil I will bathe in it 20:50 is as far as way as 1990 that's alright we're never gonna make it to 2050 the entire planet is literally going to burn the government says tobacco is dangerous you need to be 21 to buy it also the government sending military recruiters to high school hi kids do you like violence America you're crazy you're gonna send your boys off to World War three and they can't even have a beer you crazy so right now our entire generation was raised on 360 noscopes and call of duty will be fun the furthest behind time zone just hit zero zero zero zero zero 2019 is finally gone I don't know how to feel cuz like half of these of 2020 memes but 2019 was like the best year of my life hopefully 2020 isn't terrible I'll feel real stupid somewhere in the world right now toilets facing each yeah I could imagine popping a squat next to a fellow human just staring deeply into his eyes I'm trying to think though what's like the competition is it sighs is it consistency is it smell when I as a European wake up and see World War three meets the f they doing over there like me waking up in Australia oh yeah look at all the bushfire news everything's on fire oh wait what did they do they sent missiles where Russia you are you excretes icicles Australia you were screech flames yeah that's pretty accurate that's how the bushfire started someone just had to relieve himself behind a tree entire national park a little blaze the entire thing I don't making jokes about it please if you can support firefighters out there risking their lives thank you it's actually really bad it's not it's not a joke it's really bad not all heroes wear clothes Instagrammer raises half a million dollars for Australian bushfires by selling nude photos for $10 careful she's a hero I like that I'm an Instagram model is doing more for the country than our literally elected leader I think that's hilarious and I will do my personal best by donating ten dollars to this good cause worth it this VR gloves aims to bring the sense of touch to virtual objects me who can't have pets oh look how cute he is you're insane if you think this is what people are actually gonna use for let's be honest everyone's just gonna buy this VRP would ya no I say this guy is on the money there's guys on the money when you join the army just to pay for college in World War 3 starts Oh Neptune all those dirty trick shot is gonna have a big wake up call God please give me a sign god I gotta be Disney Channel laser beam because I spent way too much money on that main competition way too much this reminds me of when I was in Disney Channel laze beam I did a GTA video with a very similar premise boys hold formation hold formation yeah there we go my boyfriend said oh my god my cat looks like baby Yoda and I look over and sure enough baby or nah it's the baby or not that's actually kind of spooky the FBI agents when they hear me get laid through my Google home speaker mission accomplished this is a great day for country the country just like man landed on the moon this is something no one ever thought was possible the police in my town just installed this speed radar the police in my town also have the maturity level of a teenage boy you are going 69 miles per hour nice ha ha that's the number that makes people laugh that one right there finishing the game with the higher kill count than your entire team combined ah my back might as well just put fresh his face on that right there can't say I've ever had this problem ever ever in my entire gaming career had that problem I actually have a great back thank you very much when Santa gives you coal so you burn it and melt the North Pole oh yeah yeah you say that but what you end up actually doing is setting Australia on fire cause climate changes so thanks buddy he is the Messiah giving 10,000 presents to people in need you are not a knight you are the entire crusade mr. beast is truly Santa he is the chosen one I am stuffed Santa I'm like the actual Santa but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing oh it's so refreshing to browse memes I don't have to pay for the latest technology being deaf having noise-canceling ears it's all about how you see the world I am NOT stupid I just have an intelligence canceling brain US Army you have been drafted me hmm actually I'm a pregnant woman I don't care if men have never been able to have babies if you're telling me I'm drafted go to war I'm I'm figuring them out away I guess you could just probably eat a bunch of food and still have that a similar-looking belly oh is it a boy or a girl neither Chipotle mr. beast plants 20 million trees buyers in Australia I'm about to end this pants whole career evil wins when the good guys do nothing mr. beast did a lot of great good when you were having a barbecue and the smoke gets into your eyes alternative title when your laser beam remember the Pixar lamp this is him feel yet yeah it's been a rough few years for the lamp moths don't even care about him anymore a square starfish it is caused by a birth defect ha ha ha ha ha I see what's happening Bunch Bob Squarepants Patrick the starfish maybe they do global conflict breaks out people so anyway I started memeing I like that that's the modern world solution to everything it's like yeah let's just make memes Australia before climate change so beautiful so peaceful Australia after climate change rah there's so many bushfire memes I don't know how to react like it kind of feels bad to have like bushfire memes but I feel like it's also just great to raise awareness to this issue that he's actually happening like this is not just a meme this is real this is terrifying for some people I mean I'm lucky like I'm not close to it although we do get the smoke but this is reality for a lot of people right now there is also a dank memes which has more memes once again for free and nobody can get mad this is awesome when the US gets a new friend to play nuclear war with oh this might be the only time I'll ever feel sad for Kimmy boy Wendy's battlefield 4 take place in 2020 as battle was battlefield why do I even have headphones on battlefield 4 been about world war 3 this entire time me and the boys after stream snarf and ninja in World War 3 yeah I'd be careful ninja we'll get you banned from life he knows people in higher places he knows God himself porn are kids when they land in Iran got a crank damn 90s those kids gonna snort some G fuel pops and 90s Iran don't stand a chance me in hell explaining how I died in Iran because of lag and that I deserved to be sent back to earth it was like I was lagging mean Walt says zero ping I was lagging when you call your Minecraft girlfriend one last time on the battlefield and the Iranian man's phone in front of you starts ringing for some people it's a Minecraft girlfriend back in my day it was a runescape girlfriend but no matter what it's always a man can I speak to the manager of Iran or the legendary carrot one single Karin is worth as much as 18 aircraft carries just send in the karent's Danny DeVito I'm sending pictures of my Magnum dong to anyone who donates at least $10 to one of the fundraisers for wildfires Australia wildfire her levels drop to zero I'm happy you make a generous donation to such a worthy individual nice historians will have to analyze memes of World War 3 as their primary source it's like how ancient civilizations left behind hieroglyphs of their Wars we will leave behind dank memes all right actual war is not funny the actual struggle of people in the bush fires is not funny but humor is a good coping mechanism for a lot of things and these people made some very light-hearted very harmless memes and I thought they were funny and we got them completely for free so that was pretty awesome great start 2020 we've got a world war we've got bush fires what is next I asked you but yeah 2020 memes is too off to a good start I am scuffed PewDiePie beast I'm kind of like a mix between them both but not as good as either of them and this was a scuff subreddits that is such a better name than weird subreddits make sure you look into supporting any bushfire charities if you can do it let's not go to war and as always yay
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 8,587,043
Rating: 4.9456692 out of 5
Keywords: memes, gaming, gameplay, lazarbeam
Id: Unxy0tPrxjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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