rip lazarbeam (VERY SAD)

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it would have been sad if he really did

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Maintenance-First 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ralphied11 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

No your dead on the inside

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/liam-lintern 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

oen aein

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/maxplaysfortnite 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Haha i like dat

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Yourkilla 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

i hope the man that made this video burns in hell

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/a-dog-thats-russian 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
if you guys don't know the news laser beam has died today quit you have five seconds to LIKE and subscribe I'm dead wait if I'm dead I can do anything without any consequences nobody can see my nipples by the way if I ever actually die please announce it exactly like this quick you have five seconds to like but welcome back to iron board with lace beam lays famous dead edition I am bored yeah so like a bunch of these videos have been popping up like lays famous dead lays them quit YouTube lays bhima's dying soon so I thought it'd be fun to like search my name on YouTube see what we find this video actually got deleted I managed to download it it was called laser beam quit YouTube here's why I'm interested so if you guys don't know the full context of this video basically all is being uploaded to there a video about him dye into there and literally it's absolutely insane I didn't know I did that maybe my illness is so bad that I don't even remember dying maybe that's how bad at this I just wanted to make a quick video where I talked about it I'm sorry I know these are boring yeah trying to trying to finish off the renovations it's been taking up a lot of my brain space literally video me talking about me renovating my parents house when does the death come in want one like equals one prayer for lesbian with all guys so please do if I don't get eighty thousand likes I'll actually die everyone leave a like and subscribe ace is so sad that lesbians dying but if you guys want to tell my gift card giveaway I will do is subscribe to it oh it's so sad laser beam has died but don't forget about my gift card giveaway get two V bucks I hoped like the priest at my funerals just like yeah he died but don't forget to enter Jesus Christ free gift card giveaway well you know what he said I want to I want a free gift card so I'm gonna subscribe honestly I just find those videos funny no hey go for your life genuinely do not care that was hilarious but yes because I was so bored I was like let's just search laser beam and see what pops up lays babies die soon very sad laser beam is right now in hospital this is one really hospital yeah just another person just chopping up the the two year old vlog video whatever I did oh my god another laser beam died video it's not clickbait apparently said not clickbait oh my god maybe this one's so I think young Aidan here he's caught on to the these fake videos and he's making his own fun video Hey look at least this kid isn't promoting his free gift card giveaway laser beam for God to stop recording very sad everyone liked this video unsubscribe right now or this five blue coin your eye when you're asleep I've liked the video not my eyeball right this is actually laser beam forgetting he was recording to get into stop recording makes you walk keep watching to check this out this is so bad and laser beam messed up hair [Music] it's literally just me reacting to being on TV when did I stop forget to stop recording what part was very sad yes five most embarrassing moments in YouTube videos featuring leis been like the video and subscribe in the next five seconds or this spider will be crawling around in your bed tonight when you go to sleep wearing how embarrassing I was legendary laser beam confirmed gay kisses guy on livestream and enjoy I mean I'm not gonna deny it it was good laser beam for God to end his recording very sad a so many over five accidents core in fortnight youtubers videos now you'll like this remember fidgets penis [Music] yeah it went straight into my ankle yeah straight into my ankle it's well look at my ankle it swelled up it was insane thank you for bringing back this memory of the time I almost died do a feature spin-off blaze beam sucks so bad laser beam it sucks he's so bad at fortnight so yeah it's so dumb like he like he's ugly he's it's not a ten-year-old call me ugly yeah it's in this moment I really have to look at how my career got to this point yeah I'm just not I just hate lazy it's just so stupid he's just so ugly in everything say it's like if I respond I'm insulting a child i'ma do it anyway I know you are but what am i you're ugly you suck you're bad at fortnight ya cold ten-year-old ugly yup bet you've never even hugged a girl well today was a good day I insulted a child ninja verse lays beam me every single time I played or is with fresh I'm dead on the ground but don't worry I got my backup we're watching laser beams hey guys were walking a tepee it's just scrapped away to his kennel Oh should he be watching me like I'm more family friendly than I used to be but shooty shooty be watching me if you watch it if you see it and that kisses guy like you know if you like it mate I'm sorry I'm liking it no question I am subscribing not even a doubt and my modifications are going on I see you guys later bye future laser beam is rare footage of me as a little baby there's been one recently that everyone keeps tagging me and yeah laser beam laser beam this message is wonderful laser beam if I didn't know better I would think there is a cannibal about to break into my door and eat me alive that's that that sounded like a cannibal right don't worry I am very well protected I'm gonna be just fine guys this video is called I am lays bay this man is going to attempt to be me alright so as you can see I got the laser beam skin on and we're gonna try decent dumb sites today so how I sound to all of you look at me Oh a leg month we're gonna be hiding in boxes to die boys I'll be scared so this this guy is better paying me than I am a dog or a strange sniper I chase ish cross this train stop got me again that does pretty much how I sound on stream I'm not gonna watch the whole thing but this man's impression he's imitation of me is spot-on he's better at being me than I am he's got a future of being lays Ben actually love this guy I'm definitely subscribing yeah lays be made corona barley 2020 but you realize that both 18 20 in 1920 had massive play come prey no I plague outbreak no plague outbreak no plague outbreak yeah my bad guys my bad laser beam dis track interesting [Music] I was actually cool that was really cool right yeah yay don't be hating my guy he put some good effort in there man I said lays bean for 12 hours straight I remember seeing this video he actually did it what is up everyone hope you guys are all having a fantastic as you guys all read by the talkative video I'll be signing laser-beam for the next 12 hours of my life there's a pain and laser beam ladies evangelizing the laser beam laser being a laser beam laser beam he's a minute and I already think he's gone crazy this might be the most honored I've ever been in my youtube career the fact that someone was willing to spend 12 hours saying my name and he only got 6 to 800 views you deserve more buddy you deserve more I remember seeing this before I commented as well but like this dude he deserves so much more love I might sit here and refresh for 12 hours just to give the men the views he deserves he's four hours in he's done it's poor Mexicans blaze it there where is it I was checking on him at like the 11 hour mark just before he finishes oh my god this guy has been through it I just who does that alright well I was bored so I decided to Google my name and yeah we found some weird stuff I don't think you can get more legendary than that I don't think we're gonna dive any deeper than that but yeah feel free to click bait me all you want guys don't care do what you want to do no it's actually a fun video just something to do pass some time don't forget cold laser items shot and I must say yay I see you guys later bye
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 22,543,674
Rating: 4.9581347 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, gameplay, lazarbeam, funny
Id: 2grRyvwb4WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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