smashing 100 keyboards

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[Music] if you thought the thumbnail was clickbait inside these boxes is 100 keyboards basically there's like a hundred of these things all right now look break a hundred of those not click babe so how am I going to smash a hundred keyboards when I recaps my favorite fortnight memes of all time I talked about death runs you guys really wanted me to do one for nostalgia purposes in order to mix it up though I love smashing things especially when I get mad I consider it therapy so I were playing a death run but every single time I die I will smash a keyboard jaidev's hundred level death row it's a default death run which is meant to be easy but last time I did his default death run I died well over a hundred times well there we got all of that that's the first level done no keyboard smashed well look at that didn't die on the first trap yeah so these default death runs are meant to start real easy ah but they do get harder huh oh look at that we are flying along why do I have a combat shotgun why is the ocean purple dude then I swear these pants out there or something I'm not sure oh I don't know what I do here first came out everybody died why are YouTube don't give me a guideline stroke I have protection always use protection one keyboard damn alright eventually I'll figure out what I'm supposed to do here see I eventually figured out what I was supposed to do here alright no more deaths we're gonna take this very seriously oh yeah oh so far so easy 360 in it oh I shouldn't have got cocky I shouldn't have got cocky alright I'm have to zoom the camera out so we can get a better angle guys the old key was on my desk alright let's say let's not 360 this one this time okay yeah say this is when the deaf start piling up this is incredibly dangerous do not try this at home I'm not even mad at the game they have such great therapy I'm not even mad at the game oh okay I got to do that ya know keyboards on that level I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to pass oh it's a bounce pad you ready I'm gonna hold the keyboard like this and then Lance gonna kick it easy level ten ten percent of the way through ah ah yeah alright next level let's go Oh Oh beautiful Oh got it uh how am I gonna get oh I gotta go off the toys Hey okay easy beautiful and then we just jump on these oh this ain't my first death run I might not be good at him but this isn't my first one I'm not even thinking about things anymore I'm just jumping oh I'm just jumping I'm not even thinking okay I was bound to catch up with me eventually I really like throwing it all all right let's be smart about this now oh come on okay we're finally through it this is just an easy trap run I guess Daisy didn't why was I trying to trigger the traps when I could have just jumped okay onto the tires and then onto this and then John Oh level 20 yeah the four boys beautiful she's gorgeous Oh another level done what ah yeah explain to me how science oh we're finally through I spelt the word map okay thank you great progress now easy peasy lemon squeezy all right making progress on the death run as much fun as we're having smashing keyboards it is important to remember we actually have to beat this death row alright let's go I have no idea how to even do this level okay and that shows that's showed in that that I died I may or may not have destroyed my boy that's a hundred level death run things get a little bit tiring I know what you came here for for the next 30 levels i'ma just show you the deaths [Music] [Music] okay Molly wants to break a second one so I've just got to die real quick for him there we go mom [Music] all right Paco okay parkour did not work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is truly a way to make death runs interesting again alright we've got a boom bow odds a boss fight not really sure what I'm supposed to do here oh man what there's giant there's zombies this way in a desperate test on the key no I am being a test I lost the boss fight yay I can't oh there it goes it's broken ah alright now get me up there yes alright we beat the boss fight guys good job that was incredibly easy alright ask these levels the place to work alright come on alright alright alright alright alright well that was easy I don't know why I was stressed oh I hate these double impulse levels I hate them see this is why I hate them why'd you guys have to ask me to do a death run again I could have smashed keyboards for any reason you know the drill I don't really want a 45 minute video so imma just show you some deaths [Music] mullein will now attempt to break five keyboards at one time he did that to himself YouTube you can't strike me just a reminder do not try this at home we have paramedics on standby oh come on three dad four deaths in the bank all right spot death level 80 we're almost done this might end up being a very long video but it will be a great video look at this guy so much progress not even stopping to think about what I'm doing okay and we beat it all right honestly there's only so much commentary you can say after 80 levels of a death run if my commentary is lacking oh I just walked back on a trap we're almost done yeah if my commentary is lacking because I'm out of things to say when beating death run levels I apologize but just focused on the Smashing focus on the pure destruction of the objects look at us we're making so much progress very much progress oh look at this we're going so fast now we're going so fast now I hate these impulse walls give me if I am pretty good at it look at that beautiful zero deaths zero death level 90 the next level 10 levels won't have any checkpoints consider it one extra long level good luck Oh what is this what is this I don't even know what I'm looking at can I beat a goal in one guy all this zombies [ __ ] here I don't know where they spawn but I can hear oh who needs checkpoints when you are the goats when you other goat for Oh Bernice checkpoints I'm the goat I am the greatest of all time I am as good as it gets look at this pure talent and speed that was it that was the final ten levels right there I'm kind of sad I didn't even smash a single keyboard the final fight this is the final level apparently I just have to collect all the coins oh okay yeah and it's a zombie man oh okay so I put a destroy like these things in order to collect the points awesome this is cool I love this this is sick okay I just exploded myself wait I'll just sit up here and destroy all these things yeah I literally can just destroy all of these things for me this is the same brain that came up with the great ideas such as breaking a hundred keyboard for no reason alright time to collect my coins thank you I'll take my coin please thank you I'm about to beat this whole thing my brain is gigantic thank you for that thank you for my coin thank you for all the coins I really appreciate it this was this as well a final clean chest up here I think yes beautiful this is awesome I am a legend shoutout to Jay due to this level thank you I will now collect the coin yay we did it we beat the death run oh I care I didn't even rage cuz I was just having so much fun breaking keyboard what are we gonna do with all these keyboards I said I'm breaking 100 keyboards I'm breaking 100 keyboards [Music] [Music] I'm feeling like a very scuffed sleep-deprived david dobrik [Music] this is the last table all right now look at what the cleanup job is gonna be like all right this is in my office let's take a nice look at that you know nice bit of smashing so many my floor is covered in key caps oh my god take a look take one our floor is complete destruction this was so therapeutic all right not sure why this video existed but you guys wanted Efron's back so we did it in laser beams stop don't forget use code laser so I can buy more keyboards hashtag add hashtag epic partner
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 23,003,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, gaming, funny, challenge
Id: goMlLMMU39A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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