1v1ing EVERYONE (mrbeast/ninja/fresh)

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this video has taken me over 10 days to create but it is perhaps the biggest crossover in gaming history we've got ninja mr beast ali a my nephew bodie and many more i am going to challenge all of these creators to a one versus one we have created a custom fortnight 1v1 map and we will battle it out in a best of three competition whoever wins twice wins the round now for some of these creators like miss the beast it didn't really make sense to do a fortnight 1v1 so we've come up with some separate challenges but one thing remains the same it's the battle to the death oh my god this took way too much time to create oh my god please like the video i'm starting this video with my seven-year-old nephew bodhi because he is a child and i have a good chance of winning also every video he's ever been in has over 10 million views all right i'm gonna start the 1v1s against someone i feel like i should be able to beat oh my god jesus oh my calm down oh my god you're insane are you sweating body yes what do you think of uh i saw i've built this custom 1v1 map body what do you think this is our laser beams 1v1 map very bad very bad yes all right you ready birdie yes we're gonna 1v1 let's go wait what my builds are not edited as well he's pranking should we let him have one we we let him win one just like let him feel good about himself i don't like people when they build high neither do i body neither do i you know at some point you've got to shoot me birdie yeah where you got me all right let's go oh come on my field still build bodies try and survive boy renegade renegade how does it feel to lose to uncle anybody very bad because you're bad okay i kicked this ben you know you could what being you you could ban me yeah if i'm for one year go go go who's going to win uncle or nephew the ultimate showdown what are you doing barty you got to build buddy you got gotta build oh god you snuck in a couple shots naughty boy you're not even popping out well i'm not gonna pop out and let you shoot me body not a chance bro you got me a little low i can't let this happen not even as a meme i can't let this happen you're on one hp you don't want to you don't want to embarrass uncle any do you body surely not i want him so much you want it's a bit rude which is not good oh my god he's trying to build ah uncle dominates that you you're bad i'm not bad he just left all right our next competitor benji fishy one of the world's best pro players he qualified for the world cup like seven times he's very excited now uh because we live he lives in like the uk or something like that we found a server where we have the same ping yeah i'm ready i'll have you know i beat my seven-year-old nephew sorry oh all right all right whenever you're ready buddy don't go easy on me i'm ready for this dude i'm right oh my god he's like mach 3 sorry i've played on nae and stuff many times i'm used to lag okay he's already killing me okay i'm gonna hide in this box oh god oh god oh god i'll be happy if i just hit you once oh my god i'm so lucky i have height i have height i've hit benji fishy yeah i'm not used to this man i used a zero pig okay none of these are mine none of these are mine none of these i mean we both went to the world cup you were just playing and i was spectating so that was the difference yeah i see anything that makes sense okay all right let's go oh he is so laggy oh okay okay all right calm down i have height on a world cup player i have height on a world cup player this is epic how long will i have it for though oh this is so holding it pretty oh god he's popping cones he's popping cones this is where it's over for me oh god i'm actually panting dude i'm literally out of breath already okay i don't know oh he's in my box oh no all right surprise surprise he's won it congratulations thank you very much our next competitor ali a intro plays ali a is in the building i've got something to show you real quick take a look take a look over here oh it's a diplodocus oh my god he said that he said the name is like i have to honor the fact that ali a has so many memes we couldn't do a normal 1v1 it had to be a meme second favorite clipper for all time of you is you're doing the best mate stance so i say we are we both best mate first one dead losers let's go all right ally literally how this is gonna work bro we're just gonna like emote here yeah we're pretty much dead in sync okay all right we're literally just gonna go along the road and whoever dies first loses i'm in front bro we gotta be kind of like side by side here ally okay okay it's the ping bro oh oh my god he's throwing it sideways there's the savage of the game dude oh i can see people i can see people oh they're on the zip oh yeah yeah right we just we do our thing man we just vibing just keep going ally i honestly thought we'd be dead by now i'm sorry for making you suffer through this it will take two minutes he says all right shout out to ali for giving me his time for something so completely pointless oh oh people coming people coming come this way come this way who is going to be in front of us we just beamed me no ally i'm sorry dude okay that was my favorite of all the competitions easily all right next up he has a kid's choice award he really likes to say the word poggers hoggers 13 million subs it's lachlan dockland oh boy let's go you know if you're expected to win so if you lose it's embarrassing if i lose it's just who gives the crap no pressure there i go oh god oh god he's cranking he's cranking oh god lachlan no i don't know where you are oh god you're kilometers in the sky oh god oh i crashed him they're unlucky takes round one to be expected let's just do it the the audience wants to know who's better oh got him on what come coming boy damn boy got him damn boy clapped boy uh hold on where's my charlie damilia yep get the million on feel free to like do anything you need man go do some like 90s whatever you want to do man yeah let me just do some some tops this is like a competitive dude whoever wins this gets all the marmalade i don't know what marmalade is but it all comes down to this let's go i like fortnite god he going x games mode oh god oh god oh god oh god oh good it's chewy it's too easy it's just that easy i'm trying to play aggressive here it's not working it's not working i like fortnite all right i i demand a rematch in the near future that's all i'm saying next up over nine million subs and my future brother-in-law it's muselk music one day we will be brothers-in-law probably unless your your sister leaves me but until then arch nemesis i'm actually i like i actually think i am gonna lose and that scares me yeah you should be all right let's get ready i'm ready round number one let's go oh god i'm not warmed up at all this is my first game on dude you cranked too much music i know i can't prank too much dude come to me music oh god he's in my box get out of here oh god he's in my box come back here you little oh god bread right oh god he's in my box dude you so sneaky i will spam through all that okay i didn't even hit him once i did that for your sister just so like she said go easy on you i'll have you know all right museok bodhi won the first round as well wait did he actually round two it's the best of three very simple rules and stuff like that whoa now who has the high ground boy oh yay mr beam takes one get charlie demilio don boy i didn't want to embarrass you with a with a 2-0 three two one go oh all comes down to this my first pranks are better than yours very much so you're not getting the high ground i'm going up i have no idea what i'm doing and if i have no idea what i'm doing you can't possibly know oh that was good that was good music no my bullets went through you you absorbed them oh oh you had to have been so low all right gg honestly it's kind of embarrassing it was that close elliot i i don't like that i struggled with that all right next up we have the king of youtube mr beast he's recently started a gaming channel because he wants to become king of gaming so i thought we could have a cheeky 1v1 all right we're randomly in minecraft literally do not question it what's up man all right hey hey i found this egg okay if this hatches a chicken you will hit a hundred million subscribers one day oh okay all right well i might as well give up now yeah you might as well just delete the channel what's the point i sort of recreated the fortnite map but like in minecraft we've got the code laser sign but basically you recreated the only important thing oh yeah absolutely whose card do you use in the fortnite item shop that's the real question oh i use ninja oh he's trying to take over the gaming world so i was like let's go in minecraft and literally just punch each other to death whoever wins gets to be king of gaming i'm ready to punch you come on quit making me let's just go let's just go let's just do it oh you're running you got a big plan or something dude you got a big plan you got a big plan oh you got a big plan first of all oh my gosh okay this is going to take way longer to kill you than i thought it would i've only lost one heart bro all right oh really i haven't even lost her yet i'm on half a heart okay okay this is embarrassing you're embarrassing me dude i don't like this oh yeah okay i've been making gaming videos for years and you're actually embarrassing me okay all right okay no i'm running i'm running i know i'm uh i know when it's time to leave dude i've been in one fight in my life and i got knocked out so i know when it's time to run please okay i thought you had a sword for a second all right leave me alone yeah laser was using the bathroom for five minutes before we started so i made a sword i should have actually this is my world this is my server i should have just had like netherright armor just prepared to destroy you okay how did you get so close okay i can't believe i'm being embarrassed in my own video this isn't i'm gonna go yeah okay oh my gosh okay all right oh my god okay have it have the gaming world have it i don't want it anyway did you know that that was my main channel was a minecraft channel for years really yeah my very first video they're all minecraft yeah no i used to play like factions and spend thousands of dollars in like weeks building basically all right so basically you're a goddamn minecraft pro player dude i got a scam all right next up we got my creamy five and a half million subs time to 1v1 the cream man i'll have you know i destroyed my seven-year-old nephew go easy on me please all right cream in are you ready yep let's do it oh this is gonna be the easiest win of my life easier than beating my nephew oh my god what is this crap you play creative don't you you're better than i thought you'd be oh oh god he's popping cones and stuff oh god he's trapped me in oh god oh we're just we can't shoot each other we oh god oh god oh oh oh oh my god all right it's the best of three for a reason i'll let you get one i'll let my nephew have one as well oh god i might have to just play low ground here dude oh god he's doing nerdy crap oh oh creep where's the cream man oh big tag way sweaty than i suspect it's way too early in the morning for this sweat dude oh god i'm just trying to get high ground on you just not let's go let's go all comes down to this oh oh i've never lit bite lip fighted so hard oh god oh god oh god i think he might have me here i'm honestly terrified i'm gonna need to take a calculated approach yeah yeah i've been hit hard already dude i don't think i've hit you once oh god oh god oh god oh no no no i'm trapped in a box this is not how this was supposed to end oh oh god oh god oh god no where is he the ultimate comedy get out to creamy for joining one of the biggest crossovers in fortnite history oh god ggs oh god all right our next competitor is meow he recently passed a million subs and he's an og renegade raider i'm sorry i get that i'm here for my skin it's fine it's fine but i should warn you i did beat my seven-year-old nephew okay now i'm scared i'm ready bring it on mr renegade raider i just want to say mao is a former pro player so uh okay what i'm doing now okay oh he's pranking okay he's cranking oh god oh god oh god okay come on buddy come get me mr renegade radar where you think you're so special because you bought a skin like three years ago this is exhausting we're just literally just i'm not losing to mr beam yeah that's true my my fans would be incredibly toxic about it don't be toxic to anyone all right where you got going dude he's just cranking up he's just cranking up what are you doing there now there's no fall damage just like oh oh he's in the box oh god no i lost the 1v1 oh the renegade ready to beat me i've done it all right next up it's my adopted son he used to be one of the best pro players in the country it's mr fresh pickle pickle we've won v1 a few times in the past but i have improved a lot how did our last one go i think it was like 26 to 1 or something no no it was it was definitely very even this this is definitely illegal uh this does not count it does not count at all all right son let's go who will win father or son yep oh my god he's already doing dirty crazy right off the bat oh aladdin oh god oh god why are you running like this dude i'm not running it's a strategy called you're a little low really you are no i'm i'm not low at all i'm feeling great actually oh oh no oh no oh he got me hey god damn it all right let's go bro let's go just give you a quick pooping on this one oh they're just building ramps everywhere that's the strategy oh god you couldn't let me have one you couldn't let me have a single round he's coming for me oh god i've raced the monster okay you're literally just playing oh god damn it i mean well wow everyone's surprised right you played well london you're good at running the big finale ninja first i defeated him in fortnite then he embarrassed me in front of 600 000 people in rock paper scissors so the final battle is fortnite rock paper scissors i have to wake up at 3am for this whoever wins i swear don't be toxic i i cannot make another sorry ninja video there's not enough movement bro come on guys there's no actual proof it was ninja until you know you said the iconic line you got me awake at 3am for this one but i'm ready i can't lose this bro there's too much riding on this oh my god i miss my wife i win come on round one goes to the beam oh ninja it's the best of three buddy look at the very least i'm not getting too old this time all right okay i promised my wife i'd win man i'm still going outside i don't know what there we go oh what is it oh it's both paper both paper oh god i'm sweating dude that's mate you got to stop you got to start with i'm sorry i just can't leave it down man you know all right dude this is a nice little map you got here man [ __ ] sorry i see that you like that code laser dude i do i do yeah i'll handle that let me see it again looks like it says code ninja to me all right we've got five seconds [Music] [Music] oh he's done it oh oh he's done it he's done it ninja is killed ninja's done he's over there okay i don't know what he's he's building to the sky wait till he realizes there's no fall damage two legends battle it out in an iconic 1v1 i'ma take this win all right well you know what guys uh guys make sure to use code laser and uh blazer baby who's that guy i never heard of him
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 28,147,308
Rating: 4.9615273 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, gameplay, gaming
Id: d3nE9l1Y-hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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