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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CreamyBeam 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ohh Good Shot Ballsack hit 42 Points Great

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Discorduser2425 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
president trump talking on the south lawn a short time ago he was asked if he is going to ban tick tock here in the united states we're looking at tick-tock we may be banning tick-tock our worst fears that come and true donald trump is going to ban tick-tock by executive order latter is going to let microsoft buy it we don't know but tick tock as we know it is done in the next month or so but i am still very bored so it is my mission to find a replacement welcome back to i am bored with laser beam tick tock is banned edition most of us are still stuck inside we're still in quarantine i'm still bored very bored but there is a good chance that tick-tock does get banned maybe so we have to start figuring out alternatives before tick-tock there was a playlist called the instant regret playlist this is the weirdest and dumbest videos youtube has to offer i hired a research team to go through the entire playlist and find the very best videos in it so their career is on the line if this video sucks i will fire them 50 000 likes i don't think this poor kid's elytra was working correctly this just proves we don't need tick-tock to see kids doing dumb crap even if it does get banned we should be completely fine guys leaving quarantine some of us got girlfriends some of us are having a fantastic time in quarantine oh he's doing a trust for i imagine this will not end well oh god i think we'll just we'll be we're going to be just fine no tick tock we're going to be just fine we'll begin the curl ups now ready begin up i'm divided on this one because it's like on one side i'd really like to see the end of that video on the other side i'm kind of glad i didn't see the end of that vid maybe just stay down mate maybe just stay down did that bear just break down the door imagine you're sitting there watching netflix and chillin and instantly a goddamn grizzly bear bust into your living room no enjoy your animals america enjoy it have fun have fun getting eaten while you're trying to watch dragon ball z or something like that we're gonna be just fine no tick tock we're gonna be just fine it was a mattress youtube the kid's fine all right it was a mattress a thrilling saga cat with watermelon cat eat watermelon oh my god what comes next fat cat oh my god the cat ate the entire watermelon i had a research team go through all 3 000 videos so that i could bring you only the best post they gave me this good thing this research team isn't trying to cure a like terminal disease or something like that then what's the baby other doing there's definitely a joke that i i shouldn't make you could say like every spaceship has an abort button um i like my channel i like my channel i'm not making the joke not doing it i like i'm not making a joke when mom turns off the wi-fi yeah that's how i used to react to my mum would be like stop playing world of warcraft get outside and get a girlfriend and i was like mum i have a girlfriend elantra the night elf priestess and then my mum pulled out the ethernet cord i want to know where elantra is now oh god what do you get i don't think so when you cross a mental health he might not have hit the ping-pong ball but he hit another ball if i'm am i right [Applause] oh [Music] oh payback payback there's someone playing minecraft this is very cool doctor strange threw his diamond pickaxe straight into lava got him lovely mary poppins flying away with her umbrella beautiful oh watch it oh god she didn't see the power lines you could definitely call her mary poppin poppins now because she popped look i'm not the one curing your boredom these videos are all right shut up just watch the videos [Music] i regret clicking this video i feel insanely uncomfortable it's a video just called birds with arms i've seen the subreddit before birds with arms i have never seen it in video form this makes me so uncomfortable this is weird i was weird and uncomfortable but i came around at the end you know i liked it that dog never stood a chance what the hell going on the here that yeah that child just got fully squashed the damn hell is siren head iron head is a tall mysterious humanoid creature that is known for its odd appearance and the various sounds that emanate out of its head which am i supposed to be scared of that it's literally a lamp post the real shame none of the dinosaurs in the jurassic park park movies did that but i guess it is pretty scary if it can literally squash a child you probably say it a million times a day every time i've ever seen that goddamn fish it makes me so uncomfortable it looks so happy in that moment though but i'm pretty sure it's about to be chopped up and eaten in it wait what is this this man has like a elastic band on him or something what does that mean [Music] bro i shriveled up just thinking about it i'm oh that's like getting a rubber band and flicking it on your hand but times a thousand i regret it i regret watching that one i would drop this toy oh give him the oscar give him the oscar even more deserving than leo dicaprio give him the oscar that children's toy made me incredibly uncomfortable what kind of kids toy is that like a furby apple watch no if you wanted to like assume control of the youngest part of the population that's probably a way to do it even if these things aren't going to take over the globe i don't think children should have them that's horrifying but that is the instant regret playlist i think we're in good hands i was worried about where we'd go if tick tock is banned i think we're in good hands i think we're going to be good guys laze beam looking at dumb videos to entertain himself shall continue i hope you enjoyed it that was actually sick that was fun don't forget to like the videos to see if the research team gets fired and i am lazy beam and i am no longer bored
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 19,456,294
Rating: 4.9519196 out of 5
Id: z9i14AlzWL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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