Top 5 Low Light Houseplants

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hello everyone my name is Nick and welcome if you are new in this video we're going to discuss my top five picks for low-light houseplants now when I say lowly I by no means mean no light I would say for me in my space low light falls between maybe like eight to twelve feet away from my windows and if I'm pushing twelve feet I definitely need a grow light to help supplement the lighting and if you have no windows or no light I would say you definitely need a grow light to help supplement light and these plants might not be adequate for your space if you do not have a grow light that being said I have five plans to share with you guys today that I keep in the darkest corners of my apartment and I think grow really well and are really low maintenance I just want to start off by saying that this list is in no particular order I do think that all five of these plants are excellent selections if you are looking for a low light house plant for your space so this first one is probably the most common and if you did a little bit of research on low light house plants prior to watching this video this is probably the first and that popped up and there is good reasoning to that so this is a zz plant or as a me a Colchis sameö folia which is why it has its name as easy plant and this plant is really the best plant if you are looking for a low light plant I know I just said this place is in no particular order but this is really a foolproof plant the only way you can kill this plant is by it watering it too much I have a little bit of an adage about this plant and that is if you order this plant more than you pay your rent it's too much because I really find myself watering this plant probably every like five or six weeks maybe even pushing that a little bit keeping in mind that I really do keep these plants in the darkest corners of my home so if I had this plant a little bit closer to a window I might find myself watering it more than once a month I might be watering it every two or three weeks but as these are in the darker corners of my home I am very hands-off in fact if I wanted them a little too much they would rot and that's why we do not water these plants often we aren't really able to see here because they're all under the soil but these plants have these tubers that almost look like potatoes growing out of the soil and that's where they store all of their water as well as in these thick stems and thick leaves so this plant does not want to be watered very often in fact if you do one of the plant often as I had mentioned those tubers will very quickly rot and they'll almost become a water flew and pop and it's very gross and you don't want to deal with it so to avoid that you just really do not water this plant often at all this is really the only plant if people come to me at the shop that I work and they are looking for a house plant that is for a space with maybe no windows this is the only one I feel comfortable recommend to them and I do harshly remind them that they are not going to be watering this plant often whatsoever there are a few more cultivars of this plant coming up which is great because when I first got in the house times this was the only plant that I knew as easy plant and now there are a few different choices so there is a small version called as a micro Zizi plant which is just like smaller leaves and smaller stature there's also the Zenzi which is more of the bonsai door like squat version that was easy plant and probably the most popular on the market right now and a little bit more expensive I will say is this is easy Ravin right here which is the black leaves easy plant so it's loved for its black foliage which is going to be a little bit shiny with the light that we have supplied today and you can see the new growth comes in this wonderful light green very similar to a standards easy plant but you can see it's just starting to now kind of get some black edges and black dots to it so it's going to start filling out that black color as it hardens off and matures so a really wonderful plant I actually have this black Zizi plant growing directly next to the Greens easy plant that I have right here and these are both growing on top of my fridge in my kitchen which is roughly about eight to ten feet away from a south-facing window so these plants are in a bright room but they are by no means in a bright space they are in a pretty dark corner of my home especially since it's raised up quite a bit since it's on top of my fridge so Zizi plant is definitely one of the best plants to have in your home you cannot have enough of these if you are looking for plants for like the darkest corners in your home this is the plant you want you just got to remember don't water it more than you pay your rent my second pick for my top five low light houseplants is going to be to not these so this right here is a two non-fee Burley mark CI and they more commonly referred to this plant as a fish bone prep plant from the wonderful fishbone patterns that you see on the leaves and something I really adore about this plant is the lovely shades of purple that appear on the backsides of the leaves as I said at fishbone prayer plant this plant is related to prayer plants however if you are more familiar with like myrrh on toes and calathea switch are the more common prayer plants you'd see Marathas are like the red vein prayer plants on the most common moranto would be the red veined prayer plan so those plants to me are a little bit finicky and they're not my favorite incense of their behavior they're one of my favorites in terms of their looks because they're beautiful we all love them for that looks but their behavior kind of cuts it a little bit loose for me however I would say to not these have a much more easygoing behavior when it comes to the prayer plant world well the rules are still true that these plants prefer high humidity and you should definitely be using distilled water on these plants to prevent fluoride burn I have to admit I do not use distilled water on my to nnamdi's or my prayer plants in general I'm very lazy when it comes to that I have too many plants to be dealing with that maybe one day I'll just stock up on it but for right now I am using tap water on my plants and sometimes I'll let it set up overnight but that doesn't take care of the fluoride it takes care of the chlorine but as you can see the tips of these plants look phenomenal normally when you buy to not be barely marks yeah they're like full like crowns I did not purchase this one this way I bought this one is like a small plant two years ago and it's grown you know about double the size since I purchased it I would say that's why this plant is a little bit more compact than once you might see if you are shopping for one in a store but I adore this plant it's incredibly easy especially for a prayer plant as I had said and I honestly just wanted this plant like every week or two and if I find that my leaves are a little curled up maybe kind of have this one leaf is curling up down here I know that this plant is not well watered and I should really give this pad a good soaking in fact if you're giving this plant a little too much light since this is a low light plant you will know because the leaves will curl up just like this leaf is right here this leaf right here is just a little tired and probably gonna fall off soon and that's why it is curling up but you can see the rest of this plant looks very healthy and I very much love this plant it's just such a beautiful one there is a newer tonality that I have more recently that I have seen pop up on the market in the past year so this is called - not the santosa so this is a really similar looking plant as you can see with that leaf venation but it's a little bit more muted it still has the wonderful purple on the back and this one is a little bit more upright as you can see I believe to not the Burley Marcia is going to stay very small and compact while this tonality is the one that's going to get kind of wild and all over the place similar to astro manthie would if you were to let that one get a little bit overgrown so same with Mike's not the Burley Marcia I just keep this plant moist I have it in a darker corner in my home I keep this to not thee in the back of my bar cart behind me so all the way in the back corner that's where that one lives so it's kind of not even getting hit by that grow light up there and that might not be Burley marks yeah I keep in the top level of my shelf in my bedroom so that one is also not getting hit by a girl light and they are growing phenomenally and at least my Burley Marquis I've had for a long time I can't really speak for this to Tosa but so far it's given me a few new leaves and I have to say I'm loving this one that just as much as I'm loving it might not be Burley Marcia my third pick for my top five low lighthouse plans has to be Dracena 'he's so this time right here is Dristan a Janet Craig this is probably my favorite racino that's on the market because I love how green it is it's got this nice green stem that almost looks like bamboo and then they've got a lovely tuft of green foliage up here that's a very deep green and just isn't really calling attention to it Christina's are probably the largest available plant that I'll be talking about today so this is a really excellent plant if you're looking for a corner to fill that's very low light I keep this one in a very dark corner in my home and they're very compact as you can see this one is actually a rescue so it was four canes in the pock but it came in very cold damaged over the winter time so I pulled out the other two canes and I have these two beautiful ones left so I'm rescuing this one that's doing very well after about 9 or 10 months in my home so the one thing I love about your saying is is how low Maiden's they are I wanted this plant pretty similarly to my Zizi plant so I'm watering it like every five or six weeks if I'm being honest keeping in mind it's in a very dark corner in my home and it's also in a plastic nursery pot so it's not holding on to water as much as say a terra cotta pot would another thing about these plants is similar to the tonality that I talked about earlier they don't like fluoride so if you can use distilled water on these plants they would definitely prefer it they will get fluoride burn on the tips of their leaves and maybe even the sides a little bit however I am watering this plant so minimally that I once again do not bother using tap water because have had this plant for about ten months at this point but I haven't even noticed any fluoride burned because I've only watered it a handful of times Justina's are very widespread there are so many different varieties the two most common ones would be the dracaena marginata which is the red edge Christina that kind of looks like it belongs in a dr. Seuss book and then there's also the corn plant which is a very thick trunk dracaena that has these like strappy green and like yellow striped leaves it's a very very common plant if you look up corn plant you'll know what I'm talking about so those are the two most common ones that if you were to walk into a nursery or a big-box store that you would definitely see but there are a bunch more varieties on the market that are a little bit more hard to find that you would probably have to go to a smaller owned plant shop to find there are at least 20 on the market if you are looking for a large low light plant I would highly recommend doing a little bit of research because there is definitely addressing that for you there are some with some beautiful lime green colors and some with some beautiful white colors some with some reds and yellows there are so many out there so I highly recommend doing a little bit of research I swear there is a Dracaena for you my fourth pick is going to be my variegated peacefully or my bath with alum Domino now I need to preface by saying I wouldn't consider other peace lilies to be easy low-light house plans but this spathiphyllum Domino has been the saving grace for me when it comes to peace lilies so I have always loved peace lilies a lot people leave was one of the first few plants I ever purchased when I first got in the house plants about five years ago they remind me of like the family trips I would take the Florida growing up for some reason it's just like the one plant that stood out to me so I used to always buy them then they would die very quickly so I'm more so refering to the small peace lilies that are sold a very deep green they usually come in with a lot of these spat flowers on them and then very quickly the flowers go away and the plant kind of just like poops out on you so I also try to another piece Lily in the past year called Scott film sensation which has been easier than that peacefully but it still hasn't been a piece of cake it's still alive it's still growing okay but it's just not the easiest plant however I saw this spathiphyllum Domino and work I've been getting them for since I've been working it there but I gotten this really beautiful one or really batch and this one was just like really catching my eye all day so I was like you know what I don't know why I'm thinking about getting another spathiphyllum because they are not easy we've never had a good relationship but this one is just too beautiful it was a pretty good deal so I was like it's coming home with me and I really just loved the variation on it it's just really beautiful so I just brought it home quite frankly I didn't even have a good spot for it so I just put it on the floor in a really dark corner of my home and I just really never moved it and this thing has just grown so well for me there was no flowers on it when I bought it and it's flowered for me so much this is one flower that's kind of hiding right here but it's put up so much to grow as you can see I'm like struggling to have it in the frame right now it's grown so much so if you like peace lilies and you've been wanting to have success with them and you just haven't because that's been the case for me as well as many people who have come into the plant shop that I work this is the one I am Telling You and the leaves are so beautiful they're like ruffled and like weird but then they have the beautiful variegated such a big fan of this plant and I highly highly recommend it it's very vocal when you need to water it it will droop and I just find it by water it within that first day or two a bit drooping I haven't had an issue I have found with peaceful ease in the past and if I let them go a little too far after they've drooped there they don't really come back so I'm still admittedly a little bit more on top of this plant because of that reason and because I love it so much but I've had it for about eight months at this point and I've had some very very good luck with this plant so as I said I haven't gone through a full growing season so I haven't even gone through a full winter with this plant because I bought it in late winter so I can't really speak for sure if this is a easy plant but you know from the way it's been growing these past eight months I have to tell you guys about it because of this is such an excellent low light plant and I am honestly shocked by how well this player has been growing alrighty my fifth and final entry for my top five low light houseplants is going to be ugly a Nima's or Chinese evergreens so this one right here is an Ag Lea naima commute Adam Silver Bay and this is probably the most common Chinese evergreen you would find if you walked into a big-box store or a plant shop and there is good reason it is a very very easy plant to grow and I would consider it to be the lowest light fully plant for your space so I grow this plant up on top of my fridge next to my 2zz plants that I talked about earlier in this video and it grows very very well for me as you can see the leaves are definitely facing downward because it's trying to get more sunlight as the fridge is up pretty high so that's why you can see the leaves are not as upright as they would normally be if you found this plant in a store but I really really love the patterns on this plant so this is probably the most common green variety of Chinese evergreen that I've seen and I'll say there's another variety that I have with me today that is green it is this Silver Queen variety I believe I haven't haven't even got a true ID on this plant but I believe or I've known this plant to be an ugly name a Silver Queen and I just love the lancelet shape of the leaves and then the pattern that they have regardless of the identity I really really love this plant but contrary to the name Chinese evergreen there are many red and pink varieties that have been showing up on the market and even some white varieties but this one that I have today is my favorite red variety so this is a glean EEMA red emerald and I just love the red the patterns that it has on the leaves in those flashes of yellow as well as the pink stem so this is a real favorite of mine and I just love how large and robust this plant is so Chinese evergreens are very similar waterers to the drew Santa's and those easy plants I do not order them often at all I would say maybe once a month is a little too far gone for these egg-laying Amis I'm probably watering them every two or three weeks or so but when I do water my ugly nameless I don't want to give them a full saturation I just want to give them a light watering I do want to see a little bit of water drain out of the bottom but I don't want this plant to be completely wet and I wouldn't want to like have this plant sitting in water by any means and I've notice if I do have this plant in extra water that's when I'll start to get some leaves start to yellow from the bottom up and I have even lost a few plants in some of these pots just something to be worried about in terms of a glean a macare I would say that the red and pink and white varieties might appreciate a little bit more light than the green varieties so if you're working with a truly low light space I would definitely push you towards those green varieties but if you are working with a space that's maybe 6 to 8 feet away from your window as I have the Chinese evergreen red emerald in you would be able to get away with this plant just be sure not to water it too much or too heavily thank you all so much for joining me today to talk about my picks for top five low light houseplants as I mentioned all of these plants are excellent for low light maybe not no light except maybe that Zizi plant so I hope this helps you fill out some of your darker corners in your home and help you turn your home more into a jungle if you don't already follow me on instagram at philly foliage just subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great time
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 423,365
Rating: 4.9345331 out of 5
Keywords: low light, low light plant, low light houseplants, top 5 low light, top 5, top 10, plant, plants, houseplant, house plants, houseplants, zz plant, prayer plant, ctenanthe, peace lily, dracaena, aglaonema, chinese evergreen, nick pileggi, phillyfoliage, philly foliage, low, light, no light plants
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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