Sun-Worshipping Indoor Plants | High Light Houseplants

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oh I'm so sore today I don't know why I didn't do anything I didn't do anything to warrant being sore but I am that's kind of crazy I have my notes here just a list of plants it's just a list of plants that can do really well on the Sun plant [Music] welcome back you guys this is Amanda from plant arena and I'm back from my vacation I'm so excited and I'll tell you what spurred this video it sparked the idea for this video is that I had some Sun I had some Sun and I'd started thinking like wait a minute I see so many indoor plants that are pretty much growing in full Sun out in the Caribbean and in Florida and then a lot of people say that to keep him out of the full Sun ah my aloes going keep them out of the full Sun okay I don't know about that I think that a lot of these plants do well in the full Sun and let's talk about why and let's talk about the plants that actually flourish they just love the Sun and they are like Sun worshipers so this video is about sun-worshipping plants okay at least the ones that I know to do well in the full Sun and I know there's others and and you have to actually acclimate them to this zone in most cases so let's just start with this sago palm because it's right in front of my face and I've seen those growing like in the streets not in the streets but you know on the side of the streets where I was on vacation there was two giant ones by the pool in full Sun and they did really well I love sago palms because they can tolerate different temperatures too they can actually do well when the temperatures are low like 50 I had it on my porch until like the first or second or third frost not this one well that one didn't make it cuz I didn't bring it in but anyway say mom's can handle direct sunlight it's just look it looks like it can and it does and but I would just be careful so when your I'll start this when you're buying plants that are grown in a greenhouse that our under shade cloth be super careful about putting them directly into the direct Sun because they need to acclimate they're not used to it and they might burn so a lot of these plants I'll talk about today might actually burn a little bit so be careful just be a little careful and if you see it put it in the shade for a couple of weeks and then gradually put it into the direct Sun so sago palms do very well in the direct Sun I'll just leave you here because you're very very cute okay so I'll just look around snake plants snake plants and yes they're often listed as low light plants or low light tolerant plants and they are but guess what they can do really well in the direct sunlight this is a jeboa I finally got another one because I let the other one I had originally died I don't know how I did that so they just just do I saw so many and I've seen so many stands of sneek plants like everywhere in direct Sun and they're just fine but again like see this big guy over here I'll probably just do a shot of it because I can't lift it here I don't know if you can see it can you see this guy it's big it's big this was on my front porch and got a lot of direct Sun afternoon Sun I live in New York it's not super super hot like in Arizona where you get really dry hot air and Sun so anyway but even so I've seen these in the side of the road it's okay I got you I got you I've seen them in just shopping mall landscapes in direct Sun fine they're fine you're gonna be fine too and guess what I brought it in for the winter and it's still great it deals with kind of low light highlight and direct light acclimate them though please acclimate your plants okay because if you don't like I said they'll be some scorching so let's okay let's talk about the cine ciose sunny ciose this is a string of pearls that you know listen it has a little couple of issues there's a couple of strings that dry it out but it's still living and it's long so I in my experience I've had these plants on my front porch in the direct Sun I'd say for about like four or five hours and I grew it grew a lot and I know when they grow them in the greenhouses they get some pretty much all day long they're not getting direct Sun so again please be careful and acclimate your plants they are probably grown under like 60% six zero percent shade o'clock maybe even eighty by I'd say it's more sixty even forty so move them closer to the Sun if you want if you have to have them in directs them like I want to recommend putting these in direct sunlight but if they're in direct Sun for like half a day they're probably gonna be okay so let me put you back here at to be really gentle with this guy because it's long and I don't want to break it and he's probably gonna fall this might surprise you a little bit this is an asparagus fern and these are one of the these are one of the ferns that do well in full Sun I don't have this info in full Sun right now and I've always kept it in a shady area on the porch or inside with artificial light and you know frankly it's doing really well either way I do have to water it a little more often than some of the other plants that's that's sling and laying in bed with that means hanging out with and surveys worked but sometimes let it dry out too much and then I lose a couple a couple of couple of things a couple of leaves and stuff but anyway I'm talking about so yes Argus currents actually do really well in right direct light shocker right I was shocked when I found that out so we probably should talk about this fiddly finns italy figs and will even talk about on my shoulder why does my shoulder hurt so much i really didn't do anything and ficus elastica italy figs and ficus elastica oh hold on yeah I do not I do not have the coronavirus I promise you I just sneezed you have to be careful these days so anyway so fiddly fig five Kistler ah de ficus elastica rubber tree they so well in bright light because I've seen them out in nature and in man-made landscapes standing in the middle by themselves open Sun no shade like just kicking it so you know honestly you can do that too but again acclimate heckle me acclimate it if you're growing it especially from a cutting or you get a little cute little baby fiddly ficus elastica you might burn it if you just put it straight out there because it's not used to it yet it takes listen when you if you still go tanning I don't know if you guys do that or not probably shouldn't do that but if you do and you haven't been in the Sun for say three years like I have not three years you burn you burn same things gonna happen with these guys they're going to burn a little bit because they're just like wool what's happening here give it a little Aqua mation so this guy's been sitting on that it up over by that window getting pretty much full Sun for the whole afternoon and it's shooting out new leaves and this is a new leaf here I'm gonna show you something like when I'm done talking I'm gonna show you what happens sometimes to the new leaves of fiddly fig they get this thing called edema and it's this little red spots on the new leaves and that's usually a water retention in the cell structure don't freak out about it because it's go away after a while I've gotten a lot of DMS about that so it's just is kind of a natural thing for fiddly things to go through and then they turn green big trend these are guys do their agree dudes and they're red underneath it'll go away go away so fit elite bigs I've seen so many hold on I'm getting let me get this in here I have seen so many uh ficus elastica just getting bright bright bright light and listen they do really well they stayed nice and dark or that keep their variegation they just love it they're just light loving plants so if you haven't been a dark area they're just they're gonna kind of droop and they might get root rot especially if you especially if you water them too much so give them bright light I've had this on my shelf over here and then at one point in time my LED light fell on it and burn the leaves a little bit so there's a couple of spots on it but short of that it's growing like a weed it's really growing a husband another a new leaf coming out so I had to move this out from under the shelf because it was getting too tall it's got cobwebs on it what are cobwebs they're just spider webs right no I don't even know my shoulder my shoulder let's talk about some plants I don't have in the table right now um top okay I have I have an aloe I've had I have this funky funky whoa hold on I used this terracotta pot just hold it up I'm talking about it so this aloe here it likes bright bright bright bright light if you are growing it in an area that's not getting direct Sun and then you move a plant this size into the direct Sun this will probably start turning red and you know I know I could burn out a little bit so but if you're growing them from little pups in full Sun they're going to be okay but again like if you do decide to put a plant into full Sun and you see that it's stressing out move it away and move it back move it into the shade you stay here this is I don't want this to fall it's so funky looking and I like it that's gonna fall okay just stay there stay stay stay put and then agaves okay loves the Sun yeah succulents and cacti euphorbias I don't want to talk about those because it's pretty obvious but agave is another one that just loves it loves the Sun loves the Beach loves laying out what else yeah okay palms right I have a lady palm over there areca palms like palms just do it in the Sun that they want to be there they're gonna flourish so again that's another one that left the Sun I don't know if I'm just going really really quickly but I'm just listing some loving plants okay um colocasia Cole acacias no not a low case is but Cole acacias think about it you people plant them in outdoor pots like flower pots and container gardens and do really well and they grow really fast and I've had a cold cases inside and they just go they just don't work that well for me because I don't have a ton of Sun so collocates use do super well in both Sun and you just get it from the nursery pop them in and they'll go out okay it's another one quarter lines quarter lines I've tried to have quarter lines tie plants inside my house and it just doesn't work it just doesn't work and then when I put them outside in the summer they just they just take off so for me they're more of an outdoor plant and I know a lot of people try and some people are successful with them so and more power to you more power to your house because you've got more light and that's probably why you're being successful with them but so cord lines if you can stick them by a south-facing facing window and they'll probably do pretty well so that's another one bananas bananas bananas Musa they thrive in highlight in direct Sun and I really really want one I can't have one but there's a greenhouse down the street that I go to and Catherine has is gorgeous variegated one that was so big she had to cut it back and then she divided it and it's because she has a greenhouse and it's loving it it was actually taking over the greenhouse so bananas are another indoor plant that will do well with full Sun I'm gonna say that a lot I keep repeating myself I'm just gonna stop saying it it's not gonna say anything that's kind of impossible so flowering indoor plants there's a whole spectrum of flowering indoor plants like roses and gardenias and jasmine that just need it you don't have it you're not gonna have the plant for very long especially those little miniature roses they sell I forget what time of the year they sell them they don't really want to be inside your house unless you have a solarium or a greenhouse so flowering plants citrus trees like just if you don't have the light think about uh artificial light I forgot the word because that helps but they do so much better in natural full Sun what else strelitzia bird of paradise it's kind of crucial they can that well they'll do okay without direct sunlight and they do well very very well in an indirect light bright indirect light but if you put it outside expect a little bit of leaf scorch if you're moving a plant that's a mature plant from indoor to outdoor again acclimate it put it in a shady area and then slowly put it closer to a direct source of light like the Sun so especially if you have small ones if you start with small ones you can probably just put them right in the direct Sun because I see them everywhere in the Sun and I know they do well because my eyes are not why to me I see it I mean if you don't believe me take a look take a walk in Miami take a look online and you'll see wait wait a minute why am I being so precious about my snake plant when it can be in Folsom sorry mm-hmm coleus maybe not my favorite plant in the world even when I was gardening and I had a landscaping business I never really picked coleus but it does very well I know quite a few people are using them as indoor plants now and have for a long time so again they can't tolerate full Sun they can tolerate it here's a plant that I really really want and I know I can have and my friend who owns a greenhouse a different friend wouldn't even sell it to me because he says it's gonna die it's sad that you want to take it and let it die in your house so I felt so bad but I didn't buy it Podocarpus fair like hedges in in the more tropical areas and I'm jealous I really want a Podocarpus one day I'll have one but they demand a lot of light they can tolerate like just be beating down rays of Sun on their foliage they love it they want it they really really want it so it's not fair to a plant to make it suffer just because you want it for like a day or I don't know maybe you do I don't know it's up to you you can do whatever you want with plants kanna's again super bright they want it super bright so you might be tempted to bring them in if you have like medium light and don't expect them to do much for you just put them outside put them in the Sun and then I'll suddenly like wait a minute I get it I understand you a little bit better plant I do that I did that it did that ponytail palms 2012 I've seen such huge humongous ponytail palms out in the world the real plant world right they does get big it takes him a long time to grow but they just want it they really need it and you know if they really need it they listen i have ponytail palms all over the house and they're doing just great they're doing fine but they will just go nuts in full Sun I'm just saying you can put it in full Sun and not worry about it it's wrong with me my vacation wasn't long enough you're good you're good all over the place if it's in too low of light then it starts getting chlorosis and they just know it doesn't that's a lack of iron if it's in too low of light it'll start just fading and looking kind of meek and they don't want that and the foliage will start to kind of fall off or die I'm not gonna do that to you just so cute what else crow crotons crotons crotons love it love the light they want that light and I've tried quite a few times to have crotons indoors and I can't do it the only Croton I can have indoors is the Picasso's paintbrush where is it I can find it and I don't know why I don't know why that's the one that works for me but they're often planted as hedges and they're all over the place here in the summer when people are doing their landscapes and stuff but I can't have them inside my house doesn't work they get spider mites for me and they need a ton of light that I can provide so they'll do well in like indirect medium medium medium to bright interact and try to go more towards the bright and direct if you don't have full Sun okay I think the last one I'm going to talk about and let's say I've missed something is the North Fork Island pine and it loves the light it kind of just grows a lot faster when it's getting bright interactive I and I can tolerate getting those direct light rays on the foliage so I think that's really it that at least that I have I mean I have a lot of plants here that I'll be really frightened to put them in in Brooke and bright direct sunlight because I know they'll burn so I think the idea is that you know if you understand that you have a certain type of plant that can tolerate in direct light and you want to bring them out for this summer um acclimate them first no matter what I just said acclimate your plans first and that means putting them in the shade for two weeks before you place them into direct light unless you grow the plant in direct Sun okay does that make sense there's so many I want to show you why did I showed you this any shows there's so many plants that that I'm tempted to put in Folsom but I don't because I know now I've learned my lesson and there's a lot I mean there's more plants that can tolerate it and if anybody wants to add them in the comments please do I just wanted to show you the ones that I know from experience that I've had in full Sun and have and I've been successful with it I don't want to lead you down like a dark road I just want to tell you what I was the word for me in the past because uh you know it's don't make you sad and lose your plants but on my account I don't know anyway that's it these are the plants that love direct sunlight and that's all I've got to say about that so have a great week and I keep forgetting what day it is it's Tuesday it's Tuesday and I'll see you guys on Friday enjoy your Sun loving plants and enjoy your plants that don't love this one so much because they all have a lot to bring to the table right sunshine you guys are my sunshine Oh
Views: 213,726
Rating: 4.9505482 out of 5
Keywords: indoor plants, house plants, houseplants, high light plants, plants, interior plants, tropical plants, plant care, plants for sun, plants that like direct sun, foliage plants, aloe, snake plants, fiddle leaf fig
Id: MiqtF2YgJbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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