TRUE CRINGE: Life of a Billionaire's Son

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Emily please let me see the kids, just for once. The divorce has nothing to do with this. GODDAMMIT Wow! That was EPICCCC Guys, I have came from the future to tell you that I hate flexing ching chong bing bong i have a lot of money It's probably one of the worst things that's happened to this society, people F l e x i n g their wealth frankly D i s c u s t s me. We're about to experience the most amazing thing ever once again S h a p e s W()w And this time, they're the MARGIRITA flavor I gotta like... return all this tomorrow. Or I... actually have to pay for it. It takes a lot of bravery to be that vulnerable Also because I like begging, if you could just take a minute to subscribe to the channel for more daily bullying, that'd be great Thank you so much guys. Now guys, I have some to tell you about today, and his name is Bobby Misner Meissner? My... My nutz! My nuts? Bobby miso soup is a millionaire, but not just any millionaire: a billionaire. And a billionaire's son. Now Bobby has committed the greatest crime of all, something that should never be repeated on YouTube... *flips up gamer glasses* flexing. Something... only a master of the dark arts would know about. *rest in peace* Who's there? Now I get it, there's a lot of YouTube millionaires. Uh... Guy that said the N word, funny green hair man with the bad clothing brand, uhhhh The.. the two white guys that.. suck my ding dong. Yes, there's a lot of millionaires and they do all suck I'm only joking Markiplier(Lord E) Now Bobby recently uploaded a video titled "LIFE of a BILLIONARE'S SON" just to get it into your heads that he is a 𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝖘𝖔𝖓 He is Bruce Wayne if Bruce Wayne had a son (? he did...) But instead of going out into the night and righting wrongs and being a vigilante, he goes out to homeless people and flexes on them. For example in one of his videos, he went to France and started filming some of the locals being passive-aggressive to trigger them. *speaking another language* *French guy mocking him and flipping him off* Also he sat on the conveyor belt at airports, you know that.. that thing that annoys a bunch of jet-lagged passengers. Now one thing I do like about Bobby, he does edit his own videos, and he has some of the most uh... editing I've ever seen in my entire life. garbage editing spongebob for literally no reason But honestly, Bobby wasn't that bad until this video, life of a billionaire's son. And now that it's out... We might as well give it a watch. Because guys, I haven't bullied someone in a long time and I really need to release some tension! But a rocka rolla Oh he's different. Why? Because the real Rocka Rolla... Wins the fucking lot You can already get a glimpse from this video, Bobby is just... he's a humble guy. So I was sent to one of the world's most elite boarding schools called Millfield. A school attended by countless athletes, bankers, CEOs, politicians, royalty, millionaires, even the pop star, Ella Eyre. And then there was me, a delinquent, rebel, outsider, misfit. I think misfit is a term used for people that don't really fit into society or fit into groups of people and they kinda lonesome You are.. a literal multi-millionaire with a secure and tight group of friends and contacts. You're.. you're not a misfit! 𝔹𝔼 ℚ𝕌𝕀𝔼𝕋 The thing I'm most envious about Bobby is not that he's a millionaire, but the fact he's reached such a high status he can use copyrighted songs in his videos and still get ad revenue, like... That is YouTube endgame. A kid who has everything. Bobby likes to live life fast. Fast cars, beautiful girls. Oh yeah, girls! I love beautiful girls, they're so beautiful! Ȃ̸͈̰̄̂̅͗̋͘͠A̶̛̺̺͚̽̒̔̐̋̄A̴̜͕̼̮̜̯̳̻̋̈́̈̿̈́͘̚Â̵͕̩̗̙͊̏̏̀͌̓A̸̢̲̗̹̱̭͎͇̹͊̌̔͒̋͂́͘͘Ä̴̞͇̩͕́͂̀̇̈́̇̕͝Ä̶̫̟͖͎̳͖̮̼̝͙́Â̸̳̞̊́͒̈A̷͖̎̄̈́͗͘ I love girls! He's so humble. I've never met a guy that's just more.. open and forthcoming about how little he has. I like how Bobby's making it out that he could just pick any girl he chooses. That's great. I'm... ah... he's just, ugh, he's so humble! He's so humble. Parties. Oh my god, okay. Can we stop please? It's just gonna be the entire video me saying how humble he is. Right? Let's.. let's move on to the next bit, Jesus... My life hasn't always been like this. I was born in Australia and I was raised by a single mom. Cause my parents were divorced at a very young age. Now I know a lot of people may have sympathy for the fact that he may have had a bit of a rough childhood. Parents were divorced, didn't grow up in a household with the mom and dad present. That, I definitely have sympathy for. But you know what I have more sympathy for? The fact that he was born in Australia. If you're a fuckin' full-grown Aussie, this is what you'd have for breakfast. At 20 to 8 in the fuckin' mornin'. Get that up ya. Every Australian father ever. Australian viewers, please. It's a joke. Don't unsubscribe! You are actually my main source of revenue at the minute, you give me the highest CPM. Please don't click off the video. This meant that I had to move to a lot of different schools, ten to be exact. I didn't grow up rich, and I didn't grow up poor. I was fairly average. The fact that you say that you're a billionaire's son and you didn't grow up rich. That's interesting, so... maybe he didn't actually take his father's money Maybe he grew up independently without the need for wealth or extravagant lifestyle and actually grew up a hard-working man. And I didn't know my dad had a lot of money until I turned 15. No, he just waited til he was 15, then got all the money. Great, what.. he's so humble. This is when he sold his company for 300 million dollars. Then, my life changed forever. I moved to Europe. I'm not even joking. He spends like the next two minutes of the video just flexing what he has. Big houses, fast cars, loads of girlfriends. It's great, like.. There's this fine line between irony that I think he's trying to tread, but... I don't think it is, I think he's genuinely a sociopath. My dad started getting a lot of nice things. Penthouses in Monaco. A home in London. Super Yacht. Private jet with our family name on it. Yeah, he really had it hard, guys. Like.. you know, until you get a jet with your family's initials on the side, even then you're living a hard life. I've only got 50 million in my GTA apartment, man. Gimme.. give me some credit. Now this is my favorite part of the video, because he tries to address, you know, the whole cliché of... Oh, he inherited it from his dad. He's a sport rich boy. And he tackles it head-on, and for that I give him a lot of props. I've always hated how just because someone is born into a family of wealth, people automatically label them as a spoiled brat. Yes, my dad has a private jet I hate how people label me! I own a Porsche. It's like all those Youtubers, they go "I'm a humble guy, you know, I don't really have a lot of money." And they've got like a vicacci shirt and a Cartier ring on their hand. Yes, my dad has a mansion and cars, and I love making videos with them. I don't.. what... what's the point of this? He's like I'm trying to beat the stereotype by.. being a one-to-one replication of said stereotype, it is kind of genius. But I have never pretended that those things were something that I earned. And I recognize that my dad is the one who worked hard for them. This is why I have the ambition to work hard enough to achieve a successful life of my own and break the stereotype of all rich kids being lazy, spoiled, and relying on their trust funds. This is good, he's actually addressing that he got it from his dad and he hasn't got any self-worth. This is good, I've actually got real respect for him. So he says he wants to build himself up and become a better person. How independently is he gonna do that? If I was gonna survive in this world, I needed two things. One, discipline. Two, friends in high places. I mean.. you've already got friends in high places, mate. Uh... Your dad.. your dad's a fucking billionaire. I.. I'm tryin'... I'm really tryin' here. So I was sent to one of the world's most elite boarding schools called Millfield. It does make sense! He says he doesn't want to ride on his dad's back, and he gets a B̵̭͉̮͕͕̘͉̖͕̈͛͊́̌͐̀ä̴̳s̶̗̬̥̿̄̌̓͘s̵̨̩̖̥̬̳̖͑̾͆̀̒̚ 20 grand tuition at a boarding school. A school attended by countless athletes, bankers, CEOs, politicians, royalty, millionaires, even the pop star Ella Eyre. He does hurt my brain honestly I feel like the synapses in my brain slowly... going darker the more I watch this video. Ꝉօҍօէօʍìէҽ! And then there was me, a delinquent, rebel, outsider, misfit. I'm such an outsider, look. I did a funny quirky face, like Snapchat. OH I did a-- I did a pout! Such an outsiderrr! I don't know how to talk to real people. There were many other kids just like me. We'd all been sent there for reform and we weren't about to let that happen. We spend the next two years at school bending and breaking the rules in every way, shape, and form. So, you go to a private boarding school to get education, to better yourself, become a greater individual, and move away from your father, and find yourself. And then you proceed to mess it all up by disobeying the laws and get yourself kicked out. It is-- this man is a mastermind. Some of us decided that on my 18th birthday we needed to skip school and go to the south of France to party. When we got back, the whole school was talking about it and I was asked to leave. Along with 25 others that week. I was finally free. I never limit myself. Awww, my life's so hard, you know education. Aw. It's so taxing and hard! Yeh, I'm just gonna fly my private jet away and escape it all! Like, education sucks. Yeah, I understand that. And in a lot of sense, the public sector really doesn't work for it. It's incredibly underfunded and I could rant about that all day, but like... You pissin' off in your private jet? That is the most pretentious thing I've heard in my life. You... make these statements. That you're tryna break conventions and stereotypes and then you make conventions and stereotypes that you're tr-- Ahh... But like most kids, I still had no idea what I wanted to with my life. So you become a Youtuber, great. Why does like every deadbeat person always end up being a Youtuber, man? You got Danielle Bregoli, she was on Dr. Phil. She was gonna dry up and move on. And then she... crawled her way onto YouTube, and now she's more successful than ever. Stop bringing garbage onto the site, please! I got enough to deal with with the Viner invasion, man. Jesus... *actual comedy* Three things my dad's always said you need for success. First, an idea. Then, a lot of hard work and time. Third, you need some luck. Third, my father's bank account details. *Pyro legit laughing at his own joke* I needed to know how to make money. And since he knows how to do that better than anyone, I began to work for one of his companies at Abbey Road Studios London. It's where the Beatles recorded. Ah great. Your father's company, yeh. You said you weren't gonna mooch, and then you proceeded to mooch. I'm so happy for you, really. Okay, real talk though, I do understand that that's obviously the best course of action to take. You know, your parent is like a multi-billionaire or a millionaire. You're gonna go work for them, I understand that. But I don't understand the point of this video, you say you want to break conventions and like stand out from the crowd and then you proceed to do what every trust fund kid does in their entire life. There's not a problem with going to work for your dad, abs-- I mean if I was in your position, I'd do the exact same thing. But I'd have some self awareness about it. When I first moved out here, I imagined my life to be like a movie. Girls sipping cocktails by the swimming pool, fast cars through the hills, the craziest parties. Guess what? It wasn't like that and you ought to learn to man up and be an individual? Most of it came true. Dios mio. And then he proceeds to flex about how great LA was by showing a bunch of parties and concerts he went to. There really isn't anything else to say, th-- the guys sucks. I even dated the queen of partying herself, Lindsay Lohan. She's a lovely girl. Oh my god, he wasn't joking. Now, obviously everyone's seen that video, it's been forced into everyone's recommended, three and a half million views. I wanted to do a little bit more digging and look at some other content he's made on his channel. For example, he went on to a game show and proceeded to cheat at every single challenge. So our first annual 3 legged egg and spoon race. We were disqualified because I was holding the egg. What is this?! What is this! He's literally using his ha-- Ohhhh. I mean, he's not the most humble guy, but he's definitely the most honest. Now I did even more digging and Robert actually has an IMDB page. And what I love about this page, it doesn't treat him like an every going workingman. It treats him like he's the secret son of Zeus. *reading highlighted words* It's like he made his own IMDB account and wrote a fanfiction about himself. It hurts. *reading words again* *Heath Ledger noises* Now the thing is, I don't think he's following in the steps of Heath Ledger, a highly acclaimed critical actor who was taken from us too soon. I think he just wants to follow in the steps of Heath Ledger's character, The Joker. *more Heath Ledger noises* Anyways guys, I hope you enjoyed. This was another episode of bullying people on the Internet because I'm a sad old man who lives on his own. Please subscribe, I need 3 million subs or my wife will kick me out the house. *wait you just said you live alone* *outro* We're about to experience the most amazing thing ever once again. ร ђ ค ק є ร
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 2,675,722
Rating: 4.9619541 out of 5
Keywords: LIFE of a BILLIONAIRE'S SON, BILLIONAIRE'S SON, son of a billionaire, bobby misner, true cringe, spoiled kids, millionaire, spoiled teen, spoiled child, life of a billionaire's son parody, dr phil, pyrocynical
Id: QIe7L3Jk0ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
Reddit Comments

Hey when’s petscop 2

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/retardedmanticore 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Bobby's dad should've put on a condom on that night

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Wardaddy9494 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

That guy's like an even less redeemable version of Adrian Gecko from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/AzureLazure 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Pyro’s just lashing out at someone with a car

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/MankeyStank 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

When Pyro does the thing you putted on the suggestion thread


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

vb for breakfast

not weetbix

And the motherfucking pleb considers himself Australian.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/notwiththeflames 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hi dad! Please notice me! I just wanna day that you are super amazing and make me happy!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

I swear Willine made a video on the billionaire's son

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TrapXweird 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Honestly that vid kind of annoyed me .. that kid’s smugness really got under my skin idk why ..

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Meat_Wagon- 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
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