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hello and welcome today I'm gonna be showing you how I make an authentic Mexican gesso fresco okay well it's gonna be as authentic as we can because depending on where you're at whether you're overseas and not in the States you guys know how difficult it is to get a hold of some of these Mexican ingredients so don't be sad don't cry anymore because you're gonna be able to do this and it's only a few ingredients that I know pretty much every country has so if you want to learn how to make this delicious gesso fresco come join me at the stovetop what we're gonna do first is we're gonna pour our gallon of milk and friends you do need whole milk for this okay unless you're milking your cow in the back that milk is perfect but it's not legal here in the States so whole milk is gonna be your best friend right now what do people know what you're doing in your farm what do you mean I don't know what people do they're from that their business aid so it can't be legal here in your farm onion using your raw milk okay we grew up drinking raw milk so don't judge us maybe that's how you got a couple who screw your head maybe or maybe that's what we're so sharp girl have you ever thought about that grandma did not keep any any wild things in our food she really didn't and we have pover to see the stories we were too broke to get all the good stuff everything had to be homemade yeah okay friends so I want you to listen closely to this part what we're waiting for here is we're waiting for this to just where you can barely see the bubbles we want it scalding you want to get it right before it gets to that point you do not want to reach a boiling point with this milk you should be able to put your finger and handle the heat in this blend so like I said you do not want your milk to go into a boil no me crack that bottle over alright well not because it balls over but you're gonna ruin the whole part that we need to okay so um if you're not too sure keep it on a medium low okay we're still cold you can test it my hands are clean I wash I'm like 90 times out of my day so they're so wrinkly and dry and [Music] and you kind of see like look at my spoon you know how it just runs straight through pay attention milk just runs straight through okay so while it's warming up you still want to come in here and stir it every once in a while cuz you know milk gets sticky really really sticky so you'll notice a difference and you know what if you're at home use a bigger pot I'm really pushing it so that you guys can see but I'm brave like that everyone so on if you guys are new to the channel and you like our delivery for the recipe make sure to subscribe and click that bell for notification if you guys aren't interested in a chatty conversational recipe and we're very elaborate we go full-blown with our recipes and this might not be the channel for you because they are long for a reason or you can watch the channel just Muta yeah meet us that should work that we talk too much for you but I talk you guys through the process I keep it here in the silent time and we chat and that's what we're doing right now you're gonna talk about why you're making kissing fiscal no because grandma's in Mexico and she was like neglecting her household duties yeah grandma is BOM at making Kissel fat at school my mother can we call her grandma and she's living her life which I'm so happy for her she sacrificed a lot for her kids and our family in yes it's so good to see her at her age healing from her surgeries and and living you know that's really important for us to live in love we love you mom be safe the girls won't roll mama bring everything that's on that list women a short bit you go this time que no septal VM Iike Fiamma the list is short this time just because she you know yeah yeah getting there no the good thing is that she had she's with lovely company and friends I'd take care of her and are helping her with luggage and stuff yeah that makes me feel a lot better clouds a little bit sweeter with my mom I am the other hand Baker a lot with her I mean Aries and a cancer and that's how it works so we bicker we scold each other all the time that's what we do I just sit in the middle drinking my coffee yeah so I'm gonna keep it if I need to add music for you guys in the video I will I just don't want you guys to miss out on any part of this video because somebody's gonna come back and then didn't work or what did I do wrong I don't want you to feel like this when you make gesso for a school so occasionally you just stir the bottom and take it easy okay why is my pot hissing at me I'm telling you guys I there's no holes in my apart they just hiss and talkback didn't let it just how it like an okay now I want me to walk home why is it why is me why is it making my pots wet I don't know sweating and I warmed up my pot - oh he's gonna be good that milk was ice-cold I don't I don't know cold I don't know maybe it's time to switch pants club shut up to the lady that wanted to call the cops on me for asking if they have raw milk Simoes didn't grow up in civilization you know what I mean like it's getting warm do you want to share the story cloud are you too embarrassed to share it I'm really embarrassed girl she was really she called her manager and everything I thought they're gonna call the cops on me I was like I'm not going down for raw milk I was gonna take someone down with me you know when we were on our diet stuff I watched a documentary where they were dumping out like they would have like these FBI agents go and get like farmers that were selling raw milk because I raw milk I guess it was being healthier for like certain kids and stuff you know like goats milk aw it's so beneficial for a lot of people to have yeah for ailments and my mom used to have us try to drink the honor you know so gross to me but turns out girl was gallons and gallons of them being dumped it failed was us in the Amish community yeah and the Amish communities horrible man so I guess it is a controversial item like discussion and mmhmm yeah yeah let me tell ya it's starting to get warm you're using whole milk today no milk milk yes your mom say on this channel right now I'm using Organic Valley I just want to clarify that is a milk I don't want anybody to think that I'm using raw milk nope says real California milk shout out to all my friends are California hey my neighbors California's been coming through got people some comments I was reading like East LA Ontario Stockton like some like representing yeah and a girl I remember was in East LA once and my friend took us to go eat I thinking taco uh-huh those were bomb I heard about them and then you don't stop talking about it I want some King Taco we're so good Acacio tea is that the gentleman that came out on the cooking show oh I don't know what they were delicious all that one show that we they're using Jim what is the name of that show I wish I knew darn it it was so good to see one of our our people represent like that yeah he's so talented so proud of him our representation matters gosh I can't think of the name I don't know I'm asking you because you always say the wrong movie names in line don't say the right things I'm very blessed that my sister is here to clarify to you guys what I'm trying to say no you only mess up with your Netflix stuff I you know what I translate my words non-stop and it's a lot going on guys and here we are looking up for the title like Steph are you sure are you sure she's like wait a minute we check mm-hmm oh that's so cool how it changes the color right yeah you'll start seeing the color change from that pungent white to a little bit of a cream color and it just depends on your the reason I'm stirring it is because it depends on your pot too it can get stuck to the bottom of the milk that crusty layer you know so not ready yet do you guys have a thermometer I think between 90 and 100 degrees is what you're looking for you guys are out of the States good lord you guys are gonna have to accommodate because you guys know I have no idea they do sell thermometers in other countries you know they sell them here in the states too but for some reason I do broke yours didn't you I did but I'm also homemade like I got it you know what I always think of like prepping okay if I don't have that what am I gonna do type thing and since I wanted to move to Colorado into the mountains and you don't have access to a lot of things I wanted to be even more oh wow you wanted like scratch scratch you know the dream is to have a cabin be a grizzly bear and just eat salmon with my flannels do not stick your finger in hot liquid do not don't do it why cuz you already know that it's a protein yes look away you guys so I'm gonna give you guys or you guys can see the time frame about the average of how it took me I'm gonna keep it all in here mm-hmm how am I gonna show you how to make cheese and I'm taking most of my steps out I think that's why you guys love me cuz I keep them in here write those up to me for that I think that's what happens when you have like horrible teachers right like that miss out on teaching you some stuff you're giving me the look not to start okay I'm not the mom look you did give me the mom look that's why your kids don't mess with you know they don't forget the horns I've never spanked them I've never put my hands on my kids just for clarification alright well you never spanked me growing up either no what you got the horns on you were acting and I knew how to straighten myself out mm-hmm I just need to bring you guys back to my little Corral yeah girl that's the last time you stick your finger there I'm terrified there's nothing to be terrified come and try it no I'm not you guys warning warning I do not recommend you guys putting your finger in here that is very dangerous please don't do it I'm doing it myself as wouldn't you call that I'm risking myself for you okay just to clarify I did wash my hands but like ten minutes ago and it's been a while ten minutes is a long time for me to stick my finger in that well I'm telling you right before I started over here well before I did my opening I came over here and I stuck my finger and you tell me if that's not gonna give you enough microbes to give it a good flavor okay so I need some bacteria Catina sk note the notes in Hua Mulan there what do you call that in in English like a Bennett or something mm-hmm you know I can't translate well but this is like the version for those of you that don't want to order all that stuff to make it then dust really I guess I had it lower than a medium low oh well it's been fun watching this white pot really uh well you know what one of you is gonna ask me hey can I make this in a crock pot probably I mean but you're neither a while if you guys don't stir you're gonna be like now I know what she's talking about do you see I got a little bit of crusting there cuz I was too busy chatting with you guys what's doing a call-out we're gonna we're gonna get through this one okay no more talking she knows their son knows far more suck it is though that even you should have seen to your kiss of risk oh I'm gonna keep it fresh you want to catch it like scalding right before it boils that's how much a finger can handle is 90 degrees girl my fingers can handle a lot of heat like the heat that comes out of this stove it's pretty out there like it's industrial yeah like the Grizzly really picked a well cuz you know I think everybody knows that he picked that the house he picked the kitchen stuff mm-hm and for me I'm like I just need it sort of cook so you just gave him your specifications and he went and looked for the house yeah hey look no he looked he would send me houses I said no no no and then he's like this next one I'm gonna say is gonna be it and then I was like okay I know like we're like it let's go see it then we saw him we liked it those are a good price too for the house during that time so or like yeah that's you you see yourself living in there you go for it and then you think you see yourself growing old in there I'm lame no no cuz when I'm older I need something a lot smaller you know some poor people I don't want to quest eat though I just want something like an old the heat those house where I have my rose bushes in the front like have a little Arizona room in the back like that sunroom type of thing where my cheetahs are hanging and where I only have one refrigerator yes and one floor one floor yeah once story I like historic looking homes you know mm-hmm I have a friend that lives in New York that has four floors girl what'd you have to have dinner we went to the third floor all right we're ready do you guys see that foam on the outsides you see that cloud yeah turn it off turn it off and give it a good stir okay it really is right before it's gonna blow right mm-hmm right before it's gonna boil and you want to stir it for about like 15 to 20 seconds or so so it doesn't boil over on you because the heats still gonna keep pushing up you can smell the milk now like the creaminess really you smell that Daddy hombre no but your photo stuff that's going on probably because you can still see a little bit of the steam plug that's on there okay so now that we got it to that part we're gonna go ahead and add our lemon juice I'm actually using lime juice I say Lin lemon because my mom and I argue about that give it a quick little stir like this and then I'm gonna let this set for about I want to say two three minutes before I come in for our next step okay I can see some curds happening when you see it yeah just give it a little stir so once it's been about two three minutes you're gonna start pouring your vinegar slowly okay [Music] I think every house every Mexican house has their own way of making this and I'm just grateful that I'm able to show you guys how my mom makes it which is probably the way everybody makes it's like Shane um your Mexican style rice so BIOS like my mom makes the best we all make it the same we changed it based on our ingredients you know sorry guys I'm not the original of guess if I score that the originator of the Mexican soap apples okay so now that it's been a few more moments I kind of let it do its thing and then I'm going to add a little bit more of the vinegar [Music] slow and steady will win this guess I'll throw skouries oh wow it seems queso fresco it's number 13 okay better better better better [Music] when I stir it I tend to stir it like an eighth or an infinity thing okay I'm going to go ahead and add the rest of a little another portion [Applause] [Music] if for some reason you guys are not in a happy peaceful mood and you want to make this I suggest you don't just wait you're having a better day yeah wait for for one of your good days when you're jolly you say two days of the day I'm gonna make this over high school and your extra jolly today girls yeah you know what it's just cuz I feel like lately that I've been socializing a lot more because everybody's been hanging out with us here on the channel and I really do feel like I'm socializing more and like my social skills are a lot better and I don't know I just go back and think about eight three years yeah cuz I'm always very like a cat reserving kept to myself but I think I'm just happier because of that you know yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and pour the last of my vinegar I'm gonna say Steph why can I just pour it all in here at one time well go ahead and do it and then figure it out I mean that what the most respect I really do sometimes you got to learn for yourself when you're making recipes but if you don't want to learn for yourself and you want to get it done quickly and beautifully follow the lead my friends you don't must go anything so beautiful you're gonna see the color start to change you guys see that yes we do all right so I'm gonna go ahead and let this sit here once I finish stirring it I'm gonna let this sit here for about 3035 minutes and if you go up to 40 you're gonna be okay so anywhere between I want to say 25 to 40 minutes I mean it's it's very it's forgiving on that aspect so if you have to do something really quick just don't go over that amount of time and I'm gonna let this set right here and I'll see you guys in 20-30 minutes okay me some of us it's been 30 minutes and I think we got all the quagga lading we need so let's go over to the sink so that we can strain this okay so now what I'm gonna do is i'm going to take my soon-to-be gesso vertical and strain it okay I'd like to take the the big parts and with a spoon and once I've already started picking up all the ones with the spoon that I can whatever is left over we're just gonna strain straight through here okay I'm sure you can just pour it in there but it helps me engage with my food a little bit more and you know I don't just think about really handsome celebrities that are good at their craft they do think of all my husband and how much he loves kiss-off raised all in his back most other things alright what's that draining sound good yeah really I'm having one of those moments today why you you need another coffee you know make her iPad 2 that's usually how the goals when I make the coffee in a way I have to have like to a date because it doesn't give me the jitters like the other ones but it keeps me alert in like mm-hmm you know why I notice that I do feel more in love when I drink that cafe oh yeah oh it's so sweet and delicious I put it in my what do you think it's cuz it's like comfort food yes [Music] you would think you're gonna get the whole pot okay so fast I bet you a few of you are like that's it any what do you mean that's it this is love I want to know what you have that industrial-sized soul power hanging out over there what this one go it's cuz Dawn's hope is only one that's able to get the oil out of my pants cuz I alternate but the way that I have been cooking lately yeah we needed some industrials use the dawn for the pots and then the method for the dishes well I use the dawn to kind of like over my counters - oh okay like whenever I'm frying or certain things that's splatter especially on this granite you guys already know how I feel about this granite it just makes it a lot easier for me show us your face hmm okay I think I got a good amount of the big ones out so now when you're gonna strain it so that it can go a little bit clearer here make a little spot pick your little spot where you gonna strain it up okay and I see something like this I see I'm sorry this one usually does really good abstain sturdy yep it was me yeah and you'll see like if you have a grayish or a yellow hue to your milk it's gonna be it's gonna depend on what kind of milky so if you guys end up getting more of a gray hue don't worry about it it's still fine girl look at that that bird outside on your rosebush which one oh oh my gosh did you capture it come right here sis I can't see cuz of your windows well my baby say hi to me there so it's crusty I can't see so we're gonna notice if you end up using like the lemon juice and the vinegar style you're gonna notice that a lot of the times you get more of an acidic flavor and that's when I add about two to four cups to strain through this it's kind of like a quick little wash okay [Music] and you can use this with a cheesecloth but I really been liking these right here because they're they're fairly thin and it gets through and I'm just really happy with this purchase because I go through a lot of rags and some of them don't make the cut so once you have your cloth that you picked just left it and it'll start helping you out a little bit more and you guys paying attention to just skip no skipping just watch it one time and then after you can skip if you need to again but you need to pay attention okay so now that I've done that much I'm gonna start kind of spinning it here so that I can get more the most that I can out yeah [Music] okay so I'll meet you guys on my counter so that I can show you guys our next step so once you bring it over you're gonna notice that you still have a lot of moisture okay and that's what we're gonna try and get out as much as we can get a little nice squeeze okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pour it over a clean Bowl just like this I'm gonna save this one over here okay and right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and add my salt I will suggest you guys start with about half well I'm gonna give you guys some measurements on what you can start with and then I'll let you guys know what I went with okay so add your salt and you want to break it apart of it you don't want to mush it but you definitely want to combine it into is that to flavor that yeah this is how you're gonna flavor your your cheese now okay you don't want to crumble it completely ooh can you let my baby in club our old lady thank you so I'm gonna add a little bit more and then after you mix this that's when you want to taste it you're okay to taste this right now you're gonna be like is it ready well your milk was ready when you bought it this cheese is ready to taste you know okay but not for the flavor that you want so let me go ahead and get a little piece to taste the salt part in it oh that's smooth I think I need a little bit more cheese how about you give it a try it club okay it's very spooky I think a little more a little more mm-hmm I actually like my queso fresco salty mm-hmm you too it just has that wonderful flavor and the reason I like to add my salt at this point is because I still have to let a little bit of the moisture out and I'm gonna show you guys how I do that in just a moment so that's why it's okay at this moment to have a certain amount set add your salt taste it and before you even salt it I want you to guys to give it a taste so that way you know what it tastes like without salt because I know a lot of you guys watch your salt intake so if you guys can handle that go for it but the flavor is once you add the salt okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut them and bring it back here wiggle it just a little bit pour it in and we're gonna do the whole little picking up your corners turning it well I was about to spin it so I thought oh you got me yet so just keep spinning it like this and if you guys can see the liquid that's just from when we left seen carrier to now that's how much liquids come out right so what I like to do is I like to put something really heavy a cast iron a pot I haven't rinsed my pot yet told me to use that so I like to put this here and then I'll pick something really heavy in the middle let me see what I can find what kind of heavy things okay so what I like to do is I like to put a pack up hot a Pat I'm gonna pat you on the back guys put a big pot a cast iron something heavy and then I'm using my motive got hit there but if you guys can get a rock something that's really heavy in your kitchen to press the rest of that juice down okay we want as much of that liquid out of this Gessle so that it can be amazing it gets creamier the less liquid you have there so I'll see you guys in about 20-30 minutes when I feel comfortable with this cheese okay it's been about 20 minutes so if you got 20 30 40 minutes you should be okay just don't keep it out an hour okay so now let's unfold is beauty and look at even right here you can still go up and swipe it more of that liquid comes out thanks Mike for the fog is that still around why do i torture myself with these things I thought I saw a preview that there's gonna be a real light style Dora I'm gonna have soon-to-be 20 year old so I don't know about these things anymore so I'm gonna go ahead place this into my Tupperware and you can make it square whatever Tupperware if you got a a daisy sour cream container whatever container you're gonna use okay it's gonna work for you get all the gifts all out of here it's so it's so it's like over go get so what song is that you guys I probably was so off with my tone the music of a shark with their with their music alright so it's so it's okay psycho Mike okay so where is it from let me know in the comments and don't google it dunno google it come on your homemade now yep rely on your old-school memory you're gonna need it some peers will go for days trying to get something away from a movie or song or a book yeah and we will not be refused to Google it until we figure it out well you know those those times when your Wi-Fi goes off and you're like oh my goodness I think the teenagers have no idea that's like what my teenagers I make them wait I tell nope you can't Google it we have to sit here and stare at each other till we figure it out okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and start pressing it down and the thing that I like about these cloths is that before I put the little crumbs on the top you can see the little ridges and it's very gourmet so all you ladies that don't tell your mom you're watching mean yeah now you know you know I'm time they don't need to know your mom's don't need to know but really the secret is with each chef it really is I am NOT responsible for your wonderful cooking I just took I just showed you how to put love into your food because I love my family and the fact that you made my recipe and you put that much love into it and your family compliment idiot that's all your hard work agree I'm just here to give you the recipes you're a good listener and you've cleaned your energy and you've got some passion for cooking and feeding your family has a huge difference in cooking you know what I say if I can do it you can do it and if you can do it you can make it comfortable for your home straight up what's that I see in the corner away what let's get the ball yeah the revamped one nice that you can have pencil for school and cucumber watering you know nice stuff so this is how I have it if you can find something that keeps putting a little bit of pressure it works well but this works perfectly fine for me I know I'm over here munch done the little crumbs I fell but I'm gonna go ahead and leave this on my refrigerator overnight because I need it for my recipes you know some delicious get some photos gold necessities so I'll show you guys tomorrow what it looks like and I'll go a little bit more about the flavor and I'll see you guys tomorrow so overnight it girl you got me like the cool kid up in high school you know just hanging out against the wall alright friends it's that time we're gonna read the most thumbs up comment that we had on our previous video which was our green spaghetti with the chicken cutlet and we actually ended up pinning this coming because it was just so beautiful okay she says this is from Looby Lopez hey girl hey you're gonna be one of those youtubers who's gonna be reaching millions of subscribers just wait on it thank you so much for putting it out into the universe I'm excited when we get there we're gonna get there we're gonna celebrate big like we always do I want to thank you guys so much for all the beautiful comments you left yesterday on my channel I mean cloud and I are having a blast reading these because some of these you guys have us cracking if you guys are on one as much as we are so I don't know if that calf area got to you I alright guys we had a lot of people representing on our last video we had Georgia in the house we had some Dallas Fort Worth Houston a lot of Texas a lot of California where else did we get London we did we uh we got a bunch of you guys so thank you guys so much for joining us let us know where you're from and where you're representing and now let's get back to this recipe ok ok friends it's our next day yes I took a shower isn't that wonderful when you take a good shower when so hot outside so if you guys are enjoying my ponytail my daily uploads please make sure this would be know in the comments and seong car alright guys enough of my shenanigans let's go ahead and get it close to our castle fresco to see how wonderful it is the next day okay friends let's get started let's get started with some queso fresco you like that maybe yeah yeah say hi sir friends know you're saying hey so you want to get a you know butter nice something really thin and sharp and just start helping it grew from whatever container you have if you have a little nonstick something you use it'll slide straight out but this is so creamy because I took remember I told you if you take most of the moisture out it's gonna be super creamy so just help lift it out okay [Music] you hear that that's how creamy it is girl ok let's try this out alright help it with that Scooby Doo pop waggle waggle no roof is on fire we don't need those stores we get our guests so let's go right here that was such a horrible rhyme I'm sorry you guys witness notice on you owe me anything mm-hmm Ovid Claudia top a seat oh baby well you know when I come here come get this tasty baby cheetah ready you like that good luck appeal oh yes my hands ok friends what I want to do is I want to take a cut so that way you guys can see it on the inside ok it's like a nice cake taquito cake there you go you guys see that and then you just take your little crumbles and you crumble it up that's C stuck but it's so creamy there are just one quarter in my mouth girl okay now that I've crumbled and you know we're gonna taste this creamy gesso high school who's gonna be the best guess Oh fiscal you've ever had in your life because you made it with love my tips to you if you want it super creamy take it as much of the moisture as you want out if you want it a little bit more juicy keep a little bit of the moisture and don't wring it out as much as I did I really do hope that you guys enjoy this recipe I made it with love for you guys I know sometimes they are longer videos but I'm here to help you guys out so on that note I want to thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys tomorrow bye [Applause]
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 191,469
Rating: 4.9081092 out of 5
Keywords: cheese, Fresh Cheese, How to make cheese, Queso Fresco, food (tv genre), mexican food, cheese making, cheese making at home, mexican food (cuisine), home cooking, queso blanco (cheese), cooking show (tv genre), how to make queso fresco, family meals, homemade, viewsontheroad, recipes, easy recipes, how to make, queso fresco, recipe (website category)
Id: 7_DBVToai44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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