Easy Watermelon Aguas Frescas Recipe | Fresh Watermelon Drink | Aguas Frescas Recipe

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I mean eight and a half pounds directly from the new baby view hey you ever wonder why look thick and juicy well it's my son of the I'm just Kate all right my friends you have been asking me to make you more ominous cus you don't know what I often ask guys when you go to a taco shop and you see all the fresh waters dripping nice and cold and delicious those are fresh waters meet with fruit hi Micah or chop that but today I'm gonna show you how to make I want some deer which is fresh welcome Ellen water I don't even know what's wrong with me today so let's just get to it so you're gonna pick your watermelon honestly there's a few years where it's been hit and miss and yes I do complain if I don't get a good watermelon okay so what I do and how I check it is I give it a little tap okay and if it sounds a little bit hollow in there yes but if you if you tap it and nothing's happening then that's not for you another way to think of good watermelon is if you see the lines of the watermelon with good little stripes that's a good and juicy and sweet watermelon for you to choose from but I'm just like you guys there's been times where if I this beautiful watermelon a do all the tips that I know and I end up with nothing like biting into just flesh with no flavor but I've tried organic I've turned regular and I think my favorite water rounds are the sugar baby the ones with the deep dark green but today we're gonna use this I have no idea which one it is but we're gonna make it I think that ones with the big yellow spots on them those are super mature and juicy but I haven't been able to find it either yeah those are juicy I don't know what the name of those are but Dantley you know what I mean it looks like that's like a stain almost yeah I know Jimmy juicy you know I went to our local Mexican store and I was looking at watermelons cuz you really don't see the one with seeds anymore right and I'm like oh yeah reminds me of when I was younger so I go and I start tapping it and it was so mushy and soft I ain't doing this forget it so what I'm gonna do I'm only gonna be using half of this watermelon so I'm gonna slice it down the middle yes be very careful with your nuggets okay well it's like you know what it's like at that mile it's like Christmas it's a good holiday a present let's see what we get in here I thought you're an open they're like The Joy Luck Club of the watermelon scene oh my god if you want to say more like I won't but I chuckle not they're a little bit like it you haven't seen that movie yeah things are pretty good yeah it's a really good one it's for adults not for the children kids when you get older you watch it all right ready I can't really whoa oh nice one it's a habit for me I have to get that little circle in the middle and taste it hmm let me sit this little beautiful Sunday up to the side I'm not a pro cutting these but I do my thing all right were there oh yeah your tummy Oh Trixie all right so this is how I cut it the first one I cut like this no way no how I need to start slicing the rest for a good groove okay the beautiful thing about the Cynthia is that you can eat all of your son via obviously not the peel but you can eat all the green parts everything what a beautiful gift oh yes hello Stephanie's DNA is watermelon yeah we're kids but you could always find her yep watermelons not watermelon yeah we always had a watermelon planted yeah our dad used to position us like like machines and so we need the watermelon throw the seeds and yeah you know what with the Seas the black bees we used to just spit it back into the ground and I see you know we have a bunch of somebody else I know I used to tell some more cousins like you guys are eating they spit it so bad our dad was like don't don't tell them that well if you have a texture preference and you don't like these delicious seeds from the Sandia I'm gonna show you how to get them out after we do our next step but you want to eat those you can actually put these over your salad you can you can consume them guys oh yeah when you Dre them up and put like spices you can put spices you can just put them on for extra protein I'm gonna share with you guys the nutritional value of Sundiata it is it's actually a very beautiful fruit to eat you want good skin Sandia you want to lose weight Sandia and just gonna keep going okay Sandhya you don't know what sandy is this videos gonna be difficult to record for you I know it is good I want to eat this whole thing there are certain things that I will wake up sandy I know if you are oh thank you no you can't even talk guys there's no conversation today Sandhya is divine when you um put these in the blender doesn't have questions as a seed mount wait it depends on if you're using a Vitamix like when I was using my Vitamix which I really don't like anymore at all I'm not happy with it when you use a Vitamix it'll pulverize and blend everything it's smooth but with this blender you get a lot of the blending but I'm gonna show you guys what to do next so give me a second so I get a little paper towel you know what with the watermelon will we to do to another thing is we would cut it to where you get it like a bowl and then we will just scoop it all right so what am i doing next we're gonna blend this work drop says I can't focus right I really like Zambia so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and blend this and I'm gonna see how much liquid we have going on it's kind of worried it's a good lens is just gonna okay all right so I'm gonna go ahead and blend this and then once I blend and I see how much liquid I have then I'll let you guys know how much water we're gonna have every something is different every blender is different so let's let's hit it no okay just to plug it in first that would work [Music] okay so my blend is at about five and a half cups so I'm gonna go ahead and add two cups of water somehow a fresca is very forgiving if the fruit has a lot of water like cucumber and watermelon it's very forgiving with the amount of water that you have see because I become like at 7-7 or so tough right now so we'll all be gone in a flash yeah well okay max liquid you so much heat so now we're gonna do now that we have our liquid set we're going to blend this for about three minutes [Music] all right so yeah well let me get the little home delicious full mount it's not like summer it really does just very very ready guys so what I'm gonna do you guys already know how I meet that office guys I'm gonna go ahead and strain our watermelon water the reason I'm doing that is because when you strain in you take the pulp the fibers out your body absorbs it instantly so if you want to take that route and just have your body get all the nutrition from the watermelon go ahead and strain it if you like the Pope keep it in here you know what one of my favorite things to do is to juice to make juice huh I think I'm gonna do that one um here soon for you guys the green juice I have a really good balance because it can be really pricey when you're juicing your own fruit juice or your vegetable juices but it's also well how much of this do I add or how much of that and I have I have a very very little carb starter juice that you won't want to have for breakfast every day it's not celery juice I know that's the height but it's not celery dude can you started on that that's embarrassing I know some people that really like it some of my friends like I would tell them about the dishes that I was consuming and they were like you have to try celery juice and I'm like I tried it one and that is a way to much like so BMTC no no I came you know what I get the nutrient part how it cleanses your system but there's a way of getting let me tell you there's a way of getting your nutrition from celery juice without having to deal with the pain and it's like I don't you guys remember when I talked maybe about two years ago when I was doing the ginger shots and my friend may she rest in peace convinced me to make for her and burn your stomach yeah it's like I lost let me try anything after that juice you know sometimes I'm like hyped food yeah I really do but sometimes people really push it to be clever like let me do this and show you not no I think that's cool but don't make it taste disgusting don't tell any juice I'll give you a combo you're gonna imagine and then the thing is that you have a lot of moms that we want to do like nutritious things for our kids and what happens kids are not gonna they're not gonna want it there are no celery the kids are gonna be happy with that you want your kids to engage in your vegetables engage in fruits and gauge in textures you know you know what there's one juice that they sell it's like watermelon I think it's called and I really like it cuz it's so smooth like when it's really hot outside you just want to chug you don't want the pull you really don't I did it smell the watermelon yeah it's not felt the same way but it's different but I really like that one because it gets really really hot and even times when I go to Costco and they have it I'll buy and chug it in the car as soon as I get in there cuz it's like water it's really really late if you guys got offended about what I said about the celery I'm sorry but I do have opinions guys I'm human I'm very forgiving with the way that I think about everybody's wok alliance with the celery when I just you just want them need to know what's up do enjoy yeah yeah you deserve better celery is great but you deserve to why would something else what do you think that when you think about salary @mods your tickle kids love those things around I remember going to school and when I kept on a tree my career and he was like I've even at ma I'm like that's what school was that still good huh and he rolls out the celery love looking teeth with peanut butter and raisins in it and I ate the bones like and miss my burrito out of the white truth is friendship a girl looks wrong with you that's like giving your taco away no but you know every second say I've had outlooks before ladies do not give your taco we make sure that you're taking do not give your tongue coy how dare you give a burrito away for an end love cuz I like food and I was in your burrito and she's all being here like you're like when she was a kid yeah we remembers full house Joey saying cut it out my sister just did the hand gestures and I wish that I can sneak them in here somehow no cuz I didn't do it right guys ignored so we're done with the book I'm not gonna be adding the pull to any of my waters today but it's gonna be your personal preference I show you guys the cucumber water video how I did that so you're gonna drink your water immediately the same day you don't need to do this step but if you're gonna be keeping in tho your refrigerators then I have a lot of single people they're small couples you want to go ahead and add some lime or lemon that'll push it to about I want to say two three days it'll last in your refrigerator if you have the citrus okay and I don't want to add too much because my key limes are very very strong so I'm gonna make one picture with just simple watermelon water and the other one I'm gonna add a little bit of sugar and one of the things you're gonna notice is that when you blend your watermelon all the sweetness that you were tasting disappears and that's what you want to add if you like sweetness you want to add that if you're doing the detox or more of the weight-loss drinks then don't have any sugar you really don't need it so whoo spice this one up we put a little piece of wiener I wish I had that watermelon that had the CDs in it yeah I don't know it's so pretty in your water I mean it does have seeds they're just not mature yet yeah let me go ahead and pour it you probably decorate this with your if you're using lemon remember if you're using key lime it does get a little bit bitter and your drinks so I wouldn't not afford the core in here think you can barely see it but yeah we know it's good okay let me set this one to the side all right cops gonna get us a little bit of mint from our garden and while she's doing that I'm gonna go ahead and add I think I'm gonna do two tablespoons of sugar and then I'm gonna add the other half of my life Mikey nice alright well this is pretty amazing and I'll tell you why um it aids in digestion saw your watermelon hydrates you it's good for weight loss digestion all these combine together it's such a beautiful blend so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have the mint one to this one cuz I don't think the kids will be too crazy but maybe with me right good ones you're going through wider you chew them in yeah it really does and then when you add the mint in here it just gives it a little bit of a an infused flavor yeah yes yes your garden picture for you you know what I agree I'm gonna tell you something parents Jim you're having that at all time gin is gonna be really good with this but if your auntie gin that's when you want add a little more sugar I'm after some good mr. Atif I only can recommend all right that's how I make I want to Sandia if you guys are inspired to change it up however you do I'm excited to hear what you guys do and if you guys decide to make any other recipes make sure you're sending them to me on Twitter and Instagram so that I can show them right here that is so good so refreshing make sure you have enough ice make sure you have watermelon and everything else is super easy I wanted a you guys so much for joining me today and for being part of this awesome Channel I show up here so happy everyday to see you guys so thank you guys so much for being part of my life if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe click that bell for notifications and I'll see you guys on the next one I just want to like the whole thing like that don't you do yeah yeah hello my beautiful views Club I want to take the time to thank all the beautiful mothers on this channel and whoever watches this video and I want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day I hope that you're feeling strong and powerful as ever to continue the path of raising honorable humans I love you guys and we'll see you soon you
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 1,283,856
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Id: P40UOSiewxI
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Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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