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hello and welcome today I'm going to show you how to make two versions of huevos rancheros I know some of you don't like the sunny-side up eggs and if you don't this is a recipe that you should watch because there's gonna be children and a non yolk boiled on cheto pleaser and the regular more of a traditional style of wild run channels so if you guys want to learn how to make this recipe come join us so I've already shown you guys how to make these Maseca tortillas if you guys need help with it it's very detailed and it's a step-by-step and I'll put that in the description area under tortillas a Maseca okay corn tortillas and Maseca and what I did I pre make them when I'm gonna do this dish just so that everybody could eat at the same time so pre making your thought Diaz and keeping them on a parchment paper usually doesn't let them stick but you guys can try it out okay so what I did for my kiddos is I cut them into little tiny squares you can make little pizza slices whatever works for your family and we're gonna fry those up first and then we're gonna fry our regular sized ones okay as I mentioned before and every time I fry use a wooden chopstick a wooden spoon nothing that has plastic no metal put it in and if you see the oil bubbling on the sides think I might just need a little bit of heat okay we finally got a good sizzle so once you see a bubbling on the outsides you see the white little bubbles you're ready to fry do you have what I think you have in that pot why did it ha ha we're ready so be careful when you're putting these in you don't want to burn yourself well them around so they don't stick to the bottom of your pan if you have one of those and please please be careful when you're frying I'll be careful too I know you guys look out for me okay good now put in a man all right making sure nothing sticking some of them stick together and those are clumpy ones are delicious they are so this shouldn't take you that long to fry you should take you anywhere between two to four minutes you want to make sure that your oils not burning you want out of the medium sometimes medium-low you kind of have to gauge it yourself because if you see smoke coming out of this pan that means your oil is too hot and if this is your first time trying this get your oil hot enough and if you feel like you're ready add a few pieces fry them and that way you know what to do with your next batch I love that sound you know you see this one over here it's already turned a little bit of that golden color that we're looking for Homer you see that golden color that's kind of what we're looking for because I like to crisp these up because it gives it a little bit more of a crunch for the kids especially with the sauce style of eggs that we're making so cuz I want to see it sauce sauce style that's in touch you guys know my translation isn't always on point [Music] it looks a little bit like sprite pita chips you how they do right okay so now mines look like a good golden color that I want so I'm gonna start taking these out I get asked a lot how do I get my kids to eat my food well good food you don't have to convince your kids to eat and for my son that's a little bit more of a selective eater not by choice my baby was born that way I kind of just take it little by little try it if you like it you can continue eating it and if you don't you can spit it out so now we're gonna go for the folks that can handle the regular-sized tortilla and put those in and we're just gonna fry these up the same way we did the other ones okay move them around make sure that they're not sticking to the bottom and you can make these whatever size you want you can even make them the size of your pad and you know you got those hungry man breakfast that they want these big massive things you can impress them that way whoo that we got a life bub oh I like that turn it gently if you want there we go be very careful not to splash yourself at this part I like making and frying my second because it doesn't really pop yeah it doesn't it's not like potato you guys asked me to make something with potato and I'm like with shield goggles all of the above if you guys already learned this tip go ahead and skip I know some of you guys already know how to do these things but if you find the videos are too long it's for our juniors or for our starters beginners I got to keep it in here I wouldn't feel comfortable just sending you guys out without nothing half the recipe or you know anything I'm Aleta oh yeah the baby is like when I make these like this with eggs and weenies so good how about a spot now I'm gonna be munching on those okay these are really good to munch on guys no no you can see a buck they're so good when you hold your clarinet somehow that one right on the lens let me fix that oh it doesn't want to okay no doesn't want you guys to see the snapping okay so if you got a bubble in there like I did which actually gives it a little bit of that extra little thin Chris you can actually put a little bit of a hole or just drip it a little bit more you see okay so that way the person that's eating it doesn't have to deal with any of that a bubble of oil a bubble of oil nobody wants to eat that so that's only once for the bubble just keep an eye on that and let it drip and all I have them here is I'm placing them put my paper towel and a plate [Music] because there is no one tortilla that's the same you know you get NN cuidado be careful [Applause] that's other little entry for those of you that don't want to make the French tortillas and really go above and beyond because you're busy or whatever your reason is because some of you guys don't like to cook but you're encouraged and you guys are getting excited to cook you can make this with a regular store-bought dorothea it's gonna be a different kind of flavor but you can still achieve this just fry yourself deal quickly don't make it into it they'll sell just enough to you have a soft fry and then set it to the side for the rest of the steps that we have going on then all we have a lot of a lot of single mamas out there doing their thing working still trying to feed their kids and you know that ain't easy you know those streets girl I know those streets my mom was a single mom you guess what these are amazing I Tupac said it you make miracles everything's good right so let me know something so for the little tiny ones you want to cut them up into little pieces and if you want this is a really good recipe so you can graduate your kids into liking the regular style of levels run channel because once they get old enough they get excited to use a knife and fork like punky right now he thinks he's fancy at all times he loves a knife and he loves a fork honey yeah he's really bringing his game and trying because I say Punk yeah I can't take you to these fancy because he wants to wear a tie and wants to wear these things all the time when he goes out he wants to be presentable you know so I'm like I can't take you babe if you if you don't practice your skills you know yeah the other day I saw I mean a pink button-up shirt for Bevins birthday yeah yeah and he I said babe I said you didn't buy enough of your first buy and he's like yeah he's like Mexicans don't blend up the first page button yeah that's true and I said well you don't have any hamburger need to go with this no hard neck thing you know they're gonna want me to draw their hamburger mean girl you know what other thing that I wanted to say him I wanted to say to all of our gringo American white friends on here you guys are amazing you guys are part of the club you're honoring your Mexicans now yeah that's how it works we don't call you provoke you call yourself Greenville you really do we say wait Ito what do you folks see so you can make this little part as soft or as crispy as you want that's gonna be up to you I want you to make it comfortable for your home you know what your family likes you know what you like and I always gives you guys the starter recipes and then you guys get all creative I like mine with my I like mine with Davison so they'll do you guys know that chuckles we put sour cream in our tacos in front of Mexican family they will brag on us for hours over yep yes ma'am all right guys I'm gonna finish frying these and setting them to the side so that I can show you guys our 2 steps to making our family friendly meals because one thing that's horrible is when you're a parent you want to eat something and you don't need it because your kids don't like it and then you don't wanna eat it alone you know you said to some country like Tuesday all right guys I'll see you in a moment for our next step okay this one's gonna be for our kiddos version okay and what I want you guys to know is that you can adjust it to whatever your kids like okay I'm just giving you guys a starter my kids love bacon if liver have bacon in it they would probably eat it okay I might be pushing it so you can either make it with weenies like the hotdog weenies or you can make it with some bacon [Music] so I'm just gonna cook this bacon down until it's ready and I think I'm gonna end up cooking in about four minutes might be three to four minutes cuz I cut them pretty thin so your kids like crispy bacon crisp them up if they're okay with a little bit of a soft cook then go that wrong or even I should just say the kids because there's a lot of ducks that don't like the sunny-side up eggs so you guys hey hey very cold it's early so if you guys don't like the sunny-side up eggs this is gonna be the version that you guys want to try okay then maybe I can graduate you guys to the sunny-side up egg because I will be showing you how to hook it up right now well I dropped in the window inspector thank you thing I don't say to do ya punkk II was playing out there and he goes and says hi to me and I'm like sighs they'd like to keep your hands the walk I've worked so hard for this yes Joe it's nonstop screaming all day that's like if you see it clean it up then it'll take time to get to it yeah I mean the babies are getting better about picking up after themselves so I have a less work to do and thanks to your help shut up to my sister for helping me with the dishes yeah I'll come with my cup over and help clean yep that's right girl I love leftovers I'm just that person you know your kids do too I know we just love leftovers you know who doesn't love leftovers ooh your man the grisly hero stuff fresh [Music] like he'll ask what are we having tomorrow and then I tell them like if it's like if I go something from the left over I have to transform the dish yes you do like if I have leftover like ribs and that me I have to try this for min and it can't be the transformation that I did previously and not tell him that it was leftover I can't tell them that it was leftover until after he tells me oh what's in here I'm like you don't need to know my secret way of it I mean he's a provider so if you want to keep providing that kind of lifestyle that lifestyle that food budget I'm here I love cookies I know some people that grew up without eating leftovers and I know that's probably in his clothes in the kitchen but it is my mom's leftovers he'll have them oh yeah he'll even thinking that mama what did you make oh mama see that's enough sweets and I like something quick a quick little snack yeah our mother knows that the raisins hungry she doesn't care of what time a day or night or if she's in the middle of surgery show yes top surgery goals try to make a move here I'll get off the phone with her friends they make a call and she'll go okay me cowboy way and then she'll tell me why didn't she make him something to eat he was I'm like mom don't get started I said I did feed him but you didn't want my food in one of yours okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna keep the bacon fat let me see if you guys can see that's pretty good for me I got that crust on the outside and it's gonna start popping so beautiful jr. be careful when you get to this point lower your heat to a low just so it doesn't pop on you for the next step where our mom mixers [Music] so I have two eggs here and I'm just gonna beat him up I'm gonna add a sprinkle of salt to this hold on just one second just a little quick sprinkle and you don't want to make this over your pen because you guys have to be very careful but here for our purposes I'm just gonna mix it here my kids like their ace fluffy so I usually add one or two tablespoons of water to this [Music] and if you're trying to sneak calories for your kids you can splash a little bit of milk there does we have little kids that refuse to eat whatever it is okay they're like Oh mom wait you're doing this so we're gonna go ahead and cook these eggs I have this on a simmer because my burners really hot on urine to put it on a low if you have a gas an electric stove because the last thing you want to do is cook your eggs at a really high temperature because they get stinky and they smell up your house [Music] [Applause] [Music] super quick scramble em up okay so once you see that your eggs are cooked they're cooked like this especially because that oil was so hot even though we have it on a low they're cooked and it's okay if they dry up a little bit when you're cooking them because what we're gonna be doing to this is giving it all that flavor okay so now if your kids don't mind tomatoes you can use chunks like this okay but if your kid's mind tomatoes which I've been sneaking it for my kids we're gonna use this blended tomato okay so let me set that to the side now that we're clear on it all I have is one tomato blended in my bowl in Ninja where you at so go ahead and add some of your onions I have my roasted Anaheim pepper you don't like Anaheim you can use Bolano and if you don't have any of those I think they sell a can of the green chili you can use that to different flavor but it's still going to serve its purpose so go ahead and start turning this heat up a little bit to maybe a medium medium-low and we're gonna add our tomato careful juniors are beginners because this tomato once it gets hot it will start bubbling up oh that smells amazing you like it yes [Music] while that was cooking I have one you can use one to one-and-a-half cups we clear their club we're good and then you can add your chicken bouillon here if you have chicken broth use chicken broth if you don't want any of it you can just add some of your water so you can go one net one to one-and-a-half cups okay and all your measurements and ingredients for each one is going to be in the description all we're waiting for it for our Tomatoes to cook for about a minute or two and everything here is pretty much cooked so you guys can give it a taste if you're interested to see what you're working with mmm girl and I like to wait a little bit for the tomato to crust up because that's when you start getting that good flavor because if you don't cut it to the point where you get a little bit of that crust you kind of end up getting a little bit more of a bland flavor because you want to cook your tomato so if you guys don't have fresh tomato you don't want to puree it like this you can use tomato sauce but I'm gonna let you guys work with that so you can get creative in the kitchen and feel really good for this part you're just um cooking out the liquid ramen today's to be done yeah I'm cooking the tomato that's all we're waiting that's a days and everything else is already cooked here all I'm waiting for is to get a little bit of a crusty like I'm getting on the pan over here from the particular tomatoes just so that we have more of that flavor that helps you distinguish it from having more of a soup well than a good delicious broth sauce you know and if you guys don't want to take all these steps to chop it up guess what you guys know you buy the can Sansa put it in here instead of the ingredients but don't come crying after when you tell me it doesn't taste as I said I recently bought it can size let us see what you guys are eating and I just couldn't I couldn't do it I did like it with chips yeah but now for cooking I'll tell you what's outside do recommend what the Santa Cruz chili comes out so that was good girl my son loved that popsicle it doesn't have some ideal yeah he's he's like right now can we get to warmly of him what are you saying he's like a yes he's like local my feeling this isn't really true a lot of emotion but he was happy that day yeah he really was ok friends so now I'm gonna go ahead and pour my bra just like that I know you guys are gonna be like broth and eggs don't act like you guys haven't had eggs in purgatory come on you've had that they're delicious but same concept just different style for our kids to make it comfortable for our home so while this is simmering in the back and thickening up with the sauce I'm gonna go ahead and get started on the more traditional version okay boys ready ready yeah okay so to our pan we want to add a little bit of oil I'm not gonna give you guys the exact measure because you guys apparently know what I'm doing when I pour it you guys know better than I do so I'll leave it because anyone the lady with lamb you can add one or two tablespoons of oil like I do my best to give you guys a recipe I'm an eye balling type of human okay so all I'm doing is waiting for this to heat up a bit and we're gonna add our chopped onions [Music] [Music] when your pens really hot it'll turn translucent quickly okay so now I'm going to go ahead and add my roasted Anaheim peppers [Music] just mix that well and now I'm going to add my chopped tomato and you'll see that with the top tomato you get more of the crust that we're looking for I'll show you guys in just a moment so this is gonna take me about four to six minutes for these Tomatoes to get softened and I'm gonna go ahead and taste my broth back here to make sure that my salt content and everything is wonderfully done oh yeah that's good maman can you hand me the pepper out there yes ma'am you don't like pepper you can skip it but for me I'm gonna add a little bit of pepper to the back version okay we're up to three minutes we still need a little bit more time okay I can still see ya I need a little bit more to break them down you know what I have some purple onions that I need to get through that I see chops coming to throw those in here on that it's good idea okay this is going to be making it comfortable for my home I have some onions that I need to get through that I pre-chopped for some sandwiches and so they don't go bad I'm just gonna go ahead and throw them in here okay friends if you can see I'll move this to this side right here you see that crusting right there that's from our Tomatoes that's what did it that's what we want when we get to that part give it a good mix all around again if you guys have chicken broth use chicken broth if not you can add your chicken bouillon or your bullion up choice and it's gonna be a cup to a cup and a half of water that you can do this with I went ahead and I poured my pepper in here already just get it done stir it so that we can get that nice delicious crusty flavor off the pan and into the broth there's so many versions to this recipe so if you guys really like this one for breakfast for breakfast and you want to switch it up just a little bit let me know and we will because I love giving you guys starter recipes and then later we'll graduate to the more elaborate and wild tastebuds experiment girl I've experimented way too much and know too much I've done too much okay my kinder version my kiddie version over here is done so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna add a little bit of cilantro we're gonna give that a quick stir and I'm gonna set it to the side because this is already done if you guys take a little bit longer to cook you can just set this to the side and then when it's ready to serve just warm it up okay so this is pretty much set back here so let me move it to the side and I'm gonna transition so that I can show you guys how to get your eggs done okay so before I get started with my eggs I want to go ahead and add my cilantro I'm gonna add a half of it right now just so that I can get that flavor on the broth for what we're gonna be doing it into our broth okay you guys don't see none so don't worry about that step girl girl I got for you jump why have babies back-to-back but its young Ethel yeah well you wanted to tell me what that is you're like a cat when you drop water on a cat and play quickly react okay so a lot of the reasons why I guess I'm gonna make it a quick easy egg okay cuz you guys have been asking me for basics and we are working on back to basics for you guys so you want to make sure that the pan you're using is really hot whether it's a cast iron a nonstick like this but if you're just getting started start with the nonstick okay and you want to make sure that your oil is hot I showed you guys how to do it earlier we'll do it again the bubbles your oil is ready okay because a lot of the times if you don't warm up your pan you don't warm up your oil it's gonna stick and you're not gonna get the egg that you want so the first one I'm gonna show you guys and then the next one I'm gonna talk you guys to it cool ready ready ready okay I also like to build a little bit of a barrier between the pan and the egg and the oil so I sprinkle a little bit of salt you know now that I said that it just drives me nuts to know that we never fully touch anything mm-hmm okay all right that makes me sad that mean though when I hug he you don't your buddy doesn't know it's just energy transferring and each other why do you feel the energy but the touch it doesn't exist why don't know about touch I kill a lot of missions all right let's get back to it I really don't know okay so ready crack your egg [Music] oh my god stuck on me hold on we'll say it hit me huh there you go okay so now let's talk about this they're gonna be moving quick because I know some people get really upset if their yoke is way too cooked yep okay it might happen with your first one or whoever sitting there so I'm gonna turn my back burner off we're gonna hit up this next eight and we're gonna get to it that is all I feel to be disrespected and overcook um I tend to do that that's how I had to get started with it okay so that yoke is wanting to spread but it ain't going anywhere so just cool where the egg whites are just pull them a little bit like that okay that's gonna help it cook and you will get egg on your spoon whatever it's when you're using it's gonna happen so if you want to fluff you like the previous one you guys already know that your oil has to be super super hot okay [Music] let me warm up the heat a little bit because I know my mom she won't have these what he feels wait you meet that with the yoke if the thing is not like fluffy yeah now she won't nice and fluffy it's already cracked egg and then the egg whites you're gonna pull it to the sides with your spoon I had to learn this one because yes my pole casitas stories late night my mom and I would get hungry and then she's like let's get us some Whoopie thought I'd say yeah we'd get to of ethos and get plain white bread and just tear it up so I learned how to make eggs eggs were the first thing that I on how to make when I was four years old I got a stool I put it close to the burner my mom was sleeping at the time but I was cookie come to make smack I'm like all right so please be super careful so ready pull your age white don't get too close to your egg yolk get in here in a pocket pull it and let me tell you you go to a birthday place your egg will never be the same so there you go little flat things like I have in here [Music] like this one lady came through right there but over there okay so this is why a lot of channels don't show you the whole dynamic of an egg like this and if they do it's still not what that fluffiness that you have your pan has to be really hot and I think with when you're doing the levels on channels when you do it this way your age stays warm nothing stays cold and then you can transfer it quickly so I'm going to show you guys how to plate your your wibbels or on channels in just one second okay let me clean up a bit cuz you know drive me nuts okay so Michael Thea is ready to go here so let me go ahead and scoop out my web either just like this you put that over the top I'm sure you can make this really heavy with beans and other things but take it easy and that's when you add your broth okay so another thing that you guys can do here if you like I'm really brothy make sure you add enough to soak up your tortilla because that's the point of this my mouth is watering right now okay then you can go ahead and add some of your cheese if you like cheese I know have a lot of cheese lovers my authenticity police don't get startled you can use guess I'll frisk local decon here whatever you have at home even cheddar and then you guys know I'm the cilantro queen so I stumbled now let me go ahead and give this one a taste okay so I'm gonna be using some chute the penis cuz that's a spice that I love my eggs with it has a really smoky delicious spice my little spice grinder and I put it a lot on the yolk because I don't know just those two combined our macing so ready for this there we go and you guys love that yoke as much as I do whoa you can either clean up well this is so good and don't go too heavy on the cheese okay because you have to balance it out I know you guys are gonna want to go ham don't do it mmm card you ready for a little to me huh yes these are award-winning levels run channels I'm Tanya guys this right now you can open a business just making this in the morning and you're set for your money you guys get a little taco truck bro you know my feed you okay buddy mmm-hmm how amazing is this well yeah get yourself a taco truck my recipes are your recipes you know if you want to save views will run channels on your recipes and like that but you guys are ready to sell not least if I'm in there I mean let me go ahead and clear this out because I got my baby stirring and that way you guys can have them you guys can watch them give it a taste so you know what we're talking about all right friends that's how you make the two versions of the huevos rancheros so I have some folks here that want to taste it here with you guys they've really been enjoying all the lovely comments you've been leaving them so you guys have them here haha all right boys you want to dig in yep all right hold on cuz I know you want some with a little bit of the egg yolk let me give you one of these there you go go ahead punky enjoy this expensi well how about you try it without the tunnel nut first that's fancy for you mr. fancy Charlie we try it without the tunnel I want to see what you think and everybody is curious to know what you think both okay together hmm well yeah you have to have the Cholula okay once again I love to put hot sauce in she knows in my food you know they get that from that Danny what am i you over here sir no point me another one oh good stuff for free by only Terry's business in here look at this oh my goodness that is a bath in channel 2 maybe I should have made the broth out of Chowchilla for you think Oh Lord well I think you're doing a great job song enjoy like wow looks amazing I'm bad I see why we don't I think these tortillas are good of your kids like more softer textures you don't have to find them up that long and if they like that crispy texture is like kids like nachos you can probably fry em up like that I make yourself some wonderful nachos if you give me to show you let me know you know that I'm always here for you guys oh you think I'm funny I'm the funniest mom ever there's more kids I'm not gonna insult the chef from the house I would it my kids really do eat a lot yeah your very first lunch and dinner and snack and running around all day a lot of energy you happy let's go of it all like you know what Vidal means that he likes tea days Baiul it took him a little bit to get eggs and I think that maybe about a year and a half or two he's started engaging more in like the appearance of the eggs we went to Wyoming that was a time when he got started on the fluffy eggs yeah you like those eggs and they yeah what shook on dental breakfast Inc oh so he asked me brakes and he said make him like my mom like my mom makes something I was like oh say anything but yeah he did eat them yeah my favorite sport is soccer not your favorite sport yep my favorite sport growing up was baseball and soccer because of grandma you know she's a soccer fan mm-hmm she same okay is that why you're wearing a world soccer shirt yeah yeah Wow all right guys that's it for us my kids are gonna be tearing it up and then I have to prep for my next meal for today um I really do cook a lot it's not just the middle you guys see here I cook variety sometimes my sister doesn't want to stay over and I'll cook a dish for her and make it easy part she not only has her breaking their job she helps me out here so shout out to my sister all right friends if you're new to the channel please take the time to subscribe if you like the way we give recipes don't worry there are some long and some short videos and you guys make it comfortable for your home you know festival order on that note I'll see there's a knot the next one I'll see you guys tomorrow bye you missed the whole thing you once there I knew that's his favorite part is eating notified it is yesterday as soon as I'm done here there'd be like mom what are we gonna eat next what do they do they go run around outside play soccer and then erm Andre yeah within 20 minutes of them playing outside it's like we're so hungry I'm like no you're thirsty drink some water now watch this guy but events been making his own hour for this class Braverman he's really good at all accessible because mama they're delicious well when I'm getting ready he'll go and be like look what I made him on like wow so good okay go what's right it's like when I win is table when I go play outside with something when I'm playing soccer it's like it's like I'm melting like Frosty the Snowman you're melting alright guys bye
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 757,021
Rating: 4.8594956 out of 5
Keywords: huevos rancheros recipe, authentic huevos rancheros, cooking with, how to make huevos rancheros, huevos rancheros from scratch, mexican eggs, mexican breakfast, mexican food recipes, easy recipes, breafast recipes, cook with me, huevos rancheros, easy recipes for lunch, step by steph chiles rellenos, views recipes, breakfast eggs recipe, korean mexican familiy, migas, HUEVOS RANCHEROS MEXICAN STYLE BREAKFAST EGGS WITH TORTILLAS AND SAUCE 2 Versions Kid Friendly
Id: Curfc6TWpmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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