10 of THE BEST MEALS To Make In An Instant Pot!

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hey everyone welcome back to sick sister stuff today I'm sharing with you ten of the best instant pot dinner recipes so I'm Kristen I am the second sister from sick sister stuff and if you notice we share a lot of instant pot recipes so today I decided to switch it up a little bit and I'm gonna share with you our top 10 instant pot dinner recipes just to make your life a little bit easier before we get started I'm curious what your favorite dinner recipe is to make an instant pot so go ahead and put that down below in the comments I would love to hear but for now we're just gonna jump in to my top 10 all right sure jump into this I'll do this one of our favorites on our website and we put it on the website not long ago and it exploded everyone don't love it we're showing you just some simple ways to even make it easier than the recipe that's on the website so here's our shortcut let's do it what are we starting with all right let's I'm gonna have you cut up the chicken okay so we're gonna have like one and a half pounds to two pounds yeah chicken chicken and I like to use the tenderloins because it just makes them cook a little bit faster and they're nice cuz they're small so they're easy to cut up and lots of times they've already been but like the fat's been their training oh yeah yeah so a lot of times they're already trimmed and makes it really easy to cut it up I'm just cutting it into some kind of bite-sized pieces and that's perfect specially for kids all right yeah she's cutting that I'm gonna push the saute button right here so when you push the saute button right now it says there's a little button that says less normal or more we're just going to keep it at normal because it's fine alright so saute then it's going to beep for you after you push the saute button it's gonna start heating up once it gets hot I kind of just test it a little bit once it's hot then I add my oil and other palm does it take to get hot sometimes like two minutes sometimes like five lots of time even before it taught all this start cookin yes I'm in a hurry it is what it is hey this is real life exactly alright so once it's heated up we're just gonna add what about a tablespoon two tablespoons of olive oil it's been drizzle that into the top but now I like when my oil gets hot and then I do a trick and I lift my pot up I'm just kind of wiggle my oil around so it covers all the bottom of my instant oh there you go there you go this fan so you hit trick sorry caller this about man there we go once the oil is heated up ready to go Camille is gonna add our chicken yep you're ready Kristen gets scared to touch raw chicken well that's why I'm doing it I appreciate that this if your oils hot it should sizzle at this point yes ours is so warming up that's okay you can hear it a little bit now this makes a lot of rice and other things so this is a lot of chicken if you have a smaller family you could even cut this recipe in half or even in fourths totally I mean you just make sure you cut all the ingredients down but the timing will be the same you could go for the same amount all right so once the chicken starts to cook on the bottom you're kind of just flip it around a little bit I kind of stir as I go is that horrible no that's what I do here just to make sure that it all gets evenly cooked I'm gonna hate the onion in there too please do just to add some more flavor well if that cooking oil thanks I think that's one of my favorite smells is cooking chicken and onions together well let's make it even better and add some garlic all right how much garlic we're gonna add or what two cloves so I'm just grabbing a spoon no it's fine yeah too close that sounds good so we're just using jarred garlic 1/2 teaspoon of this equals a clove this is one of my favorite shortcuts oh you don't have to chop fresh balls I think all six of us I know use that shortcut can you love it I don't like pressing my garlic camera okay so the seasonings we're gonna add I'm just doing like a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of pepper you can totally eyeball this don't feel like you need to measure it out I think Oh Rachael Ray style for it in your hand and then dump it in we're not fancy like that yep if you want to add other seasonings that you like you could you could do some Italian seasoning you could do a little bit more like garlic powder you love the taste of garlic I mean however you like to season it you can add a little more totally works we love like a little bit more salt so I usually add about a tablespoon of salt into this recipe you do I do I love salty things mmm I didn't know about you yep learn something new every day yep all right so a chicken kind of has some browning around the edges I mean you can cook this as much or as little as you want it just really is to fill in the flavor kind of make the chicken some added moisture yeah yeah and I think a little bit of flavor to it yeah it's off to eight hundred percent so now from this point it's just kind of a dump and go right so we're adding in two cups of rice now in the recipe it says it a little bit differently yeah we're showing you this is the simple way to make it dumping like the dump and go version totally alright so I'm doing two cups of white rice you want to you can rinse the rice before you dump it in totally up to you I'm just gonna go ahead we don't judge you either way if you rinse your rice or not yours man judging okay and then I'm gonna do about two cups of chicken broth nice just kind of pour about right there we go alright so the secret when you're cooking or doing rice in the instant pot is you want to make sure that the rice every single kernel of rice touches the liquid because if it doesn't you're gonna have some hard pieces of rice there so we're gonna do know that now you know okay I've got half a cup of water going into just some added moisture for that right now I've got a can of cream of chicken soup if you want to if you're feeling super domestic you can make your own but first simplicity I just use a can of this you can get they make a healthier option reduced fat yeah using that which works right it's coming out there we go okay so add that in there and then the last thing we are gonna throw in is a bag of frozen vegetables and they are still frozen they are so good they think works better cuz you're gonna cook all the vegetables rice and chicken all at the same time yeah so I think frozen vegetables works better because then they'll cook yeah they won't be super tha soggy yeah so alright yeah yeah but a good meg is gonna mix around make sure all the rice is covered by the liquid and I think we're good so ever look now we're all ready to go now remember while we were putting this together it's still on saute which is okay if I should put the lid on directly huh okay you're putting the lid on we're gonna turn this little knob to sealing not venting it sure I can see this here now because it is on saute first you have to push cancel so you're gonna push the keep warm cancel button just to turn it all the way off then you're gonna push the manual button now if you don't have a manual button you'll have a pressure cook button it's the same thing manual pressure cooks you're good alright so then we're gonna go up to 6 minutes now we can do 6 minutes because our chicken is little it's already been sauteed the rice only takes about six to seven ish minutes to cook and the vegetables only take about two minutes to cook but they still taste good together yeah it's all kind of the same amount of time that's why you can all cook it together awesome alright so you heard it little beep once it says on so it's all done cooking we cooked it for about six minutes you can go up to seven if you want but because it's done we're gonna turn it over to a quick release here we go once all the pressures out then you can open the leg just beware of the steam because it gets toasty alright so you can see this now it looks like there's a lot of liquid on top but once you mix it around there's some rice that still needs a little bit of liquid and it will all work out together it all evens out exactly so while you're doing that you want me to dump the cheese in yeah you're gonna add is it one cup yeah one cup of cheddar top I'm ready cheddar cheese you can shred your own if you want or you can buy free it shredded doesn't matter we always tend to buy the shredded cuz it just makes licensed yeah easy but I did wanna I did notice if you buy the block cheese and shred it yourself huh it melts a little bit easier how much easier especially in this recipe but either way you're gonna be just backlink if you want more cheese you could make it much easier free to add more ice we did two so after we did individual servings we put a little more cheese on on each YBF it's a great idea yeah that's all that the kids well it's just super kid friendly my kids love to be my - and like you said it makes a ton like we ate it for lunches all week long right we're going on a third meal of this I mean it's just the sweet it's also one of our favorites now all right okay what do you think looking good looks good - we played it up yep so at this point you could feed it to your family it is gonna be super hot for a minute but it's just it's cheesy comfort food I don't think you guys ready so today we're gonna make instant pot turkey breasts and growing up we always had turkey for Thanksgiving and it's such a huge undertaking so this is the perfect recipe to feed a smaller crowd yes you had couple of people so you're not making this massive turkey that you're gonna have tons and tons of leftovers in your instant pot exactly and I love cooking an instant pot because it makes it just nice and juicy and tender you know sometimes you in the oven and it gets vacation exactly so we're going to show you how to make a nice tender instant pot turkey breast let's get started so you can do a few things with this so you can saute your turkey breast but we're not gonna do that today so the only thing about the instant pot is that you don't get that nice brown crispness to your turkey doesn't mean it's so you can saute your turkey but for us we're just feeding our family so I really don't care about the the crispness of the skin yeah so we're just gonna put it right makes notes are weird about stuff looking burned so it's seared on the outside why is it black why is it burned so we're just going the juicy wrap perfect let's do it okay so we're gonna make a seasoning mixture to go on our turkey breast and I'm starting with a tablespoon of olive oil now we do the olive oil so it will make the spices stick to the turkey okay and then person introduced me to these I love these things they're the magnetic ones if you haven't seen them I'll link them down below for a base and then we're just doing a tablespoon of smoked paprika if you don't have smoked paprika you can just use the normal paprika and then we've got sorry butterfingers here two teaspoons of ground black pepper and then a teaspoon of salt and if you don't want all these spices you can kind of make your own turkey yeah you could if you're worried about the paprika you could always switch that out for time or something savory I'm a table oh sorry teaspoon of Italian seasoning nice I always like to add a little bit more of Italian something okay should I open it up we're going for it today let's do 2 teaspoons of Italian seasoning yeah and then a teaspoon of minced garlic now if you don't have the minced garlic I like to use that kind cuz you can just keep it in your refrigerator and you always have garlic on hand so you don't have to use the press every time you know yes alright so we're just mixing this oh it smells so good smells like Thanksgiving yeah okay are you ready so how I do this before I will be the one touching the turkey sorry okay so now this turkey breast comes with strings attached now you can keep it like that and just do the seasoning around that but I like to season all the pieces of the turkey breast so we cut it open and we're just gonna season on both sides just lightly rub around all the turkey go for it really getting in there my first year of marriage I thought I was gonna impress my husband and make a full-size turkey I got one through his work oh no and it fell on the ground it slipped out of my hand and like got all the stuff like blizzard's or whatever you deal with that's like I'm never doing this again and I ended up crying hamburger turkey no bones night none of the lovely stuff for like hours and hours and hours no so actually how the turkey cooks is we usually say about six to eight minutes per pound so this is three pounds so I like to go more on the the longer side so we're gonna do 24 minutes just with this so we're actually gonna just stick it right into the bottom of instant pot so if you were searing the outside of this would you sear it before you did the so you would add a little bit more oil on the bottom and sear it with the spices but because we're not we're just gonna go this okay so once we have the turkey in the bottom and you always want to make sure when you're cooking meat in the instant pot the meat goes on the bottom because it will cook better that way so we're gonna just add about a half a cup to a cup I like to add a cup just in case we just want it to pressurize all right now really carefully so the seasoning I want makes you to still stay on my turkey but the good thing is with the instant pot because it pressurizes all the water and seasonings will kind of all mix together while it's cooking so it will still taste good all right I think we're ready so we're gonna put the lid on flip this around a little bit now this is so this is the instant pot Luck's so the knobs a little bit different so we're gonna turn this little knob to see link and then it says it has a manual button so the manual button and the pressure cook button are the same thing so you want to push your manual button then you're gonna push your plus button so we're going up to about 24 25 minutes and we're gonna let it sit there so you're gonna wait just a few seconds and then so after a few seconds it's gonna beep and say on that means you're doing it right so now you just get to walk away while your turkey cooks okay so we have been letting this release on its own for about 15 minutes and then we're going to turn a little knob to venting to get out the rest of the pressure good love when that happens okay and we're gonna just pull it right up oh my word can you guys see this oh yeah it looks so good oh good okay so the secret in making turkey breasts is that once it's done cooking you're gonna put it on a plate then you're gonna let it rest for about 10-15 minutes with some foil over top so that's what we're gonna do pull this out very gently oh can you guys see though yeah oh you feel bad saying this but I've never been a turkey person like Thanksgiving turkey this might change your mind I know but this has got me convinced like it's falling apart yeah actually okay so go ahead and set this for you on we're gonna let it sit there for like 10-15 minutes itself okay all right I think we're ready okay oh man oh it's so good okay so usually we'll have this all nice and platter I'm gonna cut pretty but I just want to show you the inside of it here of just how juicy and good it is so if you're cooking this for Thanksgiving dinner don't forget your mashed potatoes and other Thanksgiving recipes I'll have a link down below in the description for you for other delicious Thanksgiving recipes here on YouTube okay so we're first going to cook sausage and onions and mushroom mushrooms all together in the instant pot so we're gonna first push the saute button and kind of let that heat up for a little curl for everything in so I'm gonna start mixing the cheese's this is a big tub of ricotta cheese yes going full scent with all that and I'm gonna add in about 16 ounces of cottage cheese you can go full fat you can do low fat just I mean whatever you want ricotta comes in whole milk or skim milk if you want it super creamy go whole if you want to lighten it up a little bit go skin they both taste good I know you're both about they do oh and then I'm gonna also add two eggs to this okay all right so this is all heat it up ready to go okay I put my sausage first I don't have to add oil because of you know the sauce is not gonna stick so I have my lovely Chop Shop sir are you real everything's ever just gonna quick moment a lot of times too - this cheese mixture I'll add in like some garlic powder or Italian seasoning just to kind of give this cheesy layer a little boost of flavor but it's fine without it - thanks okay so you're mixing all the cheese's mm-hmm I'm mixing the sausage would you pass me the unions they were chopped an onion in there so whole onion yep nice and then there's mushroom okay good then yeah yep this is pretty good I'm gonna just add my mushrooms for just like a minute or so Oh mix in there whoops it's flying now if you don't like mushrooms you don't have to add mushrooms to this but I love I do too okay looking good and smelling good yeah uh-huh you ready yes let's layer two layer it up so okay so we're gonna start in the pot with some sauce on the bottom nice just gonna dump a little bit in there spread it around yep just getting it all the way through the edges you can use any kind of sauce that you have whatever your favorite is okay and then we got to use some noodles right and they have to be oven ready they have to be oven ready for this recipe you're right yep okay so this is a circle pot obviously yeah you're just gonna have to make it it just kind of break your noodles so that they fit right yeah and it's it's not gonna be pretty but no one will see that you know oh there's a little bit of a noodle missing there it doesn't matter it doesn't matter just as long as you get ya mean little he's gonna cover perfect because they get to cover the parts they need to be covered yeah okay cool all right we have noodles down noodles down she's next okay so how many layers are we gonna be doing so what we're gonna do as many layers as we can we'll probably we'll see what we could we'll see how many way in and there's full as we can yeah that's for sure I love cheese so I'm going heavy on it and a little bit different like nine by 13 you have a very flat lasagna this is going to be a tall as on you I love it which is perfect okay so we got cheese all the way to the edges good that's a meat now meet any of the mushrooms oh man even pull it up I still am all over the place good right what do you think of that we're okay yep looks good okay you could do a little bit more even if you want okay there now we're talking like semi I like it meaty meat you okay cheese do we do like mozzarella and parmesan yeah throw that on okay because let's be honest it was long it has to be cheesy everyone like that babies okay so I just did some mozzarella and Parmesan and then we start again okay oh go with the sauce and it's not gonna be pretty as you're spreading it around but that's okay no lohanya is yeah really it all comes together exactly so try and get it to the edges got that and going with the no smell grab on to yep chop it up you do the big one in the middle okay oh I'm s I'll hit beside oh you just come to my house all the time right way faster who's through no lasagna is to me are really labor-intensive but I love that you can cook it all in there like saute it and then you can layer it in this other pot yeah it's genius is the hardest part for me is putting the cheese on after you put the noodles on right cuz it's just those noodles move yes I know but okay ready yeah go more meat and I'll add more cheese can you go all the way to the top but yes this one you can uh-huh some I'm sure it kind of overflows yes yeah I mean it really depends on what you have just because the noodles are not going to extend that much time um that everything will kind of cook and then shrink a little bit so yeah oh that's true and then we'll go again I think which is one more layer here right yeah I think just one more I'm sure we get plenty of sauce it's a hefty little was on yet yes ladies like you said it is it's gonna be really tall yeah so yeah I mean you don't have to your normal size of lasagna it was like a normal square but this one you want smaller because there's so many layers that you're gonna go digging into totally okay so we're just gonna finish out all the sauce oh yeah so it doesn't get covered yeah you rest on top of it round and then we're gonna finish off with just a hefty layer cheese race because the cheesy lasagna oh where is that exactly okay so while you're putting cheese I'm gonna rinse this out real quick okay so then we're gonna cook it right inside of this pot that's already dirty so you don't have to clean right and it we're just rinsing it out we need to put something on it so it can keep as much water out as we possibly can so we're gonna do it really tight with some foil oh now the handle is still in there but that's okay okay when it's done we'll pull the foil off and then pull the handle out okay cause getting in is a lot easier than getting down yeah okay then on the bottom of the pot we're just gonna add like a cup of water just so it can press your eyes we're just gonna stick our pot right down so you don't even need the trivet or anything you just put it right in bring one in it fits pretty tight in there yeah but like still enough room you can slide it around yeah you can slide around down oh you can have all the water will come along the sides and still cook it so alright so crazy ready yeah okay so close the lid make sure that your little knob is turned to ceiling not empty I've done that yeah I'm yeah we all have we all have all right then we're gonna push the manual or the pressure cook button whatever instant pot you have and we're gonna go up to what you say 24 24 per minute 24 okay then once you set the pot you're gonna wait just a few seconds for it to say on there we go and then that means you did it right so awesome walk away hey guys we'll see in a little bit all right it's done so it's when it's done cooking you'll see that little L and then it will start counting up so we're at two minutes a lots of people are really funny about you know quick release or natural release we're just gonna do a quick release because exactly here we go okay all seams out good go let's open it open it up let's see what this looks like you see the foil first okay so I like to take a glove and we'll just pull the foil off gotta use my finger a little bit just pull it hey now you got to realize it is cooked with water so it's not the same texture as your okay oven but with this pot and pot you can stick it right inside your oven embroil for a few minutes to brown up that cheese okay you gotta get the little handle out there we go we're just gonna pull it right out come on oh it is heavy oh my goodness now this is covered with some food so we're gonna put it like in you can put on a cookie sheet or a pan or something like that but just so you don't want the fun of your oven all gross yeah all right you want to take that yeah we're just going in the broiler just to kind of brown up the top yep will you open it for me yep all right so here it is completely done still a little bit liquidy I would let it set up for at least a few minutes before you serve it yeah and with we're making macaroni and cheese of creamy macaroni and cheese so we're gonna start with 1 pound of elbow macaroni then we're gonna do 4 cups of chicken broth now I love to get these containers because I know that there are 4 cups in here and I don't have to measure anything so we're going to pour it all and okay now the secret when making pasta is that you want to make sure yes I am using my finger you want to make sure that all the noodles are covered in liquid if you don't have enough liquid then you need to add more liquid to it you just want to make sure all the noodles are covered or you're gonna have some hard noodles with your pasta all right this is all that we have to do we're gonna put the lid on now okay we're putting the lid on can you hear that that means you're doing it right then you're gonna turn this little knob to see link now the other instant pots have a different looking knob they both have sealing and venting so make sure that it's on sealing okay once it's on sealing then we're gonna come up over here and we're gonna push the manual button or the pressure cook button and we're gonna go down to just four minutes pasta only takes four minutes to cook so once you push the buttons then you're gonna wait for it to stay on once this is on you're good to go now the difference between making like let's say macaroni cheese in the instant pot compared to on your stovetop is that you literally can set your timer to four minutes and walk away now you think of all the steps you have to do when you do it on the stovetop you have to heat your water you have to make sure it doesn't boil over then you have to put your noodles in you have to wait about seven minutes for your noodles to cook and you were just at the stovetop the whole entire time with the instant pot I can go clean up the kitchen I can go put away the laundry I can do a lot of other things while it's cooking so this is why I love the instant pots so much all right we're gonna let this cook and then I'll come back and I'll finish making the rest of macaroni and cheese so once it's all done cooking you're gonna have it say L L means that it is done you'll usually hear a little sound that it is done it beeps at you and then it's gonna start counting up so you'll know how many minutes it's been done so usually with pasta and other things I like to do something called a quick release a quick release is when you turn it to venting right when it's done cooking now if you see some instructions that say natural release that means you're just gonna leave it just as it is and let it release the pressure on its own natural release but with pasta and because I want to make this really quick we're gonna turn it to quick release which is turning it to venting so all the steam will come out okay so once that's all done there's a little pin that will drop that means that you can open your lid safely and if you can see the pasta is cooked perfectly now there is a little bit liquid at the bottom and that is just fine because we're gonna use that liquid for the mac and cheese so just kind of mix your noodles around a little bit there might be a little bit stuck together but that's not hard once you start mixing they'll come apart okay so now we're gonna push the saute button the saute button is the other button that I use all the time so you can Brown your onions or you can brown your meat stuff like that but we're gonna use the saute button today to make everything warm so first we're gonna push the cancel and then we're gonna push the saute button there you go okay now it's time to add the good stuff for the mac and cheese so we're first gonna add a half a cup of milk and I'm just gonna eyeball this a little bit and then about a teaspoon of Dijon mustard you don't have to add the Dijon I just like it just gives it a little bit of a kick and then just a dash of hot sauce you can use your favorite hot sauce whatever hot sauce you like or if you don't like copses you don't even have to add the hot sauce I just like the extra flavor that it gives it and then last we're gonna add just two tablespoons of butter so I'm just gonna mix these things in there right now we're gonna let the butter melt and mix in the mustard and everything else starting to smell good alright so once the butter is all melted now we're just gonna add two cups of cheddar cheese I like to start with cheddar cheese but you can use any kind of charities that you want now if you shred your own cheddar cheese that will make it mix a little bit easier but I'm kind of lazy and I like to buy it pre-shredded so I don't even have to worry about that stuff I'm a more of dump everything in and go kind of person alright once your cheese is melted and everything is melted and mixed together go ahead and push the cancel button you don't want to keep sauteing or it will burn the bottom of your pan it will burn the noodles so we're turning it off and so you'll just have nice hot mac and cheese ready to serve now if you want to make this a little bit earlier in the day you can always push the cancel button again it is also the keep warm button and you can just let it sit here for an hour or two I would put the lid back on and let it sit until you're ready to eat all right oh man these noodles smell so good I can smell just a little bit of Dijon mustard in there it's my favorite no I was thinking that you could easily do if you have the other box mac and cheese you could easily make just the Kraft macaroni and cheese too because it's literally the same thing you're just cooking your noodles and adding everything else when you're done so I'm not gonna touch the chicken we're just gonna dump it in that's what I love about using frozen chicken touch it down oh yeah we have four chicken breasts in there but you can have three if the odds here so yeah alright next you want to add garlic in for me yep so we've got like two cloves of garlic we're about a teaspoon nice and cumin cumin we got two tablespoons of this and I love this and chili powder together is like two of my most favorite things it's perfect for Mexican recipes I think this is the best flavors together if I can get a little mark here we go here we go there we go all right can you do that and then to really better you on do it yep awesome well that was a little easier to pull out yeah this one isn't so packed and huh whoops that one might have a little bit extra hole despite gonna have a kick mm-hmm okay so next we're gonna add a half a cup of brown rice okay so we're gonna actually put it kind of in the bottom so it will be covered with the liquid right could you use a different kind of rice if you want you could you could it will cook a little bit longer because brown rice takes about 25 minutes to cook and that's how long we're gonna be cooking us for so okay all right well I'm gonna dump in a can of black beans they've already been rinsed and drained so there's that cloud nice I'm gonna do its me just yep so this is just a can of diced tomatoes dump that right on top and then about a cup and a half of chicken broth and we're just gonna eyeball it not quite half but coming out Oh all right so lid can go on lid is on right now think about this recipe is that it's the redoubles chicken burrito bowls and so after this cooks that's all the good stuff happens after it's done okay okay so okay are you ready yep so this is a different kind instant pot that we're using it's we're gonna make sure this little knob is trenches sealing yeah then go ahead and push the manual button or the pressure cook button whatever your instant pot house and then because it's frozen we're gonna go up to 25 minutes there we go now for a few seconds it will say on that means you did it right and you just walk away all right when this is done we'll come back okay so our chicken is done in the instant pot we already vented it we already let the spray fly don't really wasn't bad it was just steamy okay all right so now shred the chicken okay I'm out okay oh there we go so this chicken you really could use it for so many different things right right any Mexican tacos burritos nachos whatever you feel like exactly but what are we doing with it we're doing a little bit healthier today so we're gonna put it on some lettuce or salad whatever you want I like it actually on spinach is my favorite but we're gonna use like the romaine today's perfect awesome so once you shred the chicken then you're gonna throw it back in there and get all the flavors and stuff this was really good yeah and there's and the Rice's and rice and beans and all the good stuff Oh hurry and finish writing this up all right chickens all shredded now it's really good stuff okay I'm gonna use a slotted spoon head okay oh yeah just sure get some beans get some chicken and rice all the good stuff sometimes when we make this I will make salads for my husband and I but the kids will make like quesadillas what hell that's a great red tortilla that's so much easier for them to eat all right yep okay so now I just add the good stuff all your favorite yeah okay you can add whatever you want so sour cream let's see first Ladd we're gonna make this look pretty yeah maybe a little bit of tomatoes a little bit of cheese okay I'm gonna use your fork to get out some salsa go far out okay my husband likes to put jalapenos on it just for like an added kick I would love that so that's a good and I love like the guacamole stuff oh yeah I'm family corn I love corn ah I don't know I love it all right guys super simple easy healthy I mean if you even take out the sour cream it's still super healthy okay so don't be intimidated by all the ingredients you see this recipe actually comes together really quickly and it is delicious so uh stick with me here okay we're gonna start with our instant pot we're gonna push the saute button good so it's gonna take about a minute or two to heat up and get hot so while it's heating we're gonna throw in our stuff so we're gonna put in one tablespoon of butter and then one teaspoon of olive oil he does eyeball that all right then we're just gonna wait for these for the butter to melt and for the oil to get hot while we're waiting for this to get hot I'm gonna just go ahead and chop up my chickens I have two large chicken breasts you can do anywhere from one to two but I like chicken in my chicken and dumplings so we're gonna go to now I'm cutting these into bite-sized pieces just because you don't want a big chunk of chicken it's better to have small pieces so cut up all my chicken we're good to go and so our oil and butter are all ready to go - okay so right now I chopped up an onion and then about three stalks of celery so I'm just gonna take this and just put it right into the pot yeah okay and you're just gonna stir that around a little bit so you just want these cooked until the onion is fragrant and the axillary is cooked just a little bit through mmm I love the smell of onion cooked any of those my favorite okay so next we're gonna add a few more vegetables now it calls for one cup of carrots and so you can have whole carrots and chop them up small but I'm gonna cheat today and just you just baby carrots and throw in about a cup or so okay and then it also calls for one potato but I love using the mini baby potatoes because you can just throw them in there like that or you can cut them in half and it just makes it really quick and easy so I don't know I do about ten potatoes or so and just throw them in you just want them so they're bite-sized so if they are too big you want to cut them but if they're pretty small then you'd be fine just to throw in the whole potato and if you don't want to use the baby ones you can just use just a normal breast potato or a few red potatoes just cut them up and throw them in so once our potatoes are in I'm just gonna stir it around a little bit okay so then I'm gonna add just a little bit of garlic um I like to use the canned garlic but you can use whatever garlic you want so I did about a half teaspoon or so of garlic mix that into and then it's time to start cooking everything so we're gonna put our chicken in right now dump that in [Music] okay and then we're gonna add two cups of chicken broth because you're gonna need liquid in order for your instant pot to pressurize just kind of eyeball it there I like to use these containers because I know there's four cups in there so use about half of it or so you don't have to be exact with this recipe alright it's looking good okay so then we're gonna just add a little bit of seasoning so just salt and pepper it's just however much you want I did about a half teaspoon of each and then we have about a half teaspoon of poultry seasoning that you can put in there and then about a half teaspoon of sage if you want to put other spices in here go ahead and do that because I love spices but these together are some of my most favorite all right it's all around a little bit and we're ready to cook so because it's on saute right now we want to push the cancel button first so we're gonna push cancel and then put our lid on make sure that your little knob is turned to sealing not venting then you're gonna push either the pressure cook button or the manual button now because our chicken is cut up we don't have to cook it as long so I'm gonna cook it for about 15 minutes okay now while this is cooking and pressurizing I'm gonna go ahead and take my biscuits and start cutting those up so I already popped it so you would have to see my space as it exploded but so this is the Jumbo biscuits it comes with eight but you only need about six of them so I'm gonna take a biscuit and then pull it out carefully and it's kind of flatten it out a little bit now you want to do it in two strips so I like to do it into six pieces so I split it in two first and then just two more they don't have to be even it's fine because once they cook they'll all look the same anyways so so you're gonna do this to six of your biscuits and then just set them to the side they can sit there while the rest of your food so we've chopped up our chicken we put in our vegetables and put in our spices then we just chopped up all the dumplings and you're gonna put in the dumplings in your pot right now all right so we're gonna add two more cups of chicken broth so we're gonna have four cups total in there so and then we're just going to carefully place your biscuits on top now there's gonna be a lot of liquid in there you just kind of want to place them right on top of the liquid and spread them out because if they're all mushed together is not going to cook very well so you want individual biscuits and so you're just going to spread them out the best you can so once all your biscuits are in carefully take out your spoon so you're not gonna mix it or anything you're gonna leave your biscuits right there floating on top so before you peel it on make sure that you push the cancel button then you can put your lid on okay goes on make sure this little knob is turned to sealing not venting then you're gonna push the pressure cook or manual button and we're gonna go to ten minutes your chicken is cut up so small that it will only take about ten s to cook and your biscuits will cook in about ten minutes too so we're gonna let that cook and then we'll come back all right so it's all done cooking and you can see that the little L it's starting to count up that means that it's done so you can either let it release on its own for a little while or you can turn the knob to venting and I'm gonna turn it to venting today okay so once all the pressures out that little button will go down and then you can take the lid off safely all right oh you can see the biscuits they look good now they look obviously a little soggy because they're sitting in liquid but they are cooked all the way through so we're just gonna mix them around just a little bit you don't want to mix too much because then you'll break up the biscuit it'll make your chicken and dumplings thick but you want to keep your biscuits whole so we're just mixing carefully all right once we've mixed we're gonna add half a cup of heavy cream and dump that right in so it makes it good and then we're gonna add about a cup of peas now you could other add other vegetables if you want but I just like peas and my chicken and dumplings so about a cover so there we go then we're just gonna carefully mix everything in now you can cook your food just like this or you can make it go a little bit faster push the cancel button and push saute and then you'll cook your vegetables just a little bit faster or your peas peas a little bit faster it will just make everything heat up quicker all right good so we're just gonna let this sit for a minute or two let it sauté and just keep stirring so okay nice and even alright so when it's all done I like to serve it in a bowl because it's it's almost like a soup but you know it's chicken and dumplings it's so good all right you can see that smells so good so this recipe is super simple and super basic and it it tastes amazing my husband couldn't believe how good it actually tasted so let's get into it so usually you take your corned beef you have about two to four pounds I usually like to do two pounds cuz that feeds my family six easily so but this one is four pounds which is fine we're just gonna cook it all in the instant pot so I'm gonna put it in and because it is so big we're just gonna stick it right on top of each other here we go now you can get corned beef at like Kroger we got this one at Smith's or Kroger I've also found it at Costco and sometimes at Walmart around st. Patrick's Day alright so Juan's corned beefs in now we're gonna put in about a cup of carrots you can use chopped carrots or you can just use the baby carrots if you'd like next we're gonna do an onion so I just cut it into four chunks just making it easy it's more for like seasoning than anything else then we have about 1/4 cup of parsley that I chopped up let's put that right on top now usually corned beef comes with some seasoning and it's my favorite so I always put in the little package of seasoning that comes with it and just sprinkle it over everything then on top we're gonna just do two bay leaves now if you put these in remember to take them out when your food is done cooking okay now we're just gonna add about three cups of liquid at the bottom of the pot and that's really how easy it is so we're gonna put a lid on I'm gonna put the lid on make sure this little knob is on sealing not venting so then you're gonna push the pressure cook button or if you have a different instant pot it could be manual also then we're gonna go up to about 90 minutes now I know that seems like a lot but this meat is pretty tough so you want to make sure it gets really tender so we're gonna cook it for 90 minutes all right so once that is set and the timer is set you can just walk away and we'll come back in about an hour and a half all right so once it's all done cooking we're gonna turn the little knob to venting to let all of the steam and pressure out once the pressure is out you can open up your lid oh my gosh it smells so good so right now we're gonna add a cabbage so I got a whole cabbage and literally just chopped it into four chunks so we're just gonna put this in here and then we're gonna close it up and cook it for a few more minutes you know if you don't like cabbage you don't have to do this part it will still taste amazing but the cabbage is just a fun thing to add and those that love it it tastes good alright so you're gonna put your lid back on make sure a little knob is turn to see link and then you're gonna push the pressure cooker manual button again we're gonna go down to just three minutes we just need to get that cabbage nice and cooked and it just only needs about three minutes to cook once the timer's done you're gonna turn the knob again to venting let all the steam out and you can open up your lid and your cabbage should be cooked just perfectly so it's nice and tender by the thing that I want the most is the corned beef so we're just going to carefully pull that out oh this is falling apart ha all right 1 2 3 nice if you could see this we left a little bit of the fat on you can take that off before you cook it but I was just trying to go as quick and easy as I could so I left my fat on and I'll just cut it off as I'm doing it all right I just want to show you just how juicy and tender this is we're just gonna cut it up it just is falling apart oh my goodness alright so if you've never had corned beef I highly suggest giving it a try so the first recipe that we're making today is our buffalo chicken wings now we've been getting a lot of requests for either drumsticks or chicken wings so we're just gonna show you how easy they are to make inside your instant pot so yeah alright you wanna go first yes okay so the first thing you're gonna do is sprinkle them with all season salt you could also use salt and pepper if you don't have all season salt but this gives it just a little more writing a little more flavor okay so once you season one side flip them and then you'll season the other you can do the same thing with the drumsticks and you'll actually cook them for the same amount of time yes so these are great for games appetizers loves me so and they're super quick and easy you don't have to slave away cuz the instant pot does all the work so actually okay so I think I've got everything perfect really seasoned now we're gonna cook them inside of the instant pot but we're gonna use like a steamer basket to help us out a little bit now if you don't have a steamer basket you can use like the little trivet that came with your instant pot but I like steamer basket easier because they just have a little handles yes all right I want to pass the water yep so we're gonna pour yeah yeah so we have like a cup of water we're just dumping in because we need liquid so it will pressurize and then we'll put the basket right in and then do you swamp put the chicken in yes hey this is super easy now I've lived out of state for a lot of years and this is my first year being home for the Superbowl year so glad the boys watch the football game yes and we just sit around all the food and just eat up the whole entire game at halftime we go in and we join their we watch the commercials yeah all right so we're gonna put the lid on now I get a lot of questions if you're new to instant pot if you can hear that little jingle as it goes on that means you did it right so you just want to make sure your lid is on all the way then after you put your lid on you want to turn your knob right then so you won't forget you're gonna turn it to sealing there are different kinds of instant pots this one has a pressure cook button there's also one with a manual button so we're gonna push pressure cook and then it only cooks for about 10 minutes so you push the little plus button to go up yes and then we'll wait for that to cook so once your timer is done we're gonna let it release on its own until about 10 minutes or until the pressure is out all right once that little button goes down you can go ahead and open up your pot oh they look good and they smell good as they do all right you just one pull now yeah okay okay so we're just you wash the pan we're gonna put them back in and then we're just gonna add some buffalo sauce that you could also do barbecue sauce teriyaki sauce right whatever you like on your wings but we like yes and I'm also all about the sauce my husband likes the rubs but I'm like mmm give me some of that side okay my kids like the barbecue though because they don't know that it being too hot at that I'm a fan of all all sauces yeah okay I'm just gonna flip them over and then the sauce the other side here all right a little sauce and a cake hey very good good all right hey stick in the oven yep when we're gonna broil them for about two minutes minutes or so okay so they're all done cooking and then we're just gonna play them on and then we also have a little bit of ranch that you can dip them in as well if you want more sauce you can actually take this sauce and like spread it on a little bit or you can just keep it just like this mix it around so I actually have a video of teriyaki chicken that I've made before but I put in my broccoli at the same time as everything else and it kind of disappeared and so I'm going to show you how to make it quick and simple with putting in the broccoli in later and then also we're using jasmine rice instead of brown rice so you don't have to cook it nearly as long so okay okay let's get cooking so let's add our rice first we I have like 2 cups 2 cups of jasmine rice you can use white rice too here we go but I love gassin right you know it's good ok all right now with rice when you cook it you want like so for every cup of rice you have 1 and 1/4 cup of liquid so that way it won't stick to the bottom of your pot and you won't get that lovely Burn Notice so if you get the burn noticed a lot go ahead go ahead and add just a little bit more chicken broth than what I told you to do so right now we're adding two and a half cups we're gonna add just a little bit just so we don't get the burger okay okay and then our carrots how much does these duet so we added like a cup of carrots sometimes I'll even just grab those little bags at the grocery store that are just the little kids under 17 cuz yeah a little less and they we have about 2 cups of chicken so the chicken is already cooked ready to go so we don't have to cook it for nearly as long so it'll make it go by a lot faster if you have precooked chicken we love using like rotisserie chickens we do so it's all cooked ready all right remember blitz on and as soon as you put the lid on you want to make sure that this little knob is turned to sealing not venting now because we're cooking the rice we're gonna cook it for 7 minutes so we're gonna push the pressure cook button or manual button and then go down to seven minutes now as soon as you set the timer you can go ahead and walk away all right we'll come back way mrs. du cookin all right so the chicken and rice it's all done cooking we turn this little knob to venting let all the steam out as soon as the timer was done now we're going to take the lid off all around I look so good there's no burning there's yes we didn't get the bird so if you always get the bird make sure to add a little bit more chicken broth so you might have issues okay and the carrots are soft too good good perfect now my secret tip to this so while this was cooking we went and steamed our broccoli yes on the side so it wouldn't like disintegrate pretty much in here so we have just about a cup of broccoli all steamed ready to go I also like to get those ones you can find him at like Walmart and you just they come in a baggie and you stick in your microwave this is the freezer section yes they can add a little bit of salt and pepper if you want but I think materi Aki Sophos kind of has enough salt yeah you're not gonna add any in right now so okay right pull it up all right time to put it in [Music] now I also just don't dump in the whole bottle of teriyaki because yes some people like a lot some people like little my kids don't like a ton so we kind of just let them kind of shoot pick and choose how much teriyaki sauce they want taste so this is one of my favorite teriyaki sauces I like the little sesame seeds on top you can get it without but okay I love this sauce because of the seeds Suzy an ingredient to buy so just add our teriyaki sauce on top you can top this off with green onions or just leave it as is and today I am making instant pot pot roast so I'm starting with a two parent pot roast the good thing about the instant pot is that you can use a cheaper cut of meat and it will still taste delicious I always like to cook the meat on the very bottom of my instant pot because that's where it's hottest and that's where it will cook the fastest next you're going to add just 1/2 of a packet of the Lipton onion soup mix and just pour that right on top of your meat now I've crease lysed some onions I like them so they're a little bit bigger chunks you can chop them up too if you want to but adding the onion to the pot roast is one of my favorites next I'm going to add my carrots now I have gotten bigger carrots here I peeled them and then I chop them into bigger chunks just because you'll be cooking for a long time you kind of want big chunks of carrots next I'm just going to throw in some potatoes I had some leftover red ones and then I also am gonna fill it with just some small ones now you can use whatever kind of potatoes you like just know they will be cooked all the way through then you're going to add the other half of your Lipton onion soup mix on top of your potatoes then lastly you're going to add 2 cups of beef broth right on top of everything then go ahead and put your lid on make sure that it's sealed all the way and you're going to turn that little knob to see link not venting because sealing means you want to cook it now we are going to push the meats to button and we're going to go all the way up to 60 minutes now I let the pot roast release on its own so I didn't push minting until I was ready to open it just to make sure but look how good this looks then I just took my meat out and I shredded it but my potatoes and carrots on the sides it's the perfect meal for like a Sunday dinner alright guys so if you love these recipes you can find more instant pot dinner recipes just right up there and I will see you guys next week bye
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 1,348,753
Rating: 4.835619 out of 5
Keywords: SixSistersStuff, Recipe, instant pot, instant pot recipes, instant pot chicken, pressure cooking, Instant Pot dinners, instant pot meals, six sisters stuff instant pot meals, six sisters stuff recipes, What's for dinner, the best meals to make in the Instant Pot, instant pot beef stew, instant pot recipes chicken, instant pot recipes healthy, easy healthy instant pot recipes for beginners
Id: viC2L-iyRq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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