The Best Authentic Mexican Flour Tortillas Recipe | Grandmas Recipe | Million Views Recipe

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hello and welcome to the view scope today I'm gonna show you how to make some don't be yes oh yeah fresh flour tortillas view style get ready cuz there's a lot of details and don't forget please you guys hear me telling you check out the description area if you don't know what the description area is I'm gonna need you to put it in the comments so that I can show you where it's at oh yeah before I get started showing you the ingredients and the things we need for this recipe I want to tell you guys that if you're gonna use flour I'm using the Gold Medal flour and use the one that you like but I'm gonna tell you this do not mix brands of flowers keep your flour if you're gonna use Gold Medal use that if you're gonna use your store brand of flour use that because when you mix both of them together I've done it before and it's it's not pretty I mean I still get heat for it so the other tip I have for you guys is that depending on your region where you live I live in a desert area where it's very dry winter is dry for us as well so my water portions might not be the same for you so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tell you right now I used a total of eight and a half cups of water but for you guys that are starting I say start with about seven for the measurements that I have in the description area and then start adding the rest of the water as you start seeing what the texture looks like like I show you guys in the video so those are my tips for you guys but please any questions that you guys start asking me that I feel are important for you guys to know aren't gonna be in the description area under frequently asked questions and I think I'm gonna put in a cap so it's easier for you guys to find ok so let's go ahead and and start cooking I don't know ingredient 2 you need 5 pounds of flour 1 tablespoon of salt I'm gonna be using pork lard also called as month ayka i really like this friend this is one that my mom's been using for years so use your choice of lard vegetable whatever you like okay guys you need a big bowl so that you can mix all of this your space needs to be cleaned up and ready to use it's gonna be dirty so I want to suggest not to use your best looking clothes and I'm gonna go ahead and put this in a little bit closer like I show you guys a recipe so it can be more details and you guys can kind of see what I'm doing okay I really love this angle but this angle doesn't help you guys achieve or see the consistency of the recipe to how it should be so let me show you this is a pound of lard so what you're gonna do you're gonna cut it about right here which is about 3/4 of your lard just move this to the side because you're gonna need it so what you're gonna do here is you're gonna pour in all your flour and you need a big bowl that fits everything in here okay what you want to do is you want to add one tablespoon of salt and that's what we're gonna start with I think that's a safe a safe start for us with whatever kind of spoon you have just whisk that salt into the flour so here's where the fun begins okay I [Applause] really hate how sticky my hands get but this is a one time where it's worth it's worth doing it so what you want to do is you want to break your lard apart in here okay start breaking into pieces and what you're gonna do now is you're gonna incorporate the flour and press it in like this so what you want to do is you want to incorporate this lard into the flour before we add the hot water we have to incorporate it into the flour just like that press it however you need to this should take you a max four minutes to do about this part guys just so that you don't have those big chunks of the lard in here for those of you that are using the vegetable shortening or lard when you guys are cooking the tortillas they might look like they're not cooking like they're not that they're not cooking well or they're they look very dry but you're gonna be fine with it because once you warm them up again it's it's gonna go back into being a delicious stuff via but the lard the the pork one thick i lard that one's gonna allow your tortillas to keep moisturize shiny beautiful how satisfying is that now once you've already blended the the lard in here you can start smelling the change in your flour all right so worse that so that took about four minutes I don't feel any chunks it's all well incorporated and I suggest before you guys start doing this make sure you listen to your favorite song you're gonna make these tortillas and you want them to be delicious so get yourself happy before you get to us cuz this is a lot of work guys alright so what you want to do in your bowl so that it doesn't overflow just make a little well right here kind of like when you're making pizza dough and if you guys want me to show you how I make pizza dough let me know down below it's actually easier than people make it to be so we have three cups of warm water if you have a baby the water needs to be about the temperature you would give them the bottle it's like a lukewarm not hot kind of like when you're rising yeast that temperature has to be very more on the warm side and not hot but it has to be hot enough to help you melt whatever lard is in your flour so we're gonna start off pouring in here about two cups [Applause] two cups of water we're gonna add a little bit at a time okay oh that feels nice hurry because you kind of have to test out what your flowers doing does it want more water it sure does look at all that it wants all that water we're going for it and if you're doing these alone it's gonna get really dirty so right here I live in the desert guys so the water contents gonna change for me but I think three cups is a great starting point to show you the consistency that you want and I'll tell you more about how it feels so that you guys when you're at that step you kind of know right here you already know you're gonna need more flour you see that we've got a hydrate all this flour so I'm gonna go ahead and clean my hands up and get a little bit more water so that I can tell you guys how much we're adding next all right so this flour right now we've added three cups of water of warm water and I still have a lot left so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna we're doing this together guys cuz you know my measurements are not Food Network style they are intuitive there for you that want to cook in your house and yeah I do make mistakes often but I'm gonna go ahead and add two more cups of warm water to this so we're up to five cups of water there we go [Music] so we're up to seven cups of warm water and I think that's a good part for for me it's winter I live in the desert it's dry so that's probably why this is taking up so much of the water and it's flour I mean and when you come in and you're Mexican give it a good squeeze like that okay but if you already know how many thirsty-ass then you already know what you're doing press down you got to get involved all right so right now I'm feeling my dough I know what consistency I need it's gooey I still have a lot of flour in the corners in the bottom I'm gonna go up to where right now we're at about eight and a half cups of water and if it starts looking like it's not working don't worry you're gonna be okay because the flour is very forgiving once you add some water for the most part the more you stick your hands in it and massage it and work with it it's gonna get to the consistency that you need so I have my mother here helping me for whatever questions I have I am very spoiled that she does make our tortillas but her shoulder has been acting up and I'm here making them for us you see how sticky that is this is exactly what you want look at it looks like everything's hydrated in here and we're getting ready to roll so mix it around in here for a little bit it's almost like a feel in your hands like a suffocating feel to your hands when you're in here and that's a consistency you need it's like warm it's not breathable like that that's at this step that's where you want to be when you bet all your water give it a good turn to make sure that you have all the flour from the bottom okay so what you you're gonna need right now and before we get started I want to make sure that I said 5 pounds of flour but you're also needed the extra flour for what we're gonna finish kneading this dough and also we're gonna need some more flour for when we're making our around 50s I'll show you that part so please pay close attention to this guys it's important frequently asked questions about this recipe will be answered in the description area I can't stress how important it is for you guys to read the description area ok all right so now what we want to do you want to sprinkle some flour right here ok and if you're not familiar with baking and cooking and doing all these things that was about maybe one 1/4 a little bit less than 1/4 that I put down on here a flour and it's go time ready this is a workout my sister when you're got me a bread maker cuz I have been asking for it but once I learned how to make bread there is no way that I can go back to those henna mixtures I'm sure if you have a business that works but for me right now this is how we're gonna do it and if you do it on your hand mixer I don't I won't be able to help you with feedback because you got to tell me hey I did it by hand this is where I'm at and where we're at right now still sticky okay and you got to get into it let me give you guys how I roll I kind of roll it ho I need a brick do bread so you're gonna come right here and you're gonna go like that and squeeze like this and squeeze you got to get into it the same thing your KitchenAid would do or a mixer that's what your hands have to do push it out bring it in and press bring it in and press push it away bring it in push it out I almost feel like I'm coaching you guys through labor guys the labors of love and you'll start seeing that the more you're kneading your dough the softer it's gonna get pick it up a few times and slam it down pull it out in I really don't know a lot of the cooking lingo so I just I wing it on how I speak and I hope I'm coming through you guys see how sticky that is right there you should be okay you don't want to purposely make it sticky but if it's doing that naturally it's fine it's gonna get better Oh getting soft squeeze your hands in there like this we're not ready you see that sticking to your hands when you squeeze it you're not ready let's keep going [Music] I'm gonna come here from the side so you guys can get the side view on how it goes [Music] another thing that I do is with my thumbs I press it in and squeeze see your fist push it out you see it's getting less stickier when you get to about this consistency this is when I start bringing it in and rolling it out and [Music] it [Music] [Music] we need a few more minutes still sticking keep it going if it's sticking to anything you got to keep needing it some more all right so right now with the stickiness is still sticking to here my mom just told me to add a little bit more of flour and I have to have my mom's hands into it because my mom really makes some good deals I'm sure your mom does too but you know I think we all see that a lot of parents yes I think that yes you know we got the magic hand and once you had a little bit of the flour right here towards the end when you're almost ready you kind of start feeling the difference in it it kind of gives it that extra coat and honestly this was a sprinkle that you put in towards the end that was it right here you guys saw that wasn't really that much if you guys sprinkle too much of this you might mess up the whole process so a sprinkle like it would be like that because then if you mess it up you're gonna be adding flour water flour water and your recipe is done if you get to the point where you're adding flour water flour water to your recipe there is no point in continuing because you're never gonna find a balance and I learned that for making pizza dough there is no perfect way to do this you just got to get in there another thing I wanted to say to you guys I always tell you to make it comfortable for your home but if you made it comfortable for your home to the point where I can't help you because your recipe differ so much not much I can do guys I love you but there's not much I can do to those to those responses it's sticking everywhere but it's not seeking anywhere but on my middle finger so let me see if this goes through yeah I don't know I keep sticking out here I think I have like some glue something all right we're done look at this we're set soft it feels like if you've ever felt a pizza dough its soft like that do you see home is just falling into place wait I don't know what's up buddy okay so what you want to do is you want to start bringing it into a little ball flip it over tuck them in however you're gonna tuck it in everybody has a way of doing it you gotta find your craft my mother just told me I need to make this ball tighter so we're gonna pull it over like this and make it as tight as we can make it a nice juicy peach see all right now do you remember this lard that I told you before keep it on the side grab a little bit for reference my spoon about that much warm it up dilute it warm it up really good in your hands okay Pat it all the way around so once you pat it all around not under just over the top if you don't have saran wrap if you have a clean kitchen towel you can just lay it over okay I'm gonna need two pieces make it nice and tight so another there can come in okay we need to seal it because you don't want this to dry up keeps it moisturized and what we're gonna do we're gonna leave this here for twenty to thirty minutes so that all the ingredients everything that we did with the flour can incorporate and it's gonna be ready for us to to do our next step so I'll leave this here for twenty to thirty minutes and I'll see you guys in a second for the next step it the longer you let it sit the more it's gonna get softer we've been here about I went 35 minutes but look at how soft that's kind of what you want here not kinda that's what we want a soft dough so let's let's get to our next step you're gonna need something flat where you can put the little tortilla balls in and this is one I chose today cuz it's a nicer looking one I'm trying to impress you guys you don't want to see me she said you be clean right now all right so this one I let set for about 35 minutes and it's very soft at this point I want you to get close to your to your dough and smell it don't put your nose in here but smell it so that you can engage so you familiar with what it's supposed to smell like so that next time you make it you know you're on the right track you know push this in like this give it one pinch here come with this one squeeze it about there I'm gonna measure and weigh this one to see what we're at so I can give you an idea for those of you that like the details 79 coming grandma grandma so I can measure it from yours mine's too big so and that's about right last time when I checked yours you were out of 56 if you this these are about 56 grams so stay in and they're anywhere between 55 and 57 grams for your tortillas if you don't have if you can grasp I'm gonna show you guys how to continue to do this but if you can't grasp it just cut up the pieces and weigh them into into 56 grams and I'll show you guys that when you roll them then start gonna make a difference but this is the way I we like to do it so bring your dough in and that's too small way back in I still struggle doing this guys so keep working at it 46 when my mom comes in here she looks like an industrial machine popping these things out 54 pretty good the thing is that my hands are bigger than my mom's hands so the size of your hand is gonna kind of mess with you a little bit 57 yeah if you want to pick the parts that are softer to do the little balls in because if you picked the ones that you're all messed up like I did over here it's not gonna come out of smooth this is this is how you know your your muscles ready when you start seeing little bubbles right here you know that you have a good hand for these stuff ts yeah if you got the bubbles in your throat Thea's when you're at this part I'm just so proud of you cuz I'm proud of myself right now when you see the little bubbles don't pop them like I just did keep them there alright guys this is going to be practice and I want to make them about the similar size just so that when I put them away there's space and when I use a ziploc bag or whatever container you want that they're all about the same size and they all fit in the same spot the scale that I'm using I found it at Walmart for about ten bucks but I'll make sure to look online and put a link for Amazon for you guys because I know that that's always easier for you guys to find stuff so these are gonna be regular sized book vias you're gonna see with this balls that you're gonna have to put the balls to the measurement that you enjoy these are gonna be the size that you guys see at the pre-made ones at the store not the not the big company ones the ones where if you guys live in an area where they have Mexican tortillas from your local place that's about the size are gonna be getting for these okay guys I'm gonna correct a step that I did the balls that come out from when you're kneading your dough and making your balls those first ones need to come out and be lined up in the same spot because those are the ones you're gonna want to stretch first I made a mistake I just went ham on this but I'm telling you guys at home when you're doing this make sure that the first ones that come out line them up so that way you know which ones you're gonna be stretching when you make the round off the end you stretch them out so what you want to do now is you want to get some of the lard on your hand butter your hands make sure it's nice and warm and you're gonna get I'm gonna start off up here because I think those are the one they did first and you're gonna press in I don't know if you guys can see that let me split a little bit press it in and it pushes out bring it in I'm gonna try to do this in slow motion so you guys kind of see what's going on in there you're gonna get a little flour residue on your counter it's fine set them to the side and you want to make sure that you keep your hands very nice and moist and you pet it on the top of the other ones because you don't want these to drop more than mine probably already did so again press it in push it out roll your curve your finger you see that curve it to bring it in I'm doing this super slow motion and if I can do it slow motion on the edit I will but I'm gonna push it out bring it in and then start in a circular motion you can't see the wrist but it's going like that okay [Music] they're supposed to be nice and soft on the and smooth on the top by the time you're done doing them it's gonna take you some time if you don't get a write done right the first time don't stress it do the best that you can if you have arthritis if your hands don't allow you to do it and in this way is not working for you put in your hand same thing make it comfortable for your home you get some of this stuff right here you're fine that's just large moonflower don't get scared I've been enjoying reading your guys's comments thank you you guys are so loving and kind and I don't know I'm just so grateful for you guys I hope you guys are having a lovely day and that you guys are gonna give this a go it's definitely it's definitely a date set a date for yourself for these cuz they're gonna take some time and I don't think it's so much the time it's like the workout this is definitely a workout if you guys make your dough feels different let me know down below put a little smiley face so I know you're not being judgey but let me know down below if you guys make your Sophia's different and if I insulted you with the way I make them I don't know what to tell you you should have clicked out a long time ago all right we're almost there keep going don't quit on me and mommy's you got babies this would be a good time to bring them out calm their energy I've saved a little bit for my baby so they can come and make the small ones but I just wanted this video to be nice and quiet for you guys cuz this is a real um a real treat so shout out to my sister for helping with the soy sauce brothers alright guys so what you want to do is you want to lather your hands with a lot of lard and seal them on the top you're gonna see some that start bubbling up don't pop them you want those in there and what we're gonna do is we're gonna cover them with another plastic or your kitchen cloth a clean cloth and we're gonna leave them setting for 10 minutes okay they need to softened up just a little bit more since we messed with them so that they can be ready for that for the cast iron your pan I'm going to show you a variety of that you guys can uh can use while we're waiting for these two to rest okay guys if you end up resting these longer than the ten minutes what happens is they just keep getting softer so you should be okay with it tada this cast iron guys i tol it's not gonna meet look appealing but it's 43 years old my great grandmother gave it to my mother and you'll see it it is a grandfathered cast iron okay has a little handle you don't have one of these you can use a cast iron if you don't have a cast iron use your pan you're he is gonna have a big difference what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna warm this in a medium high because I want it really hot and once I get it really hot I'm gonna lower my temperature depending on how my first or Thea turns out so let's go ahead and put this on a on a high heat medium medium-high heat oh don't worry guys we're not gonna make the bed right now we need a really cloth the clock that you're using to cover it what you're gonna do is you're gonna get whatever Bowl you used a good size because when our 30s come out of the pan we're just gonna put them in here and then we're gonna cover them okay that's how we're gonna do this looks like that this is one of my kitchen cloths the real big one my mom even decorated it really nice for me so you need something like that okay and if you don't have these you some paper towels make it comfortable for your home pay attention to this part guys because this was something that I had to learn so when I die when he does get plaster you put the little ball in there and you press it down lightly you know thrown up on both sides with flour you want to bring it up so they can see it mom no pueden hacer con este LM pasar pero la forma que tiene que la casa está plastun doto reach okay press it press it a little bit a little bit on this side I'll poke it tonight a little bit more yeah don't do that let me see if i close this light a little bit guys cuz it's not coming into so what you're gonna do is you're gonna press the sides like this mm-hmm right at the edge right together oh no I'll tell you okay pedo con estos ellos meter with these yeah you're gonna put your pincers and you're gonna press them and pull like this gently pull the ends eyeball okay so two fingers thumb press literally all the edge how's Emma yeah yeah okay it's not perfect guys it's not but there's places in Mexico where because my mom and her good days she can stretch these without using a roller and there's a in Mexico they call them tortillas so I get us because they make them so stretch that they reach all the way up to the armpit all right let's roll this press it in right where we left off took me a minute to charge that battery how to feed my babies you know mommy nice all right so what you're gonna do first with this one you're gonna roll it and don't press on it too hard but press it enough to give it pressure all the way up do you see how long that stretches you're gonna come back down and you're gonna go back up you want it to stretch probably as long as you know what your throat dia cuz it's gonna shrink once you pick it up I know you guys get worked up about things shrinking it's okay I think we watched so much a perfect television that we expect expect perfection and it's not always you can't really do that we're human no machines see that one didn't come out but that's okay stretch it out we're gonna make it work you can stretch it out like this to shape it up how you need it okay all right pull it all the way out there we go take a little oval a nice shape I guess that's what it makes if it's sticking like that all you need to do is add a little bit of flour there you go you're back in business a little bit of a stretch like this and you're set let's go ahead and do another one this with you so slippery good one if you don't have a roller don't stress out I'm gonna show you how easy to do it when I was younger because I told you what my mom was young she would do this by hand but when should we want to help her out she would bring out a bottle clean it up don't take you a little bit longer same concept anything wrong that's gonna help you roll and have you guys do this I want and I'm curious to know what you guys used to roll it with I actually like this better it's making it easier for me you're gonna notice that when you're doing it you get little folds in there you're gonna be okay you okay with a little bit of a folder don't make a big one just slightly when they do a little bit you're okay with it you guys are wondering am i but professional I'm making tortillas the answer is no it is a very tedious job so if you guys have anybody that gives you freshly made 50s definitely buy them flowers don't forget them for the holidays because it is hard work and if there's somebody selling homemade Boethius at the grocery store and they're only charging you the lake I don't know what people charge these days for them try to give them a tip a little bit extra guys because it is back-breaking finger in here whatever finger yep mangoes but if you can't do that like you see it develops a little bit of a crust but if you can't do that just sprinkle it that means you're ready to go one more time mom you see that steam let's do this alright guys you know um I'm making fresh beans so cloudy is gonna be really happy say hello hola if you have too much flour around your tortilla you get more of the darker burn on here but I'm gonna show you guys right now what happens when your pan is too hot you might turn yellow on the sides but your throw fears are still good they get a little bit of a smoke to them whoo and you don't want to cook these too much right now because when you warm your throat EOS up hey you don't want to cook them too much because when you were warming them up and they're gonna be really dry and they're just gonna be like really tough so cook them enough to where they're cooked and then you put them away but if you're gonna eat them right now make sure you cook them exactly what you want okay before you put it on here what you're gonna do is you're gonna give it a slight stretch with your hands be gentle act like this is your baby because you made this be very caring okay put all the love you can into your cook Thea so what you're gonna do now is you're gonna go from north to south and drop them down and drop it like it's hot I know somebody you want to dance just as I said that so go ahead and drop it like it's hot you're only gonna need to flip this tortilla twice you want to wait for the bubbles you want to get in close on the bubbles for me Claude mm-hmm you see those bubbles you want those bubbles right now how do you think this command is it's 43 years old no way yeah all right so we're gonna flip it you see all that beauty when your pans really hot you get some of the yellow spots and that's just smoking it now you can press your bubbles down when you do that initial flip and then I had a little bit of extra flour on my stuff so you're gonna get a little bit of the flour burnt and flour there and you should be okay I'm gonna flip it to show you guys how it's already done so come and join me over here because this is important for anybody that is passionate about making tortillas if I don't show you guys this step I'm gonna get so much heat so here it goes we this is a second flip we had you want to put your throws in a row we're the ones were the original the original way you placed it down okay so that way they're all uniform with the bubbles on the top cool all right let's go do another one all right I'm stretching it north to south the north I'm sore all right so this is about 20 22 seconds and we're going to flip it over but when you flip it over it's gonna take you half the amount of time to cook that other side you can keep the bubbles but I like pressing mine down because it's fun you know you gotta have fun in this kitchen I like cooking so see how it's cooked let's go put it over come on roar a website you're putting it down uniform what yeah this tasty stuff yes I have them in here you're gonna seal them like this okay but stay around for the tip because I'm gonna show you guys how I put them in my Ziploc bags and it's quick and easy because if you put them one by one you're wasting your time okay so almost a probe on a tortilla guys I want you guys if you make these tortillas please smell your tortilla before you eat it I don't even care if you get all your boogers in your nose smell it it's gonna make a difference when you eat the stuff the end solution because you work so hard I work so hard this is good usually I put the butter in there sprinkle salt butter sprinkle some sugar for the kids cinnamon and your step I compile it just be back first with the as you can scarf these down like two seconds but you guys know or if you don't know I must bunk so I like to eat oh yeah all right guys let me finish - real quick I want to thank you guys so much for joining me on this on this the recipe you guys have been asking me for it and I'm just happy that my mom was able to help us so that I can give it to you guys please take care of the recipe make it comfortable for your home and I'll see you guys on the next one tips nobody's gonna help you clean your kitchen they're gonna hear throphy as a go straight to sleep these are only diploid bags I have so we're gonna make do and make it comfortable for my home if you have the ones that you little the ones that clip what do you call those those it's lock zipper no it's like the ones where you go you know okay okay never mind close it off can I be in playful right now so what you're gonna do with your koteas you're gonna grab them and you're gonna fold them in half like this okay like a big burrito and they should be soft enough if they're not soft enough and they crack you open or a taco girl I thought cool girl I've been making don't see us okay this daytime you can a man girl so you're gonna put them in here like this and then you're gonna spread them out [Applause] alright and then you're gonna adjust them nicely cuz I mean I can only do so much with that with the air view he's hot you're ready put him away you're gonna sell them sell them with love and do your thing I hope you enjoyed the view store thieves and that was my tip to you now go and indulge go get your ingredients and yeah let's do this you're not gonna regret it oh yeah make sure that before you zip it all the way you take off all the air from in here alright guys you're gonna ask me how long do the Sofia's last if your door feels less longer than the week in the refrigerator then you don't do a good job these things are like hotcakes they're gonna sell everybody your family's gonna want to eat them and if you like fresh Dorothea's the smell just everything but they really do keep for a long time I say three weeks if not more to be honest because we're using lard and that helps seal in everything and there's nothing that's really gonna spoil in here I think you're good for a very long time so if you decide to run a scientific method here or scientific study come back and let me know in the comments if how long they lasted for you okay
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 2,699,026
Rating: 4.8196149 out of 5
Keywords: views on the road, tortillas, views on the road tortillas, million views recipes, how to make tortillas, flour tortillas, best tortillas, soft flour tortillas, flour tortillas recipe, tortilla recipe, homemade tortillas, flour tortillas from scratch, tortillas recipe, homemade flour tortillas, how to make flour tortillas from scratch, how to make flour tortillas without baking powder, tortillas de harina, how to make flour tortillas, flour tortilla recipe
Id: uryKpTSxPF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 7sec (3007 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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