CHILE RELLENOS | Mexican Style Stuffed Peppers | Potato And Cheese Recipe

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[Music] welcome back everybody and if you are new here welcome to my channel I like to post all sorts of homemade recipes weekly so if you do consider subscribing please be sure to click that Bell notification to get all of my latest videos okay today I am going to be doing another chilly oriental recipe my older videos I will link them below now growing up we would make stuffed poblano peppers which is what G letter annals are and we would stuff them with whatever we had available sometimes it would be leftover picadillo which is a Mexican style hash we'd mix that with rice and stuff the pepper some days we did potato and cheese and that's what I'm doing today that is actually my favorite and if you want something more traditional stuff your peppers with cheese and you know you better them in an egg better fry them and then steep them or set them in a tomato chicken broth very delicious but today I'm just going to fry them up crispy filled with potato and cheese and they're going to be so delicious and here's how I do it okay the first thing I'm going to do is peel a pound of potatoes this is basically just one large and medium potato potato combined and I'm also going to boil my peeled and cut potatoes with one clove of garlic and if you want to use a potato peeler go right ahead I find that just a little knife works for me okay so my potatoes are peeled I'm just going to chop them into large chunks give them a rinse add the clove of garlic fill the pot with water and I'm going to boil these until fork tender so while my potatoes are boiling or coming up to a boil I'm also going to saute some onions you don't have to add sauteed onions to the potato cheese filling but I think a nice golden brown sauteed onion add so much flavor to the potato and cheese so that's what I'm going to do and basically I just used half of a medium to large sized onion I'm going to just saute it on the stove until golden brown and that's it okay so my potatoes are fork tender I'm gonna shut the heat off and I'm just going to drain all the water out I'm going to strain these and I'll show you how I prepare the potatoes for this okay so now I'm going to start mashing these and seasoning my potatoes okay so what I'm going to do is add around a tablespoon and a half of butter I'm not going to add milk to this I do want the potatoes to be on the stiffer side but butter will definitely add some flavor let's see here I'm also going to add some salt maybe a quarter teaspoon something like that it's to your preference black pepper and I'm going to give it a mesh and remember I also have that clove of garlic in here as well now I'm going to add my sauteed onions give that a mix and I am going to allow this to cool at least to room temperature before I add the cheese okay this smells good already so I want to allow this to cool at least a room temperature and you know what I'm also going to season this with some smoked paprika you could use regular paprika or just leave it out but I think this will go quite nicely in this oh yeah it smells so good so again just gonna give this a mix and this is done and once this comes to room temperature I'm going to add my shredded cheese okay so now my potatoes are room temperature they are cooled so now I'm going to add 8 ounces of shredded mozzarella cheese you could also use I don't know if you want shedder if that's all you have sometimes I use Oaxaca cheese or even gets alfresco sometimes I just depends what I have in the fridge but today I have some low moisture mozzarella cheese that I shredded so it's going right with potato okay so this is mixed so now let's work on our poblano peppers today I am working with let's see here 6 poblano peppers so what I'm going to do is roast these on my stovetop I'm actually going to char and burn the exterior and peel the charred skin ok so now I'm just going to turn on my stovetop flame probably on medium-high and I'm just going to start charring this skin and as it starts to blister and char I'm going to turn it to another side eventually I want pretty much the whole exterior of this poblano pepper to be charred and that'll make it easier for me to peel that waxy skin off and that's exactly what you're trying to achieve now if I don't see that it's blistering and charring quick enough I am going to turn my heat up because you don't want to cook these because then they get too soggy and you won't be able to fill them so you'll have to watch for it and if you do love to use a broiler I suggest you crank the broiler up put the depending on what type of boiler you have make sure the rack is close to the flame or to the broiler and you'll want to char it quickly because again if you take too long charring this then the poblano pepper will cook and sort of get mushy and overcooked and it'll be harder to stuff so I'm just going to start charring these and you can hear it pop that's the skin blistering so you'll see already it's starting to charm blister and that's what you want okay so here is what my charred poblano peppers look like and as you can see they are very charred and the skin will be definitely be easy to peel off but I'm going to let them sit here and I'm going to cover them and let them sweat for about 15 to 20 minutes and I do want to say when you're doing this when you're charring your poblano peppers you will definitely need to turn on your exhaust fan I did not mention that earlier but you'll want to do that or at least don't want to do this where there's proper ventilation whether it be outside or in your kitchen okay so this is covered again I'm going to let these just hang out and sweat for about 15 minutes and then I'll show you how I peel them okay so now let me show you how I'm going to peel the skin off of these and it's really simple sometimes I could use a spoon to scrape off the skin I'm just going to sort of wipe it with some paper towels and then give them a quick rinse and Pat them dry as best I can so here's one and because it had time to just sit there and sweat as you can see the skin does come off easy just like that so I'm just going to peel the skin off of all of these and then I'll show you what we do next so all I'm going to do is just take a little knife and sometimes when you peel these they'll sort of break open anyways you might want to start there but this one I did pretty good it didn't have any breaks in it or tears so I'm just going to start right here in the center and kind of just carefully with the point of my knife because you don't want to break it in the back and just make a little opening and once you open it now that they're peeled you're going to remove all the seeds from the center and then they'll be ready to stuff so here I'm just going to grab if you could see the center here you'll want to just remove all of that the best that you can and then you can just rinse it out pat it dry and that'll be completely cleaned and then you can start stuffing your peppers so I'm going to do that I'm going to remove the seeds okay so my poblano peppers are cleaned I've removed all the charred skin and basically what I did was took a knife I made a slit right in the center I carefully did this not to poke the back of the chili pepper and I removed the seeds and it also is helpful to remove them with your hands and give them a rinse to make sure you get all the seeds from the inside and then you end up with a nicely cleaned poblano pepper and now we're ready to stuff them [Music] here are my stuffed poblano peppers so now what I'm going to do is take a toothpick and insert it to just sort of enclose this as best as I can now you know it depends on how it depends on how torn or how whole these roasted poblanos are it is a very delicate process so just be careful but I'm going to do the best that I can to enclose these so I'm just going to sort of kind of push it close together and then pin it just like that and I'll use two to make sure they're secured and once they're cooked you can just remove the toothpick there we go okay so now all of my poblano peppers are stuffed and I've secured the seams with toothpicks so now I'm going to work on my eggs here I have 6 large eggs that I've separated from whites and yolks so I am actually going to beat my egg whites to stiff peaks and then slowly mix in the yolks and it's going to be a very foamy stiff egg batter so you'll want to use a hand mixer for this if you want to do this with the whisk good luck my grandma actually used to use a fork and she was successful but it was a lot of work and it also helps if you have chilled egg whites and a chilled Bowl to work with this this will help give us stiff peaks a lot easier so here I go okay so my eggs are at stiff peaks and basically once the egg whites can stand straight up without folding over that's a stiff peak so one by one I am going to continue mixing this and at this point you could also help stabilize this by adding maybe some cream of tartar or even a little bit of cornstarch or flour but I just normally beat the eggs until they are stiff and fluffy and it works but it's definitely up to you so now back to mixing my eggs and I'm going to start slowly incorporating yoke by yolk into this egg batter [Music] okay so my egg batter is nice and frothy and beaten well so now I'm going to start dredging my stuffed poblano peppers and flour dip them in the egg batter and we are going to fry these and at this point you'll want to work a little quickly I should have had the flour already because the egg batter will deflate the longer it it cools or comes to room temperature and sets there so I'm just going to take a half cup of flour shake it on to this baking sheet and let's go ahead and coat our peppers and then once I coat them I'm going to put them right into my preheated oil and you'll want to coat these with flour because that will help the egg batter stick to your stuffed poblano pepper so I've dredged all of my stuffed peppers now I'm going to dip them one by one into my egg batter and right into my preheated oil over there and yeah it's gonna give a little messy but it's worth it right into the batter we go so as you can see I have a rack off to the side once they're done that's where I'm going to be placing them and this is going to be a very careful situation you'll want it to cook before you flip it and if you find that you've exposed it you can just scoop up a little bit of that egg and cover it just like that that should do it and I want this to cook on the side before I give it a flip the first ones are always nerve-racking for me there we go beautiful golden brown color and this will go quickly you'll want to pre-heat your oil to around 350 degrees Fahrenheit anything hotter you just got to be careful so as you can see these are cooking quite well and that egg batter is nice and golden-brown and that's exactly how you want it so I'm just going to continue cooking my chi letter annals and I'll show you what they look like once they're done okay so all of my channels are fried and done and they look beautiful okay so I have served the plate and here are the toothpicks so you'll want to remove those and dinner is served and I want to show you what the inside looks like you can hear how crispy this is the inside is soft and gooey and delicious [Music] I'm digging in so good the potato and cheese with the onion you've got to try it so so good and the exterior the egg is just so crispy and light so I definitely hope you guys give this recipe a try I hope you found it helpful and I hope you like it and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Simply Mamá Cooks
Views: 93,812
Rating: 4.9421062 out of 5
Keywords: Gochujang Mama, Homecooked, Holiday, Family meals, mexican food, chiles rellenos, the best chile rellenos, potato and cheese recipe, how to make stuffed peppers, Easy recipe for dinner, cooking video step by step, cooking for beginners, tex mex food recipes, cooking for beginners easy, simply mama cooks, simply mama recipes, cook with me, family friendly, como hacer chile rellenos, how to make chile rellenos, easy way to make chile rellenos, chile rellenos mexicanos, homemade
Id: vD2SnyXN3FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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