Chile Rellenos Casserole

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well hello again everybody and welcome back to Vicky's country home I'm so happy you're here tonight I am going to make a chile relleno casserole and I found this on hello - homebody calm but I'm adapting it making my little tweaks that I like so I'm gonna bring you along let you see how I do it and hopefully you'll get some inspiration and maybe come up with your own version let's get started I've got a pound of 93 seven ground beef you can use whatever kind you want I like the really lean ground beef so that's what I'm using so I've got that browning with about half of a medium onion that's been chopped up so I'm gonna let that Brown and then I'll bring you back to the next steps so I have my ground beef and onion cooked up and it says to drain it but there's nothing to drain out of this it's pretty lean and someone asked about my little spice jars they are working out great I love the size I love the way they fit in my drawers and this is a teaspoon and it fits now the tablespoon probably won't but teaspoon does so that's a good thing but yes I'm loving them I ordered some more and I'm gonna be getting the rest of my spices put in them so I'm gonna put a couple of teaspoons of cumin in there and this is the ground cumin for this recipe I think the ground is gonna be better than grinding it myself yeah these little jars work great I'm going to put just a pinch of red pepper flakes [Applause] and maybe half a teaspoon of granulated garlic about a teaspoon of fresh ground black pepper and about a teaspoon of salt so I'm just gonna stir that up and now I'm gonna set this aside while I get the rest of this ready okay I've got a bowl here and I'm going to use about four eggs but I want you to see my eggs I got jumbo super-duper jumbo look at the size fills my hand I got a little bitty one side figure they even up so you want to do about four eggs and yep that was a double yogurt I don't know if you could see that but it's definitely a double Yoker [Applause] [Applause] me and boom okay the four eggs and pick that one up before my dogs decide to go play with it and I have about a cup and a half of whole milk and I don't know if I've ever tried it we don't drink a lot of milk so I buy this to keep on my shelf so when I need milk I can have whole milk and I've even made cheese with it it works wonderfully okay so we're gonna mix up the egg and the milk [Applause] [Applause] I'm going to add just few dashes of Tabasco just to spice it up a little [Applause] and then I'm going to add a quarter cup of all-purpose flour so if you've ever had chili Rios they they take a whole usually poblano pepper but they take a whole pepper that's been roasted they slice it open and they fill it with cheese and meat and what have you and then they dip it in batter and fry it or vacants well this is a deconstructed chili Reno kind of like my deconstructed enchiladas that I call intial alleys and I'll leave a link to that video up above [Applause] if that makes pretty well alright so now we're gonna start to assemble this and the first thing we're gonna do is I have a large can of whole green chilies these are mild I don't know if you can get spicier ones where you're at but you don't see those much here maybe if you go to the Mexican market but that's out of my way so I just normally don't get there so we're just gonna open them up and line the bottom of this pan [Applause] and I love green choice so much flavor in these things oh just a little more okay so we have the bottom of my baking dish covered with the green chilies and now we're going to put the meat mixture in on top of that I love these of gloves they are just so good [Applause] still have the sniffles this has been the worst cold allergy ever dougie alarm interruption my dogs are bored all this bad weather they're not getting outside much okay so just spread that out pretty even [Applause] now we're gonna cover it with cheese I've got cheddar here you can use cheddar pepper jack whatever kind you like this is what I've got in the fridge and so this is what I'm gonna use so just put a good coating down I'd say it's gonna be at least three cups I'm probably gonna grade up a little more I want more cheese than this let me grate some more cheese I'll be right back all right this should be enough just want a nice layer on the top every bite full of cheese okay now we're going to take the rest of that can of green chilies that we didn't use yet and I'm just gonna roughly chop those and put them on top of the cheese [Applause] and you can use less chili green Chili's if you want use more whatever you want to do and this is gonna be a very rough chop let me change the angle so you can see what I'm doing there we go [Applause] what I love on this recipe is you can scale this up or down if there's just two of you make an 8x8 make a small one right now it's just the two of us Shana's house and dog city so it's just the two of us but I'm making this tonight and we'll have this for dinner again tomorrow so when we're in a rush tomorrow evening which we will because brian has a men's Bible study I have dinner ready to heat up and easy and good for two nights and we don't mind eating it two nights more than that maybe it'd get old but I can also share it with Shana and she would enjoy that a lot so now we're just gonna take that and scatter it all over the top and I think there's gonna be a lot and I don't mind it is messy though but aren't most things that are worth it all right now we're going to take that egg milk and flour mixture stir it up good again [Applause] and then we're just going to pour that all over the top you know what you can't see me again that's better now I've got the oven preheated to 375 and I'm gonna put this in there uncovered and baked and my guess is it's gonna take about 45 minutes so let me get this in the oven and I'll bring you back when I take it out all right I just took this out of the oven it was about 4550 minutes because I used the larger dish and I wanted it well done so I tested it it seems like it's totally done in the center so let's dish some of this up and it smells amazing you've gotta love cheese look at that it just it smells good it looks good let's take a taste all right let's give this a taste now well that is so much flavor I don't know that I'd do anything different than I did this time it's not quite the same texture as a chile relleno it's not the firm outer breading that you would normally get but all of the taste is there and they it is wonderful you guys gotta try this this is really good so I hope you enjoyed it thank you for watching and I thank you for coming back to visit Vicky's country home and I've got a new Facebook group page if you're interested come by share ideas share information recipes just come check it out it's Vicky's country cousins because I've moved all over the place and everywhere we went we didn't have family but we made family out of the people that were around us and I really think that that's what's happening here so please check it out Vicky's country cousins on Facebook and thank you for watching and we'll talk again soon you
Channel: Vickie's Country Home
Views: 197,971
Rating: 4.8245177 out of 5
Keywords: Chile Rellenos Casserole, Chile Rellenos, Deconstructed Chile Rellenos, Casserole, Mexican casserole, Pot luck casserole, Easy casserole, Vickie's Country Home
Id: d9OHUhnqFMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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