THE 12 YEAR OLD KILLER (The Devil's daughter)

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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about a very well-known case from the uk if you're into true crime you might have heard of this one today we're going to be talking about britain's youngest convicted female killer this girl was just 12 years old when she committed her first murder and she is known as the devil's daughter but before we get into that case i just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible hunter killer and this is potentially the most exciting sponsor i think i've ever had on this channel because little known fact about me is that i'm absolutely obsessed with escape rooms you could probably imagine that considering the career path i've decided to take me and editor number one jack have done probably over a hundred escape rooms in the whole time that we've known each other and that makes us the perfect duo to run a true crime channel and hunter killer is like an escape room but in the comfort of your own home it's amazing it's a murder mystery solving subscription box game posted right to your door every box is full of different pieces of evidence different clues nuts case files little items to help you solve your own murder case right now the story is following a woman named julie adler who found the remains of a human corpse in her parents theater and these turned out to be the remains of a missing actress an unsolved disappearance all the way from the 1930s so this body's been there for nearly 100 years and now julie needs your help cracking this case what happened to the actress why is she there who did this to her one of my favorite things about this whole experience hunter killer is that they have spoiler free online forums where you can chat with over a hundred thousand other people that are solving the same case as you so you can share your ideas share your theories if someone finds something that everyone else is struggling with you can go there for you know a little bit of help like i said it's not going to spoil anything for you and you don't have to do that if you think you can do it alone give it a go be my guest i personally love it because it's a full night of entertainment multiple nights of entertainment depending on how good you are at solving the cases and it's so much cheaper than going out for drinks or going out for a meal or you know whatever not that we can really do that much anywhere i just think it's the perfect spooky replacement for everything that we used to do this time last year just a warning there it will absolutely consume you you'll end up waking up in the middle of the night like oh my god i figured it out and part of the proceeds of every single hunter killer box goes to the cold case foundation a charity helping to solve cold cases and finally get some victims justice and some families answers so if you want to grab your first box hunter killer are very kindly offering you guys 20 off when you go through my link which is forward slash eleanor neil the link will be down below in the description and use my card eleanor at checkout it's really really fun i highly recommend it now before i get into the case i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i am compiling into one video so katie radcliffe was an 18 year old trainee hairdresser from hornley in surrey south england she was a very well-liked girl she had a lot of friends she just had a very normal life she was a teenager turning into an adult everything was getting a lot more real for her she had a job as a hairdresser she wanted to own her own salon one day she had a lot of hopes and dreams relating to this beauty career she had a vision in her head of what she wanted her life to be like she wanted the husband she wanted kids she wanted you know a pet she wanted her own salon and that is what she was going out to get she was very hard working and she knew exactly what she wanted in 1992 katie just started her training her dress of course at this particular hairdressers and her boss said that katie was she wasn't just an employee she was part of the family this whole salon was like a family in late may early june of 1992 katie split up with her boyfriend and you know she was very upset as people are when they go through a breakup and she couldn't really do much she didn't really want to leave the house she didn't want to go out and have fun with her friends and it got to the point where her best friend was like look i'm getting you out we're going out we're going on a night out so on june 6 1992 the two of them went on a night out they went to kimberly in surrey and they went specifically to a nightclub named ragamuffins everything was going well the girls were having a good night however when the club finally closed around 4 am the two girls found themselves split up from each other they couldn't find each other somehow katie radcliffe found herself outside the club alone and so she decided to just set off her and set off walking i think it was walking distance or she was gonna go find a taxi however she didn't return home katie ratcliffe's body was found the following morning in a side street in farnborough she'd been stabbed multiple times and mutilated she was found almost fully naked with 32 stab and slash wounds all over her body some of which even pierced all the way through her there was a mixture of these very deep very serious stab wounds that went all the way through her and very superficial slash wounds it was as if whoever was doing this they did want to kill her but they also wanted to prolong the process and and just put her in pain for a while a lot of the slashes were on her face on her shoulders and particularly on her breasts and genitalia which this suggests a sexual motive to this crime of course she was also found naked sir both of those together give a sexual motive and some of the injuries that katie had sustained during the attack were actually inflicted on her when she was already dead so whoever had done this it's true they were enjoying themselves as they were doing this they wanted to prolong it so now police were faced with a lot of questions what had happened to katie on her way home from the club that night how did she find herself alone at closing time and why did she set off a learn and the main question that they had was how did she end up all the way in farnborough when the club was in kimberly this wasn't on her way home you know it's not like she would have passed there on the way so who took her there so there's a few possible explanations maybe she was killed somewhere else and her body was dumped there in farnborough maybe she was killed in that general area where she was walking and then her body was moved other explanations maybe she was abducted on her home maybe someone forced her into a car and took her to farnborough maybe she accepted a lift as she was walking home maybe someone pulled over and offered to drive her the rest of the way or maybe she had agreed to go home with someone that night that she'd met in the club there was so much for police to look at here but one thing that they were pretty sure of was that this that they were looking for a male suspect because sexual motive they had to be very strong to be able to do this to kate the stab wounds like i said were going all the way through us so and also just the type of victim profile that katie was a young attractive female found naked in the middle of the night you know people that commit these kinds of attacks against these kind of people are overwhelmingly male older males but it was also in the way that katie's attacker had continued to stab her continued to inflict these injuries upon her even after she was dead criminologist elizabeth yardley says that this isn't something that female killers tend to do they tend to use just enough violence to get the job done they won't tend to carry on once the victim is dead but with male killers it seems to be the men that do continue inflicting injuries basically what i'm trying to say is that this attack this murder screamed a male suspect and so police continued into this case with tunnel vision looking for a man looking for the man that killed katie radcliffe a criminal profile was made of the believed suspect and a criminal profile basically tells you all the traits all the characteristics that the killer is believed to have had based on how they carried out the crimes so they could tell that this killer was probably a male probably in his 30s he was very strong he had a very like big build and he probably had some kind of labor job on maybe he went to the gym a lot because he was capable of inflicting wounds that required a bit of muscle you know and police focused in on that nightclub that was what their public appeals mainly surrounded they were asking people if they'd seen katie that night if they'd seen her go home with someone they kind of assumed that she'd met someone either in the club or outside of the club that had taken her away and done this to her police tried desperately to track down her killer however in the early 90s there wasn't much cctv there weren't many security cameras so they couldn't really do anything there weren't many leads and the leads that they did get didn't lead anywhere so katie ratcliffe's murder remained unsolved yet still open it was still an open case for two whole years after her body was found and this was terrifying for the people in the area in that general area of surrey that this person whoever had done this to katie was still at large and they were capable of committing such horrific ruthless brutal attacks seemingly unprovoked this seemed like a random killing and if they could do that to kate they could do it again to someone else two years after katie's murder exactly on the two-year anniversary on june 7th 1994 a very similar attack took place in that same area police received a phone call from some students from collingwood college a secondary school in that area informing them of a very serious incident that had just taken place between two different students a young student named sharon carr had just stabbed her classmate anne-marie clifford after luring her into the toilets alone and now anne-marie was losing a lot of blood police and an ambulance both arrived at the school and anne-marie was transferred to a hospital as soon as they could to treat a singular stab wound in her back sharon had used a four inch blade on anne-marie stabbing her in the back and piercing her in the lung anne-marie was lucky to survive this and she did she was fine but she was very very traumatized after this and of course she suffered a lot of health complications but she also suffered with nightmares and ptsd her father had to sleep at the end of her bed for however many nights after this happened because she was terrified of something like this happening again she used to get nightmares and dream about this almost every night in the hospital anne-marie told police that sharon carr had lured her into the bathroom on the pretense that sharon had lost a pound coin in there and you know anne-marie was very scared of sharon everyone in the school was very scared of sharon she was quite a violent girl she was very aggressive she was quite a bully as well and so and marie thought oh my god okay i'm gonna have to go help her find this coin otherwise she's gonna hurt me so she goes into the toilets to help sharon find this pound coin and sharon threw her on the floor stood over the top of her and produced a knife from her bag sharon was passing this knife between her hands smiling and laughing down anne-marie on the floor he was terrified and then just as anne-marie kind of got up and turned around to try to flee sharon pushed her back down and stabbed her in the back with this blade luckily a group of girls walked into the toilets just as this was happening and so sharon stopped and the girls ran out to go and call the police had those girls not walked in who knows what sharon would have done to anne-marie would she have continued going would anne-marie have lost her life that day meanwhile back at the school sharon had been handcuffed and was being transported to a psychiatric unit for evaluation but when she arrived at this psychiatric unit it was clear that she was still in this this episode that she was in that meant she wanted to stab anne-marie she was very aggressive she was trying to fight the hospital staff she even strangled one of them tried to strangle one of them and so for that she was just straight up arrested and sent to a young offenders institute they didn't even bother evaluating her in that hospital they needed her in a proper cell with proper security fourteen-year-old sharon carr was found guilty of two counts of actual bodily harm for what she did to anne-marie clifford and she was sentenced to two years in a young offenders institute sharon louise carr was born on december 21 1979 in belize formerly british honduras in central america sharon was not born into a very nice life her area was very poor her family were very poor and her childhood at the hands of her parents was traumatic to say the least her father was an alcoholic who would get violent when he drank and he drank every single day so he was violent every single day particularly towards his wife and his daughter sharon sharon also had some siblings and he was violent to them as well this was not exclusive he was just a violent man but it wasn't even like her mother was any better her mother was a very angry woman a very violent aggressive woman with a very short temper she wasn't loving she wasn't understanding or nurturing or kind at all she just wasn't motherly at all she was actually very cruel especially in the ways that she would punish her children for bad behavior she would burn them and she would put pepper hot pepper on their genitals we know that sharon had a very tough time growing up she had to pretty much raise herself because her parents weren't gonna do it she didn't have them to guide her or nurture her or protect her everything was coming from herself from a very early age from like eight nine ten years old she was teaching herself about life her parents eventually split up when her mother met an englishman over from england with the army in belize and when it was time for him to go back over to england sharon's mother didn't want to leave him and so she moved herself and her daughter sharon over to england into kimberley in surrey and this was an enormous step up from their old life where they were living in a very poverty stricken area they were a very poor family all of a sudden sharon had a proper education she had a proper schooling she had a proper house and at first she settled into her new school very well she was making friends she was well behaved however as she was getting a little bit more confident a little bit more relaxed that did a complete 180. she began getting aggressive in class often violent throwing things she would talk back to teachers shout at people and in her personal life around this same time sharon met a new group of friends on her estate and these friends were a very bad influence on her they got her involved in crime at just age 11. they were robbing things they were stealing things from shops they were taking drugs selling drugs when she was around 11 or 12 she was smoking weed every single day which we know can seriously affect a young developing brain it can develop the pathways and everything and it can lead to some serious mental health issues later on in life it particularly leads to things like psychosis schizophrenia sometimes depression and this is an 11 year old girl that doesn't understand the consequences of her actions she would carry around weapons to school as well she would take knives in her school bag and the older kids in this group that was kind of getting her into this life of crime and drugs they were kind of acting as standing parents for her which is definitely not good after a year or so of living in the uk sharon's mother's boyfriend the army man decided that he no longer wanted to be a part of this family he wanted to leave sharon's mother and her mother did not take that very well like i said she was a very aggressive very violent woman and it's unclear whether she was violent to this man throughout the relationship i'm not 100 sure you can probably imagine she was but certainly when he tried to break up with her she flew into a fit of rage she grabbed a pot of boiling cooking fat from the kitchen and poured it over this man leaving him with very serious burns and sharon witnessed this whole thing she watched her mother do this to this man she watched him scream out in pain and not once did she change her facial expression she was neutral the whole time she didn't bat an eyelid this was very normal for her of course this level of violence and aggression and anger was very normalized in sharon's life from a very young age she'd watched her father be a violent drunk she'd now watched her mother do this to her boyfriend her friends that she had outside of school that were into crime and everything they were violent and it's like if everyone in your life is violent you're gonna start to think that that's normal because that's just how everyone around you is acting to her this wasn't weird this was just life this was just humanity this was just how people were it was around this time that sharon's mother taught her a lot about voodoo and rituals and she was very interested in this with sharon because she saw it as a way to control people a way to have a power over people that they weren't aware of and as part of these voodoo rituals and practices that she was learning sharon began sacrificing animals although it wasn't just for the voodoo practices it became just for fun after a while neighborhood pets were going missing at an alarming rate one of the neighbors dogs was found decapitated and everyone kind of knew it was sharon because she was you know she was known as that violent aggressive scary little 12 year old girl on the estate grown adults were scared of sharon carr everyone knew it was her but what could they do they were scared of her they didn't want to bring it up and of course her mother's not gonna discipline her and you know killing animals in childhood is a classic textbook sign of someone that is gonna grow up to become a murderer or often a serial killer that complete lack of remorse and that interest for taking another life starts very young in a lot of people that end up committing things like this so now anyway let's skip forward again in the timeline where sharon is facing two years in a young offenders institute for what she did to anne-marie clifford sharon carried out those two years at that young offenders institute and everything was going well she was just getting her head down and she wanted to get back out of there and get back out into the world very scary but you know that's what she was gonna do and she would have been she would have been back out into the world by the age of 16 had she not seriously messed up and told people a little bit too much about her previous crimes it was like she didn't want to incriminate herself too much she wouldn't like flat out say look i did this this and this but it was like she couldn't help herself she was proud of her crimes she wanted to burst about her crimes and she wanted to tell everyone in that prison all of her inmate friends and even a prison guard what she'd done but she ended up just giving a few too many details and from these details police could piece together what sharon carr was talking about and they found that she was responsible for the murder of katie radcliffe four years prior to this when she was just 12 years old so they arrested her and they brought her into like the big police station the big jails and they decided that they were going to just do a classic interview they were just going to sit her down in a room and ask her about this they couldn't think of too many tactics to do right now because she was a child and they didn't know what approach she was gonna try to take to this you know because she had been telling people about this but was she gonna freeze up in a police interview was she gonna talk and luckily for police sharon carr sat down in that seat in the interview room and talked for hours about this crime confessing to every little detail the interviews took place over a number of days for 27 hours in turtle and most of that was sharon just going over the very grimy details of what she'd done to katie radcliffe even details that police hadn't released to the media so for example as sharon was telling this story she said that she stole katie's bracelet and took it away with her and that was something that police never told the media that katie had had her bracelet stolen so that's how they knew she was telling the truth and she wasn't just you know mentally ill and she'd read this thing in the newspaper about this girl's murder and now she was pretending that she'd done it or she thought she'd done it sharon had actually done this and now police had proof so sharon told her version of events she actually told three different versions of events they were very similar i'll tell you the differences a little bit later but for now we're just going to talk about one of those versions of events the one that's believed to be the most reliable so sharon said that when she was 12 years old she was out in kimberly with two much much older male friends these were adult males driving around in a car with a 12 year old girl in the early hours of the morning as well this is a very strange circumstance they were out at like four in the morning there were a lot of clubs in the area so there were a lot of people out on the street a lot of drunk people out on the street including a very intoxicated katie ratcliffe the car pulled over to the side of the road and offered katie ratcliff a lift home in the car she accepted and she got inside this car with the two men and 12 year old sharon they drove around for a while before eventually pulling in to a very isolated very dark park area and you can only imagine the fear that katie ratcliffe must have been in at that moment she realizes that they're not taking her home and she is now in a car of three strangers she doesn't know what their plans are she doesn't know what they're gonna do to her but she just knows that they don't have pure intentions they're not taking her home katie manages to escape this car and begins running through the park and sharon jumps out and runs after her but before she did sharon grabbed a six-inch blade from the car and ran up behind katie she caught up to her and from behind she began stabbing this woman sharon carr stabbed katie ratcliffe a number of times in the most brutal way possible this 12 year old girl had so much strength in her body it's almost unbelievable and then once katie was dead sharon began mutilating the body slashing her breasts her genitalia her face she then realized that she was gonna have to dispose of this body she was gonna have to hide this body somewhere however katie was much too heavy for sharon to be able to move by herself so sharon turns around and heads back to the car where her two older male friends are parked waiting but when she arrives there she realizes that the two men had driven away and left sharon alone in this park to murder 18 year old katie ratcliffe and sir sharon knew she had to deal with this herself so she went back to the body and dragged katie around the corner into an alleyway and left her there and then sharon ran all the way home now this version of events can't 100 be confirmed because sharon has told three different versions of events they were all relatively similar so you know police are pretty convinced that she did kill her but just the little details are off in every single different version of the story and the two men that were in that car sir sharon gave police the names of those two men in the car they were tracked down they were questioned however they were both able to provide each other with an alibi they were both able to confirm each other's alibi and then they were let free i don't know how that really works two suspects giving each other an alibi surely there's a bit of an issue there but you know police didn't have solid evidence to say that they'd taken part in this murder so legally they have to let them free whether they think they were part of it or not but you know little things change such as like where the attack took place one of the stories said that she began attacking katie when she was still in the car and of course the main story that i just told was that she chased her through the park no one's actually 100 sure on what happened but we know that sharon carr murdered katie ratcliffe in the most brutal way so police decided to search sharon carr's home you know just as part of this investigation maybe she was responsible for more than just this one murder or maybe they could find something in her house that could help with the investigation and there they found a diary full of incredibly eerie entries and passages of sharon talking about this murder and future murder plans that she had after killing katie ratcliffe sharon wrote in her diary about how proud she was of the killing and how much she enjoyed killing kr which is obviously katie ratcliffe she never said the name katie ratcliffe but kr she did write i was born to be a killer killing for me is a mass turn on and it just makes me so high i am a killer killing is my business and business is good and she referred to herself as a twisted life destroyer in this diary she's just really reveling in her crimes she's trying to relive this murder over and over again she's trying to get those feelings back by writing about it and envisioning it and really playing out what she did to katie she's trying to feel that same rush that she felt when she committed the murder she's just trying to get that back but she knows that through writing this it's never going to be exactly the same as actually living it and as time was going on these diary entries continued and police weren't getting any closer to finding sharon as the killer and you can see that in these diary entries she's getting more and more confident more and more cocky and she's eager to strike again until finally on the second anniversary of the killing she writes in her diary that she's going to commit something like this again and that lines up perfectly with when she stabbed anne-marie clifford so was she attempting to murder anne-marie clifford in the exact same way that she'd murdered katie reckless she said in this diary entry that this time she was going to do it a little bit differently she was going to draw it out even longer because she enjoyed hearing katie's screams so much that she wanted to make it last a little bit longer this time she also wrote in this diary about seeing the devil in her dreams and sometimes in the mirror and then she realizes that it isn't the devil in the mirror it's just her and that is how she got the name the devil's daughter the most recent of her diary entries was written when she was actually still in jail i don't know how they allowed her a diary in jail and they weren't keeping tabs on it but anyway literally just a couple of weeks before she was questioned she wrote in this diary on the fourth anniversary of katie radcliffe's murder respect to katie radcliffe for years today sharon carr was seen by many many psychiatrists psychologists different people high up people in the field and for a while these professionals were very baffled by what kind of mental illness sharon carr might have because it's clear she had something for sure but they just couldn't pinpoint it for a while until eventually she was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder which means that she basically gets most of if not all of the symptoms of schizophrenia she gets hallucinations delusions she hears things she even talked about seeing things in the mirror she thought she was the devil she saw the devil but on top of that the effective part of her diagnosis gets her effective means that it affects her moods she can have kind of bipolar like symptoms where she can go through manic episodes but then also super depressive episodes or you know one or the other i don't actually know what is specific to sharon but it affects her moods so anyway this was all due to go to court and sharon carr was going to be charged and tried with the murder of katie radcliffe however just a couple of weeks before the trial was due to commence sharon retracted her confession she said that she was very mentally ill when she gave that confession to the police and you know she didn't mean it she didn't actually commit this murder but you know she was still charged with katie ratcliffe's murder police still believed that she did it and the trial was going to go ahead with or without a confession it's likely that her legal team told her to retract the confession they were like look pretend you didn't mean it we're going to try and get you a lesser sentence if we just say that you're you know mentally ill in 1997 so almost five years after the murder of katie radcliffe sharon carr pled not guilty to the murder by reason of insanity she was ultimately found guilty of a lesser charge of manslaughter and sentenced to 14 years in prison and the reason she got manslaughter was because the court agreed that yes she did definitely kill katie ratcliffe but maybe she wasn't in a sound mind at the time that she did it during her time in prison sharon carr was a very violent inmate she caused a lot of fights and for that exact reason she was transferred prisons a lot she went to a lot of different prisons until eventually she ended up in broadmoor hospital the very famous broadmoor hospital which is a psychiatric hospital it houses a lot of serial killers serial attackers murderers very very dangerous criminals that would likely reoffend if they were ever put out into the world again we've actually talked about a few killers that have been in broadmoor over the years people like the yorkshire ripper peter sucliff however when sharon carr was at broadmoor hospital it actually switched to a male only hospital which meant that sharon had to go elsewhere she was just sent to an alternative psychiatric hospital but before she did before she left she actually almost married another murderer inside broadmoor hospital she met and fell for robbie lynn who is a man that murdered his own mother he beat her stabbed her and gouged out her eyeballs and he was clearly very mentally ill and so he was put into broadmoor hospital the two of them met each other in kind of like a socializing event that the hospital is having patients can't often meet each other and socialize so they met they fell for each other and then they were allowed supervised visits to each other's rooms like once a month and then eventually after a few of these visits robbie lynn proposed to sharon carr and the two of them were to get married they ordered wedding rings off of argos the staff at the hospital had to go to argos and pick up these rings and bring them back to the hospital and they were due to get married in a few days a few days before they were set to get married a newspaper wrote an article on this wedding on sharon carr and robbie lane getting married inside broadmoor hospital and one of the staff told them that this article existed and they wanted to read it they wanted to see what this newspaper was saying so this staff member brought it in for them to read and of course in this article it detailed the crimes that both of them had committed the reason that they were both in broadmoor hospitals sharon's murder of katie radcliffe and the attempted murder of anne-marie clifford and robbie lane's murder of his own mother and as the two of them were reading this article they were suddenly disgusted by each other they were horrified about the crimes that the other person had committed which is so odd to me that they were just as bad as each other they were just as horrific and depraved as each other but for some reason the other person was too much for them after this point the two of them wouldn't speak to each other they wouldn't go near each other they were just disgusted by the other person and so the wedding was off and these staff members had to take the wedding rings back to argos and it was not long after that that sharon carr was transferred to a different psychiatric hospital and i think this one was actually like a hospital and a prison in one because she had a cellmate or like a roommate in her room in this new hospital and she began getting fantasies of murdering her roommate she had these visions of grabbing her flask and hitting her roommate over the head with it splitting open her skull she thought about throwing her roommate down the stairs slitting her throat and she was very vocal about these fantasies for some reason and that only worried staff even more and made them want to keep her in even longer and for that reason because she was fantasizing about killing people while she was still in prison she was given solitary confinement for a lot of her prison sentence and she's still in there now and she probably will be for the rest of her life the judge ordered of course the fixed sentence of at least 14 years but then he said hold her in there indefinitely you know until the hospital staff believe that she is no longer a danger to society they should not let her out of prison or hospital or wherever she is so a lot of people criminologists psychologists you know everyone that's looked into this case believe that sharon carr should never be released back out into the world she seems like her brain is just too far gone and there is absolutely no serving this girl she is just a danger to society right now she's 40 years old so that means she's been in different kinds of prisons since she was 14 years old so what's that my math is really bad 26 years in prison either way a really long time in prison and she's only 40 years old and she spent most of her life in jail for her crimes but that is all i have on this case thank you so so much for watching thanks again to hunterkiller for sponsoring this video if you want to get 20 off of your first box you can go to forward slash eleanor neil the link is down below in the description and use my card eleanor at checkout quick reminder that my new merch you can't see it right now my new merch is out now everything is on the screen right now we've got stuff in pink blue black hoodies long sleeves masks mugs phone cases socks the lot you can go to the link will be down below in the description thank you so much if you do pick something up and yeah huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure you leave a thumbs up because that really helps me out if you want to subscribe you can click right here if you want to subscribe to my second channel you can click right here and if you want to watch another video you can click right here bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,914,103
Rating: 4.9360499 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, eleanor neale makeup, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, sharon carr, the devils daughter, uk youngest female killer, youngest female killer
Id: MTj4lj3ThoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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