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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime kiss today we're going to be talking about the murder of leslie herrick this was quite a publicized case at the time that it happened but i don't see much media about it now that it's already happened if that makes sense it was quite big it was on every news channel as it was progressing but ever since the case was closed i don't hear people talking about it so i wanted to make a full video on it today for you but before we get into it i just want to thank our sponsor for making this video possible magellan tv magellan tv is a documentary streaming service with over 3 000 titles on a range of different subjects from earth to space science history and of course true crime they have documentaries on cases that i bet you've never even heard of before like small cases from different countries all over the world cases that i think a lot of us wouldn't know without magellan tv which makes it perfect for true crime junkies like me and you because we've rinsed absolutely every other documentary on every other case they do have some of the big ones on there like charles manson i believe there was one on dennis nielsen but if you're looking for those cases that no one else has really covered before magellan tv is for you my latest watch on there was the last confessions of the cannibal which was actually more of a biographical film than a documentary it was a little bit more dramatized but it was still very true to the story and it was based on the irish murderer and cannibal alexander pierce who was actually executed for his crimes in the 1800s him and a group of other convicts actually escaped prison and while they were all on the run they actually took it in turns to vote for one of the group to be killed and eaten so that the rest of the group could survive on the run and they were just like killing each other off one by one it's the most insane story i've ever heard i might have to cover it at some point on this channel i'm not going to tell you any more about the case though because i don't want to ruin it for you make sure you're going to magellan tv to watch the last confessions of the cannibal it's crazy michelle and tv update their selections every single week so there's always something new for you to watch it's completely ad free and you can watch it on pretty much any device you have so what are you waiting for and they're very kindly offering you guys a limited time offer of 30 off of an annual subscription making it just 3.50 a month plus a two-week free trial to start that off 3.50 a month and two weeks free that is crazy all you need to do is go to the link down below in the description to go and claim that offer while you still can thanks again to michelin tv for sponsoring this video now before we get into it i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video just a quick content warning before we get into this one this case does involve domestic abuse so if that is something that you don't want to hear about right now feel free to click out of the video and look after yourself i'm sure i'll see you again some other time with a case that's a little bit more suited for you but anyway let's just get into it leslie herring was a 44 year old woman originally from guyana in south america while she was still very young leslie and her whole family upped and moved to los angeles california and she was one of a few siblings she had a brother named lyndon and a sister named asha although i'm not sure if there were any more siblings so i'm sorry if i'm forgetting anyone those two were the only names i came across in my research anyway and they said that leslie ever since she was a child she was always the most sensible the most responsible the most grown-up one of the group even when they were little kids she was always the good one and this translated into her teenage years when she was at school she was always very organized very hard working she applied herself and then that followed on into her adult life she was a very career-centered woman she had big mom friend energy if that makes sense she was the one that looked after everyone else made sure everyone else was okay she was very kind caring no nonsense she didn't put up with any kind of bs but don't get me wrong she was very happy very bubbly very you know positive and just happy to be there but if you got on the wrong side of her she would literally just ice you out she wasn't a fighter but she was also not gonna pay you any mind after that from my research leslie herring just seems like such a badass woman in her teenage years leslie and her sister asha were very close to their mum they were like a little three and her sister asha by the way just a side note you might recognize the name asha davis which is leslie's sister because she actually grew up to become a very successful actress in hollywood she's been in grey's anatomy gilmore girls friday night lights house er she's been in a lot super successful super talented and leslie was always so proud of her sister but personally for leslie a life out of the spotlight was a lot more her style she opted for a much more private life in a private career she had a desk job working for a home security company i think she was pretty high up in this company and like i said she was a very career-driven woman she was proud of what she did and she did it well and because she was a hard-working career-driven woman that meant that when it came to her romantic life she needed that same quality in a man and she found exactly that in the early 2000s leslie met lyle herring and he was just as career driven and focused and sensible and good with money as leslie was at the time of this case in 2009 he was 56 years old but they met almost a decade before that so he was probably in his late 40s when they met and when leslie met him she was actually only in like her mid-20s late 20s but because of her mindset she'd always been a lot more mature she'd always liked much more mature men so then when she met lyle herring he was just kind of perfect for her lyle herring was a charmer he was a very social man everyone who ever met lyle liked him he gave off a good first impression to absolutely everyone and leslie absolutely loved all of that about him and the two of them very quickly decided that this was it for them they couldn't see themselves with anyone else they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives and so rather quickly the two of them married i think they actually just went to the local marriage office and just looked there i don't think they had a big wedding i might be wrong but it seemed like it was quite a quick thing to happen but now they were excited for the rest of their lives together and they decided that the next step would be to move in together so they bought quite an expensive condor in los angeles they actually also bought a sailboat together and they would go out on the weekends they would go out in the harbour like they loved this boat leslie and lyle just seemed to be the most perfect successful high-earning respected couple they were like a power couple they really were and they were so in love with each other as well like their families could just see it in them i mean they would wear matching jumpers and matching hats and they'd take these little matching hats on vacation with them and they'd wear them walking around holding hands i don't know why i love that fact so much but matching hats and matching jumpers is so cute they were together almost all day every day that they weren't both at work they never got tired of each other's company they were just a really nice seeming couple but all of that came crashing down on february 9 2009 when leslie's sister asha got a call from leslie's boss at work her boss said that leslie hadn't arrived at work that morning and she couldn't actually get hold of her she tried to ring her mobile she tried to ring her home phone and she wasn't answering and so the boss just wanted to contact her sister to make sure that leslie was okay because this was very unlike her like i've been saying through this whole video leslie was all about her career she was very driven very focused very hard working she was literally the type of woman to go to work in the middle of a hurricane it didn't matter how sick she was or what was going on in her life she was not gonna miss a day of work and if she did she would always call her boss and explain and give a reason and let them know that she wouldn't be there she would never just ghost and asha felt the same when the boss was saying this on the phone to her asha was thinking yeah this is not like my sister at all and so as soon as she got off the phone with leslie's boss she actually tried to call leslie's phone herself and again leslie didn't pick up and sir asha then decided to call their brother lyndon and just kind of give him a rundown of the situation ask if he'd heard from leslie but again he hadn't and this had made him realize that he actually hadn't heard from her in a few days it's one of those things you don't really notice if you're busy that you haven't heard from a particular person in a while but now that he was hearing that leslie hadn't turned up at work he was getting panicked so they tried to call lyle leslie's husband and he also wasn't picking up neither of them were so now the family is even more concerned because it seems that something could have happened to both of them leslie and lyle and lyle was just the same as leslie was he wasn't the type to just not answer his phone or not contact anyone so the family knew pretty much immediately that something bad had happened lyndon said that he had all of these really concerning thoughts circling around his head like have they been kidnapped have they both gone out on the boat and hit a tide and have they capsized and drowned so asha and lyndon decided to go down to leslie and lyle's home to make sure that everything was okay but when they got there i mean nothing seemed amiss from the outside they did live in an apartment building so it was unlikely that they would have been broken into like no one could smash through a window and climb in and the front door seemed fine it was locked so they knocked on the door no one came to answer and they were just standing out there for a few hours they kept knocking on the door they kept calling them but before long they just had this overwhelming feeling that something bad had happened and so they decided to just go ahead and call the police so police came down to the address and they were asked to perform a welfare check so if you don't know what one of those is it's where if you're worried about someone you can call the welfare check on them police will go to the house and they are not allowed to leave that house until they've seen and spoken to the person that you're worried about and made sure that they're okay police came down and they kicked in the front door they got in there to try and find leslie and lyle they started walking through the first couple of rooms but as they did everything just seemed very normal i mean it was the usual neat tidy clean house that leslie always ran but as they continued walking through the house there were a few little things that just seemed off for example there was a candle in the kitchen that had been knocked over and all of the melted wax had like fallen all over the counter dripped onto the floor and it had hardened and not been cleaned up which was unlike leslie if leslie had accidentally knocked over a candle that thing would have been cleaned up immediately i mean a knocked over candle doesn't scream danger by any means but everyone was a little bit like that's not very like her there were also a bunch of towels in the bathroom that were all like screwed up and bunched up on the floor a few of them seemed to have been like hung over different things like the the shower wall and a railing to be dried out they found that most of these towels were dry but in this big bunch of them on the floor like the bottom ones were still wet so it looked as though they'd been trying to soak up a massive water maybe but it had been a while because the top ones were dry it was the bottom ones that were still damp i don't know it just really didn't seem like leslie herring's house this wouldn't be how she lived but aside from these few little weird things it didn't seem like there'd been a break-in or anything crazy had happened in here and so all her family could really do was file a missing person's report for leslie so police did some digging and they found that the last time that leslie herring was seen and heard from was on the evening of february 6th which was almost 72 hours prior to this moment it had been almost three days since anyone had seen or heard from leslie and that was actually by her work colleagues who had seen her on the friday evening as she was leaving work for the weekend so through this whole weekend no one had seen her but they were able to find that she was okay at least until the sunday morning so 24 hours before she was discovered missing because on that sunday morning she actually had a phone call with someone so someone did hear from her but they just didn't see her in person so we don't 100 know what her situation was like on that sunday morning but she was alive and and kind of in her life if that makes sense she was communicating with people that she knew so leslie's family over the next few days they campaigned to get her face and her missing poster everywhere that they possibly could on lampposts outside on the news on talk shows her sister was doing public appeals left right and center because she was a familiar face she was kind of using that to her advantage because people were listening you know if this famous person goes on tv and says my sister is missing i need everyone's help people were tuning in everyone knew about leslie herrick they did everything they could for days on end but still there was absolutely no communication from lyle or leslie they didn't return home they didn't text anyone they didn't return anyone's calls so police decided to put out alerts for both of their cars hoping that if they were just on the run somewhere maybe they'd just run away to start a new life together then at least they would be able to find them and make sure that they're okay but two weeks went by in this case with nothing they got no leads on the car they got they got no leads in general the main theory at this point of course was that leslie and lyle were both together wherever they were whatever had happened to them it had happened to both of them at the same time and leslie's family said that they knew at this point they just knew they just had a feeling that something really bad had happened to leslie they didn't really think that they were gonna get her back alive i have a quote here from her sister asha that says i think something terrible must have happened to her just because i know that my sister would be in contact with us she would want us to know where she was she would know that we would worry about her so much another thing that made her family believe this was that leslie was happy with her life so there was very little chance of her just like wanting to run away from everything and start a new life somewhere she had a great job a great family a great life a great house she had a great career like everything was going so well for leslie and she was happy like her family really genuinely thought that she was happy her sister asha had literally just had a baby four weeks before leslie went missing and she was really excited to be an auntie and to meet this baby so they really didn't think that she left off her own accord they thought that whatever happened to her must have been bad because she would never do this and then two weeks into the investigation police finally got their first breakthrough in this case when lyle herring's car was found the alert that police had put out had worked and police had found lyle herring's car trying to cross over into the mexican border and lyle was in the car he was alive and he was fine but there was no leslie so immediately police were very very suspicious of this situation so they bring him straight into the police station for an interview and they're asking him all about leslie all about where he'd been for the last two weeks he said that the last time he'd seen his wife leslie was on the saturday night so that was the seventh of february he said that the two of them had had an argument that night and they went to bed and when he woke up the next morning on the sunday morning leslie wasn't there she wasn't in the house she wasn't laying next to him and so he thought that he would just like leave her to it maybe she needed some space maybe she needed some time remember she was heard from on that sunday morning a friend had a phone call with her on the sunday morning so she was alive and she was wet lyle told police that he had tried to contact leslie a couple of times over the past couple of weeks he tried calling her and texting her but she hadn't returned any of those calls or texts and he himself had actually just tried to get away from it all for a little while he'd been driving around in his car going to different places he said that he was unable to get hold of her and he also had no idea where she was at this point and he said that the only reason that he was heading into mexico because remember police actually caught him trying to go into mexico at the mexican border he said that the reason he was going there was actually to look for leslie he said that the two of them actually had this romantic getaway booked in mexico for valentine's day because she she only went missing a few days before valentine's day it had been booked for ages the two of them were really excited for it and of course she went missing and so he thought well maybe she might be there if i go there maybe she had just tried to get away from her life for a few days and maybe she would meet him in mexico because she knew that those plans were happening so he thought if he went there she might be there so at this point in lyle's interview he hadn't really said much like i've told you everything that he said and police were still trying to ask him questions they were like is it normal for leslie to just like go off her phone is it normal for her to not return texts or calls and it was at this point that lyle herring just shut down he said i don't want to answer any more questions i've got nothing else to say i don't know where she is i don't want to do this anymore and so with that the police interview ended but this left a bad taste in people's mouths about lyle herring i'm sure you can see why i mean his beloved wife has just gone missing she's been missing for almost three weeks now and he is actively trying to not help does that make sense if that was your soulmate the love of your life would you not sit there in that police office and give absolutely every tiny piece of detail or information that you possibly could if it meant the chances of finding them were larger even leslie's sister asha mentioned in one of her tv appeals that she found this really odd from him as well he was being very uncooperative and very inconsistent with his communication with not only the police but also the rest of leslie's family as well which was weird i can somewhat understand the hesitant communication with the police you know maybe due to anxiety and we know how the police are especially with people of color in america i can understand that but with the family of your wife that is now missing he stopped returning their phone calls their texts and this is leslie's own brother lizzie's own sister who were equally as worried about her as he should have been surely they should all be supporting each other right now this is the time to come together and to be each other's shoulder to cry on each other's inspiring words they shouldn't be ignoring each other police said to leslie's family that lyle wasn't a suspect at this point they could appreciate that he was uncooperative and acting a little bit weird but they didn't actually think he'd done anything to leslie but they did think that maybe he knew a little bit more than he was letting on about this situation maybe he knew where she was and he was just covering so anyway a couple of days go by and police actually managed to get lyle in for a second interview and this time they decided to bring something up that they'd actually noticed about lyle the first time but they hadn't got around to asking him about it obviously because he shut down and said no more questions i don't want to say anything else so they decided to bring up this thing which was that lyle since he'd gone missing for two weeks and then reappeared he looked completely different to what he used to look like he used to have super long dreadlocks a gertie like beard thing and since he'd come back he was fully shaving his head was bald he had no facial hair left so naturally police were a little bit suspicious about this why did he have such a change of heart about his whole appearance and his dreadlocks were long as well they must have taken a long time to grow and care for same kind of thing with the facial hair as well it takes a long time to grow and shape and he just suddenly decided to get rid of it all so police asked him about this and they asked why he'd decided to shave it and he said he didn't actually do it himself it was unvoluntarily done he said that he had been attacked by a gang of men pinned down and had his hair and beard shaven as punishment he said that he owed a lot of money to this particular shady group of men i don't know the backstory to that whatsoever i don't even know if it's true let's be honest but he said that he owed them a lot of money and he couldn't pay it and so they tracked him down pinned him down and shaved him to teach him a lesson and the police officers that were listening to this story just they didn't believe it for one second i mean what do you mean you are shady people money and to be able to get that money back they pin you down and shave all your hair off what this is a shady dodgy group of people would they not have slightly more violent techniques to get the money out of you that you were them not that i condone violence in any way but gangs like this they would beat you up or they would you know they would do something a little bit more scary and violent to get the money they wouldn't give you a haircut it was mounting suspicion against lyle but at the same time it still wasn't evidence and so police just had to let him go from this interview again but before they did before they actually let him out of the police station they decided that they wanted to have one last search of their apartment because if there were any pieces of evidence in that house that related to leslie or her disappearance or her potential death police needed to find those pieces of evidence before lyle went back in there and was able to get rid of them and it was in this search of her house that police found that all of leslie's jewelry her bracelets earrings necklaces were all still on her nightstand now this might not sound too crazy but leslie's family said that she was the kind of woman that would never leave her house without jewelry on she was a very classy lady she was very proper and well presented at all times she would never leave her house without jewelry so this already seemed very very unnatural they also found leslie's handbag with her purse still in it which had all of her money all her credit cards debit cards her id everything was still there if she had run away and tried to start a new life she wouldn't have any money she wouldn't be able to do it she didn't have any of her belongings so this completely eradicated the theory that leslie could have possibly have gone off off her own a card something definitely happened to leslie herring during the search police actually also found a nerd written by leslie in her nightstand i think it was maybe pushed under her nightstand and they found that this was actually a letter that leslie herself had written to lyle and this letter revealed a lot of things that police and also leslie's family hadn't known prior to this moment she explained in this letter that she was very angry with how lyle had been spending his money at this point in time because he actually didn't have a secure job at this moment i don't know what had gone on with his job but i think he'd quit or he'd been fired and he was between jobs but he wasn't finding another job quick enough so they were kind of living off savings and leslie's single paycheck and it wasn't enough money was about to start running out and lyle wasn't getting a job he wasn't lowering his spending to accommodate their new income leslie told lyle that he shouldn't have spent 1 200 on this valentine's getaway that they were going on which is quite expensive if you don't have a job quite expensive at the best of times but especially if you don't have a job she explains in this letter that she wakes up almost every day wondering if they will be okay like wondering if they will have enough money just to get by this note made it very clear to the police that the couple were having financial issues at the time of leslie's disappearance and they were very much disagreeing on how to handle these financial issues leslie said in this letter no one should have to live this way live day to day not knowing if they are going to have a roof over their head there were points in this letter where leslie referred to lyle as her husband like with quotation marks around it which also suggests conflict in their marriage if she's calling him her husband she also said in this note that she deserved better than him actually an exact quote was i deserve better what's the point of talking to you so you can lie lie lie and she ended this letter with a final sentence i can't take any more i'm broken so this letter was huge huge evidence for this investigation but believe it or not police found something even bigger in the apartment some even bigger evidence inside leslie's purse police found a starbucks receipt from four days after her disappearance when everyone thought she was missing four days into the investigation it looked as though she'd been to starbucks and bought a coffee and then just left her bag at her house so now it was looking like maybe leslie was okay maybe she had literally just left just to start a new life police noted down the time and the specific starbucks where this receipt was from and they went down there and asked if they could have a look at their cctv footage they hoped that the cctv footage could tell them a lot more about the situation maybe they were gonna see leslie on this footage walking into starbucks buying a coffee maybe she would look fine maybe she would look like she was okay but when detectives got this footage back to the police station and they looked through it the person on that footage wasn't leslie herring it was lyle lyle walks into the starbucks buys a drink and then leaves and somehow that receipt from his purchase somehow ended up in leslie's purse how and also why well police immediately thought that lyle had planted this receipt placed it in leslie's purse to make police think that she was okay and that she was out and about and she was still doing things maybe it was a cover-up for something by the way as this search of the apartment was going on as they'd been looking through all this evidence and stuff lyle wasn't allowed to go back home instead he went on tv and he was doing tv appeals he was like crying on the news he was begging for any witnesses to come forward and this just seemed like a completely different lyle to the one that was in the first half of the investigation this is a completely different lyle to the one that had been ignoring leslie's family's calls and texts he wouldn't communicate with the police he shut down the interview that he was having this was a completely different man that was now crying on the news but in the background something that he didn't know was that the suspicion against him was mounting rapidly literally by the hour and it was only gonna get worse for him because at this point in the case police decided to seize all of his electronics his laptop his phone computer everything they looked into his call history on his phone and seen that on the day of leslie's disappearance on the monday he'd actually called her phone multiple times throughout the day and she picked up every single one so now police thought well perfect if leslie was picking up the phone then they would be able to track down this phone call and maybe find leslie's location maybe she is out there somewhere she's just not picking up the phone so they followed the location of both of the sides of the call so lyle making the call and leslie receiving the call and they found that these two locations were actually the same location both funds were right next to each other when these calls were made why would lyle need to call leslie if she was right next to him unless these calls were done as another cover up it was another decoy just like the receipt he was trying to throw police off of the investigation so at this point in the investigation police were very suspicious of lyle herring of course and so they decided to call in all of his close friends family everyone that knew him really well because they wanted to know what kind of guy this was like truly what kind of guy this was because in the beginning they thought he was quite a good guy because that's what leslie's family thought but now it seemed like he had a different side to him that they were never aware of like i said leslie's family all seemed to really like lyle he was a very social person he was very charming very charismatic at least he was with the women but through these interviews with people that knew lyle they were finding out that the men lyle didn't quite have the same effect on men they'd always had some kind of funny feeling about lyle all the men in the family like he was kind of up to something the women couldn't see it and whenever one of the men would bring it up to one of the women like what's going on with lyle what do you think to him he's a bit weird the women would be like oh no he's really nice he's really charming maybe that was just because lyle was better at manipulating women than he was men maybe these men could see through his intentions they didn't really know what this weird energy was they couldn't quite put their finger on what it was about this man there was just always something about him that just seemed weird and off and in these interviews police spoke with lyle's cousin malcolm who actually saw lyle a couple of days after leslie went missing of course at this point no one actually knew leslie was missing she hadn't been reported missing she hadn't not turned up at work yet but we know based on different pieces of evidence that she was already missing at this point and when malcolm met with lyle he recalled him being very weird he was just acting really weird so anyway malcolm said that he met with lyle outside the apartment building lyle wouldn't let him inside the apartment for some reason so they met up like in the car park outside and lyle was acting really touchy and off he was really on edge he was like piercing around he was he seemed quite anxious and he was saying really weird things that seemed really out of context but now looking back seemed really suspicious he was saying things like man i'm gonna burn in hell for what i did and stuff like that crazy stuff like that and at the time malcolm had no idea what the hell his cousin was talking about how would you he had no context clues he had no idea what had happened with leslie he didn't really understand he just knew that his cousin was going through something and so he was trying to be like supportive and there for him and like you know talk to me but lyle wouldn't talk to me but as malcolm started thinking about it more and more he started thinking up some possibilities in his head and the one that he kept coming back to over and over again was that maybe something had happened to leslie maybe they'd gotten in a fight or an argument and maybe lyle had abused her or hitter or you know something and so malcolm really wanted to get inside that apartment to go and check on leslie he wanted to make sure that she was okay that this wasn't the thing that lyle was talking about burning in hell for so the way he went about this was he asked lyle if he could go and use his bathroom and lyle actually said no and immediately malcolm thought this was odd this basically reinforced his theory in his head that something had happened to leslie and now lyle doesn't want him in the apartment he doesn't want malcolm to see what he'd done to leslie something had to have happened he had to have been hiding something inside that apartment he'd never not let anyone in his apartment before especially his own cousin just to use the bathroom as well something was up but malcolm never got to find out what was inside the apartment lyle didn't let him in and malcolm eventually just ended up going home he thought it was a really weird thing to happen at the time but he kind of forgot about it until this point so anyway this was just a little bit more evidence for police to say that lyle was sketchy and that something had happened in the apartment that night and at this point in the case police and the media were making it so obvious who they were looking into the suspicion against lyle herring was felt among the whole public everyone was suspicious of this man like police had stopped looking at other people the public had stopped accusing other people at this point everyone was pretty certain that this guy had definitely done something to his wife and leslie's sister asha was still doing public appearances and instead of just begging for her sister to come back or if anyone had done something to her sister to come forward to the police she now started also begging for lyle herring to cooperate with the police in public tv appeals she is begging the suspect in this case to just talk to the police and it was as all of these tv appeals were happening one of lyle and leslie's neighbors actually saw one of asha's appeals and this triggered them to call the police they saw something rather suspicious on the saturday night before leslie was reported missing and at the time it didn't seem too weird but now in retrospect it was very suspicious so this neighbor was heading back to their own apartment around midnight on this particular night and he actually passed lyle in the hallway he saw lyle coming out of his apartment and lyle was carrying one of those dollies you know like a standing trolley he was carrying a dolly with a roll of carpet on it and he carried it all the way from his apartment all the way to the furthest elevator at the very end of the corridor like i said at the time this was a very normal thing to see someone getting rid of one of their rugs you know people do throw things out all the time but looking back the neighbor realized that that roll of carpet or that rug was very widely rolled like big enough to fit a human inside and as soon as police heard this witness statement from this neighbor they were convinced that lyle herring had murdered his wife leslie this was the first actual piece of evidence that genuinely pointed towards murder as a possibility i mean everyone had been thinking it this whole time don't get me wrong but this was the first actual piece of evidence that screamed lyle killed leslie all the other pieces of evidence so far had been suspicious yes and it was obvious that lyle was trying to hide something off cover something up like with the starbucks receipt but none of that actually screamed murder until this point when it looked like lyle was actually getting rid of a body so police decided at this point that they needed to step up this investigation and so they brought in a cadaver dog if you don't know what a cadaver dog is it's a sniffer dog it like sniffs around and it can sniff out particular scents like dead bodies or blood and lyle had two cars and they were specifically interested in these cars because how else would he have got this body out of his apartment building so they sent this one particular cadaver dog named indiana burns which i can't figure out if that name is distasteful i think it is i think i don't like it but anyway they sent this one particular dog into both of lyle's cars he had this big suv and an old cadillac and this dog went sniffing around both of them and it actually alerted to the smell of dead body in both of these vehicles in both of them this was huge this was a huge huge moment in this investigation but police decided to keep this as silent as possible as secret as possible they didn't want anyone to know how much they were on to lyle herring if that makes sense obviously if that got back to lyle and he realized just how much evidence they had against him at this point he would do a runner again i mean he'd already tried to get over the mexican border there was nothing stopping him taking off once again so they decided to keep this quiet because this was the most likely way that they would be able to find leslie herring's body because if they told lyle that they knew he had a dead body in his car then he might go back to the site where he left the body and either move it or hide it and so if police just kept quiet and they'd be able to find it themselves so instead police actually decided to attach trackers to both of lyle's cars like uh gps trackers so that they could follow him anywhere and everywhere he went honestly they were actually kind of hoping that he would go back to where he'd hidden leslie's body because then they could follow him there and and then they'd have it they watched him for almost 48 hours and lyle did nothing weird he didn't go anywhere suspicious he was literally just like going to work going back home going to see family he was doing nothing odd that was until the third day of the surveillance on that day he woke up at 6 00 a.m which was unusual for lyle he never normally woke up that early and then he got in his car and drove three miles to a local park this was not a regular thing for lyle i can't stress this enough he never woke up this early he never went to this park he never just went for walks especially so early in the morning this wasn't a regular thing for him he wasn't known for going to this park and so police were immediately like oh hang on what's going on here and this park was actually quite tucked away from the rest of la it was quite remote and so again police's sensors were tingling and so they watched him drive into this park he parked up in the parking lot and then he walked over to a bunch of huge huge dumpsters of course police couldn't really get out of their car and go over to where he was because then that'd just really give it away so they had to stay in their car and kind of try and watch him from afar and they watched him walking around these dumpsters he's like looking around on the floor kicking at things he did this for a couple of minutes and then he just goes and gets back in his car and drives away i think he just went home after that and police were sitting there thinking we have definitely just seen something related to this murder this was not normal this was not a normal thing for him to do he drove all the way out to a remote park to look at the bins and then get back in his car and leave i mean absolutely not there is obviously more of a reason as to why he did that maybe this was the place that he dumped leslie's body maybe he was going back there to check on it or to have a look around to see if searchers had begun there or something like that what if he'd actually dumped leslie's body in one of those bins in one of those big dumpsters or even just around them and so police decided to once again bring in cadaver dog indiana burns because they wanted to see if that was the case this dog had clearly alerted to the smell of leslie's dead body in lyle's cars and so if it could alert to it over here then they were on the right tracks in finding leslie's body so they bring this dog in and what do you know it located to the smell of decomposing body just a few feet away from these dumpsters this particular spot that the dog alerted to was like a mound of dirt it seemed as though it just kind of been like all piled up so police are looking at this mound of dirt and it looks unsettled it looks as though something's kind of been dug up and then re-set but the dirt hadn't quite settled and been pressed into the ground yet it was clear that it was kind of like freshly moved so police are thinking right we are about to find leslie herring's dead body in a shallow grave here they were certain of it and so they brought in a digging team to get going and try and dig up her body this team dug and dug and dug in this particular area but nothing they they didn't get to anything there was nothing under that particular mound of dirt but the dog had still alerted to dead body so how what could that have been that the dog was picking up on if there was no body there but police had a theory to explain this that they thought that maybe lyle had taken leslie's body out to that park her body was obviously in his car so what if he opened the boot of his car took her body out of there and then left her on this mound of dirt while he opened the lid of the dumpster and then picked her body back up and put her inside the dumpster and then closed the lid and left that would explain why they can't find her body why that particular part of the ground has the scent of dead body on it why his car has the sense of dead body in it but this was also a very concerning theory for police to have because they knew that if this was true if their theory was true that he had put leslie's body inside the dumpster and that meant that they were probably never gonna find leslie's body by now her body would have been taken to a landfill site and i've actually covered a couple of cases where dead bodies have been put in a dumpster and taken to a landfill site and they never get found because it's such an expensive and dangerous operation to try to even locate them at that point searching a landfill site just isn't really an option it would mean that that whole landfill site would have to be out of use for ages which would throw the whole city into just complete chaos but even if somehow they could search the landfill they still probably wouldn't find it because the amount of rubbish that gets put into landfill every single day and it had been a while at this point it had been a good few weeks months even since leslie herring went missing there would be so much rubbish on top of her body in this landfill by now that they they weren't gonna find her they just weren't so that was quite a heartbreaking realization for the police to come to and for them to explain to leslie's family as well that this is the strongest theory that they have but that means that she'll never be able to be properly laid to rest but on the positive side of this police finally felt as though they had enough evidence to arrest lyle herring on the suspicion of the murder of his wife leslie over a year after leslie's disappearance without even finding a body police went down to lyle herring's office and arrested him then and there but it wasn't quite as straightforward as that police actually didn't want to arrest this guy in front of all of his friends in front of all of his colleagues they didn't want to they didn't want to show him up like that and so instead they went inside and they made up some lie about his car maybe his car was toured or like i don't know there was an issue with his car but basically this was just to get lyle outside so then they could arrest him outside his office i'm sure it wasn't to preserve his dignity i'm sure there was more to it than that at least i hope there was more to it than that i hope they weren't doing this so they wouldn't embarrass this murderer but either way lyle herring was charged with her murder that exact same day and the case was set to go to trial and this trial was going to be a rather tricky one of course because they don't have the body which is the biggest piece of evidence in a murder case of course it is they're trying to prove that this guy killed leslie when they can't even really prove that leslie is dead at all for all they knew she could actually be out there somewhere i mean it was very unlikely based on all the evidence of course but she could thankfully there was a decent amount of circumstantial evidence but it was gonna be really hard to fight this case and because they lacked that huge piece of physical evidence they lacked an autopsy all of that kind of stuff police had to theorize a version of events and to this day we don't fully know exactly what happened to leslie but this is the most believed theory to this day so i'm about to tell you all of that but remember this is just a theory it's based on like crime scene evidence so police actually believe that leslie herring's cause of death was drowning they believed that she was drowned by her husband lyle herring after an argument that night when you think back to the evidence inside the home especially in the bathroom there was that big pile of crumpled up towels some of them were still wet at the bottom it was as if they'd been soaking up a lot of water it was as if the bath had been running for a long long time it had overflowed it would also make sense as to why lyle wouldn't let his own cousin malcolm use the bathroom in his house the day after he would have murdered leslie and it's because it would have still been a mess it would have been water everywhere there would have been towels everywhere obviously we don't know exactly what the argument was about that sparked to this whole thing to be fair we don't even know that an argument took place but that's just the most believed theory this argument broke out and then maybe it turned physical which police believe is what led to all those little things being out of place in the house like the candle in the kitchen being knocked over and stuff like that they think it got a little bit physical and then lyle just flew off the handle dragged leslie to the bathroom filled the bath and then drowned her and then once she was dead he wrapped her up in this rug put her body on this dolly and then carried her out into the hallway down the lift he carried her all the way to the garage of the building and then put her body they believe first in the trunk of his suv remember i said he had two cars and he kept them both in different garages i think he kept his suv right at the building and then his cadillac in like a special garage so he put the body first in his suv drove it to where he kept his cadillac and then transferred the body from his suv to his cadillac until he figured out what he was gonna do police think he was just doing this to buy himself some time because he traveled in his suv everywhere so if he needed to go to the shop or to work or you know anything he didn't want the body in his car so he left leslie's body in the cadillac overnight and he spent that whole night thinking about what he was gonna do how he was gonna dispose of the body and then in the morning when he had all his plans sorted drove his suv back to where he kept the cadillac transferred the body again back into the suv and then drove out to the park where he put leslie's body in the dumpster the court heard this theorized version of events along with all the circumstantial evidence of like the starbucks receipt him trying to cover up the fact that leslie was missing all the fake phone calls he made between both the phones when they were literally just next to each other and even like the proper proper evidence of the cadaver dog and his neighbor seeing him carrying the body out of the apartment and with that the jury decided to find lyle herring guilty of second-degree murder and he was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 15 years and that is actually all i have for this case there's usually a little bit more to say at the end but not much is really known about how lyle is coping in prison and of course leslie's body was never found i think these cases are some of the most heartbreaking when the family never get that closure they never get to know exactly what happened to their loved one they never get to lay their loved one to rest and the worst part is is that lyle knows exactly what happened and he just what say he just won't tell anyone he knows he's got that over leslie's family and he likes that he's got that over leslie's family he likes that he won't let them have peace it wasn't enough for him to ruin one person's life he had to ruin all her family's lives with it as well but yeah that is all i have on this case thank you so so much for watching i really appreciate it thanks again to michelle and tv for sponsoring this video remember they're giving you guys that limited time offer of 30 off 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,614,623
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Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, eleanor neale makeup, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, lesley herring, lesley, herring, lyle, lyle herring, true crime daily, aasha davis, asha davis, body, sister, landfill, missing, grey's anatomy
Id: Sr7GKP3RznY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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