Саnnіbаl Frаt Воy? Тhе Dоwnwаrd Ѕpіrаl оf Аuѕtіn Наrrоuff | ТruеCrіmе & Makeup

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hi everyone welcome back welcome to another true current makeup video today we're going to be covering the case of austin harrouff who has also been labeled as the cannibal frat boy yes we're doing another cannibal case today but it's not like your typical cannibal case which will obviously become clear as we go through the case it's going to be nothing like the cannibal couple which was just um disgusting and austin at the time of this case was a college student he was in a fraternity and he did commit some cannibalistic acts so that's where the name comes from austin's life took such a drastic like downward turn this case has honestly left me with more questions than answers it's truly a head scratcher but this case was actually quite hard to put together as a story like after my research because it is just random events that happen and there's not really much flow so i've tried my best but bear with me it may be a little bit confusing at times and we're also back in florida for this week's case and we were in florida last week for tiffany and cole and that is just a very weird coincidence didn't plan that whatsoever just jumping in here real quick because we do have a sponsor for today's video and that is karma so thank you so much karma for sponsoring today's video now if you haven't heard me talk about karma karma is a chrome extension and an app that helps you when you're shopping online and it also makes sure that you never miss a discount and i will leave a link in the description box down below so you can download karma for free and i cannot even tell you how many times karma has helped me out but they recently helped me get my hands on a pair of adidas falcons which i have wanted for the longest time but they are always out of stock especially in my size i can never find them anywhere i've literally only had them for about a week so i haven't worn them yet but look at them i'm obsessed they are like the perfect dad shoe i love them so much and i truly cannot wait to wear them but it's been raining so much in the uk lately and i'm not wearing my new white shoes in the rain so the way i use karma to help me get my adidas falcons is i downloaded the chrome extension on my desktop remember there is a link in my description box so you can download it for free and when you are looking for a product online all you need to do is save that product to one of your wish lists i saved my adidas falcons into my trainer wish list and that is what i love about karma as well is that you can have multiple wish lists i have a trainer wish list i also have a makeup wish list for all of my products that i have my eye on so i saved the adidas falcons into my trainer wishlist i selected the size that i wanted which is size four and that is it once the product is in your wishlist karma will notify you when that product or item like my trainers comes back in stock and that's what happened with my adidas falcons about 10 days ago i want to say i got an email saying that they were back in stock on asos and i jumped on it also when you are using the karma chrome extension on your desktop karma will automatically scan the web for any discount code so when you are at checkout it will automatically apply the discount and you will always know that you are saving money if there is a coupon code out there you can also earn karma cash when you are shopping through selected retailers so if you want to try out karma don't forget there is a link in my description box i cannot even tell you how many times they've helped me out already thank you again to karma for sponsoring today's video and thank you to every single one of you watching right now because without all of you i wouldn't have opportunities like this and now let's jump into today's case so austin was born on the 21st of december 1996 making him a sagittarius and last week's case was sagittarius as well wasn't it but he is on the cusp of capricorn so slightly different and he was born in palm beach gardens florida now his father wade harouf was a dentist and his father was pretty strict when he was younger and he was quite forceful like making austin do certain things like certain activities like such as fishing which austin really didn't want to do so he was quite a strict quite a forceful parent and austin and his dad did clash quite a bit when he was younger austin has said that the older he got he actually did start to get along with his dad and his dad by people that know him has been described as a nice man but can have a little bit of a temper now his mom nina her roof is the complete opposite towson's dad she's not as strict and she's very motherly and austin and nina really get along austin also has a younger sister she's one year younger her name is hayley austin and hayley get along so well they're really good friends they're not just siblings austin's parents did divorce when he was 13 and austin and his sister did live with their mom they still did keep contact with their dad they still actually had a pretty good relationship with him and they would stay with him quite often and at some point as well austin's parents both of them got into new relationships and both parents started living with that new relationship the other person but they don't really come into the story but i just thought i should say that anyway austin had a pretty normal school life and he actually did get pretty good grades however in middle school austin did gain weight and he suffered from acne as well and he was bullied because of his appearance and this did have a huge impact on austin his life completely changed he became extremely self-conscious about the way he looked and he became just a lot more reserved he was very shy he really did suffer a lot with social anxiety and that's all we know about austin in middle school and then when he went to high school he did become more interested in sports and fitness he joined the football team and he also started to lift weight and austin has said that this did give him a lot more confidence but he did start to become quite obsessed with his appearance and weight loss and just everything about the way he looked so he did give him more confidence but he also did develop quite an unhealthy obsession with fitness as well following high school in 2015 austin did go to college he got a place at florida state university and he started by studying biology because he wanted some kind of career in medicine and i can imagine that he probably i don't know if he wanted because his dad was kind of forceful but i can imagine he was trying to follow in his dad's footsteps because obviously his dad was a dentist and he probably thought oh that's kind of maybe the career that i should do however he did change his major to exercise science because he wanted to become a dietitian which does seem quite ironic when you think about what happens in this case at college austin also joined a fraternity alpha delta phi and at this point austin was drinking a lot of alcohol and he had been drinking alcohol since the age of 17. this was obviously before college and austin has described himself as a social drinker he would never drink alone austin just found it a lot easier to be social when he was drinking alcohol just gave him confidence like i said he did have quite bad social anxiety and austin was never diagnosed with social anxiety but it's very obvious and very clear that he did have social anxiety and when he drank he just fell overall just less anxious austin as well did not know his limits when it came to alcohol there was so many times where he would just drink until he blacked out and joining the fraternity really did not help the situation either austin just felt so much pressure from his frat brothers to drink drink drink more more drinking more partying he also experimented with quite a few different drugs he wasn't like a regular drug user or anything but he did experiment with drugs such as lsd mushrooms and molly he also did smoke marijuana quite frequently and he had done this since high school also when he was at college he did experiment with some stimulants to help him study and then in april of 2016 he did meet a girl katie and they did start dating so austin's freshman year went by no major significant incidents he joined a fraternity he was partying quite a lot drinking quite a lot he also met someone and started dating however in summer of 2016 after his freshman year this is when everything changed and so many things happen in the summer of 2016. this is when the events of today's case take place and there was just so many lifestyle changes like complete switch like switch up it was like a completely different person and a lot of these lifestyle changes is what led to the tragic events of today's case so he somehow started off pretty normal he did get a job as a dental assistant and he worked for his dad and he only actually got this job because of his dad like i said his dad did used to pressure him quite a bit so i don't think he wanted this job but he just got it because of his dad and then suddenly the date is not actually known like the exact date but suddenly austin decided that he wanted to quit drinking and quit taking any drugs or anything like that he said that marijuana had started to give him quote weird feelings and he was just very concerned with his body he became very concerned with purity and he wanted his body to be completely pure and he didn't want to consume anything that would interfere with that and would make his body not pure and austin's priority in life now was purity which to be honest like is nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong if you want a drink and there's nothing wrong if you don't want to drink um but this was just the start of some very questionable lifestyle changes i don't want to say choices because i really don't think there were choices in this case and you all understand why i think that but this was just the start austin also started to get renewed religious feelings he had been raised presbyterian before later deciding in his teenage years to become an atheist however in the summer of 2016 austin started to take an interest in multiple different religions and he started to study buddhism jesus and krishna he also started to take an interest in the illuminati and a big difference to austin as well is that he actually started to feel really good about himself he had struggled for so long with who he was and what he looked like and he had finally started to feel really good about himself and this is when he got a very sudden inspiration to start something new and this was complete like 180 it was completely out of his comfort zone and austin decided that he wanted to become a famous rapper [Music] and when i first heard that i'm not gonna lie i laughed i was like what but now that i know everything that goes on i just can't help but just see like his mental health deteriorating and this is exactly what is happening right now austin really threw himself into his music this wasn't some kind of little hobby that he had he truly believed that he could become a famous rapper he believed that if he put enough work and effort into it and if he wanted it bad enough it would happen and austin came up with a little stage name for himself and it's not the best in my opinion uh he came up with the name ostie frosty hello bros uh it's asti frosty man and he even created a youtube video of him rapping and kind of singing as well and yeah he put it on youtube i want you to be mine again baby 1738 remy boy and like i said austin really threw himself into this and it caused him to have obsessive racing thoughts that would keep him up at night like he really started to struggle to sleep and i do think he has a little bit of an obsessive personality he does tend to get very obsessed with things and this has been a common thing throughout his whole life he was very obsessed in an unhealthy way with exercise but music and religion weren't the only things that austin became interested in and almost obsessed with i remember i did say a lot of things happened very random were jumping all over the place here so all of a sudden austen decided that he wanted to help people which is great we should all help people more but austin wanted to become a major civil rights leader he wanted to be the next gandhi and i reacted pretty much in the same way as when i heard about asti frosty i was just like is he being serious like is he actually being serious right now and he really truly was he thought he could be the next gandhi and austin also thought that he could act as a mediator to solve the problems that were raised by the black lives matter movement and as part of austin's transition into being this civil rights leader he gave up his usual persona of being this like carefree jokester kind of person and he became really serious i mean like he became serious as in like he didn't want to joke around like he wanted to be taken seriously because he wanted to be this civil rights leader he also started to become a little bit too friendly with people like not like friendly in a good way i mean in his mind i think he was thinking that he was being friendly in a good way but it came across a little bit creepy he would invest himself just a little bit too much into people's problems and this was particularly evident at the dental practice that he worked at with his dad he became a little bit too friendly with the patients he became really concerned with their problems like he would ask the patients about their problems and about their personal lives being a little bit intrusive really and he became so concerned with their problems that he would literally cry like he would cry at their problems because he felt so bad so two weeks prior to the events of today's case austin did go and visit his girlfriend who lived in tampa and when he got back from this visit it said that austin was just a completely different person his family could see that his behavior had just overnight like changed the change in his behavior as well can also be seen in the text messages that he would send to his girlfriend obviously when he got back his character is literally just flip-flopping all over the place and his behavior continued to get even more erratic from this moment on austin actually started to believe that he was jesus and that he could bless and manipulate water and that water could give him power he even began to wear lighter colour clothes to try and be like jesus he believed that if he wore dark clothes that he would be evil he associated anything dark with evil he even had a black car and he hated his car because he thought he was evil he thought that the devil lurked in the dark and that the devil was going to kill him so pretty much from this moment onwards austin kept himself in the light he would always have lights on wherever he went and he would even sleep with the light on it would then become a common occurrence for austin when he was asleep to wake up and see demons and he wouldn't actually know if he was asleep and dreaming or if he was awake he truly did believe that there was a dark spirit or the devil that lurked in the dark that was going to kill him but he didn't only just fear for himself he actually feared for everyone that he lived with so obviously he was back for the summer he was back living at home with his mom her partner and his sister and he believed that it wasn't just him that was in danger he believed that this dark spirit devil situation was going to kill him and his family and he was especially worried about his sister and he was so worried about his sister that he actually slept in her room he slept on the floor in her room because he thought that his presence for some reason maybe because he thought that he was jesus i i don't know but he thought that his presence would protect his sister he also became extremely worried about the family dog as well and he thought the dark spirit was going to kill the family dog so he would sometimes bring the dog into his bedroom and sleep with the dog and he thought that they were almost protecting each other he was protecting the dog but then the presence of the dog was also protecting him and you really truly have got a feel for austin in this particular moment in time because you can just tell by his google searches that his mental health is deteriorating he's becoming extremely confused i think austin at this point realized that something wasn't quite right with himself with his mental health and he was searching for things like how to cope with anxiety how to know if you're going crazy and what does it mean when people sell their soul to the devil in the week leading up to the tragic events of today's case austin has said that his brain was just constantly on it was running all of the time and austin also did truly believe that he had some kind of superpowers austin experienced extreme levels of grandiosity but not only that he also felt completely fearless and because he felt completely fearless his actions his behavior became very reckless he would literally walk into the middle of the road with cars driving here there and everywhere and he thought that he was invincible he felt like he had some kind of force field around him and the cars would just avoid him not only was austin walking out into just busy roads endangering himself his driving as well became very dangerous he was just really reckless he truly thought that he was invincible and he became such a danger to himself and others now i told you random this case is random it does feel like there's just loads of different things and they don't really connect so not only all of this i've just said austin started to believe that he was part animal part dog to be exact whenever he would hear dogs barking he thought that it was souls trapped trying to communicate with him but then at other times he also believed that he was half man half horse and he started to really focus on the fact that he was a sagittarius and the symbol for sagittarius is a centaur and he really thought that he was half man half horse so yeah he's just flip-flopping in between thinking that he's half-man half-dog and half-man half-horse he continued on having racing thoughts very obsessive thoughts he became increasingly distracted and detached from the world and he just became like a lot more talkative which was completely out of character for him but he also had persisted elevated mood levels and these would literally last for long periods of time over 24 hours it's also reported that when austin was experiencing these elevated mood levels that he reported that he needed no sleep and in the week leading up to the events of today's case austin was only getting a maximum of two hours of sleep a night and there is no explanation really for any of this he wasn't taking any substances or anything at all that could explain any of this behavior on the 13th of august just two days before everything goes down austin starts to collect business cards off people because he thinks that by collecting business cards at people he's protecting those people that he has business cards off and somehow he would prevent any harm coming to these people if he had their business cards in his possession and then all of a sudden literally like that he decided that actually by him having these business cards he was convinced that harm would actually come to them he wasn't protecting them like he completely changed his mind and because of this he just tore up the business cards and threw them away and do you guys understand what i mean when i said random about this case because it does just seem like so many just isolated weird incidents happen that don't really link together but they do obviously because it's all in one case so also on the 13th of august austin went out to dinner with his dad and his dad's girlfriend and he was drinking so much water like more than normal like way too much and he thought that the water was from the fountain of youth and that the water would make him younger and his dad noticed that austin was a little bit nervous like anxious he was a bit uptight and his dad tried to convince him to have an alcoholic drink to calm him down to relax him and he was almost pressuring austin to have an alcoholic drink and not only was his dad pressuring him to have an alcoholic drink the waiter clearly the waiter was at the table the waiter was also pressuring austin to have an alcoholic drink but austin didn't have an alcoholic drink he refused and then also at this dinner austin's dad and austin's dad's girlfriend got into a little bit of an argument not really an argument but they fell out in some way and austin offered to drive his dad's girlfriend home austin's dad refused to let him take her home he wouldn't give austin car keys and i think he kind of ended up as almost austin and his dad having a little bit of a confrontation to which austin left dinner he left the restaurant and walked home and austin's behavior on his walk is a little bit bizarre it's very out of character just like everything that's going on right now is very out of character for austin but he starts waving to strangers as if like they know him he also starts talking to a few people just randomly and he talks to homeless people as well and in this particular moment austin fell absolutely incredible he felt invincible and he felt again like he had superpowers and then all of a sudden a street light went off and austin panicked he lost it he spiraled downward so quickly and in his panic he ran to a pizza shop that was very close by because he could see that the lights were on and he ran in there and he asked the customers he asked people in the pizza shop for how and it really does just seem like a light switch no pun intended one minute austin is feeling very confident he feels very powerful almost like he has superpowers and then the next moment like a light switch has been turned on or off he panics and he goes in a downward spiral and he's so stressed and anxious a lot of the time when he is feeling very anxious stressed panicked it is to do with the dark he definitely has something going on with the dark so the next day which is sunday the 14th of august austin goes to a gun show with his dad and at this gun show he does buy a switchblade knife which unfortunately austin would use in a terrible way the very next day and at this point when he's at the gun show he is so scared of everyone and everything and when he's at the gun show he does speak to numerous vendors at the gun show asking them about self-defense asking them how to use the knife asking how to protect himself okay so now it is monday the 15th of august 2016 and very sadly this is the day that everything takes place so austin initially woke up and he was in such a good mood he felt really good about himself and then quite a lot happens on this day so i'm really sorry if it literally feels like we're jumping here there and everywhere but that literally is what happens so first off austin decides to go for a run on the beach but this wasn't your typical run austin again thinks that he is half man half dog and he literally starts running across the beach on all fours like he's a dog and as you can imagine because he is running like this along the beach he is getting quite a lot of attention and then following this beach run he does run over to his dad's house to collect his car that he left there from the previous day and again when he runs over to his dad's house he's just running into busy roads again he thinks that there is a force field around him and that no danger no harm can come to him when austin arrives at his dad's house his dad can immediately tell that something's not right and to be honest i'm like well duh and he tries to convince austin to take a xanax to calm down austin refuses we know how he feels about anything drug alcohol related and his dad is trying to hand him over a bottle of xanax and he takes it off his dad and just throws it onto the ground and austin says that he thinks that the drugs are evil and that they're killing him so then austin asks for his car keys because obviously he initially went over to his dad's house to collect his car but his dad is like uh no i'm not giving you the car keys i mean he can see that his son is going through something and austin doesn't exactly seem like he's in the right state of mind right now to drive and in response to this austin gets on the hood of his dad's car and starts frantically jumping up and down like causing so much commotion causing so much noise pretty much screaming for his dad to give him the car keys and his dad eventually does give in and give him the car keys and to be honest i feel like austin's dad i don't want to jump to conclusions here i don't want to judge um but it does kind of seem like austin's dad is way more concerned about what other people are thinking because austin is obviously creating a scene right now and i think his dad feels a little bit embarrassed and the reason i say that is because there's another little situation that happens later on in the day where i think austin's dad kind of reacts the same okay so now austin has his keys he has his car back and he drives over to one of his frat brothers house because they're having a party there and lots of people are drinking alcohol there's people smoking weed i think those are the drugs at this party but austin doesn't do any of that we know how he feels about all of that but then i don't understand this i really don't because we know that austin doesn't want to consume any drugs alcohol austin then takes a bottle of beer and pours it all over his hand because he says that he needs to feed his hand and that he can absorb the beer through his hand which i don't understand like this whole mindset i mean to be honest i can't understand a lot what's going on in this case it is just all over the place it's so confusing for quite a while now austin has been very against drugs very against alcohol and now all of a sudden he wants to absorb the alcohol through his hand through his skin doesn't make sense okay so that's pretty much it for the party i don't know how long he spent there now he's going out to dinner with his dad and his dad's girlfriend but he doesn't last at the dinner very long because he storms out because he says that he feels trapped and then before austin knew it he had ended up back at his mom's house at his house and he had no recollection of how he got there at this point austin's memory is going in and out he's not really fully conscious a lot of the time like he's not always aware of what's going on so he storms out of the restaurant has no recollection how but somehow he manages to end up at his mom's house and his mom knows that something is up straight away and then out of nowhere just in front of his mom austin picks up a large bottle of cooking oil and starts to drink it oh my god i literally cannot think um i was gonna say i cannot think of anything worse but just wait remember the title of this video but other than that i literally can't think of anything worse drinking cooking oil he said that he needed to drink it because he was thirsty and i truly don't think he realized what he was doing in this situation i don't know what he thought it was but i don't think he thought it was cooking oil so his mom made him stop tried to calm him down and i think she did manage to calm him down a little bit because she ended up taking him back to the restaurant where his dad and his dad's girlfriend were i don't know why they did this i don't know why they thought it was a good idea for austin to stay out i mean i don't know but anyway austin ends up back at the restaurant and his dad is not too happy uh austin has created a little bit of a scene at the restaurant and like i said i think his dad is very concerned with what others think of him and uh they end up in a little bit of a confrontation his dad actually grabs austin's shirt in this little confrontation and austin actually pulls his fist back to punch his dad but he doesn't because he thinks no i'm going to be the bigger person and teach my dad a lesson and austin just leaves the restaurant so now austin has left the restaurant again and he just starts running and again he's running into traffic he's running onto roads and while he is running he does see a dark figure this is obviously not new to austin but austin is completely convinced that this dark figure is going to kill him and he instantly becomes terrified pretty much most of this day he has felt so confident so invincible but now that he's seen this dark figure he feels absolutely petrified and austin starts to run away from this dark figure as he's running away he does see a light coming from a house it's actually coming from a garage and there's actually a man and a woman in this garage the garage door is just open and they're in the garage just relaxing and this man and woman were john and michelle stevens michelle and john stevens were both in their 50s and they had been married for approximately 10 years john had worked as the owner of a landscaping company and michelle had worked in the financial industry they had both retired early and were now living in the affluent area of tequesta just north of palm beach which was where austin lived they have been described as just great people just really nice caring very fun loving people so michelle and john were in the garage they were relaxing they had two chairs just in the garage and they would often sit in the garage and watch tv with the garage door open so they could kind of like say hi to the neighbors because they were quite close and very friendly to everyone and this is what they were doing on the night of the 15th of august 2016 when aston harouf came running into their garage so when austin ran into the garage he was screaming frantically because he was absolutely terrified that this dark figure was going to kill him but of course michelle and john haven't got a clue about any of this they're just sat in their garage watching tv when this 19 year old runs into their garage and starts screaming frantically at them and naturally both michelle and john are terrified themselves and michelle completely freaks out and starts screaming back at austin but when austin sees michelle screaming for some reason in his mind he thinks that michelle is a witch and he is convinced that she is evil too just like that dark figure so in response to austin thinking that michelle is a witch he pulls out his switchblade knife the one that he bought just the day before at the gun show and he starts stabbing michelle he then also turns on john and he also starts stabbing john austin then found a machete in the garage and then starts stabbing both michelle and john with the machete and then at some point it wasn't completely clear when this happened like i don't know if this happened before i don't know if it happened during and i don't know if it happened after the attack but austin found a bottle of liquid in the garage which he believed was alcohol however it wasn't alcohol it was actually a bleach like chemical but of course austin didn't know this in his state of mind he thinks that it's alcohol and austin starts to drink this liquid as if it's alcohol and again it's weird isn't it because for the longest time he's been against alcohol but now he seems to want to drink every single alcohol in sight but this is when jeff fisher comes over to the garage now he is a neighbor of michelle and john and he hears the screaming he hears the attack that is going on and he goes over to see what is going on to see if he can help however austin also starts stabbing jeff and i truly don't know how but jeff managed to get away and i say i truly don't know how because when you find out about his injuries i just don't know how he managed to get away from austin but he somehow managed to escape and he ran home and called please a medical young man beating up a woman across the street either of them injured can you tell from where you are yes there was a girl lying on the ground he beat her up i ran over there i'm bleeding profusely here at the moment okay i don't know what happened can you tell if she's conscious no he does not appear so new i've been stabbed in the back i'm bleeding pretty bad i'm telling you jeff must have been running on adrenaline truly because his injuries were terrible he had been stabbed multiple times he had been stabbed in his head i just i don't know how he managed to escape and i don't know how he managed to keep calm and collected and managed to phone 9-1-1 i mean you guys just heard the 9-1-1 call he does not sound like he has been stabbed multiple times and he's bleeding profusely also at some point austin's mom also called 9-1-1 police department launch record is this chrissy um yes i need to i don't know how to do this my son he's um kind of taken off and i'm concerned about his own safety i was and this is just like a really weird coincidence because austin's mom doesn't actually know about the murder she doesn't know about the attack she doesn't know about anything she actually just phones 9-1-1 because she's concerned about her son and she doesn't know where he is because obviously she dropped him back to the restaurant and i'm sure austin's dad phoned her and told her that austin had stormed out again so that's just a really weird coincidence that austin's mum also called around the same time as the attack the police are shortly arrived from the 991 call that jeff has made and when the police arrive austin is still attacking john and michelle austin has also torn off all of his clothes he is literally just in his underwear and the police could hear austin making animal noises austin was also on the ground bent over the body of john stevens and at this point austin was biting into the flesh of john stevens's face austin was literally eating john's face the police could hear the sound of tearing flesh the police were absolutely horrified i mean that's not something that you see every day and immediately the police rush over to get austin off of john but they couldn't one officer then uses a taser to get austin off and again it didn't work they tried again used a taser and it still didn't work i read i don't know how true this is so take this with a grain of salt but i read that austin was literally ripping the taser things off of him like how these tasers were having zero effect on him i i just don't understand how that's possible another officer tried to punch and kick austin off of john again didn't work they even set a police dog onto austin to try and get him off again it didn't work austin managed somehow to fight the dog off after all of this the police officers that were on the scene have said that austin was exhibiting superhuman strength and yeah he's managed to fight off a dog fight off multiple police officers and tasers are having no effect on him eventually don't know how long it took but eventually four officers along with the dog did manage to get austin off of john and austin says to the police officers quote help me i ate something bad to which the police officer replies what did you eat to which austin replies with humans it's just uh i just i can't little noob and even though the police officers had managed to get austin off of john it was sadly too late for john and michelle they have both suffered extensive injuries they had both been stabbed multiple times austin had also eaten some of both of them and they were very sadly pronounced dead at the scene the neighbor jeff did survive even though he had extensive injuries he had wounds to his lower back he had internal bleeding he had broken fingers and he had also been stabbed in the head and the neck so of course austin is arrested for all of this but he is first taken to the hospital for his injuries and initially the police and the hospital staff thought that he was on drugs because when he arrived at the hospital he was still being very volatile he was still trying to violently attack people that were around him and they had seen other cases of people being on a drug called flacca which i'd never had before and apparently flakker had almost given people superhuman strength as well so very similar to austin but when austin was tested there was absolutely no drugs in his system and austin himself as well had actually sustained a lot of injuries he had cuts to both his hand and his tongue i don't know how he got cuts on his tongue but he did he also had terrible internal injuries from drinking that liquid austin thought that it was alcohol but of course it wasn't it was a bleach-like chemical and it had caused severe damage it had burned his throat his stomach he had kidney and liver failure and he had a lot of internal bleeding he also had blood clots on his brain as well and at one point the hospital staff didn't know if he was going to make it but eventually it was a long recovery but eventually austin did recover two months after the murder austen was charged with the murders of both michelle and john and also the attempted murder of jeff and while austin was awaiting trial a lot of investigations and evaluations were done into austin's state of mind austin was diagnosed with bipolar disorder with psychotic features but as the evaluation was taking place and more was coming out about austen his childhood was also looked into it does seem that austin has been struggling with his mental health from quite a young age we obviously know that he had crippling social anxiety but austin had also suffered with sleep paralysis and this has started from when he was very very young and at times when he was suffering with sleep paralysis austin felt like he couldn't move or talk and he truly believed at some times as well that he was abducted by aliens austin as well has suffered with depression on and off ever since middle school 60 of the time he said that the depression was just caused randomly there was no explanation and then 40 of the time it was always caused by a situational stressor but austin has reported that he didn't feel depressed in the week leading up to the murders austin had also struggled with sleeping when he was in college and in his second semester he had started to take 10 milligrams of melatonin every night to help him sleep but there is no reports that he had taken this in the weeks leading up to the murder it was also quite common for austin to experience quite elevated highs and we know that he was suffering with these in the weeks leading up to the murder however the difference was is before the week leading up to the murder these highs had never really lasted too long maybe like a couple of hours but in the week and the weeks leading up to the murders these elevated moods were lasting for longer periods of time they were lasting for over 24 hours which was something that austen had never experienced before also pretty much every single person around austin had noticed a drastic change austin's personality completely changed literally overnight and as far as i could see from my research there is really no explanation there is no situational stressor nothing in my opinion that points to how this happened on the day of the murder austin's sister haley had offered to go to therapy with austin because she could see that he was struggling and austin actually agreed to go to therapy austin's mom as well was also becoming increasingly concerned about austin's behavior and his character and she also wanted to get austin help so in this case it really does seem like the friends and family around austin were all trying to take proactive steps in helping austin which a lot of the times you don't see in cases like this a lot of the times people try and sweep things under the rug and we've got to remember that austin's mental state did deteriorate rapidly and i don't think anyone could have really predicted that he would have deteriorated as quickly as it did and austin barely has any recollection of the murder at all he only remembers vague details but mostly he recalls just a lot of screaming and being terrified austin has a vague memory of picking up a machete and stabbing a woman he also vaguely remembers biting this woman as well and obviously this is michelle and austin has stated that he remembers believing that he was a dog when he bit michelle that is why i said at the beginning of this video that it's not your typical cannibal case because he has no real recollection of doing it and he also believed that he was a dog when he was biting and eating michelle and john oh that's just so horrible to say isn't it just absolutely horrible he also recalls a man he doesn't know what man this is it could have been jeff it could have been john he vaguely remembers stabbing the man again we don't know which man this is because he stabbed both john and jeff austin has said that he has absolutely no recollection at all about biting john we obviously know that this happened because this is how the police found him and then he doesn't remember anything else the next memory that austin has is waking up in the hospital and austin is still waiting to stand trial his trial hasn't happened yet it has been delayed numerous times because austin has been declared insane so right now austin is deemed unfit to stand trial so we don't actually know if this case will ever go to trial we just we just don't know and in my opinion this is actually a genuine case of insanity i truly believe that austin didn't know what he was doing at the time was wrong i don't think austin really knew what he was doing at all i feel like a lot of the times in cases when insanity comes up sometimes you don't always know like there's always a question mark like are they competent or are they just manipulating everybody but i truly believe in the case of austin this is a genuine case of insanity and i'm not sitting here making excuses for austin i'm not he took two innocent lives away he took michelle and john and my heart goes out to their friends and family because they were taken they were just sat in their garage and now they're not here so yeah this case is a strange one i don't really know what to say because this case has confused the hell out of me i don't like cases like this because i like closure i like answers and i have more questions now than answers because i don't i don't know if i just missed something but there just doesn't seem to be anything in austin's case that could have led him to commit the crimes that he did that would have led him to kill two innocent people and start eating them and i will definitely be keeping an eye on this case because obviously i want to know if it goes to trial but i want to know if more answers come out to possibly explain what happened because there is literally nothing in this case it gives me any sort of answers so please let me know all of your thoughts theories and opinions down below did i miss something like please let me know thank you again to karma for sponsoring today's video if you did want to check out karma i will leave a link in the description box also let me know your k suggestions because i always want to know what you want to hear next and i'll see you in my next video bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Danielle Kirsty
Views: 423,664
Rating: 4.9138031 out of 5
Id: u6tuZRRwzjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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