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If only that cut of meat wasn’t $100.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fatmike88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

But also let’s talk about the stupidest nightmare of a sauce pan.

Melt molten lava cheese in a vessel that has a literal channel AND A HOLE to route the lava back towards your hand? K.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mordantgreen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ive been waiting for this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CruJonesBeRad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dumping cheese whiz on that beautiful sliced prime rib feels like a sin.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/k9krig πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who is going to cook a roast on their gas grill for three hours?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/billihawk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Looks amazing. This is the type of thing that makes me want to get a deli slicer so I can get super thin cuts for it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/allenasm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

They use red ranch, not arby's sauce.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/saucebald πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] it's a big day the boys and i are super excited because we're making the classic arby's beef and cheddar i'm especially excited because it was my idea max is usually the guy to suggest the fast food items and today was me and i sent him a picture and go you want to make this and he was like oh hell yes so show the picture because this is what we're going for and i can't wait we're going to get there by grilling a little prime rib on the uh the grill behind me gonna be so good it's gonna be so good but we have one we have one here haven't opened it up we'd like to compare let's have a look at what we're dealing with shall we let's do it let's do it yes classic beef not beef and cheddar beef and cheddar does it say meat craft on the side what does that even mean meat craft we'll look it up so show the picture let's have the picture on one side and this on the other as i open it up all right ready ready does it look exactly like the picture yeah look there's some beef how sad how sad all right let's have a scope inside before we try it okay well it's sort of an okay amount of roast beef right i have an observation it's a weak-ass little amount of sauce down here and this is their signature sauce whatever that is barbie sauce arby sauce but do you see the way this cheese has that that hard edge yeah it looks like a piece of cheese they use a slice and that's not what i'm imagining i'm imagining they're using oh here we go cheese sauce okay so maybe i'm being too harsh i don't know that does look like a piece that was melted it's just got that edge thing there it was if it was the sauce when it was pressed down it would spread all around to the edges see we spent a lot of time at sandburgers and not not making sure that when there's a sauce it's here if this is your first bite you're getting effed and you're not getting any sauce and the whole thing tastes different so sauce wow there ain't nothing special there let's see this nope boys you want to bite sure there you go boys everybody take a bite try go right there in the middle so you you get the benefit of sauce and roast beef they have a pretty good bite right there a little bit of everything ready they're really weak with that bottom signature sauce of theirs though yeah it's okay the the the cheese sauce is a little weird tasting though yeah max just max just took his of me gonna be so much better than that not bad soft bun yeah bun's nice onion bun so i'm down with that the roast beef by itself is you can get it without sauce super thin lacking in almost everything and nowhere near the color that was promised on that picture that's what pisses me off it's like look how thin it is it's translucent yeah i can see you through it all right so we're quite certain we can do better than that grilling the prime rib is gonna take care a lot of that all right so let's do this let's uh make our seasoning hit the roast beef with it get it on the grill then we can take care of our rb signature sauce and our cheddar you like that boys love it yeah here we go and here's what we're dealing with hello princess prince i don't know a prime roast beef prime prime rib could use any kind of cut you want it's on sale i fell in love and we're going to use this uh there's a little extra fat on here that i don't want not going to touch anything inside of course but the outside has just a little bit so using my new eight-inch sandler cooking guide carving knife coming soon to a thanksgiving table near you and of course it has a signature face on the ass of course because who doesn't want their face on it okay so let's just trim a bit shall we a little bit don't need to take it all off what do we say about fat fat means flavor right and we want that we put it on a t-shirt that's what we did so we'll just get a little bit off a little bit of this extra off and then have a look up here the top is there's a tiny bit we can take off beauteous beauteous maximus and here all right i'm liking what i'm seeing let's get rid of this and if we're okay with everything and i think we are time to season before we get to our roast we're gonna make our seasoning for it we gonna make we're gonna make the seasoning for it we gonna make we gonna make and that will consist of kosher salt decent amount black pepper cracked coarse little onion powder a little garlic powder and last but not least just a little smoked paprika just a little like i don't know what the arby's taste profile is exactly for this so meat so we mix this and then when we're ready for seasoning the seasoning's done next the roast often when you cook a piece of meat like this on a grill even in an oven you use a binder we've done this before in the oven and i've used mustard a little extra flavor holds all the seasoning i'm not using that today i'm using that japanese mayo and you're gonna be okay with it everybody including you max all right so here's how this is gonna happen start at the bottom give it a little goosh and i said are you okay if i use my hands max and max said yeah just like that yeah brush would be better i'm sure everybody's dying to see your hands massage the meat with the mayo before we turn it over season nicely look this is a thick little piece of meat don't max you'd see his face he's like two-year-old back there i don't know okay so this is beautiful let's turn this kid over yes we're gonna lose a little bit of that but it's fine and now we'll continue our mailing and that will look like this all the way down this side here and for anybody that's freaking out thinking this is going to be horrifying well it's only going to be horrifying to people that can't stand mayo but i don't want you to think that it's gonna be like eating gloppy mayo at the end because it absolutely is not you won't even know you'll just know it's freaking delicious did they not see the mayo on the buffalo chicken grilled cheese right so now we start to season very nicely sorry my hands are going to have to get a little bit gross here just for a sec so i can do the ends this side oops beautiful i'm so happy with this okay i'm set that look good yeah right you know what i say let's grill this here's the plan i'm set up for two zone cooking this side is all the way on can't hold my hand there for very long this side is off this is the temperature probe for my fire board that tells me what the internal temperature here is so we're going to move this off for a sec put the roast right here and that will look like this and what this is doing is basically cooking this like an oven right we're using the ambient temperature not direct temp but ambient temperature from the whole thing to heat this guy up take this kid and put him back in here i want to be approximately 450 degrees for 20 minutes or so then we're going to turn it down to 350 and let it lift there until it's done and an internal temperature of about 130 so we'll shut the lid and we'll let it start to happen all right so it's been uh it's been like 10 minutes and we're somewhere around the mid 400s i'm going to turn it down i didn't mean to do that remember what i said i just want everybody to share on this side of the heat coming right there so we'll give it another 10 minutes and then we're going to lower the temperature to 350. all right turn our buddy again this time we're going to go this way now we're just going to do this throughout the cooking time but right now i'm going to throw another probe in so i get a sense of the temperature so gentle pressure it's like the doctor doing a rectal exam all right take a little deep breath in and you'll feel a little pressure there there we go nice so now this will start registering i could have put it in right away of course you can see i'm losing temperature inside rapidly because the lid's open and this guy's at 77 degrees so we'll close her up we'll let it do its thing and we'll continue to turn and turn because it's an indirect situation we're going to end up having to turn that roast from here to here to here to here like every half hour or so i just want it to cook completely evenly because one side is facing that heat i want to give all the sides a chance to face that heat it's probably three hours that's a slightly more than three pounds let's call that three and a half pound it's probably going to be two and a half to three hours to get to 130 degrees in the meantime uh we have two sauces to make it is the arby's beef and cheddar you know cheddar will be involved and there's a sauce on the bottom that we got to get to so let's do that now and then we can just sit back and wait for the magic and the first one is the the arby's sauce so let's have a look at what we're dealing with shall we i mean i think it's like a thin ketchup but huh it's a lighter ketchup if anything right i think it's a little more vinegary if i recall am i right yeah what is that flavor though what is that flavor rice vinegar no do you tell me do you want to try the thing well so i've got garlic powder here looser that's what it is good palette max really good he's got a good palette so let's do this we're gonna give it a little ketchup that's what we're going for that i guess i need to make more right because i don't want to be cheap with it like them so there's absolutely worcestershire in here but this actually kind of lightened it somehow didn't it so this is too thick i think this needs you haven't put anything yet no i was thinking i might do water too but tiny bit [Music] still looks too thick doesn't it it does okay a little splash of water then this might be it not exactly in color but then it's pretty damn close that pack it is pretty close actually that packet says tomato paste so it's pretty good let's just thin it a bit no no maybe not no i think that's it yeah that's pretty good you want to taste it mr mr good palette i think it could use a little more vinegar really it's a little more sweet than than that one and the consistency is oh no that one's thicker that's what i'm saying all right so then it's good it's very easy i don't think it needs more vinegar okay you asking me anyway i don't know because because you're an apple all right uh cheese let's go to the evil for this one so this to me has always been one thing cheese whiz well a couple things but the main component i think is going to be cheese whiz so let's give it this this is going to have to thin out a bit i have some milk at the ready i'm gonna go with a tiny pinch of salt like that a little bit of garlic powder i think i need a little splooch of milk to get it where i want it that is so annoying why did i use a metal spoon wow it's looking beautiful [Music] it's certainly a bit more smooth than the first mexican cheese all right so let's just have a little taste of this i've got some shredded cheddar i'm gonna put a little bit in i feel like i want the flavor to be just a little more intense what is that like two tablespoons right i just want it to be cheesier and the addition of the milk started to thin it out a bit taste wise and i didn't want that yeah those little pieces will melt in and this is gonna be great all right i think we're good here max loves that you love that so much that super sexy brow wow not ready yet we're at 110 degrees like 20 degrees to go time to turn them again though just like that don't fall don't fall don't fall okay good thank you all right we want to keep the lid shut because the heat will stay in but we're almost there well it was 130 and max took too long to get his camera it's now 131 but it's perfect and we're going to yank it alrighty then so i'll take this kit out this can now come off and this guy i'm just gonna put on here quick cover loose tent 20 minutes we'll be back all right there's our kid look at him is that beautiful or what see the crust yeah and we cooked it on the grill yeah and it just takes that indirect style ladies and gentlemen not on the hot side but benefiting from the hot side so let's cut some and see how we've done you know the outside piece always goes for those that like it a little bit more well done and by oh boy me me yeah so the goal here is me super thin oh my gosh super thin slices that's why we got the carving knife that's why we have the sandler cooking guy eight inch carving knife wow wow wow look at that that's what this is meant to be and again everybody i cannot stress enough that cooking this way moving the meat around helps you get what you i believe so crave this wall to wall top to bottom end to end beautiful same color okay a couple more and then we're going to assemble who's ready to assemble yeah and we build all right okay come on that is as pretty as a picture damn hell and damn all right so it's gonna look like this we start with our onion bun just like they do i've toasted it uh i don't know if they did but i toasted mine because i like this little textural difference and now our arby's signature sauce on the bottom that we think is pretty darn close to what they did and by the way spread out much nicer than theirs was and now a little pile of our roast beef and by little pile i mean much more than they used closer to what the picture looks like so you take your pile mother may i like that that looks like their picture am i right okay now the hard part max and our cheese sauce looks like this oh hey now come on buddy wow everything i do is for max for max's damn picture and then the lid oh all right get out of the way everybody let me take his picture okay so let's just remember the picture max show the picture that we built from so there's the picture here's the real thing that we made and here's what we ordered that was delivered could you put all three on the screen i can the picture the real and what came now i get that when things are delivered it's a little different but hello at least compare this to their picture it's what what world are they working in it's like they went all right sandwiches ready can you get me that flattening we want to make sure they can't see anything on the inside and once again okay i can't even brown i can't even do it all right i need a bite let's do this all right i'm having a bite i'm going in i'm going in big because i want a big bite and this ladies and gentlemen will be my bite right here that ladies and gentlemen is a beef and cheddar okay so for a young viewer at home timmy we have the meats in a very big way my friend all right everybody thanks for being here hanging uh subscribing thank you we love you all what's what do we need to tell them what do they need to know the xylis garlic press thing is about to go down hard and you're going to like it but only for subscribers and then some other cool stuff we can't even yeah honestly remember right now but thanks get on it sparky get on it yeah me yeah we got them is it we have the meats we got the meat we got the meats we have the meats or is it we got the meats we have beth is it we have or we got the meats we've got the meats quick look we have the meat just a little more intense can you grab the battery chansey yeah much better yes you can take the camera off me now down there here you go i take my ear air pods put them in my phone i'd say half the time says connected chances ear pods and what's the key taking your time cooking a nice piece of roast beef the right way on the grill letting you get the colors that all that was all just i just said there forget that pick it up yeah you
Views: 588,621
Rating: 4.9332829 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, arby's, arby's sam the cooking guy, arby's sam the cooking guy beef n cheddar, beef n cheddar, arby's beef, sam the cooking guy arby's beef, sam the cooking guy beef n cheddar, Beef 'n Cheddar, classic beef 'n cheddar, beef 'n cheddar sam the cooking guy, arby's beef 'n cheddar, sam the cooking guy cheddar, sam the cooking guy beef 'n cheddar, sam the cooking guy homemade, arby's homemade, homemade beef 'n cheddar
Id: T4j3zjcYJZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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