Making The Arby's Beef 'N Cheddar At Home | But Better

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okay so we've already done their curly fries you've seen it and we conquered now i think our next point of interest is gonna be the main event [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so today we're making the arby's beef and cheddar welcome back to but better it's been a while since i've welcomed you back so i just wanna welcome you back i wanna welcome you back you know papa love you and he miss you and think about you every day go to sleep i think about you wake up i think about you what i've been really thinking about is this beefy sandwich long story short it's a beef sandwich it's comprised of an onion bun thinly sliced roast beef and a cheese sauce and sometimes zesty rant or what is it called it's called like red ranch whatever with all its head let's make this shall we there it is look it's a bit you know for the longest time i didn't know what the hell that shape was until i realized it was a hat or is it a boot what is that it's just a big hat where does beef sandwiches correlate with a big hat thank you for children rv for a moment please hey excuse me yep you said something i'm sorry about the way can we do a beef and cheddar sandwich thank you so much this is the most emotionally draining toxic experience in a drive-through i'm not trying to like play up how bad it is we pull up we wait 15 minutes they're like done i feel bad for the people in the restaurant i have heart for people that work in restaurants i know what they go through but then i was annoyed and then that guy whips his truck around his kid is crying so he obviously took it out on his kid and then he like pulls up and he's like the manager didn't even do anything let's go home and eat the sandwich okay so we have the bag it's our commitment to serve refresh and delight every guest they have a truly delicious experience when have you ever gone into an arby's and you're like god this was an experience if your food or experience did not dela you'd be happy to make your bread well arby's i hope you can make it right the classic beef and cheddar this is flatter than i imagined it you want to eat that come on no what is that i just smell bread i'm not saying it's bad it's just not good the meat itself tastes nice because it's salted and i'm pretty sure there's a lot of msg involved but you can you can go so much better the cheese sauce that's just not cheese and then the bun gum gummy i know vikram likes that word gummy maybe it's better with the rv sauce okay it helps um mask the lackluster flavor that this is long story short look is this the worst sandwich that i've had no but it is much lesser than what it could be so let's make it right all right there are many layers to this sandwich and it deserves the justice of making each puzzle piece with excellence first up let's talk about those onion buns now before we even make our buns let's get two medium sized sweet onions cut their tops off slice them in half then give them a good old medium dice like so then all you need to do is caramelize them in a pan which you'll do by melting a couple tablespoons of butter over medium heat in a medium saucepan add in your onions season it with salt and a small pinch of sugar stir together then add a lid and cook those while stirring intermittently until they're nice and caramelized about 45 minutes from there you'll need one and a quarter cup or 295 grams of water at around 100 degrees fahrenheit or 37 degrees celsius mix in one tablespoon or 12 grams of instant yeast set that to the side then in the bowl of a stand mixer combine three and three quarters of a cup or 612 grams of bread flour and two teaspoons or 14 grams of fine sea salt mix it together till combined then place it on your stand mixer and begin mixing with the dough spiral thingy on low speed then add all of your yeast water plus two whole eggs which are well ideally room temp then let that mix for five minutes or until nicely incorporated and you've got a smooth little mini then one tablespoon at a time add three tablespoons or 42 grams of unsalted softened butter continue to mix on medium-low speed until thoroughly combined smooth and beautiful now you can add your cooled caramelized onions if you put them in while they're hot then well i'm gonna have to i don't know like give you a spanking or something just don't do it make sure they're cool anyway once it's nice and incorporated place in a greased bowl cover it with plastic wrap and let it rise at room temp for one hour or till chubby like this as usual you know you've given it life and then you're just gonna punch it back down then divide into eight even pieces which should be around 110 to 130 grams each if you want to be you know real precise like me then take a piece of dough fold it together and shape them into balls the same way that we literally do in all of my videos with buns you know we should all be accustomed by now place this on a baking sheet one with parchment paper cover it with another sheet and proof for 25 minutes at room temperature then give each bun a nice brushing with egg wash optionally top them with everything bagel seasoning then toss them in an oven set to 375 fahrenheit for 15 to 18 minutes or till beautifully golden brown like this then just finish them by brushing them with melted butter and those are some real buns now let's see who really has the meats it's uh it's me i have the meats daddy's meat here we have a gorgeous eight pound prime rib roast to prep this chunky filler you're gonna need half a cup or 50 grams of finely ground high quality coffee mix that together with three tablespoons or 28 grams of kosher salt and a generous amount of fresh ground black pepper and i mean generous now snag your roast rub it down generously with your seasoning you'll have plenty left over so just you know save it and use it later you're welcome now from here you can either let it rest at room temp for about one and a half hours with the seasoning or place it in the fridge overnight before cooking now to cook this bad boy line a roasting pan with tons of fresh rosemary some halved shallots and any other aromatics you'd like to add i applied some coriander seeds and various other things to perfume the beef now finally place your beef onto the aromatic garden of eden you just laid toss it into an oven set to 450 fahrenheit or 2 30 celsius for 15 minutes then immediately drop the temperature to 325 fahrenheit or 162 celsius and roast for 11 minutes per pound around one and a half hours for this one or until the internal temperature reaches 120 fahrenheit or 48 degrees celsius then let it rest for at least 20 minutes minimum to keep it extra moist now while that beef is resting you're gonna make your arby's sauce simply combine one cup or 311 grams of ketchup we got a lacto fermented ketchup you could use just go watch it 3 tablespoons or 45 grams of hot sauce 1 tablespoon or 16 grams of brown sugar 2 teaspoons or 8 grams of garlic powder 1 tablespoon or 12 grams of worcestershire sauce sauce 1.5 tablespoons or 19 grams of water whisk all that together then place in the stove bring to a simmer over medium heat and let that reduce for about five minutes and take it off the heat and well that's it you know it tastes surprisingly similar to arby's sauce but with flavor now one last thing cheese sauce get a small sauce pot heat two tablespoons or 28 grams of unsalted butter over medium heat till completely melted then add two tablespoons or 23 grams of all-purpose flour whisk together and cook for about 30 seconds then slowly whisk in one cup or 240 milliliters of whole milk keep heating and whisking until that thickens then add one and a half cups or 135 grams of shredded cheddar cheese turn off the heat keep whisking until completely melted and velvety smooth season that bad boy to taste with salt and pepper and we're ready to assemble so obviously get yourself a bun you cut it in half and toast it beautifully you guys know how important good toasted bread is to me okay don't make papa cry then slice your beef as thinly as you can the thinner you can go the better but you know it does get more difficult the more you slice now on the bottom of your toasted bun apply a generous layer of your rb sauce gently layer your beef onto your bun almost sort of folding it on top of itself for that iconic look add a generous spoonful or two of your cheese sauce and crown your king for what i believe to be one of the most beautiful beef sandwiches i think i've ever made now it's time to put that beauty to the test i mean first off we folded our meat we'll let us be for ourselves for it we'll let it speak for itself this is one of those sandwiches you know we're like the first bite the meat is just so tender and juicy and meaty like it should be it's not like turkey breast that's beef flavored you take a bite and you're just floating away and i don't even know just it's just so juicy and good not only do we have the folds in our meat and we folded our bees oh man i mean i have my verdict but i think we're gonna need somebody to come in and taste testing you they're so cute thank you oh man for the man baby challenge we'll be dodging what we're dodging stuff this time vikram doesn't know what it is great babe the challenge that we're gonna be doing then get out i don't know why we did that your trophy yay so i'm gonna give you a sandwich and you're going to eat the sandwich okay sandwich number one yeah that's all you gotta do i'm gonna give you the second sandwich and then you good job he found his mouth without a doubt josh this one's yours this one's better yeah you know this one the first one tastes tastes like school lunch i was like where am i right now and it felt like the sixth grade all over again that was very good we win yet again right now the thing is at the end of the day the deliciousness factor is up here but then they make you sleepy either way one way or another we have the meats okay if there's anyone that has the meats it is us you got folded but better we win again but do you want to know what else is beefy moist and covered with cheese oh god [Music] all b-roll guys and that is it so we made arby's beef and cheddar sandwich this is the best rendition that i think that there could possibly be it is a beautiful homemade baked sort of brioche style caramelized onion everything bagel seasoning you have slow roasted prime rib on the inside come on cheese sauce i decided not to go with the red ranch and decided to go with a sort of arby's sauce because i don't fully understand or respect or i just don't like the idea of red ranch i'm sorry i'm just not going to do that right now if there's an overwhelming response for it then we'll do it but for the time being we're going to do our sauce that doesn't mean we're done with arby's long story short i think we did a beautiful job here so with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 2,806,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arby's, arbys, beef and cheddar, beef n cheddar, beef and cheddar sandwich, arbys beef n cheddar, easy beef sandwich, beef sandwich recipe, prime rib recipe, how to make prime rib, prime rib roast, cheese sauce, homemade cheese sauce, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, sat bawl pro, arbys roast beef, roast beef sandwich, arby's but better, gourmet arby's, joshua weissman arby's, josh weissman, gourmet fast food, arby's roast beef sandwich, fast food
Id: 8ZzWd9HNXnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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