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I nominate my dad, Ernest Forey. He is 91 years young. He has outlived 2 wives. He took care of my mom & stepmom when they were I'll. He cleaned , cooked & nurtured them till the end, surprising everyone because when I was young, the only thing he knew how to do was boil a wiener.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/jerryjef 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I nominate my boyfriend Scott Cooper, grill master at my house! Outstanding father and cook in need of a new grill badly! Btw crab is my favorite and those look badass! Recently started watching your YouTube channel and I think your cooking style is spot on! I will be doing your rib recipe for the 4th, so excited! Keep up the good work,love your personality! I hope this is the correct way to enter for grill, although idk how I will know if I win???

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Firefly109_ 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thank you! They didn't make it clear how to for us technology challenged lol..

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Firefly109_ 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
is this one of the world's easiest and most impressive appetizers I think so [Music] last year max and I went to Japan shot all kinds of great stuff if you haven't watched those videos you should we spent a couple days in Osaka generally considered Japan's kitchen and a tremendous street food one of the things we had were crab legs cooked simply over charcoal o-m-g they were tremendous how good I felt like we got a couple small dinky pieces but when you got to like a decent piece of crab meat nothing better nothing better so we we thought we'd do that today for you and here's what we're starting with ready boom Giants king crab legs from Costco and I know they're 53 dollars and maybe this isn't something you do all the time but the difference between these big-ass thick guys and the thin crappy ones you get in the supermarket it's dramatic that's what she said you know if there was an award for overuse of that's what she said dude you would get it all right all right can we just take a look at these guys please two pounds meaning each one of these are roughly 1 pound of gorgeous king crab and now you know it comes already cooked so really you could eat it like this but we want to make these so much better max don't we so let's just get these guys prepped and then we'll take care of our butter and then we'll go to the charcoal so yes Maxie I could just take this and throw it on just like that and that would be fine but I like to make a couple small changes to this first and then we'll get to that part so I'm gonna separate these into three pieces one will be right here it's gonna come up get this guy off let's go let's go out there's a beautiful piece beautiful piece here beautiful piece here let's do this so now these weird pieces I don't like they're not gonna harm anybody I like to take them off so we got this guy we got this guy we've got this guy same thing on this side I'll continue here oh you know it's gonna come out of this it's gonna be insane so here's the thing he said anally wiping up crab juice we could throw them on like this but I like to give them a little help I like to open them up a bit so some of the meat itself starts to get some beautiful color and flavor on it so if you take one of these guys I think the easiest is come right down here where this piece starts and then just gonna cut up the middle on top of the crab so I'm not cutting through the crab really see what's in there damn that's pretty stuff right I'll just open the guy up a bit this one same thing remember just like this underneath this is all going to benefit this guy when it's on the grill I don't want to put these gorgeous pieces right on but I do want to open it up so some of the butter and nonsense is gonna go in there these guys could do the same thing see how we go here open up a bit look turn this into a dinner turn it into an appetizer I think it's a really fun thing to do when you're gonna be at the girl anyways get these guys happening and make your night really delicious you're standing at the grill cooking you might as well throw some of these on these big guys they can just go on by themselves I think they're gonna be fine these are the knuckles huge ass knuckles normally when I would make this I would just throw a couple sticks of butter in a little pot and melt it throw some other spin mix it around paint it on these guys and throw them on the flame want to try something different today today I'm using D g GH EE so think clarified butter in that the milk solids have been removed it's just a different process but essentially the same thing if you open this up and smell this it smells to meet somebody smell this both of you it smells like like like popcorn butter Wow so if you wanted to make like some very fancy pretty little dipping butter without all the white foamy clumpy milk solids you could clarify your butter let it all melt it will settle milk solids form on the top then more sit at the bottom and pour off the clear stuff until the bottom white starts to come up or you could buy G you get to the same place honestly a lot easier and I now know a lot of people that are cooking steaks and cast-iron pans using ghee instead of oil and stuff like that so here's we're gonna do this could be as simple as just the butter or as just a little bit more complicated by putting any three or four other things in like I like to do so we'll start with the ghee okay and lovely I've got a couple cloves of garlic I'm just gonna smash my knife peel come on of course this guy's gonna be difficult get all the paper off just get this little button Ching off give one more hit and throw this guy and it's actually big enough I'm just gonna go with him I don't need little pieces of garlic I like a little heat so I'm going to put in a little chili powder I think it goes really well with the crab and of course some salt and pepper not too much now this will start to melt melt melt that's melting already give it a little stir break the guy up of that giant clove of garlic it's gonna do amazing things in here so let it melt keep it very low in the heat for you know ten minutes or so to let the garlic start to infuse in this deliciousness and then we'll paint it and we'll grill it in the meantime we can go tend to our fire alright our charcoal is ready and our chimney just like we did the other day for the ribs and beautiful and it goes I'll put the grate on put the lid down let that get hot for a sec I'll grab the crab so we're ready here's what we're gonna do open this guy up that's nice before they go on I want to give them some color and some of this butter goodness all the way around especially in these split parts a little here put all the way and when they go and then just repeat oh just this butter smell so far it's kind of insane and then the idea that it's getting inside the shells start to work its way down to the crabmeat and now the knuckles we're calling them that terrible word that's what it is it's a knuckle your knuckle knuckle yeah nuts not an honor track we're tall it is totally know when you add head so your goal nail is this I'm going to say maybe five minutes aside for these guys I can smell can you smell already what's going on here yeah oh my god this is gonna be glorious and the fun part is that you get to eat with your hands pulling the crab meat Oh dipping it maybe in more butter all of this is fantastic to take advantage of the charcoal properly let's close the lid we'll let it just live in there in that little cave of delicious smoke and we'll come back every couple minutes and look at it and turn it and love it it admire it and pray to it okay maybe not pray but you know and I love that when the smoke comes out I love it so let's give these guys a little more buttery love now that was weird hey fellas cut that out we'll turn everybody well I don't want all that happening so now everybody's got to go around the outside easy son easy look what's happening here check this out look at this guy opening up that piece in there that's just a giant ass beautiful piece of crab meat Wow you know not to mention forget the fact that this is gonna be delicious but just standing here cooking this is making me happy and then try to keep it out of direct flame a little bits okay but mother mae-eye oh my god and at the right moment at the right time you take our friends off the Max's favorite part the knuckles do you know what your gorgeousness is in those and oh oh come on buddy it's come back there you go it's a mess it's a crab fest it's a frickin crab fest on there hot but I'll tell you something cutting these guys early let you do this now that's you open one you guys it's about to come out of here I hate you are oh my God look at that this guy oh my God look it and then these guys but that's the fun part is working on this getting the meat out of all these things and your favorite part max the knuckle the knuckle takes a little bit of work just the knuckle takes a little bit of work but it's all doable and look in here just big beautiful pieces of crab I mean come on it's again the fun part I think he's getting it out use your hands have a good time wear a bib make a mess it's all good but now I need a bite so I I suppose I should have just pick up this pick it's that feels like a pound oh my god I've never had as big a beautiful piece of the crab meat in my hand I never have let's just give it one more little dunk I don't have words the natural sweetness from the crab is fully enhanced by the butter but the garlic is a nice little note the chili powder is not overwhelming I'm not tasting butter I'm not tasting chili I'm not tasting garlic I'm tasting crab beautifully enhanced by those beautifully I feel like a glutton like King Henry the eighth bring me more crab now holy Sh I'm gonna say goodbye but before I do and I won't make a big deal about it just remember if this is 2020 when you're watching this and it's before June 20th at midnight you still have time to nominate somebody for our Father's Day Giveaway of the Sam the cooking guy exclusive evo professional wheeled cart that's all goodbye make the crowd [Applause]
Views: 550,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: king crab, crab legs, giant king crab, giant crab legs, sam the cooking guy, buttery crab, buttery grilled crab, grilled crab, sam the cooking guy crab, sam the cooking guy buttery crab, sam the cooking guy grilled, cooking crab, cooking buttery crab
Id: H40-PrkkLa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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