Fort Mill Spirit School Session One - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] going to abort this next move it's not going to be aborted because we're going to be full of the wisdom and understanding that will cause you to carry it and so I have to tell you a couple of things right off the bat God is more concerned about your company about your character than he is your comfort so a lot of times you go through things but it's so that you get in to the place where you can carry to a generation and it's not just the gifts of the Spirit it's not just one thing it's the whole table that God sets before you and in this last day I saw that if I came back that I could actually help what needs to be done now when before I had this incident in the operating room I was a strong Christian and I've been walking with the Lord 15 years and I've had a visitation of Jesus he called me to the Ministry when I was 10 years old I got saved when I was 19 little backwards there but you know God will do stuff like that Paul said he was set apart as an apostle since birth but he was killing Christians up until a certain point you know but he he finally got with the system right and so that's the way it is with us we're gonna get with it but how that happens is you got to understand what you're going through it might you might it might look like the enemy it looks like hardship it looks like lack it looks like all these different things but there is a turning point and I want to talk to you about this this weekend when it's called it's rigged in your favor and I've been waiting a long time to release this particular book that's coming out and I brought just just a hundred fifty copies I believe I just got them from my publisher it won't be released until January but I bought I brought five boxes full for anybody that would want that book early it's not on Amazon it's just in pre-sale now but I got you got to study guide which was made the book and the bottom line is is that the Spirit of the Lord is really willing at this point - he's already started the next move it actually started a couple years ago and he told me at the end of this in January of this coming year that everyone else would start to realize it and jump in but he told me not to not to wait so I began the ministry three years ago and the reason I did is because I saw that what is lacking in Christianity is just we just have a misunderstanding it's just a misunderstanding but it leaves us powerless and I don't want to have a form of godliness but denying pod and you know as you know a lot of us just like a lot of us have here a lot of us could be doing other things and making a lot of money and being very successful at our careers and things like that we could have chosen another path is what I'm trying to say but God has his way with us and he tells us to do certain things and I saw that God's heart was is that if we synchronized with heaven and his plan for life that we would encounter favor but if we didn't it was like we were just it was random but see in heaven I saw that it was not supposed to be random down here and I'm really against randomness because that's what Las Vegas believes and they believed they believed in in the odds but see they've they've messed with the odds so that you don't win and it's the same way with the debt system here in this in this country and in the way the world operates the debt system is fixed so that you never win is everybody here and don't worry about it every one of you'll be offended by the time I'm done because see I'm not manipulated by anybody and I'm not manipulated by money or or even the Christian mafia I'm not a manipulated by anybody I don't pay to play I'm telling you you know this is what you get I'm Kevin I'm not even a possible or a super apostle just Kevin and I'm and and I know some things that neat that are necessary to care this next move of God so that we can have the harvest come in and the thing that is this was just a misunderstanding about the ways of God and so you understand that that it was spoken of in the Book of Psalms it says that that Israel saw God's acts but Moses knew his ways and and I saw when different experiences I've had and I didn't pray for these I've never asked for an experience I've never asked for a visitation I don't understand that and it's really if you think it's not fair you're right it's not fair but favor is not fair and sometimes God just chooses somebody in a generation to carry a torch through that generation because the fires in the altar in heaven are always burning and it needs to burn down here and he just needs a couple brave men and women that are crazy enough to carry a fire and not care about what people think though you have to get to this way so I believe I was sent back as a sign in a wonder because I don't I've plow saddled diagonally through everybody's field I don't stay in the lines I don't color in the lines I don't seem to stay in there but Jesus didn't either and his personality I saw that he has ways of the things that he likes so Israel was sat and watched fireworks you know watched a mountain burned and watched all these things happen but Moses chose to go up with God and Moses learned his ways and so this weekend I want to give you a perspective just like it says in the passion translation in Romans 8 it says that the mindset of the Spirit is against the mindset of the flesh and they war against each other because they don't agree they have different agenda ok so what I'm what I'm dealing with down here is I'm dealing with agenda of government's agenda of countries of agenda of people agenda of Christians and I I know what God's heart is his ways the way he does things his path ways he's chosen certain things because he likes certain things so whatever God doesn't like I don't like either and what he hates I take note of that and what he marvels at which was the only marvel to two people in the Bible what and they were both outside the Covenant one was a Centurion and one was a Samaritan woman and both of them impressed him that he had never found them that kind of faith in Israel which is who he was sent to right okay so you can understand that I want to focus on what Jesus marvels at what is he like because he does have things he likes and the Father there's a certain way he likes things because you're not going to go up in the throne and tell him to move furniture around you're not gonna tell him you know the Seraphim don't need six wings you're gonna you're not gonna tell him these things he has certain things the way he does and he had meetings about your life before you were born and you weren't invited and he wrote books about you according to Psalms 139 16 a book was written about you before you were even in existence each one of your days was written in a book these things are the truth and as Christians we need to adhere to what the Word of God says and these kind of things the the Bible was written for anybody to understand children can understand the Bible just as well as adults so the misunderstanding is is that God is more powerful than you know and he's able well able to do what you can keep what you've committed to him until that day he's 1 teen he's wanting overthrow in your life and you just want breakthrough and so I was sent back to speak these kind of things to everybody and it's kind of fun because see I don't want you to just break through I want your character to go into overthrow so your character means it means you you want to go to the high places and tear him down oh boy silent do you see that it's like okay I heard clicking of heels there's no place like home there's no place like home okay so we just came back we were in Switzerland was anybody in Switzerland with us I know there were I see a lot of familiar faces yeah and Australia anybody in Australia we just got back from that Monday huh nobody in Australia okay well the fire-god was so strong in Switzerland I preached 25 times there were three let's see there were two hour sessions each so it's 50 hours for conferences in two weeks the fire of God was so strong I preached listen did I did I say that that I can I could say this I what those those messages I preached has 25 messages I have never preached before ever it totally he hijacked my my whole conference so every conference I had to speak on all this new material because I didn't think I thought it would be at least another year but he released me to do it in Switzerland and they think they're neutral but they're not neutral anymore do you get it okay so then when we went to Australia it just continued and he hijacked I I did one on supernatural provision there for Kingdom for the kingdom Advancement you know getting this wrapped up so we can get on into heaven and I wanted I wanted to teach on Supernatural finances and so the Lord said no you're going to continue one so I did another so it's a 10 volume set that will be coming out called the notes of a warrior from Switzerland there's another five volume set it'll be in a you know after that so he's 15 volumes of things that that I've never spoken on before it all has to do with you it all has to do with tools to get you to the place where you need to be so that we can wrap this up and everybody's waiting for a leader everybody's waiting for someone to lead them and mentor them and the thing that was is I had nobody I I had to do this myself because my church needed help my pastor needed help everybody needed help but it's like I just I thought well if everybody needs help what about me so like I would go I would go at my own expense and speak I would buy my own equipment whatever I needed I would just go work extra me and my wife works all the time we work full-time and overtime and because we believed in what God was gonna do but then when he told me I got on I got on TBN and then I went to Sid Roth and after the show Sid took me to breakfast and he said to me he said congratulations you'll be out of your job in 30 days you're gonna be pushed out I go what do you mean by that he goes there's no way he said he said you have no idea do you and I go no because I've been walking than this for years he goes where have you been I go on an airplane he said this is what we need and I said well I've been waiting in because I'm not going to push myself forward so what is my wife here where's Kathy did she go to the airport or was you where is he there was my wife oh that's okay if she's working she's already heard all this okay I'm trying to tell you I'm trying to tell you to lay the groundwork for how this all happened to me so that you can know that you've been chosen to be here because I pray for everybody and everything and I I don't take no for an answer if you're here you know I don't care like I'm gonna give an altar call for witches in a minute because they actually come to the meetings to disrupt them so I'm gonna be given it so just so you know which is if you're here you got a couple minutes to get things right and repent because you're gonna lose your familiar spirit your invisible friend is leaving and you're not gonna be able to operate it anymore oh yeah no you just wait you just wait this wait they come that they come to almost every meeting but they can't operate in this room and they're not used to that kind of thing which is said I want meetings where witches can't stay here or demons that witches have to repent to come up here and the demons have to go out that way that's the way church should be that's why it was with Jesus I mean what have we done to what he has started well Paul said have to the the Galatians he said it he said are you gonna finish in the flesh what we started in the spirit you know who's bewitched you who's put a curse on you by from a witch that who's cut in and and and and ruined your stride that you had you were doing so well that's where we're at right now so anyway my wife and I we we started we started having prayer meetings on our own you want to know why because we in it I hope I offend a couple people here anyway okay we we had to pray to ours in tongues just so we could go to our church prayer meeting or and then it got to where I would have to pray in tongues just to go to church and I like what is wrong with me why am I so grieved all the time you know it started in college I just got saved I walked away from the Air Force Academy nomination and I found myself in Bible College and I sat there I'm only six months in the Lord and I'm thinking I gave up Jets for this because it was like they were talking about way it used to be when they're dumb and domination denominations started and I'm thinking well what about now because I just gave up an f-16 with my name on it and you know so you you know the story I'm not going to get into that but the thing that was is I wondered why when I met Jesus that I realized I really didn't know him like I should and that he was much more than what I had gathered about him through my fasting praying in tongues praying in English reading my Bible all the stuff I went through the stuff which is undefinable to me that I went through stuff that I still can't even explain and I would tell Lord Lord I don't know if we'll ever know what just happened you know because I didn't have any way of knowing but all hell was Unleashed against me for years not just days or hours for years and it seemed like the more that I did so me my wife would start praying and it just got to be where the power God was stronger in our house than anywhere we would go and with my job I would go and I would walk back through the airplane before he took off to make sure everybody was secure and that the flight attendants were secure and people that had demons would start crying out to me and swearing and threatening me and you can't do that in this country you can't do that kind of thing cause you'll never fly again and essentially essentially what happened was the end of it was is it it took eight police officers to take fifteen people off they had to carry a Lamaze screaming and they were threatening to kill me the whole time and all I did was just I was just I wasn't even doing warfare tongs I was praying to myself you know quietly like I do all the time I just praying in tongues so I did an experiment well anyway I called my wife and I said I think I'm gonna have to quit this getting too hot because I what people I walked down the alley people start laughing and they're not saved they start crying they were not saved they're like every time you walk by it we can't even help it what is on you and they're not saved and then I get back to and to the demons section and then you know do you understand what I'm saying I'm a normal person just like you but what happened was I got overwhelmed so God's realm started to like come in and I started I started to encounter the other realm while I was in this realm and I guess we just prayed ourselves into it but we fought Devils like we were somebody big and popular Christianity but we were nobodies and we didn't want to be anybody we just we just wanted to function as a Christian and we you know in business and you know and and you know etc okay so this is this is what happened I called my wife and I said I think I'm gonna have to quit I just took it just took eight officers to pull off 15 people and this had happened several times you know over the years but I noticed that if I wouldn't pray in tongues the night before because I would pray in tongues in my hotel room for four hours a night because I was this was not my assignment for permanently I was oh I was I left the ministry when I finished college I was asked to stay with the ministry and then the Lord told me to go to Southwest Airlines I didn't want to go and I thought is gonna be a pilot and they heat the Lord told me to be a flight and I'm like you know you're having a bad day God you need to you know you gotta be kidding me because I like you know I like a cockpit with just another person and talking to a controller and everything's fine but you start adding people to the equation I break out in a rash you know it's like I get real uncomfortable you know and you wouldn't even know that by the way I am now but I mean for 30 years god ground that out of me I was exposed to people and you know seeing them at their worst because they're out of control that they're relying on a pilot you know to fly them somewhere and you know there you have no control in an airplane you you got to submit you got to like let you you know you got to trust someone else but think of that and um you know we're just not we're not we're not comfortable with that so the the the I told my wife I think it's about time and I told her this is what I told her this was three years before I wrote a book I told her I said I have to write this book and I don't want to write the book it's called heavenly visitation and when Simon and Schuster and Sony found out about it they did negotiations to make a movie and then do the book but then they started controlled me and say well you can't talk about tongues because you're gonna lose a lot of people we won't sell books and I'm like forget it so an angel actually appeared to me and told me that God had given me this book and that I was not allowed to let anyone touch it to do it myself so I did the first one myself and got a published self-published and then I nixed the movie thing and but I told her I said one day Kathy I saw you know that that guy that we watched that guy has that big teeth and he's white hair I said he's on TBN I said one day he's going to interview me I want him to interview me with my new book and this is three years before we met him so I met him and the Lord told him that I was his son and we when we met him he would kept he kept calling and saying hey you want to go to lunch I'm like you got to be kidding me you're in the TV now you're in my house you know you're I couldn't believe it I could I mean you know I still I just had dinner with him I can't even believe it he's like he's like more excited about this and I am you know he's like do you know what's going on with you and I go no he goes my god you know he's all excited you know and so the bottom line was that he he said he said I'm supposed to ordain you if you want to be ordained so he ordained us and when he laid hands on us the Lord told him called Jan Crouch because they were still alive at the time him her and Paul and tell him you're bringing Kevin so he called her and that's how that all started then Syd's people saw me on on TBN and then they contacted me so that's how this all happened but Sid said to me 30 days you'll be pushed out of your job and what happened was as I'd never invited myself but I spoke all over 300 times in my first year and it says continues to be that so the reason I'm telling you all this is because God now has plans for each one of us like that because I don't consider myself like a normal minister or you know I'm I I don't even consider myself a businessman but I was very successful with investing and things like that and you know I got everything that I have before I went into the ministry so please don't email me about having a nice house you know just kidding I got that because we worked hard you know and the process of this I found out that God has ways of doing things but they don't involve your understanding sometimes so he told me to do this book and this study guide and then we chose this subject to launch you're the first one to have this study guide and launch this this session this weekend so I have to tell you this because the Lord Jesus Christ told me personally that this is an historical weekend and then next weekend we're filming next week we're filming as Sid Roth for for the book and he told me that this weekend next week he said you will look back on this as being hit everyone will look back on this as a historical time where there was there was a shift a change in perception okay so here's here's how I want to I want to frame this for you is you got to understand that I don't think of myself as being anything special at all and if you tell me I'm special I'm gonna tell you you're special it's gonna be like Chippendale we're gonna have like an argument because I don't like there's only one hero in heaven and it wasn't me and everybody up there one to meet me because I was chosen at the end of the age to wrap it up they've laid this foundation so all the prophets they want to meet us but see you don't know that until I tell you that there's stuff about heaven that's not being told and there's stuff that's being told us not of heaven it's not even up there and so I was and I asked Jesus how do I do this because people don't always it they don't always see their need so do you realize the like the first thing is not telling people things it's actually getting people to see a need that they have that they don't know think about that so if you don't know you have a need you haven't identified a need then you don't even know how to ask for believe for it and say this happened in in the churches so in Chapter one of your study guide toward the end of chapter one just so you know when we get into this I put the seven churches in there because Jesus focused on things that they were missing it on and there was only one that really passed you know he said well just hold on until I come you know he he but there were most of them he had these things against them right well you understand those seven churches were in northern Turkey and they're all gone they're all gone and a couple of more mosques now yeah but he had aunt he had things against them so he told me to start out the this book and start out the seminar with talking about the things that he said because it's really interesting if Jesus marveled at a Centurions faith and I want to know what it was about him that made Jesus marvel and what it was is he equated faith with obedience and submission to Authority so Jesus was so honored by him that he said you don't have to come my house because I understand Authority if you give the command that's enough because I have people over me I have people under me I tell this one to do this I'm told to do something and I do it do you get to your kitchen because if you don't we can't go on you got a you got a see that we're missing what faith really is faith is honoring God and knowing his ways and knowing if he says to do something that's it that doesn't go well because here we're being taught well I got to have my way and I have a right to have my way oh really do you Paul said your life is not your own Paul said God is God is it's though he's borrowing my body and Jesus is ministering through me he said your body's not your own you've been bought with a price and there's this thing called the crucified life and don't be shocked I know you haven't heard that in a long time but do you understand that I can go to any church that's over 40,000 and I will get 30% of the mad before I'm even done talking about the crucified life why because that's not part of WoW that why they're there you see I'm not afraid I'm not afraid to say this because do you understand that I Jesus taught me how to to turn a megachurch into a small Bible study he taught he taught me how to do cuz he did it he did it he did it all the time but he said listen because he said I he said he looked at the people and he knew that they were following him because they were fed by the miracle and they saw miracles and they were following him it said that he said that because of the miracles and because they were fed so he said listen if you don't drink my blood or eat my flesh you have no part of me and it says they all left okay then the disciples are standing there and they're about to be unemployed if they leave and they got a so they're like where would we go you have the words of life because he asked him are you gonna leave to OKC do you understand that just to cut to the chase is for this weekend the bottom line is is that's where we're at right now people have not counted the cost of what it's it can it's considered to be a Christian but I have friends that have counted the cost but they're from Iran and they know what it's like to be a Christian they escaped barely their family was killed they're friends of mine so do you understand when I when I am put a post up that I would because people my friends some of my friends were backing off because you know there's there's a there's money on my head I can't go near Iran because I've preached in there on the job Network they couldn't stop it so they they have a price on my head so I posted because my friends were starting to back off because of the terrorism and I said well I said I just want you to know my papers posted all over the place I said I just want you know that I would it would can be considered privilege to die for Jesus Christ and three people liked it one of them was me the other two were my Iranian friends I'm serious so then I put a picture of Bane on me and I said the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want and it went viral is this too hard I can back off if you want but but I got to tell you this that really if you want the move of God then you've gotta you got to know that God wants to use your body he wants to use your mind he wants all of you he already has all of you he purchased all of you but if there's a yielding that's not being taught and I have to tell you this that it's your move God has moved and it's your move and how much you get out of this life is really your decision and you might not think so but there is always an opportunity very close to you now I saw this when I was in heaven and I was sent back I didn't think I was coming back but because I am sent back I am going to be effective not defective I'm going to be prophetic not pathetic you know I'm going to make a difference because I am a difference I met the I am and he sent me back I'm not went I'm sent so I can't lose because he's he's supporting me in every way but it doesn't have anything to do with my agenda has everything to do with which was written long ago before you were born for this generation okay because of that because of that the spirit is always willing but the flesh is weak that's what Jesus said in the garden okay so do you understand that me and my wife we came into this where we had to set the bar and it was higher and had to be the prayer it had to be the time in prayer it had to be that the denying of yourself where we would work extra and then buy tires for our pastor or pay somebody's rent for the month by children instruments because their parents could we would just do things like that and we didn't consider ourselves as being as important as others we did that and what happened was is God had to repay us because these people could not do you understand so it sound like a scripture because if something Jesus taught us and and we forget some of these things and and so this weekend is all about knowing the shortcuts because there are shortcuts there really are but it's gonna cost you everything I had a man of God you would all know him he he displayed in his meetings the power God was was stronger than I've ever encountered he was told by the Lord to contact me and meet with me and this was in 1986 and when he sat and talked to me the power got was so strong and he prophesied over me for over 20 minutes and he told me I'm giving you my mantle I've been waiting for this day know since then he's giving it to other people I've seen him on TV do it and I'm like hey excuse me no but do you understand like there's plenty there's plenty for everyone okay but what he what he what what happened there has happened several times with different people that were in the TV set and now they're before me okay but when I met Jesus I realized that this was all set up to influence a whole bunch of people at the end of this age so this guy told me he put his finger right in my face and he said you're gonna have my mind my anointing in my told my ministry he said but it's gonna cost you everything he said you're gonna die I I didn't I didn't tell him that he it actually literally happened a couple years later but essentially what he was saying was that this is the Ministry of the Holy Spirit and you're gonna have to get out of the way why you know you don't hear people talk like that anymore but this is in 1986 okay so I had certain people that have adopted me but I haven't asked for it but it's all rigged see it's it's rigged because when I came back Jesus said if you come back if you dude if you do what if you do this for me I will make it so you cannot lose I said really I've never heard anybody talk like that he and he talked to me listen to me if you listen for a minute I'm gonna show you how you can shift your mindset because this all has to happen this weekend I don't just start tonight let's get it done and I'm you know we'll clean up the mess later now listen to me I never heard anybody talk like Jesus talked but yet I had my Bible before me I couldn't understand how he stood for 45 minutes and quoted himself and it was beyond can anybody catch what I'm trying to say here I should have known but the Spirit of God was free to reveal he was standing behind me as a person telling me the seven levels of everything that what Jesus was saying to me as Jesus is talking the Spirit is behind me talking to me giving me seven levels scriptures in the Old Testament even though some of you don't believe in the Old Testament a same God this sits on the throne of the old is in the new it's the same it's the same God okay so the Spirit of God is instructing me on all these levels and I'm thinking there's no way I'm ever going to remember all this because even Perry stone couldn't talk this fast and I mean he can do a two-hour meeting in 30 minutes on TV you know it's amazing and the whole time he even stops to tell you you know I got I got to keep going because I got I got to get all this material that he Steven stops to tell you that okay so I saw that it was really that really literally if I came back that I couldn't fail but this is what he told me he said he said I will make it so that it's extra credit for you because you've already accomplished everything I've asked you to do and I was 31 years old and I said Lord I haven't even lived yet he said it doesn't matter it's not the it's not the quantity of your life it's the quality of your life you did everything I've ever asked you to do he said in fact it's known in heaven people talk about you I go no way he goes yeah they what he says because you drop what you're doing when I speak to you and you just leave what you're doing and you go and you do it you don't even ask why you never asked me you've never asked me why I go well yeah because that's honor he goes well that's rare as a rare trait on the earth and so he started instructing me so this went on for 45 minutes but it's like a week up there and so he started to show me he goes there's nobody up here limiting you everybody loves you up here everybody supports you knows that you are going to accomplish your task your walk with me everybody knows that and everybody's for you nobody nobody dislikes you nobody's speaking against you nobody's working against you and um he said no limitations he said there are no limitations up here and I encountered this environment and then I shoplifted it back I'm serious because when I was talking to people like Sid Roth egos we've never met anybody that's brought it back with him he said we they all have stories and stuff they're good stories and everything but you brought heaven back with you and I go I'm sorry if I shoplifted you know but but what no what happened was is Jesus he won me over in that time he won me over and I want to read something to you he showed me a secret and it's it's revealed in the passion translation of the Bible the most accurately and I want to read the see so you can get to know God's ways because I want I've seen his acts but so did the people but that isn't what kept them communion as what happed them if they didn't drink his blood or eat his flesh they had no part in him and when Jesus went that way with him with them they all left so he had nothing but the disciples the communion table is so important because when when Judas did not discern the body of Christ and he he did not anticipate his actions affecting all the twelve so when he unworthily took of the bread is it says as soon as he ate it Satan entered into him so up until that point he could have repented but as soon as it he took it in Satan entered into him and Jesus turned and said whatever you're gonna do do it quickly because it's that's it and so when Paul tells the Corinthians don't eat partake of the table of the Lord unworthily because some of you have died early fell asleep that's not a nap the same apostle said turn that one over to Satan it's living with his father's wife for the destruction of the flesh so they soul be saved in the day of judgment same guy Paul that's still New Testament I mean in my BOB was still New Testament and this Ananias and Sapphira is still New Testament Newton the New Testament church okay so do you understand that Judas didn't discern and so I saw the people didn't discern the body of the Lord so I saw that in this life it's a deeper communion that the Lord bought for us than just getting to heaven so he told me that he had taken the limits off of me and that the limitations I have have to do with this fallen world and fallen flesh but my mind can be renewed transformed by the Word of God okay and he showed me that the same power that rose Jesus from the dead that's dwelling in now some quoting Paul will quicken your mortal bodies so it produces life in your flesh as well it can there is a transference that happens how do you think healing happens happens spiritually first your healing occurs in the spirit it's a spiritual thing that manifests in your flesh it's the same with understanding with Revelation it's a spiritual thing it comes into you it comes up into your understanding so one moment you don't know something in the next moment you you know what you know it but it's so real that a you don't doubt that's what faith is faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you see it's all about the Word of God becoming revelatory okay so you have to partake of the Word of God he's the the bread that came down from heaven so the communion idea is is that we have to eat of him would become part of him and then from that point on our commitment is is that we yield to the spirit and when we do the synchronization that happens in your spirit I'm saving your life right now the synchronization that happens in your spirit allows you to move and live and have your being in him you see you get synchronized with your books in heaven and you start to have favor it's turns on on the devil he can't do a thing about it in fact he's afraid of people that have favor because he can't touch them okay so that's why in Psalms 91 Moses wrote Psalms 91 not David Moses wrote it from the cleft of the rock he encountered the glory and he realized that in the shadow of the most high that none of these things can touch me so he wrote about it but it says that he who dwells in the secret place not visits getting it so you're getting where I'm going with all this okay so do you understand that when I came back he had won me over he conquered me his ways conquered me he overcame me because he's bigger than me the only reason I have a voice in the world is because he gave me one he gave me a platform and he said talk from the other realm that's what I'm doing to you right now I'm talking to you from the other realm I have I have no clue what I'm gonna say next I'm reading off a script I'm literally looking at you and reading I'm time being told what to say and I was told to read this Psalms 23 this is from the passion translation which is from the Aramaic which by the way is what Jesus spoke the Hebrew language was dead at this time and so they went to Aramaic in fact Daniel which was about four or five hundred years before Jesus he actually slips from Hebrew in the first chapter through Chapter four he slips into Aramaic and then goes back into Hebrew and no one knows why but he Aramaic is very descriptive so he slipped into it because of what he was saying he needed to use the vocabulary that the Aramaic is very colorful okay so this is what David said he said the Lord is my best friend and my shepherd I always have more than enough see everything that Jesus told me was stronger than the visa now those he offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love he track his tracks take me to an oasis of peace the quiet brook of bliss verse 3 that's where he restores and revives my life he opens before me pathways to God's pleasure and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name okay now that's good news Lord this verse for Lord even when your path takes me through the valley of the deepest darkness fear will never conquer me because you already have see he's conquered David so David went out and was a conqueror because he was conquered by God and that's not a popular message but see when you meet Jesus he's better than you newsflash he knows more than you he paved a way for you what does it say in Psalms 139 5 I'm glad you asked this is what it says it says that you have paved the way for me you've made the steps to my future and you're standing there and you also come behind me to protect me from the hurts of my past read it and weep because that's the warrior that wants to marry you one day the Bride of Christ he wants to marry you you're the bride he's coming back for a bride he has he has won a great victory over us already so when I was in heaven it was all done I literally was at the end of the age when everybody the culmination of all the ages I mean even Perry stone hasn't written about this command now that's not even on people's charts but they talk about it but you understand it's really a mystery how I could be at the end of the age not just the age but the ages and see all the saints that are ever going to live in heaven in white robes worshiping the lamb and they were singing the song of the redeemed which I wasn't allowed to take back because I would have made an album from it you know and it's not to be you know it's not to be brought back but everyone that ever existed that was redeemed that accepted Jesus as Lord and were bought they were as far as I could see and there was a curvature so I couldn't see the end of it it was so many it was a roar in heaven one song note nobody nobody was a lone ranger you know in the soul list it was everyone singing the same thing with one voice it was shaking heaven there was shaking the throne room Jesus was getting hit by all the Mist it was this gold colored mist was coming out of the breath of all the saints and it was washing over the father and the son I wasn't allowed to look at the father but he was I could tell you as a young man the Ancient of Days is very young it blew me away and when I tried I tried to look at his face Jesus stood up and body blocked me so I couldn't see he said oh you can't look at the face of the Father you won't be able to go back your body won't take you back it'll melt because it's fallen eyes okay sorry so he's sitting in his throne there they're getting washed over and Jesus was receiving the reward for his suffering it was us we stood before him at the same spot that he spoke all of us into existence and put us in a mother's womb is the same spot that we ended up paying him respect and if you didn't choose him you were just judged and sent to hell it's as simple as that but he redeemed all mankind so that everyone could come and jesus said no one should go to hell jesus told me he said it wasn't designed the books in heaven are written as though everyone comes here but he said not everyone does so there were people in hell that shouldn't be there their books say beautiful things that they were supposed to do but God in His foreknowledge knew that they wouldn't choose him but he treated them as though they were coming here because he doesn't manipulate our will so his his foreknowledge his note is knowing what you're gonna do does not does not give him the the power to manipulate you that's what he told me he said he said I know what you're gonna choose but I keep treating you and the Angels I met the Angels you the Angels will not take no for an answer with any unsaved person they just keep putting them in cycles until they accept Jesus so the Angels actually bring people to you because they think that you're going to preach to them so you like when we go to restaurants they fill up when it's empty as soon as we show up the Angels start bringing in the people because the Angels think you're going to stand on your chair and start preaching in the restaurant they do they think they they're told they're told if there is a Christian around that they're supposed to Corral people tour around them is this too much for you all okay so do you know do you understand that in heaven it's not set up for people to fail it's not okay so in heaven all your books are written as though you're going to choose life that you're going to choose to obey you're going to fear the Lord you're gonna walk in obedience and you're gonna you're gonna like it and if God wants to once your opinion he'll give it to you it's that way he loves you but he knows more than you and it's it's really miserable people that try to manipulate and control people down here it's miserable when when we as Christians don't have control and we start to manipulate to gain control we can do and say things to slant it a certain way and that's what that's what the government does is what the media does that's what everybody does but it doesn't have to be us but Jesus has chosen a particular plan for each one of us that is is essentially affecting a whole generation so everyone in here will see that you affected your generation and you thought you were insignificant but you're not because we're all tied together and even the unsay people out there we need them to come in because it's missing pieces oh boy I say I got my work cut out for me this weekend I remember George you know George I got my doctorate a couple of years ago right and um I I wanted to I didn't I didn't need to have a doctorate I had all the credits I just they were scattered everywhere and I I had I had I had gone to Southwest Airlines and then I was working on getting my my jet writing I was just gonna retire buy my own jet and fly around and I could do that I could still do that today except now ministers aren't allowed to have jets I guess I didn't know that I should have bought my jet before I went into the ministry but anyway that's a whole nother subject but but the bottom line was is that but Lord started asking me I mean I had to all this stuff happened it would just blow you away I got two brand-new kidneys I was in kidney failure and I I've never drank and and liver my liver was was quitting on me and I was wild my heart would stop my wife would have brought me back from the dead twice I just come home from work and lay on the couch in my uniform I was so tired and my heart would stop and I'm I knew just to yell out and hopefully my spirit was connected to my vocal cords still I called out her name and she came over and did warfare tongues over even if you don't believe in that it works it brings people back from the dead and she said I could hear her down a corridor speaking in tongues at the top of her voice and it drew my spirit right back into my body again and what it was is I didn't want to be here because I come to the end of the line of the people that God showed me preemptively that I would have sent back for it was like it was like 15 people so I got to the end of that line and then I thought you know I'm gonna go now and my wife wouldn't have it so so she called me back and then I had to readjust now and I had the Lord come to me on the airplane and he said I can't be away from you any longer I can't stand it come be with me now and I said I Lord I actually like this if you can you just keep doing this sending me to people and I could just keep extending out the line of people you send me to and he did he said okay and so I said I don't want I don't want to go yet I want to keep doing this and so that's when I got on Sid Roth and all that that's what all happened but but uh the process of me getting to this place where we are tonight is this everybody has a plan that is beyond your imagination and there is no limit and we're all chosen to affect a generation and the angels are told to help you but here's the problem that I saw you know how like an you go through a red light you're hoping no one's coming through the other way but see honestly you're just hoping that a cop doesn't see you but you don't think about the fact that there's like a green light on the other side and someone may hit you and I saw that angels have to like keep you protect you all the time because you're a numbskull I saw that that and and I was told that the angels aren't here to clean up your mess they're here to change a generation through I could I mean I'm just telling you I'm not holding back anymore I have to tell you this that in heaven there is no one up there voting against you jesus said he said there's nobody up here that doubts the plan of God there's no angel that's ever come to help you that thought they were gonna fail there's the Holy Spirit inside you never doubted you has never thought you were gonna fail the books don't show you that you're gonna fail I'm like okay I didn't hear this in Sunday school because I was taught differently and it seems so random down here and I saw that Satan was enforcing a rejection cycle he programs you to be rejected and insignificant since you are a child and then he the demons are assigned to keep you in a cycle of rejection and so it's amazing how these familiar spirits will follow you around and anybody around you that ISM is the weakest link and hasn't been voted off the island yet well they will get into that person and they will start to influence that person to say and do things that is a familiar pattern do you want to hear this because this is what I've shown I was shown this I was shown that that Satan wants you to think it's all random down here and that God sometimes messes up and he keeps you preoccupied with your wounds and with yourself to where you the deliverer sings songs of deliverance I mean you don't even hear him the Lord is a warrior and he sings songs of deliverance over here that's deaf and I have 317 that's what the Lord told me is the name of my ministry warrior notes so he's singing songs of deliverance over you at night and you're wondering who you are and if you have any purpose in life and why do all these bad things happen to me and it's a G it's a small G God that's against you so when Jesus came down do you understand the Pharisees should have been doing the right thing instead they were putting yokes on people instead of taking them off so Jesus came back to break the yoke you get it okay so he came back and he's taking yokes off of people and he told the Pharisees to their face and behind their back he said their brood of vipers be ware of the yeast of the Pharisees their teachings he said you go halfway around the world to get a convert Pharisees and when you get one finally you make him twice the son of hell that you are okay so do you understand that Jesus was against anything that took away from his lordship and his power and his role do you understand that is this still on okay so do you understand that miracles happen in your life because God comes into your life and manifests but you can't even explain the born-again experience how can you explain the Borgen experience you receive the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart and your spirit becomes new according to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 old things have passed away behold all things become new right okay but if we go into a lab right now we can't reverse engineer that process but you are here tonight because of the hope that's in you okay so the establishment of God's kingdom was before you existed however now you come into it through the born-again experience it's a supernatural event but it doesn't stop so now the kingdom is advancing and Jesus stood there at the Jordan I was just there there's many people that were there with me in this room at that Jordan he pointed to John and he said up until now there's never been one greater than John that meant Abraham Enoch Elijah Moses you know father Abraham is like the greatest the Jews he's saying that there's not been one greater than him right well that's revolutionary right okay so you interviewed John because you want to put them on TBN they go John do you have a book out no well we need 28 minutes and 31 seconds worth of material to put you on TBN so do what sermon are you gonna preach repent that's it well the kingdom of God is at hand well that's that's it okay then they asked him this how many miracles have you had you know they're on an interview for Christian television okay see if they're gonna have this guy on and on none no miracles see he'd be disqualified right am i right okay but this is what he said he's the greatest in the kingdom up until now you get it but don't stop there there's more Jesus said however from now on the least in the kingdom is greater than him that's all of us so do you understand how we're gonna have to transform our mind on who we are we've been given so much you have to make a decision right now to come to the cross again not to get saved but to turn your attention back to the one who spoke you into existence Jesus told me he said why why Satan is in the desert is telling me if you are the son of God turn this stone in the bread he said I remember the day when I created him is there anybody here it happened over and over again Pilate you know you know I can release you she says no there you couldn't do anything unless God gave you the power to do it he could have called 12 legions of angels and got him off the cross see he chose to do that because there was a plan and he was not going to be moved from that plan so you can understand that the you were the little feminine weak Jesus that you've been given is not that Jesus has sits on a throne he has a sword that he's used before he said there was two sides to his sword it's a two-edged sword I'm like okay so I have a couple questions so I started asking him questions so first of all I said why did what why is a two-edged he said ones for your enemy and the other ones to cut you I know what he said divide between your soul and your spirit is what Hebrews says in chapter four right first well if you're scared you know it's there okay so the enemy gets one side of it and you get the other side see this doesn't go very well but nobody's left we saw that we still have a good congregation here okay see do you understand that that when the word of God is given it's going to trim you down but it's gonna get you to your fighting weight and some people are just too big-headed to fit through the eye of the needle you need to downsize a little bit because Jesus showed me that the high and lofty one who dwells in eternity also dwells with the humble in the contrite in spirit if that sounds familiar it's because Isaiah said it twice and he was a major prophet but in chapter 6 he became a minor prophet for a little while because he was caught up in the throne of God and what happened he the super super prophet became undone why because he saw the Lord High and lifted up and all of a sudden his mind set everything collided his worlds were colliding and if it wasn't for that coal that was touching his lips he would not have been cured and so the Word of God is like that coal and I've been given that coal to touch people's lips with because I feel that everyone needs to understand how important you are and that the devil has kept you in a cycle of rejection and discrediting you now I know this because I know lawyers if they cannot get you go get you out of the situation because you saw something and you know something and they know it's ironclad then they have to go after discrediting you as a witness does everybody follow me ok so that's the next step that's Satan he can't do anything about what's been given to you so he has to discredit you is everybody follow me man I wish I could be in a meeting like this when I was younger I'd be so much further ahead than I am now you guys you have no idea I didn't even want to come back but I'm telling you I stayed at a company for 29 years because God told me to but the whole time I'm biting my lip but see that job took me where I needed to go in character I mean you you guys get crazy on airplanes I had people mad at me because the the bear plane broke I go I didn't touch it and the weather I go do you think that I would be won't at work here if I could control the weather I'd be on a throne somewhere you know and me and you get to the place where like you got to be kidding me has it come to this that that I lost your bag I did all this you know and I'm like oh my god you know and I think I would never I would never do these things to people you know and I what happened was I realized Humanity is very weak and they need help they need loved and they need to know they need to know their value so Jesus sent me back he said give people what you saw tell them they're valued up here and tell them they're safe in me give them value and give them safety give them security and there is a Christianity that's not really mainstream but it is the stream from the throne of God there is a river that you can drink from where you'll never thirst again I literally drink from that River I saw it when I was in heaven I saw my future I play it out down here it's hilarious it's like the school play they do every year you know what the next scene is you might not believe me but you can ask my wife I tell her things are gonna happen I tell her countries are gonna go two months before we go but it didn't always what it wasn't always like that if somebody tell me where there's a wall there I'm like no I don't believe it I have to run into it and get knocked out because of pride does everybody catch this pride will blind you from maturity you won't mature but see Jesus sent me back because he said this I asked him about the churches and I asked him because I didn't forget about that the churches one of them I think was Laodicea actually didn't know the need they had and Jesus said to them you think you're rich you think you're well clothed and you think you can see he said the fact of it is the truth is is that you're blind you're poor and you're naked okay so he's telling them that but they think everything's opposite okay and I says I asked the Lord I said how do I do this when I when I I was at with Southwest Airlines for five years when I went in for the operation and they just put me under and they really put me under because I I didn't do drugs or or alcohol or anything like I so when I when I was put under they didn't monitor people at the time with a heart monitor and stuff like that they just watched for things you know they were there was an anesthesiologist there but now they monitor you because they lost a lot of people because you know I didn't need as much as they gave me because I'd my body was clean is everybody else and I would get high on an aspirin so I got high by going out for a run I didn't drink I didn't do any of those things because I was told not to and I was laughed at for not being that way but do you understand that when they put me under I left and I saw the future and I realized that Jesus told he told me he said this generation doesn't discern their need and that and the church is off I go what he goes the next generation he said your publisher will be publishing books about how the church missed it in this generation I go what he goes they should finish and hand it off in a favorable position that baton to the next generation and there should be a supernatural move of the Spirit of God where people are asking you to pray for them because they know that God is with you that's what it even says in the Old Covenant and if you look in Deuteronomy 28 or even in 15 Deuteronomy 50 here's a shocker God told Moses to tell the people and Deuteronomy 15 4 he said there shall be no poor among you because I am the Lord God who has blessed you and I am the one who will take you into the land I've promised you ok that's a command I didn't even know that was in the Bible there's lots in there okay that's Old Covenant so do you understand that in the Old Covenant it says that I will bless you and prosper you teach you how to prosper so that the other nations will see that I am your God you will lend to them but you will not borrow from anyone because I the Lord your God have given you the Dominion of the earth he's given it to them that's nothing new cuz he gave it to Adam and Eve and they fell then when Noah on the other side of the flood if you look at what he did he repeated what he's told Adam the same thing I'll give you dominion replenish same exact wording is anybody here okay so now Jesus comes poor Jesus suffers like he does and it's not a better covenant it says his better promises with a better covenant right okay so do you understand if God says something then we need to readjust ourselves to receive that so what I'm trying to tell you is in this generation if I do not speak if I am NOT if I'm the only voice of space it doesn't matter because they can't shut me down and the devil can't kill me because he already tried to well don't say that oh I'm gonna say it he knows he can't touch me it's checkmate no no listen to me we're just in other countries every country I go to I go where the witches meet they go what I go I want to go there we're gonna take it back they're like what I go it's rigged I was sent back I can't fail that oh okay there's only been a couple of men and women in existence that you can read about that were like that but when I met Jesus he wasn't asking me to try something he was telling me to do something and but further than that even though you can't handle he's asking me to be something be someone that I was already I was a Christian I was a son of the Living God and I am sent back not to fail but to succeed I'm sent back to rally the Christians together and start to pray like jesus said when you pray believe that you receive it because I don't want you to be surprised when you pray and you actually get it that's embarrassing but I was like that so jesus said that this generation doesn't discern how special they are that we are at the end of the age and we are the finishing touches in this time and do you know that right now I mean I know people friends of mine friends of mine that are in the know and different departments of the government there have been so many things stopped we are literally being protected right now and will continue to be protected until the harvest comes in we are literally being particular on we're literally on supernatural time right now we're actually literally everything has been set aside and delayed and the devil can't do a thing about it so you need to stop staring at your prophecy charts and start having cookouts with your beans at your story and and and drink your water and and really really invite some unsaved friends and just to start talking to them about Jesus I'm telling you why I saw I saw that this has been given to us as a gift and it will continue to be a gift and there's a president that will actually sleep every night enjoying this he's thoroughly enjoying this and I don't even like him it doesn't matter if you understand it doesn't matter what you think because God has already answered a previous generations prayers and you're the answer to their prayers so you have to go and carry out what God had them pray I better check the time here I was on Australia time and it was we're good so that was my introduction any other announcements I love when God does this cuz I'm not I'm not afraid now here here's the thing there's there's a lot of you in here that have a lot of questions and the reason you have questions is because the veil hasn't been pulled back to show you but see God wants to answer your questions he wants you to understand however are you ready to hear the truth about the situation because you have to you have to actually understand the supernatural realm which involves demons so everywhere we go I go to the high places and I get as many pastors as I can to go with me if not I'll go by myself but I've never had to because see how do you kill a dead man I mean really it would be a promotion for me to die but I'm not going to die of some disease or some satanic ritual or terrorists I'm gonna die preaching the gospel I've considered it an honor but do you understand if you still still come and listen to me I'm gonna keep talking and if you don't listen to me I'll just use my TV you know my tooth studio and keep to saying stuff I've I just feel like this generation needs to know who they are okay so when we go to these places I asked okay where the coven's at and if they don't know I'll tell them the spirit loader will tell me this just happened in Australia it happens it happens everywhere but the Lord will tell me and I'll tell you just what happened there is somebody that I wanted to meet he's a very very accurate prophet that I've never met and I went to meet him well through the pastor he knows this person and he said he wants to meet you so if you want after you get off the airplane we can have breakfast and he'll he wants to come and meet you I said yeah because I've only seen him on TV and um I said sure so on the way there just to show you this is this is I'm not like claiming to be anything I'm a Christian I must fly to tend to play at prays in tongues okay just keep it that simple we were driving in Australia and and I'm it's crazy because I George even offered a car to me and I wouldn't take it because I for the last two weeks we've been on the wrong side of the road everything's opposite I'm like I ain't doing that I'm gonna let myself readjust a little bit I was freaking out over there well you can't go down that way yeah that's just the way you do it I'm like so now here I'm like anyway yeah yeah you can't so anyway we're going down this street and all of a sudden on this side of my face no I just flew 25 hours so I'm thinking I'm just I'm passing out you know but on this side of face I felt something numbing my whole body and it was in the word of the Lord came to me may Mason's and I turned I said this all the sudden I'm up above I'm not in the car anymore I'm above the city of Adelaide and this whole like over a kilometre like kilometer and a half square is is lined out and it's all these Mason's are there I can see them all different levels in houses in the neighborhood and stuff like that and so back to the car like the path the system passed because you okay I go now what did I said what's over there because you felt something over there I go yeah it's it's it's Mason's he goes that's where all the old money is and he said that there was Mason temples there there's there's Masonic lodges there so I go well we got a talk and we get to the pastor that the restaurant I got to talk to him about this so we sit down and then there's his prophets in across for me I've never met okay so he's sizing me up you know how is this guy real you know I'm like you know I got I put up with it everywhere I go much you know what I thought people work through it you know but when it takes them a little bit they realize I have no agenda need to do this I could be sitting in my back porch there on the rocks at the Ella Gators in my backyard there you know like I have no idea why I'm living there but that's where I met and and yet I'm doing this so I the assistant pastor says tell tell pastor Paul what you just did because he's not gonna believe this you nailed it he said what I said well you know we went past such a Justice Street there's this bark I gave him all the things all the all the different coordinates streets and everything and then I said it's a it's a stronghold we got to take it out before we do the conference so conference starts in two days and I got to take out I got to take out this spirit he said okay and the prophet his jaw drops down into his eggs are you ready for this just to show you like how you can walk cuz I don't claim to be anything I'm like I'm a Christian okay he said last night you can ask my family I found out I'm gonna meet you I'm sitting in my chair and he said the word Masons comes to me the word the Lord comes to me we got to take out the spirit of the Masonic launched over Adelaide that's what happens okay you ready for this he thinks about a book that somebody gave him on the Masons and he wonders if he still has it and I kid you not he said you can ask my family he said that book comes flying off the bookshelf and lands at my feet open to the chapter talking about that he says you're blowing me away right now I go okay see I'm just functioning I'm just functioning as I do not wanting attention but yet I'm I'm fulfilling destiny you're getting it okay so then he calls another pastor who has already identified this are you ready for this his church is in that square they took they had a prayer meeting and started coming against it and you know what happened somebody paid off his church 1.7 million dollars they were they were gonna leave the ministry somebody paid off the church so I thank God there are a couple people believe in prosperity you know so you don't have to you know bring your own chairs and stuff like that okay but anyway and pay for the electricity but do you understand that this guy he goes what what else does he say and he's telling them so this pathway I got to meet him because well Kevin says we're going to take out the witch covens next do you want to you know so like literally this turned in is like so then I said where's the witch that where's the coven's at they said well it's in this area sighs oh my gosh when you went in there you could feel it I said okay here's the meeting place right here and it was like the community center so I said we're gonna take communion here too so we took communion right in the middle of the Masonic all the old money all the Masons and then we took communion took back that part of town and you I'm serious if you were there you'd feel immediately there was no hocus pocus prayer I mean I was very simple prayer I said Lord this is your land or giving it back to you I command I'd break the powers over this place and we took communion all of us and I kid you not it was 30 seconds and you could feel it same thing happen in the French Alps the Lord said I want my city back Geneva so I said I said ah hey you guys where's the witches made he goes well besides right out front in front of our door where they sacrifice right I said okay let's take that out first I know your kidney sacrifice right there he goes yeah see always gets upset he always gets upset I will yell if I have to okay so I said where's the high place at he goes it's in the French Alps so I said well when do I have a day off they said Friday I said we're going to the French Alps he goes you're kidding me and I go yeah we're good one so we went up there and there was Cathy how many were there 15 right about 15 or was there eight I always get this wrong eight eight to ten okay so we got in a circle and they said well we're like oh where is it exactly and it was like it was it was sleeting in July it's like sideways almost snow it was so cold and windy and I said this won't take long I said it's gonna be about 30 seconds I said we're taking it back we're taking it back I said Lord from now on when the witches meet here they'll fall to their knees they'll lose their power and they'll repent I said Geneva is gods this spot is God's I set it apart for God is holy no witch will ever operate on this place again and they're all like thinking you know oh you know and everybody's waiting for something bad to happen to me why is it he's having me go to country to country and doing this and so I'm taking Charlotte back I'm taking Fort Mill back but you know in a way everybody already has but you understand in the spirit you know I thought you know because I where I'm staying at but I'm not telling you because I got a sleeping but you'd think you'd think everything's all clear I was surprised at the last three hours I faced every demon within the tri-state area oh they were contending for this meeting because what I was going to tell you would disable them I'm searched for the last three hours I've been fighting Devils okay so do you understand that it's it's normal for you to feel uncomfortable sometimes but see you have to turn it on the enemy to where you tell him no it's your turn to feel uncomfortable and this is not your property now this is God's it's been given the gods I'm not discrediting anything here what I'm trying to tell you is it's in the spirit realm there's different dimensions and there are shortcuts the shortcut is a communion table the shortcut is Dominion the shortcut is his overthrow not breakthrough do you know think about it think about it you all came for a breakthrough you'll want to breakthrough don't think about it every meeting you go to you need another hit you even bring your own needles if it fit you know what I mean you want a dose of halt the Holy Spirit you want to experience God you want to experience the environment of heaven and I get that but what if it's supposed to be permanent well who told you that you have to go for another hit or another word how many words do you need so you didn't come for a hit you came for transformation this next move is not Reformation its transformation this next move is permanent now I mean that but I have to contend for my place in other words I got to draw my sword do you know it's harder to keep what you have than it is to get there and you think getting there's hard but the hard part is not falling asleep and being deceived thinking you're somebody when you're not because I heard you're not all you think you are I am in so much trouble make sure you get me huh oh my gosh uh Holy Spirit he's he really loves you but I want to tell you something listen I didn't have to lose all my hair I could have just listened I didn't have to worry I didn't have to work it I could have came to the end of myself a long time ago God says humble yourself under the mighty hand of God so that in due season he will lift you up and promote you you're supposed to fall on the rock less the rock fall on you you're supposed to kiss the son lest he be angry do I need to go on how about judge yourself lest ye be judged do you know these things are all still in the Bible even after the nearly inspired version did their new upgrade NIV that they couldn't take out everything yet because they want to do it slowly the nearly inspired version okay so do you understand that the power is in what God has already said but what did he say is it been watered down because the Jesus I met he has an attitude no as he's talking to me he loves me but he loves people in hell so he tells me which I can't say because then I'd have to have a partner drive for the network after I I said some stuff that I said because people aren't ready for what Jesus was saying because they'd have to get new partners because people would leave in droves because it's an offensive gospel Jesus didn't come back to make friends you're his friend now because you redeemed but you weren't all that He loves you but do you understand it you got to do something too you got to believe well belief is not up here belief is knowing down here you have to have the substance of what you're hoping for well that doesn't come by mental exercise or repeating at five hundred one time still God gets worn out he just gives it to you we found that that doesn't work well come on the Word of God is a two-edged sword it cuts it it causes things to come from the spirit realm to physical realm but you got to know it it's not mental assent or mental agreement this is not a mental exercise it's a spiritual thing so Jesus when he said things he talked to me he was not weak and he told me don't find yourself on the wrong side of me well if I say that people get offended because all Jesus will never do that that's not a valid appearance well what about the time that Jesus told me to give fifty thousand dollars to somebody that doesn't even like me and that was a whole year's salary me and my wife and so I knew how to get out of it with God because I didn't want to do it so I said well you tell my wife because that's her shopping money no I'm just kidding not I said Kathy I said the Lord saw told me to give a certain amount of money to you know who she said really she said well I'll pray about it if they tell me what what amount you get she she gets on the treadmill not even a spiritual exercise while on a treadmill with her headsets on in my office praying in tongues she gets off she goes it's fifty thousand dollars I go you gotta be kidding me my god what are you doing no listen to me we gave it to now take him I'm a man of God now right you get it but if I tell him to repent see John lost his head for telling Herod you can't have that woman testing is this all I'm testing Peter a pastor was not walking in love one day he had an attitude he needed to repent right that's what we think and in the night Ananias and Sapphira show up and he says this what you paid for it oh yeah BAM four hours later no one Facebook's or messages Sapphira she walks in Peter doesn't even help her BAM the same people carry your husband's body out her carrying yours out now what can a pastor is that no no listen to me this is New Testament okay so I saw in heaven that Jesus's word is it and when he tells you something that's the end of it it doesn't matter what you feel or what's happening to you there has to be a reconciliation with him okay so what I found out is is I'm gonna go to court I'm gonna lose so I'm gonna turn myself in I'm gonna kiss him now I'm gonna fall on the rock I'm gonna get it over with I'm gonna die just like that that that man of God pointed in my face he says you're gonna you're gonna lose every you're gonna die but you're gonna get my ministry and the process was this I'm supposed to crucify the flesh Romans 8 no is everybody still here wait wave at me okay okay so the crucified Life carried over from Jesus's teaching where he said that in unless you deny yourself and pick up your own cross you can have no part of me now he said that before he died on a cross okay Paul picks that up and said that your life is not your own and you know the whole thing the Temple of the Holy Spirit is your body so it's not your own your life is not your own it's as though Christ has borrowed my body and is living his life out through me is what one translation says and I can go on with all of that it's the most unpopular CD I have so you know what I did so you know what I did I just ordered another 5,000 of them I'm gonna give them out because because the Lord told me I mean I I say if you don't have money and you're having problems just go out to the table and take one thing I said I emphasize one thing and there's people out there were shopping carts and they're asking what is the most expensive thing and like that's not why I'm doing this okay so then we have people shoplifting we had to had to get people to turn in they had that they had taken handfuls of books and stuck them in their purse yeah yeah the boy that came back from Heaven's getting okay okay so the Lord told me okay from now on just say if you're having money problems here's a CD called Supernatural finances he said make a CD called Supernatural finances write a book about it he said and then he said give that out to help them so I did that and the Lord said now I want you to give out the crucified life with the supernatural finances because without the crucified life there's no supernatural finances or anything else besides that it is the least the least of all the things and I have over a hundred CDs I have I'm a guy come out with a study guide a month I have I have nine study guides I came out with four books this year we're already in the 2020 and 2021 I'm working on 20 21 and 22 right now four books a year two with harrison house and two with destiny i published my own study guides I'm doing a devotional right now I've got a 15 volume set coming all calls and notes of a warrior they're working on it right now okay but I'm telling you all this was told to me and I still have 56 more books to write they're on my laptop that I have to fix them up and get them ready I have to preach them first and then send them to the editors and then to the publisher but don't tell a publisher because they don't know have them yet now listen to me this is just because of one person who encountered Jesus a normal person that just did that was misinformed I was going to heaven I was I had a reward but I saw that are you ready I only operate a 35% of my potential I saw that in a second Jesus never mentioned it I was immediately judged he never said a word we call me faithful but it wasn't it wasn't on the things I did do I was good it was the things that I could have done if the Holy Spirit was allowed to speak to me do you follow me so do you understand that we are at a loss if we don't honor him he is the initiator he's the advocate he is the standby he is your counselor he's your power and what has happened Jesus showed me he asked me this question he said when the Spirit of God came and formed the church the body of Christ on the day of Pentecost they were in one Accord he said what has happened yet you got 120 people that were in one Accord that's a miracle I got I got I got police officer friends that were in another city and they told me you would not believe what we go through a traffic accident when they they get the reports for all the witnesses and they have eight reports he said five of them were on a different planet when it happened it's like wait a minute where did the the water buffalo come in illness you know like you gotta be kidding me somebody ran a red light no they said you you wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for the cameras you wouldn't even know what really happened are you getting it okay so do you understand what we're dealing with down here we're dealing with perception we're dealing with a realm that if you just let it go you're going downstream really fast everything goes to chaos just look at your room your bedroom you leave it go and it just goes to a mess it doesn't straighten itself up but see it used to everything used to go to order before the fall now it goes to disorder so we're in a world is broken that is working against you whether you believe it or not the only way to make it work for you is to sell your soul to the devil and then he'll make you rich he'll make you so rich that you forget about God he'll do everything to kill you I mean he'll keep you well if you ever noticed some of these vile leaders they never get sick and yet I know intercessors that die of cancer it's not it's not it's not rigged the right way in this world do you get it why do people that are corrupt stay well why do they live like somebody all the people I can name in our government right now they're living they you know don't get me started just go but instead they live on and they prosper they're the most prosperous people do you understand that's because if you sell yourself out the devil will accommodate you but if you fight him and stand against him you're gonna have to believe for a dime because he doesn't want you to have anything he doesn't want you to have revelation you're gonna have hordes of Devil's come against you and I'm people have asked me because I saw everything in fact asked by a very very high up person what I saw about the demonic and I go I don't know if anybody's ready for it because I saw everything he goes try me so after about an hour he said yeah you're right people weren't ready for that he said you're right but we have been hoodwinked we have been deceived into thinking that it's something that's not and it's beyond beyond the only way you can win against your enemy is to know the one who is the commander of the Kevins army it's the only way and there's so do you understand I didn't I didn't come for a breakthrough I came for overthrow okay so you understand that essentially I'm taking the poison that's been placed before me and I'm spinning the table around and making the devil drink it's time for him to be tormented it's time for him to be worried so the day of Pentecost comes one Accord but here's where it gets real touchy so hold on to your ears if the sound system goes crazy but on the day of Pentecost there was a mighty rushing wind when's the last time that's happened that's not when there was fire on people's head when's the last time you saw fire on your head but it's all a part of me there we go burning me up hisses holy okay the devil just loves holy fire everybody say holy fire see he can't touch you in the holy fire it always gets to this place in the service so that the bottom line is is that the far was on their heads there was mighty rushing wind and then he began to speak but when they spoke they spoke from the other realm of Supernatural okay so they were given utterance in the spirit and that utterance caused people that were there for the feasts to hear their own language but they knew that those people weren't from the country okay you get it okay then Peter had to get up and apologize for their behavior because they appeared to be drunk so he said these are not drunk as you suppose so they were acting drunk okay so you have these manifestations there's fight before I talked about but there's really five because there was unity which is a like part in the Red Sea but they were okay so now in two thousand years what have we done the Holy Spirit has not changed a bit he's not diminished in any way so do you understand that left to ourselves we get in trouble do you remember Tigger on Winnie the Pooh so you remember when a couple shows he would turn to the camera which was really not because it was a cartoon but he would say he it's not good to leave us Tigger's alone because he would get in trouble but if you look every third chapter in Genesis if God left them alone like the third chapter they're out of the garden sixth chapter they're interbreeding 9th chapter we got then we got tower Babel it just keeps on going before you know it Jesus has to come back but we got Melchizedek we got a whole line of judges that were on the earth stopping disorder from taking over again she got Melchizedek line you got all this stuff going on and we don't even know about okay so that my question to you is we've come to this place and there's a shift there's a shift in knowing that we're not getting everything we need because the people that came before us were encountering greater things and I wanted to know why and I saw that it was a shortcut you got to break the cycle of rejection and you got to go to overthrow see you don't want another hit c2b that's old school I want permanency now there's gonna it's gonna start happening in this room now you're free to go anytime you want and I'm gonna stop at a certain point because we all got to come back and do three sessions tomorrow two hours each and I've been doing this for three years so I'm gonna give you rest because this is my world and as long as I'm under that spout you can't stop me so I'll just have to give the mic over and walk away but this is what I want to tell you when is the time for you to decide that you're greater than John the Baptist and when is it time for you to decide that the rejection cycle stops tonight because there is no demon in here that ever wanted me to tell you this they scream like babies everywhere I go because the first night is an introductory night and I always get the soil of men's hearts ready for the seed Jesus instructed me on the first night to take care of people's soils which is their hearts so that the seed can be sown and take root so you understand and in this crowd we got 400 people just about and do you understand that Jesus said there was only one out of the four soils that was going to produce anything so out of a hundred people you only got 25 that actually get anything that's sad but that's the parable he said if you get this you understand the whole kingdom you understand the secrets the mysteries of heaven he said and in Matthew 13 he said if you get this parable you get it all and so jesus showed me this and I said this is the parable of the soils not that this is not the parable the sower because he only spends a sentence on the sower and he spends a sentence on the seed seed is not money newsflash now that's part of the gospel because if you're in a financial world but that's not everything I might need healing healing is more expensive sometimes if you go to a doctor but if you get a supernatural like my eyes got healed last year I'm gonna wear contacts anymore no one touched me no one breathed on me I didn't give $1,000 offering to anybody nobody waved their jacket on me there was nobody in the house God walks in the house that all I can tell you was there was a glory cloud and when I came out of there my eyes were better I went to an automatism he said I have never seen this he goes you're almost 60 years old and you're out you're your right eyes you don't need anything in it the left off you you don't really need anything but if you want to you can wear some eye and so I went I gave me one and I went home and I went to put it in the next morning because that's what I used to do and the Holy Spirit said to me I wouldn't do that if I were you he said you're healed and so I've never I've never worn one sense and I can see all of you where I couldn't before okay do you understand that was there since 1983 when I had to wear glasses when I was in college do you understand that I never accepted that but I have brand-new kidneys but the tests show that I had we had kidney failure and then I went back and it was gone the same with my liver I went back to normal okay so do you understand that Christianity is about you being reconciled with the ways of God but the ways of God do not involve these demonic cycles that you're caught in who told you you can't do what God's told you to do and the circumstances are not your judge God is your judge and the last time I checked he's not really into your feelings as much as he is into your faith so I look above my feelings I choose to the mark of the high calling of God and I go toward that knowing that he is able to keep that which I've committed to him I take hold of those things that he took hold up for me I grest the spiritual realities so overthrow is on the menu it's on the schedule is somebody going to stand up and start preaching overthrow it starts in your house it starts in your body it starts in your mind and then it starts in your neighborhood your house your family it starts in your country and it goes to other countries because people adopted pagan gods and they're reaping the benefit of their pagan gods and so people are suffering in other countries because leadership has chosen to go away from God and so their their country's condition is because they chose not to serve God so I'm not gonna finance poverty I'm not going to keep throwing food at them because it's a big black hole I'm lucky did you hear me I'm not going to finance poverty I'm gonna go over there and teach them how to walk with God and God is not poor and he has done exceedingly above what you could ask her think last time I checked he's not hurting for anything when I was up there even the driveway even the driveway was gold now I'm not gonna protest sick and I have gravel this is this is a waste I'm just being honest with you there's a whole road that's all profits there is a whole neighborhood that's all profits and they're not hurting up there but they all want to meet you is anybody still here I came back to tell you that you cannot fail if you hook up with your plan in the purpose that God has written about you you cannot when I died I was not even told how I died because everybody was celebrating it was promotion it was like nothing the only thing that I wished is that my parents would be told not to cry and don't miss me just come here that was the only thing I wish I didn't get to say goodbye to them and I wasn't married at the time you can imagine if I'm praying 10 hours in tongues there's not I don't have a lot of friends even at work I'm praying in tongues I'm I'm praying over everybody's glass some hand in the mouth I mean I thought you know if I'm at this job I felt like it was like a prison to me like well why would I want to do this when I can fly the airplane but I made the best of it so I prayed over everyone I prayed in tongues all the time and if you saw me on the flights if it has anybody see me on their flight over the last 30 years anybody here one person okay okay every flight I would go into the lavatory and I would start crying and I say God get me out of this you know how hard it is when you go on the airplane instead of going to the left and going in the cockpit you have to go to the right and listen to everybody's drama for for 12 hours I did it so you can do this you can work through this but you got to reconcile with your father right now so I'm gonna have that the music come back and I'm gonna I'm gonna call it a night I'm gonna pray over you but here's what I want Jesus said if you go back I I made sure that John 15 that I would have fruit that laughs so you're not going back what you've heard tonight is stuck it's gonna produce a crop if I want your opinion I'll give it to you you're gonna produce because because I don't need anything you have I don't want anything you have I've come to give as you can tell I'm not hurting now listen to me but what I do want for you is I want you to experience abundant life right now because Jesus said the thief comes to steal kill and destroy so we know that anything has to do with killing stealing or destroying is of the enemy okay John 10:10 is not going away the nearly inspired version has been notified it's not going out okay but Jesus says I've come to give you life and that would have been great but he said more abundantly okay so I saw that we don't have to wait to get to heaven to experience abundant life which means that I can eat the bread that came down from heaven I can drink from the river of life which jesus said is like rivers of living water coming up through you and that you'll never thirst again I saw I'm not going into the twilight zone right now I'm not going there there's not gonna be a little man sitting out on the wing and this is not mr. Rogers neighborhood either and right after that was Brady Bunch but on and Gilligan's Island which is a three-hour tour no this is this is permanent now listen to me honestly would you at least give God the credit that he deserves and worship Him and would you also acknowledge that he values you and that he sent Jesus for overthrow he defeat him he made a show of them openly he is a victorious warrior it's Paul said they've been they've been reduced to nothing and now he waits for his enemies to become his footstool through the church he's given us the keys whatever we permit is permitted whatever we do not permit it or forbid is forbidden Jesus even said if you forgive their sins they're forgiven boy that goes over well Peter said that through the precious promises that we've been given that we can be partakers of the divine nature that we can escape the corruption that's in the world caused by lust these are things that are not being spoken because they cost a great deal but it costs Jesus even more they cost the father even more and Jesus broke down and cried now everybody stand as I share this with you I don't share this all the time but he took me to a place in the throne room that had sapphire that was very thick it was so holy there was blue sapphire with white flames moving through it and explained to me that those who walked in the fear of the Lord and lived a life where they set themselves apart they came out from among the world and was separate that sounds familiar cuz Paul said it okay so we separate ourselves because we have been bought and we've been purchased as a private a private stock by private ownership God displays us privately to himself right now he's bought us and he showed me the holiness was not just behavior the behavior came because of ownership that holiness is ownership we've been set apart and purchased ok so he showed me that if we discern the body of Christ if we discern that were bought and we walked separate from the world so I'm not trying to get the world to like me I'm trying to get them to turn to Jesus I'm trying to win souls I'm convincing them that there is a need but with us God has really done much more in he and Jesus wept he said come with me and he took me from the throne he said you can walk on it because you walked like Enoch did you feared me so I walked across dead it was beyond what I can tell you and then he took me outside and we went he traveled to the edge I don't understand it but we were at the edge of heaven where the physical realm starts and the River of Life flows off of it and comes up inside of us on the earth put that in your pipe and smoke so we got the River of Life coming up through us that came from the throne of God and we're arguing about if God wants a prosperous or not that for today tithe a no tide you know but I saw extreme grace in Jesus's tears when he said to me he there was all these people out at the fence I go what is this he goes this is where the line is between the world and heaven he said all my people are wanting to know where this fence is so that they can live in the world and enjoy the pleasures of this life and still make it to heaven and he started crying he said I didn't come back to buy them back for this I came to buy them back to stand on the Sapphire the he said they're asking where the fence is he's crying he said they're asking me where the fence is when they should be asked me where the hottest spot of heaven is which is the Sapphire and he was crying because he did he said people are misinformed they don't understand the ways of God what I did for them and so he sent me back to tell you this and I'm not holding back anymore because you need to know that everything you do does count and that when you pray it sends shockwaves through the spirit and you have to get to the place where you cannot be denied you're not going to ask a Miss because you're hooked up with the spirit the Spirit of God will not allow you to pray a Miss the Holy Spirit comes in in your weakness and up girge you with strength and helps you to super intercede in your weakness he comes in and when he does he takes you where you can't go on your own which is what's happening right now I know because I know where my help comes from and it has been said this not my help is from above and it's in this room and it's your help it's your solution you have to come to the end of yourself you are about to experience over them but what you have to do is what Jesus said he said the evil ones coming but he has nothing in me to hook in my flesh it's a flesh hook in the Greek if you study out the words the devil had no place to hook him and through the redemption process Jesus made a new and living way for us and he's teaching us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions he's teaching us to put the death of misty's of the body it says that you're not to give any provision to the flesh and he actually Paul says don't know anyone after the flesh well that goes over well so I discerned in the spirit that's why I Paul said in second the firts at first Corinthians chapter 2 he said that a spiritual person makes judgments about all things discernments he discerns in the spirit because he's a spiritual person but a carnal person cannot make spiritual judgments so a carnal person can't judge you if you're a spiritual person they don't have the capability of judging you correctly so they're not going to discern they are going to mistreat you because Jesus said they mistreated me they're gonna mistreat you they hated me they're gonna hate you okay so the lord's already told us this is the way it is now how many in here have had it with the enemy [Music] right okay do you understand that Jesus in heaven has already destroyed his works he came back to destroy the works of the devil now listen to me and listen good in John chapter one we haven't even gotten to the goodies at 14 15 and 16 in John chapter 1 this is what he says he says that those who believed in him and adhered and he gave them the power to become sons of God John doesn't even wait he just unloads it right there in a first chapter now you're thinking cuz you're all charismatic without power manioc the power of Resurrection if you look it up in the Greek which you don't have to be a Greek scholar if five year old can look up a strong number it says the word EXO Xia which is not do Thomas by the way EXO Xia means Authority its translated power but Barney Fife could hold his hand up and stop a car in an interception he would have to draw his gun that wasn't loaded because this bullet was in his other pocket but beside the fact a thority has nothing to do with brute strength it has everything to do with what's backing the person okay that word Exodia is used there so it says literally that God has given people the authority to become sons of God I'm talking overthrow here are you cat net cuz I just felt it myself and I actually I wrote this not the Bible of course but this I want anybody messing me I don't email me please [Music] father in the name of Jesus I thank you for the impartation from heaven right now just go across this room father touching everyone in the name of Jesus angels of the Lord walk down the aisles touch every person right now lightning flames a fire in lightning speed touch everyone right now this whole room engulfed in the power and presence of God oh my god Oh receive it people here comes receive it come on the devil had his day last night now it's our night come on how about a mighty rushing wind about flames of fire how about some tongues how about some drunkenness in the spirit come on now pray in the furnace spirit come on Santoli me hustle a low penetration che calamari trashy de Cicco Laboratories [Music] thank you we see [Music] gates of here hallelujah [Music] you don't have to wait any longer [Applause] [Music] now
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 225,361
Rating: 4.8272605 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit
Id: cwRLyOtp7LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 15sec (7455 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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