Kevin Zadai - You Can Hear God's Voice (Part 1) - 11/8/19

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the devil horde a heart attack come on father father I thank you so much as you always hear us we're gathered here to acknowledge you you've directed our paths and father I thank you that the passage you have chosen for us our paths of victory father you have no problem with us catching on far right now you have no problem with us having an attitude towards your word agreeing with you father you produced through Jesus Christ leverage in a spirit we have that leverage right now in the name of Jesus fire in this place I said fire fire in this place everybody raise your hands come on fire fire hey Shaco meilani autoship ray come on I can't hear you foresee colaborated ranchitos cachito lava Ischia tol'vir intro shot I collaborate Rizzuto sakaba Ishikawa pray from the belly pray from the fire Casa Loma Avenida Rio Doce caliber need ratio Sagarika ela nito nito economy endurance and Oscar show Somali Lane buried battle deliberate risotto sukira buried Rasheeda Saba in sickle Amita Satan I Drive you out I Drive you out in Jesus name I said go dosa Kalama Beaujolais Marat Russia every every sickness will leave the bodies of your people now father every sickness is going right now every weakness in Jesus name I command sickness and disease to go in Jesus name I said go in Jesus name tormenting spirit I commands you to shut up show yourself out I don't have time for you go at Jesus name thank you you lying Devils go in Jesus name oh yeah there's a new sheriff in town come on Chuck on a man about our love artificially Jesus Christ Jesus Christ drove out evil spirits Jesus Christ is the new sheriff he made a show of the devil openly triumphing over him in the cross he came to destroy the works of the devil so why are you being so nice to him come on now get my hard time come on both a pot a potato sack all about isn't it time to rule and reign come on pray like your son and a daughter of God come on is there anybody here come on your son and a daughter the Most High God pray like you know what you're doing come on come on pray with some authority from the fire from the altar come on now olomana Bharadwaj shot oh come on coal about risotto de Baca is not a lanka meter a teacher today caliber addressed at all fire solomon a Dracaena balabhadra chateau sequin Amendola overthrow is gonna happen this weekend overthrow overthrow come on porky na ma la mora pay cheated acaba la barra da chateau de Baca even on the battle chateau de Baca ballad iteration order yeah oh yeah mysteries revealed mysteries revealed Sutra colum an atrocity overthrow mysteries mystery of the ages revealed kana mohammed rafi to the powers of the coming age revealed column on and russia ocean anomaly beg hit Russia spirit roam open open open kalamata olive acaba de Oliveira Russian not a in takuna Indra inter Sonata Asia collaborator who will never open widely gates and let the King Agora come through come on boss circle Amana Barrett risotto is a dairy delicioso vocal ability chateau in meymaneh draw sonoda yeah we're taken back we're taking back this territory come on chuckle I'm a Nevada we drive out every every witchcraft spirit every coven we break it up in Jesus name all witchcraft is broken in Jesus name I come against every witch in the name of Jesus come on come on now somebody's gotta stand up and push the devil back come on Rosa Calabar attritional Encino take our freedom freedom in this place Koscheck elaborate elaborate Rizzuto scene Okemah Indo Samana Yamaha Beatrice chateau pulling down every stronghold every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God bringing it into captivity to the obedience of Christ come on now every thought I break the power of witchcraft over you right now in Jesus name every thought come in obedience every evil spirit must go in Jesus name come on this is your territory this is your weekend come on come on I mean it they should talk about how about a video shoot all about that oh that make kind of angels of the Lord you have free course in this place come on angels of the Lord you have free course you have permission to bring the glory you have permission to bring the anointing here permission to bring the fire dose economy nedra shut up fire from the altar of God transforming us making us into the image of God we're gonna transform into the image of God come on he gave us the power to become sons of God according to John chapter 1 verse 12 come on oh let the redeemed of the Lord say so come on whoo Oh blame me tisha Nautica taking it back taking it back taking it back poor name Alomar a throw show Tony Beck a palapa Rossiya man named Rosetta fire I pray with fire I pray with authority I pray with wisdom and revelation I see into the spirit I hear in this week on repeated come on no this is how I pray you want to know how I pray this is what I do every morning are you gonna do it I see in the spirit that's what I say I see in the spirit here I hear the voice of the Lord I give the devil a hard time shall call him on a dress a toast cut it back fire fire all around me pushing back the darkness come on come on you want to know how I pray this is what I do every day to devil free zone jushik all about a gracious host Chris Chappell Appa push back the enemy you've got a plan and a destiny for everyone in this room Lord may it come to pass may every angel do hit the Lord's bidding I give permission to the angels to work to bring the past what is written about everyone in this room come on Monty cornermen and Rashad are CC sekolah been addressed Oliveira Oh a spirit of Revelation in this room come on don't see column n Indra nothing nothing shall be impossible if you believe take hold of that which Christ is taking hold up for you come on he's able well able to do exceedingly above what you can ask your thing the Spirit of the Lord is willing come on don't see Dada Bennet ratchet all MK on show only in she integral Indra Akana Reba at Russia overthrow the spirit still sane over for port economy in rational oh yeah we're just getting started come on Kochi Malabar Adagio Dona Ishikawa voting in a unknowingly an unlucky acacia Tasha berried ratio squishy Tati and avanindra desu ka ba da ba da ba da shadocg read Rosetta pester Curtis give my wife my wife get my wife fire fire in this place holy fire fire fire fire fire fire hold on oh no no no no glory glory glory glory glory action in Santiago de nada seek out Oh push a little bit deeper hold me Oh gonna breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough now break through now break through now Jesus Jesus Jesus hold on a CNC lab or a whole day NSTIC oh no no no no no stir your spirit up stir your spirit up stir your spirit up playing the Holy Ghost he can another shouldn't go hotter seek a little own Rangi father kill Oh No mast and a a Sharaku lovest neva so for a take kenapa nap a moto Nava Zonda Jindo reveille soto rava sunday cocoon icky cocoon icky national nickel icky ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh ha ha ha hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lift up your voice lift up your voice hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Father hallelujah hallelujah joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha more joy more joy victory victory victory victory victory victory victory victory ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hohoho heeheehee hallelujah hallelujah every need met hallelujah woo hoo ha ha ha four E and a four E and a hallelujah hallelujah Charlevoix a poor reveille say Oh holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy one holy one who is and was and is to come Chico lament racino semana bully in econom an international sanitary veto come on up oh yeah you gotta go further you gotta go further into me you got to have a passion that burns inside of you for the spirit of the Lord for the word of the Lord for the Lord of glory you got to have passion you got to pray from passion you got to desire the Lord more than anything that's what the spear is saying this verse saying you got to go deeper you got to fall in love with Jesus you got to fall in love with a passion where everything else has it just goes and fades away the Spirit of the Lord is so willing but the flesh is weak I don't see mine our mothers overthrow in this room ha ha ha so Rasila Gibran she cannot see oh how signaling and shunned in another oh he cannot a sure Jesus Jesus your Lord in this place Jesus you have preeminence here Jesus all holy gone Holy Spirit you're welcome here holy holy holy holy are we join with the angels around the throne and we say holy are you God holy are you God holy are you God holy fire holy fire in this place only your holy fire burn through this house burn through this place burn through this gymnasium and make it holy holy holy holy fire the fire of God the fire of God Oh lassie Kalasha Rodina seborrhea glory glory yeah mocha who allegation that he had become not to fire fall or let you fire fall let your fire fall or or occasionally a taqueria like a days of all jesus let your fire fall and destroy every yoke of the enemy and burned up every Idol in a knife flow God in Jesus name let you fire for like in the days of Elijah Jesus all rock Asian area Makkah or occasionally chromatophore raucous in berea weaker area or occasion area all area or education area weaker already our location area that the fire of the Holy Spirit yes Logan let the fire fall let you fire for Jesus whole occasion Maria come on play with me come on let me lift up your voices come on lift up your voices lift up your voices hallelujah hallelujah or occasion area or location area picker Matata ration area olia story by mahdarah shiekh edy Alamosa libras on day the aureum and okura shot a Ramos tossed on Jay Riecke de Rome and a mondo Korea schita Olinda Casa Bella Italia toasted Iran and Oh Rashida Rashida Rashida Ricky Lee Araucaria Rick idea Ricky leá monde Aeneas Mandela Astoria Kota bang ji ki Lee bang ji ki DaCosta regime banda state remedy mando tato Ramiro sadi ray Mia Sunday Roscoe record a se rompe on day upon day at Oh Lea Bondi Rico zebra zebra bando lead ah so we're in and oh we stay Rabanne chokehold zebra and Oh Remus a latisha everybody reach reach reach reach reach reach hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're so excited to be here pastors young and Rea under cabinet [Music] Ephesians 2 tells us that we are seated in heavenly places with him and we are and were there [Music] John 17 says we are one with him using us and we're in [Music] [Music] [Music] we are so close damn that we are under national we're honors people were killed under being under this Psalm 91 1 we're we're dwelling in the speaker place right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this week the Lord gave me a prophetic song it's not a crap [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] during a heavy burden didn't come to me I will refresh your life for I am your Oasis simply join your life with mine learn my ways and you would discover that I am gentle and humble easy no please you will find refreshment and rested for all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear we thank you Father for reminding us once again of your mercy of your kindness and of your kindness loan your kundan's goes before us eating every day we thank you that you call us into your pleasant places we thank you Lord that you're calling us to your side to be with you to rest in you lean our hand against your bosom loan we thank you I prayed tonight Lord each and every person would receive your piece and your rest no matter what they have to do what they had to go through to come here now Lord they're at a place but they can just simply rest in you and receive from you we bless we bless your people we thank you we're gonna continue the worship in a little but we're gonna make a transition real quick if you can go ahead and sit down and I know can everybody close your eyes because we're gonna turn the lights on a little bit because we need the lights house lights for a moment yeah because you know yeah it's gonna shock you okay so but we will continue after like in a Lord was speaking to me instead of a like in a worship and then take a break receive offering and then announcement and then going you know Lord spoke to me just to worship and you know make an announcement and receive offering and then we'll get right back in the worship and then dr. Kevin walking up minister isn't that a good news amen so I want our Usher's to be ready I want a house lights please I want to be able to sleep let there be light right anywhere you all look good in man thank you Jesus hallelujah so I want to read you so uh sure I uh sure is gonna come and if you need you know write a check write a check to ripple of destiny Church if you need a credit card giving us your start going around if you need a cash rate your ham will give you envelope so while you are you know filling out your card or writing a check and we want to make an announcement so we can make a swift you know a quick move here during this time okay so I just encourage the just the bless just this weekend don't you love here don't you love it come on yeah isn't this good everybody worked very very hard you know put this all together so we can all be in a one room and they all did a good job a man so once again ready check out the wheel of destiny Church and just raise your hand our oceans are going around and meantime I want to make a quick announcement so can you see the doing it all actually can we see something here by the way thank you all for coming on my gündüz just we're just really blessed that you come out and I know you're gonna be so blessed and you're gonna walk away whether just abundance of I mean more than adjust that receiving just abundance of a revelation and and deeper hunger for God and not only that but you I'm praying that your life is gonna be changed and transformed because that's what we consistently hear every time we gather together all I know is you gotta be pretty hungry to find someplace like a lost then right when I tell people within the middle of a cornfield they think I'm just saying that then when they come here like you weren't kidding you weren't exaggerating you are in the middle of a cornfield okay so do we have announcement so we can't really see oh okay so okay he's can you see it though anyway can you see it I don't know do we need to turn the house lights off maybe can we see better there can you see your handwriting if we turn the house lights up no okay okay so I'm gonna just make it quickly here now this is what we've been doing is that you wanna comment make a just since I get this done and we're going to just take care of it in our house work and we'll quickly move on November 24th 6 o'clock Sunday night and then another date is a December 13th at 7 p.m. what we've been doing is have you heard about the Dawsonville Georgia there's a fourth you know water baptism the revival is gone over there and miracles and signs and wonders are happening not only that people are getting saved and delivered them filled with the Holy Spirit and I mean just amazing things are happening so what we did was we invited pastor Todd Smith to our church somebody say hallelujah so he came to our church in August we spent three days of baptizing 230 people come on somebody say hallelujah so twenty and thirty people we've seen amazing things but more than anything else is that we saw people get more hungry for Jesus we saw people just really their lives being changed and transformed we have never seen anything like it I mean it just it was just absolutely amazing so when you know the August conference is over because we saw amazing things and that we believe that God wanted us to continue so we've been baptizing people every month once a month each month so not only that but we've gone Indiana twice the baptized people we went to Chicago the baptized people people are just getting delivered in the water people like their depression and pain just live in the water people getting say the people can feel with the Holy Spirit I've been speaking in tongues we seen everything happening in the water I mean God is meeting people in the water so we're gonna give you just a couple little you know because we didn't have hand all the videos together but I'm gonna show you the couple pictures of some other people you can't really see okay so this couple right here is that they drove three and a half hours they came to our church called the 2:00 in the morning yes and then now God touched her so much with his fire she was burning vibrating under his fire for 20 minutes we have a video of it her life is totally transformed okay and so we've communicated she sent me her testimony so I won't share that but I just wanted to quickly share with you the next one this lady when you see her is that when she went in the water she had the list this long okay and so we my husband you know told come on in so everybody say hi so anyway he's the one who baptized you know I'm the one who preached and he did Jesus so anyway he says well Jesus then they're looking really cute isn't it so anyway what did you tell her I told and that's what happened when she went in the water you can see her face she went to heaven and she sat down with the Jesus and she described we we didn't want to take time because her testimony is on my facebook on our church Facebook page she described in every detail she even saw her DNA strands so there's no way anybody came and so you gotta see it we have so many testimonies of when people when in the water they're seeing Jesus they went to heaven they having supernatural encounters I wish I have time to share with you what we're just highlighting just a few people but this is just absolutely amazing so we went to Indiana people's lives need change and they don't want to stop they want to continue and we big on the Chicago we know that we're supposed to go there once a month or baptize people so you all just you know come on if you want to if you hungry come on God is meeting people in the water God is doing something God is doing something and I saw that people are getting desperate regardless they need the deliverance we seen people get delivered in the water you can see it we have a video some pictures of all of them okay so let me see the next one so these two boys right here is that they're 10 years old they just got baptized at our church October 27 so this Sunday you know some of these people came and some of these people were here they got the witness this and he's been pen here eatin is one on the right side he's been diagnosed with it you know autism so when he got in the water and his mom really wanted him to be healed it's almost two weeks she messaged him and next day she says he's different she says he's more huggy and loving and which is and so she says like he's almost none literally not angry anymore come on somebody and he seen Jesus in the water and he seemed fine angel there's no one he can lie because he described I asked him can you describe them to me he described that it's all video so you know and so his mother is gonna be here Sunday and she's gonna testify because I mean you know it's a brain miracle the autism God is doing supernatural things in the water so God is just moving so we decided we just gotta go with God a man he's moving I'm jumping in amen amen and so that's what we do in October 24th and December 13 and the Lord spoke to us not to stop because the holiday season or cold season and we've been having people calling us that they're sick or you know so people desperate for things amen amen so next one and hey April next year dr. Kevin said eyes were coming back to us you're in for surprise I'm so excited he's coming back three times next year thank you Jesus hallelujah I mean I don't have to give I mean you know ever ties a murder I don't explain anything I mean he is right here in front of you so I don't have to say anything hey man you've already tasted a man so let me see the next knot yes have you heard about oil flowing from the Bible and then a Dawsonville Georgia revival with the fire water baptism both them are coming together next year come on somebody amen amen so anyway so mark your calendar but if you want to be on our email list list for the future events sign-up sheet is back there and sign up if you want to receive a there's more coming we just have not made all the announcements yet so there's more coming amen goddess do God is moving in the middle of a cornfield come on so okay we ask that when you come in for this service these services you come in with an attitude of prayer you know we all though talking and everything you can be before you give you CDs and book table over here and a t-shirt table you want to sign up for the email list we asked it's when you leave clean up after yourself take your empty water bottles and everything and show them in the garbage we want to leave this place clean we are very thankful because when our church is not big enough to hoard everyone and no one really want to be in overflow room so we really looked everywhere to find a place where you know we can fit everybody in so our last resort was to come to school we approached them all the time board members everybody you scoop on them as I'm sorry scoop on members unanimously agreed to let us use this place and superintendent and the principal they have been absolutely wonderful they've been doing everything they can to help us isn't that good a man God is good North Head North there's nothing here we're here we're praying for a new facility that would hold everyone conference center for believing for a motel conference center when you guys come we want you guys to stay in a nice place and not cost very much God's people deserve better than what they one day when I was praying like God he gave me a vision of our church owning a hotel with a conference center and the restaurant in it what a way to go that's our God amen so we want to see God's people bless and they get a tree like Queens and come on Princess and Friends you did it let we need to let the world see come on amen and so would you believe and stand with us and pray for us and pray with us we are looking at a larger facility right now just pray that God would open the windows of heaven and he would part the Red Sea he moved a mountain whatever and we know it's already is it happening come on by next year we're gonna be a new facility I thank you Jesus we are providing the shuttle service too if you have to park a long ways away or you can park uptown on Main Street she's shuttling and the school asks that we don't sit on the bleachers please we have plenty of chairs so they asked her we now use the bleachers you did a good job didn't he okay please don't wander into other rooms there's a bathroom on the right around the corner this way bathroom over this way and so yes the woman's over there amends this way I encourage you to respect and honor displays because we are very grateful to the Lord you know how they are just blessing us so we want to you win this amen amen so are you ready whether you're offering so our shares to come all day only they did it wow they're good hallelujah amen so here we go hallelujah amen I will ready to worship some more amen and then after that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah praise God are you all ready okay alrighty thank you three o'clock session oh praise God how they do you alright got some lights here for us oh yeah you need that just in case there we go okay Heather though don't need this looks like it's from the Star Trek Enterprise I don't know what that thing is okay well I I believe you all come to expect from the Lord this weekend and I'm not gonna waste my time or yours but the Lord the Lord is wanting to get some things across to us and sometimes we just need to make a statement in the territory the first night you know and and you know we just just understand it whether you can see the spirit realm or not it's there and you can be you can be part of something that God's door you can be part of something that the devil is doing but how many know that it's the days of being a victim are over amen okay all right so in order to do that we've we've got to have overthrow what happens in overthrow is you you've had years of breakthrough here and there you know and you have to come and get another hit you know you need another hit of the breakthrough so you need hands laid on you you need a touch from God and you need a word you know and I'm just really over that just really over that and I got I just realized that there was another step and the step was going into overthrow which is permanent where we're hello you are not the victim anymore and you don't need another hit or another touch you're giving them out right and you don't need another word you're giving them out you see there comes this time where overthrow is when you turn around and you've had enough and you start to give out you start to participate in the divine nature which Peter talked about right I know it's not quoted a lot but Peter said that all these precious promises that we've been given he said in second Peter chapter one he said listen all these promises we've been given he said that through these promises we can escape the corruption that's in the world caused by lust and be partakers of the divine nature now most churches won't touch that most commentaries won't touch it but I met Jesus and I'm going to touch it I'm gonna eat it I'm gonna live it because there's a lot of promises that cause me to escape the corruption that's in the world and also help me to be a partaker of the divine nature so we can't just be oh just flesh beans you know we can't just be carnal we've got to at least share in these divine promises and at least share in the spirit realm as well now I don't mind you acting like a nut as long as you stay in the spirit now what I mean by that is is it's not wrong it's not wrong to raise your hands and dance and you know if you got a flag just don't hit anybody you know with it but you know do you understand the like if they go crazy at football games and basketball games and baseball games they go crazy and that's okay and it's kind of like well you know that people do that to just release their energy and their frustrations and it's fun right but it's really weird how we get to church and you know you have to you have to just stay where you're staying and you know you can't like move and you're not a lot and whatever happened to just being free to worship God and and express yourself you know and they so anyway we we something happened a pastor Curtis just stand up and wave to everybody pastor Curtis is here he's from Switzerland it's Erick and um I might have here to share a little bit during this weekend because we were just at his church and I mean the Lord gave me permission are you ready for this I preached 25 meetings that were two hours each 50 hours of material I've never preached before 50 hours I just talked where we're in the we're in the making we're gonna make 15 volumes it's gonna be called notes of a warrior volumes 1 through 15 and it we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna publish that as going to be smaller so that you it's just like a little pocket-sized book each of them so that it's just it's just notes of a warrior it's just the things that I have been able to release so we released that there in Switzerland we had for conferences and it was on fire we would dismiss and there were I mean I don't know how many countries were represented they were coming from everywhere yeah and we had what four different translations right did four different languages right that's how many that we were translating into but we would dismiss and no one would get up it was okay go to dinner now no and they wouldn't get up okay so then we went we came home and got right on the plane to Australia and I'll tell you what that 12-hour flight to Switzerland was nothing because there was 25 hours each way to Australia but I want to tell you what it picked up there the fire of God and we would dismiss and no one would leave and so the band and me would walk off and they would keep singing the same song for an hour laid out all over the floor hands-free this went on for two weeks so then I just came from Morningstar and it just picked up right there and even witches were repenting and getting delivered at demons okay then then we went to Sid Roth and we just came from there this morning we went to see Roth I taped 22 shows then I did you know one of them was the main show that'll be on and the power of God was so strong that Sid he didn't even remember what the name of my book was that we were talking he was so he was so happy okay so I got on a plane and I we got on a plane we got up this morning at 2:30 and we got here I think at like 7:00 or 6:30 or 7:00 this morning yeah and in passed array and and and the power of God is still on me it's still the same and I've done everything that I can do to just stay in there for you so that I can just put it give it to you okay okay now here's the thing it's not gonna be like what you're used to as you as you know I'm not I'm not really into the fire tunnels and laying hands on people because the Lord told me there was time to go into the next level which was the importation through the glory which doesn't have anything to do with me at all and I don't want to be the superstar of this move I want to I want to stay behind and let God show up touch you but I this is a move of transformation this this is not this is not a revival it's it's transformation it's not Reformation its transformation in other words it's a permanent change in your heart to where you engage God wherever you're at and your change forever then he gets all the credit for it and you get a free manual in a CD with it too okay okay so be happy realize that your light has come the Lord has come and he's dwelling among us and he wants you to go to breakthrough which means you're not going to be needy anymore [Applause] there you you wouldn't believe how many people in here I already know the Lord's always show me your future I'm not looking at you right now so don't you you have no idea how set up and rigged it is no there's people there's people in here that I've known them for two years and the Lord talks to me all the time about them they're in this room right now there's a bunch of you I've seen your faces long ago and the Lord is telling me that they are or they don't have any idea I mean how'd you like to have this kind of problem my buddies Johnny and Jerry they have a Bible that flows oil okay they're like Kevin what do we do it's it's 17 gallons a day now I go don't don't touch it just keep going they have 1,400 people show up every Tuesday morning to pray with them okay so God can do what he wants to do but he wants to include you in on what he's doing so um I want to tell you this weekend some of the things that I see that are that are happening now that you might not be aware of but they're happening with you and around you and God's doing this because he loves you but you know what it's really cool cuz it's kind of generic when you say God loves you yeah yeah I know that it's just like it's just like it in in Zurich in Zurich we were we were preaching like I don't know how many times a day we preach it was like it seemed like five or six sessions and it would take us to like a bomb shelter in them they'd wait there was a bomb shelter at the bottom of the building so just to rest for like a half hour an hour you know and um it's a neutral country but they have bomb shelters you know it's like but anyway our our friends would go get us coffee at this coffee shop and it was a guy from Turkey and it's Turkish coffee you know and it would get us coffee so we would like we'll pass out for an hour and then they would revive us with this Turkey Turkey's caught right okay so so they go they said hey this got you know that he's like because they were getting it like four times a day and the guy was like man this guy you know who you what he's always speaking over there to Catholic Church in downtown Zurich and he loves your coffee he goes he said he thinks you got the best coffee in the world because all I know I do oh yeah that's right that's it he was like so sure of it and I thought you know what he is so sure of what he's doing and that he's got a good product when are Christians gonna start getting like that he was convinced that he had the best he said yeah I know I know that already yeah and he didn't even want them to tell him that anymore you know I know I know I got I got the best coffee and I I started to see into the future it started in in Zurich and then we went to Geneva we actually had to stay in France every night because we had to go to the country of France to get a hotel because the the world of I'm so drunk the United Nations was meeting and they had taken up all the hotels so we we saw so much happened there in those cities there's fire Jesus said to me I want Geneva back I want my city back and so what you know and last year we went against all the coven's all the witches because they were sacrificing out in front of the church I saw well that's that's there's a new sheriff in town this is gonna stop right now and then I said where's the high place s we went to the French Alps and we took communion right there where they sacrifice I said no this is God's property now that'sthat's Geneva's gods and the the pastor started to get it you know that we're supposed to be taking back you know from the so this happened in Australia I said where's where's where's the where's the coven's at where's the Masons at and we were driving to go to breakfast to meet someone a well-known prophet a world I watched him on Sid Roth when when I was you know 14 I don't know how many years ago how many years ago was that honey week we used to watch Sid Roth all the time but um there was just one prophet on a very very accurate prophet and he's from Australia and and he wanted to meet me so as soon as we landed we went and met him but on the way we went through this neighborhood and I'm just telling you this because the Lord's trying to show you something is that you got to be aware that the Holy Spirit wants to talk to you about where you live and what's going on in the spirit realm around you because if you can get rid of the devil guarantee that things are going to shape up for you is this one if you get rid of the demons it's amazing how things get better [Applause] so we're driving down this city in Adelaide in Australia after this twenty four five hour flight and all the sudden on my side my left side I felt this evil in the neighborhood as we passed I said what so I marked the street and then I said the Lord the Lord all of a sudden I saw from a bird's-eye view the whole area and I had this the whole area in the streets and I said to the pastor I said what's right here I said is there's Masons here this is what he said that's where the Mason what that's where the Masons are that's the lodge and that's the all the old money of this city it's entrenched in this hope that what you just said there's no way you could know that I said well the spirit of Lord just told me I said we got to take it out so we got to the restaurant now listen to me closely now this prophet had watched me on Sid Roth I had seen him on Sid Roth he was going through something and he sat there and heard me speak from the other realm and he got hit by God while watching my episode okay so he wanted we were talking and I and the pastor said hey tell him what just happened and I started to tell what just happened and that I gave the street numbers because he lives there he knows he goes my god he goes you're blowing me away he says you know what happened last night I knew I was gonna meet you he said I'm sitting in my living room and the spirit Lord said you got to take out the Masons no assets and then he said the Lord said remember that book that that lady so-and-so gave you you need to get that book open and open it to that chapter where it talks about Masons in chapter 4 so he says yeah I don't even know if I have that book anymore are you ready for this he said that book came flying off my shelf and landed at my feet open to chapter 4 so we're traveling 25 hours and we can insert it into that territory and the Lord reveals something to me from outside coming in and then there's a prophet who lives there and fights this thing he the night before gets told by the Lord the same thing okay so he calls to the other pastors so the next thing you know we're taking communion and taken back the whole block now listen to me then I said where's the coven's at he goes to witches I go yeah he goes well I know where they're at so we went over there and we just stood right there in front of where they meet until communion no I mean I haven't been on the ground 24 hours yet are you understanding me but see the thing is you got to take you got to take this stuff out my friends who were platoon leaders for Special Forces they would be sent in weeks and live in the country that we were about to nail and they would at night get coordinates for all the communications all that all the different antennas and different places where there were communications for the military in that city and they would get the coordinates so that they could be given to the satellite links for the cruise missiles and for the stealth fighters so when they were launched all the coordinates for all the key things we need to take out they would live they lived in the streets of Baghdad for weeks gathering intelligence at night working with the CIA to get all the intelligence they needed then they would they would put those into the the brains the missiles and they would go and take out the communications first so that's what happened first so they couldn't talk to each other and then you take out the airfield so they can't launch against you and you have to understand where you live the demonic spirits don't want to leave that area just ask Jesus they begged him not to ok so this weekend is all about opening your eyes and being able to operate within your area where you're at what you're assigned to very effectively and what what the goal is is I want you to be known in hell I want you to make a mark in history the way you're gonna change history is you're gonna make a name for yourself in hell yeah listen you're already getting a hit like you're you're something real special no think about what think about what you're going through you might as well just be on TV no did you ever think about that's like what significance am i that I'm getting hit so hard I'll tell you why it's because in in heaven there are books written about you and I saw it and when I saw it I saw that people need to know all these things so that they can be effective in their generation and Jesus sent me back to tell people these things so that's why I'm doing these these spirit schools that's why I started my school did you know that we just we start our school January 30th of this year and this weekend probably tomorrow tomorrow afternoon we will have 5,500 students and that's this is just an outreach this is an outreach of this school because the Lord told me I am sending you to the nation's to make disciples not just converts so I want to make permanent disciples out of all nations and how I'm gonna do that is I'm gonna do that by teaching and fathering people mentoring people into the supernatural and I'm gonna get you to where you're you're dependent on God only and you don't look to me Jesus told me to work at myself out of a job so he said replicate Jesus in everyone so I'm gonna replicate Jesus and every one of you I want to see Jesus okay okay there are some things that I need to go over just to let you know this when I do these things all over the world I just did one in Australia and you would if you heard the roar in the final couple of services we had to actually schedule more and we had to go to a bigger building we had a schedule more services because the people had come from so far and they didn't have anything to do and I said well let's just have more services and then they would say well you know can you speak to the staff and I go wait a minute I'm not if I'm gonna speak to 17 people I'm gonna speak to 500 I said schedule another meeting I'll speak to you just sit up there and I'll talk to you about I'm going to talk to everybody because I didn't come 25 hours okay you get it okay so you all are part of something that is huge all over the world and it's an anomaly no one can figure me out and by the time that they do I'll be gone I'll just have disappeared right now it's like it never happened you can do this I don't claim to be anything special I I saw in heaven that what Jesus died for was much greater than what we have somehow perceived I also saw that we put too much emphasis on certain individuals and then what happens is is when they pass away they haven't replicated themselves in anybody so there's no way to hand off okay so if you if you attach yourself to a personality then when that person's done then you could be done but that's not the way it supposed to be they're supposed to be fathers and sons and the generation that you're in must hand off the baton to the next generation in a in a favorable manner okay so it's a mystery to me how when when God does what he does he does it big time I don't think you understand now listen to me I think it's really hilarious Jesus appeared to me when I was 19 years old and he said I'm going to cause you to get a job with the airline after you're done with college I was 19 years old I didn't get hired with Southwest Airlines till I was 25 he said you're gonna do a career there and then you're gonna retire and then you're going into the ministry that's exactly what happened I spent almost 30 years there and I accidentally became a millionaire because that's what he told me when I was 19 he said I'm gonna get you a career so that you'll never be manipulated by money now my message will never be tainted so I don't have to pay to play [Applause] because there is a Christian mafia out there there is a Christian mafia so what I do is I actually plow diagonally across everybody's field so there's I I caught wind that there people trying to replicate what I'm doing so what I did was okay I'll just give it away for free that you all just come I'll give you your manual I'll give you your CD and I'll tell you you don't even have to give to me if you don't want to in fact I don't need your money I mean if you want to give the warrior notes you can give the warrior knows but did I mention I'm a millionaire okay okay I didn't know her but but this happened a long time ago did you know that we just kept it really tight-lipped because everybody wants your money you know okay do you understand that we weren't trying to be that we were just trying to serve God the best we could but we got to the place where we're not trying anymore now I'm telling you this what I saw in heaven is much more than what you've perceived and I cannot judge by my encounters down here I cannot judge God by what I encounter because I have encountered theft I have encountered death stealing killing destroying I've encountered the enemy the enemy has taken my friends out taking them out early I cannot judge God by my encounters down here I judge God by his word he's always going to be true no matter what if I can't file something I just let it go so you got to let it go and not be offended by things hadn't have happened that our failures this is the biggest thing is happening right now my belief system is not based on what has happened to me okay see do you know that you got big rewards coming but God hasn't given you a lollipop this weekend you know it's still it's still young but it's still a young weekend but do you understand when you when you do something good God doesn't give you a lollipop just because you did something good but he doesn't slap you when you do something wrong either but yet there is a reward system and a man does replenish owes some it's evident Paul said obvious right away others it follows them the whole way to the judgment so what are you worried about just so to the spirit because you know what you're gonna get hmm make sure I get a CD of this this is good okay so the process of what Jesus told me was is that you speak to a generation that might not discern their need you tell them their need and then you start to tell them where they're going so that they start speaking where they're going instead of where they are as long as you're here in the flesh you need to give the devil a hard time you need to push him back you need to be rough with them because the will of God for your life is much greater than you know and the Satan knows it and he's trying to stop your momentum there are lots of you in here you've gone through terrible things and there's a lot of hurt in here but Jesus came back to destroy the works of the devil he is the only hope we have he has conquered death hell and the grave he's your only hope he sent the Holy Spirit who is the revealer the Advocate the counselor the standby your power your wisdom your revelation and he's a friend he's your only hope right now do you understand what I'm trying to say so you have to adhere to the covenant that God has given you through Jesus Christ no matter what has happened to you in the past whatever it looks like right now you have to go to overthrow you cannot give up you cannot judge God by what has happened to you your doctrine your belief system is based on what God has spoken by his word everything in all creation was formed by the Word of God everything that God has for you is frame from his word everything that is laid up for you was spoken through his lips so it doesn't matter what the facts are the truth is in heaven about you facts are based on observation science observes all the time and they miss it a lot and they're always learning new things because as things are observed and they go further into it they realize what they were observing they interpreted it wrong truth is from heaven and is absolute God has already sung over you songs of deliverance as was F&I 3:17 says he is a warrior he's already spoken well of you he's redeemed you from the curse yeah okay all right I had to do that because Jesus told me that I got to get people's soil ready so that the Word of God can have a crop I'm gonna start tonight in Chapter six first once you open in Chapter six I got to go over some a couple of things with you chapter six is very important now just in quick review and we'll go over the first five chapters when we get done with the last five because this is uncharted territory never get this far so I'm gonna fix that now when I was in heaven I saw that there were three parts to man and it's you know in first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 so just to get you caught up we have three parts Paul talks about the spirit the soul in the body and of course there are all different words when you look them up in the Strong's Concordance you have you have the spirit you have the soul which is the words where we get psyche psychology it's the mind the will and the emotions the spirit is the inner man the hidden man of the heart and your body of course is your earth suit it's just what you have down here if you if you want to stay on earth you got to have a body and it's just a costume it's a product of many many generations of interbreeding in the bloodline it doesn't represent who you are it's just a costume your spirit man is a real you and you are all that I've seen what it's like to be out of my body and Jesus when he came to me and in the operating room he took me and showed me the other realm and he showed me heaven and I didn't want to come back but he asked me to come back and explain all these things it's kind of silly because I've never been allowed to do what I can do ever and I've always had to walk away from what I wanted to do and what I was able to do and the things I'm doing now are things that I can't do or I don't want to do and you know if I'm gonna play an instrument I want to do it in the orchestra pit where nobody can see me and in retirement which is what I'm in right now I want to sit on my back porch and and sip tea and throw rocks at the alligators like I always say because I am in a third world country in New Orleans I'm serious I go out and I think I have to feel for my passport in case you know I'm asked you know I I don't I feel like it's like a foreign country thank God that there's a there's crazy friends that live there you know so I can I can at least feel safe with them but when I go out and about it's because God has asked me to do something that I really don't want to do or can't do and that's the way he is he doesn't choose people that are qualified so you're all hired in his weakness his strength is revealed and and Jesus told me the weakness is your friend that you should you'd honor that line where you end and God begins and you should always always consider that a supernatural event is going to come when you feel weak it's a truth and if I can give you anything this weekend it would be that you are doing better than you think you're doing the thing down here in this room is is that it's a broken world and you as a born-again spirit filled Christian are fixed on the inside in your spirit you're fixed it that's what that's what second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 says that you're a new species a new creature in Christ the old has passed away behold all things have become new that is your doctrine that is your belief system not your experience you might think you're you're experiencing Romans 7 you know the things I want to do I don't do the thing you the thing you know or whatever you know the things I want to do I can't do the things I can't do I do or whatever you're not allowed to do you do them you as soon as you're told not to do something you do it well let's go to chapter 8 where it says thanks be to God through Jesus Christ the who who who those there's no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who live not according to the flesh but according to the spirit and it talks about that those who are moved or or led by the Spirit of God are sons of God and 1st Georgia the first chapter of John chapter 1 verse 12 says that those who loved him and adhered to him he gave them the power to become sons of God see that's the Jesus I met and I saw that the weakness that we experienced down here is because we are not made to operate in a broken world we're made very intricate and we get frustrated very easily when things don't work out because it's foreign to us to have disappointments in our spirit we think that we should have everything we pray for because that's the way it is inside hello welcome in your spirit you expect everything to come in line with the Word of God because you're born again now does everybody follow me this is the way the Bible teaches it this is your belief system not your experience so you got to understand let's get something straight right now I'm not here this is not a nursery you know I'm here to tell you that as a mature adult in Christ we can give the devil a headache every day we can drive him out but we have to get that command about us so that we start to see miracles because Jesus starts to have his way in our lives there's a tipping point that has already started now I was told this three years ago but it's gonna it's already starting because I was participating in it for the last three years but the angels told me that it would take three years for people to start to jump in so what I'm teaching you here in in in Chapter six the hidden man the heart you have to understand this is the real you and in a broken world you're gonna feel frustrated all the time because you expect if you pray for God to not only hear you but to do what you've asked because it says Jesus said it he said ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened to you that's it he doesn't explain it and if you look into commentaries they won't touch it you want to know why because the word asks I'm glad you asked by the way the word ask is the word demand in Greek demand and it shall be given unto you seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be opened it's very forceful it kind of matches the language in John where Jesus said listen if you love me passionately to where you actually obey me he said you can ask what you will and it'll be done for you some translations say what you desire well that's a little different than what you need well how can I get to a place where I can do that with God well it's he gave you that he gave you the answer he said if you abide in me and I bite in you you can ask what you will he's talking about the vine he said I'm the vine you're the branches he said without me you can do nothing when's the last time that was announced in a megachurch without me you can do nothing when's the last time you heard jesus say if you want any part of me you got to drink my blood and eat my flesh or this if you want any part of me you got to deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me because it's that it's the interest into the supernatural okay so what you're really doing Jesus told me is you're releasing your the hidden man of the heart you're releasing him because he doesn't have any limitations so the Crucified life actually releases your inner man to be dominant so in your spirit right now you have no doubt you have no fear you don't know what it's like to have a disappointment cuz you have appointments you don't know what it's like to be discouraged because you have courage need I go on your spirit is made in the image of God you have been taken back to Genesis 1:26 where it says let us make man in our image that's the Trinity talking God's original intent was us to be like him to where we can walk with Him in the garden and he could tolerate us no no think about it Israel he was so upset with them he goes there they're a stiff-necked and rebellious I can't be among them Moses I'm just gonna wipe him out make you a nation he go oh no no no don't do that and he said Moses you're fine my presence shall go with you and Moses said wait a minute you said presence the word presence should be correctly in Hebrews should be the word pnai which is face my face shall go with you in other words I'm gonna look at you and smile I can tolerate you but it's poor oh it says pnai in my faces shall go with you see there is no word for presence presence like we think of it oh here we go click-click-click there's no place like home click-click-click don't think about it God told Moses my faces shall go with you you know what Moses said no I want to see York abode I want to see your glory and you know what God said to Moses you want to die but don't you see that spending time with God Moses realized that God was holding something back now what does it say the Psalms say that Israel saw his acts they were spectators but Moses knew his ways and that word is the pathways the personality of God the things he likes the way he likes to do things so do you understand how important the Crucified life is is that we left on our own can do nothing but if we're left on our own we always go astray the Crucified life allows the hidden man to be released and be dominant in your life which means you're gonna have to deny your circumstances and say that's just facts but it is written the truth in heaven is I by His stripes I am healed I was healed no just because it doesn't work when you pray for people doesn't mean you stop praying for people because it's never gonna be God's fault I know that no matter how hard I have tried I have not been able to change things welcome to a broken world is everybody here he is still God oh please don't let me say that more no listen to this one day I was reading my Bible like a nice little Christian in Phoenix Arizona it was 10:00 a.m. at 10:00 a.m. in July the lair there's just a small amount of moisture in Phoenix because it's the surface of the Sun and so there's like this at 18,000 feet there's a small layer in the morning it burns off and I'm sitting under a tree in my backyard reading the Bible and though the Holy Spirit comes on me so strongly and with a thorn of it eight of boys he said look up through the trees I saw that thin haze and I went back to reading and I'm like whoa wait a minute what did I just see cuz I heard I heard a departure of an airplane so I looked back up and there was a delta airlines 737-200 series and that departure is the needles departure I know because we do it but I'm off now I'm off that day and Delta's blowing through that mist you know at 18,000 feet 280 knots I know the profile and there's this bright metal object following but see you might not believe in UFOs but that didn't make it go away I'm looking up at this and it's like oh boy here we go Hey the power of God came and went just like when that demon-possessed man had 15 invisible friends talking through his voice they one by one had to go the same power was on me and I raised my hand at that object for that airplane and I say to you foul lyin Devils and when I said that out loud a metal object that was going 280 knots did a right-angle turn and stopped burning brighter than the Sun is this on OK at this moment this doesn't fit your doctrine it doesn't fit the science books because the government doesn't want that in a science book anyway ok so what do you do you're reading your Bible and you see something you encounter something and you can't file it but yet the power of God stopped an object and I said go you foul line Devils and when I did it disappeared and I can look and I can say you know what that thing the field around is so dense that was pulling light back into itself so it looked like it was gone but it wasn't gone I said I said go it reappeared and shot away so I went onto the reporting agencies and other people saw it so my question to you is do you rely on your inner man when you encounter something that you can't explain because the days that are coming you're gonna see stuff that even the very elect would be deceived if that were possible if that sounds familiar it's because Jesus said it ok do you understand the deception I saw and I didn't know I was coming back at this time but what I saw was it's all being set up to be such a shock and awe to people some of the things that are gonna be happening in that there's gonna be signs and wonders in the heavens are you ready to discern and to stay in your position when a demon refuses to leave someone are you ready to say you know what one of us is leaving and I'm not leaving do you want a piece of me the demon doesn't know how to handle a Christian like that I mean I've heard demons that we're told to go I've heard them say I'll go out for a cookie you got to be kidding me what makes it think that a demon can know go what what makes a demon think that they can negotiate with you well they did it with Jesus okay so the reason I'm telling you all this is because the mindset of the Spirit is against the mindset of the flesh but see witchcraft is listed as a work of the flesh by Paul he gives the fruit of spirit in Galatians and then he gives the fruit of the flesh and one of them's witchcraft I thought that was spiritual what did Paul say about spiritual warfare well you know half the verse but you don't quote the whole thing but I'll just help you second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 6 says but the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds okay that's where we stop but it says bringing into captivity or bringing down every thought anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God bringing into captivity every thought well that's mental is anybody follow me or do I need it okay so do you understand that you can't attribute spiritual warfare to wrestling with a demon out there when you get out of your car cuz it won't let you into the building you're not out there wrestling a demon the demons are trying to convince you of something that's not true it might be a fact but it's not true do you want to hear more okay the reason why the reason why you have to adhere to the hidden man of the heart is is that in Colossians we're gonna read this chapter 3 verse 1 and 2 says if you were raised with Christ so on page 59 seek those which are seek those things which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God set your mind oh I thought this was a spiritual thing he says seek those things which are above that's the heavenly realms right because he he actually says this in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 he said we're seated with him in the heavenly Rose that he's writing to the Colossians here and he just kind of words it a little different but he's saying you got to seek those things which are above well what's above that's in the spirit realm that's spiritual okay but what does he say here set your mind on things above not on things of this earth now listen to me when I was called by Jesus himself and he told me what I was called to do when I was 19 as soon as I got saved he he came to me he said here's what you're called to do here's who you are and I am going to send you to college you're not going to the Air Force Academy and you when you're done you're gonna work for an airline and when you retire you're going into the ministry no you got Jesus sitting on a blanket with me on a top of a hill and I'm a brand-new Christian I'm not gonna argue with him but you gotta understand something it all came to pass but this is what he told me he said because of what you're called two people are not gonna like you he said so I'm gonna seal it up so that you'll never need money so that you'll never be manipulated so that you can continue to speak the truth even if people throw things at you so I'll come in my own expense if I have to I thoroughly enjoy this because it's unconventional in other words it's it's the new normal ministry is about giving you should be a good receiver I came to give not to get I already had Jesus say I'm faithful what else do I need he'd already told me that I've been faithful but can you go back it'll only be about a minute and a half it has it's only been a minute and a half in heaven it's been 26 years but it's been nothing I was told since that day that Jesus appeared to me I've been told by my parents by my best friends by my pastors spirit-filled pastors that don't be so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good and I realized that my pastors some of them were so earthly minded they were no heavenly good you gotta be kidding me that's the devil's that's the devil's vocabulary I would never tell anybody that I'm getting drunk newsflash newsflash so get ready if I start I'm gonna sit down oh my god and get ready I can see that I haven't even got to the first paragraph okay so the whole idea is the whole idea before I get too drunk and I'm saying do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth that your inner man is in direct communication with your Father in heaven that is the absolute truth okay because Paul said that he who joins himself to the Lord is one with him in spirit so it's a local call to talk to God okay amen all right all right so I I saw in heaven no no go ahead and get drunk with me go ahead in the spirit of course that God's voice was loud enough for us but it was the other voices that were in this realm that were trying to get our attention and overpower us and we needed to stand apart and be separate is it South America as Paul told the Corinthians that and so what what I saw was oh your this is gonna be exciting the devil had to make it really not cool to live a holy life because holiness had to do with ownership and I saw that when God bought us with a price that he took us for his private stock and he sets us up on display he owns us were not our own and that's holiness and that he sets us up and he displays his glory through us and everybody looks and they know there is a God in Israel do you get me okay so the the idea here about God's voice is that we are already wired to hear God because the communication goes on in our inner man that's why Jesus said to the lady the woman at the well he said we're not gonna worship there's a day coming we're not gonna worship on this mountain or any mountain we're gonna worship because God is a spirit we're gonna worship God in spirit and in truth okay so God is not a mind and he's not a body he's a spirit he has a body but it's a spiritual body he has a mind but it's a spiritual mind everybody understand me now Jesus has his body Enoch has his body and so does Elijah so you have been equipped through the born-again experience to hear God's voice but you're not gonna hear him in your mind and he's not gonna talk to you through your body so do you understand that I was told by my pastor that if I was sick you know not not the pastor's that you would know now I'm talking about that you know way back that if I was sick it was because God was teaching me something and then he would tell me it's okay to just go the doctor I'm thinking well if it fits God's will for me to be sick what am I going to a doctor get out of God's will it didn't make sense and and then furthermore like if God made people sick why did he send Jesus to make them well because this says he went around doing good and healing everyone is this on everyone do you know what says in the Greek everyone so Jesus in a tenth acts 10:38 went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil so not only do we know that Jesus just healed everyone but we know where the origin of the sickness was there was being it was oppression of the devil even though it's organic and it's real I don't base my doctrine on healing on how how how well I'm doing my body because God has set a new standard in heaven and healing as spiritual first just like everything else you have an account in heaven when you give to God Paul said you're laying up it's your account that's why you should never give out a compulsion that's why me and my wife we before we even go to a meeting we already determined what we're gonna give so it doesn't get yanked out of us I don't need to give $1,000 offering to get death broken off me Jesus did it already for free is there anybody here okay so you have everything you need for life and godliness it's been given to you so the inner man receives the messages from God okay so in your spirit that's why I got up here it shows you how what we pray every morning and you can see that the devil just he doesn't even show up for the prayer meetings anymore I mean can you imagine being them in the middle of that what what entrance does he have and that kind of a prayer meeting calling down fire you see your spirit is ignited with God you are a new creature in Christ I saw this and Satan does not want people participating in the divine nature so if you notice that certain vocabulary will be taken out of Christianese so you don't hear about the Crucified life anymore you hear about you know God loves me so much you know I can do what I want and he's still gonna accept me well you know how's that working for you because you're miserable Paul said don't give it any provision to the flesh he said no no man after the flesh he said you don't take advantage of the grace of God you know if I send more grace abounds I mean is that still in the Bible okay of course it is even the nearly inspired version still has it in there okay second Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 at the bottom of the page says and no wonder for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light so even evil spirits who are familiar with you will create scenarios to try to convince you of things so that you accept it now I don't know why you came here if you're not gonna really take to heart what I'm saying I got a I'm giving you scripture but I got a peek at what all this means I saw that scenarios are being built so that you will be convinced that you're something you're not that you have something you don't have and I'm not denying the facts but I'm saying there's a truth that that supersedes fact now if the Holy Spirit is speaking to you he's speaking to you through your spirit but what he's speaking out of your spirit is overthrow because he doesn't want any evil spirit to dominate you the Holy Spirit doesn't want you to be dominated by an evil spirit when are we gonna stop asking for a Gerber baby food when are we gonna stop accepting what's been handed to us because I'm telling you religion has never helped people it's entrapped them now there's good religion in the sense of there's good ethics there's good morals that's not one time I'm talking about when you have a form of godliness but you deny the power when when when you hear something that's watered-down that causes you not to be moved not to be changed because the other realm like right now I'm overwhelmed I'm I'm in the spirit realm and I'm not taking no for an answer and it doesn't matter what happens I don't care I don't care what the devil has said or done what I care about is what God has said and his intention for all of us whatever he says over me is what is gonna happen to me not what the devil is doing or what he's saying there's overthrow okay all right turn the page we gotta pretend like we're going through this okay so at the top of the point now listen to these bullet points I'm telling you things I saw these bullet points are these spirits speak and interject into your life and it can sound like God but its total deception next book what I am telling you this so that you are not deceived Jesus loves you so much and you are not rejected okay so that's the biggest thing on the earth but Jesus show me was rejection and it's a cycle of rejection but we're gonna talk about that later you are adopted into the blood and God has amazing plan for you so you're adopted in through the blood the blood actually causes you to walk in complete forgiveness to where you don't have the residue of your past in heaven if you've repented of your sin it's gone okay so out of this has to flow the Ministry of Jesus at the end of all this the hidden man the heart comes out this is what's gonna happen mark 16 verse 17 18 these signs shall follow those who believe in my name they will cast out devils they will speak with new tongues they will take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it will by no means hurt them they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover period there's no asterisk there where you go down the bottom of the page and there's an explanation that sometimes it doesn't work so the Holy Spirit's asking you to believe so God wants to speak to you but what he's gonna say to you is going to shift you it's gonna change you from where you're at right now now I've had this happen so many times this week that it's happened two or three times today it's supposed to be happening you're supposed to be going from glory to glory you're supposed to be seeing something new about your father in heaven you're supposed to be encountering something different every day you see it's not your fault you're in a fallen world but it is your fault if you don't take what God has done and do something with it manifestation has to happen manifestation comes from within you you see you are supposed to pull the other realm into this realm oh boy here we go here we go they asked Jesus hey teach us how to pray well they're thinking you know there's gonna be some like DVD series did you get from Perry stone or something you know with the Greek studies and everything you know what he says he says okay pray like this doesn't even hit cup doesn't hesitate he says okay pray like this our Father who art in heaven holy is your name your kingdom come and your will be done on the earth as it already is in heaven they're like whoa they're trying to wrap their mind around that like Oh cake you see all the sudden they have more questions now than the one they just asked because they that world is being open to them and they weren't ready for it you want to know why because they had unrealistic expectations of who Jesus was they thought he was gonna push Rome out you know Barabbas had tried it and they bailed on him so he ends up in jail so when Jesus came in on the on the donkey and the triumphal entry in Hosanna blessed is he who comes to name Lord they really thought he was going to set himself up as king and announce there were driving ro mount they waited and they waited and Judas got nervous they all got nervous right you know you take your Bible and you flip it one page and they're throwing him over a brow of a hill the next day they Jesus did not meet their expectations this is what warfare is Peter he's asked who do you say I am he answers correctly it was so profound that Jesus said what you just said thou art the Christ the Messiah thou art the Messiah the son of the Living God when he said he said this was not revealed to you by man this was revealed to you by my father congratulations Peter you flipped the page one page and Jesus announces that he's going to die he's going to Jerusalem and die ok one page and Peter says no you're not going to no way why because you got to push roll mount you got to be king can't die and Jesus says get behind me Satan for you have not in mind the things of God but the things of man warfare now what happened in one page the same thing that happened with Jesus with a triumphal entry Jesus didn't meet their personal expectations but if you look every person that yelled out son of David they got healed but when Jesus went to his home to hometown he was just a carpenter's son no one received a major miracle in that town because their unbelief what they didn't discern who Jesus was okay so tonight take this home with you you have to discern that the hope of glory is inside of you as a deposit that you've been given the authority to become a son of God that's what John says John 1 says that word there that word for power is the wording Zosia which is Authority not Dunamis it's exodia we've been given the authority to become the sons of God so inside of you is everything you need for life and godliness so it has to be overthrow but the overthrow starts happening in you when you bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ it's when you tell your body we're gonna pray and we're not gonna eat that chicken in the refrigerator and as soon as you start to pray you remember all the things that you're supposed to do all that address I just remembered address I got to write that note no no you're gonna pray because that's what you said apart - okay real quickly 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 27 very important we talked about spiritual warfare in the mind so we have psyche the mind the will and emotions and then we have our body Paul said this and it's on middle page 63 but I discipline my body and bring it in the submission list that when I have preached to others i myself should become disqualified you mean Apostle Paul could be disqualified if he's body rolled he could is there anybody here okay so do you understand okay close it close your booklet close your booklet good job now listen to me I've set this weekend up for you right now but you got to understand something Jesus didn't die and was raised from the dead so that you can be a victim down here Jesus died and was resurrected seated at the right hand of God you're going to heaven but that's just the beginning now think about this if if you're supposed to just wait now and survive until he comes back on the white horse then why weren't you raptured when you gave your life to the Lord if there's no need for you to be here because you're just going to heaven why didn't he just take us all out is when we got redeemed but we're still here I'll tell you why what I saw in heaven was that everyone had books written about them so that they could enforce what Jesus had done on the cross that we were to take back what the enemy had taken from men that were down here not surviving but we're supposed to be thriving and and we're supposed to be owning things I mean we should all get together take communion and take back the coven's everybody raise your hands father I can't hear you we repent of unbelief and we thank you for the spirit of Revelation do you realize that a lot of you are coming down with a healing right now see because it's being released because healing is spiritual first now I can't fail because Jesus sent me back and he told me I can't fail just get over it but see it's a sign in a wonder for all of you to grab hold of it because you can do this but you're supposed to be changing the routing of the way things are going you're supposed to be history maker now the God's plans and purposes that he has for you they're not normal no do you understand to the world you're already weird no no no listen to me I spent in the corporate world I spent 30 years I was being groomed to be in leadership for the airline that I work for and I had a fast-track I had a gear I had a guarantee and I refused it because of this because I can do so much more for people if I give them what they need then just have a career this is I sat for 30 years every day and talk to people about Jesus listen to them on why they did not like Christianity why they did not like Christians you know everything but the thing that was as I looked at how miserable everybody was and they were pushing their doctrine on me you know just do what you want and they couldn't understand what I just didn't go with them and do what they wanted to do just do what I want and I could have done anything I wanted to do no one would have ever found out but see because I knew the other realm I knew that there was more than just staying down here and enjoying the pleasures of this life I knew that you you reap what you sow and I saw that the people were unhappy and they were they were being controlled and this is what would happen every single time by the third day we had three day trips by the third day that devil had had enough of me and started losing his grip on the person it was weird is the third day so last thing and I would walk back and this is what the Spirit of the Lord would because he would he would wake me up on the third day of the trip the last day when I was going home and I would wake up an hour before I had to get up now I had to get up at 3 a.m. so I was getting up at 2 and having having to pray for my crew members in tongues for an hour and they don't even believe in tongues no no hear me out I would pray and warfare tongues for them and tell that devil to let them go I would go to work I will walk back here and the Spirit of the Lord through me would say hey I just want you to know I woke up and praying for you this morning and they looked at me I said you prayed for me I said yeah I said God has an amazing plan for your life and I said you know and I didn't know anything about him I said you know I saw your I saw your daughter's you know she's supposed to be a like a ballerina she was how do you know that she's always telling me that she said that's why I'm working extra so I can pray play I could pay for the lessons she starts crying I said God's got a mazing plan for your life and I start witnessing to her and lead her to the Lord just like that okay you see what I'm trying to show you is is that don't let people make you feel bad about your world because they're not doing well in their world oh man that whoa yeah so do you understand that people are in great need they are in bondage that Devils are harassing them and H crew born-again Christian has a command about them jesus said no one takes my life I lay it down of my own accord okay so he had he gave his life up when he chose to you have to understand just 24 hours ago I was sitting across from Sid Roth and we were doing the best show that I've ever done in my life it was so strong it was so strong that I thought if I could just shoplift this - look - lost and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what is it gonna take to be convinced that there is a true God who loves you has a plan for you what is it going to take for you to walk into that because the world what they offer is not working I'm gonna finish with this story and then we're gonna you can start the cord whatever you're gonna do there get a holy cord there OD yes good boy here we go now listen to me it's all about the harvest it's all about bringing people to Jesus it really is but you have to have something that they want and you just being a natural person is what they already are there has to be an element of this supernatural in your life in order to help people okay so when I went to work one day and I have to tell you this I want to close now but we got I'm sorry it's going late but if we work through some things tonight and this is the hardest night once we once we establish and gain the ground in the spirit this is this is the way it is everywhere I go it gets better it gets easier it's been good anyway here's what happened I went to work we had we had a couple minutes before we boarded the next flight we just finished a flight I'm talking to one of the crew members and they said why are you so happy and I said well I died and I came back and they go what like oh yeah you know when I had been at the company five years I went in for an operation and I had an experience where I left my body I went to heaven and then I was sent back there like what did you see did you see Jesus I said yeah he said what's he look like so I told her then she goes what else I said everybody has a book written about them and God has this amazing plan for everybody but the devil like convinces people that this that that that they're rejected and they're worthless and then he gets them to just turn themselves over to drugs and alcohol to where they're dumbed down and then he can control them and God's got these beautiful books about people and you have to believe in in Jesus that he died for your sins and he express your faith to him by telling him that that you loved him and that you believe that he died that he is the savior the Messiah and I said you'll be saved and I said it automatically sit your spirit becomes born-again and your synchronized with with heaven and your book BAM just like that I'm in okay now listen so she goes and tells the pilot that she could you know Kevin died and was sent back and he knew he goes no he never told me that he goes Kevin get up here he said you didn't tell me you died I said yeah I said he said when after you're done with your service on next flight come up I want you to tell me what happened so I get up there after my service and I start telling him and he gets touched she goes he goes to the first officer he goes he goes you need to hear this he said I got the airplane you could turn around and listen to what Kevin's saying when he turned around he was crying because I had been telling him you know telling the captain he's flying the airplane but he's listening I said woah because the captain saw he was crying he said Kevin he said I believe in Jesus Christ I want to be born again what I'm thinking it couldn't be this easy this is what happened he said while you were talking I went back to 16 years old I could see it and I was in the woods and my friends I accidentally shot me shot at me with an arrow a deer arrow we were deer hunting and he said it was an accident but it came towards the back of my head it came so fast that they couldn't even warn me they were messing around you know he was going to shoot one by the tree beside me but it went to the back of his head he said he heard his name being called but none of the guys called his name he turned around and caught the arrow and in Nick design he showed me had a like a scar right here he said the guy saw me catch the arrow and he said no I you know this right even if you're told even if you see the arrow being launched you cannot catch an arrow he said I caught it and Jesus just showed me that he spared my life so that Kevin can tell you the way of salvation [Applause] this really happened [Applause] so the Lord the Lord has had me share some things tonight to show you to expand your your your perception about who you are and how he can use you in a way to talk to people but you have to you have to learn to walk in a supernatural and how you do that is you you study to show yourself approved but you also realize that God has taken the limitations off with you spiritually hello don't make me stay here anymore I gotta go home I saw that I am as good as it's gonna get spiritually in my spirit I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I am I am holy as he is holy all these scriptures but see relationally I need to grow I need to develop and know his ways I need to know about him what he likes what he doesn't like I need to walk with him do you understand that Christianity is not about fire insurance it's not just to get you out of hell Jesus bought us back to the Father so that we could have fellowship like we used to and he wants to talk to us so we're gonna worship now now this is what I want you're the Lord told me that we're gonna have encounters with him and these times of worship and next year this is what I'm gonna be doing so just get used to it we're switching over to more worship we're gonna have encounters at the altar we're gonna have we're gonna have hands-free ministry where people get healed and delivered and you have encounters with God what God told me this weekend is is we're we're but we're gonna develop an environment through the teaching to where you're just lit up and you're gonna hear God's voice this weekend he's gonna start telling you the things that you need to know how would you like to walk out of here and have no questions whatsoever about your personal life did you know that he can show you that I never thought that I could have what I have now I never thought it used to take 21 days of fasting to feel what I feel right now and I ate today already [Music] you know the Lord's a strong tower and those who run into a him are safe the word of the Lord is coming to mean he's seen the voice of the Lord is like the voice of many waters it says that when God speaks it thunders and the Cedars of Lebanon crack they split when God visited the mountain it caught on fire there was an earthquake are you ready for the glory to pass by are you ready let's go in and worship God father I am part everything that you have for the people tonight I thank you Lord that you get all the glory oh there it is okay oh man you better be lifting your hands up right now we're gonna we're gonna dim the lights we're gonna worship God and we'll see you in the morning but you're gonna worship right now the Lord's brought you to this place he wants to talk to you GZ do any throws [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jeez [Music] you can continue to and worship but we release you to go whenever I know it's really good so there's more the rest that we can and just continue though sock in his presence and make sure you wear your green bracelet because without the green bracelet I have one without the green bracelet you can come in but just you know when you were back to Mattel or whatever you are you know going just spend some time before the Lord and just enjoy him embrace him just talking his presence and then we see in the morning door will be open at 9:30 a man good night god bless you [Music]
Channel: River of Destiny Church
Views: 112,010
Rating: 4.8456869 out of 5
Id: iwaGWpKtzZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 41sec (12941 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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