6pm Skyway Service with Kevin Zadai

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[Music] before I spoke a word you were singing over me you've been so so to me for I took a breath you'll breed your life and be being so so kind to me you know the me Oh [Music] No [Applause] [Music] I don't deserve still you get me [Music] how was your do you we [Music] to me yes you [Music] you pay [Music] [Applause] nice to me [Music] to shove you all lighter bouncing you all climb up coming out to me you still down [Music] there's no shine see [Music] the sound [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't deserve still you me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the one who made the blind to see is moving here moving here in father and made the Deaf to hear silencing my ever Sylas seen by every fear I believe you [Music] me [Music] does it [Music] it's reaching up to make me whole reaching out to me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the guy he was [Music] the one to you're the guy you the God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] gingka [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see you too we we believe we're [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a miracle oh can you see all these hands so here's what the church gets activated just going put a hand on their shoulder the ones put your hand up that needs a miracle put your hand up all right now you see these hands just gonna put a hand on their shoulder and we're gonna sing this again all right is everybody got a hand on their shoulder cuz we're not in this alone we're in this together okay we're gonna sing this like we wrote it come on I believe in you [Music] [Music] family we believe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay just your sweet voice we believe [Music] you yeah [Music] [Music] we [Music] okay last time so sweetly [Music] didn't praise everybody give him praise and he gave any train [Applause] amen amen well welcome everybody we're here for a night of glory we've gotten started some glory worship thank you for bringing the lights up we're about ready to worship God with some offering tonight and I'd like to encourage and invite everybody to so into our offering that will bless our brother for coming being with us if you'd like to receive an offering envelope raise your hands right now the ushers will hand those out just raise his hands up how's yours are on their way thank you so much they're on their way right now we'll give everybody a moment make make your offering out to Skyway we'll collect everything tonight and we'll be able to send an offering to our brothers ministry so you can just write everything the Skyway if you're joining online you want to use your smartphone you can text the word Skyway to seven seven nine seven seven seven seven nine seven seven and you can text and give that way we want to welcome all of our friends that are joined online let's give all of our online family a big hanklab thanks for joining us we love you guys for Mexico and around the nation we're so glad you're here amen amen this has been an amazing day you know France I when I set this date with brother Kevin just for the circumstances around it I sense that this is a day for us to move into a new season who's ready to move into your new season amen that there is something God has and so many times we just hope maybe it'll happen but I believe that the transaction is already transpired by being here tonight by being here today you are shifting into a brand new place there is a shift that God has already said I'm transacting that good to see you guys Missy welcome thanks for coming down from Preston a man who else is from other parts who's here from Tucson we got any any folks from Tucson shout out if you're from somewhere other than Avondale or Goodyear you know we figure you guys are here shut way from black eye okay welcome back I [Music] we got gilbert over there we got Chandler over here Salt Lake City [Music] somebody shout out the Illinois did I hear that all right welcome welcome amen Texas there's always somebody from Texas amen anybody from California here yeah you well you've been here for a while amen amen all right amen amen where are you from Texas yeah we have our family from Juarez Mexico and also Puerto Penasco Mexico they're all join us online we have family from the up stock center up in the state of Washington Jared and Stephanie they're gathering everybody up there and so it's awesome to pull the family together we want to say thank you for joining us so we're gonna get ready for offering let's stand and hold it before the Lord then we'll bring it forward printed these plates father thank you for unity in the body of Christ thank you Father the when there's unity you command a blessing Lord we gather in unity around Jesus the Word of God Lamb of God slain before the foundations of the world and Lord out of our unity we want to release the message of Jesus the gospel the good news of Jesus it's good news it's goodness receive every offering receive every give receive finally God what we bring forth tonight and father's you put in my heart that we would be reaching 1 million souls together 1 million souls thank you Father for the amazing ministry for the Kevin leads and their heart for reaching Souls their desire to make sure people are born again to make sure people become disciples father bless their ministry as we so tonight bless so God as we bring these gifts forward in Jesus mighty name everybody said amen all right everybody come on up let's give our offering to the Lord [Music] I believe amen amen let's give me praise some more time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen let's thank the Lord for the worship team leading worship tonight can we stand to honor the man of God brother Kevin Kevin's and I welcome to the skyway house welcome to the Valley of the Sun you know this is first time we've had a chance to meet in person but I just feel like man we just got such a kindred spirit you're already in the glory I can see it all over you yeah I'm locked and loaded and ready let's do it who's ready for the glory everybody thank you brother thank you Pastor Greg you can all be seated and and this is one of those services where you gotta tape your hands to the handlebars because you're not gonna be able to hold on you know you got to tape your hands they handlebars and enjoy the ride because the Lord wants to accelerate in these last days and the purpose the purpose of the Holy Spirit is not so that you can pray in tongues so you can tolerate your neighbor you know you get to you know you don't you don't have to just tolerate your neighbor you you've got to find your purpose because if you find your purpose and you know there's others around you is gonna find their purpose it's all about the domino effect that the kingdom of God is like a domino you know you ever seen where they line up dominoes hi I'm Kevin by the way didn't you know I just get the Holy Ghost I'm gonna say hi I'm sorry but the Spirit of God he's all about leaning on people he's all about wrapping people up and influencing them so he'll lean on certain people in a generation because then it's a domino effect does anybody follow me or should I slow down cuz I feel like Perry stone right now okay so that the kingdom of God is is all about advancing now think about this Paul was in a jail cell and the kingdom of God was advancing cuz you can't stop the kingdom of God how many remember Jeremiah Jeremiah he got so persecute he said you know what I'm just not gonna talk anymore you ever felt like the head you ever feel like I hit and I gotta back off cuz it's getting you know the persecution is getting hard how many here have gone through the far I have I have but you know what I feel I feel the gold coming up inside I mean oh you know you get purified and then the devil pushes you into the glory and then one day he says you know what this is really counterproductive because every time I do anything it just pushes them into glory and he gets you know I hate to say but he gets smart it gets just a little bit smart you know because he's getting old he's repeating himself and he's doing the same thing and I'm like that's all you got because see what happens is is you go into the glory and you you get out of yourself you know it talked about the flesh fry this morning God likes to grill he likes he likes an aroma you know and we're supposed to present our bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God and that the sooner you find out where you end and where he begins we can just lock and load and get into the millennial reign of Christ we can just wrap this up but you got it you got to know where you end in the faster you stop struggling under the Jordan then he's gonna bring you up so stop moving somebody in Germany raised their hand they said they said I you know this crucified life you know they're doing through an interpreter but this crucified life you know how do you know when you finally died I said when you stopped moving and he just looked at me you know and he I guess in German it even frightened him I said Jesus will hold you under there until you have relinquished your will now that's fire that you've gone through that you've been trying to get out of you know every time something happens you're thinking a plan B and then you go to C and D you're you know because in America we can deliver ourselves it's called credit no it's called it's called debt it's called you know what I mean it's all these situations you know and if something doesn't work there's always something else and then all of a sudden you think you know maybe I should pray and like like somebody said to me no as it come to that we're gonna pray now you know because that's the way our culture is but see in other countries they don't have plan a or plan B some of them don't you know so Jesus in your weakness comes now what does it say in Romans 8:26 is our if I just do this do you get do you all get nervous when I don't look at my Bible okay all right Romans 8:26 in a passion translation now here's the thing when I met Jesus he spoke with a lot more power than I've ever heard anybody speak he did imagine right he just you know he made all those beautiful stars out there and he's talking to me and he's quoting himself and he didn't seem to mind it and he quoted himself chapter verse told me who he spoke it to and me being a scholar I said you know what I don't remember that where is that he said it's it's in this book and I was saying it to this person and I had to come back when I came back I had to go and do some research because I thought I knew everything and I found out I didn't know this is what this is why the Holy Spirit came it wasn't - so you can pray in tongues and get out of your mind so you can tolerate people you see the Holy Spirit will cause you to stay in the love of God if we quoted it builds our faith up but there's faith hope and love the greatest of these is oh I thought was faith do you think so Faith Hope and love the greatest of these is love you know it's funny you talked about in 1st Corinthians chapter I'm going somewhere by the way I'm just doing it at a high speed 1st Corinthians chapter 12 all these gifts of the Spirit but you know when you when I when I went up to heaven I had to hand those back in I didn't even get getting credit for it they were mine oh boy did you feel that but I did get credit for the fruits of the spirit that's called character did you know Jesus told me he said he's Morken he said I'm real I'm really more concerned about your character than I am your comfort and I realized you know I'm a child of God and and God disciplines those he loves is that of Scripture verse never heard that book anyway getting back to what I was saying in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 we see what you see all these amazing gifts of the Spirit and everybody's aiming for those because everybody wants to be identified by those gifts but the last time I checked is a gifts of the Spirit not gifts of you and your ministry is not the gifts of the Spirit that's the Ministry of the Holy Spirit so how did we hijack that from him anymore Oh getting drunk ok I love this because because you know when we get to chapter 13 we just want to flip over to 14 because he gets back into the prophecy and the root the goodies you know and we skip over 13 but if you look at the last verse of 12 he said I'm gonna show you a better way and then we flip over to 14 a first Corinthians that we miss we missed above because the Holy Spirit wasn't given to us so we can get drunk and tolerate people it's called the domino effect you remember me saying about four minutes ago you see that the kingdom of God is all about leaning on somebody and then that person can change a whole generation Jesus told me he said if I can get now listen to me he said if I can get one person to agree with me on the earth we that we too can do a whole generation and change the route team of at the end result of a whole generation just by someone agreeing with Jesus has it come to that so the better way is is that you pray yourself in the most holy of faith praying in the spirit but you also remain in the love of God and the love of God is not what you think because God is love and love isn't what you think it's not a feeling Jesus told me he's more concerned about my character than my comfort you know why I've got to carry the glory we're getting into the glory tonight but I got to tell you how I mean you know I have a manual I'm an f16 at home but if I hand it to you you can't fly it and I'm definitely not gonna be in the area within 100 mile have you tried to I can give you the helmet I could probably even sit with you at five hours Dean still crash it that's if you could even start it up but see it's not about just having your Bible or having if you're having your fuel you got to know the ways of God well Israel didn't know his ways they knew his acts maybe they sat in with their you know just like you do when you watch fireworks but that was not are you hearing me that was not enough to carry them through what they went through as they ended up dead and Hebrews by the way so I can do the New Testament thing cuz you know that's Old Testament well how about Hebrews refers to that all the way through the book so I think that that qualifies it for the New Testament and don't be afraid of that little page between the old New Testament it's just a blank page okay I'm gonna be nicer right let's talk about that Noah's Ark no listen to me the fruit of the Spirit is the manifest presence and glory of God it's the character of God but you got to know his ways in order to transfer that manifestation you all you how many in here how many here be honest with me how many in here need money right how many in here need health okay but you know what you get all that and there's still one thing you need you need acceptance you need love you need you need to know your value so there's so many people that have what you need but they're not happy but the reason they're not happy is because they haven't found their destiny because they don't have a revelation of God's love and when I met Jesus the one thing that about him and I want to read this to you because the have you heard of the passion translation by chance okay so you know when I was in college we were being taught ha you know we were gonna be instructors taught how to be pastors you know whatever and we were you know scholars you know and then I met Jesus and I didn't need all that I I like it but what I needed to know was him the only true God and like I've said so many times you know I was taught you know I got to work the word work the word you know I'm twisting God's arm to do something he already wants to do for me and I found out what I met him that he was working me I wasn't working him you got to be kidding the only reason I'm in existence is cuz he thought of me and he he breathed me into my mother's womb and that's the truth about it well okay that was the introduction that's good this thing is being rebellious of course all right I'll just quiet Saul right I don't need this dear Lord I wrote that book no I'm gonna quote something out of passion translation he said he see the passion translations rate written from the Aramaic don't be scared with that is it's a modern Street language of Hebrew okay so he was an ancient language it's really considered dead by some you know it's it's ancient Hebrew is just you know so Jesus spoke Aramaic and this guy he was doing translation I believe in South America or Central American he had he got caught up and the Lord told him I don't want you to I want you to translate from now on from the Aramaic and so he did a he did the passion translation but when I read I said this is the Jesus I met he talked just like a dad you know he was more it was more colorful and powerful so anyway in Psalms 23 you know ye the Lord the law you know the Lord my shepherd everything well it he does the Lord is my pastor and then when he gets down down a couple verses he says this he said though I walk through the valley of the shadow death you know that fear will not conquer me that's what he says okay and then David says this to Lord fear will not conquer me because you already have how many want to be conquered by the Lord you see you see the thing that is is you need to be broken oh boy here goes see that's why the Lord gave me a job and a word for 30 years because I can just say the truth and it doesn't matter you see the thing that is is we have been left to have decisions that we can make ourselves and I don't like that when I met Jesus I thought I wish he would just take that away from me but he won't because he wants us to serve Him and love him by a choice of our will but did you know that that that will your choice is either an asset or a liability in other words for some it's very dangerous mmm so Jesus decides to lean on certain people in a generation because he wants to influence the whole generation and the fact of it is is you are here tonight because of someone else's prayers and because of someone else who had sewn into you you're here but you won't know it until you get to heaven but everyone is gonna want to talk to you that's in heaven because they sowed in to the next generation each generation sowed and carried a torch and so the thing that I noticed I don't know if you've noticed this but we we don't value our heritage and we don't value our value we don't know our value but the next generation will write about us and we're heroes but we during the time everyone works so hard and they you know like Jesus said I sent you prophets you killed them and you're gonna kill me too but see now they're heroes but you have to understand that people that they want to kill Ezekiel and Daniel and all these people that you you value okay so the next generation will value you but you will be accepted in this generation because you have the deliverer inside of you so every generation has a deliverer so right now God don't mean right now I'm speaking from heaven I'm telling you that you are here because God has chosen you to do something that will be carried over into the next generation do you understand what I'm saying so your value your value is written in heaven but you don't know it there's a veil that has to be pulled away and here's what you have to be conquered now that's you know that's that's not a feel-good message but the thing that is is yeah I could I could just kind of slide by and just make it to heaven but see the next generation looks at my value based on what I sowed into the next generation my value is forward-looking so I was telling I was telling your pastor pastor Greg I was telling him I said a true prophet is taken to the future and then brought back and then he speaks but he's speaking where you're going that's why that's why the person that you can't even believe you can't even believe they get every time that somebody comes into town they get pulled out and get it this great word and you can't understand like why they get that good word I know what's going on in their life yeah that's why because God's leaning on them and they might even go out and key your car on the way out it doesn't matter because see do you understand what I just said God always speaks those things that are not as though they were so every prophet is not really popular in his generation because he's bringing correction usually well the next generation will write about this generation I was told if he if I was taught if I told you how this all happened you'd you'd be all ears but I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna base everything I say on the spectacular and the supernatural sensationalism of it because even if an angel came and told me these things even if I was caught up the thing that is is it you're still responsible for the Word of God because there's people in the Old Testament that we're looking for a city whose builder and maker was God who was looking for who believed in him who was invisible and he they didn't have what we have you know so I can put my headset so I listen to Kim Walker and be great in the throne room but yeah you know it didn't have that Enoch was too busy writing the Bible and living it out to listen to Perry stone no kids what I'm saying here Elisha was was making the Bible happen so he was too busy you see in this generation we are at a standstill because we're just living off of off of what has already been offered and I noticed it's always about like wouldn't God did this and when God did this and I remember when God did this what about when that now that suddenly start happening and you got a new story every day well don't you understand what I'm trying to say do you understand the words that are coming out because because the angel the angel that was sent that's besides you right now do you think he was sent to fail yeah it is yield to the joy cuz that's what it's all about tonight it's all you know and I'm gonna be surprised if I will be surprised at everybody if everybody doesn't enter in tonight to the joy and if half this congregation is on the floor by the end of night I will be disappointed not because of me but because you need to drink of the new wine that's being out port because it's anesthesia it's to get you into the glory you got it yeah you got to get over yourself and sometimes God's gotta get you out of your mind I can feel I'm getting drawing out my lips are getting numb you know that's what he does it has put you under I mean I I'm seriously my wife has to put me to the right car because if anything looks like my car from a meeting I'll be getting into it in fact that just happened in it even one that we were before we came here I went to pick up food and I'm like trying to get a car so you can Cathy's standing at our car like two cars down Kevin here's our car and it's open so I was getting in that was putting the pizza and stuff in there yeah I'm a pilot too your hope no well which which way that this I'm gonna do that yeah I'm gonna do that now target talk about just just we're gonna take a station break and a commercial I want to tell you a story that just just happened to me before I retired from Southwest Airlines talk about angels leaning on you and changing a generation and and and how you can take the get can unit did you know that you don't have to turn the gifts of spirit in at the back door to the ushers that you can take them with you to outside ain't gonna op did you know this is like I know is I know this all new to you but you know the Holy Spirit will actually go with you outside these doors and and perhaps even a person who's not saved might get a word of knowledge so at work I accidentally came across this truth because he started manifesting so what happens if he starts getting up in your job and up in all your business and he wants to start mentioning certain things you know like Jesus said to me he goes my people like I think I've said I've said I've had 24 meetings so I feel like I'm repeating myself every every service but Jesus told me he said my people won't let me into their finances and it's obvious oh I got this Lord it's okay just keep me full I guess I can't all right people you know but you know everything that happens to you is for a reason and it's not just for you it's for the people around you and for the next generation and if we get this one of these times we're actually gonna bring the white horse out of his stall and faithful the truths gonna get on it and come back but it's because of the harvest now Jesus told me you know he said I want you to ruin all these guys charts these prophecy charts he said I want you to keep pushing that war with Israel back keep pushing it for us like I said I'm this flight attendant prays in tongues because that's all I need so I just start pushing it pushing it forward and I started messing up all the prophecy charts so they had to like you know hit a reposition you know it so the blood moons it works and then I got blue moons I guess you know and and you know they got NASA data back that up you know and and the whole head of the church is telling me as a flight attendant appraised in tongues that you can push this back indefinitely because this is and how can I miss his up easily there's only like five feet away from me he says he says China has to come in Middle East has to come in and the Soviet Union yeah that's just the biggies there's more than that but that's one for one point four billion Muslims now please help the Lord out he's having to appear to these Muslims and say I'm the one you're looking for and they're getting saved me you know Paul cross before he died he had a stack of 800 reports of Jesus appearing and breaking all your rules all the rules that you set on him he just beat it you know why I think it's I I don't know I think it's embarrassing that Jesus has to come down and witness for us because we're afraid of these people blowing us up he said and he would appear it no we know people we know people that happened to that are now that are now ministers and have churches so at work I actually started I started to notice that Jesus was coming with me and the Holy Spirit was wanting to manifest you know like he just like you tell you settle down you know like I'm praying in tongues and and you know I'm spending four hours a night in my hotel you know and that's my time I just spent 13 hours on an airplane and there's only 24 hours in a day so you do the math 13 hours on an airplane and four hours and tongues what's left and I'm praying for the people I'm working with which don't deserve prayers sometimes you know what I'm talking about you know I'm talking about it so I'm praying for my I'm praying for my crew members praying in tongues high tongues you know whatever tongues you know help me you know what I'm talking about cuz you work with you work with people too and you want a ministry you want a pulpit and I was on a fifty four million dollar pulpit with wings and I was getting paid for it and I didn't discern my day of visitation but once I did I say lock and load here we go and people keep majesty will start getting saved at work and you know the devils tell me what you're gonna get called in because you're not allowed to evangelize as your ward job you know man I had never happened 29 years never once in fact I went in to talk to my supervisor and she the god hit her power God hit her and I started having words of knowledge and she goes my god how did you know this if I said oh I had a vision I did I did another supervisor I went in there and he starts crying he started crying and he was a homosexual I need seven I wouldn't tell you something he said I was dying of cancer and he said I said in chemo and he said I just want to tell you this he said I was I was so sick I would just stayed in the bathroom and he said I cried out to God and I said God just I just want to die and he said he heard footsteps and he looked and there's the Savior with his sandals on standing there in the bathroom picks him up now at the guy sobbing and you've already judged him and you've missed an opportunity to see what I'm saying I didn't judge him he said he picked me up in his arms and he said I'll let you die when you learn to live so getting back to it back to this so one day can you believe this the Holy Spirit came on me at work and you know usually when we get on the ground we've only got 20 minutes between flights so everybody runs you know in Starbucks if you just so you know if you see a Starbucks and you see a flight attendant coming do not get in their way [Music] that's what keeps us going okay so I mentioned something I don't know how it started but I don't the spirit of Lourdes on me you know how you know you can say something nobody listens to you but then the Spirit of Lord will blow on you and actually somebody listens to you why cuz you have that touch on you there's a touch on what you say because see it's the domino effect is about to happen you're about to move into the other realm and they don't know it but you got to learn to operate like this every where you need counseling go get counseling me just remember that the counselor the last time I checked is inside of you and sometimes he wants to counsel someone else and he might just get a harvest out of that he's so into someone else's life so I mentioned something to her and he goes what what she goes well what did you do last night and I said actually I prayed for you and she just looked at me you you prayed for me leichter to Ana flight attendant and a pilot their time off is like that's dares and any will do nothing for nobody else because they just just got drained for 13 hours and our goal was just to be at zero miles an hour at the gate you know we we figured we succeeded just to be at a full stop at the gate at the end of the day and both engines turned off and they weren't smoking and we did good right okay so everybody like you either coordinate together and we do something together elves everybody does go I'm done with you I'm done with you and on it don't know more people and they room service and they watch Seinfeld four four four four hours you know but do you understand something's on me for another generation but I got to take care of this generation so that's what's on you there's a tipping point that's happening at this church and the tipping point is this is that you've got to get to the place where you realize that your value is based on what's written about you in heaven not about what you feel or how you're being treated okay I'm set free I'm set free because I'm over myself my value is is based in heaven because God's spoken you know in Zephaniah it's chapter three verse so it was 17 right honey God sings over us songs of deliverance you know I don't know that sounds pretty good to me I mean you know the guy I mean anything god sings over me is gonna be good and you're worried about your hair dryer that broke they think about what I'm saying here you got to turn outward and ministry to people and this generation needs you and don't wait for someone else cuz your angel doesn't have anyone else on the list he has been sent to succeed and minister for you that'll sink in in about a year hopefully tomorrow hopefully right now but see the Angels have are here to assist you in the domino effect of heaven which is the kingdom of God they lean on you because you're gonna change your whole environment and change a generation eventually and you'll find this out in heaven how many people you affected from one act of obedience that wasn't based on you you know so this world that you have it's three feet in diameter it's gonna have to expand I don't care how long it takes to pray in tongues but just get it out of your mind and into his and start to minister by the power of the Spirit and so I said I you know and it's amazing when people hear that you pray for them something happens and they could be any religion you know why they're touched that you thought of them they're touched that you did something for them when you didn't have 200 as I come to that that you could actually do something to not get credit for it and because you did it in secret or you did it for someone who can't pay you back he sounds like some Scripture yeah yeah I'm bringing the Bible up because you got to get you got to get heaven in a place where they've got to pay you back now I just said a whole volume there y'all didn't get that cuz you'd be up here dancin it because you if you want the supernatural you got it you got to put God in a quarter cuz he doesn't like that cuz he can't be put in a corner so what you do is you you you cause God to have to get up and do it so you do things in secret and you do things for people that can't pay you back and you do things for children because you're their Angels report you did you know that Jesus a you touch one of those little ones he says they're angels always see the face of their father in heaven that's what I do I do things for children because I get reported I do i buy i buy instruments for i buy cellos and violins I do mean my wife do whatever we can do to put Kevin in a place where they have to pay you back is this okay okay you change a generation this way if you speak by the spirit when you you know like can you pray for me I'm thinking can you pray for me I need prayer but you you you in turn you you turn outward and all these pairs right there that's what the ministry of the church is that's what the ministry is it's not this there's people in this room that I served for a long time and never told them I went to heaven I'm sitting on the front row right here my pastor he figures someone's up cuz I would come in with a new instrument pull it out the box and start playing and I figure you've probably you've probably started to suspect something he watched me but see there's people watching you so what is it that's inside of you that must come out so as I told her this I started that by word of knowledge I said you know yeah I said I was praying I said you you have a daughter don't you and I said I saw her dancing and she just burst into tears she goes how did you know that that's what she wants to do she wants to be a dancer and she just dances around the house I said well the Lord has has a plan for her you know she is gifted and I saw I was I was praying for you but then I start praying for her I didn't know she had a daughter it touched her and she broke and so I was able to pray with her and lead her to the Lord okay here's the domino effect you follow me she went to the captain but before that happened the other flight attendants gathered around and I started to tell them about what you know how do you huh how does this operate I said well I went to hat I went to heaven I said I died and went to heaven and came back they're like what and they the other flight said what what and they're all sit down for you know what they're not going to Starbucks they're sitting there listening to me just like you can do this too I mean you know you don't have to die go to heaven but you to have a testimony and so this is what happened so they're like no way no way what you see I said well I saw a book sort of written about you before you were even born and I saw Jesus and they go so it's real he really is real oh yeah yeah he has a plan for your life and I said I said it I said I didn't want to come back before you know there's tears so she goes and tells the captain he goes you know thing Kevin do you know he died and came back he was no way so he come he says I've known you for 11 years you didn't tell me that he says get up to the cockpit during the flight I want to talk to you so he did I did now listen to me watch the domino effect just being who you are can be a it can be a setup okay so up there I'm talking we established the the cruise altitude and put it on the autopilot and he turns around and he goes now what happened so I you know I just gave him the little version of it and the first officer is flying the airplane and I don't know it but he's getting touched so he turns and he's crying and the captain says I got the airplane he said you talked to him and he says this is this is what he told me my wife reminded me that I should share this you see this is where manifestation comes you want manifestation well then you're gonna get it because it's based on who you are it's you understand God God's seen every kind of manipulation but all he wants his fellowship he wants you healed he wants you delivered but see he's got to win you over he's got to conquer you see your addictions go when with Jesus said the evil ones coming but he has no place to put his hook in my flesh if you if he's due out the studies of the words he has no place to hook me that'll preach it's a meat hook nothing he has nothing in me you see we're led away by our own desires we're led away I mean this is James so don't get mad at me the book of James talks about this so you want delivered you've got to yield to the deliverer and you walk through this but you gods got to win you over and all of a sudden he can he cannot heal not only eradicated sin by the blood but he can eradicate the acts of sin the trespasses and the and the things that we do omission and Commission as in our daily lives they can be completely eliminated when we get rid of the ability for Satan to hook us so you have to be healed but here's the key is you got you've got to accept the love of God you've got to have a revelation of the love of God you see you're trying to build your faith up and you forgot about the chapter in between the power gifts and that love is toward you and it releases you it delivers you so this guy got hit he turns around and he said Kevin he said I got to tell you what just happened when I was flying he said I mean he said I don't know any understand what just happened to me but I Jesus appeared to me while you were talking to me and he said that I have sent Kevin to give you the way of salvation you need to get heat to it today and he said he took me back to when I was 16 years old and I was out hunting he said my friend was goofing around we're deer hunting with deer you know with bow and arrow and if you ever seen those kind of arrows for deer it's just it's like razor blades well his friend accidentally let one go at the back of his head from about 50 yards or whatever whatever I don't I'm guessing sorry I didn't mean to guess but they were fooling around they hadn't got anything you know how you know they get bored well it-it-it left right to the back of this guy's head he can't he he can't even call out the guy's name you know how fast it's going he said while you were talking I saw Jesus and I was taken back to that he said you know what happened he said I heard my name being called but my buddies none of them called my name he said I turned around and caught the arrow and they all saw me do it but they don't know how I did it because nobody can catch an arrow even if you know it's coming he didn't know it was coming he said it it went right here and he showed me the scarred hit it hit right here instead of going through his head you know this way or this way wouldn't matter hello and he said the Lord Jesus Christ told me I spared your life so that Kevin can bring you this message today and then he it disappeared and that's when he heard the captain say I got the airplane so he says I want to get saved and I led them to the Lord right there now listen to me you can do this because it's not really you you just have to be available now I've seen that so many times where people have responded to the presence of God and see that's what's missing today I don't know if you notice but ministry is the Ministry of the Holy Spirit it's not a person's ministry so you turn everything back in its just like equipment what did I say this morning God sets in the church some to be apostles probably so you don't wake up one morning and you're an apostle with no track record and you're not submitted to anybody it doesn't work that way you don't pronounce your certificate online because you don't want you don't want somebody printing out their commercial pilot's license because because they had a dream and there's supposed to be a pilot they printed it out and they show up for work guess what I'm not getting on that airplane well then what why would you even want somebody to give you a word because they got their certificate to be an apostle online or they have no track record whatsoever Paul said this he said you have many many teachers but you don't have many fathers he said I'm jealous over you i birthed you surge people that stay in there and they are true Shepherd they are true to the to that calling its without repentance but see God sets in a church I have to say that the Holy Spirit not you determines the gifts that are in you severally as he wills okay so God sets in church so there's this government so if you wanted to function in the kingdom of God you got to understand it it's not really about you you got to get over yourself and you got to realize that the more available you are it's because you've become humble and you have a servant's attitude which means you could go to the back and sit in the back row and it doesn't bother you and somebody who's living like the devil gets all the good words everybody comes into town they pull them out and give them all these good words and you're sitting in the back there being faithful and the guy doesn't even look your way that's a test but see God's calling those things that are not as though they were he's that's the gift of prophecy that's the gift of the Spirit steering that person by building them up encouraging them telling them the direction they should be going so getting back to it a prophet a true prophet is taken to the future then he comes back and he speaks to that generation but he he ends up being killed in that generation and then the next generation celebrates him or her he all didn't get that did you you see most people aren't a hero in their own generation did you ever think why it's because that generations off listen okay if a controller calls you and say say altitude it means you're off that's the nice way of them saying check your altitude say say say you're heading that means you're off that's a nice way you get one shot over the bow next thing you know you're violated which means $10,000 and that might be more than you make it is do you understand what is it boy have that I'm on that isn't it amazing how we learn when it costs us you know look do you notice those who know me you know I'm like early 10 minutes early to everything but see if I was 30 seconds late at work it cost me $1,100 and I came to work to make money I don't know about you is anybody here they would take it out of my check you want to know why because you had just won the war on the highway and TSA and running to the gate to get on that plane and now you're counting on me to do the same you paid ahead of time can you believe that they they take your money before you even get to your destination why it's trust but see now I have a responsibility to show up are you getting it that's the way it is in heaven I have to say this because it's amazing how I'm always on time but it costs me it happened once and it doesn't happen again because it cost me Lucila so these angels they're always on time God's always on time but we're not is there if I just clean underneath the bed coz is all ryfi do I know did you know in heaven there's no difference between who you are as a person and your word there's no difference and it's amazing in heaven everything God says is who he is and you can take it to the bank it doesn't matter how amazing what you just heard about yourself is you can just take it to the bank because it is the truth and it will happen and so in heaven there's no difference when he's talking to you there's no difference between what he says and who he is but that's the way it's supposed to be with us oh now we're getting to that character thing aren't we yeah but I'm fooling the gifts of the Spirit well you know just a tinkling brass because when it comes down to it there is no difference between who you are and your word and see I know people by their word because that's who they are well that's pretty tough well the only thing is is there shouldn't be any discrepancy but there is down here okay so integrity oh yeah man you'll never hear this well you probably hear it here but I'm just saying this is not something because everybody's afraid to offend people but Jesus did it every day and he taught me well I actually got a certificate everywhere he went he offended people in fact he you know he told me he said if you want to if he said I can give you the formula if you want I can I can he said I have a formula you can you can reduce a megachurch to a small Bible study he said just tell them if you if you want to have any part of me you have to drink my blood and eat my flesh and he say you can turn a megachurch into a small Bible study because he said I did it I I'm the master at it because what happens is if you if you don't partake of him and he does it he has to become part of you he's the bread that came down from heaven okay so I know this is hard it's gonna get better just hang with me okay we're doing surgery now you don't need a bandaid on that you need surgery I'm taking the rocks and thorns out of your soil so we can produce a crop okay you you can do this but you gotta follow the Word of God but he's a person and you're not working him he's working you he's David said a fear will not conquer me because you already have so fear has no part of him because there's nothing that can rest he can't rest fear can't rest spirit of fear is driven out by perfect love so what I encounter I don't encounter the The Devil's breath on me I encounter the discipline of God because I'm subject to the yoke of God and that is disciplined I gotta go another step with this you mind we're doing good are we 7:37 that's what I flew for 29 years 737 it's a sign from God how many have jumped out of a perfectly good airplane isn't it fun well then why did I go and do it another four times here's the thing you sit in class and you're like it's like I don't know mine was like four or five hours I'm thinking how hard can it be you know I'm talking about it's just like when you become a new Christian how hard can this be but they didn't tell you this soon as you became a child of God you also were drafted into a war and they didn't also tell you that oh by the way it's no longer I that liveth but Christ in me so you don't have an opinion anymore they don't tell you that you know that so you're all happy and all the sudden you find out the fine print and you find out that it costs you something I mean I had a man of God you'd all know who it was he pointed right in my face and he said you're gonna have my ministry but it's gonna cost you everything you're gonna die it's gonna cost you everything he seemed happy about it he did where was I I'm so drunk where was that going holy spirit please help me yeah that's not gonna I need a vow if I got a vow I can I buy a vowel phone-a-friend skydiving thank you god bless you thank you that was it okay so how hard can it be Christian's being a Christian it's better than where you were going and you're so happy but see here's the thing you sit in a class and they tell you something that you can do upside down in a hailstorm you think and so you you have this l2 meter on and it's like a big watch and a 5500 feet you just remember that 55 so you're dropping out he kicked out at 14,000 feet and you can do whatever you want just at 5,500 feet just reach down and pull this thing right here that's all you have to do now how hard can that be and that's how it is with us we think we got it until we get into a place of warfare into a hard place where we got to choose the right decisions when your flesh is screaming and your mind is saying you know what I'm out of here it's like that's who got you into it and now they're bailing on you so your body and your mind bail on you and go you know it's all yours well you you took me here thanks a lot but that's what the flesh will do that's what that's what's your mind will do if you let it so um I'm like embarrassed because you know I'm already a pilot but you know what as I'm falling at 180 miles an hour it's amazing how just that little step of checking your altitude and going like this it's like it's it it takes like an act of God for your will to dig deep down inside of you and do the right thing and so I came here I was sent to this church to teach you how to walk in the spirit to teach you how because it's it's what's happening tomorrow morning that I'm I care about not you feel good now what about tomorrow when I'm going on going on going home you see I haven't succeeded if I haven't replicated Jesus in your life you know Jesus said work yourself out of a job get into where the church is when when it comes time for you to go they said well we don't need you you can come but we got about 30 people there doing what you're doing you know you can come and sit if you want we'll give you a seat on the front row but I mean we're doing great see the Lord said that's my job is to work myself out of a job because I got a replicate Jesus that's what he did he wasn't afraid as someone was gonna do better than him he actually said are you you guys are gonna do greater works than me well we haven't even gotten to the works that he did yet and you hesitate you can cast out devils and heal the sick but raising the dead you like hesitate and Jesus said in the same breath did you know that I don't think he even took a breath it was all in one line so it's amazing how you have to reach deep down inside yourself and do the right thing or die but see really it's no longer you that live and the Crucified life will allow you to operate in any situation but it's not popular you know I was telling other churches you know the Lord told me to do all these CDs so I did 22 of them and he said okay that's the beginning now I want you do another 29 so the last last month I did another 29 on different subjects and I go these things are not gonna be popular because it's called the crucified life in the fear the Lord holiness the altar of God a tithe repentance and like I was kidding last night another church I said you know put them on I put them up up for people to either you know the if you don't have money you can just watch them on YouTube for free that that really freaks people especially ministers like you know how much money you're losing I go the next breath is a gift what are you talking about I should even be here you kiddin me do you hear what I'm saying it sees all perspective okay so so there were two views on the gift of repentance and they were I think it was me and my wife and so we just went through the thing you know and repented and we're set free and other people are arguing you know you don't really need to prepend anymore kind of like you gotta be kidding me anyway how do I get off on that okay so here's the other thing you can so here you you develop you develop it in a spirit and you walk it out in the flesh but you don't yield to the flesh but you are in a body and you have to be spirit ruled not flesh rolled and you can't God is not a God of mind so he doesn't talk to you in your mind God has a spirit there was a worship Him worship Him in spirit and in truth so he's not a mind so he's not gonna talk to your mind he's not a body so he's not gonna talk to your body he's gonna talk to your spirit and it's gonna be deep within you and if you don't develop this tenacity to where you know what I don't care I don't care what anybody thinks I'm gonna believe God and I'm not giving in I'm not giving up to any ground it is amazing that the president of Israel they they were they were trying to get him to give up some land back in a couple of the presidents ago and I saw him in an interview and they said well what do you think about this can you give up some to that that that crazy Palestinian guy you know and um he says oh no actually we're going back to the borders of Joshua which are with chapter 1 they all looked at me cuz that's 1,500 square miles which means they own all the oil you didn't hear that if you check the borders that are listed it's 1,500 square miles exactly the size of the New Jerusalem and if if they had obeyed God they don't all that land right now and all the oil so you really can't do what you want to do cuz look where that got them this is really good I think I'm gonna buy this CD to that so you build you build yourself up in the most holy of faith but then what happens is you encounter opposition but see the opposition is not personal it's because of who you are and the devil is coming at God he's not you just got in the way this whole thing is between him and God but you are his trophies God has created you in His image and so he thinks you can get you to bend and gods say have you considered my servant job but I'm not gonna go there cuz that's Old Testament you all don't even believe in the Old Testament what you get to New Testament here's the thing I wanted to become a commercial pilot so I did and then they said ok now if you want to be an instructor it's a whole nother level because the student you have to view this student every student is you have done told this every student you have in your airplane his whole goal is to kill you and you have to think that way and I couldn't believe it they were actually proven that to be true it's all the sudden I wasn't you know like I thought I'd be a pilot but see when you start to mentor people when you start to be BA a mentor and then you have disciples and when you're disciple people see you have to take it on to where it's your life to so like whatever you impart into somebody it's it's it you know you have a mutual interest in it it's called your net your life okay so here's one of the things is is that we had to go up with an FAA guy and be trained for 10 hours in spin training so what they would do is they would train you put you into a spin and then you'd have to get out and they put you up three mistakes high so you can make three mistakes and not die so they would put you up really high and then you try to get out of anyone they'd grab it and get you out of it we'll try again BAM and it's amazing how I sat in class and I thought I can do this it's three steps but like I said isn't it amazing like tomorrow morning you're like wondering where Kevin is you see but see I haven't succeeded if I haven't replicated you have to walk in this it's not about me Jesus didn't come back for himself and he certainly wasn't working against the father why would he you people if it wasn't God's will to Hue people he wouldn't work against them so can you see how the will of God is really being revealed through Jesus he went around healing all that were oppressed by the devil healing the sick all those who were oppressed by the devil so in that in that verse it sells God's intent and who actually is doing it and yet you don't know if God heals everybody but I never have found I don't know about you but I have never found a versatile Bible where God made somebody's sick though I mean Jesus didn't anyway because Jesus's ministry was to destroy the works of the devil according to Scripture right okay so he's an amazing like so III got this and he goes you should say if a guy is sure he he goes okay I'm gonna put it in he puts it in it is amazing how everything's spinning and is you're disorientated and you're but your flesh is screaming in your mind wants to use the parachute it's amazing and you thought you had it how many can identify with what I'm saying because this is your Christian life that this is not the way it's supposed to be so the angels have been sent to minister for you they've been sent to lean on you so that there's a domino effect but if you fall apart then you haven't part your test and you end up going back around again and so just like the children of Israel every year they passed that 7-eleven and somebody shoulda just said you know what I think we've been by here before cuz it's a twelve mile trip we should have been there and nobody had the guts to say you know what I think we're lost in the wilderness of sin you ever look in the back your Bible and the maps it says wilderness of sin it's actually called that does anybody do that you look in the back and it's it shows a circle and nobody was brave enough but see you got to be brave enough that if you're passing the same thing over and over again then maybe you haven't passed your test yet and so I believe for for this this this congregation to be test passers and the Angels do this the reason I'm telling you all this is because there was a whole instruction given to me by Jesus in this experience where he showed me that angels actually are in charge of this and you think you got there yourself you see you got there because there's something that needed to be worked out of you so that the glory of God could shine through you so everything you go through is for God's glory it's for the glory of God to be revealed in you but see it burns out the chaff I mean this stuff is gonna go anyway the wood hay and stubble it'll be revealed by fire see the only thing that laughs is the precious metals so you're tried by fire so it's gonna happen anyway so don't wait for the fire sale don't wait for that judge yourself so you won't be judged I'm helping you in that glory by the way I don't know if you know that I'm actually helping you because the Angels the Lord they have no problem with what they've been called to do because they've read your books and they wish you would but see you have to find yourself in the Bible and I wanna I want to talk about this for a minute would you promise you're gonna listen to me really closely Daniel Daniel was just a couple hundred years before Jesus Christ I think it was about 400 years let's just say 400 years and Daniel you know he and his people can you imagine somebody coming in our country and taking us away into another country that's what I have with them they were in exile so Daniel and his people listen to me closely because this this is the key to the entrance tonight into your next phase you see Daniel was carried away with his people in the Babylon and one day he was Jun likely like you do he had a scroll from a prophet named Jeremiah and he opened it and he was reading one day and he got to chapter 29 which they didn't have chapters back then but he got the chapter 29 and he's reading about it'll be 70 years of captivity and then you will call out to me and I will hear you and answer you and bring you back into the land he goes wait a minute wow it's time that's us you see what Daniel did he found himself in the Bible no no Jeremiah was a couple hundred years before him see that's what prophets do they go to the future and they write from the future it's there now but it's your future so they see things they call it not as it is but as it's where it's going so they'll call a generation back in line like that's what what's happening right now I'm calling you back to your first love I'm calling you back to just let God love on you and Daniel realized that he needed to pray because the Word of God had spoken something that had not come to pass yet and see this is where you have to make a decision most of us are there there's a discrepancy between what has been spoken over you be Paul said as he said wage war Timothy with the prophecies that have been given to you and then he said he said it is up and the other part of Timothy he said Fanning the flame the gift that was given to you by the laying on of hands well if it's God's will he'll just do it that's not the case see so Daniel had to pray but it's all rigged you getting it but you have to be firmly convinced that you are set up for a miracle you have to realize you have to find yourself in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 5 and in Ephesians chapter 1 verses 17 through 23 because Paul prayed for the Ephesians and they were steeped in witchcraft if you look in book of Acts they turn in all their spell books those fifty thousand pieces of silver worth of spell books bunch of witches and warlocks and you're just worried about your neighbor you got a whole city so big so Paul says listen I pray that the eyes of your heart would be open enlightened that the light of God would come into them that the spirit of wisdom and revelation would come upon you that you would know the hope to which you've been called the glorious inheritance in the Saints and he goes on from there about talking about the power that rose Jesus from the dead that you have a revelation of this you can pray that prayer for yourself that you can save yourself an hour waiting for the pastor to pull you you know you the Holy Spirit wants to counsel you some things you can do yourself but here's the thing you got to get it you have to get it because dealing you'll got it but he knew what did he do if it was God's will then if you really check it out cuz I did they were actually overdue by about six months well I thought if God wants to do it he'll do it well he was late why because somebody needed to pray somebody had to find what God's will was in the word and pray it you want to get all your prayers answered I just helped you hear your answers there so Daniel started a fast praying and you're surprised that the Angels came Wow angel visitation I want an angel visitation have you found yourself in the Bible yet have you found where you fit in because that's where the Angels come they want to lean on you for a generation so the power of the Holy Spirit has come to help you but he wants to walk you and counsel you and he wants to set you free I got to pretend like I'm looking at my Bible here so that you all don't get freaked out on me here the power the power of the Holy Spirit is not just for you it's for another generation but it's let's just concentrate on this generation and let's not judge herself any more by how you're treated did you know that your job that my corporation couldn't pay me what I was worth I hadn't met Jesus and he he thought a lot more of me my boss didn't call me a night in the hotel Herb Kelleher who started the airline he didn't call me at 9:00 say how'd your day go he did okay there's anything I can do for you no you wanna know why because I had a position with that airline I didn't have a relationship with that he was table gated to do that so there no no corporation or nobody no nobody's gonna pay you what you're worth I gave all that time up and was away from my wife it costs more than what they were paying me but I agreed to it right now relationship is this Jesus Jesus bought you and then he said you need to find yourself in my word and then you need to pray it out and it's so hilarious he tells us to do something and then he sends somebody to help us do it and he tells us how to do it's all rigged so Romans 8:26 it took me all this time to get here but Romans 8:26 says in the Aramaic it says in our weakness not in our strength in our weakness the Holy Spirit comes in and takes hold of us when we don't know what to pray and he prays out the mysteries and the perfect will of God so tonight you've got to come to the end of yourself and know where that line is respect that Paul said I glory in my weakness because then God's strength is revealed and Jesus taught me he said teach people how to come and find that line come to the end of where they can't go on because he said their next step is a supernatural step right now the books are open before me there's many of you in here that you haven't discerned where you are and the Lord is telling you by the spears or if I prophesy to you because I've spirits saying this it's not where you are it's who you are Jesus said go back reach in people and flip their switch on activate them I'm activating you but see what I'm trying to show you is this you gotta let God develop your character so that you can respond in any situation appropriately but there is discipline but don't get this that's $1,100 taken out of here check to find out that you need to be on time or early you know learn learn of me jesus said take my yoke upon you and learn of me I am gentle and humble in heart my work is easy my load is light sounds like a good deal to me he's gonna do it for you the reason I did this tonight is because it's so necessary for you to understand the glory that's gonna come into this church that's already here you have to learn to operate in it but see people died because they weren't right in the glory they did the wrong things and they went poof and so don't be in that line where you got to apologize to Ananias and Sapphira because you did something worse than they did in the New Testament in the age of grace by the way they lied to the Holy Spirit and don't let your life lie to the Holy Spirit don't let your intent lie now I'm talking myself now - I'm trying to help you here because the move of God is coming in this in this place it has to do with character it has to do with with you knowing God his ways and if you study doubt it's his personality now when Jesus was talking to me I learned his personality his personality is this I love you and I've already done more for you than you'll ever find out so why don't you just trust me and you know what the problem is what I found out is is that I have not had a good example of someone who will keep their word to me and so I automatically transfer that over to my relationship with God I am so used to people and they will say oh that's just Sally she's 20 minutes late and I'm thinking that is not Sally that's the devil because that's 20 minutes of my time and the Laura tell me it's like I'd have people blowing through appointments and I've got appointments stack Bam Bam Bam begs like so any any anything that you eat is eating into someone else's time I don't think that's right so like youyou you're late but then you've just 8 10 minutes of the next person are you understanding me and God wants us to start to live our lives in the humility and and and start to think about the fact that you are representative of God my you know they they can reward you in the world for things that you should already be doing as a Christian I got awards for being kind I did it they said they I got the President's Award from Herb Kelleher for the whole company and they sit on their for your kindness and your on-time and faithfulness dependability they had all these words in there and I thought well that's but it's not it's not common and we have to allow God to develop us so that we can carry the glory because this is what's gonna happen because you've sat here and listened and you you've you've been good at what you've done it's gonna start to happen to you cuz this this had to happen to me because I got humbled and over and over again because you know I thought I could do something you know even even at Luke Air Force Base because my boss found out that I had walked away from him 16s she said I'm gonna give you your dream she calls her husband who's the wing commander out there the f-16 squadron and I went through ground training for free and then they put me in a simulator with him and he he let me fly with him and we flew around and you know and I got real confident so I'm gonna shoot him down but that guy just like that was behind me you know I know why 2200 hours in that airplane now he's a one-star general but see it's isn't it okay to really have an audit and find out where you really are because then you can be helped but if you don't turn yourself in you're just left to where you are and you might have a governor on your car where you only go 55 and everybody else is going 65 but you never question that maybe you ought to find out you know what governor is don't you what are your limitations your limitations are what you don't know what you don't understand you're not asking questions Jesus said they're not asking the right questions we want to know about the dinosaurs and UFOs and if you did you'd be watching Perry stone all the time and just said UDV all I mean cuz it it would freak you out I prayed one time I prayed the first time an angel ever appeared to me I I prayed and I fasted I want an angel appear me and ever since that I pray that I never have it happen again because you don't know what you're asking because those are hope those are holy angels and you're not but you know you you're holy as God's holy you know yawning quote all those scriptures righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and while you're doing that your flesh is wanting to peel off your body how many have had an angel appear to them and if it actually experienced the fear of God and the holiness okay it's not this is not the kitty pole this is not the shallow end so I have to do this because the glory is coming in but I have to get you up to speed and it's better to just turn yourself in right now amen Wow oh man I'm yeah see cuz you should get set free see the Lord wants to set you free from yourself Paul said there's people that oppose themselves well that's that's weird you know you start having an argument with yourself BC BC it's pretty clear I mean you know I I intended on on teaching you tonight I'll just really quickly do it so I can say that I did it so God doesn't spank me no he's no you know toys beg you but see first Thessalonians chapter fathers go through him real quick first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 Paul taught Paul talked and he split you up into three parts spirit soul and body okay and then in Romans chapter twelve verse two he talked about presenting your body as a living sacrifice and also he talks about the renewing of your mind by the Word of God being transformed and then he said this can you believe he said this he said he said I he said I discipline my body daily wear dares beat my body daily but you know that's offensive so he said I discipline my body daily so that after I preached Christ as an apostle that I would find myself a castaway because I was body rolled and it disqualified me for my race so your body and your soul can take you in a direction that you don't want to go and your spirits lit up right now but see your flesh wants to go get chicken and your and your head saying you know what I think I'm at my choking point I wish he would go to worship you know and your mind wants to ask me is there animals in heaven well right now I think we should we should be more concerned about about what our assignment is and the animals will be there so the mystery of Babylon that's what the spirits a mystery of Babylon you know the Babylon Tower the mystery of what happened in Babylon he's just saying that and it's interesting how yeah this is what we do you know sometimes God make you weird just so that you wake up and listen oh you should see the crazy friends I have I have profit profit profits the most accurate profit on the earth and he doesn't want anybody to know it forty years a pastor and he's the most accurate prophet I know and he calls me and he said I'm praying about when you're supposed to retire I've been fasting and praying and the Lord's already told me I'm supposed to retire I haven't told him that yet so I'm looking at my wife and I'm thinking he he's a true prophet cuz he he says have you gone to your mailbox today because there's this in there and there's this in there and then the big checks come in next week and it was written on this date and he didn't send them so I know this guy so I'm looking at my wife you know I just had a conversation with my spiritual father and he released me to quit my job because I knew it and so now it's only been a couple hours and then this guy calls me at 11:57 at night which is my employee number for Southwest Airlines he says wait a minute you're supposed to quit right now what time is it I go 1157 my employee number is a 1 1 5 7 7 because you're supposed to quit right now I go I know you as I C 3 I go yeah there's 3 minutes to midnight he goes no I see three doves and three ketchup bottles now this guy's 100% accurate ok but see what happens is your mind tilts because that's what it's supposed to do get rid of it because a spiritual man makes two sermons about all things you see it's spiritually discerned so at midnight the Gloria got comes in my house and there's no cameras no audience to meet my wife fall out and we have to crawl to our bedroom he can't talk anymore so he hangs up he's from Atlanta but don't go try to find him unless you're a prophet you will not find him so I'm here I'm at the prayer pavilion at the dreams dream city Church I'm ready to go out and he texts me he goes remember the three white doves now this is like months later so Tim you were there well I'm speaking three white doves start flying around people running out taking pictures of them it's at night how does this guy do this so I think you know me to honor the Prophet so me my wife praying we thought we're gonna take a portion of that that offering we're gonna send it to him so we send it to him couple days later he's going out to his mailbox and when he reaches in there and touches that red envelope the power God hits him and pulls it out and it's our address returning address on there and he goes my god what is this a standing area and his truck pulls up and hits his prophet friend from two hours away now listen to me and you're wondering what's gonna happen tomorrow you can't perform what God's gonna perform for you without you knowing about it this man looks at area address and he goes almost from Kevin and Kathy the same time this guy gets out of the truck hands on three bottles of ketchup from Costco so they're a gallon each the Lord told me I was supposed to give this to you see you later it gets back in his truck doesn't even gets and dries two hours back [Music] and you and you can't obey God in the small things but someone is rerouted their whole life by God just to fulfill a word of the Lord immediately where the Lord comes to the Scott he says you called Kevin and you tell him that he's gonna get caught up for the 29 years he gave the Southwest Airlines I'm gonna catch him up so you give him that bottle he said they'll give the other bottle catch up to Cathy because God's gonna catch her up for the 29 years she came off the mission field to be a hairdresser at the word of the Lord I left ministry can you believe I left this to be on an airplane and my congregation was not on my airplane tell Cathy she's gonna be caught up for all those years she donated and then he said the word of the Lord to me is for the 39 years that I've been a pastor the Lord's gonna catch me up and send me to the world and so do you see that there's a tab there's a tab it's where it's not interpretive as it's a tab that you pull in your manual of life it's called the sudden leas of God and there's no training for it because you've already been trained for it you can handle this if you can handle the word of the Lord can you handle the word of the Lord okay the word of the Lord is suddenly and it has nothing to do with what you think it has everything to do with what God knows so when the word of the Lord comes to you from now on when the Lord speaks to you you say like Mary did may it be unto me as you have spoken I mean can you imagine that little girl what she was told now she's got to go tell her husband to be that she's pregnant but I didn't have sex oh I said that in church I'm sorry you see this as suddenly but look what happened history was changed from a suddenly of God so that's what the Lord is pronouncing over you right now you watch what happens it's gonna start immediately amen you see I've been to my up into your future I was there where all the saints all of us were around the throne worshiping God the end of the age we all make it he sent me back to tell people the land is good we can take it hey Ben I love you all now stand up everybody okay receive receive your destiny from the Lord now and the word of the Lord will come to you and he's saying this to you he said from now on keep your gaze in my eyes because that is where you're coming to you're coming to my eyes you're coming to me says the Lord and there's no one that can stop it you have one meet listen you have won me over says the Lord mm-hmm and there's nothing that's gonna be in your way any longer because your enemies are my enemy says the Lord and everything that you've gone through and I'm saying this to the pastor and his wife everything that you've gone through by the spear the Lord I'm telling you it has turned to gold and you will see that it was worth it that nothing has fallen to the wayside you have you have sown and even in famine Isaac sowed and reaped a hundred percent a hundred fold so the Lord is saying you will have your harvest your days ahead our days of heaven on earth in this place the heavens are open and the Lord has taken off the lid the limitations of this place and off your lives nothing shall be impossible to you and I impart this to this place receive now receiving lift your hands and receive come on this is a hands-free ministry come on I impart to you the realms of God that are available for you your future is your now the angels the Lord have come in answer to your prayer we have come an answer to your prayer we are well able to take you into your destiny do not grieve your angels do not provoke them believe just believe right now people are being healed there's people being healed all over their bodies right now and in their hearts turn yourself over to the Lord and let him change the things that need changed deliverance has come to your house this night children will come back amen dear Lord I'm gonna turn it back over to your pastor but this impartation is permanent I just want you to know that the thing with me is this I told Jesus I'll come back but you said it's fruit that lasts so I said I want people to get their package and I want them to keep their package tomorrow when they wake up I want them to still have what they had in the service and he's doing it all over the world people are contacting us and saying I woke up with the same presence I woke up with the impartation so I'm telling you this so that you know don't get talked out of this this is permanent that if you listen there's been a door that's shut behind you it's not it's not gonna open again that's awesome can we thank the Lord for the man of God [Music] now let's thank the Lord for what he's given us tonight let's say yes Lord we receive we receive what you've spoken over us we received your promises we receive your instructions in righteousness we received the instructions in righteousness to be carriers of the glory we received that you've spoken to us as sons not as two little children you didn't speak to babies tonight you spoke to son's you spoke to daughters you spoke to mature ones Lord we say yes we receive a word that challenges us to walk as mature ones to not be easily offended Lord let us walk in a laugh that will sustain what you've spoken thank you Lord that you found us to be ready to hear a word like you spoke tonight mmm Lord what is coming requires it of us let us be found at our post let us not leave our posts does not leave our first love so renew it right now Shh renew a love for you a love for one another that's bigger than ourselves thank you Father for the word you gave us tonight in Jesus name Amen let's give him praise everybody [Applause] amen we'll give each other a hug bless you thank you for joining us tonight brother Kevin thank you and Kathy for joining us at Skyway we hope you'll come again the doors are open to return
Channel: Skyway Church
Views: 42,581
Rating: 4.8234663 out of 5
Id: pCdy8itHHLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 27sec (7107 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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