The Timings Of God - Live With Sister Ruth - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] hello everyone dr kevin zeta with you with warrior notes and we are back tonight in phoenix arizona with sister ruth i'm so excited sister rude thank you for coming thank you and yet we we have been friends for a long time and the lord has been moving in a great and mighty way i remember sister ruth when we were in meetings at your at your prayer meeting and the lord had spoken to you about someone going to new orleans and we were actually in seattle and we called you and let you know that the lord was talking to us like that and then you had a song that came to you about new orleans and you'd been singing it uh it had been coming to you and see sister ruth what she's taught me she's taught me even though there was there was a there's previous moves the move doesn't actually end it overlaps with with new things that come out but sister ruth you've taught us um how to to live in the spirit which is actually out of the box it really is almost like um it chases away a religious spirit yeah and i noticed that you you have your immune your immunity system is is that it keeps you from being religious to where it's just a form of godliness but there's no power that's essentially what sister ruth has taught me is that she thinks she you are trained to walk in the spirit so you the spirit doesn't think always in the box that we make right and um i want you to talk tonight because we're going to talk about the timings of the lord the spirit of the lord clearly spoke to me and said this is what we're going to talk about tonight and um so i know not that i know that i'm i don't get nervous because i could just tell you you know you just go for it sister we love you thank you for everything you've done for us kathy and i are so thankful for you um we've known each other for years and years and we went to the same church together and and also your prayer meeting has been a lifeline to us and um you were always a good friend you spent many many hours with us i remember spending more time at red lobster than i did at my job sometimes we spend eight hours getting red lobster under the power of god so um i i want you to talk tonight by the spirit and if you feel that there's some other direction you want to go that'd be fine but um there's something that we get a lot of questions about god's will and about the prophetic because a lot of people don't understand that when you see the future you're seeing what god wants but as we see in the bible a lot of times god's will is not done in fact every day we see things that happen that weren't god's will and isn't it true how you've seen christian ministers where there are some that that that they walk with god they see a lot of things good things happen but then there's others that it's not a consistent thing but a lot of things i've seen my friends that happen to them it wasn't god at all and um i saw when i was in heaven that the lord he says i had no part in that he i would ask him what about this person what about this person they died early he said i had nothing to do with that and i saw either these people died early because they they were not listening to my spirit and um i've asked people did you have a warning before that wreck i always ask people about the accidents and things like that i always do especially christian ministers i ask them well what happened that morning did you have a dream the night before were you worn every time they were warned yes yeah and god was trying to tell them that their diet was wrong they got sick and they died of something else but they were god was trying to warn them about some little adjustments so i want i want you to talk about the we'll just continue on with what we talked about the other night but the timings of the lord and how god will take you up over the wall and show you something that was obscured because of the flesh but god will take you up and show you something but you know it might be years away in fact what's happened this week 31 years ago i was going to put money down on a certain aircraft that was coming out and that aircraft was brand new and uh the lord at the last minute told me not to do it it was brand new so if i put money down i get very very cheap jet at the time 31 years ago tomorrow i'm gonna fly in that jet but it took 31 years and and there and it's and they're going to get one that will be for sale but it took 31 years my intention was i knew when it came out they were building them in the factory that i could get one very very a brand new one very cheap but the lord didn't have that happen i had the money for it and everything and then um you know now now it's going to happen tomorrow i'll be flying that bad jet tomorrow and it took 31 years now to me when the lord spoke to me about that jet 31 years ago it was so real and then the lord he just put the brakes on it but it came to me it came to me without having to work for it and now i'm going to get to experience that and also have the ability to to actually obtain that jet if i want to so i know you've seen this and i know that in your heart there's been some things that you've seen that haven't happened yet and i know that that's why you're the reason you're still here i know the lord told me he said he's he's holding you here because there's a there's this this seamless thing that's happening with the moves they're they overlap each other it's not an abrupt thing no so talk to us about this he's speaking the lord's in a hurry he's always in a hurry because he's always moving and he wants us to get into his time zone there's a time zone of moving with the lord where things happen they happen quickly and often and sometimes you wonder if you have time for a breath to be able to to keep up with god you know the king's business the bible says requires haste so that means that there's a calling on your life and you can do what he's called you to do and there is a timing and i found it through all of my life he has spoken certain times dates dreams i've been a dreamer since i was a child and he said to me one day he said i'm going to make you like joseph and of course i i thought well does that mean you know i'm going to prison lord you know i'm when i think about joseph i think about everything about his life but he said you're going to be a dreamer and i'm going to show you things that are to come i've seen a lot of headline news before it ever happened and actually i got involved with some of the headline news you know god just caused events to happen that i was in this particular place this particular time but god puts us with people that are like us or you're like them so he can do what he wants to do and we have to make those adjustments in our lives for god to do it now i can tell you this the lord said to me one day he called me a caleb and i knew as soon as he said caleb you know caleb's a male name when he said caleb to me i would live to be 85 years old at least i knew that and so i i put it aside and waited until many things happened in my life and i thought well i'm pushing toward that mountain then one day he said your mountain is in arizona now i mean i'm 60 years old i'm sorry yeah i'm 60 years old before he said that to me he said it's in arizona and uh i said well lord if i'm to go to arizona can you let somebody call me and in two minutes the phone rings in two minutes and someone wants to know if i want to go to arizona and so we visited here this was in 1998 and as i'm walking out of the airport after we'd been here two weeks uh a friend just standing beside me says nonchalantly she said you think you'll live here i said could be you know just could be but i felt it you know i didn't push the thought away i said it could be and then two years two years later someone else called me and asked me if i wanted to come again despite the land for them they had land here actually and god worked circumstances that i came out and the person gave me the land just for coming out here god caused the land to fall in my hands and i have it still and so when i came here i didn't have a contact i didn't have a place to live the lord just said go and i arrived and just circumstances god put the right people in the right place and he'll do that if you're moving in his plan he'll show you how to put all the pieces together you won't miss god you know that you know that you're moving with god and you're accomplishing what he has for your life now a lot of things happened on the way i've died several times and i say that calmly and and sweetly i really did the lord told me one day he said you won't die in your own blood but live he said it to me three times for a period of three months and i'm thinking about israel because i read that in the old testament you know i passed by you and i saw you and i started praying for israel well it wasn't israel it was me i went to a funeral and i just had a little pain in my stomach excused myself and i went to the bathroom and my body began to shut down i mean i could feel it shutting down but i kept hearing those words you'll not die on your own blood live and i hemorrhaged there well you know god has a sense of humor and i actually managed to get out of the bathroom and fade away dead in the floor and someone says to sister ruth are having a funeral a funeral and she says um a friend says to her you know sister roost laying out on the floor and she comes out and picks me up and starts to sing over me now we're going back to when we were on the air on monday god wants a throne experience in our lives all the time all the tablets you're standing before god as a priesthood you're standing before god in the counsel of the almighty and he is pouring into your life everything that is needed but you've got to be conscious conscious all the time i had a visit today from reinhard monkey believe it or not of all people now please don't let anybody faint away just get enlarge yourself to receive more from god but i was thinking about him and i i didn't know him in my earlier years and someone took me to visit him in south africa and i didn't know really what to do when i came before the man but before i visited him the lord has spoken to me and he said if you will prepare i will take you before great people that's what he said to me and we were speaking earlier it's about the preparation it's every day it's all day long so everything you're involved in god is in it he's called to be his servants and his handmaidens to go at his bedding and i remember when i went in before reinhardt monkey i thought how shall i present myself what shall i say to him and he had he had a desk it only had a couple of pencils and a couple pieces of paper everything was very much in order but later i learned that this man you know really he held the future of south africa in his hands god had called him for that purpose at that time and so i introduced myself and in a moment just in a moment we were in in the book of ezekiel and the living creatures and he's he has on this shirt that has one button open and he buttoned it up and he took his arms and he did like this and i knew he felt the presence of the lord even as i was feeling it and i didn't know he was getting ready to preach on the living creatures it was a ground opening ceremony for ray mccauley and his church the following week yeah and so i decided to go over and ray mccauley i've never met him he's on the platform and i'm the first one there because uh someone was giving me a ride and that was the time they was leaving so i'm there now the lord said i'm going to cause you to meet every spiritual person in africa while you're traveling and he gets off the pulpit he's up by himself and he walks the length of the tent you know that that's a great distance and it held 30 000 people he said how do you do sister my name is ray mccauley well the lord had said now i'm going to cause you to meet all these people well i was almost without words i was very afraid and i introduced myself and that god had had spoken to me and i was a missionary there well he got several friends together and gave me an apartment in a chauffeur-driven car i didn't know what to do with myself but the lord said if you prepare i will take care of you so i fasted i don't know if i can tell you or not i fasted 71 days when you're on a fast for the lord it's a supernatural thing because the lord said you're going to be away from home for a while you're going to be on a great journey prepare yourself and you prepare yourself for fasting and prayer we're speaking about this earlier if anything is going to happen in this nation in the church the church is going to be on his face we're going to be bowed low before the lord because the sword of the lord is going to come through the land like we've never seen it before and we're going to give him all the glory that's due his name in every way that we can so for 71 days i fasted i stopped counting after a few days the holy ghost took over and my i really actually my appetite was gone i didn't have a desire and when people say you can't go more than three days you can go more than three days without water i went many days without water and as i was fasting i was praying as many hours i was on eight hour shifts of prayer for 25 days it started 25 days and then it was two and three every day for three months for three home months and i went to um israel on somebody else's ticket seriously i had a ticket all through africa and i had a i had uh didn't have a ticket to jerusalem that was my starting point and a lady gave me a ticket she said it cost fifty dollars to put to change your name in those days on it well god never gave me the fifty dollars so i went to the airport with my their ticket and my passport and the lord said i want you to go by way of denmark that was all he said to me and i went by way of denmark and they never checked the ticket and the passport together but i'm going to israel first and i knew i couldn't get on that airplane with that name on that ticket and my passport they're checking everything carefully so god crosses actually caused the plane to be broken down they worked on it for three hours the plane is late well by that time they're in a hurry to get everybody on the plane and they said everybody quickly get on the plane never mind about your tickets just show me your passport let's get on the plane well i don't advise anybody to do that but that was the way god did it to put new faith in me to get to africa and i was there for 32 weeks now you say well why are you saying this all to me god will try your faith again and again to see what you're made of and if you trust him now i don't advise you to do some of the things that i did because i didn't really know what i was doing half the time i was being obedient to the lord and to do his bidding and i was eight months i remembered when the lord said i'm going to send you to the nations and i went to the prayer room and i started praying but he didn't say what nations and when i looked at the continent of africa he said 32 weeks that's eight months oh yeah that's eight months and so i and i thought well the the way to start in africa is you always start in jerusalem you have your jerusalem experience first so god started me there and i started i did all the coastal country cities from from cairo egypt i went to every coastal city to the cape and up on the other side and god caused me to meet every spiritual leader of every nation about four presidents i mean i'm just suddenly taken in you know i don't even know where i'm going where it's like god had everyone taking me into these doors and gates that you know that only he can open up to you and that was a time in my life i was very young in the lord it was all new to me but i'd read stories about ruth hepland and different people and i thought if they can do it i can do it now this was a season in my life where i thought i was going to be doing that forever but he doesn't do that he'll take you out and then all of a sudden he'll bring you back in and you become a servant again you prepare for the next place the next step the next move that god has for your life and he said and not every nation i speak to you are you to go you're to pray for some of those nations so i had to learn the difference you know when whether i was to pray or whether it was to go so i learned years ago when i first got saved in 1977 72 was an awakening year i understand this is the time even jesse duplantis if you'll talk to him and benny hinn there was big ministries suddenly were launched at this particular time uh also jonathan burns it was different ones i've listened to their stories and i realized that i merged in at that same time now i'm not young i'm which i'm in my 40s you know your life goes quickly 40 you soon you're 16 then you're 80. but you know god can renew your strength like an eagle and so i waited on the lord again and again and i just when i thought well this is the end you know this is the end of what god's going to do in my life he would come with another vision it'd be another steering in my life that there'd be another passion for god more passion for god and so for years it was like i was in and out of doors in and out of places and god opened doors in just beyond my imagination i couldn't imagine some of the some of the places that god has opened i've seen all the great museums of the world all the great places god was educating me you understand he was educating me and i didn't realize it at the time because it was raised in pentecost you know we kind of thought we had the mandate on everything or we had the handle on it but we were very spiritual people my father from from a young girl i remember my father and his praying and groaning my father used to groan when he prayed and it could it put a fear in my heart and he was a bible reader my father would read four to six hours a day he'd be in the word of god and so when he preached it was nothing for him to quote two chapters and people got the word and i want to say this to you everyone that i ever knew that got saved under my father's ministry never backslid i can go back and take care of these people that followed after the lord because the plan of god was in him so i didn't get started with the lord until i was older in life but i always had this secure feeling inside of me that i belong to god and god is going to help me god's going to use me and god's going to work in my life but i had to follow the plan of god and it was not always easy on my flesh not in the spirit it's it's the flesh you have to deal with continually and you know that it's a constant thing with the flesh when you um with it when you're sharing about the airplane you've been waiting 31 years when i was 40 i took flying lessons i thought i wanted to fly a plane that was in my heart to fly a plane and a gentleman showed up at our camp and he said oh i know how to fly i'll teach you so i thought wasn't that strange here kevin's getting his plane and about the same time but i'm learning trying to learn how to fly you know i took a few lessons and i was about ready to get in an airplane so he works people together with the same flavors with the same desires you know that you realize what i'm saying so i didn't know that i would live in arizona but the lord spoke to me one day and i want all of you grandmothers and grandfathers and people that have grandchildren to listen to what i want to say to you i have five chil grandchildren and great-grandchildren and the lord spoke to me before the first one was born he said you're going to have grandchildren but you will not live your life for those children where i have a plan for your life and i have a calling on your life and he said i will keep my hands up on them and i will train them but i want you to follow me well that was my desire you know to have grandchildren i'd had a few shipwrecks in my life and i wanted to you know set back like grandparents were supposed to do and my my daughter-in-law wanted to give me something for my birthday and she didn't know she was with child and the lord said tell her she's going to be a grandmother and that's when the lord spoke to me and he said you're not going to live for these grandchildren you're going to live for me it's a hard piece of bread to eat but i waited up on the lord and god just would shift me here and shift me there i i didn't have a home to live in for a long time i lived with people i lived out of a suitcase and and i thought is this all there is i'm talking about years i lived out of a suitcase with different people god would shift me over here and then he'd say go over there and every place that i went it was a furnace you understand it was a furnace and it seemed that every place got hotter and hotter but god was molding and making the vessel and many things that i thought was mine at the moment were not mine it was like they were suddenly taken from me or eluded me or somebody got in front of me this this happened for a number of years many years and i thought well this is the way of a christian this is you know this is the way life is supposed to be after reading the word i'll just fill my place do what god's called me to do and then i got involved with ruth hepland's life and a demand and pressure was put on me that i didn't think existed i want to tell all of you that are working with kevin get ready he's already experienced the pressure and now the demand will come up on those that are working that you that are working with him and it doesn't get smaller it gets greater it's a constant just a constant gathering of yourself unto god it's less of you and more of him less of you and more of him and i didn't really understand the seasons and how god worked for a long time i really didn't i just thought this is the way you know i'm reading about paul how he's going here and he's going there and i shared the other night i wanted the life of paul and i i want to say to you don't ask for anything that you're not willing to pay a price for please because god's taking you at your word and you will go through many many garden experiences and a lot of those garden experiences where he turns he's turning the soil he's turning the soil he's going deeper and deeper in your life for the great things that he wants to do and many people miss it i mean you know a lot of people it's the charisma about him it's the it is it's the charisma about them and you don't want that charisma to be who you are you want the deep to call into the deep that the things of god that are rich and a purpose will come out of your spirit will come out of your life and will flow into the lives of others this is what you want you want testimonies i got a four-page letter today of someone that saw us on youtube she's a teacher at a college and she said her life has just been turned over just by the testimonies she said the things i've been crying out for she said i'm listening to the testimony of what god is doing so you want that experience of the prophetic of the of the heavens involved in your life and what god is doing what's god doing what's god doing he's doing something for eternity he's praying us for preparing us for heaven it's not this life here is very short and when you look back i'm 83 years old i'm going for 84. i asked the lord if i could live until he comes i want you to look at me that means he could come in your lifetime if i'm 83 he could come but i asked the lord if i said can i stay here until you come and i'm 70 when i said this to him you want to know how real god is i prayed all day long asking him could i be here when he comes and i go to church and pastor maiden is with a group of pastors and he stopped everything he was doing and he walked down the aisle to where i was he said sister ruth he says god says you could live to be 15 or 20 years more i said god i'm 70 i'm thinking i'm 70. he said you he said i see 5 10 15 17 18 years all right i've already lived 13 of those years that means i could be 88 but we are living now in the time of our life is going to culminate everything in just a little while that you've been gathering all the years that you've been studying and seeking following the lord and you have to follow him it's not just hit and miss or go to church once a month i'm not saying you have to go to church to get it but i'm saying if that's where you are that's what he's required go there until he orders the next step in your life but i can tell you i have tried to follow god every day of my life getting up at the right time calling unto him following after him releasing whatever he wants from my life and it hasn't been easy you get into those rhythms there are rhythms just like you you know you drive a car anybody that's got a good ear knows when the engine's not running properly but you get into the rhythms and you know when you're in it and you know when you're not in it you know when the glory is here and you know when the glory isn't here how many know what i'm talking about so you want to contend for those rhythms of the heavens and your life is going to be ordained by revelation glory this is what we're talking about it's revelation glory and you say well what are you saying i've been god-conscious from a very small child but didn't realize it at the time you understand it when i think back i see where god didn't allow certain things or he separated me from things or it was like i was the sacrifice most of the time or you know or i just wasn't in the picture but i thought well this is the way it is because it's raised in a christian home i'm learning the ways of god but i can look back and i can see how god simplified or removed how he shifted me with the right people and at first i thought it was a i really thought it was a sickness in my mind i'm serious people just don't live like this but god had his hand on me for good and i watched him as he's moved me with the right people and i want to say this to you when i came here and the lord said your mountain is in arizona you were part of the mountain it took me a while to figure that out you were part of the mountain took me a little while to figure that out but i but i watched god again and again as he would as he would shift you have shifts in your life they don't come often but they're coming more now than they've ever come the frequency oh yeah there's a smaller amount of time between each one yeah and you find yourself getting more uh knitted in with god you can feel it you're just getting closer and closer and you can't escape it you cannot escape it and you find that you want to be closer unto the lord and so you you prepare your life your affairs everything that you have you understand everything i'm not just talking about some things it's everything in your life is ordained every step is ordained by god and i just i thought this was the end of my life recently and i don't wanted any of you feeling sorry for me or being upset because i had a little stroke it really turned my life right side up because i knew god was after me please don't don't get upset god's after everybody but most people always look for the door of escape but don't do that pull yourself closer into god and closer and closer so you can hear his whispers you can hear his nudges and then you suddenly know those they're like portals actually the places god draws you into yeah and there are actually qualification points and i think a lot of people don't realize yes we wouldn't be with you i wouldn't we wouldn't be where we're at if we didn't qualify i've taken tracks out into the desert again because i didn't i didn't get it and and i delayed what god had for for me because i i got like the stiff-necked uh israelis in the desert so you know you you had you have to qualify when that that portal is open to you when that door is open there is no other will of god but that open door however how many how many do we know of people that they've been just circling in the desert and a 14-day trek into israel from egypt turned into 40 years that was not god's perfect will no yeah so it has to do with qualification that the thing of it is now we don't have the time no we don't we have days jesus told me when he sent me back he said we have days we don't have years he said we i used to have years to get people ready for what i have for them he says you go back and tell the people i'm sending you back they got days and that was in 19 that was in 1992. and uh he was saying the time is short i looked at his eyes he had fire he he had plans and human beings were delaying his plans and i saw that white horse that he's coming back on kicking in the stall literally he was bucking like it was a race like one of those uh thoroughbred race race horses he was literally wanting to get out and go and do what he was called to do and that was to take jesus on a ride what year was that 92. okay in 1998 i'll just merge in on that word when he said he's you saw the horse and this is what he said to me recently honest it parallels with what you're saying i'm in north dakota having a horrible time i had a fever of 106. but before i left home the lord had said to me you're not going to stay i wasn't sick when i left home he said you're not going to stay on this trip with sister ruth but you're going to come back i didn't see how it was possible and after i got there i had problems with kidney stones and i got a fever of 106. now listen you can't escape god sister ruth's never mind i'm laying across the benches in the church i can hardly see i can hardly walk she said do you think you can lead the song service yes you always say yes i can hardly see the people for the fever and i led the song service and suddenly the doors open did i tell you this before the doors open to the front of the church and the lord comes riding on a white stallion and i'm on a platform that's this high so the nose of the horse is right in my face when he pulls right up in front of the platform i can hardly see him everything's muted because of the the fever and i looked at the horse and he he had his feet in the stirrups and there was this turquoise blue in the stirrups and it was turquoise blue down on the horse's nose and he said will you ride with me the lord spoke to me will you ride with me well i didn't understand it at the time well my the next place i came to was here where do you find turquoise in arizona in the desert you have to look at these there you'll just sometimes have you just to look at one little part of a picture and somebody else is looking at another part and another part but suddenly it all comes together he might just suddenly show you a flag well go find a go somewhere and look it up get an encyclopedia he's telling you something because he's looking for people to be sensitive to his moves and so he said to me was he rode up on that horse he said well you ride with me and i thought where are we going well that's it was just within a month when i got the telephone call and somebody said you want to go to arizona and look at some land within a month so i began to put the pieces of the puzzle together and here we are and we're in a prayer meeting one day recently and the door opened in the back again and four horses come riding in this was recently and two went to the south and two went to the east i'm sorry two to the south one to the east and one to the north so i knew we had released the presence of the lord in our worship for god to move in these areas and this is what he said to me a few nights ago this is recently you know you get older you visit the bathroom a lot and i got up and i heard these songs of heaven washing over me and i said lord i know you're coming soon i know you are you just don't listen when god comes in a song or just a whisper talk to him communicate he's about to open up a paragraph you've never read before i said lord i know you're coming soon and we don't have much time and this is what he said i felt the words go in me like this he said you have five years that means i'll be at least 88 years old i'm telling you as for me and myself and later i heard jim baker speak of three different people that have said the same thing when you're saying we just have days you know days like a thousand years we can do a lot if we'll move with god everybody will have the same mind and be in one accord we can do it we can accomplish but it's not like we thought in the beginning you know that you know i had all these ideas of how it was going to be and how god was going to work how the world was going to be and i didn't put myself in the picture and now i see it god is going to do the most unusual setups that we have ever seen i'm seeing keys dropping down from heaven right now the biggest keys i've ever seen they look like they would fit into giant doors you understand yes ancient doors are going to open feature doors that's the word things that have been hidden and have not been spoken of suddenly it's going to come out of your mouth i see it coming out of your mouth and i i've seen you and i say this carefully like a celebrity but not pouring all of that on yourself you understand god's gonna put you in a place to where you're going to be known because he's raised you for such a time as this and everyone else if you want it you can have it it's going after god right this is our time it is there's a cry in my spirit it has been since i've been here like i've we lived here and there's been such a cry for arizona and for phoenix because it all has to do with people qualifying it does not have to do with whether god's perfect will is done we think we always pray let your will be done and the lord will say to you if you would listen i'm waiting on you but see we're not framed that way so we don't hear that the religious thinking is is that we're always waiting on god but the lord is waiting for us to qualify he's not going to give us more than we can handle and this has been the problem that people think they're qualified or they think they're ready but they're not that i'm telling you every single time you think you got it you're going to end up being humbled that and that's part of the lord's process of promotion a lot of times promotion comes after you've been humbled and you've been shown that you weren't what you thought you were and the lord has a way of letting letting things loosen up a little bit give you a little room he's watching to see what you do but the the wise thing to do is what is what it says uh when when the lord said son of man what do you see and and john said well i don't know but you know lord you in other words you tell me what you're asking you have the answer and that's what i've learned about qualifying and the lord asks you a question and go well i don't know but you know because he shows you something like he did the prophet he said what do you see and he saw something but he said i don't know but you know lord i've learned that that's the secret to going on with the lord the lord gives you he loosens up the reins and what he's waiting for you to do is absolutely nothing until you check in with him because if he can trust you to ask him for the command and then this is what you have to do you have to say lord no you speak the word you give the command out and then it'll be done i i've learned this you know i turned 60 in a in just a couple weeks and the uh the only thing that i know for sure is is that i don't know everything that's what i've learned is that as it goes on i i realize i don't know anything i mean and i know i've learned so much but the lord wants you to get to the place where in order to expand you have to admit that if you're going on you're going to have to humble yourself like a child and say lord no you tell me you tell me what's next you tell me what i see you tell me what to say because i ain't doing nothing so that's what i tell the lord all the time just like moses and i think that's what we that's what i hear in arizona that's that there's other cities we're assigned to just like this but with phoenix is there's so many people here there's so many churches there's so many people that are that are good friends but to qualify to go on it is a very skinny door it is such a thin door and it's it's especially thin right up here because the head the head will not go through through you could do you could fast you could read your bible you could you could give all your money away but if you haven't dealt with yourself knowing that you can't get to the other side where god has you go unless you have you have humbled yourself like a child now a child is waiting for you to give them information they're just inquisitive now if they with a child if you don't give them information they're they're in a discovery mode but see a discovery mode sometimes can get us into trouble because there's certain boundaries so that's what the lord taught me is you look to him and you say no you are my boundary maker you tell me where my boundaries are i don't go out and find them and i don't need i don't need to find out there's a wall by walking into it i let the lord tell me this is a wall this is this is your boundary the word of god is like that and i have a feeling that people are not being humble enough and saying listen this is something that's established a long time ago his word you know that in aviation there's there's manuals i'm not going to test the manual the manual's already been tested there are pilots that went out there and tested that aircraft if it says never exceed his speed then that's fine with me i'm not going to see if that's true or not because there's already somebody that's done that and i feel like that's what god's saying to a lot of people right now there's there's people that are not they're just not realizing that god is waiting on them and it has to do with your mindset do you you know how many times sister ruth in your life have you you know like with with uh sister ruth hefflin you you got to a place where you thought okay i'm finally getting it and then she would say you're going to do this you're going to go you know you you always had to have your three dresses ready you had to have everything packed all the time didn't you all the time it was disciplined you had this dress as soon as she got home she would she'd repack the suitcase as soon as she got home she would in a moment arise and go because she was keeping her antennas up continually but but she was submissive she had to be submissive to the will of the lord and one day she said to me she said i need someone i just i she needed someone to go to jerusalem i saw her talking to several people so i called her i said do you need some help she said yes i need someone to go to jerusalem you want to go i said when she said right now right now we're talking about in five minutes she sent someone to pack my suitcase before i even asked her did she need help i didn't know it we were in a car in 15 minutes and the plane is leaving in two hours and 15 minutes 120 miles away and i got on she got me to the airport on time and the lord allowed the plane to be broken so we could get on it really was down for an hour so we wouldn't be late and the beautiful part of the story is i just didn't go to jerusalem i went around the world it was at that moment she did that to me twice in my life you want to go to toronto when are we going or we're going in 15 minutes see she just had that timing she had that timing you know he's put that in our hearts eternity is in our hearts but it was a constant training when you said when you think just when you think you know it just when i thought i discovered how to move into the glory i thought oh there's so much more to learn because suddenly i realized i didn't know anything unless god was leading me you know you can have a vision but there's so much more and so when we talk about when i was talking about earlier about glory revelation or revelation glory my life has been commanded by dreams and visions you understand what i'm saying oh yeah all of my life i've seen it oh yeah i'd have a dream and he'd he'd get me to search it and search it and then just when i thought i had that taken care of no there's another level you got to come into yeah it's a constant training yeah the lord might not mention the end result he might mention your next step but it's not exactly your destination it's a it's a point along the way and i've seen that with you you've you've actually called me and told me things and it took three months for it took three months for it to develop at times it was right on you go you would get a song it would have words in the song that had to do with something that had not even formed in me yet but then when you told me it was a confirmation because it wasn't complete you know like i i've had you know we've we've all had to go certain places it was not our destination but it was i needed to meet somebody there i needed to make a relationship where i received an anointing and impartation and then the lord took me on it was all part of it but then those relationships are permanent and you know people if they choose not to follow the lord then that's a whole other thing but to me relationships are permanent but people choose not to go on and this is what i noticed and this happened with you because i know i know personal things have happened with you where people could not they could not go on and so at times even your prayer meeting would get smaller yeah and then all of a sudden i mean i watch it like expand to where it is now and it's but you would tell them listen you you all you aren't you all are not engaging we need we need to step into the glory it's here see i think people think that they're like spectators almost waiting for something to happen and uh smith wigglesworth said you know if the spirit of the lord isn't moving i move the holy spirit by my faith because faith is of the heart and that's where god's will is actually literally formed inside of you you know you're in the image of god so i've seen this with you you've told me things that were forming but we didn't know the whole story did we we kind of like watched it unfold you know god was shaping and molding through all of this yeah when you said in in the songs you know i had to put it all together the lord first said to me years ago he said your heart belongs to judah yeah okay we were a family of singers so god used that talent that we had yeah judah means praise it means praise yeah so it meant that i was going to be a worshiper well i got that pardon and then he says to me one day after i've saved about a year he said i want you to listen to the songs i'm singing over you because there's a message and method and every one of them that's what he said to me didn't matter what it was it'd be something i was going through or something for someone else and this is really off the wall but i'm i'm god sent me somewhere uh with this person and they were very unteachable and i thought will they ever learn and i heard this song she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes well i knew they were going to come around the mountain so you know all that fear could well a lot of people would say oh it's so silly so i asked the lord couldn't he give it to me another way i said do you think maybe you can speak to me another way but listen there was so much joy i'd keep saying listen there was so much joy in it there was so much expectation you understand what i'm saying the lord gave me this word through sister ruth kabuto that means to dance in japanese just the word kabuto okay yeah so i'm hearing this word kabuto kabuto and we're coming across the border in israel and this is this is part of who i am this is part of my ministry i understand so i listened to every song i've had the lord to really tell me things about people that i couldn't share but even in the song he would tell me what's going on their personality so i would know how to work with them and how to move with them and so we're at the israeli border and i heard the word kabuto and all of a sudden a whole tour of japanese people come out come through the airport there and i thought well god what do you want me to do with them what what am i going to supposed to do with this word but i had heard it from sister ruth it meant to dance and god had told her he was going to bring revival to japan through kabuto and she didn't know what it meant so we found someone it meant that he was going to bring it through the dance to japan and god sent her there to teach the people well i remember that when she told me that when i saw the japanese people and all of a sudden my pastor who never carries a tambourine had his tambourine in a bag a zip-up bag and i saw him unzip it i thought oh my what's gonna happen now and he takes the tambourine out well i ran behind the building i thought this is too much for me i really ran from it and someone uh reported me to the pastor sister carneal siding and he calls my name in front of all these people it must have been 130 of them there where are you hiding come out and help me and he began to play the tambourine and we began to dance and the whole tour of japanese people began to dance right there on the border the whole tour they're doing a promenade they're doing a hoedown you can't believe it they didn't realize it was supposed to be spiritual of course but god was breaking down all those walls well well who's going to have revival like that at the airport nobody but you got to catch hold of those moments of eternity when you said we're in training god's speaking all the time but a lot of preachers don't hear it i mean they have wonderful testimonies but this glory is to manifest what god is doing he wants to manifest yeah in us it's all day long yeah yeah i remember we kathy and i were in our driveway we were pulling out in new orleans we had just been here you were in the hospital and the lord just i mean my car disappeared i'm sitting and it just disappears and he says you're calling sister ruth right now and i go she's in the hospital you had your phone you had just said it down it rang and you answered it and the lord the lord had given me that word about the sapphire and yes and um i said sister ruth i said i don't know what this means i said but i don't even expect you to answer the phone but i you know every time you you're in the hospital i don't get on a plane and comes to you because the lord told me everything's fine she she ain't going nowhere and that's happened three times i said lord you want me to fly out there you know lay hands on her or what do you want me to do he says everything's everything's fine so i said the sapphire well what tell us what do you remember what happened someone had just come in and handed you a ring was it a ring or the eggs well it was there was a ring that happened with someone gave you a ring and i remember this and it had the same stone that i was mentioning in it something happened with somebody that came in and left you with something and then the whole thing with the eggs was was uh in it was a blue sapphire first that's right somebody had given me a ring and i mean literally we're we have to be somewhere and we're pulling back and the lord says stop call sister ray i go she's in the hospital she's unconscious right now and he says you call her right now and he says you tell her about the sapphire yes and i had oh i rented a blue sapphire car and that wasn't my color i was having work done on my car and i had to go get another car and the man said go out on the lot and get a car and it had just been washed somebody just returned it and all of a sudden i knew i had to drive that car i got really excited about it actually the man thought it was a little strange i said i got to have that car right there it was the brightest blue on every scene well i realized i was moving in something spiritual but i didn't know what it was and suddenly uh i'd heard about you know i'd read the scripture about the blue sapphire about the throne yeah but where was god leading me and so when you come into this realm of the blue sapphire this is what i found out you've come into a place with god that you have never been in before yeah because that's the platform he stood on in exodus 2410 which is also mentioned in ezekiel about the uh the floor up there which i got to stand on but the fact it was is the lord was dealing with me about the sapphire and he told me to call you in the hospital and talk to you about that and then there was someone who came in with a ring or something like that that happened while you were in the hospital just had happened there's no way for me to have known that then after that with with uh with the other thing you said about the the the eggs you kept seeing eggs yeah i kept seeing eggs and somebody walks into my prayer meeting well let's go back to the blue car i mean which one of you would you suddenly think about the blue sapphire and well i and then you go rent a car i mean it's just strange the ways of the lord is strange but i had an experience with the blue sapphire car that nobody understands it took me into a new place that i understand god more well then somebody walks into my prayer meeting it was your wife actually and she said i have these two eggs that my sister has just brought from new orleans this is how this whole thing unfolded and going into louisiana and she said my sister said to give them to you i said well i only need one and then i thought no this is two people i suddenly realized it was two people and i'm singing this song get spiritual if you will they took a little bacon and they took a little beans and they went on down to new orleans i sung it for two weeks that was all i knew of the song and i've got to where i'm writing the song i'm serenading it in the house and then i stopped and i said lord i know you're not speaking to me to go to new orleans i'm not going to well i'm thinking about the weather lord you're really not speaking to me i'm not going to new orleans somebody's going to new orleans who is it and kathy calls and said you know we're thinking about going to new orleans can we pray oh no we're not going to pray kathy just go but in the dream i mean in the song it was a little bacon and a little beans so that was the key that you weren't to take much with you remember and she said we're not we're giving everything away remember yeah we gave everything away even our car we sewed everything but i told her you got to call sister ruth because i do not want to go to new orleans i don't want to go we have our dream house we had our dream houses in phoenix here and in seattle so you start i can she puts you on speakerphone and you start talking about these eggs yeah and the where the lord came to me i'm pacing back and forth no no lord we're not going to do only sort of and you're singing that song to me and i'm like no no we're not going to new orleans they have alligators down there they have all this weird it's like jurassic park you know so the lord the lord says as a confirmation go over to that now we're in our house in seattle and i can hear your voice i'm going toward my bedroom and he says right there he says reach your hand down in that there's a big pot with a fake tree had that uh spanish moss like we have down there yeah which is you know down in the south they have a spatula so all our yard all our trees have this spanish moss we're in seattle and this is spanish moss in this pot he says reach down in there when i reach down in there as you're singing that song about about the bacon and beans and about the two eggs when i reach my hand in there there are two turquoise eggs in there i pulled them out we still have them they were hidden from her mom who gave us that plant there were two eggs we still have those two eggs you're talking about the two eggs we're 1300 miles away from here we're in seattle 1300 miles away and i'm holding two eggs in my hand i'm like we're going to new orleans and we still have those eggs in our house are there turquoise rocks that are just they look like eggs but that song listen some of you it was sounded carnal to me yeah but god sanctifies these songs because they're one-liners you know that's all you just have to have line up online listen carefully god works in ways that entertains him god got more blessing out of that whole vision i know he did i could see him now i've seen him actually patting his big toe in heaven i've seen that thank you you know how happy he was yeah and but i was actually singing that song is such a measure it was disturbing the people in my house and i had to say oh i'm sorry i'm sorry now i'm going to skip over a little distance here before i got my dog the lord told me to get a dog he had someone he spoke to me then he had someone to give me a dog i didn't want a dog that that that's another story but i just want to tell you at the beginning of it i'm singing how much is the doggy in the window now i don't sing those songs you understand i don't and i caught myself i'm putting something in the microwave and i thought what am i doing what's the dog gonna do with i'm cooking dinner here and i started to sing it again how much is the doggie in the window and i thought oh i'm gonna get her dog now god doesn't listen you would love for somebody to come along and say they'll say it's the lord you're gonna get her dog you understand this is the religious part of you you don't want you want to move into that realm where it's just there it's out there you can reach in and get it you understand you understand what i'm saying you got a little little joy come this is what gives you use get some joy there get a spring in your step and i'm i'm listening to two people talk one day listen i know i'm scattering around here but i'm getting you loose they're singing about this bird this kookaburra kookaberry bird in a tree these two these two people walk up to me started singing to me and i thought boy this is strange what is this they said don't you know that song i said no i've never heard of it before in my life she said oh that's about a bird in australia and i knew i was going to australia right then i was gone in a month in one month the second love of my life because that those two ladies walked up and began to sing to me about the cuckoo bird never heard of such a bird in my life isn't that wonderful i mean god god doesn't have to you know like you said the fasting and the prayer is good because that that really brings you close to god but he just wants your spirit open that he could flow in it he can move in it and we're never going to forget about the bacon and the beans we will never forget that and i really did say for days lord i know you're not talking to me i really i really don't think you're talking to me but you are like i'm seeing a vision right now of you is that all right but tell it you're like a stallion i saw god put a new saddle on you oh my a beautiful uh saddle and the saddle has all these red rubies in it then laid all in the saddle it's a new ride it's a new place of bringing the army of the lord forward god's going to cause you to bring all he's been corralling a lot of mustangs you know these people that they've never had rain on them but he's he's putting his name on them this is very important you got to be willing to take that yoke of his name learn of his name learn what it means how great it is in your life but i just saw that with an open eye vision you were like a black stallion and he put a saddle on you that means there's a greater ride here there's a greater move you know they're beautiful horses but the army the lord is getting ready to move god's anointing people for this move if they want it they've really got to want it and all they need to do is say lord i want it let him do whatever he wants to do to bring the order into their life for it to happen and unusual miracles unusual miracles are going to happen just recently a girl walked into my prayer meeting well let's get back to the eggs i'm sorry we don't want to lose this moment when the lady brought the two eggs when your wife brought the two eggs into the prayer meeting i had to do something with them you understand i want a thing but i got the two eggs sister ruth i just want to tell those eggs were from new orleans yeah they were from new orleans yeah your wife's sister had just brought him and said give them to me and and but when i saw them i thought well one egg would be enough and that's when i realized the two eggs were not for me they were prophetic and god wanted me to do something with them so another girl standing there she said i've been thinking about she's part of my team new orleans all week long so i thought well i got something here what am i going to do with it and then it went from that point that was when you called right after that i mean it's obvious you've got to go to new orleans god has just made it so open unto us so this has happened again and again in my life uh you know i don't have to think should i buy this should i get this it's like he gives me an experience in the glory realm yeah but your words are very powerful because after that conversation we went to eat with our pastor's mother up there and i we told her we got to get a we got to go down there we got to get a house and we had we had actually tried to get several houses and they get snatched up because where we wanted to live i mean they don't they don't even get to go to the market people grab them just by hearsay so we prayed and said every time we get on a plane to go down there something somebody snatches the house before we can get down and put a bid on it so we're in the parking lot and in seattle it's very rare to have a day with no clouds and this day was no clouds we were sitting in her truck in her car and we prayed and out loud the lord said the faith of abraham go just go faith of abraham so when we were done i looked at kathy and her and i said the lord just told me the faith of abraham when i said that there are people everywhere because this is a big like a business area with a mall so there are all these stores we're outside the restaurant in the truck or in her car and there are people everywhere a lightning bolt when i said faith of abraham out loud a lightning bolt came down on the and hit the building on right right in our view every car's alarm went off they're all beeping people are looking everywhere you know you just don't see this there was no clouds there was not one cloud but everybody saw that lightning bolt come down when i said the faith of abraham and i realized that i was moving in your word and everything that happened culminated with this sign in this wonder we went down and we got that that we got our house that we're in right now in new orleans it was a total miracle we actually met the doctor who hadn't put it on the market he said i'll sell it to you i won't even put it on the market here's the price and people were actually we found out people were mad that we got that house because they wait this is like the prime property so they wait and they talk to each other say don't put on the market i'll take it and we the lord put us right in there and intercepted our house and it all started with a song that you got and your words were very powerful and so you've got to understand that this is the move of the spirit god chooses to to use us in a certain way you should not be embarrassed or back off because you know isn't it funny that god used a secular song can you believe that use the seculars but god god has his way even with like uh you know there are people in the bible they weren't god fearing but god used them god if you read their life that's right they had terrible things in their lives yeah and so it's not being perfect no yeah but you said when you said early it's the humility uh i was listening to jimmy swagger talking about the living creatures on television recently and you know he's talking about it must have been a strange creature you know because it said there were four sides well here's the way i see it he saw the spirit he saw the servitude he saw the boldness and he saw the humility it's not like there were four heads there but this is how god wants us to move in humility the line is boldness the oxen is servitude and then the man is humility this is this is what he wants he wants to see this when we move this is how the governments of god move in our lives we have to humble ourselves because even if we know we still don't know he just gives us a little bit i mean this story just keeps unfolding broadening more and more i mean look the house look what look what look how much got included in that you know over the bacon and the beans and the two eggs and god gave you a confirmation up in washington and we're here and and of course the stocktales have been in your life you've been in their life for a couple of years yeah so god has given us all a part of the picture here of what he's doing part of the plan of what he's doing yeah you can see that and it's in it's the ways of the lord are very strange but when you said we're friends it's a threefold cord it's not easily broken at all it's that that father son and holy ghost hallelujah it's all of god working in us at one time but we don't really see it and i've really begged the lord not to let me be so foolish i'm serious but you don't know how just how inward i was you know i could hardly look at people i could really talk to people i was so afraid and then so bashful and god had to get that out of me and i've had him to have me some of the strangest do some of the strangest things like one day my pastor asked us to go to a funeral it was one of the um one of the board men had passed away and was on our board trustees and we had to go 125 miles away and he said we're going to go down and honor him well be when i was getting dressed to go he said pack a suitcase that's what the lord said to me pack a suitcase so i packed it real small one but i remember the pastor looked at my suitcase when i got in the car and i i thought jesus please don't let him ask me what this is about because it was hardly room for me to sit in the car it was quite a few going and when i got to north carolina at the funeral i'd forgotten that the lord had said to me in january now this is december the 9th okay it said to me in january before december you're going out to the islands on december the 9th i'd forgotten it and i when i packed that suitcase i didn't know what to put in it and i went out of my room for something and i came back and someone had put an item on my bed and it was a dress you would wear where the country is warm so i put it in the suitcase and it's winter at the time yeah it's winter there yeah but i put the summer dress in the suitcase with some summer shoes and when i went to the funeral we're getting ready to come home a gentleman and his wife said how would you like to go down to the islands i said when he said tomorrow so i i had just one just one set of clothing in the suitcase that was all i had but he had said that to me getting ready for the funeral pack a suitcase you can't question you just have to be obedient to the lord now i want to say this this packing the suitcase i got to meet the president of the country and prayed for his grandson he was paralyzed from the neck down i mean i can't go into all the details right right because it was a high up but i was able i was just invited to this house and the lady had asked me to pray for her children she had three of them and this is what i said to her i really don't feel to pray but for one of them don't ask me why i said that and later i had a vision just a few minutes later i had a vision of him being in a car accident and in 24 hours he was in a car accident paralyzed from the neck down i prayed for him he wasn't healed and they transferred him over to miami i came home from the islands they called me to please pray three times the end of the story is wonderful and the third time i said put the phone to his ear and i said lord whatever is keeping him from getting his miracle he's embarrassed because he's crippled amongst his friends and he made the first sound in three months and god healed him right then okay the end of the story is is that the ambassador and his wife because i packed a suitcase and his wife called me from washington and asked me if i'd come i said what is it you want they said we want to be saved and we want the holy ghost this was out this was out of packing the little dress in the suitcase so it being obedient to god will lead you into great and wonderful places i need to you know really write a book on some of these things but i'll never forget you know i didn't think i was going anywhere with this dress in these pair of shoes but it took me all the way to washington to the embassy of the dominican republic and when they opened the door this is what happened when they opened the door to me they immediately started speaking in the spirit just when they opened the door they were so hungry for god it's an amazing story it was amazing council of god yeah while you were talking i had i had a vision of moses at the burning bush and the lord told me that many many people are watching are going to have their moment at the burning bush and this is moses's 40 years in egypt being trained under pharaoh to be actually pharaoh moses was the adopted son of pharaoh he was heir to that position god took him into the midian desert for 40 years and that desert he had to know that jesus told me you got it he had to know that desert like the back of his hand so the preparation of leadership by the best university in the world was there in in that was the learning center of the world the world power of the time then to the desert to know the desert and then the burning bush 80 years wow and i saw people right now there's an anointing there's such an impartation because i saw that people are at the burning bush right now and i saw the lord say to you because you asked okay well what if you're sending me what do i say and he says you take what's in your hand which was the staff and you tell them that i am sent you and the staff was representing that last phase of being in the desert and being learning how to tend sheep livestock that signified the final the final phase so the lord says to moses what's in your hand throw it down and so it turned into a snake now that seems kind of weird doesn't it but see we're dealing with a lot of witchcraft these days and what happened was is those magicians could do the same thing but the lord said your staff what is the representation of your last phase which is a desert experience that last phase is giving you something in your hand that is very valuable and i saw this is what the word of the lord is for everybody watching i saw the snake eat up the snakes of those magicians and that's what the lord said a lot of you are being confronted i feel the word really strongly i i saw people being confronted by the witchcraft you're going through a lot of things you can't even explain right now there are a lot of there's a lot of witchcraft in this country and there's a lot of things going on but the lord is going to say what's in your hand because you've been prepared for all these years and god's going to say to you throw it down and you're going to watch you're going to watch witchcraft have to bow you're going to watch these demon spirits have to bow to you there has been so much going on in in testing in everybody's life but there has to come that defining moment where everything behind you that god has put in your life and trained you for there's that defining moment where your your staff turns into a snake and eats up all those snakes and that was what it was it happened at the at the sea there's coming a time where everyone's going to be healed in the meetings the power of god's going to be so strong that i'm believing for a billion souls to be saved and it'll happen in a very short amount of time but when they went down to the sea and pharaoh's army was behind him the people started crying out and so moses felt pressure to go to god and start crying out god literally in hebrew it says shut up god said shut up tell the people to shut up and this is what he said what's in your hand and it was that staff again he said take it down put it in the water and that's what the lord is telling you right now your defining moment has come all that you've gone through i mean i remember this there was there was a there's a mutual friend with that we know they were in a meeting it was it was four years ago here in town that lady laid in the meeting on the front row as i was speaking and just wept and just shook and the lord says one day she's going to work for you but she's in a desert spiritually i wanted to help her for the last four years but all i could do is pray see her defining moment came and so i want to encourage you that that that nothing nothing you go through is is is ineffective he never even touched you there's come in that day where the devil gonna to find out that everything that he was doing just like with jesus when he asked saul who became paul he goes why do you persecute me and he said when have i persecuted you he said he said you did it to my my my children my people you were persecuting me it flips and that flip is coming for arizona it's coming for phoenix is coming for sure but there's a flip coming and the flip is is that there's a point where all the things against you they build up and it turns into that defining moment when god says what's in your hand the whole thing was a preparation god had his way at the end of your life you're going to look back and say wow i didn't see that and this is sister ruth i feel like i feel that the lord has shown me this so many times he said kevin he said tell the people they make it he says eternity's theirs he said now that that is sealed what are you going to do about it while you're still alive you make it you can get it right with the lord right now he resets everything there your sins are as as white as everything is white as snow you you're cleansed okay now what are you gonna do you still have some time left down here and the lord is going to say well what's in your hand throw it down and this is where it starts it starts here we're going to be having a a a conference here in a couple months and this is a defining moment for this state is it the final i believe then and you know you were sent here you you left a beautiful house you left beautiful furniture everything was fine where you were on the east coast you did you know and the lord showed you camels and you knew you were going to the desert and the lord sent us out here to the desert and then we were here i was here for 28 years and i thought this was going to be permanent for me and then he sent me where there's alligators now and i don't even go in my backyard you know it's a golf course but i'm here and i'm feeling that being with you this week when the lord told me you're going to contact sister ruth you know because i was coming for training but for this week but and and filming but i did know that i didn't know at the time that the lord also wanted me to meet with you because something is about to happen the lord has opened he has opened something up i can sense the people that are hungry are going to come together in unity in this city you know as i'm flying in here i remember flying in here and flying over this city all the time because this is where i was based with the airline but something something is up here and it's that defining moment and i think the lord has drawn the battle lines and he's calling people to stand up so in these closing moments you can share but i would really there's an impartation here there's a cry i can hear the cry of the saints in this city they're crying for justice they're cr they're crying for the the freedom to experience the days of refreshing and this is it's almost as though i can see this sign across i see it i see it in different cities where the lord is telling me times of refreshing are coming from the lord yes and um the people you know the lord's saying that he mentions in revelation the book of revelation that satan's desire was to wear the saints out if you remember and the lord's saying i'm i'm actually on the calendar saying there's a times of refreshing coming in the outpouring of the spirit in this city and all over the world sister ruth just go ahead and yield just prophesy you just speak whatever whatever the spirit says well and you said that you've heard it i've heard it from so many people that have called me and they've suddenly tapped in and they understand you're coming here for a conference and and many of them they've called me from tennessee i've heard them from west virginia i've heard them from washington state i'm hungry for something new i've got to have it now the way we're going to have it is we have to let our spirit be very free toward the lord you don't let a tiredness or a heaviness come upon you god is up to something good very good it's what you've been waiting for it's like the bride has been waiting for her beloved she's prepared she's planned she's done everything that she can to bring the order to this day that it's her day and when you said about the times of refreshings and i had that vision over andrew monday i just saw the heavens open and a waterfall that was so beautiful it cascaded in tears you know it was like it was different levels as it was coming down you know if it just drops it comes hard but it was just coming in tears over the earth and we're going to feel this gladness this newness in our spirit like you've never felt it before i've been in many revivals in my life i remember the 48 revival i was 10 years old and god allows you he lets you be born at a certain time to experience these seasons that you can tell into the next generation so i've experienced the 48 revival then in 50 and then in 62 and then it was again in i think in 72 and then there was a move in the 80s but i can remember those beginnings they were not easy but the ease of the glory it's called the ease of the glory is going to come and his presence is going to be upon you you're going to feel it upon you there's going to be a knowing there's going to be a breaking in your spirit when kevin said that moses held that snake well you know that was the emblem of egypt he had egypt in his hands god gave him the authority over all of egypt and god's going to give you an authority you believe for it authority for your house for your for your street for your neighborhood for wherever you work god's going to give you a 30 and you march around with your head high it's not that we know anything but we're gods we belong to god we belong to him and he's raised you for this time and you watch him as he begins to move i can see there's like water coming in it's moving slowly it's coming under the doors it's coming through the cracks and the crevices i see this presence coming like gentle rain coming up on the people and for those that know him are aware of him you're going to be very very much uh involved in what he's doing is you're going to be running not really knowing why you're running but there will be an excitement a refreshment of refreshing and expectancy in your spirit it doesn't matter what's happening around you be above it you told perry stone preach above it preach what god's doing look at what god can do look what he's done before he hasn't changed his ways he's god and he's going to come down in such a gentle way such a warm way such a soothing way such a knowing way and he's going to bring people in from all directions from all types of life he's going to bring them in from all generations i'm seeing it i'm just it's like i'm speaking things and they're happening and and it's not like i was expecting it at the moment but it's happening because it's time and he's ordering our conversation he's ordering our steps he's ordering our ordering our hearts to reward him in fulfillment now don't just don't taste a little bit of it and run away get into it let it be measured above your knees above your shoulders over your head be carried by the currents of heaven be carried by the joys of the lord which is your strength just be open you have waited for this day this is your time he said to abraham you're going to have a baby it was 25 years you know he didn't speak that much to abraham he didn't have that many conversations but he told him he was going to do it and when the time is right but we don't have that kind of time as we were speaking earlier we know that is up on us the word is being fulfilled prophecy has come to pass people that everywhere you're seeing them they're starting little house fires everywhere they're having little meeting places they're having prayer meetings i'm seeing people pray that have never prayed before they're opening to god in a brand new way but let the fulfillment of who you are put on the full armor of god put on christ hallelujah which is your hope of glory put him on and watch he's going to move quickly and swiftly through the land you're not going to see it at times it's going to look like a storm is coming with the storm comes rain rain comes hallelujah and when rain comes it cleans the air there's a new smell there's life that suddenly comes forth things begin to grow they begin to turn green oh hallelujah even the government's talking about green but it's the wrong color green we're we're talking about newness in the spirit that we have not experienced before this is your time and we're going to see it on everything we're going to sit on every flower that grows every tree every bird that sings we're going to see that it's resurrection the lord is exalting himself amongst his people and you open up to him and you're going to see the blessings of the lord that maketh rich but more than that your relationship with the lord is going to come alive in a way that you have not known nor experienced before you're going to taste him it's going to be so real to you you're going to have your little dance time in your house in your bathroom the lord told spoke to a friend of mine and said every time you get on the airplane i want you to dance for me even if you have to go in the bathroom and that's close quarters you're going to find yourself entertaining the lord in your song in your delight listen even in lifting your hands you're going to delight yourself in the lord because he's doing this new thing this is the promise of the coming you know we sung it in the 50s we kind of got away from it but this is the this is the promise of the coming latter rain the outpouring of the holy spirit the holy ghost oh you're going to find yourself a new person speaking new things sharing the delights of the lord wherever you go oh you're just going to be free i'm in a store the other day and a lady said she had a headache and i just reached across the counter i said can i pray for you touched your head it was gone in a moment you just take those moments of eternity and you use them because god's giving us time and whatever you're going to do do it don't be afraid no you're a child of god he's calling you take the limits off of who you think you are and know that he is god and nothing is too hard nor too difficult and let him bring you into your calling let him bring you into those high places in your hands his healings oh yes you've been letting the lord your hands as your work you've been letting him separate you cleanse you clean you up for this time this is what it's all about let him do the house cleaning excuse me that he wants to do let him clean let him cleanse let him speak say here i am lord i'm listening my ears are open my life is open everything i have is yours lord take it and use me use whatever do whatever you want to do but do it because this is your time you understand everybody understand this stand on the word of god stand on what you've heard today you've heard great great miracles just with by the two of us talking you all have your miracles i'm amazed but he's delighted and he wants to delight himself more in you are you listening more tell him you want more open yourself for more let yourself be enlarged for more give more do more oh let those those things have been hard and difficult become an ease into the lord to make the way smooth and plain that he can move and you're going to see the sons and daughters come in you're going to see your neighbors turn toward the lord every every every direction that you look you're going to see the sun is shining the heavens are open and god is pouring his spirit out everywhere in jesus name amen amen hallelujah praise god hallelujah i believe that you are receiving from heaven right now and and this is why we're visiting all these different cities we're having these conferences we're we're wanting we're wanting heaven to meet with us so that you can receive your impartation you can receive your instructions from the lord we just want to create an atmosphere where god can talk with you and get you ready for what he has for you and we are at capacity everywhere we go we we cannot take everyone that comes in different places because of that so we're believing that god's going to give us larger places and we're believing that that god is going to create this this time where he calls and we answer and we say here we are lord here we are send us so wherever you are in the world right now receive your impartation this is your burning bush experience right here the defining moment and the lord says everything counts everything counts so make sure you speak well of me because the angels are listening and they're writing every day counts everything counts now you will be rewarded for your faithfulness even if satan tries to stop you you're rewarded because your heart was right i will have my way with you do not look at the enemy and his devices look to me look to me i have weapons of warfare that you don't even know about i have ways of taking care of your enemy so be confident that the lord has destroyed the works of the devil he has destroyed him he has defeated him he's made a show of him openly so your enemies are his enemies and he's already taken care of your enemy the devil so don't ever back off don't ever back off don't ever compromise you just stay in there with the lord it's all going to be worth it and just like it says in malachi chapter 3 it says that those who spoke well of the lord he said a book of remembrance was written about them that they had been faithful and that they had spoken well of the lord that day and they were written down and he said they'll be jewels in my crown forever so don't let your words be like theirs they were stout against the lord it's what malachi says they said it doesn't pay to serve the lord and the lord said your words are stout against me you say that it doesn't pay to serve me he said it does pay to serve me and the people that spoke well of him that was written about them forever and i know out there all of you warriors out there you're going to do the right thing you're going to say the right thing and there's going to be a book of remembrance with your name in it so this is the despair the lord is telling you your burning bush experience is right around the corner it's right before you ask of me and i will give you the nations i ask for the nations every day thank you lord sister ruth do you have anything else i saw an angel just before you begin to speak i saw an angel it's almost like he's ready to lift the trumpet and harold is coming this is this all this preparation that this is this moving quickly in the spirit we're getting ready can you feel it it's it's like we can't move quick enough to accomplish what god has called us to do you you feel you feel that urgency in the spirit to move quickly and you and just get up at night get up early in the morning labor a little later at night you need more just let him stretch you more more and more and he'll do in just a short while the quickness of the spirit will do it i can tell you i'm saved only a few months and i heard the lord speak to me of nations and i was in a nation i was saved just i hadn't read the bible hardly but i heard his voice and i knew that he had called me to the nations and i got myself together and he sent me to the nations you know i hardly knew my name you know what i'm saying or who am i oh but who is god he can do anything and so you you have a calling in god it might be the next door neighbor might be to your family to your children the banker but god will put the word in your mouth and he will give you a people come on he will give you you just be willing to do it say lord i want to do it don't be afraid he said the work is great but the workers are few so he's looking for people that are not afraid you're not afraid of yourselves you're not afraid of anything but you know there's a great god that's all around you is going to stand behind you and you open up to him and he loves you more than you understand he has a great love for you oh my listen he will move heaven and earth to get to you so open yourself up to him be useful unto the lord and tell the lord that you want all that he has for you and you watch him he'll move swiftly it'll be like a tidal wave coming up on you and you'll be able to handle it because he'll be carrying you away unto himself amen thank you lord but the lord i when i saw that angel and that angel was dressed in sapphire blue it's like he wants to pick up the trumpet and harold the coming of the lord he's just and i see horses you know i see horses often you know their feet is pawing at the ground they want to run they want to move that means the spirit wants to move god wants to do something new and everyone and even that's even this room tonight say lord i want that portion i want it i want it all i don't care what it takes what you want from me but i want it i'm making myself ready for it and i'm telling you at my age i'm still crying out for it lord there's more i know there's more you've got to get that in your spirit there's much more let him teach you and he will teach you by the ways of the spirit his ways are hidden but he'll bring him out and reveal himself to you you just be open don't be afraid but be open honor him and watch him as he brings a knowing of what your heart is crying out for thank you jesus thank you jesus well just so you know right before we came on we actually were getting really close to starting and when i was talking to you sister ruth there i saw your angel on the right side of you my left but it was your right and i could not stop talking and i was sitting there and he was tapping the edge of his sword he had his sword out and he was tapping it on the floor before he's beside you and i couldn't get i couldn't i couldn't leave we had to get over here i could not i could not stop i was connecting with you in your spirit but the the angel it was on your right hand he was tapping with the tip of his sword beside you and i realized you're speaking at our our warrior women conference in july here and it's just time i realized that he was setting the pace that was clicking his point of his sword beside you and he was giving you the timing he was giving you the synchronization of heaven and i realized this this july this july meeting here it's it's why me and you were sent to phoenix it's why we were it's why everything has happened up the it's why you end up getting out of the hospital every time the devil tries to it's like i i don't like i i tell kathy she's she'll be out she's this i ca every time you've been in hospital it's been three times that i remember i saw i'm not eating the lord said we don't even need to get on an airplane she'll be out and for you know you're out the next thing you know i see you on your preaching on your on your prayer meeting and that angel's going he's setting the pace so you're listening and and that's the rhythm that that so he's going to give you a song a deliverance and that's the the cadence it's that click click click and we only had three minutes left and i said lord we're gonna get i was looking i i'm like click click click and i realized i realized that this whole thing about your songs and it it's a it's it's the catalyst it's the way that it opens up the doors so get ready get ready for what's going to happen in in phoenix because it's just time and i saw sister ruth that it's it's not going to be labor anymore i actually saw and it'll start tomorrow it'll start tomorrow at your meeting people will walk in and they're all and they'll and the lord will already be there and uh i saw the angels they've already that they've already determined the timing and the the whole the whole order of the service has already been established thank you lord thank you lord and i saw that you have been laboring here for what's about to happen but it's not going to be labor anymore i remember the first time i walked in it was a it was there on cactus you had you it was you had the whole sanctuary i walked in the first time i've ever saw you met you you're having your meeting in this big place and there was just a few people there and i said i listened to heaven coming out of your lips and i thought the whole the whole city should be here i thought that that was you that was years ago on cactus there that sanctuary you had that one lady that played the piano your friend you know michelle 20 years ago yeah and i think here we are you've changed locations several times you know it's gotten small it's gotten bigger back to small but now lord's going to tell you to throw down what's in your hand and everything that represents what you've gone through is about to be made manifest your faithfulness is about to be made bad because i know you you are not going to go to heaven until you see the end of your faith oh amen because your obedience has a lot of weight in the spirit now remember that that your obedience has a lot of weight and god has invested a lot in you and if you continue to be obedient there's going to come a payback time there's going to come a time where god will have recompense and there's there's going to be a manifestation of his faithfulness and the spirit of the lord says many have gone before you and have been faithful and have laid a foundation and now it's time for my people to ornament to finish what was started at the end of the age ornamentation a the the final defining of the intricate part not the foundation which has already been laid and not the framing which has already been made but at the end of the age those who are on the earth will be the ornamenters they will be the finishers they'll come in and do the intricate the tapestry the colors the drapes the the the the paint the crown molding it shall be laid in these last days says the lord and my body my bride will be ready and i just heard i heard voices in heaven say so be it i heard the living creatures say so be it praise god praise god the end of the age is here yes thank you chase thank you father thank you jesus christ i can hear the spirit of the lord saying this how far you go with me is your decision how do you want to finish the lord says if i were you i'd start sprinting right now finish well says the lord finish well make a mark finish well be faithful i saw the lord just take the limitations off yes those who know their god will do exploits you know you know david said no good thing will you withhold from me lord for those who love you and fear you walk humbly before you no good thing will he withhold just remember that god is a good god and he loves you but it's really more up to us sometimes to give him permission what's in your hand throw it down and see what god's going to do in your life god bless you thanks for joining us watch this over and over again until you get the impartation because god has definitely spoken tonight and i'm a changed person i know that you are too thank you sister ruth for being with us amen thank you for your faithfulness and your words are weighty in the spirit and we appreciate you thank you father i just pray let's all pray for sister ruth here all over the world just stretch your hands toward towards your device and let's ask god to confirm his word father thank you for sister ruth and i just thank you that by the power of resurrection would come forth from her inner man her inner being and come forth the same power that rose jesus from the dead would quicken her mortal body right now and that she would exceed even her own expectations that you would exceed abundantly above what she could ever ask or think i thank you that the new anointing and the new mantle for these this last phase of her life would be beyond what she ever expected and i thank you that everything that is due to her would come to her in the name of jesus and i i command every evil spirit that is withholding anything from her i demand you right now to get out of the way i command you to go in jesus name lion devils you let go may all the provision may all the prayers come the answers come now in the name of jesus for sister ruth thank you lord thank you i saw you sister with prophesying i saw many healings at the july meeting i saw many healings i saw you prophesying speaking with a new authority thank you jesus thank you lord it's time well god bless you and we'll see you next time amen bye-bye [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fired [Music] oh [Music] in glory [Music] is [Music] [Music] is
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 86,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: 21hGFG9aUQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 50sec (7250 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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