The Time For Your Healing Has Come! - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] many people go through life wishing they could understand the realm of the spirit and the warfare that goes on behind the scenes in his brand-new study guide and three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 dr. Kevin Zi helps you to develop your ability to engage the enemy on every level Kevin's brand new study guide and 3 CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 will help equip you to learn to recognize God's direction for your life encounter clarity and knowing God's battle strategies against your enemies exercise your authority as a believer walk in increased discernment through the Holy Spirit's power and much much more in this exclusive offer Kevin also praised impartation prayers on each CD to help you in your advance against the enemy order today Kevin's brand new study guide an exclusive 3 CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 for a donation of $29 u.s. shipping and handling included to order call eight eight eight three four zero one four six zero with offer code one zero zero T or go online to Kevin's slash offer it's time to stand up for your rights as a Christian and give the devil a headache [Music] did you know that God desires to speak to you in John 10:27 Jesus says my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me dr. Kevin Zi has created a brand name revelatory teaching that will help you to learn to hear God's voice clearly and speak out his mysteries and perfect will for your life take part in this special offer today and you will receive dr. Kevin zayday's study guide an exclusive two CD set you can hear God's voice Kevin study guide will help you to break down the barriers that interfere with hearing from God and give you the tools to become a more intimate follower of Jesus bearing much fruit and walking in the authority that he has provided for you in his exclusive 2 CD set Kevin will share how you can hear God's voice for yourself and praise impartation prayers over you so that your heart will be open to receiving all that God has for you order this exclusive offer today and you will also receive dr. Kevin's a die soaking CD awakening this soaking CD will help to create an atmosphere for you to enjoy the presence of God as you learn to hear his voice to order call one eight eight three four zero one four six zero with offer code one zero zero one or go online to Kevin's a DICOM slash offer order today Kevin's brand-new study guide and exclusive two CD set you can hear God's voice and his soaking CD awakening for a donation of $29 don't miss out on this special offer you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now these these meetings may go long these meetings are going to go long because we want to suck the life out of Kevin and so so if if you have to leave we understand okay but just know that they are going to go long this isn't gonna go long but Kathy's gonna talk for a little bit she doesn't usually say too much but Cheers hello everybody hey y'all we got a medal some of you already back at the book table we brought a lot of our resources with us so hopefully you can all visit us back there and if you absolutely can't afford to buy something and you want something let us know and we'll let you take one item off the book table that's kind of how we do it and um I know you're not gonna really like suck Kevin dry because he's hooked up to heaven but there is there is a principle and actually we are dependent ly wealthy I didn't know if you guys knew that how many of you all are dependently wealthy praise the Lord ha ha ha so but when Kevin ministers because of the office he stands in he can answer your questions that you don't even know you have so if you just stay hooked up in the spirit you can get your package and that's our prayer whenever we come to a city is that whatever's on the Lord's heart would be accomplished and that everybody that comes because we know you all make an effort to get here we all have other things we could be doing but when you put God first and you honor him and his house and his people our heart is that you would receive what he has written down for you this weekend so have oh-hi Facebook and YouTube thank you Andrew for helping us Andrew came with us and he helps us with all the social media and all that stuff it and Heights - hi - Sid Roth and Joyce and thank you for believing in us and Jesse and Kathy we love you and and I love my husband [Laughter] well you already well I brought the same fart we had last night in Charlotte it's still on me and Cathy week we woke up this morning and started laughing I thought it can't be this easy but it's better to have God with you and do the works of the Lord you know and then to do your own works and brag about it it's kind of embarrassing to give credit to yourself for something you can't do anyway if you all if you all just would jump in to the spirit room and listen listen to what God is saying to the Church of Jesus Christ in these days you know he sent me back I didn't come back to defend myself I come back to testify about him but because I testify about him the Spirit of God actually did you know that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy did you know that that's in the Bible so when you start talking about Jesus it your spirit your spirit your a spirit being in a body you have a soul which is your mind will and emotions your spirit starts to hook up to the spirit of prophecy when you start to testify about him and it might I don't know you know you never know it might solve a lot of problems that we're having with the powerless religions if we would start testifying about him a lot of the people that that died for their faith in the early church they died because they were testifying about Jesus and they and the people took note that they had been with him you know and they turned the world upside down as a small amount of people and they weren't even as qualified as you are and the narrow way cuz Sid Roth asked me at dinner Wednesday night we flew in early to spend some time with him and he asked me he says hey hey what's your take on the narrow way I get this question all the time because do you can you explain to me what then did you see anything in heaven about the narrow way you know what I told him I said oh yeah I said I said um it's really a really a thin narrow door that you go through but it's especially skinny at the top where your head is he liked that and so a lot of you needed to lose weight but it's mostly up here it's just a little overweight up here no I'm not going to talk about that because you know at the Ternes turned a megachurch into a small Bible study really quick you start you start talking about the crucified life Jesus did that he had all those thousands following him and he took note that they were following him because they saw the miracles which sounds like today people chased miracles and then they also were fed so he said something that he had mentioned a long time before not long time but you know his ministry lasted three and a half years but he did say that if you want anything to do with me you're gonna have to deny yourself is this on deny yourself okay deny yourself pick up your cross which you know can I note that he hadn't died on a cross yet but he mentioned it okay so he's prophesying okay so he said if you won't have anything to do with me you're gonna have to deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow me okay no there are numerous times that he said things like that Paul the Apostle really liked the crucified life you know he talked about it all the time well but he was caught up into heaven and I'm finding more and more the people that legitimately have been to heaven when they come back they still use the word repent they talk about the crucified life they talk about not giving any provision to the flesh and things like that you know there there's there's this there's this false there's this false sense of security that comes that - when you start to think you can do anything you want because you can't abuse the grace that God has given you okay so when I was with with Sid Roth he is a general and he has been used mightily at a proper time to launch me and introduced me to this to this world in Christian in a Christian television and things like that and then also Jesse Duplantis he also was used he was spoken to by the Lord was told that that I was legitimate the Lord told him to adopt me hit me and my wife and he said he was sent back to help you and Sid Roth is what he was told so then that's how this all happened it had nothing to do with me now I've not yet and I've never invited myself anywhere and yet we're booked up forever we are completely booked up forever in fact we have this long list and then you you're on a list and then if the Lord speaks to me then I try to fit it in in in the we've already we've already surpassed which Jesse said dear at my 33 year mark in three years but that's supernatural because I want to talk about Jesus all the time but see when you start talking about Jesus Jesus talked about things like the crucified life he talked about denying yourself and I know it's not popular because our culture is really you know counter it's counter to the gospel in a lot of ways you know it's there's a lot of positive things about our culture but there is also this thing that if someone's in your way push them out because you got to win you know in other words Jesus said you know if you want to be the greatest you got to be the least and serve but you know how many seminars you're going to go to where they're going to tell you - so your books you know pay people's houses off pay people's cars off as a minister you know in a corporate world you know you're grabbing all the time and they teach you how to do it but you're not gonna hear about sewing into people's lives you're not going to be you know so Jesus went around flipping tables you know any any flipped he flipped people's destinies all the time but he had ordained the house of God to be a house of prayer and he so he stood up for his father and he said my father said that this is a house of prayer but you've made it something that's not and and he flipped the tables over and then he went to funerals and he just you know he decided this girl it wasn't supposed to die yet so he ruined the funeral right because he knew God's will because he knew his father's voice okay so when he came he didn't come to make anybody sick when he came he didn't minister sickness to anyone so I have to I have to I've been commanded by the Lord to teach something new tonight I've never taught before and this will become a study guide and a book and a devotional for everyone all over the world to to be discipled with eventually but I have to do this tonight and in this city was chosen at this time and and I was mentioned I was meant I was mentioned by the Lord he mentioned some things to me and you know I'm when I met him everything that you learn about him is really substandard because of this fallen world so even though you really can grasp the Word of God you're taught the Word of God you meditate on it you have the best scholars teaching you the the embarrassing thing about it is is when you meet him face to face he's more than that he's more than the Greek in the Hebrew and he's bigger than anything that any anybody has ever tried to tell you about him he's more than that now this is what I found that that angels don't even tread where we tread they have such a respect in a non of fear of God and we as sons and daughters we can enter into the Holy of Holies but when we do that do we really realize the price that was paid for that and because we don't realize how much Jesus suffered for us we can't grasp healing just like if you saw what Jesus left to come down here you would never want to be poor again but I can't say that you know I can't say the word prosper or prosperity in church No they end up having this to go outside on the sidewalk like whitfill did and Whitefield had to preach to ten thousand people on the streets because the church kicked him out and Benjamin Franklin walked the whole perimeter of the crowd and could hear Whitfield as though he had a megaphone but but you know what they didn't tell you was a denomination kicked him out Smith Wigglesworth five denominations and they asked him why did you leave why were you in five denominations and I'm talking about the nominations of money I'm talking about religious groups here he said well when God was moving Smith was happy he said when God kept moving and they didn't I found myself outside that denomination so I then he went to the Salvation Army and God was moving and even William Booth think about William Booth he said he said I am a move of God I'm not waiting for a move of God because I am a movable well isn't it true if God's moving in you then you are a move of God no no do you I don't know if you catching all this okay so I have to teach this this weekend on on the Lord our healer I have to as a command so go to him if you're mad but don't be one of those cross Christians you know they're always talking about the cross and I'm staring at an empty tomb I'm staring at a throne where I'm seated with Christ and they're there they're still talking about the cross their cross Christians and in like like my president of my college said in their cross with everybody well you don't want to be like that God is not in a bad mood well think about this no no no I'm thinking because there's this little girl they asked her after they read they did I like this little Sunday School thing for kids where they kind of gave a story in each book of the Bible and and at the end of it they were asking you know what did you all think of this did you like this and the one the one little girl she said well what I learned was is that God was really in a bad mood in the New Testament but when Jesus came he got in a better mood because you know there wasn't people you know but see that that is true Jesus took upon himself everything the punishment for our sin so it was met the payment was met for sin okay so I'm gonna get right into this but I want to show you that this is across the board for everything you know you should see I still have 56 more books to write and in all these books it's across the board the same principles of what I'm talking about here Jesus didn't get sent back to undo what the father was doing he came to fulfill it okay so God making people sick so Jesus can come back and undo it and if if if if God's trying to teach you something with your sickness then why do you go to a doctor to try to get out of his will I'm not a reed bending in the wind I'm not one of those I I have to tell you when I met Jesus I came to this conclusion and I have not really spoken about this I've never even gotten into the healing part of it but now it's time it's been three and a half years now or three years in two months it's time it's time to start talking about healing and this is what happened and don't tell Sid Roth doesn't want to do another show with me and I need a rest this is what I saw I met Jesus and when I was talking to him I had all kinds of things going on in my body when I came back I had even more because my body my body so it's taken years for it to get back I've had all kinds of different things side effects from what happened to me and I'm still working through some of those those things but I believe in healing I've had have had a lot more on the list that has been healed than I have left to be healed however it was a fight but I've never given in I've never given up Jesus announced to everyone he goes the thief everybody say thief thief's are bad say it okay so they come to what steal kill and destroy okay then Jesus said this I have come that you may have life well that's good right but then he got word of faith on you he said more abundantly but Jesus isn't word of faith it was as amazing them at the time that I spent with him I realized he wasn't word of faith he was in assemblies he wasn't anybody like that he was the I am and I got my I got my four years of college it is some ways a God never mentioned it to me I went to Rhema oh yeah never mentioned it you know what he talked about he talked about Abraham to me you talked about Moses he talked about Paul he showed me all these wonderful people that had built the foundation of the church and then he showed me how we are supposed to be ornamenting at the end of the age putting the the ornamentation like like now you got the tree built now you got to put the decorations on it like when you put what you get the package then you wrap it you put the little bow on it you make it really nice and we are at the end of the age supposed to be doing this and he told me that we were behind the curve to where the next generation is going to look back and see that we were visited but we did not discern it and because of that I was sent back as I assign in a wonder a scientific term would be anomaly I mean I'm brought back and I have to speak from the other realm and from the future and I have to make it year now I have to shift where you're going so that you end up changing history not being a part of it changing it shifting it so that things end up the way they're supposed to okay that's what Jesus did Jesus came back to give you life and life more abundantly he never made anyone sick and every time that somebody balked he said why did you doubt any time the people hesitated or they couldn't cast out a devil or they couldn't heal he confronted them with or couldn't walk on the water I mean imagine that and you're worried about your hair dryer that broke this morning Jesus says why did you doubt that's what he said to Peter it's like like you come on now how long you been with how many times they said this how long you been with me how long will I be with you he started to tell them listen I'm not going to always be here to fix it for you you're gonna have to get this right okay so those twelve and the 70 they turned the world upside down now how did they do that they didn't really do it they were being instructed as disciples while Jesus was with them it was after he left well what made the difference the Holy Spirit he is the only hope we have he is our power he's our counselor he is our standby he's our advocate he is the one that reveals he's the truth he lights our paths but he lights us up too so there's a path there's a journey but you can enjoy the journey to your lit up your path is lit up old and new Testament together okay so now in the New Testament were arguing about all these things we're arguing about healing we're arguing about tongues were arguing about prosperity we're arguing about all these benefits about if we really need to go out and and Van july's we're arguing about all these different things but see these are things that we're never argued about the the Jew the Jew right now believes in prosperity more than you do and they don't even dry they don't even talk about it it just happens why because of father Abraham right Old Testament it's just like the man so so before I was sent back Isaac's it was explained his way to me there's there's the Pool of Bethesda and there's this man that's hoping that someone would throw him in the next time the water stirred because an angel came down and just switched his foot or whatever and just a random act and the first person in from that power was healed okay he's he's explaining this to Jesus he does not discern who Jesus is just like the church we're waiting for some random act as a sign and Jesus said you know what you unbelieving generation no sign is going to be given to you except the sign of Jonah well what was that three days in the belly of the earth that's what he did he came back okay when he came back he now has the keys to death hell and the grave he's given him to the church he said if you forgive sins they're forgiven read it and weep he said whatever you bind his bound whatever you loose is loosed he said when you pray you should believe that you receive what you've asked for you're gonna have it he said ask and ye shall receive seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be open to you no other asterik down the Greek and Hebrew do not represent this and only if you're three years old will this happen no there's no waiver there's nothing you ask and you receive you see can you find and you knock and the doors open to you that's what Jesus said okay but if you if you if you preach that people are gonna say yeah but that that doesn't happen in my life and then all of a sudden I have to be the healer and I'm not the healer I preach the gospel and the signs follow right okay so what's happened is is we backed off because of art of the inactivity that's perceived as God's inactivity but it's not Jesus would if he would get up here he go why do you doubt you know the sin of unbelief is what caused the people of Israel to drop in the desert God did not want to be with them because he was upset with them when they did not come up to the mountain with Moses he was upset because he wanted them to honor him and recognize of what he had done he had fulfilled prophecy he sent Joseph ahead Pat him become second-in-command of Pharaoh and then caused the people of Israel to be to be there and then when they got into slavery God in 400 years as it was prophesied brought them out they didn't honor him so he told Moses he said listen he said you're fine but it's those people stiff necked unbelievers he said I can't be with them and Moses knew that that if that if he took up gods deal that he's going to make him a nation he said no no you can't do that God because all of Egypt's gonna see that you brought us out here to die and he said if you're not if you're not going with us I'm not going why why did he say that because he was a friend of God he understood covenant he knew that God couldn't go against what he had already said he said you will lead my people out of Israel you will go out of Egypt you will go into the Promised Land Jesus did the same thing you could just see Jesus he's standing there and all of a sudden he gets his instructions from the Father which he did all the time he said let's go across take me to the other side let's go the other side of the sea galley so they get in the boat halfway across he's sleeping and the storm and he's sleeping and they're like don't you care that we perish and he treated them as though they were supposed to rebuke it but he did it okay as soon as he got the other side if he read it in book of Mark in chapter four and then go to five you'll see that he gets out of the boat and the territorial spirit that caused that storm to take him out met him at the shore you see the father said go the other side that territorial spirit went after him to take him out but he knew that that territorial spirit couldn't take him out because the father had said go to the other side so he gets out he cast the demons out of that guy gets back in the boat doesn't do anything else and goes back to the other side again he was just doing warfare that's what's happened in this weekend that's exactly what's happening this weekend and you know the only one that's not excited about this is the devil he can't stand it he can't stand it you see he's got you celebrating Halloween every year kids come to our house we give them money and we get mad and when we give them a book did you hear me they get money from a minister and a book or something what do we what do we give him that what what was that that we gave him that I can't remember oh it's different every year okay so getting right into this Jesus went around doing good and healing everyone is this on everyone okay that was oppressed so even tells us the source oppressed of the devil okay everyone press to the devil okay now what you do with all these things I've just told you after that you better be careful that it's not diminishing the power of what I've told you because when I was stood before Jesus for those forty five minutes I looked at him and I thought this and I've never released this and Sid doesn't even know about this and that's why I said don't tell him but I looked at his eyes and I knew that I could never blame him for my sickness and for not being healed but see I can't preach that because I offend people everywhere my dad died of cancer he got healed of it and then it came back and when I went to heal for to pray for him to the second time the Lord said let him go he's coming to be with me it's his time he's eight he's 87 86 years old whatever he was 86 I think but he loved me he was Mike the biggest support of my ministry okay I don't lower the standard of what Jesus said just because it doesn't happen right so in the world in the world for 30 years me and my wife we worked extra hard I made 2.4 million dollars as a flight attendant in 29 years no one said a peep about it then I become a minister and then all the sudden what are you doing with all that money it's like well where were you when I was serving coke and sprite during thunderstorms well it's the same with Jesus it's the same with Jesus it's the same exact thing if you go through the Bible you can see where people said things to him even Judas you know that could have been used to give to the poor never heard that before I was telling your pastor here I says you know if I would just you know I'll be humble I'll ride my bike here from New Orleans well if it when I got here there be people here criticizing me cuz it was a Schwinn top of the line with a bell with a bell that could have been used to feed the poor no no think about it okay so you can listen I know I'm but but here's the thing my eyes have been healed I don't wear my context anymore I can see you all okay that was from the breath of God in my office no cameras no offering taken nobody watching nothing and God breathed on me and I was healed but I've been believing since I was 1983 is when I had to what start wearing contacts so it took all that time and I went to heaven him back see it's a battle down here so you can never give up you cannot give up ever you never back off never back off okay the reason that the reason I was sent back was just to tell people that Jesus is real and everything he said is is absolutely the truth and that if you just stuck got stuck to the red letters in your Bible you would do fine for the rest of your life if you just stay in John for the rest of you just say in John 14 through 17 you'd be fun and I know this but I had I've held back on certain things until I felt like it was time and this healing the healing part of this is is I still need cartilage in my left knee from running marathons but you know I'm gonna limp up here to tell you about healing but it's the same thing when I taught healing and I couldn't see past the third row repet see now I can see I have two new kidneys I still preached healing believed in it when I what I needed kidneys now think about this if i if i took an aspirin i would get high I didn't do anything I've never tasted a beer the only way that I smell marijuana is because I went to a concert where everybody was high except me I did nothing I did nothing bad to my body but but when I came back Mike my kidneys started shutting down my liver started shutting down my heart would stop my wifeĆ­s has called me back from the dead twice but see it's it's your body it's your earth suit so there has to come a place where there's some sort of command about you where you start to act like Jesus acted you become like him in this world is that sound familiar because it's a scripture okay so the Lord when I met him he is the healer and and he will never ever hear a person say you didn't heal me because he already healed everyone that's the truth to see I can't say that in church so I'm not going to but it's the same thing there's this whole there's this whole table that is set before you in the presence of your enemies and God invites you to eat from it as part of the Covenant and there was no feeble one among them when they left Egypt they didn't wear out their shoes or their clothes they didn't lack for anything in Deuteronomy 15 4 says there shall be no poor among you because I the Lord your God have made a covenant with you and I will take you into the land that's the truth now what you're experiencing is opposite of that so everything about the gospel could seem to be such a good news that it's too good to be true but that's what gospel means it's good news but it's so good that it's too it's almost too good to be true okay here in Exodus 15:26 if you diligently heat to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his site give ear to His commandments and keep all his statutes I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians for I am the Lord who heals you now in Hebrew there is another tense that we don't use in English it's a permissive sense the word there is I will permit no sickness on you I will permit none of the diseases you see the problem the problem that we have in this culture is is we have gotten superstitious to where we think that we got a 50/50 chance of winning and I'm just gonna keep trying until I win but see there is no word for try in Hebrew and in heaven I wasn't allowed to speak it I was told I was rebuked I was told that God has never tried anything you can't speak that word because it's foreign to God he purposes in his heart what he wants he speaks it out in frames his world that's how he framed this world and now he says to us you're made in my image Genesis 1:26 read it and weep you have been made in the image of God Jesus said watch your words Matthew 12:36 you're gonna be held accountable for every idle word that you speak okay then he an 11 mark 11:23 and 24 wasn't written by Kenneth Hagin it's in red the same language that God talks it talks about it in the book of Hebrews where God framed the worlds by his word well nothing that was made was not made through Jesus Christ if it sounds familiar that's that's there too okay so in Genesis we were made in the image of God that means that we are speaking spirits in a body and God dwells in our spirit when were born again but even people after they fell and they were cast out of the garden they lived to be nine hundred years in a sinful condition they were so it was hard to kill him what well-being would think about Moses Moses has time to die Moses it's time to die I said in Genesis chapter 6 I will not strive with man their days shall be 120 years okay he said that Moses where we goin God do I need a roundtrip ticket no just one way you're not coming back you're going up to the mountain with me and you're coming with me you're gonna die and he fell before the Lord right there well who killed him Ananias and Sapphira New Testament in the extreme grace period we're in they lied to Holy Ghost I have friends that have done worse than that and they're still living and their ministers [Music] you can tell you can tell I don't need to do this I don't need the offerings I don't need nothing I just need to go pay God you know so I'm not afraid the Devils try to kill me he can't so this is the thing this is the thing you you you have to ask what happened there within an eye so Farah what happened with akin you know we can just keep going I'll tell you what's happening is is that your sword has been dulled but the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword even to the dividing of soul and spirit you see what's happening right now in the spirit is you're sensing the Word of God coming in and dividing between what's you and what's God what's true is in the spirit what is you emotion drama you know your emotional life is being manipulated by this world with this world in the spirit of this world now what happens is you get to the place where you don't know it but God may heal me and you don't use that word may God I'm coming down with a healing right now right now why because the spirit that rose Jesus from the dead is dwelling in me and it's also gonna quicken my mortal body yeah no you know the theologians will say you know well you know that has to do with the resurrection I go yeah but you know what I can I can tap into it a little bit now here and there's sneak us a hit of the resurrection power into my body well how do you think you get healed no no really how do you think you get healed it's a spiritual thing that happens first it comes in and changes your body it's too late I've already been healed so many times and I have so many people in our meetings it's a hands-free ministry off to lay hands on they don't to do the fire tunnel they'll have to stand and wait for for Kevin from heaven to touch up no I'm serious it's like you got to be kidding me you can get this at home drinking kool-aid no the gospel is free Jesus came back to seek and save those who were lost he went around healing okay so that is the foundation of this weekend and so it's it's a nexus 1526 but remember if you check it out in Hebrew there is a permissive sense two words which means that God permitted people to be to have things happen to them so he can pull back his protection and things can happen okay but I'm not one of those people that want to pull back and so getting back to Moses what happened with Moses was God said well then I can't be with them if you're not you know look you know Moses like no we're not going then which was what the right thing to do but God God and Moses had a covenant Abraham and God had a covenant David had a covenant these people were friends of God and because of that they they went not on their own merit to God they went on the covenant to God and they said they knew they were the the the lesser of the two they knew that everything that God had was what they needed and that God didn't need much from them except their obedience their faith their trust their love and it was relational if you meet these guys they were totally relational they weren't like quoting scriptures like I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus they were they were friends that understood that God wanted to be with them just like you want to be with God that he wants to be with you however he said these people they're stiff neck and he said I can't be among them so I'm gonna send an angel but don't you tell the people don't provoke him because he won't tolerate your sin either well what happened they all fell in the desert dead now Hebrews you know everything you could be arguable with all the theologians in when I became at theologian I didn't want to be a theologian anymore when I realized what the more that I knew the more that I didn't want to know about all that but it was amazing to me how you know I was an expert now I'm a pert and I guess big no I used to be an expert but but Jesus trim me down a little bit a lot actually and I found I found I found out some things that Hebrews is the perfect example of how the New Covenant how Jesus ties all didn't it the old into the new you see he's the fulfillment of the Old Covenant but the Covenant that we have now is based on better promises because Jesus sacrificed for us so it's a better covenant with better promises right okay so it doesn't diminish it shouldn't diminish the Old Testament all it should be better okay with that being said God you guys know all this I just went through all this okay okay so I went over the fact that they didn't get sick while they were in the fort that in the desert okay so that was all supernatural supernatural provision do you remember in Goshen the plagues did not go in there so they had sunlight they had no frogs no flies you know that everything was free and clear okay that is what is happening right now that people don't know Project Goshen is in effect that's what I was told I think the commanders of the Lord though commander the Lord's army should know what's going on so I've been told that that I was supposed to preach and teach on this this weekend to push back every disease and sickness push back somebody's got to push back on it while I still have breath I am going to speak against cancer I'm gonna speak against any virus any flu any kind of thing I'm not gonna speak against people I'm gonna speak against sickness and disease and sin I'm gonna drive these things that these Devils out everywhere I go I'm going to talk about the blood of Jesus even though it's offensive to talk about blood it's it's offensive because the gospel is offensive because the the people of this world are deceived so they're not gonna accept the Holy Spirit they're not gonna accept the truth the Spirit of Truth is the Holy Spirit when he speaks he's speaking his native language which is truth jesus said to the Pharisees you speak like your father his native language and he's always lying and you're a liar too he said in fact when you get a convert you go to around the world you go around the world to get a convert and when you get one you make them twice the son of hell that you are can you believe I said that word in church but see Jesus said it he called the religious leaders Vipers brood of vipers he said 'who's warned you of the coming wrath they were just coming out to hear him okay what was it about Jesus that that that they hated well it says it in the Bible that they saw that everybody was following him and they were saying this man they don't no one's ever spoken with such authority not unlike the Pharisees so they were losing their control on the people they couldn't perform the miracles the people were following him okay so this scripture summarizes it so I don't have to go through all this about Egypt it's in Psalms 105 and it's verses 37 through 45 honey used the New Living Translation not the NIV that's the nearly inspired version this is the New Living Translation has some life in it the Lord brought his people out of Egypt loaded with silver gold can you believe it says that there and not one among the tribes of Israel was weak or stumbled each in and that's where we get the feeble when there was no feeble among you the in the King James okay the Lord the egypt was glad when they were gone the world's gonna be glad when you're gone you know Egypt is a type of the world okay they're gonna be glad when you're gone for they feared them greatly okay so the first the firt if you're taking notes the first thing you write is that when they left the world they left Egypt to the promised land it said they were loaded with silver and gold read it and weep and then the sec things is not one among them was feeble or weak okay that was number two number three they were feared greatly the Egyptians feared them now I remember when this started to happen to me I would go to work check in for my flight go to the airplane and there were times where as soon as I walked into the jetway now Jesus had already you know taking me and appeared to me and sent me back but he told me he said if anybody gets within 30 feet of you they're gonna get hit by what you're walking in so just be prepared for it he said it's growing too now it covers a whole building but he said your goal is to make it a whole city my spirit your spirit can grow it can develop there your body is really limiting you oh that went over pretty well so he he showed me some some of the men and women of God that had developed their spirit we're whole cities got arrested when they showed up they were apostles they were sent ones okay so anyway they were feared greatly you you have to get to this place where when I walk I walk into certain situations people would start getting very irritated and angry and their their their invisible friends inside of them did not like me but everything was fine as long as I didn't miss a meal or pray in tongues I did an experiment I backed off to see if if I could change the temperature the thermostat on the wall I could just I could fly just so and I because I was having people that were being arrested because they would act up and I it's a fuss all federal offenses you go before a federal judge you can't even touch me as a crew member and they were doing more than touching me and they were arrested they'll never fly again okay but this was a crew member and I'm his boss and he's like harassing me I said what's your problem I said we can just go right now what does go into the office and take care of this and you can go to the Wendy's drive-through and work because Southwest Airlines paying you a lot of money to be nice and to work together and and you're brand-new you should be behaving because I don't know what's wrong with me every time I get around you I feel like I have to confess my sins I go what he got he got on his knees and started crying confessing his sins to me he said are you a priest I go no I'm serious okay this is as a flight attendant I'm not even flying the airplane I'm a flight attendant appraised in tongues so there has to be this place where it flips and what God has told you is true and everything else is a lie when does it get to that place where the Word of God tells you something and and you just hold on to it and you see it through and and the thing about it is is that people will begin to fear you because they'll sense that God is with you but they won't be able to explain it now I never saw that individual again I think he got fired I mean I would have fired him he would never work for me the way he was but but here he this is it goes on the Lord's spread a cloud above them as a covering and gave them a great fire to light the darkness they asked for me and he sent them quail he sent him the best they weren't Yardbirds they weren't chickens they were quail he satisfied their hunger with manna bread from heaven this is Old Testament okay he split open a rock I've seen that rock split I've actually seen it and water gushed out of it to form a river through the dry wasteland okay next next point he remembered his sacred promise to his servant Abraham so he brought his people out of Egypt with joy is this still on with joy the Qibla this is still in the Bible no think about this is an Old Testament scripture that's been there on your table and because we backed off because it's not happening in our lives but see I was sent back to tell people listen it's happening you just got to take hold of that which Christ has taken hold up for you right I will do that Lord I'll finish this and I'll do that he gave his people the lands of pagan nations boy here we go he brought his people out of Egypt with joy and he his chosen ones with rejoicing he gave the people hid the lands of the pagan nations okay so they're they're asking all the presidents up until this president has asked Benjamin Netanyahu you know how much more land are you gonna give up so we can have peace in the Middle East he goes none he said actually we're gonna start taking it back and he said we're going back to the borders of Genesis which is 1,500 square miles you should see the borders I have a map I can't show you because I don't have to flip my laptop over but it's it's 1,500 square miles it's all the Middle East is all the oil is supposed to be the the borders of Israel so that the the New Jerusalem when it comes down it's 1,500 square miles is this one 1,500 square miles right sets right down on it it's God's property there's already got it all set up it's all rigged to quotas somebody okay all this happens so that they they those people would follow his decrees and obey his instructions so what did Jesus say New Testament John 15 if you love me passionately you can ask what you desire and you shall have it is that any different than what I just read then what's our problem now think about it this is good news okay all right all right so the Lord has instructed me to stop and tell you tell you something about my testimonies another another side of something you might not know and this happened to me you know in 1992 and then I was married in 1993 when I came back from the dead I was only on the earth for another three months and the Lord spoke to me and said you're going to Seattle this weekend you're gonna meet your wife so I died I died came back three months and the Lord I was I was I was in my car coming home we where we had just done practice now listen to me does do you do you remember do you remember Israel Houghton he's written a lot of the songs Eddie James and who's the other one there were three of friends ahead there's another one okay I'll think of him in a minute we were we were all nobodies yes Sanchez what Ricardo well all all all hanging out together this guy named Kim comment asked us to come and do music for him we're nobodies so we're practicing and and God shows up in my car and my whole car goes down and he says to me you're going to see out of this weekend I go well you know you tell that to you know Israel and all these you know that Kim guy you know the guy the long long hair not they didn't have his extensions then he just had yeah so he's like Kenny G down here by him but he's laughing in heaven listen listen I had a call and I said Israel I'm not coming I can't come this weekend he goes what's wrong I said well God's in my car and he says I'm going to see how this week I'm gonna meet my wife and I heard the phone drop he goes oh my god he goes knowing you it's gonna happen anybody else I wouldn't even believe it so I went that weekend and I met Cathy we were married four months later we've been married 26 years now now I tell you that because my life changed dramatically when I spent time with Jesus but when I came back I knew what I should have known before I died my life is not my own and what happened was is is the Lord literally took over my life like he should have to begin with but I was trying but not succeeding at it because I was doing it wrong so when I walked away from aviation and from the aerospace industry I was gonna be an aerospace engineer I was gonna go to the Air Force Academy and be a fighter pilot that I'd want to go in the space program I wanted the design so that I walked away from that as soon as I did what God asked me to do and I came back from the dead it was interesting how people start to come to me and saying the Lord's telling me I'm supposed to give you a commercial pilot's license for free and all this stuff happened now I'm starting jet training but see I walked away from it and it follows you because God doesn't forget is he's a covenant God is what my point is so when Jesus died and suffered he was he was taking was stripped naked and he was it was just shredded for your healing he did that thinking of you for the joy set before him he endured the cross Jesus told me he had my picture before him and all of you too so he suffered so that we can be made whole spirit soul and body that's what Paul said I wish he'd prosper your spirit soul and body even in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 it has three parts to man and he wants us to prosper even as our soul prospers I saw what Jesus had suffered for but I should have known that but the revelation down here you have to continually dig it's like a treasure hunt you have to fight for the truth you have to dig you have to pray and set time apart and ask God to speak to you now I'm telling you pleading with you the only reason I'm back here Jesus told me was for you that's the truth but why does it take a flight attendant at the end of an age to come back and speak what's already in your Bible which many people have already spoken many men and women have spoken this but it seems as though the war is so strong right now for truth that that we don't hold on to it we don't grasp a hold of it because of the experiences that we're having the things that are happening to us is alarming and I want you to know that when I was learning instrument training for it you know to fly on instruments through storms it was the hardest thing to not look outside at the clouds because because you're so used to having reference points but see when your walk with God at times there's not going to be those reference points except the truth you have a word you have something that God gave you and you have to hold on to that so it was amazing how clouds and and and the forces of the g-forces of the airplane and the things the wind does it makes you feel like you're in a turn and you're not so I had to like glue myself to the instruments and fly the airplane by instruments and not go by my feelings not go by what I think what I know and I learned something all my pilot training up until now has taught me how to walk with God because I've learned how to stay in the Word of God as my instruments and I listened to the Spirit of God but he talks to me because he's the sword of the Spirit so he's the spirit but he's also the word so they agree they always agree and I I know that you might not be ready for this but your spiritual life will never mature past your word level because you ain't you ain't flying with me in a high-speed jet until you prove to me you can fly a Cessna and I'm not talking about a Cessna jet talkin about a kite with wing with the propellers on it yeah you're gonna go 100 miles an hour and like it and you're gonna learn how to fly that and then when you get to the place where you're mature then you will go on to the greater works the greater things because you can be trusted you've been proven these kind of things are not being spoken anymore because it's all about me myself and I and that world is about three feet in diameter it's a very small world and I run into the people's worlds all the time because they're not looking out for anyone else so you run into them all the time because they're selfish but we're not selfish God is teaching us how to fly and walk in the spirit in the power when I saw how easy it was to be healed I wondered why it took so long for me to get healed and why there's still things that have not responded to the Word of God they're in total rebellion to the Word of God now I can tell you things that you can stop doing because I was you know when you're in heaven there's not people speaking to you all the time you acquire revelation knowledge about everything for ages past and ages in the future like that when you come back it takes years for you to figure out like how did I know that how do I know this how did I know about 9/11 how did I know about the market crashes I wasn't told but I knew it when I was out in the spirit like right now I see things about my life right now because the prophetic manual has come upon me and I can peek over the wall and I see things about myself I'm double dipping right now you know I'm being used to speak to you but I'm also taking a peek to see if the people that I'm encountering right now are really numbskulls or if they're if they're if they're teachable not you but I'm talking about the fact that you encounter you encounter people you encounter people and you wonder like what is going on there and I walk away from people sometimes I say I might never know what what's going on there I tell the Lord I says Lord I want to help people but some people don't want help why everybody needs help listen I'm sharing this because there are young women in this and young man men in this room and and older too that want to get married but you don't want to get married unless it's God but if you do get married it's because God ordained it and he is going to lead you to the proper place and the proper person but I got newsflash here you're not gonna see this on CNN because this is real news this is the real news god wants you to be the person that's Merritt Abel and I just made up a new word but you know what I'm saying I did well it's close I hope Webster didn't hear me now listen to me I found out that God was working on me to become a good husband and I was wanting a good wife but am I willing to be a good husband and what I found was as a maturity level has to match so when I met Kathy she was on fire already and when when I would say you know can I I know we just prayed three hours of tongues can you go a little longer oh sure you're like why because I got to pray out the mysteries because this thing's rigged in my favor but I have to stay in synchronization with the plan of God which means I got to pray in the spirit build myself up in the most holy of faith and keeping in the love of God which is actually more important than my faith right now because you didn't even hear what I just said what is the greatest it says these three remain faith hope and love and the greatest is faith well you'd think so no if you think so right faith faith faith build my faith up but Paul had to insert in in the Corinthian church to the letters he inserted a chapter in between the chapter 12 at chapter 14 which talks about spiritual gifts he has to insert this chapter in the middle of it right because he said y'all if you don't have love you you're just a tinkling cymbal you're nothing right okay so building yourself up in the most holy faith and staying in the love of God is part of the process of this prayer in tongues so praying in tongues is a spiritual exercise but it's more than that it's communion I am speaking menaced mysteries I'm speaking to God that's what it says Paul said listen when a person speaks in an unknown tongue his mind is not fruitful in other words it's not it doesn't understand what's going on it doesn't participate in it because that person is speaking mysteries in the spirit to God so that is why Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 he talks about the spiritual person and he talks about the fact that no eye has seen no ear has heard what God has for those who love him but which is never quoted then it goes down but it has been revealed to us by the spirit and then he he explains that a spiritual person is not subject to any other person's judgment their actual word there is a carnal man's judgment so a carnal person cannot judge a spiritual person they're not subject we're not subject to the world's judgment because they don't have the understanding however a carnal Christian does not qualify to judge me they're not spiritual spiritual people can judge spiritual things that's what that whole chapter is about so are you spiritual are you carnal Paul said you're really gifted but you're carnal he said don't give any provision to the flesh he's saying there's things going on in the church that aren't even going on in the world and in the extreme age of grace is this on extreme grace greasy grace Paul said you know what next time you're together and the power of God is in your meeting and my spirit is with you as well oh boy what did he just say wait a minute and it's based a typo so you flip that no it clearly says the Spirit of God and the spirit of Paul or present well what happened when Jesus went to that house with the crazy friends that lowered down the guy through the roof it says that Jesus was in the house and the power of God was present to heal did you ever notice that am i messing you up too bad John said listen there's one common that's greater than me he's gonna baptize you in the spirit and with fire okay so extreme grace there's still things that happened why did they happen why did Paul have to say there's someone that you need to turn over to Satan so when I'm present with you in spirit and the power God is present turn him over to Satan when's the last time that has that happened in your church lately have you had meetings like returning somebody over to Satan but that's that's the Bible do you see the authority that the church had obviously obviously you need to rethink this see this is the Jesus I met he said whatever I say that's it he said if you forgive sins they're forgiven don't get mad at me he said you can bind and it's bound you loose it its loosed now I live in a place where the mosquitoes are the state bird and everybody's afraid of the mosquitoes I never thought I'd see this day I've got a foot alligators in my backyard I think they're dead I don't know how I I don't remember what happened no but think about this see how things start to move in and then all of a sudden I mean you can see these mosquitoes come in a quarter mile away their own approach it's like prehistoric land on it's like a third-world country where a little bit okay but see I'm used to living in Scottsdale Arizona and Seattle Washington and it's the elite everywhere we lived it was like the elite and then then God puts you in another environment and it's Sodom and Gomorrah down there I mean they do stuff down there you'll mean this in New Orleans its Sodom and Gomorrah no I'm not kidding you I have to pray in tongues just to go to my office which is two minutes away I don't want to leave my house cause it's a holy sanctuary okay so what has to happen is you need to learn how to live in the environment you're in to where you start to take command over it and you take authority over it and you say you know what I'm the healed of the Lord and I have authority in this city because I ask God no no I'm being very personal with you I'm done with my lesson I'm being very personal with you I asked him why did you tell us to sell sell both of our dream homes that we worked so hard for that you bless us with and leave everything and go to New Orleans this is what he said because I trust you yeah yeah but the the provision is there it isn't in Scottsdale was it in Seattle it was in New Orleans so for you wherever you live you have to see that as your assignment no no no ray and young here they they when I was told that I was going to go into the ministry I didn't want to I didn't need to I didn't even want to tell my story a Kathy had to get me to tell my story she had to get me to write a book about it I didn't want to do it the Lord appeared to me and said it's a mandate I don't want to do that I don't need to do that it was so sacred to me and I can't believe I'm even standing here now telling you what I'm telling you because it was so sacred to me but here's the thing these two were told to have a church in a middle of a cornfield now when we have our seminar when we have our our spirit school there though there was like I don't know 12 people and that the invite came in and I'm booked up and the Lord says you're going there so we went there for it was like the first year that I started and now like right now like for April for April it's already over 500 people are signed up which is more than what's in the city the city's population is 504 is anybody here well what happened see God gave them vision but the provision was already there it was it was hidden this has happened how many this has happened so many times we were going to churches that when when I started there 55 people and now the we have to cap it out at 450 and the church is paid off and they're having to find a new building I'm telling you we can go from city to city and tell you this it's not we're not that good what it and where she's a hairdresser and I'm a flight attendant and I just want to go fly jets and just go to dinner I could I really don't want to do this I want to do what Jesus is telling me to do but this this is not my back porch you know this is not like the the comfy-cozy of working 30 years and then wanting to so what it is is Jesus sent me back to tell you the truth will you let it set you free because the gospel is is but gospel and its truest sense I mean this gonna be honest with you Jesus is an exorcist I mean he literally drives out Devils everywhere he goes but he doesn't have to say a word he just shows up okay when he shows up people start getting healed not because he says anything it's because he is the healer and everything around him has to start obeying it okay so the reason why there's inactivity on this earth is is look in the mirror it has to do with us it does not have to do with him he sent us out he said those who believe in me he they're gonna do the same works and even greater works where are the greater works where are the works well here's the thing they have to that spirit realm has to be implemented into this physical realm that is through you I'm not kidding you I am here to work myself out of a job I want all of you to do this and this is how you do it you pray our Father who is in heaven holy is your name your kingdom come and your will be done on this earth as it already is in heaven that's it that's it no I didn't come here to quote scriptures all night but you get the point everything I believe is in the Word of God but it's it's it's too much for people but see Jesus was too much for people they killed him you know when I graduated I graduated four years four years bachelor degree then I went to a two-year program the guy the president of that college said congratulations you're going into the ministry he said just remember that Jesus was in the ministry three and a half years and he did the will of the Father and they killed him he said if you do the same thing you won't last long either I go thanks a lot that was my send out but you know what he has a point there if he did the will of the Father and they killed him in three and a half years that is a long time okay so I'm telling you this so that you understand what you're going through every day you're going through things because you're going through them you're routing you're routing them you're you're destroying the works of the devil everywhere you go Jesus is leading you by the Spirit of God the Father's heart is being done you need to proclaim the word of the Lord over your life you need to talk to your environment and tell it that this is God's kingdom that's advancing and that as long as I'm alive I am going to be an instrument of the Spirit of God the spirit of God is what lives and moves in us his word is all we should desire I spend more time I spend hours and hours to get a 10 second message from the Holy Spirit sometimes because I have to fight but you know my friends who have been in space my pilot friends and Space Shuttle friends they've been in space they could hear God like yet because there's no demons there they told me that in fact they were told by Neil Armstrong that he'd have his devotions you know on that when he landed on the moon and did his walk he said there's no demons up there you could hear God speak right back to him immediately my friend who flew the F star 71 spy plane he we had a spacesuit on he's at edge of space he said you could just talk to God up there he said I'm getting shot at by missiles as big as telephone poles from Russia I'm filming over Israel from doing the Yom Kippur War I'm filming over Cuba for the Missile Crisis he said they're shooting at me and I can hear God's voice he said it's down here in this he said you have to to up be so he told me before he passed he said you got it he said he said the only weapon I had on that airplane was the throttle I could outrun those missiles and he said I prayed in tongues all the time he said I had my Bible out there and I read my word and I prayed in tongues and that's how I overcame the stress of getting shot at every mission he was in that airplane 14 hours at a time sometimes photographing parts of the world and coming right back to California was it was shorter to go over the polar ice cap and just take the shortcut over then go around the world just popped up over and he told me you have to build yourself up now when you build yourself up you'll start to come down with a healing you'll start to come down with a deliverance I'm serious Jesus is he tries out Devils I met him he's a very strong person very strong and I mean too strong for most of us because we think he's the kind of guy that he'd come to have tea with us He loves us he don't have tea but he goes you know let's wrap this up and then we'll have tea in that father's Kingdom well the new wine that is the truth so down here I have to be diligent I have to be persistent I have to be sober-minded I have to put my foot down and when everyone else wants to give up I got to be the one that wants to give up too but I'm gonna stay in there and I'm going to be the one that's gonna be the leader because someone has to lead but that someone has to be one that is a finisher now how many finishers do I have in here Jesus endured the cross he finished it was so hard what he did you have no idea he started to sob when he told me what he went through he told me that he was down in the belly of the earth do not write me do not argue with me Jesus went to hell his big toe touched the deepest part of hell because the vilest person that would go to that part of Hell has been redeemed no person has to go to hell and I just looked right in the camera because I don't want I don't want them wasting digital ink writing me Jesus redeemed everyone with everything and he he conquered death Helena grave that mean he had to go down there and when he came out it was such a strong powerful experience that the Devils down there still talking about it they didn't get it they get it now but what they don't want is they don't want you to get it please hear me we're gonna close out it when you get ready for the music we're gonna close out here the power to heal is in this room now it might take you tomorrow listening to the other services before you you experience your healing but Jesus first of all he redeems you so he has redeemed you from the curse so curse is something really bad and blessing is something really good Jesus gave gave us a choice in the New Testament if you love and obey me you can ask what you will and you shall have it in the Old Testament he said listen you got blessings and cursings you choose owning - owning two choices you want to be blessed or cursed you want be the head or the tail above or beneath do you want to be healed or sick he said I'm gonna take sickness away from the midst of you Old Testament what do you think Jesus did in the New Testament so I think we should all this weekend walk into our healings how about that how about if we all I mean I need healing but you got to give me credit here at least I'm not backing off I'm not backing off of it I can't because Jesus didn't back what just think if he would have backed off the cross in any way but you all have been redeemed now I saw that he had taken a hold of every one of us and he had placed us in a secret place as his private stock for his private display God has redeemed us we are a holy nation apart under God we have been redeemed but we have been bought as a show that he can show this generation his glory that's where we're going we have to prepare for that I can't lose but the way that I got there was I had to die and be told by the head of the church and then sent back but see I saw when I reverse engineered it you know you can extrapolate information you can interpolate information in other words you can take information from previous previous records and you can build the line out to see where things are going you can extrapolate but you can actually interpolate you can take the data that you have and you can build what the past was so they found out that like our atmosphere was four atmospheres in the time of before Noah and that are our magnetic field of our earth deteriorates it actually sometimes it's cut in half over the years so can you imagine the field of the earth being so strong that you could take something and pick it up and it weighs a ton and you don't know how the pyramids were made but see the thing that is I have stuff in my house that I can make levitate and not from my power it's just it's reversing the polarity in the field I can make stuff float I have it on my desk so you know the government knows this stuff you can cancel out gravity they don't want you to know that so please don't tell anybody because I don't the men in black coming do you understand I saw where you could you could coach the air that's coming at your airplane you can coach it with a field telling that you're coming and it'll get out of your way it'll reduce drag doll to nothing I'm going to stop there I'll tell you I'll tell you I'll tell you what what else I saw that Enoch please God so much that he was irresistible God took him because he was irresistible because I saw that God was so surprised that a man would would read it would would allow a man will allow God to take over his life in a time where there wasn't what we have today it surprised God if I could say that I have a feeling tonight that you're gonna surprise God even if you if you think you can't I know he knows everything but he sure likes it when you tell him you that you love him and that you have set yourself apart for him and that you're not blaming him for your sickness you know we're in a fallen world this world is messed up but in this world we're gonna have that trouble jesus said but he said be of good cheer because I've overcome the world how many of you have realized that you blame God that I have to take care of this tonight I have to take care of this I want you to come up here and I want you to repent I want you to repent yeah I said it in church repenting didn't start when you got born again that was for your condition of sin but now down here in this life we have to deal with doubt fear and unbelief Jesus rebuked the disciples in the Neuse new covenant for unbelief I'm trying to save you some time here you're gonna find out that it was all provided for you but you did not take advantage of the Covenant because you were in unbelief you were in doubt you were in fear and I want to break that tonight so while we sing I'm gonna I'm gonna stand up here for a little bit and I'm gonna do some impartation and do some impartation prayers if you want to come up here I'm just telling you I would I would I would go back to the cross and see what Jesus has done for you and let that affect your body let that affect your mind because there's deliverance in this room right now [Music] getting back to the people now listen there are couple there are people in here that that need to be married and God has the person for them and that Lord is telling you right now listen he's telling you I've got this thing taken care of don't jump ahead of me there are women in this room that are going to be married they need to pray for their future husband they need to ask God to place themselves to place themselves in the in a place where they need to be so that they qualify now I know I know what's gonna happen this weekend the powers of this area are going to be dislodged and this is going to be open heaven God chose this spot alright I'll get out of the way here I'm gonna do some impartation here Lord translate me up to the stage some time father in the name of Jesus you sent me back to use the name of Jesus and I use the name of Jesus against every spirit that's harassing this congregation this group of people in the name of Jesus I break the powers of the devil and I list them now in Jesus name I command you you evil spirits harassing the people lying to them stealing from them I break your power go in Jesus name I said go in Jesus name [Music] Father we repent of our doubt and our fear in our unbelief we repent right now and we say Lord you're our healer father you said Jesus had died suffer for our healing you became our sickness he took upon yourself my sickness my disease my sin [Music] the angels are here to minister to you the Holy Spirit is here but the angels are here too they're standing beside you they've been sent to minute minister to you drink deep of the waters of salvation of deliverance of healing [Music] father we're sorry for doubting you we're sorry please forgive us please forgive us Holy Spirit we don't want to grieve you that's it just make it right with the Lord right now and receive his healing receive his healing right now in the name of Jesus hahaha the joy of the Lord is your strength hahaha the Lord of the spear the Lord is welling up within you and joy is breaking forth Healing is coming laugh left be full of joy be full of the joy of the Lord he's healing people right now thank you for your a good God you lead us to repentance by your goodness father you're a good god you're a good god drink drink [Music] there it is come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] did you know that God desires to speak to you in John 10:27 Jesus says my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me dr. Kevin Zi has created a brand-new revelatory teaching that will help you to learn to hear God's voice clearly and speak out his mysteries and perfect will for your life take part in this special offer today and you will receive dr. Kevin zayday's study guide an exclusive two CD set you can hear God's voice Kevin study guide will help you to break down the barriers that interfere with hearing from God and give you the tools to become a more intimate follower of Jesus bearing much fruit and walking in the authority that he has provided for you in his exclusive two CD set Kevin will share how you can hear God's voice for yourself and praise impartation prayers over here so that your heart will be open to receiving all that God has for you order this exclusive offer today and you will also receive dr. Kevin Zi soaking CD awakening this soaking CD will help to create an atmosphere for you to enjoy the presence of God as you learn to hear his voice to order call one eight eight three four zero one four six zero with offer code one zero zero one or go online to Kevin's a DICOM slash offer order today Kevin's brand-new study guide and exclusive two CD set you can hear God's voice and his soaking CD awakening for a donation of $29 don't miss out on this special offer you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 68,997
Rating: 4.8895116 out of 5
Id: xQYeUK8QN4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 21sec (6381 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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