The Act Man Reaction - Why Is Palworld So Popular?

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hello everyone and welcome back to the channel today we will be reacting to an actman video talking about power world now over on my gaming channel I've been playing power world quite a bit it's basically the only thing I stream right now and I am in love with the game it's fun is it the greatest game ever made no it has a lot of problems and a lot of issues um but I mean it's it's addictive and it's fun and just like 7 Days to Die is one of my favorite games that I love to play and I've been playing for years and years and hours and hours people ask me like oh man you you play a lot of seven days a die is it a good game and I'm like I mean I wouldn't say that but it's fun which is at the end of the day the most important part because you can have a game that has problems and issues and glitches and all that kind of stuff like that uh and still have it be a really fun game and a lot of issues with a lot of AAA develop ERS is they are releasing these super high fidelity on paper should be a good game based on all these check boxes that we checked off but the game isn't [ __ ] fun period like all metrics say that this game should be a good game but it's not fun so who cares you know what I mean but power world has uh they have exploded in popularity and uh I like the act man I watch a lot of his content so let's see what he has to say about it if you've been on the internet in the last couple of weeks you've no doubt heard about how World check this out Fu yo look at me dude I can pick up a [ __ ] dig toys I can even jump with dude it is hilarious how your characters can just casually pick up literally everything in this game like no matter how big they just with no effort at all and you can even climb I found out recently you can climb walls while carrying these gigantic freaking Pals man it's insane why is pal world so popular and awesome I've compiled eight reasons why In This Very video reason number one word of mouth power's popularity has surprised everyone especially its developers who apparently were considering bankruptcy if the game didn't sell well I don't think they have to worry about that anymore yeah that's not really a concern for them at the moment and so far I have to say man with the updates and the way that they're responding to feedback and stuff like that man I have high hopes for this game it's already really addictive and it just came out games like 7 Days to Die For example Arc and all these games have been out for anywhere from 5 to 10 plus years now and Early Access and all that crap and look where those games are now so just imagine just imagine like three years from now eight just one year where this game is going to be or what it could transform into in that time if they really stay dedicated I don't know how you could make this much money and this many sales on a game like this and not stay dedicated to making sure you do everything to make it successful but I mean stranger things have happened they could fumble it it would be absolutely baffling if they did but it could happen okay yeah come up here oh what in the world see these chickens what chick oh my God holy [ __ ] you know what man I still have not unlocked a lot of the guns for the pal specifically um I don't know what the hell I've been waiting for I've been playing this game for like 200 hours I still haven't unlocked the masanda thing the freaking and a rocket launcher for the um relaxasaurus there's so many things that I still haven't even tried there's no reason that I haven't done it I just haven't hitting over 2 million concurrent players on Steam it's impossible that is second only to pubg the game that arguably popularized the entire Battle Royale genre that's more concurrent players than Counter Strike [ __ ] Counter Strike has ever had what is Happ happening do you understand how crazy this is yeah that is absolutely insane like it just just thinking about the type of numbers that this game pull and it's so crazy because like obviously everybody has preferences like everybody likes certain things some people don't like other things it is what it is there's always going to be like contrarians and people who want to go against the grain uh what do they call them uh hipsters or whatever who are just like this thing is popular therefore I hate it like people like this thing so because I have to be different and unique I don't like this thing no I've never tried it no I've never seen any gameplay footage nor do I ever plan on playing it but here's my full opinion on the quality of this game because you know that's just how people are for some reason and that's not saying there's no reason not to like the game but there's no way that this game sells this many copies this quickly and becomes this viral because it's garbage and there are people out here who are genuinely like this game is absolute garbage it's just [ __ ] the people don't know what they actually want or whatever and I'm like you're delusional I'm sorry I'm sorry just it is what it is like saying this game is objectively terrible just because it's popular and you don't like the fact that it's popular I mean it is what it is if you don't like it that's fine but you don't get to speak for the n 18 million people who are who bought and are playing and enjoying the game sorry it's just not how it works that a random Indie developer can come out with a creature catching game that Rivals that of the largest media franchise of all time and can even keep up with it in sales relatively reason number two why power is so popular this is an easy one it's a damn good video game power world is is like s it combines the which is the most important part by the way it's just fun it's a fun game it has an addictive gameplay Loop and they have a lot of reasons and incentives to keep you in it I I do hear a lot of people saying that somewhere along the line after you get rid of the initial or after you get past the initial beginning of the game where things are kind of brand new and stuff you hit this kind of lull where you're trying to level up and stuff but there are so many ways to efficiently and effectively level up this game if you know what you're doing like you could bypass that no problem and I feel like every game hits that point once you kind of get out of the honeymoon phase after you've played for a few hours then you start to realize that you know it's going to take some time for you to get where you want to go and figure more things out how to level up more efficiently um but it's a good it's just a it's a good game there's an element of Dark Souls with time Dodges and this sick ass butterfly twist by the way what the [ __ ] was that that's like the Darth Maul butterfly kick yeah you oh [ __ ] I think I played this game for like I think I was probably like 50 hours in before I realized that you can do that little cartwheel Dodge or whatever like as a matter of fact I think I spent the first 20 hours not dodging at all like not even not ever even hitting the Dodge button I don't know how I managed to pull that off but then aiming and dodging at the same time is how you pull that off and it just it just wasn't clicking to me cuz I was mainly using the pals to fight like I wasn't really using bows and guns and stuff like that uh much cuz it didn't really seem like I didn't invest any points in the strength so I never felt like I was really doing enough damage for it to matter just literally just putting out all this incriminating information about myself just voluntarily sure they even let players make Abominations in the character creat I [ __ ] you not because they said Americans sometimes like to make ugly characters I mean they're not wrong they're not wrong I like this this Blanca thing he got going on here blender and hope it turns out great Halo 4 taught us that doesn't always pan out well we've seen plenty of copycat games right Doom clones Halo killers Etc and most of the time these games live in the shadow of their inspiration but we are witnessing something truly magical power world is actually competing with its inspiration it combines so many different elements of other games that it actually becomes unique like cell for a game that feels like one giant [ __ ] post power is surprisingly deep here's my here's my problem my mindset is like you're a game developer making games for an audience of people who you want to consume your product these people are basically the gods of Your World they determine whether or not your game succeeds or fails and then when it comes down to it they are the end all Beall on whether or not a game is good they vote with their wallets their money coming to you tells you whether or not you make a good game or not but instead these arrogant [ __ ] [ __ ] will sit there and say no you don't know what you want you don't know what's good we tell you what's good we tell you what's a quality game you don't know so if you if you go out and you spend all your money on this game it's just because you're ignorant and you're too stupid to know what a real game is our games full of microtransactions and low effort and and terrible stories and and you know just just weak gameplay mechanics or whatever that's what you really want you want to give us as much of your money as possible you want arbitrary [ __ ] mechanics that force you into playing a game or kind of imprison you into your game because we lock away certain features and make things much more difficult for you just so we can give you the opportunity to pay for it that's what you like that's what you enjoy you have all sorts of different passives positive and negative trads there's a ton of different moves that Pals can learn which happen in real time combat instead of turn-based so like you actually have to aim this [ __ ] if you're controlling the pal which you can control a whole lot of them the PVP for this game is going to be absolutely wild whenever that comes out you know I am very interested in the prospect of PVP for this game uh at the moment I think it wouldn't really work all that well just because of the fact that the the pal AI is not optimal like it could definitely be better than it is uh they're going to have to really work on the AI to to get PVP to really function properly I can see a lot of PVP if it does take place in the near future I can see a lot of people primarily doing battle on top of their um like on things that are mountable so basically if you have a pal that's not mountable chances are it won't be seen in PvP uh at least that's the way it's looking like to me cuz um the pals are kind of unreliable when it comes to just kind of letting them do their thing uh but that said Jesus Christ that was the loudest car ever um that said though I do think that PVP is something that they should absolutely pursue because it'll help in the longevity of the game this game is way better than it has any reason to be and that leads me to reason number three the content and polish this is Early Access done right that is true this is probably one of the most functional Early Access games that I've ever played like out of the gate fresh out of the oven you know what I mean there was absolutely problems for sure it's early access and it's it's kind of weird to me that people know this is Early Access they are 100% aware the game has only been out for a couple weeks now if that and people are still like oh this game has problems so it's bad I'm I'm like it's it's [ __ ] what Early Access game have you played in the past what six to seven years didn't have any problems at release like almost every G even even triaa games now full price AAA games have problems at release and although we shouldn't be condoning or just hand waving and making excuses for it to act surprised or to say that the fact that this game has some Kinks that they need to work out is the mark of it being a bad game is Just asinine mechanically the game play is solid and that's most important it's a ton of fun battling the pals catching them in real time avoiding attacks power World Nails it's actually kind of baffling to me that people genuinely unlocked or genuinely unlocked the um the musket and were actually using it I literally as soon as I saw musket I completely bypassed it and was like no I'm not wasting any Tech points on that there's no way because I played Seven Days to Die and I know the horrors of the pipe shot gun and it is it is literally it's it's not a self-defense weapon like it it's basically I want to make this game much more difficult for myself and I want to make the zombies have a a fair shot at eating me essentially if you use the pipe shotgun essentially what you're saying is I like to die in this game this is leagues above what most people expect from an early access title it feels complete in concept and because of that I'm not too bothered by the rougher areas of the game multiplayer and guilds are a great feature I played a shitload of alheim and just like that power world is something me and the boys are going to keep playing for a very long time yeah and that's an important point is all games have problems at release most of them they have issues and stuff that they have to patch out and fix is the the nature of games that come out in modern day it's just kind of the way it is uh with internet being pretty much accessible and all these games they can update it later so there's not a lot of emphasis on making sure that all the Kinks are worked out it is what it is but like I said if your game is fun if it is enjoyable we can Overlook some of that stuff but if your game sucks and it also has a bevy of problems set release I mean people tend to be a lot harsher on it there's a few animations that could use some work all right check this [ __ ] check this [ __ ] oh no dude I at least thought like you'd be on her head or something but I'm torn between wanting smooth animations and this janky funny [ __ ] anywhere you want that's true a lot of the the weird kind of quirky stuff in this game like the Manda like floating around and like he's basically weightless so when you like bump into him while he's floating he just like gets launched off into the atmosphere or just some of the weirder stuff in here the way the the pals flop around when you pick them up and stuff a lot of that stuff is like this is Goofy and really dumb but I kind of like it though it's Charming to a certain degree so so it's got to be a little bit of Jank you know some games some games are they they're a little better for it occasionally you can spawn underneath the map but any gamebreaking glitches I've found can be fixed by quitting and re look how long it takes to reload that [ __ ] musket dude I don't I can't I can't do it like just just throw rocks at him at that point man loading another huge issue is things phasing or clipping into the world the pathing is kind of janky for the pals they don't always know what to do or where they're going and the police yes there are police in power world this this game has a [ __ ] wanted system by the gods there is a psychopath on the Lo stop you violated the law for the empire remember the am I supposed to be impressed should have paid the fine what's the matter getting tired if you attack non yeah the police in this game are a little weird it kind of reminds me of the early days of cyber Punk when it came out how police would literally just materialize wherever you were at the moment um it's not a great feeling I mean it it's you can get away from them but it's a little it's a little awkward kind of complicated even if you're like flying over the ocean they literally just teleport next to your bird and then just fall into the water very strange The Wanted system just the human people and the way they act and interact with stuff is bit weird in here like they they did a lot of work on the pals but a lot of the human stuff in this game is a little iffy they'll probably end up working on that as time goes on hostile NPCs the police will spawn in your anus like they used to in cyberpunk they will F I just said that okay great minds think alike one of the greatest features ever in survival games is being able to access all of your stored materials without having them in your inventory so you you know what though this right here was something that I I couldn't tic articulate until somebody brought it up because there was something about this game in the inventory system that really set itself apart from other games and took away a lot of the tedium that happens in games like seven days to die Arc in other games the fact that your inventory the stuff that you have in your base is all universally accessible it didn't even click that that was even happening which was weird because I'm so used to the opposite so excellent feature that's one of those things and this is this is why this game is so popular because you can tell you can tell by the decisions that they made in this game that these people are Gamers they have played several other games like this and they had gripes too and they said [ __ ] that [ __ ] we're not putting that in our game power does the one thing that every video game should strive to do give you bang for your buck which is why reason 4 it undercuts the competition scarlet and violet have been out for 14 months and they're still charging 60 bucks for them yeah they've been out for 14 months and they're still charging 60 bucks for them and 14 years from now they'll still be 60 bucks because Nintendo does not drop their prices for any reason as a matter of fact 14 years from now they'll probably be 90 bucks not to mention there has never been an official Pokemon game released on PC to be fair Nintendo doesn't really release games on PC at all but you would think the largest media franchise of all time would at least try to tap into that market no uh no Nintendo is one of the most stubborn and arrogant companies to ever exist they believe that everything they do is Flawless they believe that all of their things that they make are Priceless and they just have this really high and mighty we are the king of gaming type of attitude about everything that they do there's no way they don't care like they don't care that PC people want it because Nintendo games belong on Nintendo and Nintendo only and we don't give a [ __ ] if everybody had swears they'll stop playing our games or whatever like we don't care we don't care what the consequences are we don't care what people want what people demand our our stuff is premium it's exclusive and you have to pay top dollar for it all the time mercenary with a wounded knee I used to be a tough trainer like you then I took to then I took an attack to the knee from that giant pal a Skyrim reference in 2024 what year is it on the surface po presents that's actually funny there's a lot of memes like that in this game there's a dude who apparently got iseki to this world he's like he's like hidden somewhere on one of the Islands they there's a bunch of weird references in this game that are really funny this island is a living hell the people I came with aren't with us any longer those damned Pals a every one of them I tried making Graves for everyone at first but when more than 100 died I gave up on that idea what the [ __ ] the tone takes a radical shift towards the maab at complete random you know one yeah this game is pretty dark it could be pretty gruesome sometimes but that's that's the appeal man that's what makes it so fun you don't just fight Pals you can fight real people and you don't defeat them you kill them when I think to myself what is it about me as a Pokemon fan that is drawn to power world part of it is the dark undertones of Pokémon that mostly go unaddressed and this is like a satire of that on the main menu screen you've got two lamb balls on mounted mg 42s there's a with like casual Smiles on their faces too let's not let's not they're they don't have like Angry battle faces on they are smiling like it's just a beautiful Sunday morning as they rain bullets down on the enemy pal called hangu which in universe is used to carry out public executions by tearing the skin off of their bones dude when I read that description dude if you have not read the actual description you if you think the Pokedex is crazy look at the pal de read some of these freaking things they are nuts this one was probably the most shocking to me there's an organization called the free pal Alliance we have five traditional Commandments thou must not eat Pals thou must not overwork Pals thou must not not abuse Pals thou must not use Pals for experiments thou must risk thy life to protect Pals and it sounds like a parody of PETA right but it's actually an accurate representation of PETA because the free pile Alliance can often be seen shooting and murdering Pals I think I thought that was hilar as soon as I saw the anti- like pal people or whatever I'm just like oh cool they got like a faction that's like supposed to be friendly with Pals and they protect them and literally the first group I came across were in broiled in a battle to the death with Pals and I'm just like um what's going on here why why why why is this group who has these tenants literally embroiled in battle with every pal in the general area which I think is a bit of an oversight I think it would have been much more cool if this was the only faction that did not actively fight with Pals um like in the outside world uh with which may come later um I haven't read a lot of the lore stuff in this game but it does seem to be pretty interesting actually look at the way it [ __ ] walks oh my God energy right there that is main character energy right furry bait that is is absolutely furry bait in terms of pal and human breeding stop stop right there okay you want to see something else let's see it is it is number 69 in the pal deck of course it is and that I'm telling you I guarantee that was uh that was um that was intentional I promise you I I would bet a large sum of money I don't have a large sum of money but I would bet a large sum of money that that was 100% intentional yeah this thing has caused a lot of a buzz within the power world community and and uh its description ain't doing it no favors either reason number six the pals we can argue about plagiarism in the various designs and if some of them are stolen ideas or not which some of them are might cover that in a separate video but most of them are original and what really sells me on these Pals I don't know about most I'd say about 30% which might be generous I'd say probably about 30% of the pals in this game can be considered to be original if you really want to be charitable but for the most part A lot of these pals are very derivative or have very similar themes to existing Pokemon or other creatures it kind of is what it is it's pretty inevitable in some cases I mean a wolf is a wolf a sheep is a sheep uh but like some of them are literally just like straight up direct ripoffs um um it doesn't really bother me though like I don't particularly have a problem with it much at all because I can look at a pal and I can look at a Pokemon and I can tell you instantly which one is which it's pretty pretty easy to do that but I mean saying that most of them are original no not really not really I guess I'll just say one of the things I like about this game is you can use your pals for everything you'd want to in a Pokemon game we like you know instead of clicking to use the move you like get on the pal and ride them to fly them or you get on the pal and ride them part of the world yeah they're part of your yes so like you the celery you can get I didn't watch SP but like I think I should you could literally use them to Glide like as a parag glider like you can do [ __ ] with them that like you wouldn't think of the the millennial yeah the overall General utility of the pals in this game is what really sells it for me just the fact that they all have these abilities that they can use around the base that that are beneficial to your base building and your progression throughout the game and they do things that normally you would be doing in the beginning but as you progress through the game you start to build up this arsenal of Pals that can more efficiently do the things the tedious [ __ ] that you don't want to do I should be able to just get a docus tame it and be like dude get rocks and that's what he should just do you shouldn't have to fangle anything or try to lock him or put him in some kind of enclosure and maybe if he gets close enough to a rock he should hit it if his job is to gather rocks and that's what he's good at then you should be able to tame one set him to gather rocks and that's what the [ __ ] he should do but you can't do that in Arc unless you try to fangle it or do something weird like you can't just set him to Gathering rocks in the area and even when they do have that setting available it doesn't even work 111 Pals all designed with a unique ability they all have unique animations for a variety of tasks some of them have exclusive moves and animations for that too you know the personality conveyed through these animations is what sells you on PO world that is true almost every pal in here has their own specific and unique animations for certain things and you can tell like they really put work into it when it comes to the crafting and the Gathering all of their tools are appropriate sizes when they're Mining and stuff like that and it it just you can tell like I said somebody really put their heart and soul into this game and as a gamer and who's been gaming for a really long time you can tell when you're playing a game if it was made by people who also play games and then you can tell when you play a game that's made by people who are instructed to just make a game you know what I mean you can tell that there were certain things that they just didn't think about and also you can tell that that a game is played by the people who made it based on the decisions that they make which is a huge problem in Diablo for like there are certain people within the company who you can tell based on how they talk about the game and how they discuss problems in the game that they play it and then there are other people who they have talk about or discuss the game I'm like you don't even [ __ ] you've never even played you you helped make this game sure but there's no way you've even touched this game based on the type of [ __ ] that you say about it yo it does have a hat it has a hat too that's that's [ __ ] merro yo that's actually merro okay that's the first one I've seen that I've actually gone all right that's a little sus a crow with a hat that's it is a little sus the what what are they talk that's an owl that is that is clearly an owl like that's not his name is hres like like pooped like an owl from poemon hold on where's mer dude that is that is the most owl like it actually kind of looks more like a penguin than an owl but it doesn't look anything like a crow like there is nothing about this that says it's a crow other than the fact that it's black yeah I don't know what the [ __ ] they were just they were on drugs when they when they saw this thing actman what the [ __ ] dude this looks nothing like a crow what are you talking about we got n yeah that's yo it does have a hat it has a hat too that's that's [ __ ] merro yo that's actually merro okay that's the first one I've seen that I've actually gone all right that's a little sus a crow with a hat that's it is a little sus man I I'm sorry I generally agree with a lot of stuff the acman says but I don't know how the [ __ ] he looked at that thing and said this is a crow I just I can't I can't even fathom his name the way he looks the white part on his stomach almost everything everything about that creature indicates that it is either an owl or some form of penguin like but you know all right but if you think Nintendo or game freak or the Pokemon company is going to sue power world and its developers they had a couple years to do that they're not going to and if they can take down this Pokemon Mod for power world why wouldn't they just take down power world reason number eight this is the last one yeah that was a that's one thing that always still baffles me like there was already tons of evidence to say that Pokemon or company or Nintendo or whatever wasn't going to be doing anything about power world if you have critical thinking skills and thought about it for more than 3 seconds like you it's just it's not even really a discussion it's like if they would have and if they could have then they would have done it already this is Nintendo like there is no doubt in our minds if they could have shut this game down they would have absolutely done it without hesitation so the fact that this is even a discussion is interesting and to put it in a nice way to me I I say with absolute 100% certainty that scarlet and violet are the worst Pokemon games in the entire franchise spin-offs included and they're the best selling power world has innovated the and that's the problem that's like the major issue right now and that's how these developers and stuffff have gotten to this point of arrogance because they have been able and permitted to put out absolute [ __ ] garbage and sell it like hot cakes because people don't like to admit this and a lot of people get upset when I say say this but gaming becoming mainstream was a double-edged sword and we are outnumbered now all the people who enjoyed games back then and who care about the quality and all that stuff we're outnumbered now they're not catering to us anymore and this is why the game industry games industry is in shambles right now same thing with anime uh anime to a much lesser extent though just a lot of media you know soon as it becomes mainstream and the people who care become outnumbered that's it all bets are off Pokemon is the most static lazy apathetic franchise in gaming oh look there's a crow look actman look it's a crow you see that Crow right there okay let me stop the status quo and quality of the Pokemon franchise has gotten so abysmally low that I've gotten to the point where I'm secretly rooting for its downfall I don't want to secretly root for its downfall but I feel compelled to given the complete lack of effort game freak in the Pokemon company yeah man and it's the same for a lot of people man and you don't want to be that cynical person you don't want to be on the bandwagon of hate uh just because cuz that's what a lot of people assume you know all these these angry Gamers they're so they just want to hate things just to hate them it's like no they're again the newest Pokemon game that came out I promise you all the people who made these hate videos about it talk about how terrible it is they would have been much happier making videos talking about how awesome it was but it's not awesome so I mean it is what it is yeah sure power world was optimized for more powerful Hardware than the switch but uh tears of the Kingdom Xenoblade Smash Bros ultimate Pikmin 4 breath of the wild there's tons of examples of amazing looking games on the switch the hardware is clearly capable of it it's just that game freak in the Pokemon company don't give a [ __ ] cuz they don't have to and that's the thing too you know that's that's one of uh the Pokemon fanboy's favorite argument is this the the [ __ ] Hardware is not I'm like they make the [ __ ] they make the hardware Nintendo makes the hardware they work very closely with the Pokemon company in order to make these games out they just don't give a [ __ ] they don't care they don't care because you're still going to buy it and you're still going to make excuses for them why should they have to put any effort into their games if you're they're going to make money anyway a lot of fans praised Legends archus and hoped that would be the next direction for the series but it wasn't no it was the same regurgitated stale formula isn't it yeah I genuinely thought that Rus was going to actually switch up the formula like from from the way they presented that game they made it look like they were going to really try to implement players into the battles and stuff like that but no it was the same old [ __ ] and it looked like absolute garbage I'm sorry but Pokemon R was one of the worst looking modern Pokemon games I've ever seen that game looks like trash it's actually kind of embarrassing meanwhile game freak is removing difficulty options that have existed since gen one they they actually forced the easy mode on you through XP share it's just Pokemon should have a difficulty setting I don't want this to be like Diablo 3 and 4 where I have to beat the game to [ __ ] be challenged by it you know what the XP share thing is kind of interesting too because like obviously it was kind of tedious if you wanted to level up other Pokemon or whatever you use the XP share you put it on the specific Pokemon you wanted to level up and you would use that Pokemon and some people would argue because it took so much to train individual Pokemon it would prevent you from using other Pokemon but in a weird twist of fate in a weird kind of we're kind of back where we started situation the XP share still in a weird way prevents you from using those other Pokemon because for me if I didn't actively participate in the leveling up of a Pokemon in any way say for example you know I had like a a Caterpie that I caught long time ago and now this Caterpie is a Metapod and now it's a it's a it's a Butterfree but I have never once used it in battle like not a not a single time I've never swapped to it or whatever it's just been in my party and has evolved all this time I don't feel a connection to that Pokemon at all like it feels weird using it I'm like whose [ __ ] Butterfree is this it's not mine like I didn't train this thing it just followed me around and just happened to get some XP you know what I mean and it actually in incentivized me more to just use the one Pokemon that I wanted to use or the few Pokemon that I wanted to use because all of them were going to get XP anyway so it it kind of had the opposite effect and despite taking inspiration from every other game imaginable power manages to feel fresh and original it's such a bizarre game you have to tell your friends about it and spread the game through word of mouth I am excited for the future of power world I hope this game continues for a long time I hope it becomes a regular series if it maintains this level of quality and I especially hope this makes game freak and the Pokemon company get off their fat lazy asses and start making at least no you know what I got high hopes for power world too I'm excited to see where this game is going to be in a couple years maybe a year or two just to see how far they take get how much effort they put into making this game better but I have zero literally zero hope that Pokemon will change their tune and be like you know what we need to learn from this and we need to do better I I'm I'm 100% sure a th% sure that the people at the Pokemon company are just like please this game is garbage you guys don't know any better this is just a fake imitation of what we can deliver to you and they are going to proceed to deliver the next series of Pokemon games and they are going to be just as trash as the previous iterations were if not worse just to [ __ ] Spike Gamers just to be like look we're going to make our next game even worse just to prove to you that we can still crush the numbers of this game we're going to make it even worse we're going to take away features we're going to remove Pokemon we're going to take away fundamental uh nostalgic things about po pokem that make it Pokemon we're going to literally gut the [ __ ] game and I promise you you [ __ ] drones are going to buy it up you're going to buy all the copies and we're going to make record sales just like we usually do that's what I think is going to happen but only time will tell but what do you think are there any reasons for power world success and popularity that I didn't mention here leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments below like the video If you enjoyed it and subscribe to the pal man for more awesome [Music] content all right and that was another actman video I think he was pretty much on point with a lot of his stuff really good video Link's going to be down in the description if you guys want to check out the entire thing yourself because obviously I cut some stuff out to be more concise uh if you want to see the full video like I said link is going to be down below and uh have a wonderful day guys thanks for watching
Channel: Ty The Tuber
Views: 2,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TyDaTuber, Reaction, Anime, palworld review, act man, the act man, palworld pokemon, palworld gameplay, scarlet and violet
Id: bZKmvI5yMAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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