Palworld Is The BEST Game We've Played In YEARS | GG over EZ #214

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welcome back to the GG over easy podcast it's your boy blue Weslo here with the one and only Robbie V today it is a pal world we just live in it we talk a whole lot about po World talk about our favorite designs talk about our favorite Pals our least favorite pal talk about things we like about the game things we think should be improved talk about oh question mark probably not but hey we you know we'll talk about it a little bit um and for the most part we just talk about how much we love this game and how much this game really surprised us um ultimately yeah we're cool power world and we do talk about some of the controversy around it so if you're like whoa guys cringe well we'll talk about that as well find out why we're cringe we talk about some of the Microsoft layoffs which is actually just objectively cringe and then we get into some Q&A so if you like all that good stuff stick around this episode of the GG over easy podcast is sponsored by betterhelp around New Year's we get get obsessed with how to change ourselves instead of expanding on what we are already doing right we immediately look at the negatives and how we can change that therapy helps you find your strengths so you can ditch the extreme resolutions and make changes that really do stick my time with better help they are nothing but professional they listen to me they help me learn some things about myself that I never even knew and learned a bunch of ways that I can learn how to cope and work through my mental health better help is entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and super to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire and get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapist anytime for no additional charge celebrate the progress you've already made this year visit gtay to get 10% off your first month that's betterhelp thank you betterhelp for sponsoring this episode of the GG over easy podcast taking on a New Year's resolution is tough especially if you have a thing like quitting soda or just hydrating more that's where liquid IV can help you reach your goal of hydration liquid IV is a convenience mixing powder and it's pre-measured packet that fits into a glass of water a lot of people may be like E I don't like to drink water because it tastes like nothing Well liquid IV helps it taste delicious ranging from flavors from white peach green grape and lemon lime the flavors are all delicious personally my favorite is the white peach it's easy just pour a glass of water put in the liquid IV and all of a sudden your water is so delicious it has three time the electrolytes of a leading sports drink there's no artificial sweeteners and sugar eight vitamins and nutrients for everyday wellness and non GMO rehydrate yourself for the new year grab your liquid IV hydration multiplier sugar-free and bulk nationwide at Costco or get 20% off your first order when you go to liquid and using the code GG at checkout that's 20% off your first order when you shop better hydration today using promo code GG liquid [ __ ] start recording all right Co ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the GG over easy podcast uh just want to say um in terms of the editing I hear the comments I've been reading them uh we'll stick with the static for now we do have uh some new overlays coming through um I have teased him a little bit in the patreon Discord uh and it's looking hot so um things will be changing again here soon uh but for now we'll just keep the little static uh kind of thing with Mr fruit on the bottom sad and AFK um but exciting exciting overlays coming though that I think will definitely be a little bit easier on the eyes than full cut C uh cam cuts um anyways um I think so last week we talked about oh hey like we're going to try power roll today after the podcast and we'll come back with our review oh my God man I don't dude like it's been insane like first of all just the discourse this game has had you know like oh yeah I just to kind of see like if you're on the power world side or not on the power world side it's like I'm going to be honest BL not for one second not for one second did I think this game would take over my life okay oh dude no I I mean I don't think anyone expected it to I I think a lot of people wanted to try it with the you know with the hope of hey I like I really do want like a a goodlooking Pokemon style monster catcher game and um this game yeah this game took took over my life it's still I'm definitely like on the you know trying to like temper how much time I spend on it now because I've spent so much time on it yeah and I I mean I'm talking like we we spent like I'm sure those of you who watch our content already know like all the time we were like for like four days it was wake up uh log into power world go to sleep uh like it's it's amazing it's I mean obviously it's not a perfect game you know and yeah like a lot of the things that people are saying about it are very true because yeah there's a lot of ripoffs um but there's also like a lot of heart in it that I think a lot of people are disregarding but um yeah I mean it's it's taken over my life I I think it's a genuinely good game that happens to have like a cool Pokemon you know cool cool monster catching uh part of it like the crazy part is like the like the Pokemon part of it is maybe like 20% of the game yeah but like that 20% is really fun like it is and the other 80% is I mean it's basically Arc right but yeah like the the survival mechanics with the splash of mons is just chef's kiss it's great yeah it's a blast man like I can't really remember the last time I enjoyed a survival game this much um and to kind of compare I played in shrouded yesterday um another Survival game that has just come out um and I felt immediately you know like power world's early game in a survival game like actually rewards you like I don't know it it it feels fulfilling like the early part of like power world and which is what I really liked and I really like the linear progression um I love like the technology points I love the fast traveling mechanic um and like I have to say too you know there are some Pals you know I'm not going to give power world all the credit in the world there are some Pals that are just ripoffs you know um but there are some dope OC's uh that I really like yeah I would say the OC's are the best ones like the best looking ones like a lot of the a lot of the ripoffs are like pretty blatant and they're not and and because they're ripoffs it doesn't really feel inspired but like but like damn like when it's when it's when the designs are good they're actually great like um um like Daydream love that the idea of such a sick such a sick and it's it's an original you know design so it's you know yeah and you like that bird what's the bird called again ragn Hawk if ragn Hawk was in Pokemon it would be one of my favorite Pokemon it' be it'd be a top tener it's a it would be a top tener like it's genuinely really good I was shocked at how I kind of went into the game not wanting to like it as well cuz I was like oh great why I was like oh great a Pokemon ripoff like seen these before I think I was kind of burned from temptem yeah which temp's a good game but like it's like very surface level you know it's all about catching and like battling and stuff you know it's very where power world only relies on like 20 to 25% of like the Pokemon world temp 10 was like 95 99% you know and that's cool that would work if the designs were cool but like my issue with temp is like most design are just so lame like uh all all respect tempt because I think they're you know they put a lot of work into try and make a great game but like God the designs were just so boring and like in this game there's like they like they're not afraid to get Goofy with it like within reason like they have like this one called pen King it's a it's a it's a literal pirate penguin yeah and he's sick I love that dude and then you have yeah ragnok is amazing um like yeah there's like some like verd Das that is like a straight up ceras clone and it's not even close like it's it's it's it's it's it's a one to one and then you have like a sparket which is kind of like their attempt at a Pikachu clone yeah which is hilarious you got like wixon which is a straight up like a a Braxton Evol line uh Fox I forgot the name of the on um fox fox fox uh oh like spark fox or something like that or it's wixen and it rips off the breakes in line I don't know why I remember breaken but I can't remember the full Evo uh but whatever you guys know what I'm talking about um but then you have like really cool original ones like you have gas which is like this literal just blob of of and then has like a cute little leaf hat mhm um like I said Daydream is dope oh yeah and then Cris is literally just Eevee yeah it's lit it's literally just Eevee um but you have really cool original ones you have um uh like Ike the deer sick I love that dude uh you have um Cognito oh Cognito is really cool Cognito is one of my favorite designs Cognito is so dope it's a it's a witch do Dr bird it's so sick uh you have Le's Punk which is super sick too 's a hoodie we like that we like that he wears a hoodie we like that and a lot of these aren't just like Pokemon inspired like a lot of these are are very Monster Hunter inspired like you have pyrn the the Kieran looking um horses those dudes are so dope like chill is sick um vorm is one of my favorites as well well and that dude's the homie I love love van worm um yeah I caught a lucky one of those and I still use them because it's sick one of my favorites is also one of the most original which is King Paca what a [ __ ] cool yeah Kinga isol he's so cool he's literally a big fat alpaca with a with a with a with a crown he's so cool um yeah and then I mean yeah I love and then yman tide probably one of the sickest yep and you got some ripoffs looking ass thing yeah you got some ripoffs like jet tragon is like a salamance mega Latios Latios mix but I don't care CU he looks sick so I think um I think a lot of people discounted this game as soon as it came out but then like it comes out to be like a genuinely good game and it's just surprising now you think everybody would be excited about a good game but I don't think I've seen a more more polarizing game come out that was literally like you're either on the I really like power world and I'm having fun player or like I [ __ ] hate power world and I'm going to spread a bunch of disinformation that they use AI to make their [ __ ] it was literally like both sides were just yelling at each other it was like I'm having fun it's like no it's used by AI look at the comments by the CEO which I believe has been debunk that power world has no AI I believe blue or you said something on the L of that um so so the the AI discourse um hasn't officially been debunked but it's also like the accusation has also not been founded you know what I mean yeah CU and the reality is like they showed off a lot of these designs in a trailer like three years ago and so this game has been development for a long time a lot of these desins have already been set and stwn so to say know 3 four years ago AI was not nearly as robust as it is now ai wasn't even as robust as it is now like a year ago you know what I mean like they couldn't even get hands right a year ago so um I mean I think like if you put any amount of brain power under it you could pretty much see that like these designs were clearly not developed with AI solely and if there were AI it's like why would like why would they why would they need it when a lot of these are kind of just straight ripoffs like they just kind of like remixed it on their own but you could tell there's a lot of Artistic integrity in a lot of these CU like a lot of these there's a lot of Heart and Soul on them well I mean speaking of heart and soul there there's lit an article I have here it says power world the struggle to find a Dev with shooter experience in Japan before stumbling Upon A self-taught hobbyist who worked at a convenience sore and now this guy who you like worked on all the gun the reloading and all that kind of stuff is literally now working on the biggest game potentially in the world you know at the moment right now you know yeah I mean yeah um which is something I did not believe that this game would shatter some records which is crazy 100% it's crazy it just goes to show how much people want a good Pokemon game on PC and like want like a you know a modern Pokemon game so yeah it's crazy it's crazy power world um continues to grow in popularity in the past 24 hours this article written on January 23rd it's Peak concurrent players reach 1.8 million players the second highest of any steam game ever bro it passed CS go like that's czy [ __ ] insane it made csgo Twitter tweet you know what I mean like it made the csgo Twitter account like a like because I think on Pixel was like maybe next update we need to have sex and the Cs account was like [ __ ] like maybe like maybe we do [ __ ] it's just like the absolute going into this game I did not think it would take the gaming World by storm not even for a [ __ ] second N I thought this would be your typical hot flash in the pan for three to four days and then it falls off which you know it very made well but for somebody who has played I see my play time here is 62 hours uh I think that's a little inflated cuz I think I might have left on in the menu I think it's more around like 52 53 um somewhere around there um I still feel like I'm not very like done you know what I mean maybe like 65 to 70% but what I really like is like when you get into kind of late game stuff the grind really slows down and then like your levels really start to feel like oh that like took a lot to get and stuff and it it just feels fun like it feels fulfilling like I love I love the exploration and like how much [ __ ] there is around the world like sure they may just be a bigger version boss version of the pals that you see around but God it's fun just kind of flying around finding little squirrel things like it's it's just a blast like I did not expect me to like it this much a lot of the actually before I continue going on as far as like the accusations go obviously yeah the CEO has some not great opinions on AI but I mean UNT yeah for me it's like what CEO doesn't if I if if I didn't want to play a game like if I chose not to play a game because the CEO was a [ __ ] like I wouldn't be playing any games unfortunately it's like what CEO isn't a [ __ ] like yeah be outspoken about how shitthead the CEO is but like unfortunately like that's like I I can't really do anything about that yeah like sorry I play it it's not like a marginalized Community is like hey guys can we not play this game it's just kind of like yeah no one really likes AI but like what everyone playing the finals you know what I mean like it's it's tough but I mean yeah just be like hey we don't like Ai and you know speak with your wall in in the way that like you know when very clearly AI developed Games come out you know at that point it's like all right let's let's let's not put money in that but when you have a game like this that [Music] is and as far as like stealing designs I mean yeah that one's pretty true like I I got no I got nothing for that like there's a lot of these are pretty stolen from mons and I think it's intentional to like have a level of familiarity for people coming into the game I think for me my thing is like they did steal a lot of the Bas designs but it's like seeing a lot of like how good a lot of these designs are it's like they really didn't need to yeah so that is that's that's definitely a criticism of mine um a lot of the weakest ones are obviously the stolen one so but um totally but like I think like what you said the OC's and like kind of like how you know how you can tell like Hart was put into those kind of like they offset each other you know what I mean like and and again like the the the man aspect the is only like 20% of the game like the other 80% is like um is like an arc breath of the wild love child like it's the world is curated and you have a lot of quality of life and movement from like games like Zelda where you have like the you have the glider that has become so normalized in games now you have um you know you have the world that has all these spawns and like things to do um the combat is very like surface level but like because you have your homies with you it becomes fun um because you have your mons with you it becomes fun your pals pal Pals Pals Pals Pals yeah your pals you have like these little mini raid bosses that you go fight around that are like big Alpha versions of you know of the of the pals you can catch around the area um you know every every single everything you do gives you resources you need to make more things and it's just really fun um you know you have like these little dungeons that are procedurally generated to a degree they're pretty Limited in how they procedurally generate I was a little disappointed in that but you know like you have a lot of different things you can do and like approach things like I've spent most of the game like building up my base and just going around leveling and so now I'm at the point like damn like I should just go like run around and like you know beat the [ __ ] out of bosses beat the [ __ ] out of dungeons Y and like you have the inverse where it's like fruit like fruit was like balls the wall I'm a combat boy like I'm going to go beat a bunch of bosses I'm going to beat up a bunch of Dungeons and you know now you have you know people like fruit being like all right well now let's focus on the bass for a little while um and it's um I it's just a different way to play the game and I think it's a different flavor on the monster catching genre that we've needed for a long time and um I think it also just shows it's crazy that the Pokemon company of all people had to make a statement I have that St my actually all right hit us with it hit us with it uh says we have received many inquiries regarding another company's game released in January 2024 we have not granted any permission for the use of Pokemon intellectual property or Assets in that game we intend to investigate and take appropriate measures to address any acts of infringe or intellectual property rights related to Pokemon we will continue to cherish and nurture each and every Pokemon and its world and work to bring the world together through Pokemon in the future so basically saying nothing but saying a whole lot in the sense that like yeah like we didn't give them anything but we're looking at them and to get the attention of you know one of the biggest intellectual properties ever um says something you know um you know I hope for my Pokemon friends out there cuz like I would play a Pokemon game like this you know what I mean like something that like feels fresh and fun like like you said like it just shows the kind of want and need that PC Gamers want for some sort of like Pokemon game on PC like and like but like you said it's not even like focused around the Pokemon it's the base building it's the exploration um and then catching Pals is maybe 20 to 25% of that actual like formula and you know they all just pick each other up now that's not saying the pals are perfect uh sometimes your pals don't want to work and they're stupid and their pathing is really dumb the AI pathing the AI is definitely my biggest um uh like gameplay criticism is the AI is really dumb and in servers it's so laggy it that um like the AI gets even dumber you know what I mean like it takes a long time for the AI to register things um but I mean they have said they're working on that but yeah like it's not perfect but like the core game play is exactly what a lot of people have been wanting for you know like a PC game and a modern generation game at that for a long time yeah like and it's just kind of like and it doesn't take itself too seriously you know what I mean I think Pokemon Falls in that thing like it takes itself so seriously and in this one you get a little green monkey that has an AK that like you can shoot while it's on your back you know what I mean and it's just being able to do like wacky fun stuff like that it's just really really cool I did not think I was going to love this game but I people like texting me about it like hey is like power like actually worth it and fun like or is it like one of those gimmick games that like we'll play for a little bit and I'm like no if you genuinely like enjoy the aspect of Pokemon but like are more into volheim survival type games like 100% yeah play it more if you're into those kind of survival valheim type games rather than I'm more into Pokemon like I think this game does a better job at the survival aspect but while also giving you a fun kind of side kind of thing with Pals and stuff like that 100% um I just am having a lot of fun with it like I woke up today I was like I'm going to podcast edit that podcast and she play the [ __ ] out of power world let's go baby cuz you know there are some things like like cuz my grind has slowed down so I now I'm at the point where it's like okay now I got to go walk around and kill all the bosses and get some sort of XP and complete my pal decks or whatever they call it um it I just I can't say anything else like that's like negative about the game really other than stability on the server which is not really on the game like the game that's definitely the game that's definitely oh really you think no I mean the server crashing and stuff is like that's I mean obviously server hosting more so right but but like the you know like the game being absolutely laggy as [ __ ] in multiplayer that's all that's all Dev oh really I thought that thought was more so on the server oh no that's all Dev they they've acknowledged it theyve said like I mean like there is no server where like the you know like that delay yeah is just a server like the crashes and stuff like that's you know that's all that's all game I mean that's all server uh hosts but like yeah the lagginess of the game in multiplayer the game getting more and more laggy as there's more players that's all that's all the game the game devs so but I mean they're working on it though so power world this morning uh did Peak at 2 million uh 30 30,000 so it just eclipsed its highest all-time Peak uh about six hours ago on a Friday morning and it's a it's gonna be and it's a Friday night coming up so yeah I think today will see around like 2.2 2.3 I don't know if they'll catch pubg uh cuz for anybody that doesn't know um um unknown pubg is pretty up there I think there were there were upwards of three million uh concurrent players at one point it just goes to show how massive pubg globally was at one point and2 million 3.2 million yeah I think a lot of people don't realize how massively popular pubg was overall you know obviously here in America it was big but like glob pubg has this impact that especially in China still pubg has this massive massive massive dedicated following that is just huge so I don't think it'll catch pubg I think um I think that's a big ask but but I think what's crazy is like those steam numbers don't even take into account like The Game Pass players yep which is probably even more or around probably the same number I don't think so I I I I I do think this I do think steam is definitely like the vast majority of people playing power world but you know I I I definitely think there's quite a bit of people who we don't know about you know that obviously Xbox isn't going to talk about yeah um playing it on you know through Game Pass so it's it's just yeah it's just crazy it's just crazy seeing how big this game has gotten and it also in a in a strange way Pokemon St don't come for me because I am a Pokemon stand it makes me really happy because you know a lot of people have tried to make like these monster catching games and pretty much all of them have either been just really Niche or uh you know just don't end up being particularly successful and so seeing this game really take the World by storm is like awesome like that's amazing like I want competition and this is probably the first time I've seen like a monster catching game have the potential to have longevity to you know stay around to have like uh you know cultural relevance and to you know exist in the same space that Pokemon has existed in basically uncontested for 25 years now you know what I mean so I mean the only time you've ever seen Pokemon kind of sweat was what Yu-Gi-Oh not even sweat with Yu-Gi-Oh or Digimon but like you know kind of something that got on the same kind of level as them um question for you do you think we'll ever see Power world tcgs I was thinking about that I would love that if power world continued to stay as popular as it does you know over the next couple months which obviously it's going to wax and Wayne like it's not gonna you know you're not gonna have two million concurrent players every day but you know down the content line if they're like o like we got this expansion coming out like I'm back mu back into power world like I am locked into power world and I think that's I think that's what most people playing this game feel is like like okay like when I'm done with this I know I'm done with it but like like I'm looking I'm I'm genuinely looking forward to what gets put out yeah and I'm sticking with it and I want to see what they do and I'm like I'm locked in yeah I I was really worried about getting like cuz I was noticing I was like damn okay um 50 hours in and I'm already kind of like 34 35 I was like I was kind of worried about hitting 50 a little too soon and then like that point it's like okay like now what do you kind of do um but like I said the grind slows down so you know you're forced to play a little bit more and you know monkey see little XP number bar go up I love that uh uhuh yep and I love how like the skill points are used I love again technology points are really cool just how like for me survival games I always get I I I always get harped on like the base building and the crafting I always get kind of lost in that kind of spot dude power has introduced one of the greatest mechanics I think to survival games I have ever the best quality of life mechanic I've seen in a survival game since survival games have have have been thought of yeah and and shroud didn't have this yesterday and it was infuriating um so in survival games with crafting normally you have to like pick up your ore and then take it to the smelting thing and then place your ore from your inventory to the thing pow said nah if it's in your chest in your little blue circle of your pal base uh guess what we'll pull it from that which is just like just like that little quality of change it doesn't sound like much it's huge and it just makes the game the crafting just a little bit more seamless so much better yeah it I better see that in every every single Survival game going forward because if I don't I'm gonna be like o didn't do that it's almost like the Apex pink system when I had first saw like the Apex pink system and I was like okay every FPS just needs to have this now and guess what every FPS has that now yep that's right and it's like [ __ ] yeah that's what I want to see yeah I better see that [ __ ] all the time I agree like this episode of the GG over easy podcast is sponsored by betterhelp around New Year's we get obsessed with how to change ourselves instead of expanding on what we are already doing right we immediately look at the negatives and how we can change that therapy helps you find your strengths so you can ditch the extreme resolutions and make changes that really do stick my time with better help they are nothing but professional they listen to me they help me learn some things about myself that I never even knew and learned a bunch of ways that I can learn how to cope and work through my mental health better help is entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief questionnaire and get match with a licensed therapist and switch therapist anytime for no additional charge celebrate the progress you've already made this year visit today to get 10% off your first month that's betterhelp H slgg thank you betterhelp for sponsoring this episode of the GG over easy podcast taking on a New Year's resolution is tough especially if you have a thing like quitting soda or just hydrating more that's where liquid IV can help you reach your goal of hydration liquid IV is a convenience mixing powder and it's pre-measured packet that fits into a glass of water a lot of people may be like E I don't like to drink water because it tastes like nothing Well liquid IV helps it taste delicious ranging from flavors from white peach green grape and lemon lime the flavors are all delicious personally my favorite is the white peach it's easy just pour a glass of water put in the liquid IV and all of a sudden your water is so delicious it has three time the electrolytes of a leading sports drink there's no artificial sweeteners and sugar eight vitamins and nutrients for everyday wellness and non GMO rehydrate yourself for the new year grab your liquid IV hydration multiplier sugar-free and bulk nationwide at Costco or get 20% off your first order when you go to liquid and using the code GG at checkout that's 20% off your first order when you shop better hydration today using promo code GG liquid and that's why I think like power world does Survival Games better than other survival games and I don't I don't know if it does cuz and this is like again a server issue and type of thing and I feel like as the game goes on later I rarely see Pals I think that's another gripe I have with the game yeah you kind of have to sit in one area um like when I first started um you know I found a lot of or like a lot of lues like I was Finding lies but now I feel like and for for those wondering lucky is kind of their interpretation of a shiny if you will um but it's not colored any different it's just bigger and has like a a stat boost um essentially but can also still have bad uh bad stats which is also like another deep layered kind of thinging that you can like breed these Pals and these Pals have like different sorts of um like stats or like different Boo or negative Boo or I forget what the word I'm looking for there is um it's negativ cons uh debuffs yeah debuff is what I'm looking for yeah it just has like some are really good and then some are really bad so it's like oh my God I cut this lucky van Worm but it has brittle um and then that's like another layer to the breeding in this game where it's like okay if I want to make the perfect pal I'm going to go catch a direwolf that has uh Swift so it runs faster when I mount it and ferocious okay I have these two let me breed it and hopefully I make a direwolf there is literally like something for everyone and it's just really fun and really cool and if you've been waiting to play it please play it like it it is a genuine fun game um I will ask you this blue are you having more fun with this than you did with rcus um I will say I think this game scratches an itch that I've been waiting for from Pokemon but I can't say it's like I can't say it's like as good of a game as like the core gameplay of like RCS and Scarlet Violet for me but that's like the pro and con of like playing this right like because like this is a fully completed game like yeah the server issues are really bad but like probably never anticipated having three two to three million people playing yeah but like I'm playing with my friends we're having a good time on a server and it's working H versus like like with with scarlet and rcus like I'm like the game's already near unplayable just playing the game because I mean the game is like not optimized even remotely so it's like um like this game performs well the server issues strug for sure but like this game performs really well and I don't think it's quite as good as of a core game as those games but like it brings so many new ideas and a combat style that isn't like a turn-based that I've been waiting for from a Pokemon game that I kind of got like a nice remix on in Rus and we kind of went back to in Scarlet Violet which you know got a little boring but yeah you know this is it's just this game brings a lot of new ideas to a game and I think they can coexist in a world that makes that can allow each other to like you know grow and like compete and I would say I would say Rus is still like my preferred game because I feel a lot more close to the mons but like but like in this game like like you know getting to just have Mount like have Saddles and like catch a man and be like oh I could ride this man that I just caught you know what I mean yeah Lura like in Pokemon games I can't do that Pokemon games it's like you got a whistle for this bird but it's like you don't get to ride Pidgeotto you know you get to ride what they tell you to ride yeah exactly you get to ride only the specific thing they tell you to ride and like in this game it's like there's some there's like a connection I have to my pals that I don't have in Pokemon and vice versa like in Pokemon I have a connection to my Pokemon I don't have in this game and you know I love I I like turn based you know games but like I I've been waiting for something that is that is a not turn-based monster catching game that really just like goes all in and this is this is like just scratch and ish I've been waiting for that I knew Pokemon would have never done without this type of game coming out you know what I mean so yeah so maybe Pokemon is like damn all right we should we hear you [ __ ] I got let's make a more ambitious spin-off next time hopefully so let me tell you let me ask you this blue if Pokemon announced something that was like in this kind of vein like obviously take out uh you know the guns and all the stuff that Pokemon obviously would never do but they added some sort of surv like but just think how many people would play it you know what I mean exactly and it's they have to see that now I hope they do because it's obvious that there is a huge huge want and need for for them to be more ambitious with you know the genres of Pokemon that they make cuz you know for a long time it's just been turn based and so that's my biggest like hope is they see wow like people want something that we haven't really done yet like we should like this is our chance to really like make something new that we haven't made before and so I hope they see that like yeah there's obviously a market for people who want like a Pokemon game that's not just turn based I'm one of them and this is why this game has like really really grabbed me so much so yeah um for me like if I was to rate this game out of a 10 first of all this game will be up for Game of the Year like for sure um will it win it I don't know I'd have to see what's coming out this year type of thing um but like I think this has to be already one of the games of the year definitely one of like the most community like kind of games where you play with your buds and just have fun type of game um there is a a little Lull in the crafting part where you kind of come into coal and stuff like that and where coal is kind of you know a good material for like five levels and then all a sudden you don't use it anymore so I do feel like there is some sort of parts in the crafting and the progression that they kind of got lost in the middle of but everything else excuses that um and then like I said too server issu [Music] um you know I never thought I'm sure the the devs never thought that the game would get this big so hopefully hopefully we get some sort of uh server updates or server quality of life changes um but God damn it man I love this game probably give it like a like a 8.8 to n out of 10 honestly probably somewhere around there it's just a it's just a great game like it's genuinely just a really good game and it really had no right being as good as it is but here we are yeah and like going into like the stream last Friday like if you like listen to last week's podcast you know we're like I was expecting you know almost like a lethal company Among Us type of thing where it's like we have fun for like a little bit here and gone yeah but not like [ __ ] bro we have 10 people on the server and we can't like ex seed it and it's like everybody wants to play like yeah exactly yeah I I can't remember the last time all the homies like wanted to like play something yeah we're just in it I can't remember last time we were I'm telling you I'm I'm going to shower and then I'm streaming this like it's like my plans for today my plan for today is uh finish this podcast uh you know probably export this and send it out and then take a shower poop um and then play Power until I go to the gym later tonight cuz I already woke up so late I couldn't go to the gym this morning cuz I've been playing way too much power world yeah and you like I think you're the highest level on our server right I don't think Bryce has caught you I'm oh no I'm coming up on 43 baby damn also I think okay we're GNA say okay before we end this we'll say our least favorite piles and our favorite Pals okay okay this is easy yeah and and I and I like and this whole time in the editing I'm going to be putting up the pals that we've talked about so people don't have to go and look them up and [ __ ] they're just going to be like in the Pokemon P pod we had years ago we got we got you we got you guys Watchers um my favorite pile design is that Dragon you caught uh I don't know what his name is and I forgot but it looks like a oh Aon aagon dude that thing is [ __ ] sick like that was like one of like the first Pals that I saw and I was like yeah he's and then this is another thing I love that power will do and I don't know why the Pokemon company is so afraid of it I love that the scale of these pals are [ __ ] massive compared to me you know what I mean it's so different when you see Groudon when you're playing like whatever on your 3DS or whatever and you see Rayquaza okay and Rayquaza you know looks a little bigger than the Sprite form and stuff but he's not like ginormous you know what I mean like how cool would it be to catch or like C Rayquaza and he's taking up 80% of your screen type of thing like that's what I love the one of the most the true to scale the true to scale is definitely one of the best parts of the game because they're unafraid to to it to um to slight detriment sometimes because like some of my Palace I can't put on the base but also that's kind of like you know kind of the charm of like hey like some of these dudes are legendary beasts maybe they're not like maybe they're not type mods you just have farming you know what I mean like so yeah the scale is one of the biggest things that they kind of they kind of started getting you know a little closer to in Rus and Scarlet Violet but they definitely weren't like I think in Scarlet they they're they're pretty much there but like this game is Just unafraid to just let it all be just just comically large if need be so uh who's your favorite pal uh well I could tell you my least favorite okay who your least favorite my least favorite is definitely that stupid ver Dash it's literally just a grass Cinder rase clone and it's not even close like it's not even there's no there is no debate to be had that thing is a straight up Cinder Ras ripoff clone and it looks stupid I already hated Cinder design so I hate this thing uh that was easy easy L um my favorite is probably between um it's tough because I I think my favorite uh I have two favorites I'm gonna be honest with you okay my two favorites are ragnok I love ragn Hawk like I said if ragn Hawk was in the game was in Pokemon it would be one of my favorite Pokemon um he's just so sick he's just this big fiery bird you know like when I see ragn hawkk I'm like it's like that Meme like we have ragn Hawk at home and then ragna Hawk at home is like Talon flame like ragna Hawk is so sick the one at home is Talon Flame the one at home is Talon Flame the Pokemon like and yeah ragnok is just amazing um and I have i at first when I saw jet dragon that was one of those like promotional mons or promotional pal I was like ah this game's going to be just a ripoff isn't it but like I've come to like really see jet track and be like dude like he's I uh he's honestly cooler than Inspirations he's honestly Cooler Than The Inspirations he's like it's like homelander he's like I'm the upgrade you know like yeah like like I love lidios and I love salamance and you mix them together to make like this Tech you know dragon and like I've really come to be like damn I think I like jet dragon more than those two like it's and and and Jet dragon's like one of those remixes that is like just unique enough that you can't really say is a ripoff yeah and that's how a lot of these you know things go because like a lot of them like oh it's a Pokemon rol and it's like how many variants of a sheep can you make like yeah like it's a sheep pal what do you want them to not like like oh it's a cat pal like how many different variations of a cat do you want them to make like some stuff like vdash is obvious but like other stuff is like dude like it's supposed to be a sheep like it's it's gonna look like a sheep you know what I mean so yeah um I think my least favorite pile I actually caught a lucky version of this of course I did uh the too Toco I think they're called the little running exploding Birds Canon at don't get me wrong Canon at home yeah basically like I like the design it's you know kind of an Aztec looking rooster if you will tan type of thing uh but the pal is [ __ ] useless man it just runs at you and explodes it just does self-destruct and I caught one I was like oh cool I'll just put like the lucky one on my base it has like harvesting to or something whatever and I put it in there and I get raided bro I literally watch this dude just run and like the Ser is so laggy when it explodes it basically just explodes by itself and then now it's incapacitated major injury depressed and like and now it's dead and it didn't even like hurt anybody in the raid other thanat [ __ ] that bird is dumb I hate that [ __ ] thing so I don't more so hate it for the design or anything thing I more so just hate it because of what it is oh that's so [ __ ] funny man but if I also did have another favorite pal uh Cognito uh the design behind Cognito hard hard like it's like a plague doctor uh type of thing and they keep like a hat on them too fire love that yeah they they cooked they cooked hard with I also really like Robin quill like Robin quill is a really cool pal um now see that's where I'm like okay now this is ripoff okay see like I'm not a PO man guy who's Gad uh it's pretty hard rip off of GAD if you look up Gad G G right it's like it has like two forms right a dress form and then like a oh no no no no no not Gad um the robin quill is a pretty hard rip off deui that's my bad oh the owl the owl right y very blatant uh we'll say inspiration but it's like let's oh I do love war sect too War sect is really oh my God yeah War sect is Great War sect is one of those that's just like it's just it's wor Act is him I like hell ZR too hell ZR is really cool um one of the ones I do hate cuzz it's a blat and ripoff is a nubis you know he's just like Egyptian Lucario pretty much anub is Anubis is perhaps the most blatant in the game he's just it's just hey guys I'm not Lucario and it's like come on man you think that one's worse than the cinderace or whatever one they're Pro pretty bad they're both pretty bad like I I do think I don't know they're both really bad I I I think Anubis is probably the most like onet to one and if there's a man that they could get sued for it it would be a nubis full stop that in my opinion I think that's I think that's one of those that's like yep if y'all get sued it's because of Anubis like yeah uh what would you give your rating on the game before we wrap up uh while we wrap up on power world I Gotta Give like I genuinely like I'm this this is taking away from Final Fantasy which is saying a lot you know which is saying a lot yeah 100% uh this is a genuine this is a genuine eight out of 10 game for me like it's genuinely it's a genuinely you don't hand out eight out of 10 no like this is dare I say eight and a half like it's it's a really genuinely good game the you know a lot of the Ripoff parts of the game definitely take Parts away from it and like this the lag in multiplayer is definitely like a big reason why I can't rate it higher but like the survival quality of life like a lot of these mod like going into battle with your Mons and fighting other big boys is so sick going on raiding parties with your buds and just going and catching a bunch of big raid bosses you wouldn't be able to do on your own is so special and so so cool in a way that I haven't been able to feel from Pokemon but I've been wanting to feel [Music] and yeah I mean it's if I I think um I think if they just stuck with making their own cool designs this would [Music] been an even better game because I think the worst designs are the ones that they took you know a lot of you know they B RI off yeah I I think those are the worst designs and like the best designs are the ones that I know obviously don't exist in Pokemon you know what I mean so yeah uh I this is this is a solid a eight and a half for me like it's a genuinely good game that's awesome um what about you Rob what are you WR in this uh like nine like a easy nine if if server capabilities were better and it wasn't like server dropping frames and like you said if there was more OC cuz I think the OC in the game is way better than those little ripoffs CU then you also wouldn't have that discourse you know like with oh this game is really good cuz it rips off Pokemon where in like reality it's like okay you I don't think you've played the game then cuz I think anybody that has that kind of idea like oh oh power world's only successful cuz it ripped off Pokemon it's like obviously haven't played the game then yeah you obviously haven't because there's so much love and care put into this game cuz I'm not the biggest Pokemon fan I'm not but I continuously want to keep coming back because of the level progression the base progression the pal progression ju everything the crafting progression it's just fun like there's something about putting on a Gatling gun on your jet logo that just you can't beat like it and it doesn't take itself too seriously it's just a great game I Love It Go play it it's a it's a genuinely really good game and if you we're on the fence about playing it because it's like a straight ripoff if there's ripping if there's anything ripped off it's maybe like 5% of the game that is like and and yeah they they are big sore spots but like most of this game is yeah is a lovech child of Ark and Pokemon in its own way and it does a lot of things to elevate itself from other survival games so it's I I would ID give it a shot if you like survival games and you like games like Arc but you hated how Jank Arc was definitely give this a try if you like Pokemon but wish Pokemon was like in a different setting and wasn't just an RPG game you know a turn-based you know oftentimes slow game and you want something that's a little more dynamic in combat then this is you know definitely give it a shot it's genuinely worth trying it's free on Game Pass so and if you don't like it hey that's what game pass is for and if you're on Steam well you got two hours to refund it so yeah uh honorable mention for my favorite pile uh cuz I don't know their names cuz we went to there once and we ran away cuz we're they were killing us the Paladin Bros or whatever I don't know what their names are they're sick looking pal pal pal pal whatever and then like that necro dude pal I'mma [ __ ] you up that's what his name was cuz they were pretty cool those those two are definitely more Digimon inspired yeah and that's what I also like like the game is challenging you know like the game is challenging and I like raiding with my friends like and you know when we were going from boss to boss and getting all those like catches and stuff like that I wasn't even salty that I didn't get a cat cuz I was happy that my boys got a CCH yeah we were just like we're like 10 levels under these like big ass mods that would kill us one V one but like we're in like a we're in like a eight player rating party like we're gonna catch you dude like maybe we can't do it on our own but there's eight of us level 35 to 40 and you're level 50 we're gonna catch you big guy like and what I really like too is like you have like a six it shows you like the percentages of what like your catch rate would be which I really like too cuz when you catch something you're like oh my God that was a 2% chance it makes the catch like even that much more hype and exciting and fun and memorable um which I think like I kind of you lose out on Pokemon um cuz man this game has like so many memorable moments for me already um switching on over uh to some tougher news um something we've been covering a lot on the podcast lately uh there have been more gaming layoffs uh in the gaming industry unfortunately for um Microsoft laid off more than 19900 Activision Blizzard and Xbox employees um blizzard president Mike yabara has also decided to leave and blizzard Survival game has been cancelled which uh was really big news uh that Christian uh was very uh upset about um one of their um there's an article written yesterday that said lzard today canceled their survival game Odyssey and laid off almost its entire team it was in developed for more than 6 years and by all accounts very fun but was still years away from release why because of sinaps the engine behind the game uh so it seems a lot of things are on fire over at blizzard and Activision Microsoft in the gaming division at least um and unfortunately this is going to kind of tie into what we talked about yesterday or last podcast with the Ubisoft um CE talking about streaming games and renting games if you will uh I believe Xbox laid off their entire physical Department of games God man um which versus really brought up a good point yesterday that like that really worries him because like you know do we really like and we talked about this but really like do we really own our games like if you go to like a library that's where books are stored and stuff like that that's what he kind of said and it's like where are games stored if we don't own it you know what I mean like is it just like do we physically own it if it's it's just a very interesting weird time IMO it's tough CU like like these are some of the most like profitable years we've ever had in gaming and the workers who who make it up are continually treated like [ __ ] Y and treated as a bottom line and it's like Microsoft just bought Activision Blizzard for in a multi-billion dollar deal and not even a couple months later is like oh layoffs and it's like why like why why are we having layoffs when we're having the most profitable years for these companies and like Al like it's it's really simple like the bottom line of how much money they make is a is a lot more important than than anything else to them and it's really disappointing and it just sucks and it just it just sucks ass like there's really no way around it and it's it's like I hope there's like a fever pitch moment where the devs are like you know these CEOs are forced to realize wow we don't have these companies without the people who make these games like you don't have like these like what the [ __ ] are these CEOs doing they're doing [ __ ] all and and it's it's just it's just frustrating and there's like from the outside looking in like what do I do you know what I mean because it's like you want to say hey like I'm not cool with this but then you also have these workers saying like hey like you know don't necessarily boycott because like I would like to have this job like I want to have I want a place to work yeah and it's just it's just tough it's just the the the culture of CEOs being the most important thing in the world and investors being the most important thing in the world when it's like okay well what are you investing in the work of people and I don't know it's just like a greater problem of how we don't see the invisible people who do all the work yeah as contributors to things and it's it's just frustrating it just sucks and and honestly like disgraceful of these companies but I mean these companies don't have any shame so the issue that I think Activision Blizzard have run into in gaming lately is like they don't make fun games you know like and they blame it on their employees for not making fun games when in reality it it trickles down like you guys all the CEO and the investors care about is squeezing every last dime they can out of us Gamers like yeah and like the pitch is wow this is really trendy let's make something cool out of it and then like the games get really bogged down by like these incredibly like invasive transactions that like become a core part of the game and like you know because of like contracts and [ __ ] like the devs can't do anything it's more so like hey we have to have this in the game because we signed contracts uh we have to like have these microtransactions in the game uh and you're gonna have to deal with it yeah see like like they don't want to make a fun game like power world you know what I mean like they don't they don't think of hey let's just make a game that's fun to play like they always start with okay what can we make that we can shove microtransactions and all that that kind of stuff into and skin collabs and all that sort of stuff like fortnite do when in reality fortnite built itself off from being a great game into like what it is now obviously but I feel like those kind of CEOs and investors don't really think about you know games like power world where you know it's just fun and that's why people are buying it and people aren't buying it because oh now I'm ref finding uh refined ingots um oh I bought $20 worth of these crystals so now I don't need my pals to do it you know what I mean like and I feel like that's what Activision and blizzard and all these other gameer all these other game companies would do I mean even Riot I think had some layoffs uh this week as well um you know it's a tough time for the industry but I think it all starts from the CEOs and the investors not knowing what Gamers want you know they they have no idea and that's why I'm verying yeah they don't care you know like they you know like they don't really see consumers as consumers they just see it as like okay how do we make money off of these consumers and it really just like eventually becomes okay how do we open their wallets as simple as I could put it like that's it's just I it's it's tough time it's tough time when you have one of the fastest growing Industries you know one of the biggest entertainment sectors just being like eternal eternally ungrateful to the people who have made that sector as big as it was like it wasn't it wasn't the the big investors that made it huge it was the people who were making the games that really yeah who had a passion for games and like a passion for game development and a passion for people just having fun playing their game you know instead now it's very predatory ideas of how squeeze every money out of out of these Gamers people are scared of AI like uh like games being completely made like it's already happening and it's been happening it's called random ass CEO Joe no buies who were like man like we should like put all these games together and make like this stupid ass game and then you have like ubisoft's like past like eight games you can't tell me that Ubisoft past eight games aren't the equivalent of what like an AI bot would pitch you know what I mean so we're already getting like these soulless how much you know what's the profit margin these games can make if we make it you know it's if you know if you're scared of like AI changing the game it's like it's really not g to as much as I don't want AI to be a thing it's you know the experience we get from the CEOs like doing pitches doing like you know like the board of directors being like hey like look at these cool games that we could make that can make money trickling down to the design leads being like okay we're going to make this because uh this is a good idea that will make money how do I design this game to be maximum profit you know like it's already happening we already basically have ai Bots and positions of power doing this [ __ ] so it's it's going to be more the same just more often and it sucks it sucks but then like you know every once in a while you have like games that really like change the way we see you know what games can be and sometimes that's what it takes to get these stupid idiots at the top to see that games are more than just big buck generators that they're the reason they make all this money is because people fall in love with with with the way this game makes people feel so goofy um real quick before we switch on over to Q&A uh a game uh that has been I don't know God damn I feel like this was uh a game announ before Co like way before co uh ubisoft's Skull and Bones I actually got an email yesterday uh get to open Beta uh no hey I got a code for mine yesterday yeah that game's not real that that's an AI game uh so uh Skull and Bones will have an open beta and it'll run from February 8th to 11th and I will be there no matter what I will be there for that car crash I will be there for that car crash that car believe it I have to be there for that car crash cuz I know Mr fruit will be there for that car crash I don't believe it man I just don't believe it I hope it's good but I it's not gonna be it's not going to be it's going to be a [ __ ] show it's going to be like one of those day tomorrow games or whatever I forgot what it was called uh got a good amount of Q&A anything else you want to touch on Blue that's it let's get to this Q&A uh hyper lethal says favorite Assassin's Creed game Assassin's Creed 3 where it's like the Civil War one uh I think my favorite is definitely Assassin's Creed Brotherhood see that that's the one I never played that came after like three right or did it that came after two uh in before three and it was it was I think it was like a big Improvement on two in every way for me personally so I did love too as well like when you could build like uh your little town or whatever with upgrades and stuff and they and they really expanded on that in Brotherhood so I um sick trailer too for yeah no Brotherhood I think brotherhood's definitely my favorite um just flash says earbuds or headphones outside of gaming uh that you like for music um I mean I have these like for when I'm like flying and stuff uh the oh I just ripped out my headphones give me a sec second this is why my chair sucks uh I have these Sony uh w000 xm5 or something I think they're just called the Sony xm5 if you're ever like looking for a technical name but uh these I still have the box over there for some reason I just don't carry these like that I just have the box next to me um I've definitely graduated to uh earbuds for every um I forgot um I forgot which ones I have right now hold on I will say raycon did s some earbuds and those were great for the price you can't beat it for real um they have sponsored the podcast before shout out to rayon um let me look it up real quick don't hey bear with me bear with me bear with me okay so I've actually graduated and I love these uh it's the VR P10 sound core gaming earbuds they are low latency um they are meta officially branded because they uh they're the official I guess um ear like ear earbuds for The Meta quest uh their VR thing um I love these things I I really want more low latency earbuds not Bluetooth stop with Bluetooth [ __ ] um and in gaming oriented earbuds um so you're wired those are wired earbuds no they're Wireless oh okay so I've graduated to wireless earbuds because I like headphones are just so heavy and true that's why I got Zen heisers they're not as and they're just they're just they're just so heavy they're just so big they're just so bulky and I just want something that I can like pull in and out if I need to go do something I want to be able to go to the bathroom and hear my homies while I'm pissing like you know and and in a compact lightweight thing and so yeah I've I've I I use earbuds for everything now what I really want that we don't really have it's only Apple doing and we need more of them is the earphones the true earphones that like don't go into your ear we're talking like airpods you know what I mean that lay in your ear but like they don't have you know like the the the guards going into your ear cuz those are so comfortable and I can wear them all the time yeah and we don't have enough of those we don't have enough of those of those earphones true earphones and I would kill for gaming earphones airpod style that you know like that are low latency and just work and yeah I we need more we need more ear earphones dude get on it please I beg that being said I do love my earbuds so far so uh unknown source says do you have any TV show hot takes I'll start off with Mine by saying I don't get the praise for Breaking Bad I watched it through the entire series and it was pretty boring until the last few seasons and the expectation of the couple episodes here and there TV show hot takes okay I have one um Love on the Spectrum on Netflix is the best dating show I have ever seen ever if you have not watched love on the Spectrum on Netflix and you are like into like love shows and like dating shows and all that there is no better show that does that Better Than Love on the Spectrum it is it is the the the best most wholesome most amazing show ever I'll give a little synopsis on it it basically follows people that are on the autism spectrum and how they go through relationships and go through dating and go through trying to find a partner um that may or may not also be on the Spectrum um and it is genuinely one of the most wholesome amazing shows that just makes you feel like a good like just good it makes you feel good and gives you hope and stuff uh so I would say that that's the one I could think of the fastest well it's it's come that time of the month where someone asks what's your hot take regarding entertainment yeah and my answer is always the same the legend of Kora is better than Avatar the last air bender now look season two yeah we don't got to talk about season two but let's not pretend avatar The Last Airbender had good pacing the first couple Seasons I see you guys speaking of Last Airbender bro you see that Netflix trailer TV yes the the bending looks really good it looks sick I'm I'm still I'm I'm still hurt eternally by the liveaction Avatar so I'm like you know very like tempered yeah but I hope it's good and I hope Netflix doesn't [ __ ] this up I a little worried cuz the uh you know team Avatar the you know the people who make yeah the shows and the comics they were like they kind of were like I don't kind of Dipping out uh pretty early on so I'm a little worried but it looks good like it looks good so far so might mean we get a if this goes well might mean we get a live action Kora you never know doubt that people are people have really railed it in that they hate K even though K is better than Avatar last Bender but we'll see how it goes uh Cara says uh with House of the Dragons season 2 coming out this summer Mega hype who is y'all's favorite character from the first season that's a good question um for those that don't know House of the Dragons is a prequel uh not I mean it's a prequel in the Game of Thrones World um to uh just kind of how the Targaryen family this just follows them um uh God uh I don't know his name but the guy who lost a eye and rides the very big dragon he seems like a little [ __ ] but like a yeah to [ __ ] but's dick dick yeah like I love him my favorite is probably Damon Targaryen he's just he's just so likable yeah he's just so like and un a man unfortunately yeah he's also a piece of [ __ ] everyone in that show's a piece of [ __ ] like if you're watching that show to the in breeding the in breeding he's charismatic but I mean like if you like someone in the show like you're going to be like yeah I like them but yes they are not a good not a good person so yeah uh Lumber Lord says instantly become oh would you rather instantly become an expert at a single instrument of your choice or instantly be able to speak a language of your choice okay hold up run that back one more time what was the first what was the first half instantly become an expert at a single instrument of your choice or instantly be able to speak a language of your choice that's really hard actually cuz I I would love to speak Spanish obviously fluently um unfortunately I have fallen off my dual lingo [ __ ] I was doing it for about a week and then I fell off cuz I'm so bad at Spanish I'm so stupid uh um probably language probably being able to speak Spanish instant I would love to learn how to play a piano and be able to play the piano but I think I would rather learn how to speak Spanish uh I I think I would say language I can already speak Spanish but I I can't like speak it fluently and I would love to be able to just on site yeah interesting I would love to be able to like I think with time and effort you know I would be able to do it but like to take all the effort out of it and just do it that sounds nice um house onic says would you rather have it rain for a month straight or snow for a month straight rain yeah probably rain because then it's not cold sure I might have [ __ ] snow is not fun man yeah like I don't yeah I've had had to deal with some flooding before down here um but it wasn't too bad but yeah just snow sucks I hate snow Mark re says favorite Power World design I think we've already kind of touched on that uh M says Hey guys hope you guys are both doing well and life is sweet for both of you aul are you HED for Genesis 10 and will you be watching even though Steve is not banned for this major really they didn't ban him no the Steve band are still like early yeah it's still not everyone's doing it and most are still aren't doing it so it's just still you know the the the the ball is rolling but you know people are still um not quite ready to do like ban him outright so which I understand but um um yes I'm definitely going to be watching um I'm really excited uh you know if it turns into Steve clone then I'll do what I always do and I just kind of tune out slowly so you'll you'll uh you'll have power world on one monitor and Steve Mir and the other y that's right that's the plan uh stren ask are there any changes or additions you'd like to see in power world for a future update um we'll just choose one quickly um I think they've already talked pathing and Ai and stuff like that but I saw this I saw this idea you know how that tree in the middle of like yes I saw that like yeah like the expansions would be like a new like on the top right different quadrant yeah I think that' be sick I think that would be really cool that would actually make me bust a sloppy ass load uh sorry for my language but yeah that [ __ ] would make me burst yeah that [ __ ] would be sick um yeah as far as additions Go I mean I would just like fix this to the current game uh yeah AI pathing is the biggest thing uh better like stability when it comes to like online multiplayer because I think with Co-op it's actually really it's actually really solid but yeah like online it's it's it's it's a tough world out there so those are my two biggest things is online stability and and AI pathing I think are the two things that need to get fixed early for me um slippy fist uh says who is better animal Avatar animal guide Opa or Naga and which would you rather have which one is Naga is that the little flying dude um that's the um that's the [ __ ] monkey uh [ __ ] oh my God no Naga is the is the polar bear dog I don't know what that is let me see uh oh I want that that thing is I mean but like a Flying Bison is kind of [ __ ] sick too like flying is always kind of op I I mean I think it's like pros and cons like as far as animal yeah I want Naga if I'm trying to like ac130 flying B bison baby like easy yeah I'm probably just going to go with Opa just cuz flying is a little op but I do love the design of this little polar bear dog thing um last question here from Pete says hello guys what do you think are the chances of Nintendo taking down power world with their recent statement saying they are looking into it um I mean the chances of that dude who made whoever made the mod that was like oh yeah he's going down quick yeah that guy is going down so fast it doesn't even matter if you took it down it was up for however long it was and you're [ __ ] um I figured someone would try and do that and would get the books thrown at them just so Pokemon made sure no one would do it again um but like logistically like Pokemon maybe like has a case with like three Pals three or five that like genuinely I think would you know have some sort of intellectual property type of thing uh behind him but I think it's very low because if Pokemon did that it would just give power world even that much more publicity and show that power is getting to Pokemon uh so I think it would probably be out of the best interest of Pokemon to just you know let that stuff kind of slide um I I think they don't really have the best case some mons definitely they have are are very much like okay like these these are definitely like suit worthy mons but for the most part like most of the game is not Pokemon like most of the game is not even remotely a monster catcher like 20% is catching and leveling and that 20% is great like it's amazing it's really fun um but most of the game is survival like most of
Channel: GG over EZ Podcast
Views: 11,413
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Id: yv0dP46ZWIQ
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Length: 80min 16sec (4816 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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