Palworld is an absolute MASTERPIECE | Co-op

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so pal world just came out and in this video me and my friends are going to be trying it out in case you haven't heard palor is a new Sandbox Survival game in which you can build hunt enslave craft and so much more our goal in this video is to just have fun and explore whatever this game has to offer if you enjoy watching this video make sure to subscribe because my goal for 2024 is to hit a million subs and that's a really Hefty goal which is why every sub counts and yeah that's it for me without further Ado let's get right into the video I have mying Clips enabled dude oh we can choose where we spawn hold on I haven't even made my character yet let's go let's go Windswept Hills hold on let me make my character wait a second I'm in I'm in I'm in oh guys I just unlocked fast travel I got one point Y you shut up need to get the pals ah go failure let's go let's go get some Pals North Carolina smash don't do that you color my what's up my f you see that backflip though what do you mean I have to eat your hair all might I don't know any more de cro I haven't unlocked my Quirk yet these bullets are hurting me shut up why are the police here why are the police here because failure beat up that girl what did I do what did I do I got to get I got to get out of here I got to get out of here top 25 deu quotes for all anime enjoyers when the enemy becomes certain of their victory that would be our chance good job Loy good job you're building Loy let me join you baby there's a boss there's a boss Pokemon I'm about to One V one this house why do I become white if I jump to water I become shut what did we die to what did we die to yes yes yes oh no oh no oh no yo I found Pokemon yo I found get up it's not that rare I know what you're looking at it's called foxk that's a normal Pokemon I found 30 of those no it's shiny I'm going to die I'm going to die his voice your voice is lagging so much Loy I found I found the penguin again I can't move I can't move I can't move I'm way down I'm too heavy I need this guy I need to beat this guy right now no I killed him oh [ __ ] guys guys guys I got my first Pokemon oh guys I got my first Pokemon by the way it's a penguin when activated the player equips a rocket launcher and fires pulet as amunition I if I get a rocket launcher I can use my Pokemon as ammunition and it explodes when it hits enemies these cattiva guys run so cute but I feel I feel bad killing him I see like some uranium over the river or something like that but I I'm scared that's a Paladium fragment like the thing you used to make Poké Balls guys I'm freezing I'm cold you are generally the most annoying person to play games with like it's so insane to me how [ __ ] you are at every single game you play you touch a game and you lit like you've been playing games for years how are you this bad how was this going to help him get it over his girlfriend bro the mamor is sleeping can I capture it nah I don't want to risk it after I beat my ass last time yes I got a t Fant I got an orun get good do you know I have two Pokemon I have one Pokemon yeah guess [ __ ] on idiot I have a shiny one a tant is not a shiny one you just say [ __ ] G why is your character just black why not what what's wrong with black people there me they a be in my house oh [ __ ] are you talking about be in game or you getting stung life in your desk get up oh yeah by the way you can make a parachute and stuff in here yeah beat his ass he froze froze him froze him the following Pals were dropped did you set this to Hard Mode G by the way what do you mean normal mode is that you haven't even played the game I've play you you just spew [ __ ] all my Pokémons are dead except this one oh oh [ __ ] oh oh my God I see be thick thighs I'm home yeah baby building that [ __ ] be what are you working on we can fast travel to this thing and then we can also upgrade our base Max Pal's working at base we can like assign Pals and stuff here I put my pal here right this guy but he's [Laughter] dead dead oh [ __ ] ah he got me craing help me yes yes did you catch it I got it I you got it yes hell yeah let's go but that was supposed to be for slime though let's take this one let's take this one 70 72 yes I got it I got it I got it do you have two of them right now I have two of them now oh who's that guy you see him hey hey who's doing this did you CL dude I'm cooking I'm cooking oh my God all right let me grab a chck pie so I can have him work for us guys guys guys look at the Pokemon I just got give me what what the [ __ ] get upu get up he's sleeping he's sleeping wake up did you did you just take my Poké Balls follow piece of [ __ ] it's a level it's a level 11 Nightwing uh oh that's the thing that I was K that was kicking my ass dude hey again somebody reviv me go fight it fight it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] go me go I'm stealing come on baby come on baby yeah baby yeah yeah I have 10 seconds I see you I see you I see you oh my God I'm going to die there you are God damn it I'm stop shut the up I'm being chased by the police I can't get you there's a [ __ ] police officer with a gun gig you're black don't go over there you lose your life bro bro catch catch it catch it catch it catch it catch it catch it oh my God it's a Pikachu it's a it's a leaf Pikachu godfield Pikachu dude oh it's like a it's like a meow meow mixed with a Pikachu and a Raichu it's like it's a mix of a Pikachu Raichu and meow 74 what no 74% chance 88% chance 99% chance 100 oh yeah abandoned M shaft abandoned M shaft it's an actual banded no don't use fire types there's explosiv there's explosives there's explosives a black marketeer this guy looks weird oh my God he sells Pokemon Bro do they execute Pokemon or something in these like things large dark egg good look at this it's a it's a it's a sun and moon out the wolf the wolf from Sun and Moon the lyan how this one right here yeah I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming you killed it you killed it it died you are so mentally slow you are mentally challenged this this is a bit hard this is like a bit hard but can you follow me I know it's it's it's hard for you down syndrome to follow me but come here so basically what we need to do is get over there the stone area like above it what was the point of climbing we could have just gone around there's a purple there's a purple this is this is an elen ring this is from Elden ring no you took it it's fine working a little slow oh probably a slacker nah he's gotting replaced with another kid get back to the workbench now you're both fired get can you go grab him he'll be he'll be dead by that but that I grab him no you're oh be's made the run you know what don't even worry about it go he's right by the church good good behind you where are you go I'm working on something at home I can't leave yeah I can see him all right right here right here right here intelligent as a 5 to seven ye- old human child it makes a wonderful partner but there have been a few cases where they've killed their Master after learning how to use weapons so if we give this guy a gun he's going to kill us oh my gosh where' you guys do we're watering 150 workload guys come here and help me with this this [ __ ] is going to take 4 minutes can you come over here and help us okay now it's working IDI talking like the Pokemon are like real and going to [ __ ] die and it's going to be a tragedy frog Sparks of attacks are highly effective don't don't pull him to the base P oh my God oh my God it was sh come come to meest come to me come to me he's he's literally just walking in the slowest Pace I've ever seen in my life he's like [ __ ] existing and K losing his [ __ ] he's so adorable look at him look at him mining stone and [ __ ] don't don't don't do it don't do it please no no help I don't jump down not up you're why was that scream so real God that [ __ ] was movie level this oh my God I got the biggest one why is this so big why is it so big you want to go to that little like rock place you see uh over there like the bone one yeah is that a flying stingray look at this thing look at this thing wait why does it say you have unused stat points you upgraded you haven't upgrad your at all okay oh [ __ ] you can upgrade your stats God these stairs look cool this looks cool this place looks sick what's an an inceram what is this thing it's a fiery goat yeah I know it looks cool 74 capture with a great ball let's see if I can capture it 84 93 99 I caught it I caught it baby oh they're fighting the boss they're fighting the boss the oh they're they're doing really good damage you want to let them play it out do you have any Pokéballs yeah actually what's that thing a Tom bad look at this thing look at this thing you see this I slapped him I slapped him with it I think you got it I think you got it I think you got it [ __ ] yeah yeah baby what are my shinies like and you oh my gosh those are high level beu those are very high level beu really oh 19 they're like level 20 beu everything here is like level 17 bro oh that's a l Lau I you I you I you I you I beat you they don't like us here bro they don't like us here what is this do if you get over here sealed realm of spirit this place is enter dungeon would you like to enter dunge we can't do this other crew we can't do this other crew what are you doing God it's a boss it's it's a gavar mixed with like that legendary you know the one that sleeps all the time and this is the the the the the male look at this guy oh oh oh yeah this okay he killed me Loy he killed me Loy please he I don't Loy wait for me I got to grab my stuff Loy I'm here with my thunder go get your stff oh my God the world is shaking Loy my thunder thighs is making theall my thunder thighs I can't fast travel cuz we're in combat right now it's fine I can't I got my stuff I'm almost at my stuff what the [ __ ] are y'all saying good look at this look at this follow me follow me follow me follow me Flame claw Hunter attack he deals zero damage dog come back come back fast travel hey Loy I'm coming to you hey Loy what's up hey I made it back why is the mammoth here cross the yeah the bus takes the damage permanently so we can chip down slowly look oh yeah we can why would he Target the the no look it just got it just got mauled bro guys I got it that didn't work I'm throwing out my shiny go boy no you guys are idiots it's destroying our farm he's destroying the base you [ __ ] idiot holy [ __ ] oh my God he [ __ ] finished me what is this fortnite he downed me and finished me what have you done he just instant killed me come on brother feel good oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] get up get up can he get burned by the fire maybe wait if we can do that let's build fires underneath him and just like walk him over like a trap yeah yeah yeah yeah it's burning it's burning it's burning it's burning we're melting it we're actually melting it with the camp need get the fires out us everybody's everybody's beacons are up wait he's down oh he fell sleep wait what if we build campfires under him while he sleeps I can I can I can I can build campfires under him oh no he one shot me he one shot on build build you guys building all on is so dumb looking okay there we go it's burning it's burning it's burning hopefully this guy knocks him into the fire and we should be good oh well I just died bro cat is beating his ass look at that [ __ ] dear Lord please let me catch this Pokemon and I will never do anything wrong again kill me I'm coming yeah yeah what the hell 19 18 17 more one Z 0 0% yo oh incubator incubator oh look I can I forgot you can use your lamps as a shield it's crying wait what oh it is Cry tears sh down [Music] face thanks G thanks for the clip G good well Pals there's another world we got to get going to oh [ __ ] what happened here whoa wait what oh my what happened raid wait I opened the chest and started a raid raid come on lampel beat thees we just beat the the [ __ ] out of them all I got enough palum fragments for me to make a palar workbench baby almost done with the palar now I can have a flamethrower yeah I can make the foog spark harness and turn my foog spark into a flamethrower egg incubator I can make an egg egg egg incubator right now oh I can put it here this this is this is a really good place to go for to put it here oh my [ __ ] god why is that 3 hours okay I can make another one let me make a go and make another one right now all right I got another EG incubator so 18 hours okay well anyway look at this guy what the hell is that thing what is that thing oh baby I'm red look at this color theory bro color theory color theory we can like force them to work harder we get something called a stand or some [ __ ] and we can make them work like brutal amount stand from JoJo oh no oh this guy like breaks my stone with me do you want to help me these here you go you let him help you what the it's so [ __ ] scary why are our Pokemons just sleeping down here but I made them beds this is the [ __ ] afterlife this guy just told me about how he died in the real world by getting hit by a truck and then he woke up here you stupid ass Fox spark you almost killed it you almost killed it dude D I just wished a Pokéball on you you piece of [ __ ] let's see if I can capture this level 13 mpka oh my God if how if I don't capture it's going to die it's burning 39% capture eight I think I got it I got it oh is that a boss low key I'm going to go for that sh that sh looks fire beat his ass in him guys is there anybody near me my Pokemon I got him there's no fire Pokemon here probably because you're a [ __ ] oh my my bad I [Music] why would you you good you want to do you want to try again do you want to take that one back why would you talk why would you say like that oh there's a pen King around me that's a boss where you at beat his beat his ass uh oh well that sucks okay you know what I I was not I'm not built for this I'm not built for that I'm not build leave leave dungeon hey slime I'm coming next to you hey slime you're what I'm I'm right behind you let me help you with the I don't think you're behind me look above I'm gliding nobody touches my Pooky at my I just killed one what the are you doing dude you little freak what's happening over there what the [ __ ] there's a cave here you want to go in the cave I'm I'm still trying to just like find anything good no they're going to kill my penguin what is that thing that's kind he's [ __ ] literally ink you can find so many pokeballs just by exploring I think I think you mean pal am I right I hope you both wake up with skin cancer damn submachine gun oh my God I'm unlocking that you can turn a LIF monk into a submachine gun using ingots and wood it's a shiny Vixie no it's a boss Vixie bro I am beating the [ __ ] out of this Vixie capture I can capture this mini boss 30% 50% chance I caught it same here no I she just did the exact same thing you did at like the exact same time rubies and uh skill fruits you see this slime I don't give a [ __ ] get your ugly ass rat damn little pet shop looking bobblehead ass thing away from me the thgs will just fight each other for some reason cuz they doging it oh my God what the hell holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] bro this guy's cooking eggs he's cooking all our eggs for us he cooking up he's the 200 eggs look at this [ __ ] he helps me build [ __ ] he helps me craft [ __ ] he breaks down all the trees and rocks he kill randomly goes around killing enemies and then he also Cooks Satan is actually my best roomate my roommate Satan be you his original series look at this little fat ass thing he's dead right now so just don't [ __ ] mind him but let me roll it off this this guy is so cute look at this guys I killed it God damn it bro what the hell is this thing what the hell is this thing a beard okay there's a chest behind it that I can sneak up and grab oh I fell asleep let's go let's go a a catus it's a cat actress oh my God this guy this I already know this this one's going to get AR made this this one's going to be the gavar of this game how many have you caught 20 21 no I've got the same amount as you see sorry what what the [ __ ] is with you equally matching me and then calling me worse what the [ __ ] dude what the some [ __ ] off I'm slowly walking back with my my thunder th where's your stuff get the failure this is my stuff other players are currently inside oh I guess I guess only two I guess only two people can go in at once 42,000 Health all right I'm going again all right all right see it's like an eldering type Cuts scene bro they're electrocuting my boy use the power of friendship power of friendship not my we might honestly just be able to let our Pokemon do the work I I got knocked oh what what what I'll pick you up I'll pick you up okay okay I'm I'm I'm oh okay well what the hell was that hey guys look at this what the is that if I catch one of these fat ass cows I'm going to be so happy please look behind you oh [ __ ] why is this so big my Pelt armor there we go new armor baby oh my God I look like a viking where is it that okay okay so once once one of us reaches level 15 we can get something called a monitoring stand we can force them to be like extreme slaves then I have 119 eggs God damn the flamethrower is so good oh my God don't kill me don't kill me please oh my God no I'm so far away I got knocked heyy look what dude it's a legend oh no it's a shiny luy come up here I don't have anything to catch it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God it killed my Pokemon all right I'm running away you got this yeah baby I got it [ __ ] yeah I got it damn you just beat their asses freeze him freeze him freeze him freeze him he's a fire Ty freeze him freeze oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] capture cap hold on I think you got him yeah baby I'm sorry I'm sorry no you're chill you're chill Loy what come back it's the evolution of the the the the thing the plant thing oh [ __ ] it's huge shiny beam he just blast him oh everything froze crash uh oh let me check [ __ ] it did oh Buie bro this guy looks cool be you be you look at this look at this you ready it's cute I like it it's just a little it's just a little thing so cute you see what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh it's going for the mammoth the mammoth's going to come and attack us all right I'm I'm going get to work on my [ __ ] why am I dead why are you dead at the base I can't revive you oh his ass guys we got this help help help you guys are just going to leave it yes being harassed by these Pokemon no they're actually doing really good they're doing really good yeah yeah I want to try to catch him I want to try to catch him relaa relaxasaurus relax that was a bad move what Rex holy [ __ ] I got the 14% you got it failure why aren't they attacking he's cool he is really cool he actually looks really cool there you are elk eek eek eek hey hey loia I'm dying why I was F this deer all right now I got to get back to base is that elephant stilling terrorizing the village no no no we're good what the I was trying to yawn see what faster three two one yeah you're faster okay I can't fit through this Loy I'm right behind you loy oh [ __ ] damn I feel I am just melting through everything what is this thing what is this thing a shill it it's a boss I already caught that get your ass over here redeem spine Vine get spine Vin uh Loy I might die okay 64 I already caught one he's pretty good all right all right I got him I got him it killed my deer though no I got to walk like a peasant yes yes yes you you good you guys need to see this holy [ __ ] I am the luckiest man on this goddamn Planet here's here's the shiny what the hell there's the shiny here's the other thing I caught no way he caught The Heavy no way he caught the heavy re reincarnated guy I'm not even supposed to and I was sure I was dead up TR for slice now I can make fza appear in my head here take a slice oh he just gives you free pizza holy [ __ ] he's scary slopy Val Violet bro that [ __ ] looks sick dude you can buy the lunaris dude I'm going to buy the lunaris is that the thing that is oh what the Jesus God oh yeah this thing oh yeah Bushi Bushi no we tried this he he super strong actually with all four of us it might be easy failure is your Sonic OC good what Sonic OC the guy the black market that you bought beu has him oh because he thinks he looks really cool yeah it looks like a Sonic OC you called it bro look at this thing this ugly ass piece of [ __ ] look at how he crafts look at his yeah all the NPCs do this all the NPCs just touched them all right this is looking like a real slave Factory now I suggest we all make houses and then we we can destroy the original one we made and we can turn it into like a slave Factory that can be where our actual Factory is okay you know let me let me level up the base oh oh max number of bases too like in the next level we can have two bases oh ancient technology I can make a grappling gun a pal Essence condenser oh oh oh this is the thing you were talking about uh combine several Pals of the same uh type to create a higher ranked version a God damn it I thought that was fast travel whoops hey what the [ __ ] are you let me let me exit let me exit let me exit I can exit out we're running we're running it who is this guy go lunaris oh he killed my shield he broke my shield he was focusing me he broke my shield let me pull out the let me pull out the flamethrower where's he at where's he who's doing that who's doing that failure stop okay okay 200 200 200 he's up there I'm I missed I missed all right I'll let you try that ball where'd he go oh never mind oh you got it you got it whoever that is got it all right well that's it guys that's it for me yippee we won yipp we trying oh my go a relaxasaurus lux what the hell is that thing don't know what we went through to get that thing it was actually insane holy [ __ ] it was like if you look at the very north of the map you should see another base oh yeah I can travel there who the statue my dark egg is finally ready let's see large nox a large I just got an ox and that's it is it shiny or something you're buring yourself you dumb ass you dumb ass oh yeah I ien I haven't showed you my shiny yet look at this yeah I know I have that too now look look at how huge it is hey hey hey hey get good get good yeah I know I know you're dead no you got any food one HP good why are you invisible let me give you my sexy food why are they [ __ ] gunning me down you actually have some really good food God oh oh relaxasaurus get go get over here relaxasaurus okay my lunaris is beating its ass like actually what it had a n it had a 68% chance he he glitched into the wall I see you I see all right this guy right here he's stuck he's super low don't kill it you're killing it let me shoot it once more he's dead you [ __ ] P I'm I'm just going around hunting whatever I see am I in spawn I am where do I put this uh what is it it's a moning stand where we can like like assigned the guys to work this is how we can make them work brutal hours yeah baby we're getting to the sweat shop it actually is come look at this come look at this normal hardworking super Harding errors for some reason is the highest search term related to power world some reason I can pick them up and throw them down the cliff yeah yeah why would you do that wait wait wait do you see the one that has a major injury and it's starving the little hedgehog oh my gosh that's what I want to do why would you do that this a refreshing refreshing did it yeah cuz you about to throw throw it off you're going instantly instantly well it's gone did you kill it 2,336 damage this game would work better with with genin stamina system shut up all these guys are making their own bed that's so funny hold on let me you want to do a line for the video what beu you're going to want to see this he's posing no he's breaking the trees it's not even doing any damage best for to have short arms American right to purchase a gun this thing better not have like female proportions right now what what the [ __ ] F prop female that that activated good good damn I feel so bad killing these cat to run away so funny server CRA oh [ __ ] it's because of v i what did I do I was right outside true you're loading a whole different area than us yeah yeah honestly pals are way more brutal than they look use this I'll be playing for your survival give me some wool he got hit on the head with a nut failure failure failure I'm going to kill you beu hey hey failure failure uh I want to cast this guy it's 11 you don't have any weapons for oh let these guys fight each other oh he's dead do this hold on hold on hold on yeah flame flame throw flame throw oh okay chill chill chill chill chill idiot let's it Go boys yeah we're he's not he's not doing too hot oh chill with the flamethrower chill with theame that flame damage is going to [ __ ] him up who did just spawn this creature or% chance for me baby M did oh yeah oh w wow he got it he got it he got it wow wow we all took what the hell and he juster Oney only took one try let's do Pia then let's go to elizabe yeah oh yeah pilia that's the one in the circle right yeah yeah oh who's Robin Co is dead oh nobody's oh my God I I T out I T you're already fighting the boss waiting chill chill chill chill chill that guy's going to us up let me don't don't don't okay we're all here I'm going that who's big ass relaxasaurus is this oh God oh God oh God I got ended I'm going to check my Technologies while you guys do that I wouldn't use that on this my God who got who got who got that who got that who got that let's go baby let's go get elizab baby last time he saw us he saw us he saw I'm just sniping him from the air there's another one up here go forward go forward go forward good good go forward did you got it did you open it I got it I got it you got it let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh [ __ ] they're shooting hard armor I think beu is getting kicked in the face while you oh his face is moving it moves every time your foot passes by him you're actually kicking him [ __ ] dude oh lock the in guys oh hey [ __ ] are we all alive are we still alive I'm good pull out Pokemon in three two and one just pull them out just pull them out damn all those Elder hours are paying the oh no it doesn't work doesn't work just pull out your Pokemon kill it just kill it just kill it just kill it oh my God are we all down yeah we're all down how press some buttons one two he got it he got it he got it he got it he got it what the fu let's [ __ ] go damn bro she so big whoa whoa whoa hold on Jesus Christ I can't be here actually I've never pulled out so that's power world I actually really enjoyed playing this game it was so much more fun than I thought it was going to be and honestly it's all I ever wanted from a Sandbox game if you want to watch me play this again make sure to like and comment please get me to 1 million Subs because I really want to overtake good good thank you so much for watching have a nice day
Channel: Bijou
Views: 26,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 Days, Edit, Meme, Funny, Gaming, Game, Minecraft, Music, Fun, Interesting, Playthrough, Gameplay, Expert, Boss, Fight, Memes, Entertainment, Entertaining, Days, 100, PAINFUL, Infernum, undertale, delatrune, Plants Vs Zombies, Palworld, Palworld 100 Days, Palworld Full Movie, 100 Days Palworld, Palworld Challenge, Palworld Multiplayer, Pokemon, Pokemon with guns, Pokemon Multiplayer, Palworld Co-op, Pokemon Co-op, Palworld Funny, Palworld meme, Palword, dinos, Dinosours, ark, taming, deadliest, best tamer, to
Id: cDmh6EJzW3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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