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your house is going on and welcome to a different kind of IDEO today I am joined with Toby Toby how are you doing I'm good how are you buddy I'm good thank you but today we are focusing on reddit 5050 so soon and you don't know how it works basically there is a subreddit called 5050 where they give you two options one is a nice option for example a lots of puppies the other option is not so nice and it's things like a penis though we're gonna take it in turns to try and guess which one it is every one you get right you get a point first to five points wins Toby as you are the guest would you like just her no you go first you want me to go further yeah so number one is man eats raw moldy potatoes and pukes everywhere or animated potatoes commit suicide wait which was the bad one I mean which was a good one anime is a failure okay all wants to see P excitement you want to see it no which is why I'm gonna go for the animated state though I'm clicking it three two one boom what is this anime oh my god how are we going Oh lime oranges lever to the arm oh why is Joe I want to see the whole anime that's one of the best videos I've ever seen wait there's that one point to unit yeah I got a point that's one nail your turn would you like to choose the lion cubs playing around for an Arab wedding celebrations and it's dangerous I really want to see lion cubs playing around yeah I feel like it's gonna be that I'm ready 3 2 1 boom what am i doing that is not safe this is what is this it's dangerous that's what it is yeah I'm I'm going off it way too much too much I got wrong I mean this one nail to me yes Herrmann you can do man eyes the mind is the cutest cat ever or shit hits the fan shit hits the bench it's bad now I'm gonna focues camera Oh three two one yeah why don't you get the nice one rise with the cute scanner this looks like a very normal cat it's a two minutes thirty of care this isn't this is a very normal cats Ally I say you get that something wrong it's not even a cute cat ever hahaha it's my hobby shit shit does hit the fan doesn't use catalyst but I do count it oh come on and it's worst rescue attempt ever or best rescue attempt ever I'm gonna go with the rescue attempt violent attempt good worst rescue attempt ever all right yeah I seen this one you haven't seen oh oh oh my god of people I've seen my video before dude I haven't seen oh he drop is nice bomb is gone oh well you got the point Toby yeah oh there's two one right now just to make it three okay come back his lack for husky puppy howling I'm gonna go for the upkeep akiha oh you always go for the nice ones and it's going to come for you from I know please three two well of course it is that is that is cute yeah everyone in the air banana covers go oh ha ha ha ha three one oh stop this is going to be over so quickly this is a compilation of strange Japanese robot boy commercials or extreme places whether me at the office how do you think I'm gonna go up the extreme case you go to the extreme case Gary - one [Music] what what on there's more this is a whole theory we had a boner I don't got a shit what the fuck no I [Music] love a problem on the girls what what is that oh you know I don't want to be racist or anything right don't say anything though the potato commit suicide anime and that way you think there's only Japanese people I'm just saying it's my turn mummy dog taking her puppy for a walk or finger with the tip cut off our fingers now my young with finger with the tip car how do i crack off where's there oh no that was great that was really great I got it right there - this is for one ball one I being tagged by cute puppies or avocado pit removal gone wrong cute puppies okay three two one oh fuck oh my gosh can't be bothered I can't keep up with it how do you tell me that that is mess I don't get they've literally just straight through tip of thumb ripped off after being caught in machinery or puppy fighting man summer after the puppy you're gonna get one I want to rematch next time we're gonna do another of these Simon I'm just gonna say this is proven my thesis but those are just better than cat okay remember that cute cat remember that sentence for that yeah cute cat whereas the dogs are actually cute like an adorable Simon I want one don't take your fun for granted men you saw that he's got a picture I took me to make it a little bit more respectable okay this is your last one because I went first you have a murder victim partially beheaded or two cute dogs taking apart this one's not safe for work all right I want to go in for two cute those taking a bar but murder victim personally beheaded why not you know why you're going for the murder victim actually had it through one eye oh my god robbers are like haha cat solution he's not even doing anything and he's cuter than that cat is purring and trying to get attention well Simon it's a resounding 5-1 victory to you not a rematch anytime let me know I'll show you both that's all for today on the reddit 5050 I will leave a link to the subreddit in the description also leave a link for Toby's channel which you should make soon check out and subscribe thank you guys for watching that you Toby's been here forever me and
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 2,460,636
Rating: 4.9377398 out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, simon, reddit
Id: zwH9rICi9hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2017
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