Reacting to Internet Stuffs [MADNESS]

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and it's Jade I'm a different kind of Jing oh I'm gonna use of course good evening and welcome back to reacting to internet stuff I'm here with Simon again good afternoon and we've grown a lot older in the year that it's taken me to re-upload it has been a long time actually wait you know the last time you maybe do something which I haven't done yet I don't want to do this just change of my is just gonna get that change of mine I've lost them last time out Simon was meant to do this hey Simon you got to do this on the newest this video gets seven likes no no no I just won seven 70,000 he hasn't done it in fact he tells me that he's lost the nunchuks tag I need two pairs and I've lost one pair and my wrist hurts right now he's injured he has you have injured your wrist will be another all right we are back reacting to internet stuff today and do you know what this takes a long time because Ryan basically we miss vibe I miss behind so much so much I mean we've become a lot more productive in the time that the Vans gone but no that's fun it's not as fun anyway today we are starting off with this video you haven't seen this but I haven't seen it okay ready you're not ready I'm ready you're not ready [Music] this is what do you thinks like that when you told me you weren't sure if you hadn't seen it or not no I hadn't seen that I knew because you would have remembered that yeah no I thought like I was waiting every time you play it I've got blur it so stop I'll stop here yeah I thought she was just good cuz she goes there like there she's just falling back for it she was gonna die that she's gonna drop and then you know something will happen like I don't know someone will spill something on her Oh she'll take out everyone and then you really want to blow it again press play she maintains her form if it wasn't for the wardrobe malfunction stare right into the storm right now right into the eye of the storm that's up that's mad the limbo got a bit too cheeky you know I'm saying yeah mad that's that's how I style okay one to the next one this is okay they just flush the toilet in the cat run away these clips together really just drinking from the bowl that's ugly ass yeah that is an ugly cat beauty is in the eye of the beholder yeah nobody hold it beholding now look at that looks if my ankle had eyes that's what it looks like look oh yeah there does my legs up here but it's so ugly this I ain't even looking at me I feel so bad why cats are horrible comments are you a dog person or a cat person comment below if your comments to Sado people I'm unsubscribing from them from you what I'm a dog person you lead them you are their leader comment dog below Instant Karma compilation he's peeing on the lazy pee Oh oh my god why is he paying another bird wait I'm never touching left buttons again he's even picked us fool oh I didn't get the tall ones he didn't get that little skip oh my god Easter oh my god oh my god I mean he deserves it he deserves that he broke it with his bee you know next time wearing a lift together I'm gonna Pamela you're crying no no you're genuinely crying I found that you know the name of the black kid that just has one tear that's me right now Osama meme this you have multiple tears yeah ones about to come out of the box it was the captured the attack on Titan game wild have you ever seen a second time oh it's the best anime I'm gonna watch out it's amazing okay this is the preview for me so this better be good I talked back I don't know the face of this okay [Music] [Laughter] she's in JJ dude alright what's next woman aims to have the biggest ass in the world why do you say it like that ass yeah I don't know that the biggest Bostian in the world I mean you can't sort of see you in all your glory so your boss do you mind if you stand up yes ooh at the moment your bottom is 80 inches 83 83 84 the current record is 84 inches and that sarah massey who's in the US yeah we should have measured you now you might even have it what are you hoping to achieve you ignite yeah I will reach like 90 Shaikh thinks the procedure on the I'm so bored I'm confused as to what's going on with her lips I'm confused as to what's going on with what would you do if he found out she hasn't had any procedure on her lips Denis Madeline it's just it doesn't even look like them looks big but not like she got pillows they're pillows she's going for another procedure as though she's getting another six inches put on it but she said why she said she's gonna dance yeah but why can't she do that with what she's now why she need that extra tension because she wants the biggest badonkadonk but danke don't you raise your voice at me it's Rocky is a de Lappe rocky okay hey de Lappe rocky okay you know and they said mom we got a handshake what am I like this okay right you go 1-1 see you you told it up then you come back like this it's really just this oh my god stop why exactly said Paul well I wasn't looking when I said pause you should have used better judgment okay why he really was back and forth yeah I was gonna be like yeah we should show them our handshake but now it just looks mad this is awesome Jake it's nothing like that oh stop it's not like that I want to learn his handshake hold it up then you come back shake hands with your mom her dad yeah she got issues issues you know Halloween's coming out see the new film no Halloween as in the film has serious the whole thing about okay pause I'm gonna watch this at my own time because yes again I'm trying to avoid the copyright but yeah I want to see that should we go I'm done all right just no handshaking yeah I'll get the back row okay next one well oh you're haha now I do what I want now I do it I want a hundred thousand retweets huh I can't even get like a hundred these days man two hundred thousand like that's mad it's gonna be that you are you the man oh I've seen this one yeah that's me no that's me in the gym yeah that's you that's that's definite okay that's not me you're the first one that's me the second one no I did today what I don't do that you can't do that dude no other way oh you do the low one yeah sweet top one I look very stiff no no way expected it's not going that badly oh that you know when one's way you clench your bum you collapse your button because you're just like what do you mean what do you mean are you watch it even just the style and even just that's a messed up burn right oh and painful ones really get me you know I don't want to say it cuz it sounds mad my bum hurt yeah when you know what yeah [Music] [Laughter] it's like it's like you just gave up her life out those Donuts good yeah step1 step2 [Laughter] we need some more testosterone up in this [ __ ] we go back to the falling over one we might have to do a rope swing yeah I need to get serious again it's a Johnny Johnny yes papa one I haven't actually watched any of these you know yeah I've seen flat snippets on Twitter but I hadn't watched the full thing I refused to we might not find this that funny if we haven't seen of them okay I'm gonna run out of Tears alright no more tears no more next time I crash let me really yeah 100% I think it's a slap in this is gonna make you cry alright let's tear I really don't like the pain ones cats always land on four feet you know how many times I've done that for that light I've been playing with it and it's like boom and I hear it every time should you I'm not playing with the light no I mean you're not playing like we play opera myself work it too fast and that's what happens mad I already know where this is going look at her face yes a bit mad still ladies ladies ladies ladies later I'm not crying I'm not crying I'm good I'm not crying I'm not crying I'm not these are leftovers from crying all right no I'm not I'm good I'm good I'm good Simon I'm good I'm good think about that's just a bad I don't know what that looks like do you mean you just saw it it looks like a girl we got champagne poured in her face yes and that is all you've just seen it yeah yeah no no I had somebody that was see that was so sick all right let's try recreate that I shotgun here yet I am NOT late one job have you ever seen that video of the golfer who's standing like a yard away and he chips it at someone oh I'm sorry find it find it find it show me the ting fam what I'm able to home a butt and come in softly that's insane terrifying there right didn't get in the hole though mad stop for sir stairs back up she's facetiming someone doing this today stop your crying I'm good I'm good I was close I was close I'm good like a Winnie cake yeah and the caption is we call this cake the happy ending good place to play this video put it last that was my plan all along [Music] look there's a while oh my god that cake is amazing that's jokes is it not a mate like you know I mean that cakes like it's funny you know I mean that's your boy that's that's that's your boy high five high five high five do it do it do it and take I do not know that let's bear familiar yeah cuz what I say what I said is I was making a reference to the champagne video however you wanna explain yourself that's fine that looks bare familiar you know what I said I see I didn't say it like that that's you the zoo said it are you oh boy you ain't your boy you say that's your little bear for me so thank you guys oh yeah I've missed doing these you know the reactants internet stuff not that's your boy no no these were meant to be my sophisticated glasses but this has turned very crude context so sounds like he's crying no no we're done thank you guys for watching reacting to internet stuffs again if you have any funny videos send them to reacting to internet stuffs at do you have that nope I'm making it oh yeah and yeah Thank You Simon Sam has links in the description below because he takes everything and yeah we're done [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TBJZL
Views: 4,430,322
Rating: 4.9603863 out of 5
Keywords: TOBJIZZLE, Tobi, Jizzle, Tobjizzle, Tobijizzle, tbjzl, Toby, editingaming, xbox 360, R2IS, Reacting to internet stuffs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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