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yo guys what is going on and welcome to another video i am joined today with zucker josh the same thing as always like old school tradition you know the window the wall that's why there's circus stuff around by the way i haven't changed myself this isn't like a shrine check out xercus nice guy also while you're at it check out expressvpn so today's video is sponsored by expressvpn so what is a vpn well that's a great question incredibly attractive man a vpn creates a secure tunnel between your device and the internet meaning all your internet data is hidden wow is there any more oh my god i didn't know two people could be so attractive yes there is more it could also re-route your location so for example if you're in the uk you could re-route to the u.s and it would help you watch region lock content for example i'm watching the office us at the moment so i can watch that just whack on express hello who's here sorry about that that was the police they thought it sounds too good it must be illegal on top of this unlike most other vpn providers expressvpn does not slow down your internet speed and just time to get serious if you guys didn't know even in incognito mode isps can still see your data so they can still see all the websites that you're visiting but expressvpn blocks them from doing so it encrypts 100 of your data and re-routes your internet connection through a secure server so go to my link expressvpn.com forward slash mini minter and you can find out how you can get three months for free and there's a 30 day money back guarantee i'm gonna go try and find the guys that were here a minute ago because they were extremely attractive back to josh all right now everyone knows tick tock mate well no one knows where the tick tock is gonna get banned and i think it's just gone quiet ever since so these are some tick tocks you need to see before it goes well it doesn't go or doesn't go you still need to see him let's go well that's killing me [Music] people are bear weird about why it's a nice little dog [Laughter] plug it in yeah plug it in it's so hard it's so weird it's just a little doggy it doesn't even seem bothered you know that's looking right big i was taking bigger let's move on attacking my husband plot ten why are you attacking her you should file for divorce i am so [ __ ] tired of him being on that game it's time for another attacking my husband what are you playing tekken talking sick and tired of you always being on this damn game when you get home man don't do this right now come oh she said square up he has done his duty they're having a pillow fight so you're well you're saying you know if someone says do you swear well your fragrance has to be square up yeah you're gonna swallow her leg i'm in a pillow fight i'm not gonna swipe her legs and then go for the finisher at the end look oh [Applause] [Laughter] yay you don't have a double chin what you do have is bad posture so all you need to do is two steps bring your shoulders up back and down bring your chin slightly forward and then slightly down and look at the difference that makes you don't have a double chin what you do have is bad posture so all you need to do is two steps bring your shoulders up shoulders up and then back and down back and down and then your chin bring your chin slightly forward and then slide inside forward and then down all right lay down and look at the difference [Laughter] crap i involved the necromancer and today we're doing an unboxing today i'm just gonna skip that one we moved [Music] no i think it was meant to put it out the first time he went over that was good detail though the hearts went down quick oh these maybe not sick it's a sea creature they made it no but octopus is the worst no he can get to the water one um [Music] we got [Music] accent challenge new york edition he spelled the wrong edition okay he teaches you some simple maps and then this obviously and he's just reacting to the sounds but is that an accent challenge that's what i don't know that's what i don't know i mean this one's got seven million likes but there's nothing they're listening to no one is like no no no no no all right all right pause anyone from new york are you honestly telling me that if you want bacon egg and cheese you go no one is going to understand you can i get the baguette yeah so if you go burger king or something what the butter can even do egg now [Music] oh she's cheating [Music] he's so [Music] you that type you're that mad you that man had a window rolled up what are you gonna do what are you gonna do oh my god it was true though like why are you trying to draw the beef straight away just mess around with me it does happen to me i'm pretty crazy like i'd be the second guy who goes who's like mouths you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah i've never seen the full video that's fake that's fake 100 he asks for the ball and then goes you ain't getting the ball back from you blood that would be realistic you could people like that like i've just passed you the ball and then you've gone you're not getting the ball back but i'm not even trying to come towards you i'm like that's how easy i felt like it was i felt like he didn't choose the best video too yeah just for the boys part two oh we can do this oh okay sometimes girls will wait to open a snapchat if it's only been a few minutes do you guys do that yeah do you guys stalk ourselves we gotta use snapchat i'm stuck in pressure and if you do how often i'm at your window right now i find it so weird that you can just be a complete weirdo and you get people love it yeah although that's what i'm saying no he's not being serious scream but without making your face [Music] is that real what i think that's a dub sound why do you think it's fake doesn't make her face that much that's the challenge are you trying to make a scream right [Applause] like a vacuum like a hoover starting up why are you you're you're like coughing i'm just trying to work out back in like he's using a really bad apple like yeah it's just you ain't got to worry girl i won't kidnap you you're mad ugly and fat you look like people it's we have for british people first question is do you guys do american accents for fun because all the time will be like love literally listen hey i don't know i'm from mexico that was good that was anonymous before they expected him to say that i don't know he looked british but still oh my god i don't know i'm from mexico bears [Music] stay still or is it like certain bears you some some bears you stay still and some bears you have to like be more dominant i don't he's creasing oh this is like a horror film i think the bad food itself but it's not not these these boys are about it oh are you cool that's that's that's what it is that's like cool and then with other bears you're supposed to go back at them and go like and they're like you just push it dear addison one day you're gonna get married and grow up and have amazing kids and you're going to stop to post tech talks and probably forget about all of us dear addison one day you're gonna get married and grow up and have amazing kids and you're going to stop to post tech talks and probably forget about all of us you're going to stop to post tick tock so she's going to be walking and then she's going to start to post tick tocks i don't know how you can you can't make like a really like nice serious post when they're they're like throwing it back painting called medicine but you can't do this like nice message and have them like when we're like 70 the only way people will remember us is if you actually go like do you remember the side men that yeah they used to post these videos on youtube and they'll go oh yeah yeah right there yeah but overrated at the end though got two big throwing boots yeah yeah there's no bait squad yeah post man post bait squad what's going on we want competition out here please what's going on hey why are you on the ground what's going on that doesn't seem too comfy it's actually it's not that bad you know when i think about it man anyways i thought you were really cute i just wanted to come over here and introduce myself i'm griffin nice to not a handshaker okay noted um what are you doing after school today you could get some food or uh watch the game or something what do you think how's your leg it looks pretty freaking gnarly if you ask me yeah who would have thought he would have came in with a gun right crazy make fun of a kid's new balances one time and he's just all anyways what do you think dinner lunch oh you're dead next one yeah next one i think we got next one i've thought that before not the punch part well i'm yeah i'm like there's something behind the curtain right now so you kind of you don't look at it and then all of a sudden you just do that and push it i've done that look at this distinguished gentleman look at the way he is sitting yeah that's very distinguished [Laughter] it it says a king kaju is that a kangaroo makes him saying girls i don't know it looks like a similar to the sloth kind of thing kangaroo has long arms though don't say do you have any drugs see yo my slides i love this this meme still yo my slime bro i didn't even slam my [ __ ] this [ __ ] hard though i promise you though though ethan on gta either on every game well you know he said he won't play pool guys because of this why [ __ ] try not working i didn't even slam my [ __ ] that hard i've never broken a controller you know and yeah i don't actually rage a controller one day though on video i want to be able to go ah and break it hard stupid [ __ ] trend where you put your phone in the back in your back pocket and you record while you walk around the store so you can see who looks at your ass is that trend and i'm about to tear up because of this nobody looked at my ass even though it's really juicy nobody looked at it i have never been so broken i do feel bad for her but at the same time i think if anyone looked at her yeah you got polite people around that's fine i'm going to try it just walk around what if you do it on a side then shoot right and harry's just there the whole time like they wouldn't surprise me literally about to say to you like i want to be like him when i'm older i want to be like praying now i think i'm gonna try it i'm trying it maybe maybe she she played him or i'm calling fake that's very true because she could just play it you know she could play back on him and say oh no it's whipped cream but i'm just why she got a spoon there is no passion there is no vision there is no aggression there is no [ __ ] mindset in this football club it's hard to get a dub these days anymore though i always talk about i got two yesterday you're eating carrying my people no i got the second most kills out for about damage yeah same i just play with bad people so i get easy lobbies i think yeah somebody couldn't get her she [ __ ] up my dinner if my kid did this your kid filmed you said somebody come get her she's [ __ ] up my dinner well the first thing i'd say is why do you say she and the second thing is i'd be like my kid is a legend my kid is going to be famous 100 percent how to trick him this is like it's really bad though oh i can't watch it i got tricks [Music] thank you all for watching make sure you check out josh in the description we're going to film a video for his channel oh can you come subscribe please go subscribe he's trying to catch up with ethan and toby let's get him overtake we need you to overtake he's going to give me 500 subs please that's what i want just 500 500 because it's hard to get stuff these days that is very true everyone subscribe and watch the video we do over there peace raising the ghoulie [ __ ] i'm a freak ain't human been doing this no rumor okay boomer i don't know how many times i told you i'ma raise this roof like oh lord last year you was hitting no man now i see a front row of the show taking photos
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 2,878,507
Rating: 4.9647794 out of 5
Keywords: simon, sidemen, miniminter, mm7games, random, vlog, tik, tok, funny
Id: engSVXU7xgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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