Ring Nothing...?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Also 3:30:17 when the game finally ended and the lag stopped.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rabbiddropbear 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
my game's like lagging just looking at this all right well it's amazing this map okay short intro for youtube this is ring nothing and this is a map that we accidentally found on a stream once and okay they have actually done fast speed um and everyone was like do it and i said no for obvious reasons because it's gonna take for frickin ever it does look beautiful but i knew it would take forever and what better time to break it out uh but on the 24-hour stream well you can palisade the trees yeah because they're um 20 hp right there's straggler i feel like to matrix should tell people that yeah i hold on a moment hold on because he he clearly has tested this or at least thought of it and i feel like the people who are playing here shouldn't tell others you can palisade the trees the people deserve to know yeah like that imagine how pathetic that's going to look if they're chopping the trees where they could palisade it like that can i can i bring something up as well to matrix is a byzantine player he's well known for liking trash enjoying trash units only making trash units what sieve did he pick in this game turks the worst trash civ in the game she picked turks i think he wants that because gold 200 yeah there's 200 gold you could pick turks or you could pick koreans i guess or franks for faster foraging but what do we have here we have 150 wood on the trees see if the matrix responded to me he says okay so he'll he'll get a head start did he tell philister's friend of course he's doing it now okay everyone's doing it now cool anyways um so 150 would but you can palisade these which is kind of nice then 100 food then 200 gold then 200 stone and then just repeat that all the way to the freaking middle of the map where it's king of the hill and eventually a countdown will start so this is again a map that is mentioned and i said if we hit a certain sub goal we can do it on the 24 hour it looks beautiful it might be a long one i'll introduce players and then we can do our thing uh fair disclaimer i've been live for 19 hours and 40 minutes with two 15-minute breaks or 10-minute breaks and we might go on some tangents we're going to have the time for it matrix is turks mobster's playing as the tutans um in the yellow we have mantis prime playing as the tatars in the purple we have king nikki playing as the vikings in the teal we have chiron age playing as the koreans in the green we have filster four zero one playing as the franks in the red we have widespread known playing as the spanish and then last but not least is bubba playing as the koreans it looks like word has been spread around uh some people are palestinian now oh god why is bubba farming i i don't well i guess he needs more bills but bobo tried to delete a palisade foundation and deleted his bill so oh no that's that's a great thing for us to start off with here so you want to get out to the other outer areas as fast as possible you want to escape your area as fast as possible get some extra space to build so farming here when you could have your villagers collecting from the berries oh that's true maybe isn't the greatest uh because you're not you're not going forward with that strat that's a good point oh boy i guess you do get more villagers but it might even get to the point where there's too much clutter but you have enough on berries like if you have six on berries you have enough to produce constantly out of one tc right so i guess we'll see we'll compare the styles to matrix is probably the most experienced community game player here and uh badly volunteered to host this so i think he might have i basically confirmed it with him two days ago so he might have practiced a bit what is teal doing with those buildings dude you're making it harder on yourself this oh he's got palisades okay that's good i just hope everyone realizes they can palisade these trees because it's gonna be a oh man like oh no nikki did it already oh yellow we should look at this we should look at the sips first i think well okay let's talk sip bonuses turks we talked about with the gold mining koreans have the stone mining so it's similar wait what's faster gold mining or korean stone mining isn't one turk is 20 and koreans is 15 is it not okay yes our turks would be better since it's the same amount of those resources frank's forage faster honestly i feel like this could be no koreans is 20 percent too so it's both 20. oh gotcha but but it works better on the gold because gold has it oh no it's okay 200 200 yeah okay if it was 800 we'd be here forever yeah but philster loves frank's so i think it's him loving frank's and also the forge bonus he chosen them for so how's life dave life's alright it's a bit stressful but i'm sure it's stressful for everyone uh during these times covered uh times like a good night's rest official kappa so that's a good segue that's that's a that's a great segue um pete thank you very much that's not the i didn't know where to take that one but p thank you oh my goodness welcome alcoholics here uh on the stream hello alcoholic welcome um this might this might give you more reason to drink we'll see how it goes speaking of alcohol this is the first 24 hour stream this deep that i'm not more than a bottle of wine deep into the nice i've been taking it easy this one man i remember the the very first one i think i drank like oh man i drank so much oh yeah and like remember the forest nothing game with a leaf with my uh nation's cup friend yes oh buddy i was cheering for him so hard in that i don't remember that i was off the rails i i like i kind of have the feel and i obviously know it's not healthy for me right now but like i kind of have the feel where i want a drink or two but that's not good for a variety of reasons no but yeah man i i i kind of feel like i feel very fortunate that you know my job wasn't greatly affected um but at the same time i feel like anyone even if they're working right now throughout all the craziness that's going on it's like there's still normal aspects of their lives that have kind of been thrown out the window a little bit so well you don't get all that extra stuff like hanging out with your friends seeing your family all that good stuff so well i see my family a ton but it's just kind of like seeing friends especially is a is a big deal and seeing co-workers because i'm the only one both my co-workers in my marketing department got laid off you are the co-worker you look at yourself yeah you're like you're like hello co-worker yeah the only other person i talk to is like my boss yeah yeah so yeah it's kind of uh it's different for sure but you don't really i mean you have a boss but she's you know by my girlfriend my boss your business yeah i guess so she seems like it okay i'd say it's like a 60 40 pants split depending on what's going on you know we balance each other out nicely you know is that why you moved down to her place well it's not exactly how it happened i i moved to the this new area we're in is because it's closer to her school so and i wouldn't have wanted to be a couple hours away so that makes sense yeah but now she uh it's a fine mix you know um she's like incredibly uh oh god i'm really tired i'm gonna get myself into trouble with anything i said right now and i thought that it was going to be bad i was going to say the words i was going to say was like she's incredibly book smart and i'm the complete opposite like i'm not book smart i'm i my brain's just firing off in different directions at all times i don't know where i'm going with sentences half the time um but then like at the same time like with street smarts things like that i again this was bad right this is bad we're just gonna stop but no we balance each other out nice this is the beauty of the 24 hour stream guys you get to listen to me embarrass myself okay update on the bases they are barely even through the forge oh we have plenty of time we're 18 minutes on fast speed so t90 street smart little get out of here chad yo pete wheeler again um thank you thank you so much that's crazy i i don't know where this all has come from uh especially you pete and i haven't seen you not to call you out i haven't seen you too active in chat tonight i mean she is only bookworm no like she's the type of person that is so incredibly smart infuriates me because i know it's like it's like leery playing age of empires you put much time and effort into preparation you never achieve it ever not not like that you know there's not work associated with that but i was never that person so well that's your key dude you work hard at things yeah you know that's true yeah you just you're a grinder true i'm i'm i'm like completely opposite from that dave's like he's like um every time you do your 24 hour stream few people are going to drop some 25 donuts my way let's go no no i'm just more of a i expect myself to be able to do anything without yeah and if i don't it frustrates me yeah yeah i only practice things that i'm interested in and then my uh attention span is very limited dude i often wonder do you ever wonder if like well i i sometimes defend him like to know what my high school teachers would think if they're like okay this guy i found him cast a video game now because dude i was it was bad with school man it was really bad like so teachers would like go out of their way and try and help me so much and i was just such a struggle busting man it was not my teachers were always incredibly frustrated with me same yeah i remember my one history teacher used to bet coffees on whether it would actually show up to class with like other classmates they wait if that's then the classmates got coffee she would buy wow like from starbucks for them and if i didn't then they would have to buy her a copy so she was literally betting on me not showing up to class that's that's crazy yeah i um just by yourself so teachers my experience with many teachers as well we have cass laid for some players i guess you could get eco upgrades to my second tc now for uh for bubba too what yep your troll my am i behind why does this always have okay i'm catching up here second tc okay cool um so for me it was some teachers they were frustrated with me but they really like had a heart for me and felt bad or or just like were like we're gonna get through to this kid they put a lot in a lot of effort and then other teachers were just like screw this kid so and i do not blame them at all like um i played video games in high school i'd like sneak into the computer lab and avoid any work i could so yeah mine were always mad because i i just i don't i always got good test scores but i never i never did homework and yeah yeah class i just would show up and get like a 90 on a test and then they'd be like well you could be doing so much more yeah yeah why exactly why like no one's going to look at your high school grades afterwards no one does like if you write a good enough entrance exam for or whatever for a call uh university which i was never interested in getting a good one anyway so i don't know it doesn't didn't matter that much yeah i get that so someone asked about the yellow lines on the edge i think that's a mini map bug because uh has something to do with the gold is that not gold oh that's weird how it shows up like that yeah like and it shows up like gold at the top at the north side and that's not the case yeah that's weird how the mini map doesn't match the map itself oh do the players know they need to reach the middle most of them seem to go the other direction um so first off if you ever played anything like this it's kind of hard to be mindful of and control it but yes they do know they need to go to the middle because they can see the monuments so just so you know what happens when they eventually get to the middle when one person does there would then be a 550 year countdown from the uh at the top right which takes 40 minutes game time to get to zero over 27 minutes now just so you can envision how that might go um you can't use onager or anything to get through the forged bushes these snow mines over the gold mines it hurts my eyes dude like i have to look at the bases i can't look at this like the terrain yeah yeah it just hurts my eyes it's super bright it's like i need a no gold mod for this or something it i don't know who made this but we saw it on the mod center and uh i will say it looks good i don't know how many people have played it to completion i think it only had five or six downloads trick is to go sideways and then palisade cut in a straight line you mean like go around a circle and then put longbows in there that would actually be like okay so let's say they go all the way through they find a layer of trees and they they clear out that ring of trees and then put bombard cannons there just stop the others from getting through that i guess if we're theorycrafting would be good turks extra range bomber cannons or written trebuchets um also um i guess it's just dawned on me like we gave two hours for this map what if this is gonna be four hours and then the show match was scheduled are we gonna go over like so currently it's about 3 a.m for me and i'm actually like for four hours remaining i'm feeling good it's about to be 3 a.m for me in two hours is when ruben stock and belgium are supposed to play the best of five we'll we'll see let's not get ahead of ourselves here uh the matrix is going to add lots of villager counts so we got bubba at 50 we got king nicki adding a castle what or no that's filster nevermind i'm so used to do you not think oh yeah whenever i think of nikki i think it's green that's true always goes green i think fieldster does as well though so they had to fight over that one yeah but nikki's at 48. so he was keeping up the production from that one cc wonder how much having free wheel three hand card has gonna make a third one too wow honestly it's because you can't use amateurs so just get 200 yeah and hope well you're gonna be pretty strapped soon because he can only fit maybe 30 more bills before he's not collecting efficiently at all i wonder if puns are good on this just so you can get more pop out without having to run into houses yeah no houses but huns don't really have the uh lake game options that's true that's that's well think about everything that huns does is a military unit and not like a siege unit they have no good siege other than siege ram and the best option you're going to have here is like trebs or something okay just the matrix group do you see this in the future these tcs are amazing i don't know if it's going to be good but this reminds me of the og force nothing upload where all the tc's were touching he's got six tc's here and he could even fit in a seventh if he wants and he's just gonna create bills out of every one and i think i guess he doesn't have a market now damn can maybe buy delete the farms delete the farms and make houses in those areas my concern is food income but i guess he after he mines through the stone he'll have horde or he can just delete one tc and make a market and then buy his food um holy [ __ ] how long is this game going to last i just joined and it looks long so this has been a 24 hour stream yep we started this 19 hours and 53 minutes ago they've only made it this far so welcome grab a snack uh yeah i mean we're getting closer right so uh we'll get there eventually it's been a really fun stream i recommend re-watching it all especially the part where they mined gold and then after that the part where they find stone and then the forging and also the chocolate dude i look really cool do you remember the part where they chop the trees but you know what was even better than that was where they they chopped the trees and then placed palisades over the trees dude that was sick i know it was quality man and it's crazy we've never done this before and they developed the meta for it almost like they prepared for it the preparation on this match has been insane on par with the preparation for hidden cup three but uh we haven't seen enough yet to really be able to tell how long can we keep this up i'm done already okay okay i just ruined it so so are we are later in the stream are we watching funny age of empires videos or is that been dusted i think it's scrapped because all right dude the the schedule this stream damn packed like i had to cut up one break short and then this might go over a bit and then i'm kind of torn because i feel like when rubenstock vs belgium comes i could always go an extra hour but i don't know if i should you know so we'll see i'll i'll play it by ear it's fine i feel sorry for the guys playing oh they signed up no they're dude filster loves this to matrix loves yeah king nikki hasn't been around to the stream in a while forgot and then it's now stuck in a prison of berry bushes trees stone and gold uh mantis prime is a stream hound and he loves this yeah we got mobster over there he's he's been afk for the last 20 minutes wait really oh no he's canceled oh okay he's in castle now he's good we got bubba i mean bubba's booming he's good he's got three bills dropped all right four bills trap class example of like how some people see the game one way and some people see the game the other way yeah like so you know it's it's the difference between community games like i there's a big tournament game with big players i i have more viewers than community games but i also have people who show up every friday for community games bilster freaking cult i think was last friday or the friday before i couldn't do community games phil stern someone else uh they were really upset because they had called off work or scheduled off work so they could be there for community games you know so it's cool i've always liked um introducing like consistent variety because i know that there's so much variety that age can offer okay dave this has tripped me out keep an eye on the mini-map i keep seeing something like the bottom left of the monument and i don't know what like what it is but i feel like i've been seeing it's like a little gap or something there's like a green thing there no it's oh it's moving this is oh it is it's move what is that i keep looking it it's a ghost it's moving dude it definitely is moving yeah look at it what is that that's not an option oh and look in the north fleet yeah look in the north the gold's also moving there too the ring in the north aliens monk s i mean i thought that was a pretty good joke i don't know if anyone's going to appreciate the ring in the north 11's that was a great joke the harder you laugh right now the more dave feels good about himself chad just go for man how good in that red bull cat look at it it's all green now in the middle yeah it's weird it's taking over it's a moldy ring in the middle back to the moldy wonder oh god that one is that that that wonder is a little bit moldy i'm not gonna lie it is it's either that or it's like these dark stains from all the bodies they've slain on those steps do you ever heard the mushroom joke before uh no go ahead why did the mushroom go to the party why because he was a fun guy listen are you i think what got me i think what got me is not that the joke was good but it's like for the last four years so what are you doing that's you can't just laugh like that it makes it funny when it's not your jokes have been you've set such a standard for your jokes as expecting like something 11 out of 10. yeah and so the 2 out of 10 really got me that was a good one though i like that one it's a great one it doesn't work the other way around like people expect 2 out of 10 for me because it's like pretty cheesy dad jokes if i go with 11 out of 10 jokes like the two out of no they don't know what they don't know how to handle it exactly my reputation's been stained at this point honestly the the reaction and chat i want you to agree here just accept that this might be the case the reaction that my co-caster or dave gives to my jokes uh is largely what reaction chat will give me so if dave's just like uh whatever and i always encourage you to be better yeah yeah but if you're like uh then chad's like yeah but if dave laughs chat's like subconsciously that's a great must be hilarious yeah exactly i thought you know what in in the red bull cast when you the timing was so good for you when you said he's getting fabric armor or no he's getting a different type of armor oh fabric armor i thought that was [ __ ] hilarious and i apologize to you for one-upping it immediately with a better joke because like you're such an idiot dude i i i listened to that again and i was like man tristan's timing is like better than i've ever heard before okay like the way you said that was so funny i'm gonna show you guys exactly what that compliment i just and i just one-upped it right away and i felt bad but it was hilarious i don't even what'd you say i said he's gonna need some fabric softener to get oh yes yes no i mean you know what i feel like you your effect on me over the years has been like my quick wittedness has definitely risen um and so you know my my ability to mention the fabric shield joke anyways this was credit too i thought your timing was amazing yeah getting better there you know it's just fantastic yeah well thank you um but your timing was good too but some of those sometimes it's like the caster to say something first is like there's some beautiful setups that happen naturally you know which is kind of fun with casting yeah what's what's the bill counts out here three castles as well oh actually does that take up less than houses no here's the stone but i mean it's more useful later i guess yeah it must be crippling to have ten thousand stone and six thousand gold and not be able to do anything with it true yeah you won't really have to worry about resources other than maybe food food yeah i would honestly buy a ton of food right now i mean turks don't need food anyway but you've upgraded everything bobos thanks for the 100 bits he says dave should be better to be honest okay i okay high standards hey aaron been a while but back on the aoe train glad to see you're still doing your thing i've done my thing for well 20 hours now up there nice to see you who who who said that by the way which one the guy who called you out yeah he called you out with a hundred bits dave no no but what's his name bobo's and it's fine you won't remember that right yeah just type it down yeah get it later don't you won't remember that um uh grandmas thank you for half a year he says t90 missed the stream but hope you're having fun i am it's been good we've had some some great games and good mix content it's been a good time what's up wait sammy hey kirby redacted how are the subs doing well uh we officially hit the mustang well laker league will return all the goals all the goals have been smashed we set a new goal if we get like 400 more subs in the next four hours i have to wear these sauna pants which make my butt warm so that's i i the support's already been amazing so i feel kind of cheesy doing another goal but people will cook the boys too though it's not just your butt though yeah that's that's what i'm worried about man there's nothing there's nothing quite like winding down after a 24 hour stream and trying to relax after you've had your man parts in a sauna pantsuit can't wait you know what's weird about 24-hour streams i i like get tired the last hour or so but the second i'm offline my mind's awake and i like i'm i'm almost too exhausted actually where i can't fall asleep it's weird what's your strategy when you do this by the way i don't know if you have a strategy for uh my strategy is that i have big problems falling asleep usually and i can go for like three or four days without sleeping at all so i'll just make do just like whatever yeah yeah i um so this might be decent advice for people who have never done something like this before so at least the week leading up i set my stream schedule or my sleep schedule to uh wake up at the time i would need to for the stream um i also eat as healthy as i can um stay as active as i can basically all the things you should normally do but like especially leading up to the stream um i meal prep i hydrate the whole way throughout the 24 hour stream i did not drink any caffeine until i was 13 hours in and even this i like like i'll drink one of these in two hours normally i just sipped it for the last dozen hours and uh i'll eventually end here around 7am my time i will sleep till 1pm force myself to get up be very tired until like you know 10 p.m the next day and then fall asleep you just can't after this you can't fall asleep for 15 hours because then your sleep schedule's screwed over for a week yeah like when i go to sleep hopefully i can sleep after this at like seven or eight or whatever i'll go to sleep for four hours i'll wake up and then i'll uh maybe do some activity or something like like go to the driving range or something and then my strategy for 100 or 90 being able to fall asleep is ordering a large pizza eating the whole thing in about 20 minutes and smoking a bowl and then i can like 90 percent fall asleep dude last last year when i did a 24 hour stream i can i forced myself to get up at like one or two p.m goal was to stay up till 10. i ordered a very selfie yeah i ordered a pizza and i was watching tv i was i want to say it was 4 30. i woke up with like one arm completely off the side of the couch and a it was like a mushroom feta cheese pizza and it was cheese down on my shirtless stomach i've been there we've all been there before oh it was all it was on the couch it was on me it it it had like an hour and a half to just get in everyone's been there oh it's been there yep yep that was me last year at this time because of the 24 hours you haven't lived until you've woken up with the cheese pizza stuck on your chest you haven't lived you've only thought you were living you've been a dead man i have i've so one of these days i'll i'll tell you a story came to mind i'm sorry to debate you chad but probably a little bit too uh too non pg for this moment has to do with with pizza and drunkenness or uh for being out of it one tc this whole time for widespread dome by the way who's funny enough not very monday he's not spread out much here with his eco i'm just wondering how much progress we've made at this point dave i'm kind of concerned this game will go for 10 hours dude we need if we're i'm just thinking if we're starting liquor league again we need some smarter people to come up with some rules for drinking because our last ones were really bad well i i would like it's true um it is difficult to set the challenges for liquor leak which is basically casting but if certain things happen the casters have to take a drink but also back then dude i i didn't know my tolerance level so it was like stupidest thing for me to do at that time nowadays i feel like it's easier for me to have a grasp of something and then nelly shows up with this giant i was so and the first time we did it the only time we did it i think i was like super sick as well yeah maybe we could set it up honestly with the amount of times that we've done red bull with cams nowadays we could easily set it up we would do that again we could have like the joint cams oh you're asking me to put a cam on oh yeah bro okay well well i mean you know we'll see for those that don't know liquor league like i said is like a like a day event i really liked 1v1 turbo oh god we got some frame some frames here boys only gonna get worse oh boy someone's potato pc but anyways like look at the resources in the middle they keep like it's like the mini map can't decide which one to show yeah and it keeps like switching around it's really weird oh god i hope like this is where what does everyone say when this happens when you're playing a team game on age of empires guys it'll be like player 8 fix player 8 fix close tabs player 8 stop downloading adult videos what we used to say on zone close porn yeah it's always it's like in my experience when when you know those things start being said it's not just a close of a tab that fixes it normally yeah it's like that pc can't handle whatever's happening you need some frozen fries that's what you need dave used to have happy fries on his computer no yeah i was like you need to talk about surprise you toss on your computer then put back in the freezer and then back on your computer yeah right frozen mush after a while they all kind of blended together it was it was really after a while it wasn't frozen fries it was frozen fry because it was all one piece dude i of potato mush gotta be so i'm not the i'm not the cleanest guy but that sounds so gross it sanitizes as soon as you freeze it again it's completely i'm sorry man like it was funny at the time but now i'm thinking back i'm just envisioning you putting this i never ate it it was still in the package it wasn't open but like is there not is there not some type of liquid that somehow gets out when you put it on top of your pc and it melts like okay it was fine dude that help that that that package of frozen fries held my laptop together for two years past the point it should have held together oh man i remember the uh dave had these days someone will have the look out for those magnels video to possibly link um the timer sounds decent on that dude it's not good oh really yeah well anyways that was your old sketch setup i believe you were laying like on your stomach no no no no no that was before the fries oh before the frog no no no i was just saying that you you're using a touchpad for that or like a mouse on your bed or something yeah i had my mouse uh i was on my bed because i didn't have a desk so i'd have my laptop on my chest and i'd be lying on my bed and i had my a pizza box as my mousepad it's pro this was like four or five years ago that was bad that was i used to beat you in 1v1 that setup but like it was always funny because if there was ever a recording of dave um of dave like casting or whatever there's one specific clip where he starts laughing and his this is basically what happened right he's looking over here and because his mouse is on his pizza box and he's like on his bed when he laughed the mouse would fall off and it'd just be like it would go to the corner yeah it's on the mangonel video you can see it all you hear is dave laughing and that's what you see yeah dude don't laugh man it was like it's a legitimate setup you don't have a desk pizza box pizza box yeah can anyone go back to when this first started and show me what it looked like i need some perspective right now can someone go back in the vod because i i guess i'm super zoomed out but it feels like i just dude i knew there'd be one there's one guy in chat saying like unfreezing and refreezing food is not sanitary i didn't eat the food i just used it as a cooling device for my laptop they listen they've really i would never touch those i you could pay me a million dollars i would never touch those fries trust me 6k sub gold dave eats french fry mush never dude those things have been like trash for so long oh my god i like all that's double the i grow a big mustache and go skydiving goal um and also that guy's name was super french fries so he knows all about french fries wait a second did you just create that account that someone gives you a sub did you sub or is that a legitimate account no offense if you dude the timing on that's interesting dude tristan what we're literally an hour game time into this and they've expanded their base by like 50 i need to see a screenshot of what it started as to have an idea okay well more than 50 maybe 250 percent but still it's like it's not growing at the rate that i would hope it would grow it's going to be like filter and bubba will reach each other pretty quickly here but in terms of players reaching the middle it's going to take forever dude it's not even on diplo so if they start getting close we're just going to have some rinky dinky trebor bombard cannon or yeah yeah that's right listen if there was ever a time to do this i said it'd be during the 24 hour stream there's three hours and 45 minutes left potential of the stream if we need to move the the the show match between rubenstock and belgium i'll feel bad for using them but we'll sort that out and i'll add more prize pool and do it when i'm you know dude a bit more refreshed the strat here you got to go for the you got to go for the middle like really don't go for the other people go for the oh yeah yeah honestly first person first person to start the countdown is a god in my eyes so are there any mods to make this go quicker well here's the deal this it's a miracle this is even running right now okay like d e eight players did you just say a miracle a mirror is that like an american version of a miracle did i am i not pronouncing that properly is this like when smarty tries to say lag and she says leg let me finish my thought before you criticize how i pronounce things all right mr mr nidpicker um anyways um shoot what was i saying damn it what oh oh oh yeah so we have a lot of different um resources on the map a lot of different population these games normally lag like crazy and drop so uh as long as we keep going smoothly ish i'm fine i feel like the more i zoom out the more the lag is not off what's up miracle tortoise that's fine okay dave i have a question from an american to canadian and you've spent a great deal of time in the states as well i am american citizenship yeah exactly technically i am american okay technically technically you're not proud of that fact but technically no it's fine okay so what is what would you say let's talk about food because i'm getting kind of hungry it's 3am so okay what would you say is like the top three foods in america and then like top three in canada like if you were to talk about the differences maybe might be tough i like what do i attribute to the states do i give you pizza because like you have different forms of pizza do i give you do i say hamburgers even though like 90 of the hamburgers are [ __ ] but ten percent of them are amazing that's that's like like what there's such a a difference between like in scale between the best ones and the worst ones am i judging on the best am i judging on the average am i judging you're the judge i'm not the judge of how you judge that you're not the judge of how i judge exactly so just you know just give me okay that clears things up yeah i'm glad i could help okay um i can give you top three canadian-esque foods okay all right i love you some poutine okay like legitimate poutine it's great okay um i also love uh like canadian bacon on a bun like peanut bacon on board it's great oh so good and then i really like there's these little maple candies that we have that are like 100 and 15 diabetes and they melt in your mouth and if you're a canadian you know what i'm talking about you'll agree with me they are 100 sugar but they are amazing the good work big guy okay those are my top three canadians all right see i like wanted dave's perspective on that because i bet you the majority of people who are listening right now are in a situation where he's experienced a lot of oath but and then american foods like i said there's no scale right so i can't it's like there's something trash here like i feel like there's not much middle ground when it comes to the the problem with the problem with the states from what i've noticed in in no and i've been to like three states or something i don't have an accurate account i've been to a lot so it's that they you guys kind of mix up like quality and quantity yeah it's true man so you'll give a large proportion of dog [ __ ] on a plate and you'll think like well look how much there is i know it's so surely this is a good value yeah you know and then you won't charge that much money but in reality you could have given something a bit higher quality and it would have been better at the end of the day someone trying to prove you wrong says he hasn't gone to the right place or he hasn't gone to the wrong place which means he's gone to the right place that's one of my favorite things as a streamer in twitch yet is when someone tries to have a hot take [Laughter] a month and then there's a typo and they're like ah damn it you have to wait another month the best is and i'm guilty of this all the time you know me yeah i don't speak in complete sentences i speak in one chat line and then i'll i'll [ __ ] make another chat line like a couple seconds later the best is when uh you only catch the first one from someone and the rest of their point isn't like in their following chat messages that are obscured by the rest of the flood touch chat so you only see like that random point that they make and you think that you're they're a complete idiot yeah that's happened to me way too long i just you know i'm i'm we're not picking on you individually yeoman we're just making jokes but yeah i mean it depends like you said there's large varieties you're definitely right like the majority of your average places have like a lot of quantity here i actually i don't like it there's so much food it's just crazy i don't like it because i like my the way i live my life is i can't have junk food in the house because i'll eat it right even if it's the same here i'm gonna do this i can't have it in the house my parents weren't like that my parents were like you know they could moderate but i can't so like if i order something and it's excessive i don't feel comfortable throwing it away and i can easily justify going crazy with it so that's kind of my take on it um i'm the same and like i don't keep i don't keep anything like chips or anything in my house popcorn is the only thing i can keep and it's like the you know blue menu [ __ ] low calorie and no flavor popcorn yeah in the mini bags because i know i know if i get hungry i'm gonna eat like five of those mini bags yep i'm the exact same when it comes to that what's up david good morning uh pete wheeler gonna read this donut because he dropped some gift subs and can't do a message with the uh stuff he says happy to spread the dough no subs during ring nothing i've been lurking since hidden cup two happy to support the best caster in the game keep up the good work big guy next game force everything less than three that you know what dave appreciates that dave dave really it means a lot to him he's laughing right now but i'm sure he sure that means a lot to him [Laughter] um blackfyre thank you for 32. he just didn't get to watch any live besides this and i'll start with the vod once you're done hope you have had a great stream there's been a lot of great stuff during the stream thank you uh cleve best figure thank you for two he says t90 you suck please read this in doubt's voice i can't i tried but um but yeah i know what you mean thanks and fletcher thanks for the bits and all that obviously do you ever exactly do you ever watch like uh your old videos and look at the chat and see all the names that uh aren't around anymore both of them just being in the game and and seeing his name here like when you watch the old videos that we've done there's so many people that just aren't around anymore yeah so i like people i understand it because there's youtubers i used to watch and streamers used to watch that i might like take a couple months off from right so i can relate to that as a streamer who like it's not only full-time hours but i'm constantly thinking of ways i'm constantly thinking of the stream comments people made in the stream comments i should have said in the stream stream stream always in my mind that has actually been really really tough for me to get used to over the last three years of full time because you have like especially at the start with going full time you had this core community yeah and then eventually you know i don't know the exact percentages someone just researched spies which i guess is pretty cheap in this because it's only 30 000 gold like eventually it uh it gets tough right like i i get used to seeing people and then naturally and i'm not saying that people will you know have to be here all the time they move on or they disappear for a while and come back so yeah that is it is has been tough for me and the other thing is dave i could relate it to this and this is getting a little deep but um you know how when we had talked last week where like let's say someone makes a really negative comment about our casting yeah and we we might take it to heart right and your point was well if you don't take it to heart in some way like if you don't you're never gonna improve you're never gonna improve right yeah that's the same thing with me with like a viewer that followed for let's say three years and it disappears if i don't remember that viewer i'm not gonna appreciate the viewers i have you know yeah so that's kind of been the logic but yeah it's definitely something i'm used to um just the sheer numbers of it all are crazy like this channel's had i think close to 85 000 unique subscribers chat 85 000 unique subs so that's let's say 90 of that were gifted subs which is not the case like that's a lot of people who are like in boom sub i'm gonna hang out for a month or two gonna move on do something else today that's just how it works you know i'm more used to it now yeah ducks this is a joke i made duck says that means 79 000 people didn't think you were worth it lol i that mean off a bit brutal but considering i'm the one who started making those jokes yeah i remember after hidden cup it's like my first stream after hidden cup three we went from 53 000 viewers to like 2k i was like where is everybody uh hidden cup man that was nuts hidden cup three that was like the perfect storm of everything i don't think i really want to break that record but yeah i am thinking it might not happen with age of empires too ever again nah it'll happen i hope it does yeah i mean yeah i mean i it's it what's it called success bias where like you something happens so you can like use that as um yeah um evidence that it could happen again but now granted what i really wish and i brought this up to my friends before is like i kind of curious how many people to the number were there due to the fact that there was locked like covet lock lockdown yep yeah i i'm confident we still would have hit over 40k just based on like kind of the device but like at a certain point like wait was it who said it napoleon i'm gonna pull it out all the quality and talking about hidden quantity is the quality all its own i think is what yeah yeah so the fact that you have that amount of people like on a stream draws in more people yeah because they're looking at like what are the most popular streams and then they get involved in some random age vampires to tournament and it was the same thing i i saw with uh nilly stream and nac as soon as you got that big host certain a certain amount yep then you you gain like an automatic like 5 000 as soon as you go about 20 20 000. you never see a stream that we've done level out at 20 000. always goes up to 25. it's like as soon as you hit that number you get an extra boost well i forget the exact numbers but hidden cup three day one i think crossed 30. yeah which was which was nuts um yeah i actually if okay guys if someone can find this clip i know it's clipped and it was like two months before hidden cup i was casting the arena game if that helps maybe the person who clipped it hears this but um so i was thinking of goals right now and whatnot so we're doing a casual arena game someone in the chat says t90 be honest what are your viewership goals for hidden cup three and i was like people are gonna say i'm crazy if i if i say what the goal is and i my response was 50k and literally everyone in chat was like 50k and i was like i think it's possible i think i said i think i said we could hit it before the thing yeah i think i actually think you were like i think 40k is like a realistic goal you know yeah um but anyways it's a perfect storm you know there's so much there's so much luck involved with it too like i don't control if you guys want to show up but uh but yeah that like i think the previous record was 24 25 maybe 26 and then literally doubled so it sets the bar pretty freaking high let's put it that way okay minimap update there's some the mold is growing it looks different the mold is yeah it's expanding but yeah guys this stream here is actually meant as a thank you for hidden cut by the way i know it's six months later but i when i do these things that time has to be right so haha i knew it was napoleon people were like dave you're an idiot it was stalin stolen was quoting napoleon you gotta go to the source i knew it oh nice i knew it i like how red is using he's actually using a treb here to clear out trees ahead of time like it feels like it was a whole another stream ago since the whole treb incident with co-op challenge but i'm confident we're making progress right now i'm looking at this and we're yeah i have to zoom out an awful lot but like green is is doing work over here that's filster doing work okay posters uh chopping away mining away foraging away farming away but um that mold is getting scary dude can you tell can you tell the the mosque of the jenna's story so people understand the fixation on mold it was is it the ethiopian mallet wonder malian it was ugly yeah the incan wonder was the one that i said was more that's moldy yes yeah but the last 24 hour maybe it was the one before that it was a really we were in a really uh giggly state i think and uh there was a wonder there that i personally to this day think is the ugliest wonder in age of empires which was the malian wonder and people started saying it was it was based on a building called the jenne or in a place called the jenne yeah and then uh it just it got worse we were like we were like ripping on this this monument hard not not really thinking that oh this is probably based on like a real building and then someone in the chat and it's it's fine like you know maybe they misread our intentions with their jokes they came back kind of strong like that's offensive that's the mosque of the jenny and dave and i both like had this moment we didn't say anything out loud but i read that we're like oh and then like we consider like we're like how do we respond to this and we both came back with well who cares it's ugly you know it's like we were again uh really late into the stream but it was uh been a while since we've talked about the mosque of the jenny that was funny i'll always remember that uh that game because we didn't talk about the game at all we just talked about somewhere to this yeah the gen a i there's something satisfying about king nikki's town like he is gone for the no farm approach dave and yeah it's just very clean over here there's a lot of plenty of space yeah i don't know about the vikings choice to be honest it doesn't really give you anything yeah yeah it's true i guess in early game maybe well i mean like anyone could get hand carted wheelbarrow yeah that's true i wonder if uh maybe it was random sieve it's hard to say maybe i mean bubba's making his own tc bubba's making his way across he's got the same kind of theory as uh nikki i don't know why he's got so many guys at the back of his base he should have the front of his face like oh that is really bad yeah but then again past a certain point you kind of have to go all directions because if you you can't have 200 bills on one side yeah yeah but he can fit an extra like 20 on there yeah phil the way filster's doing it is actually making a lot of sense because he's also widening the the root yeah but like filster see i think with these ones you should start pushing out towards uh teal space so that you can hit that corridor of wood and then take it all the way to the middle like palisades i think so i'm just no i'm just saying see that corridor of wood in the middle you can like i don't care take a beeline right to i don't know there's like there's highways here of wood that you can take to the middle chat actually they can't see it right because it's uh it's on normal explorer that's true that's true yeah but they could get wait spies shows you everything the enemies see so yeah spies is 30 000 gold shows you everything the enemies have and they're gonna have more than enough gold for that let's see who god spies filster did not red as monks it won't get you any closer yeah but then you can mine both sides of the stone you clear the wood and your villagers can walk around the stone it just clears it out faster yeah you can forge the berries dude i when i'm casting nothing games i feel like i'm in such control or i understand what should happen the second i'm in one i'm just like what do i do that's the exact sound i make as well just for clarity this is dude this is going to take forever it's fine what time is it supposed to end this is supposed to end in 90 minutes it will not end 90 minutes so yeah the countdown won't even starting anywhere well we started this oh an hour and a half ago oh yeah oh we miscalculated this well no about an hour ago about an hour ago that's true we delayed because of the hot pants yeah okay yeah this was uh this is yeah it's all right it okay what i will do is i'm just gonna message ruben stock and uh and project belgium to give them a heads up another day if this one game lasts too long okay they're probably just waking up right now uh yeah maybe project belgium stayed up pretty late in the stream i think but yeah i mean i it wouldn't be there what project belgium's like five hours ahead of us reuben sucks like six hours i think seven yeah i mean it wouldn't be a huge disservice to belgium and project and uh belgium and project wow to belgium and rubenstock to do a full-on show match like a normal stream you know but it would add to the craziness to be able to fit that in today because uh the fact that pretty exhausted and giggly but by the way stream uh it seems like you guys are enjoying our conversation and whatnot um give questions or talking points feel free to bring it up no i can't get to everyone but it's just a thought thank you mike for two he says can't stay awake any longer good luck all right no worries we got c jonathan for bubba over here okay well nivida donated 25 he says what he said but add your casting in it between t90 you suck your farms to suck oh i've seen it that's one of those mess thanks d longer wow d longer has been going ham the d is somehow getting longer very much yeah very much so thank you i'm staying strong randy thank you i'm feeling good this is fun uh has the lorena reveal happened yes you missed that chat uh chad actually behaved thank you chat for people who are here for behaving there there were a few few questions which were a bit much but i told her i was like i don't know what to expect i'm glad i'm glad she's a dave fan i i i don't know how i would be able to handle it if like your what if your girlfriend hated me you she was laughing what if your girlfriend hated me what would happen then i would drift apart no no listen i don't think i like i feel like i would never be with someone who wouldn't like you you know like oh no character flaw if you don't like dave we can't be friends oh no no she was she was laughing so hard when we were playing the co-op challenge oh yeah i love those dudes i [ __ ] love those every single one of them has been so great i'm surprised we haven't done one with viper but actually no actually i'm not because he's an old man who goes to sleep at like six at night so i love the guy to death he's an absolute nightmare to coordinate with but to his credit he was here for an hour but he was like i can give you an hour i'm like what can we do he's like okay he's gonna be in a wheelchair by the time he's 40 yeah not because he physically needs to be in a wheelchair but he thinks it's safer to be in a wheelchair well like you're definitely right like co-op challenge would not be the same if we did it at noon our time like it's not the same doing it at the stage we do it is good but maybe someday maybe someday i i actually um so i guess initially there was a plan for uh quite a few people like some of the pros to like jordan viper nidalee maybe to like get together or whatever this weekend which didn't end up happening and so i kind of discounted them for my plans the minimap issue the mini-map thing is growing what if there's some easter egg where that does damage i don't think so i think it's just confused which resource to show like a priority maybe i was kind of interested in how how it's like changing over time i know it's weird someone said the viper's gonna be in a wheelchair by the time this game is over that's a good point that's a legitimate point it's a hot take right there hey we do starting to stare back all right let's see someone added bombard towers i don't really understand like why would matrix i guess he's worried oh you know what he's actually pretty oh you can see the enemies getting close okay i can kind of understand that one man i just i don't understand red like he's he's been on one tc this whole time and he's just been cutting trees manually no shift clicking manually cutting trees with the trap and like no extra lumber camps like the guy this is what we call like we have a word for this in canada all right it's called easy ai that's what we call it uh yeah this dude is he does he really only have one mill though in one lumber camp i can't even see dude he doesn't have a lumber camp he's trolling i'm trying he's got a tc and he's blocking it with all the villagers in the middle oh he just deleted one efficiency he's got monks in his castles which is kind of interesting and now a barracks oh he's struggling man someone's pc i'm kind of like fingers crossed that one player drops but the same time i feel so bad like if there is one issue who might be lagging uh or one person who might be lagging i kind of hope they drop but i also feel really bad because they i think it's like much time the resource number's too lagging after a while like they're going up we've got king nicki with a casual 80k stone in the bank someone says the nails are lagging that's true actually man okay guys oh god oh god tell the story i remember once on zone we're playing castle blood fair which is the predecessor to cba where you have to manually create all your units right so this guy was camping i think it was with like turks and we couldn't break him we just couldn't break him right so he's stuck in his base and we it was like it was like four of you one but we all had shitty sips we didn't have bills yet because we didn't have enough kills because we couldn't kill the gunpowder units so the solution anyone who's a connoisseur of the game like myself would come up with is you build enough mills on the center of the map to crash the game and therefore not give your enemy an opportunity to win it took about 350 mils to get the job done but we did it at the end of the day we did it his pc his pc died i never saw that name again in my life i think we killed him for good i think we got him oh god it's happening can't you do that with docks as well because the little birds fly around you can do it with blacksmiths too because they got that little puff of smoke oh wow the matrix is actually deleting this is listening to oh he's stream cheating oh he might find out where this the line of stone and oh no and trees are oh no corridor he's gonna find the corridor if he's actually if he is actually listening which i don't think he is because i think he would know that so we've mentioned it before you should probably close the stream i'm not joking guys i actually did that dude there was also on zone if you wanted to get okay if anyone remembers oh god filster's mills oh god i can't even look over here so the first couple rooms in every single lobby were always taken by someone like advertising their clan or their website or something like that and people would sit in them for days like weeks like because the lobbies were restricted to 300 players each and you had to keep clicking to try and get in because there were so many people right and the the games like run through 10 were all restricted like taken by someone and kept there for weeks the way to get those rooms was you go in and you spam emotes until either their computer crashed or your computer crashed it was like a russian roulette of like who's gonna keep the room right like whose computer's gonna crash first like sometimes you won sometimes you lost but like you put up a good fight right and then you'd get the room and then you'd camp there until someone came in and started emote spamming you to try and kick you out it's great dude there's so many things like i'm i'm obviously very happy that you know dee is in this beautiful state as we can see i've used but like there's so many things that the people who played in the foodley days the emma stones are these days like the things were different back then and there's all these tiny little things which are just so funny and so nostalgic for me 13 year old me just love that stuff like that the best thing about that is like you'd be holding on to a room right and then you see someone enter and you just see one smiley emote face and then you know it was coming and it would just be like a constant flood of emotes and you're like oh boy you expose all your other applications on your computer you're like i need to give max cpu max ram like maximum power to the zone application right now to keep it going because i need this room for my clan i fought for this room i went through the emote wars for this room so i could have my clan link in the information yeah it was battles back then man that was brutal dude one of the things the blood we had it was bloody why are we building wonders do we need more graphics dude we lost a lot of good men dave one of the my the favorite things you ever showed me is how you could fake someone else's chat in the game room so honestly you should probably explain this for people that don't know because it doesn't de kind of removed that trick user patch removed it usually bolded every other line yeah but you used to be able to in the pre-game oh i love doing this dude especially on hd where everyone was a potato oh my god if if a host like kicked me from a room because i didn't like his stupid settings or whatever i would join under a different name and then like start talking [ __ ] about all the other players under the host's name yeah basically like you got one line right so this is your message you say like hi how are you and you put the proper number of spaces in exactly the exact number of spaces and you had to get it right and then you type their username with like you know everything that's normally there and then trash the message so like and if you did it right if you did it right and their username was was small enough you could put a double line oh you could have two different people typing at the same time i started so many fights between like whole rooms [Laughter] so like we would have a group of i remember the first time it ever happened dave wasn't the type to be like hey tristan do you know about the chat trick he no he did the chat trick on me so we're like in a game room with friends we're all on team speak and suddenly i said like it's marty you're the worst i'm like what i didn't say that and dave of course he doesn't laugh and then he's like that's what i would do is i would the next message wouldn't be from tristan the first insult would be from tristan the next message would be a scathing response from smarty and then the next one would be by from some other player that was like an innocent bystander and then we'd get them involved and then i would be like the mediator in the middle so like don't don't you know don't get me involved in this suspicion yo dude i i tried it i would join i i remember joining a game room on voobly and it definitely helped that like so in the evenings there's a lot of like playing team games you had like if there's if there's four guys from one clan and there's like two two or three guys from uh another clan and then you join up or whatever like you're kind of the odd man out right so i tried i remember trying it one time and i was like i had like the leader of the three player clan say new post you're the like new post something like that and i remember looking at the game room and dave was like oh clan gone i was like whoa what powers have i just discovered and they i mean i guess it's understandable that they removed it but so few people knew about that it was so good it was yeah it was everywhere well everyone in custom scenario knew about it but like no one in rm knew about it why did we had so much because we had so much free time dude like rm's community until uh like streaming came along was so potato compared to cs's community like we were we were so close-knit compared to what rm is yeah and we would like we would share all those tricks and people would find out about it eventually right do we okay if i were to send a message to the matrix and be like hey ask people to to delete some buildings do we interfere here or do we just see how crazy this gets because i feel like they're not helping the problem because they're building more unless my theory is incorrect maybe there's no way of solving this i think it's just 200 villagers from every single might be that that's the thing yeah i don't know if it's buildings i feel like you're right on animations with males or whatever but there's not an excessive amount of there's not that many no there's not that many yeah also by the way for anyone who wants to be like you know um real trigger happy and start like tearing de apart because of this i don't care what version of the game yeah you're not gonna know this is not this was not meant to happen this is like a freak experiment going wrong okay so don't don't go uh you know getting upset with the devs because this map has stutter like it's a miracle there hasn't been a drop yet yeah a miracle miracle miracle so miracle how do you say it miracle miracle oh i say okay all right all right all right uh also mr star storm thank you for the 14 viewers welcome welcome to um there's yeah go ahead there's four players that are getting awfully close here yeah we got nikki and teal and we got to matrix and bubba yeah i feel like they should just they're never gonna get right next to each other though because as soon as one of them goes to forage those berries in between they're going to get hit by the castle or yeah true whatever else like they're never going to touch each other i might as well just go for the moon hold on a second nikki's going to make a play here he's going to chop that ring that ring of trees he's going to sit behind that it would like oh there's the siege are coming though oh it's so leggy oh my god is that the first kill in the game close anyone like turn based strategy games is anyone a fan you can't even you can't even see the rocks when they when they're flung two hours and 25 minutes by the way you guys wanted this yep i'm having fun i'm i'm having a great time god man if i forgot the mill thing you missed the mill thing now oh no i just forgot about it dude the things we used to do like we used to sit in rooms for hours man like hours just playing stupid scenarios like these or just chatting like eight hours in a room chatting was not unusual yeah when i was a teenager killing time yeah yeah oh my god yeah i didn't like my i didn't get into playing age multiplayer at least like on on a consistent basis so 2013 so you had you uh you were there like d e or sorry hd like mini was kind of smaller voobly definitely smaller but like before that or all that stuff is definitely on the smaller side i'm sure i feel bad i didn't get into rm until it like after you you got into it yeah yeah i got an rm in 2016 i think is when i started playing i feel like most people here don't know the very basic story about how we met it all started with a roast essentially because there's this tournament called um noobs of aoc which is age of conkers which was the version everyone played back then and nimino was very active on my very tiny stream of like 10 to 20 viewers and dave knew nimino so i was like i wanted to cast nimino's no no no no no no no no no no we met before that that was the first time was that on team speak we we knew each other and team speak well i actually i remember that's a bit embarrassing but i could say it i'll tell you from my perspective anyway so like there was a a a voobly teamspeak server right so you go like i don't even know if it still exists but you go to the server there's a bunch of rooms okay so as we watch this this amazing battle unfolds here there's another one between bubba and matrix going on right now too hey maybe if some people resigned then there'd be less lag so that's good this could be good but anyways i i found out about the server from a guy who helped me with like some obs settings i didn't really have any friends all right so i joined like the general chat rooms and just sit there because i didn't know where to go i'm like oh this is cool teamspeak what's this and you know if you scroll down there's like a bunch of people who actually had friends and they're in a group they're in a group right and so i didn't really like recognize any names or anything i didn't know anybody there and uh this very very sweet uh girl or woman or lady whatever who's still around occasionally named gracie joined and uh all of a sudden hear this voice she's like are you the t90 from youtube and to give you perspective i had 250 youtube subs like 15 views of video so i was like what what who is this and she's like are you waiting for anyone here and i was like no not really i just found the server she's like come join us and then so because of gracie we joined and it was like smarty gracie you hardy probably booa mbl maybe it was a we we would do that on a relatively consistent basis and then anyways it led to nimino playing in this noob tournament and then i was streaming it and like boo was like i can't do a bull voice but i crossed two very deep bellowing voice and then uh scifly i think got in because of that and then like you know you were in as well so we had like five people casting that that's basically it and then at some point i was like you wanna do this again and then it became an rm club everything was history yep yep oh i remember that i only got into that because uh of bua yeah actually he invited me i see him speak yeah he's like dave you have to okay so having koreans against vikings here is like you mentioned this is why you like probably it's like making light cap oh god and vikings is trash here you want to see jonathan civ probably or bombard cannon you want something with bomber cannon or c john engine look at this nikki poor nicky you you're dead like it's not even you played two hours to die like this the game just started past two hours and now i'm lagging you're gonna die like this it's even worse red made a new tc you died for two hours to play like this it's the new yeah it's dying inside oh my goodness thing is changing again it's going ring by ring i really wish i had an explanation for this who knows what's gonna happen with schedule because this will take forever we'll play it by year we've still got an hour i mean um i will i will promise you guys this probably a difficult promise to make but um i will see this game out okay so um i don't think this is gonna take more than three hours i hope three more hours um so i i told rubenstock and belgium we might postpone that to another day um just a normal stream we'll maybe bump up the amount of games prize pool whatever and make up for it and um like i'm not gonna do this for a few hours and then just quit so we're gonna dude there's only there's only 48 layers left you counted them or you yes did you and they've there's only 48 layers and they've gone through about 20 something so far you know who the greatest hope is right now is is big phil dude because especially because red's going so slow that's what i counted from i counted 48 likes yeah because like fieldster is cleared out a lot of space and he's heading right for that monument bro this is gonna take i mean listen as i always say you if you want to head off dude you you could have done no no no i'm just i'm just i'm i'm i'm laying it out you're saying the facts out there okay you're saying it like you're disappointed though like let's get a little bit of energy injected into the cast it's fine bro this is gonna take like five hours let's go i like how like to matrix made bomber towers in space like he was ever going to be oh actually i guess he kind of is bye bubba what about purple purple update well he's i guess the only thing saving purple is the fact that teal hasn't completely forged through yet but you can do that that's a lot of stage i just wish i'd like to see king nikki make a trip oh my god dude he keeps trying okay come on nikki you can do it oh my god man why don't they play this game in turbo mode i thought fast speed will only take like two to three hours it's a korean so2 yeah he's got the range on him too rip oh boy i like how his gatsy gems are stuck between his buildings too a lot of them hmm phil sir man every time you hit a tree line just palisade everything nah he's gonna line up castles instead oh he did he just did oh dave dude pog pog by the way um ducks is still here right i haven't give given enough shout outs to ducks uh throughout this 24 hour stream there's a lot of shout outs i'll do that at the end of the stream with the big fieldsy speech uh t90 paul in chat please for ducks um who made that emo which i think looks awesome and fun and uh an email we'll probably keep after the 24 hour stream um this is a guy who's currently watching the 24 hour stream on a hot spot at the moment so yeah he's all right yeah he's he's all right all the emotes we added and most a lot of emotes we have we've worked together with so thanks which ones have i made for you i can't remember did i make i made t90 fine i think rip uh you made 1890 dave that is your face and i'm pretty sure you sent me the image um t90 fine i know i did that one you made you made the best banner of all time which was the um it was like smarty against king nikki banner was that it and it was done a lot man yeah but it was like i this banner specifically it was it was a it was basically show match between our friends and smarty was um like an old granny lady on the oh on the image i don't remember that remember that i don't think i've done many years i thought i did more of your emotes than i did i guess not i don't know that's hard to say man like you know what's weird as a streamer is you're constantly well not constantly but you want more emote slots because it's great for the community and we we eventually worked our way up to having 50 emotes and then the only way i i think the final uh tier we could get was if we hit 10 000 subscribers which we did during hidden cup again crazy get 10 more and still i'm like i don't want to remove some of these if i need to swap them out so i guess it's a good sign that we have decent emotes if that's the case but um thank you uh yes for stopping by hello captain uh lim nikolos thank you guys for the uh for the three month and two month resub thank you easy mode why are your viewer numbers going up as the deeper we get in this game funny the complaints go up a little bit the amount of people who say we should leave go up a little bit but deep down inside they can't look away yeah they're hypnotized by this especially just the mini map like what happens when filster encounters the area where the mini map is changing nothing the mini map is changing in the corners too dave don't ruin this for me do you see the production queue for green for philster right now um go to filter's point of view no sorry go to teal's point of view [Laughter] oh my god though look how much he just killed he killed like 15 to 20 sea janitors i mean his kd's probably still god awful actually it's not bad believe it or not okay but yeah i mean with a few more forges here the auditor oh clutch it's a hero dude watch it oh it's dead i was some clutch micro can you micro in this i think you just click and hope oh it's heals through actually i don't know like i said he's not gonna do well once he runs up against those berserks if he ever does oh my god what if nicki actually i mean i'm ready to see a bunch of berserks get flattened and last well i don't know about i mean nicki's gotta go through this chokepoint if he ever wants to get in here this is so stupid like those ramps no this is i'm just waiting for my pc to explode right now it's like but hey phil sir is going strong right now he's on his way to the monument do you remember that one video i did were was uh i used capture age and i was like how many saboteurs can i get in one screen exploding at the same time i do remember that yeah so i started up that scenario i went and took a shower i came back and they still hadn't exploded yet and it was two seconds into the game took that long yeah eventually it happened though so you want to hear something funny chat the devs recently announced with their updated patch that the game will not crash anymore if selected units die if there's ever a time to test that it would be with teal siege because there's so many weak ones here and i'm feeling they're all gonna die but i don't actually want it to crash as much as i want to test i would like to see this through i think nikki to be honest here i think nikki should let teal open it through all of that stuff yeah yeah that's where the berserks are going to be good here you can see that that will be the case um i mean teal can reproduce forever he's got a 100k stone in the back yeah but he doesn't have he has one archer range dave like i would at least have six for penkins or something oh god the light gap the light cap through a one-time choke point against koreans that didn't work goodbye well it might actually be worth it after all but maybe he'll kill some of his own there you go oh my word wish we still had relics to bet on this source uh monty joker thank you for the six months that would be pretty crazy i guess orange and gray have just decided not to attack each other and focus on the middle which is cool but we got we got big phil over here dude it's gonna take filster more time than we've already spent in this game to get to the middle no really yeah because if you think about where his tc started and you look at that gap between his tc and where he is now and then you look at the gap between where he is now in the middle it's a bigger gap between where he is now in the middle then where is cc's but he has more population now right already it didn't take him that long to get popped up we have three hours i think we can get there in three hours oh man the slaughter on the other side see i was like no there's always one and that's why i appreciate your chat because there's every time i say something or i have a theory there's a bunch of people when you question it they're like oh dave's an idiot well he has no idea what he's talking about papaga [ __ ] didn't there's always that one guy and i like to think of the one guy who's the scientist in the chat and he's like you know what dave's right there's always one ah and i like it i appreciate them okay i really do all right all right i'm sure he wants to go against the grain because very few people will agree with you kidding i can't let me see my fps on this right now this is some pro powerpoint presentation here almost 100 fps gaming this is such an i this is a meat grinder over here we got some real meat loaf over here this is lean ground beef over in king nikki g space this is ridiculous tally oh my god thank you oh god oh he's going he's coming man he's coming you can't stop him is it good or bad i can't tell oh well it's nikki's not going to have a fun time with this we got you can't micro on this leg you can just send in and then your your units will like teleport to the enemy the more you click the worse oh oh yeah the more you click the worse it is right now teal i don't know why he's mining that gold they should just click berries scorpions please dude to be honest steel might run run out of res before nicki i know this would his wood yeah yeah koreans do not get heavy scorpion a lot of people don't realize that here come the berserks oh boy the nikki might be better off after all this look at all the siege he's gonna die for teal he's at 143 pop right now he's losing so much that's a lot of damage and ollie has cued his scorpions you've got to be kidding yep nick is going to win this battle of attrition the fats off strategy let them come to you wow ally that's not the first time today thank you again uh not just for the 24 hour streams and everything this line show is intense yes it's better than anything i ever saw in school man filsta really needs to focus on getting to the middle he's like like get your guys in the middle you're the you're the last best yeah should we you're the chosen one i'm gonna send him a message to to like inspire him yeah let's go go ahead you you do it you do it because he hears it from you he hears it from me it's like i'm like i'm like the nice uncle you're like the you're like the older brother who inspires through judgement i always like bilster's wait what is what is red doing guys you know how in low evil legends i talk about chopping straggler trees red i have not seen a lumber camp from him and we are three hours in no lumber camp no mining camp just random tc's look at the walking distance see i i feel like he's doing it to troll what'd you say to philster i said see in all caps focus on getting to the [ __ ] middle space please space help me put your bills in the center focus filter you are the chosen one and he was no he responds with my game froze eleven no no what i can't move my screen [Laughter] mr what 401 is typing dot dot what's he gonna say i don't know why everything is still moving it just doesn't register anything my god we broke oh he was our best chance and we tried to intervene now we have the old mr nose it makes sense he doesn't have anything in the middle of focus he has probably hasn't been able to move his game for 30 minutes it's just too scared to say anything oh my god how okay i'm gonna ask him how long has it been like question mark oh my god oh meanwhile by the way i'm looking forward to the answer teal is a 65 pop which is pretty he's dead man nicki's just killing him well i mean oh i guess towers caused wood yeah he might actually be dead here vikings op oh my goodness uh 8-bit metal head thank you for subscribing he couldn't it's not a resub so he couldn't type a message but if he would have typed a message he would have said best content i've ever seen what's the filter thing just said five minutes what he's like please cut towards the middle he thinks there's a chance he can win he says it's not dropping just not responding to anything i can tab out oh my god man i can open steam overlay in game i just can't make anything go wait will he does he have oh god does he have the okay kind has the buildings around like you look at his lumber camp positions he has that one lumber camp on the leftish side and that's what's going to push him through he's going to cut towards red are you he's naturally just going to gravitate away from the middle now yeah and now the teal has towers yeah but he game paused by tomatrix oh god i don't have faith this is ever gonna unpause he's trying to make it work for phil probably you know the best thing about phil's oh nikki's fighting yellow too i never realized that the best thing about filster into matrix is that to make sure it doesn't have a mic yeah that's true so all their communication is just filster yelling at to matrix it's a matrix does not have a mic and they're like best buddies always in voice chat together and that's how they communicate he's like he's like the hearing hearing ear dog mm-hmm yeah like honestly okay so this might be like so having known to matrix and philosophy for so long like and i've been to aoe meetups where people are united like that would be one of the coolest things like these guys have been best buddies for years right actually fun fact this is the first time they've ever played in a community game together but like what's matrixes in argentina filster's from us like it would be so cool that explains why filster didn't quit yet he's a little known for his buddy that's true he can't do anything in the game yeah but he's holding on for two hundred matrix but now it's just it's cool to me to see friendships form within the community he's floating on a door in the mid-atlantic after the titanic sunk he's trying not to freeze i've got a yeah this is the last so for those who have never done a 24-hour stream it's at least for me um the last couple hours um it's just like i can get to the point where i physically cannot stop myself from laughing unless i remove myself from the situation i told phil sir i said he said i just can't affect the game i said hang in there buddy we believe we believe he's definitely the closest like let's see if he ever actually does anything i think yellow is getting pretty close too and and uh to matrix is getting pretty close too yeah yellow has tatars by the way so he has 19 range strips he's pretty hot he's probably one shot at every villager he's tried to kill i i swear i like hate tatars now i'm trying to figure out what those bomber towers look like so i've never seen pepper shaking no no no those are slavic towers yeah um what do you think it's like i've never seen those bomber towers before from tatars there's a weird design on it very weird like i'm pretty sure the ball that comes out of the bombard towers is like five times the size of the the uh the little shoot a lightning the cannon a little bit lightsaber bingo markers it does look like a bingo marker bro bingo markers you know the little the the things that you mark the bingo spots with i mean i played bingo i just this is not ringing a bell for me okay i remember when i lived in finland we used to go to the bingo place because it was the only place you could smoke inside really you would go to play bingo in finland because you could smoke inside there no we wouldn't play any bingo we just hang out with all the old ladies sounds sounds like a dave activity i made a lot of friends there hey dave so the cat who ever since i fell down the stairs like 12 hours ago has been kind of scared of the room back in the room and is inspecting the sauna pants that are on the floor i'll keep you updated all right filster says thanks i don't believe 11. this is rough i can't even see bass i went to look at thom's base delta matrix it's like start closing programs i don't know i feel like it's too far gone it's weird how he hasn't dropped oh my god i i just it's such a filster thing yeah he can't even like he can't control the game he can't see the game he has no idea what's in the game but he's still in it he stays in regards like he's like so you're telling me i have a chance that's so true he never gives up it's such a poster thing uh oh boy i i would say i officially made 21 hours without like really losing would you agree chat starting to lose a bit now this game is pretty hilarious so that filster bit is oh my god that makes like this is content right here filtered so thank you look the villas are kind of shifting though to the front of his base oh but they're going out because they might go all the way like the issue is he's gonna mine through the gold mine through the stone and then they're gonna need to chop trees and the villagers are gonna like shift towards the choppers are always gonna be closer to lumber camp which are on the left so he's going towards red teal only has one case gold and 2k wood in the bank wait how much what but nikki doesn't have that much either nikki and teal are fighting a war of attrition yeah pretty much and nikki might just get killed by yellow oh true i like how he's repairing that castle against one treb with 50 000 stone that castle would just be continuously repaired for the rest of eternity until yellow sends forward more traps dude to matrix is their best bet i think matrix are yellow i i was i was thinking to matrix at the start but let's see all depends on if orange interferes aren't just kind of interfering about i think orange is technically closer in the same okay i think so let's let's do a big zoom here monument to there yeah yeah orange is definitely closer all we want a victory in our book is the countdown started you know what orange is just as close almost as uh as red i think red's as close as orange dude if red wins this game yeah if you go across red is as close as orange and he's cut all the trees in between orange just not cut all the trees oh my god red red has the clearest path right this is the widespread gnome okay so what i've been wanting to do i don't know if anyone else is spectating this what i've been wanting to do for the last hour is to go into the tech tree to see don't do it dave to see if he has his mining upgrades because he i don't i haven't seen a mining camp and i want to see if he has a lumber cam too all right we're going in no don't because the gate just make sure you you press return to game and don't make too many clicks because if you drop dave i can't be alone out here i'm i'm just i i just clicked the tech street dude it's there's no there's no quick game it's there's a back button all right that's the achievement screen i've i remember i uh was seven hours no four hours into a game before went to the tech tree and the statistics came back and it crashed so i'm just well i'm going in wish me luck i just want to know if he has those upgrades yeah he has oh okay he has stone mining gold mining and stone shaft so i guess the reasoning is that all resources drop off of the tc so he doesn't have to pay attention to do it oh more messages from filster uh is there a hotkey to put the game in windowed mode going into windowed mode didn't fix it so what would t90 say to a it at this point no we're not no no no we are never going back i don't care if every player disconnects right now we're not restoring there's no way he really wants to continue i said you hang in someone says alt plus enter is the is the hotkey i don't know i told him to hang in there okay i don't i don't try i'm sorry guys but okay i can trust kirby i don't know i i'm just a bit terrified that bad things will happen run a rain thank you for the seven he says i missed 21 hours of the stream but i'm glad i'm catching the last three you're you're catching the best three right everybody right 5 000 people who are watching this madness exactly dude red like red needs to forge like forge yeah i just need some more foragers he's chopping all the trees with the traps it's the leading the treb actually no not the trebs the same trap that he's chopped all the other trees with the one trap the trip there's a capital of all traps on the tee yes you know you would think that he could make more but does that even matter when you have so much time on your hands he needs the forage with the time on it he's got one dude yeah big time he's forgetting that he deleted the tc i wonder if he can see his screen but martian thank you for 19. i if i think it will yes i hope it will oh my goodness that fight still continues between teal and purple um mickey's out of food nicki's out of gold teal is out of wood but has gold what a back and forth fight between these two it's pretty impressive yeah yellow is actually dave yellows might be the closest right now he he is maybe he is actually closer than red yeah right i mean the matrix is closer than blue and yellow yeah yellow is like three layers ahead of the matrix yeah i actually really only one layer ahead of red i actually really enjoy watching the tour de france if i have the time my dad's a big fan of it but like this reminds me of a the tour de france like a bike race it's like so slow and he's like this person's a little bit ahead we'll check up in three hours see what happens bottom line filser just linked me patch notes and it says game stability game freezes after an amount of time we are tracking this issue and we'll update when we have a resolution june 3rd 2020 and then filter says i found my bug [Laughter] d e just needs a hot fix oh my god are you making this stuff no literally not you're making this dude i'm not bro he found it chat he troubleshooted the book let's get the e on the phone guys bilster's in my time zone in our time zone it's 4 25 a.m for him so first off it's like i can just envision him like like cuddled in his room he's not supposed to be playing this his laptop's probably on overdrive right now the game's not working he's furiously googling the issues he's having and dude the guy actually found it he actually found it that's amazing i don't think it has anything to do with that but it's like we're three and a half hours fieldster's like he's so precious man it's just so oh my god orange and orange and grey oh there's a path well this this means that yellow's in a great spot then because purple and teal are fighting these two are going to fight okay what the matrix needs to do here is set his guys to attack ground on just that one so he just did another volley and watch oh not gonna click units i don't want this game to crash on me oh he also built a stone wall behind his bomber cannons which was smart philster is asking permission to join the stream until his de starts responding i don't think i don't think pilster joining the chat's really going to help i i honestly i prefer having filster on the outskirts it's actually really funny is that rude i enjoy i'm enjoying his updates i'm enjoying his updates right now if you were just in chat i don't think it'd be the same i'm very sad tristan why dave did your game crash yes it did what were you doing nothing it just crashed that sound you you did something what'd you do i didn't do anything it just crashed all right this is gonna come back my game is probably gonna crash and then we have to rely on filster so just honestly dave tell the stream how many times that games have crashed in crucial tournaments like big moments in uh tournaments and you've just hung in there hidden cup two finals red bull walla one finals pin cup three finals like no one knows he he doesn't say anything he's just like he just he just gets with it and just acts like he knows what he said he's uh i open the stream up and start casting according to the stream i all the big ones man it's like clockwork ripple wallow too it didn't crash i was very happy about that it only crashed for me a bunch of times yeah well anyways it's fine i mean i'm not gonna watch vicariously through you yeah there's no there's nothing we just got an extra viewer thanks dave i was viewing before oh all right fine it's fine i would say i'll rejoin and speed up but yeah that would that would probably have you'd have a much higher chance of breaking your pc doing that dude that's a big army from orange it is i'm ready to see it all get flattened yeah the problem is you can never like widen the gap between you and another person next to you you could get rid of the trees but that's it okay just fyi we are just under 300 subs away oops wrong scene sorry um from the potential wear hot pants goal why'd you switch scenes there i thought you're i had to check to see how many were i had to do that yeah sorry no one would maybe can we can we talk about blue we talked about blues you guys you guys got cat cam here you have it this cat is not really delivered during the 24 hour stream much but there you have it cat cam cat's being put to sleep on my casting like everybody watching the stream right now all right what were you saying talk about blue yeah we haven't talked about him at all um you know he is using a sea geometry to chop the trees unlike red who's using the treb interesting oh red just deleted his tc why he's been doing that all he's been replacing them closer every single time that's not even that different trust me it's one tile closer he's been doing it every single time okay all right yellow doing yellow is making ground okay let's count this one two three four i give up okay never mind that's a lot just select them so you remember where you are no no i'm not it's i gave up after three my closing in on 22 hours let's just forget about that all right gray and orange have kind of calmed down a little bit um but yellow's definitely closer to the middle t90 is my favorite powerpoint commentator nice do you watch a lot of those why isn't this game played with 25 pop feudal only because we're not crazy actually it's not really true we still are um e longer thank you for uh the long no thank you for 10 more gifted stuff steal longer i bet i can get to the middle faster than these schmucks with 25 pop funeral only okay i'll call your bluff how much money just by no just by focusing like a single path through okay all right let's try it how much how much you want to bet do you really want to get into this do you really want to commit to this i'm like i'm thinking you're gonna have to make it worth my while how satisfying would it be to just know that you're stuck in there for like half a day you know yeah how much is that worth for you see i was calling your bluff expecting you to back down and you just you called my bluff it's worth like it's worth like 300 bucks it's not enough i know it's not enough especially it's especially with the amount of support during this stream you're like wait no it's gotta be more than that any fieldster updates uh filster said um i am still second in score wtf any other words of wisdom i'm still frozen and red is attacking me apparently i am getting attack notification i'm just i just i'm just imagining him sitting there hoping with his his frozen screen listening because any time now it's gonna it's gonna come together it's gonna start working just like i like that like you know in star wars when han solo is like patting the millennium falcon he's like come on baby hold together that's how i picture filster with his computer she's like come on baby hold together oh my god okay all right let's let's just talk crazy scenarios for a second red has monks what if the key to getting pilster to un freeze is losing pop and that's about to happen if red gets conversions i think red converting things is going to make it less laggy i'm just saying like red's gonna start building stuff in philster's base red will probably build a tc over there knowing him all right red really wants conversions okay i'm just gaining grounds got to get some forging going it's hard to balance it uh what about the fight between these two settle down bilster's pc would never do the castle run in under 12 parts wait what that's such an ice cream comment oh my god you don't uh any any start star wars fans will understand that reference and think it's hilarious ah gotcha okay yeah my girlfriend's been getting like my thing is so i i've never watched seen all the star wars movies but i'll like any time there's star wars reference i'd be like oh yeah i love star wars it legitimately bothers her she's like you can't say that you've not seen them yet but that's why it's funny for me it's like when chat makes fun of something of ours right and they're like slightly bothers us which makes it funny oh my god there's bombard cannons i've never seen 46 bomber cans stacked like this i guess it's like 30. did you ever play nick's super wicked uh dodge ball this scenario with oh god oh no i have not it's like you got oh god these bomber cannons god that's so awful anyways continue so you had like a militia but it was modded so that it could shoot a bomber cannon across at the other militia a militia firing a bomber cannon yes when you click the icon okay it was called nick's super sick wicked dodgeball that's a great name a great name i'm gonna hunt it up one day can somebody search for that nick super sick wicked dodge ball somebody come on we've gotta find that there's gotta be like you know someone who recorded that on 360p and upload it to youtube or something come on that's great i'm pretty sure we played it i'll find it i i vaguely remember militia and bomber cannons hey he's getting close man they're in the same screen now who's that uh the yellow yellow i know same screen i know and he's trans he's doing a good transfer here with his bills it's actually trebuchet with blue we have two traps against the tar traps the tar trebs win every step of the way but they also don't get bomber cannons so can you do this more often t90 dude who said that dominus can use this you mean the 24-hour streams or this i think he means this what would it would actually be more unheard of for me to do this more frequently than 24 hour streams if you think about it like i've done five 24 hour stream i don't think i'm gonna do five of this found the map on boobly website really nice link it dave will check it out good old voobly i didn't even remember my voobly password last time i tried to log in oh someone found it oh yeah this uh this map pack so that he linked basically the guy who made it dallas sent me a message and said i want all your old maps so i can put them into a pack it's the same with most of the packs on on voobly it's like my map oh yeah database that i've kept for years yeah i have like hard drives of old maps dallas is a bubbly legend he made i don't know if he's making mods on de or what but no it's it's super limited like yeah i've talked to like pair myth and like uh scorpion you know those guys and they're working on it's a shame too because they keep messaging me asking me for like stream advice and stuff like that and i know they're working on um finishing a bunch of their rpgs that they put like years of time into yeah yeah and i keep telling them they're like how can we get people to play these and i said you gotta move it to de and i think scorpion told me he's like that would be like moving back 10 years yeah yeah i mean like dude even with scripting like we're we're talking basic things are at least basic for user patch um with with scripting for community games like there's so many people want okay i i have to skip over that but people want certain maps that we did in the boobly days it's not possible which is a shame but uh man the stutter though i i wish that someone had heavy scorpions like can you imagine commerce scorpions against the camels from two matrix right now scorpions would be to play oh here it is nick's wicked sick dodgeball all right it was close right well we're still going here things have opened up a little bit between teal and purple um teal is actually not that far away now he might be second place like second place blue kind of maybe he's close to second i don't know but yellow is definitely in first he's got the yellow jersey boys dude and then remember once he gets there we still have the countdown yeah but that's only fourth minute game time so compared to four hours that's that's nothing i need another beer it's only 440. yep yeah 440. now it's like big decision what do i do for food yeah i don't want to eat i really shouldn't eat until the stream ends i should eat like a nice warm heavy meal when i finish and then go to sleep what i think i should do good morning it looks like this will become a 30 hour stream i hope not apple thank you nk says can you say hello to my friend sophie hello sophie how you doing thank you for uh the two-dollar dono i didn't mean i i didn't mean to say how you doing like joey does and friends by the way that wasn't me not attracted to you sophie not that you're not attractive i didn't awesome stream or some castle ozzy mandias thank you for the two months for twitch prime thank you sealapse for the six months with twitch prime welcome welcome thank you guys by the way big time to to mention this um below the stream there is an image it's a giveaway image don't let me forget to do this by the way you click that you can enter to uh into the apple ipad giveaway which will do at the end of this 24 hour stream uh if you follow the stream you get an entry if you follow me on twitter you get entry i don't even care if it's a throwaway twitter account it's just how the system works it's actually whatever it is if you follow me on twitter you get 10 answers that's true you also if you fought if you follow dave aoe on twitter um but a lot of people are not paying attention to the images below the stream to do that so it was great man i got you're gonna have to speak up a little bit you gotta be quieter yeah i know because i'm trying not to wake my neighbors up you know okay all right i got myself some granola bars yeah for this whole stream odyssey do you i haven't had nutrition bars in years do you like nutrigrain as a kid nutrition i recall it being pretty good actually these things are fire the the um be careful too many that's a lot of apple cinnamon yeah you're going to be uh lit dude oh whoa whoa he's got camels over here okay i actually i actually dave i i have to ask you something i'm really curious in your input maybe check help okay so um first week of living together live with my girlfriend right now i'm going out to get groceries i have a list and on the list some of the things she added one thing included granola bars okay now i took the list literally now i went to the grocery store i got everything and i looked for granola bars like the the chewy granola bars you'd have when you were like 10. no no no you got to ask for specific there's so many different types okay okay so i got those and that's pretty much your response she was like because she she would always drink kind or not drink contours that'd be weird but these things called kind bars which are not granola burs well i guess there's some granola in it but i was like i i came dude i went like ham i got five boxes of the kids granola bars like why would you get all that five boxes because i you get no you get one box if it's okay you go back the next day and you get another box you don't just double down and get five boxes i know it was the lesson learned all right it was the lesson learned at that time pc guy willis was here he's like dude that's like that's pretty embarrassing not gonna lie phil stur okay update from philster yeah all caps now all caps dave space red converting my vills 11 [Laughter] he's just now gotten to that point it's been a while and he's 20 156 pop he actually must have heresy because his bills die when they get converted oh man honestly like a few more lumber camps would have directed philister a different way yellow is our our clear hope now what if yellow drops i swear i just have a feeling he's going to drop now uh norah thank you for the twitch prime daniel says i wanted so badly to see phyllis erwin he was doing so well i thought he had it i know feels bad thanks daniel for the five frederick says um i would like i would also like to give some to those who donate and chat in general you all are the fuel that keeps this lovely community alive sorry if this is a bit much i'm ever so tired frederick have you been here for the full stream my friend you've been here for a lot of this i mean i i'm just gonna have to believe people but i know that there's like a small list of people who've actually been here for the full 24 hours frederick ducks i know vox said he would um one it's like one four something like that was there um cali hue has been yeah like there's i want to say a few dozen people have been here the whole ride i hope it's been a fun ride we're close right some crazy people hey i mean for me as a streamer these have been some of the best memories for me like i i have no way of knowing what my future's like with all this stuff right but let's say let's say this ends tomorrow i will always look back at these 24-hour streams of some of my favorite streams like i hope i've also proven like on some level that while 24-hour streams are ridiculous if you keep like a crazy structure and keep things pumping and and all that good stuff as we try to do it it's like it's special more special than you know doing uh like a 16 hour stream or two 12 hour streams or three eight hour streams or something you know but maybe that's just complete bias on my part someone just subscribed to my channel called this is really frustrating i don't know if they're trying to send a message i'm pretty sure i i i think i think he might be here right now i think i saw him in chad that's funny so dave i don't know if i told you this so um you know during red bull like we're doing the whole casting thing right yeah and my obs is in control so for whatever reason my new setup regardless if i have streamlabs open or not even if i have alerts shut off in obs if someone subscribes or donates or anything i hear it and now thankfully it did not um like people in the red bull chat couldn't hear because i had been really embarrassed that and then people you know people would have been like next game force nothing spam or whatever but there was like so many portions during the stream where i get like a weird resub message like random reset message and it would completely ruin my train of thought that's so weird dude did you disable it in obs yeah you should have a different thing for it right yeah i don't i don't know why i've been like two computers probably yeah like it should be tied to streamlabs being open but you know it might have something to do with like the same scene that i use for like all the normal casting stuff was where i had the extra i don't know but 20. how am i feeling i'm feeling pretty good i mean i'm tired right but i'm okay man yell is getting closer i know i it's so close like i can go in two zoom levels and we can still see this okay now i'll count one two three oh god one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 26 ish all right so last time i counted it was 48. someone said 30 something not too long ago so he's killing it right now yeah yeah well he's the thing oh he's doing well dude yeah you see you see the extra efficiency efficiency when you want to see that again uh efficiency when you when you kill the trees and then you can walk over to the other side yeah yeah yeah that's true get the ones on the edge and then you work on the stone after that so that's good someone i don't know if you're serious or trolling and if you were serious and it's no biggie that he was like dude focus on the game which what i get like during community games at times or even if we go in tangents during like a cast in this particular instance i'm i feel like we feel like we should have some liberties to be able to to talk about some other things every once in a while i am so auntie that guy and whatever he stands for i it maybe it's a troll i don't know but i'm not saying his name we don't want to be that guy right or i don't want to be that streamer who's like singles someone out but you know i admire his admire his focus on the uh the action [Music] and if you're now saying dude focus on the game you you got it it's gonna be more creative than that another twenty filster says do you want to see my perspective how is he gonna how am i gonna screenshot yeah send a screenshot i want to see what you can see sure i do actually i'm kind of scared to tap out myself now because your game crashed i don't want i didn't tap out at all i was just in the game and it just disappeared you know de sometimes just crashes the desktop yeah and there's nothing yeah that's why i have the surprise pikachu uh oh oh red help wait oh my oh my oh my oh my all that work for nothing orange went right through there and red is in deep doo doo right now oh no why pick on red why do you need that you might need the first person to die to start making military now he's making monks actually monks would be epic right do koreans get heresy update on blue he's he's trucking um he is probably second place right now in the race wait a second i'm everyone's in the the public channel and your discord filster is streaming his perspective i'm gonna hop in there and i'm gonna tell you what i see okay go for it take a few screenshots for us in before that whole room is just completely flooded i feel alone without dave guys this isn't the same without him this is going to take a while another 24 hours i hope not actual thanks for the two months um as i i've been looking at computers for so long like if anything like this is unhealthy it's probably unhealthy just in the eyes with pc for 24 hours straight that canceled a family visit for this when are we getting paid through the public channel 48 hour stream i bet you tons of people joined yes like oh my god there's a hundred people in there are we gonna is our discord gonna go down tonight what's i hope not it's like bilster's gonna tank the t90 official discord yeah tarzan's i really want to use those glasses yeah i really want to use those glasses obviously don't use face cam as frequently i think i'd really like that all right you guys go ahead and monitor discord i'm just ready four hours and 23 minutes in this coco i'm not going to bring phil strain to codecast i'm sorry sorry i didn't address that the first dozen times but we're gonna see this one out as we normally do also can you pass the next slide in the powerpoint presentation please sure what's up gundrick good morning i'm i'm holding up um the last i mean the game is obviously turning this into a bit of a grind i'm just you know we've made it so far i just can't wait to finally be there yeah i think uh at a certain point you just gotta go like run to the finish you know yeah across the line and we'll remember the journey and how how hard it was for us to get here it's about the friends we made along the way exactly yep yep uh no not there's not been many friendships in this uh eastern side though like nikki and i can't believe they're still fighting with the katie over there katie um 400 kills for teal nicki has 700 kills so like one to two kd for nick you're two to one the reds looking like teals rez is looking okay what's nikki's nikki might actually die here oh wow seven food he's got six on wood six on gold this might actually be the end for king nikki king will die first he put up a great fight getting attacked from both sides yeah yeah yeah a bunch of cyclists i've stretched i've walked around i have not been sitting on my ass for 24 hours don't need to worry about it thank you no there's there's uh actually my desk is a standing desk like i can go i could go like whoop can you see that you guys can't see anything anyways i'm able to um to move the desk up and down but i've actually never been able to be comfortable standing on my pc because i'm just not used to it like rather difficult when you have to control things i don't trust people that do a standing desk yeah weird it's like people that sit on a ball you know one of those fitness balls yeah like dwight in the office yeah yeah i don't trust him oh she's awake now it's a yeah oh i forgot you're watching from my perspective so you see that sorry i could cast the cat yes well i i wish i would have been able to take a picture of how poofy that cat's tail was when i the cat's like beside me i'm wearing a banana suit and i fall down the stairs earlier today and the cat was freaked out and just wouldn't as king nikki resigns the first person to go out even before filster uh wow well played king nikki great resilience but anyways yeah the cat was scared and wouldn't come in here for like 12 hours so nikki made it all the way through there through that odyssey and he's the first one to go he has nothing to show for it i bet he's wishing he didn't pick vikings i don't know if they picked sivs if sims are kind of random-ish to me man i forgot you fell a little how's the toe it looks like i jammed it bad it's the railing of the stairs let's put it that way i'll be fine it's fine i've had full of i'm just riddled with injuries according to de my fps is uh like between 15 110 people asking about they that make this the new they should make this the new benchmark test for the rank ladder they should can you run this rip filter we'd eliminate half the laggers on the ladder be perfect uh it does it does slightly bother me that they have a benchmark test and there's still laggers on the ladder but i guess it's not that common where it's it's understandable right um well it's it bothers me that you can cheese it by going on to like 800 by 600 putting it in window mode and not looking at any of the fights ah that's true yeah yeah you can get past it i mean you know i feel for people who might not be able to uh people who might not be able to play otherwise you know i don't want to say like no you can't but i don't know i i can't say de is really given many crazy examples of like i do you remember when we were queuing in team games that was the worst one oh like the same person and we could catch up in a row like gabby and her teammate right yeah that was bad that was one of them but then there was another guy that we matched up against like three times that was even worse should we be concerned that yellow's not doing anything right yes yes we should be i'm very concerned oh god you are our hope mantis prime do not maybe he had to take maybe he had to take a leak his traps aren't even no did what if he's experienced the same issue experiencing the same issue so filter no he just deleted stuff it's fine okay filster says to matrix says he has a way to auto win i don't know if he's being serious now i see a wonder foundation and phil's into matrix's base but it's not counting down so i don't know how he's gonna auto win the matrix would be the type of person to know how to auto win no he wouldn't oh god blue's coming into the other side dave i guess man oh our only hope is dead well okay his villagers are still going to continue doing their thing at least but and then someone else can someone else can take the reins if need be it's actually smart from blue and teal if they're gonna have to play this mess and they're gonna try and win to just recover and win off of someone else's hard work well they don't know how far he is they do with spies they should see everything right oh they have spies yeah i think everyone has spies so they should see he's closest [Music] to tonic knights um so we removed the etk emote because uh of other things and we've actually seen tootin quite a bit in the stream so imagine that this cav archers are about to get destroyed what's i i think so yeah never mind it's really hard to call this i'm not used to casting powerpoint sorry guys blue just had so here though so would be sick all his bomber cannons died i didn't realize those were bomber towers yeah i just got absolutely wiped look at all the archer ranges from yellow too man i hope he still focuses on trying to get to the middle i really do well right now he's it's all mining so he'll slowly get there um he you know what what's the price of wood right now hey no market that doesn't help me dude 460 gold to buy a hundred wood i know it seems like that's a lot but that could get out of hand fast especially when yeller right now okay he's 100 000 gold okay take it back never mind he's gonna have to buy wood though so not a big deal what's up emperor um he says we need age of mythology de i loving the stream as well even if i didn't catch too much but thanks i don't know did they say they're going to do anything with atrial mythology i know like i feel bad for the ancient mythology community because as far as i i know oh goodness [Music] i think age of mythology had like a sort of hd release but yeah it was trash that's what i heard yeah on uh and then you know they felt unheard as did age of empires 2 fans right on hd we're getting much closer a yellow will i the sad thing is he might start the countdown he might not win because he's got two people looking to attack him i feel like toons are way better than tatar's post damn koreans are too what a shame look at red and orange please um yeah there you go um and he's yeah he's fighting back and he tried to counter attack and then he got walled out and now there's the siege manager arriving good job from red so hold on there okay i want i wonder how to matrix is gonna auto win it's gotta be something with the wonder i don't want him to do it though like you should tell filster that i don't want that to happen it would suck if someone won without getting to the middle after waiting the song so i don't know what tricks he has up his sleeve but i'd like to see this be played out standard gotcha sorrow makes sense uh baobab the reuben stock first belgium show match was supposed to start now um obviously we have quite a bit of time here so i i believe we will have to postpone that to another time tally gifted 25 more subs thank you tally very much again i think you're top dog now actually it's like well yeah your top dog i've i've i have to gift more subs fifteen five for every a hundred we hit during the stream today next off thank you for the twitch prime alpo good morning right nice to see you hey coffee ninja any sign of the mustache yet when do i have to start growing that i guess tomorrow now now yeah all right look horrible i guess i'll give you guys weekly updates in my streams dude you're gonna look like a janitor dude it's gonna be bad it's gonna be great but i've avoided it see like i've tried shaving off my beard and only leaving the mustache but then i look like i shouldn't be around to school like that's what it's really that's what my brother said yeah he's like there's a couple week period where you have to be careful where you go yeah it's not a good look i mean not that i really you know i i'm like i go to three different places apart from my house so especially nowadays right come on yellow let's go let's go keep going the old baby d says are you winning son thank you for a year i missed a few names here adl thank you for two years look at the beautiful badges we've got you know what i'm kind of sad about is that we didn't have any four-year badges for this 24-hour would have been sick to have the four-year anniversary matched up with a 24-hour stream what's mine at i don't even know you are 46 or 47 i think actually if you say something in chat and someone shows over your badge it will say i'll check right now it should be under the subscription thing right all you have to do is say something in chat and then no i don't want to do that i want to figure it out myself yeah then you go to subscription if you want to be weird i am 47 months so in like a week or two maybe the four years before your badge comes in yeah it's a rainbow batch it is a rainbow badge yes i think it looks good d longer again thank you very much four years dude i can't believe it's been four years i know man oh wait wait for the uh you know this actually um i didn't do the stream because of this but you know with that that's like four-year partner anniversary remember how much of a struggle was to get partnered oh yeah like it was it was a much different time back then no affiliate or anything back then took took days to get emote approval tally what the holy man jeez man i think tally wants me to put on those pants or just appreciates the stream or whatever where hold on where are we at here too drunk to text accn is on hit him up plaza cheers okay i mean guys the support's already been enough we're 170 subs away from the new goal where i have to put on the pants the uh the sauna pants that dave got me ida thank you too drunk to text acc amazon hit him up cheers from la i'm a big fan of accm but i'm not sure what bringing him into the equation would do right now any filter updates dave nope well he sent me a screenshot of uh his conversation earlier today with the matrix oh okay um said is bring nothing the kind of game i should try to get in question mark matrix replied with you should totally gilster says okay so i avoided all costs that was way too fast a response to matrix says at 1 58 a.m you should it's not that bad of a match and filster replies with hmm i might just try and get in if i don't go to sleep and finish rest tomorrow to watch so to matrix convinced filster to join this by saying it's not that bad of a match we are now almost five in-game hours into this game and the countdown on the monument has not started yet filster for the last three in-game hours hasn't been able to move his screen he's still in it he's been hanging in there he can hear the game sound he's still but he cannot influence the game in any way i like how i like how his response was great he's like you responded way too quick i cannot trust you he was scammed i just he was lied to i just i can so i've i watched fieldster stream before and like i've heard a few times where like his mom's like time to get off and he's like let me finish this game mom and like just envisioning like when i lived in my parents place many years ago like my dad would come down if i was like watching tv or playing video games when i shouldn't he'd be like what are you doing up and i'm just waiting i just like waiting for a story about like him getting yelled at by his parents for being up for this waste of a game for him oh my god like look at these villagers dave look at the journey they're taking well the the thing the thing with filster is that he could just if they come down he can just turn off his monitor it's not like he didn't affect anything he just turned turn off his monitor he's asleep it's fine if if the ring if the ring wouldn't have been a good enough uh thumbnail i think this might be the other one oh my god that is of all the the text messages or the palestine messages dude yeah this is the best in five years of streaming we've ever seen yeah that was that was perfect text nice and bold the tired casters here i can't believe i've never seen someone delete the foundations for a message before that's so good oh my god update on uh yellow um it's not looking good for him uh he's holding against blue if you could call it that and teal's gonna be through any moment now he just needs to forge through a bit but you've got a thumbnail for this game if you upload the whole thing yeah but i feel like we've gotta do the rings but yeah it's tough it's like if you can you do that as a thumbnail like oh my i can envision it now okay the title oh my god what did i get myself into craziest uh free-for-all map ever and then that's the thumbnail with like a t90 thing with where you have your stupid little hands on your the either side of your head like face what is that emote called i'm sorry but the words t90 oh extreme t90 omg that's the one all right yeah the most i've noticed in my channel actually um we could probably redo that one at some point you know dave how i find how i'm gonna find that screenshot is i'm gonna have to go back to the vod yep it's not like it's just a five hour game pod or however long this is but a 24 hour pod do you know how hard it is to find like a 10 second section of a 24-hour vod i will never find help so someone hopefully clipped that a screenshot of that posted in discord maybe dude it's not much there we go pumpkin guys got him pumpkin guy what i love about pumpkin pumpkin guy being here right now is like he's very much one who's attracted to like the competitive play normally i see him in a lot of those streams but i love how like oddly into it he's been since he arrived over the last couple hours like i feel like that's everyone right now he'll stir up there my my mom knows i'm awake tonight i told her and my dad i wasn't sleeping and my dad said i still have to help him with the car at 9am it is 5 10 in the morning for phyllis right now i love it dude it just reminds me like boosters me like eight years ago i love it so much good luck poster hey good luck tally's going nuts dude tally's dropping bombs tally what oh my god wait a second why is it 22 is there on i have to check youtube's gonna hate seeing my face okay youtube does not like your face no dude no his youtube historically youtube's not about it at all sorry youtube all right i i feel like this is a good moment even though we're getting closer oof never mind of all i really want to tell a story right now but the fights are actually intense they're just really hard to follow i'll save the story for another time is matrix doing much i think he is a webs thank you why are we watching this why why are you why not come on sir i mean the answer is right in front of you because it's ridiculous why did why did why did man land on the moon because it never been done before and here we are uh wow those hand cannons are getting demolished it's not good at all like how many layers how many layers are left in this cake i'm i would down some how bad would it be if i were to eat a big cake full of icing right now i don't i think everyone would understand or 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. now we can't get spirit of the law in here to do any statistical analysis on this however we have another canadian dave dave how long is that going to take us [Music] i'd say about 350. wow and i think that's been tested over um various scenarios and uh various lagging computers too so i i believe that makes sense now should you do that in arabia game arena game is that does that apply to every situation no oh i see okay so it depends is what you're saying filster says so is this worth legend status i mean i've been stuck in a frozen game for two hours filster will do anything to become a legend so thirsty bro he wants it so bad sweating over there he wants it so bad oh my word i i filster is just precious man i feel like to matrix is having pc issues too because he's not there's no movement here yeah filster says to matrix says quote i regret my life decisions end quote guys so just just with the matrix right this is what happened i pinged my mod last week i was like hey this is the schedule this is the plan we're probably gonna do ring nothing if we hit the goal for it i need a volunteer to host is anyone down no one volunteers except for to matrix who immediately is like me me me me me me he's like i got this he's like all the game room set up let's go the start of the stream he was like messaged me on discord and he's all like let's go t90 and t90 salute he was pumped lesson learned i'll tell you what though this is gonna be memorable we'll reference this one for a long long time oh wow red is in the philster space oh no feels too good to hear himself dying but he can't even do anything about it this is torture they'll see you dead bro i'm going to miss this poster update 401 is typing dot dot dot he's typing i like how i'm no longer in the game but i'm like bringing you live updates i know it's amazing i'm like the sideline reporter yeah yeah we stopped typing i think you realize he's dying he's fading we're losing him we're losing him oh he's losing me too oh man ella's getting closer and and honestly at this point yellow isn't even dave yellow's not if you look at his pop i don't even know where it is honestly like he's his base is split in two he's making castles he does have a hundred fifty seven thousand stone but that's that's that's that's that's that's the answer says i'm telling to matrix to ask orange to kill red i want to live okay that's so sad so bilster wait a second wait a second wait a second you know what you know that game where you like whisper into one person's ear and pass it along yeah what is the message going to be by the time it it's received bilster's asking to matrix to tell orange to attack red yeah that's a that's involving half the players in this game yeah especially when orange is fighting with the matrix that's true it's like hey i know you hate me but uh you want to do this thing for filster i was thinking more along the lines if you know when you talk to your your best friends and you're like listen if i'm ever in a coma and i'm never going to wake up like just pull the plug you know filster had the opposite conversation it's true never in a vegetative state where i can't influence everything i want you to fight [Laughter] [Laughter] i'm ashamed of my comparison because that just knocked out oh my god [Laughter] i love it because we've all had that conversation but like every time the conversation's been had normally it's like bro if bob if i'm like if i'm in a vegetative state for a week no who cares what the quality of life is we will hang on forever and make the legend video oh man this is amazing how many bills does filster have oh i forgot about him poor guy he's at nine oh no there's some sneaky little corridors they're mining and chopping in right now has phyllis officially been frozen longer than he's been playing at this point i don't even know update orange is actually attacking red so phil's just kind of getting his wish he says the matrix is begging red for me not to kill me i think it worked all he's listening is for sounds at this point imagine trying to get war wagons through that little tiny area oh no [Laughter] in lag too that's terrible there's no way i've got to still download it here this is fine this is fine thank you for the 21. um elsa veg thank you for 10. pizazz has justice for filster with tier 2 4 thank you very much jamal hello 16. uh i made multiple camel sounds today i think that's it for me okay if yellow wins this with tatar treb defense i don't even care one of the best community game victories ever like he has nothing he has two people attacking him right now skip just messaged me yeah he's like he's no longer filster 401 he's filster 404. stop it you're gonna kill me dave that was skip has been around a long time that was definitely skip's best joke that was well done oh my god dude what what's philster's pop six five oh god he's counting down live in discord messages he's like bills seven bills how does he know he's watching the stream because he can't see stuff i guess so all right well filster is likely to be the next person defeated we are are we is this like the the countdown to new year's one two three four five six seven eight nine close yeah and then we got you know it's like the the pre-countdown this will end countdown party the real concern is like if this here's here's the situation so if they get to the middle it's probably going to be it at best six hours okay so get the middle six hours then it takes 40 minutes game time to get from that countdown start to zero that is only if it doesn't reset and yellow could die so we could actually have a king of the hill situation where there's people with endless resources fighting for the middle monument can they please move on after two spots open do you mean i think that's a legitimate question my my patience slowly like withers away the longer i've been live no way we i i i do apologize to people who might not like this however that said um well i want you to say you know you're maybe could uh catch up on some other parts of the vod if you missed some of the stream um also um for what it's worth the reuben stock belgium show match is yeah it's it's pretty much been canceled at this point i already told them ahead of time that unfortunately it won't work out with our schedule i will do it again uh we're not do it again but i'm doing a different date where i can i won't be as exhausted and not gonna extend a 24 hour stream by too much sometimes when you get started on something you just gotta commit you always gotta see it to the end yeah that's what's happening right now i'm like i'm in it i'm not even in the game in a minute yeah and i yeah exactly i mean it's not good i i've accepted this for what it is at this point you know like this is to me i'm like i obviously i'm keeping an eye on the clock here because i'm an hour and a half away from the end of the 24 hours but for an hour and 40 minutes danielle is gonna die dude yeah yes can we can we get a big old salute i just i mean so well to get here i i hope that teal brings villagers over here yeah he will he will if he doesn't i'm gonna be oh think about it teal teal brought bills to uh well first off he's making his own little journey which isn't too bad um and then also he had to like make his way over to king nicki and make his way over to yellow so i think he'll be mindful of that and all we got but then again how can he get blues here elite teutonic knights should destroy what teal has like what are what are the other areas looking like for like space to the middle what's teal's base looking like he's chopping quite a bit well blue is pretty much abandoned so like blue's focus and and teal's focus will probably be where yellow is currently the matrix i'm i'm pretty sure is gg at this point but he's not he has not been moving villagers so i think he's in a similar situation to philster which by the way phil sorry's had three pop still got a few idols all right if you add your gift subs now you'll reach the goals just a cyclist really it's terrifying realization it's just sauna pants i have the gift someone did the math for me i've gifted 150. 150 times i don't even know what math i'm supposed to do i have to give 20. so you do you do 5 for every 100 right 5 for every 100 exactly okay so 20. so that that takes us very close indeed end to the freaking stream with sauna panthers perfect hey i mean maybe i just put them on say goodbye show them off and did or or you know reverse that order zuseki thank you for 21. hello you got sea geometries now i know you love them yeah man dude one thank you very much for the one viewer host appreciate it uh what's yellow's pop 13. yeah i guess so oh oh come on teal come on big shots big shot shoot it big shots big shots oh my god attack my monitor just turned up okay we're back oh that was beautiful i actually freaked out my heart like skipped a couple beats there because my monitor just glitched off for a second [Music] all right teal bring bills i like how yellow's still sticking to the task here with these two villagers he's still moving dude deal sending villes nice pen but uh there might be more and he's also making his own path which is safer which i think is good right diversify a bit wow well even if he gets the middle he'll still have some time so like even if he gets it through yellows avenue he can still chop through through his abs yeah yeah he doesn't have to worry about this side being raided i like the idea like i guess he's sending villas around right now but honestly just delete 10 and or delete add tcs and then just delete bills and create more whatever actually who knows it won't take that long the tc i i have to give red some credit here we were a bit judgmental of the tc approach i'm actually kind of understanding it now yeah um because it it's it's much less clutter and there's more surface area for the villagers to drop off yeah and they can they can walk under it whereas with a mining camp or a lumber camp it's all stuck together i'm surprised red is still alive i'm actually really impressed the red is still alive i'm i'm so much early if we had let's say we had top 10 players in this how many players do you think would have resigned already every single one every single single one and people in twitch chat people won if you would have resigned hours ago so many people would have resigned but these guys are like listen the 24-hour stream we've got we've got to put on a show here and or try and win so did this wake you up a little bit the second a little bit i'm like i'm physically exhausted mentally not exhausted right now um thank you so much to seki hello hello hello hello i think did you just get here be rude if you were here the whole time but i think you uh just rearrived at least thank you very much i uh i know i'm not showing much emotion right now but kind of zapped presto thank you thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is too much too much clutter use the seat on turn your villagers steal this is not what we wanted well whatever he's got too many tc's where's my baby shark i had to remove baby shark because of copyright stuff it only took me six months just waiting for that to get an email from youtube like hey you have five thousand videos that include 30 second baby shark and baby sharks coming after you for or like oh it was a hundred dollar donut alert give us that money or something like that i don't know uh-oh what's says dave dave to matrix says piggy filster 401 is typing that cannonball is bouncing like rubber balls okay cannon balls bouncing like rubber balls there's no typing after this that's just from bbc okay that happens sometimes i think it's like one in every 50 shots some of the uh bombard cannon shots will look like they bounce they don't actually bounce though i remember seeing it in tournaments i'm just like was that really worth a dave dave i think it's a big deal the big update ask fieldster what uh he has to what is going on with his dad he says he says they're all doing it according to matrix okay let's see matrix is obviously controlling some okay we'll see i can't really there's not enough frames here for me to tell i don't think they're bouncing no nope he's high bombard tower yeah bomber towers have bounced more i town i don't know the percentage someone gave me a percentage one time and i just been living off that ever since jos woke up after watching yesterday for a few hours the fact that a stream that started yesterday is still going is so weird well hello rape grab doesn't die it's overconfidence that's true now that i think back the trip was actually very strong only so many layers dude we're getting there we're really close one two one two three four five six seven eight nine nine less than ten single digits single digits let's go baby and he'll mine the stone faster because he's korean the six and a half d 1800 iq chess backgammon play well it's legit um to pick koreans um so at five hours and 41 minutes he'd be able to do this all right and now he's gonna use two of those layers aren't even layers they're just like this is a cake this would be this was [Music] he's trying you know what he's trying to do there right good explain because sometimes projectiles it doesn't work with wonders but projectiles are considered units of whoever fired them oh so like sometimes you can find count down yeah yeah it doesn't work with wonders in the middle oh i see that's funny brian did i i've tried the cheese that before is it not working king of the hill no okay i've tried i've tried so basically what he's trying to say is like dave says cheese because it's kind of a bug if you delete your c janitor sometimes it'll it'll uh even if you just attack around you there's no i you didn't need to delete it i've never in all my years of king of the hill i've never seen that so that's why i was confused yeah it doesn't work in king of the hill is that is that does that mean this guy has scenario experience defeat um maybe dude teal i guess i mean just take out the trees well actually who knows he's getting there bilster update uh filster is on three pop and red is now heading over to okay so teal actually might see that blue could be coming in blue's not really moving much uh is he almost still in this making towers and castles and whatnot um the red's looping around so teal is actually making stone walls which is really smart thinking and a lot of towers as he tries to buy abide his time by his time chop this time he abideth the time no that's a different word that's not no no no sorry i'm tired um thank you fred for gifting v viscous marauder which i'm pretty damn sure is ice cream i think that's one of the ice creams many smurfs yeah so you're welcome uh or not he's got every single he's got every single one of it also if you search will work for ice cream on twitch you'll find every single possible combination of the elves being eyes the eyes it's true everything he's got them all you don't see it much nowadays but back in like the 50 viewer days you'd see ice cream smurfs popping up everywhere the guy is something else how many rows left for player seven did you see what he wrote on the twitter thread when robo got announced as the tournament organizer for uh for microsoft um no what did he say i'm gonna find it for you i think i might have actually so actually um i knew about that one for months so basically um you knew about it before it was cool let's see i'm not trying to be like that all right like you know how it's been with like as the tournaments come there's like okay no consistency with organization or or structure and it can be a bit frustrating for all those involved including players and so i was like basically been a big whiner not like a professional whiner behind the scenes for a long time and when i finally found out it might be a thing to like have someone in charge and we'll see like of course what the reigns they give him um i was like so pumped i'm really happy for robo as well perfect guy he just yeah he deserves it man he's he's poor like considering this he doesn't really make content right he's put he's put more hours into the game with admining and everything that he does than many content creators he does a great job so really happy for him so ice cream responds on his donnie account because he has a donnie account from one of the rpg yeah so he responds saying great to see robo has long been a pillar of the community and then he responds to his response with not like that scoundrel g-man who gave stefan and i the hardest round 32 in round 16 in tournament stefan gets stark i get mel chorus pawn gets doubt i get viper lol corrupt tournament admin please explain how seating worked out like this and then he responds with thank you g-man it's sad that so few people here gonna get that but that's the greatest meme of all time i don't know of all time but that's ice cream's dedication to it is beautiful so there was a masters of arena and there was a controversy over like i think they were just joking with each other but it became a meme to say thank you g-man because he was the organizer of the tournament and they didn't like the way that arena pros were like seated up against good rm players they exaggerated you know they made a mountain out of a molehill and then that's what everyone used to tease them about so long ago that was like three or four years ago what's that masters arena four massive arena or some other arena tournament the first one on wallow kingdoms i think yeah like three was beastly obviously there's a lot of nostalgia there for us yeah that was when you first got good viewer numbers was on three yeah and it was a good tournament for just casting and everything in general fine mix and then hidden cup four i'm sorry um masters arena before i don't think i was sold on this thing wasn't it wasn't the war with the hills yeah had the hills in it i think g-man's was a different arena event our g-mans was masters that was the one with wallow kingdoms um i think it was the first i don't know it was an arena tournament and you're definitely right swiss boy um made like it was like arena with hills and different things okay so four was the one where everyone's like not a fan um of the settings and then as this arena 5 i i also i don't know something about it didn't excite me at the time maybe there's other things going on but yeah i um my opinion doesn't necessarily reflect everyone else's and the thank you g-man thing was hilarious it's too late to be politically correct now seriously i don't even remember enough like maybe the settings were good i just for whatever reason wasn't casting it so i think it's just the first one a wallow so like yeah everyone wasn't sure it was still new it might have been like back then like if you think about it a lot of the top rm players wouldn't play an arena tournament unless there's like a decent chunk of prize pool yeah so maybe that was it like maybe the sign ups weren't that exciting did t90 just announced hidden cup four if you like that was it hidden cup four will come at some point um so i guess i'll i'll talk about a bit now since many people might have missed it so um i did announce that a a very exciting tournament is coming after king of the desert 3 which is coming up in a week or two and that's going to last for a month and a half so it's uh the 2v tour world cup i'd i sold it a lot better when i wasn't tired but the 2v2 world cup 2020 we'll have microsoft uh microsoft will be backing the prize pool specifics and all that stuff is going to be uh hitting the interwebs as soon as we can get it up but um i'm really excited for that because the first 2b2 world cup was epic great viewership which tells me a lot of people are interested in i feel like age scenes just suited for 2v2s right now by the great teams possibly and also like a lot of like big underdog teams too because a lot of people been stacking with the e united see where it goes next time make sure the game settings are slow speed and mayans only please grappler moves too fast for me all right i'll make sure i do that on my 48 hour stream i'll make sure i do that hills are still in the game dave three pop dude we've got four layers basically left because there's a wood layer in between there so like honestly even just mining the gold might trigger the countdown yep i think you have to be on that like area well i think yeah maybe yeah well maybe the area is to the edge of that gold you never know so close guys getting there and then it's another 40 minutes by the way to the people who just arrived you don't even know you don't even know what we've been through to get here this has been we i can't believe there's only one person that's out like this has been an unbelievable journey and unbelievable in many bad ways and good ways so my game crashed about an hour ago it's been casting off my stream for over an hour and filster has not been able to control his game for a long time and here comes red was there a hole oh my god red went through the wood line and now he's gonna lose everything they'll be slightly disrupting the path to the center come on red i gotta give it to him man the dedication has been real it has citizen lame official 11 months has just woke up to come by hope you had a great stream and smiley face thank you smiley face to you as well wait that was i don't know um thanks for 11. almost a year it's been a good stream yeah says this has been hell but it's a road through hell worth taking do you think he googled phrases or do you think that was a oh oh oh i i don't know maybe i supposed to come up with that well also it's like he could have left the game three hours ago he severely misspelled it the first time and then he edited his message so i think he came up with it himself all right all right all right these are the details you missed out on when you don't have dave giving me the updates okay so teal's got a little bit distracted let's refocus here focus on the task all right he just clicked all of his villagers that grabbed 40 villagers clicked to that stone pile grabbed 40 votes [Laughter] you can't make it up eight webs thank you very much according to my screenshot from the 14th of april 2017 you owe us a 40-hour stream for reaching 2000 subs since it hasn't happened yet please update the stream title crazy nick i don't believe you crazy next is a big old liar i never ever uh underestimated what this community would turn into and i never ever promised something here 40 or 40 yeah crazy next there what yeah man hog dude um may or may not i think we have a promise command if you want to check it out exclamation mark promise but um i believe there's a discord screenshot from 2017 where i said to be honest if we hit 3 000 subs i'd do 48 hours not gonna lie at that time i think we were not even close to 500 and obviously you just never expected the community to blow up so but there is a limit to the madness like what gets me is the fact that you still haven't done a q a video if i told you i was waiting for a certain sub number would you believe me no okay then i won't say that because it's so easy it's actually well you know me have you ever heard my my scripted content yeah it's awful it's awful exactly dude i did record q and a stuff for that video and i was like this is awful yeah so i i gave up some things are meant it's like um you know it's like mbl stepping into arena you know it might have great potential but it's not for him actually an awful example because he's actually topped here in arena he's like one of the best yeah even though he's of all time all right i could have thought of a different example but you get my point hey all right we're on the trees now well how about we use these these the sea john is your cuddy thingies not lumber camps he has to defend against blue reds might go in with another batch red might have a big freaking batch 19 bomber cannons oh my god red why teal why are we not cutting with siege janitors that's why you do force nothing we get an hour of q a every time yeah honestly that's good yeah like that's how it works like if you i don't know if you guys have ever because there's not this doesn't really exist within the age of empires community most people who are streamers primarily stream and they upload their best things to youtube or they do like i do a few youtube casts but that's the same and then there's people who are youtubers who rarely stream and like i've watched um i don't i guess i won't call out any names especially because these examples are channels that are much bigger than mine but i've watched people who make youtube videos i hear them on stream and they're entirely different and then the same the other way around would win some people might be able to like balance that out coverage starts in 45 minutes can someone put an end to this before come on man four lumber camps this is you know at least he's listened to my rants on lumber efficiency uh okay he's almost there dude once the countdown starts then it doesn't even matter that it doesn't matter exactly and red's gonna get flattened here i think i can't tell it depends on the frame dude he's dead framed perfectly dead in every sense surrounded no reinforcements no friends bombard cannons really need to be dead yeah dead all right no friends feels bad man okay others are getting rather close but to matrix is is kind of disrupting bubba these two are putting heads again four hours later i love the one guy in chat why is he not attacking he physically can't dash in you can you can try you can hope for the best but like yeah you can't um so how many people are here watching never played uh on the hd edition type of one i'm curious so um you know hd is kind of like not water under the bridge people still play there but especially like the first year i mean it's it's still really bad it was the easy the first year was bad and i you know what i did the first year of de as red's trying to castle push here all i did was play 4v4 cba and it was there were games that were like this consistently to the point where i would cue up my units my dad be like you have to take out the trash tonight i go take out the trash come back nothing's really happened but you're like it's like this where you sink so much time into it i hate how all like the spotlight videos on the age of empires too like competitive scene how it's had a rebirth all the ones i watch are saying like oh and it got a you know they all act like hd was where the competitive scene no they don't know that's that's why yeah right yeah yeah yeah i mean i mean brought in some new players and it got some new sieves and whatever but like it was user patch like yeah carried the game yeah i mean i mean i don't want to discourage any uh journalists who wants to write about agent empires right um yeah it's not like it's not like a content creator where they're going to be built up from within the community they got to learn over time but you're definitely right that some of the articles i've seen it's just like no credit given like who did you talk to like but to be fair like who's going to want to read about the very awkward bumpy road that age of empires took to get to where it is today i'd read about that so i you would but you know you were part of that i just remember playing like the only games i would ever play on hd were the uh because they were never hosted on bluebelly the europe diplomacy like 500 pop games oh it's even worse than that it's awful one more layer one more one more layer one more layer it's like new years almost one more hour well we used to play on game ranger and then they oh he got it he wait where's the countdown why don't i see a cat there must be one it's somewhere dude it's just somewhere you can't find turn off turn off your scores no oh my you know what i think it is you remember red bull i had the thing that removed the amount of years the countdown yeah i think that mod's still on because i would never i'd never use that for any other thing and that reflects the oh no no 550 years to win it says they're at the left but it the timer's not okay so the timer's ticking because it doesn't show for you okay okay but it'll show when there's a hundred years left when there's two hundred years it's not a big deal all we have to do is we have to close out of the game disable the mod restart the game and speed up and catch up yeah it's not a big deal all right guys uh one second we'll do that and teal's not even bothering to get that final gold layer he's just gonna yeah that's right by the time we get caught up yeah we'll uh no one's buying it by the way no one they're all laughing at you okay fine i thought it was funny uh whoa look at these how many is that seven sea janitors making their way all right here comes bubba that's a long pack look at these see what does it look like it looks like a tank it actually looks like a tank i feel like we should make this into a kind of tank is that is that like a t90 i actually know nothing about the tanks i'm named after so here's a question do you want to mine through that gold i guess you do so you can use bomber cannons from the other side but you could make an argument that you just want to keep units here and you just tower up and wait you don't mind to that cold there's nothing if they get through the towers you're dead anyway yeah but i'm thinking well i would i wouldn't come from the other side oh through like the trees how are they gonna get there though uh yeah it's true they're not really making any ground there dude he knows how much time it takes everyone's trying to go through the tree back over to where teal is yeah yeah i i think to be honest i think teal's best bet would be to fortify wall a ton of stuff what is this abomination less towers more fortified walls well i guess the more choke points you make the more the towers are gonna do yeah it might be signaling communication i don't think anyone's taking this out i think wins this is there any no this sounds ridiculous but is there anyone watching the stream right now who is also spectating the game i 480 years is chilly hilly we actually oh no no phil sir it's literally filster so the messages it says he says it says 535 532 511 500 490 480 and then he says in all caps i am i am i am telster wants us to know he's in there keep us updated oh i am as in he's responding to us yeah yeah he's the one giving us up it all comes back to filster staying in the game dude phil's are still in it all right let's go baby all right 470. feel certain just give us updates every like 25 like not even like 50 every 10 years once we get down to 100 then you can give us more consistent updates 460. everyone's spamming legend in chat right now i thought thank you for 17. he says what is this beautiful map hog champ yeah i know 90 pog nivida i feel like you're nivita you think about nothing maps more than anything i've ever seen can we call this video the legend of filth or nothing [Music] i cuz he literally did that yeah but it's bring nothing's been hyped up for months like i if i could name it two different things i would [Laughter] i mean it might even be more special if as these villagers get slaughtered might even be more special if we have a unique name the tanks doing work right now oh god oh god there's 36 units stacked on the six tiles oh okay i can't even the game's gonna crash oh dude oh orange how long did it take orange to walk over here is see john as your accordion just got like 100 years a while ask bilster here's red now too you can't do anything about this but like imagine like this is the type of lag you only understand if you played dozens or hundreds of games in it you know what i mean like you just you got to get a feel for it and trust me dude i was yeah dave is the guy definitely frederick i'm gonna read this is a bit sappy uh we got an hour-ish till the the sap comes out with with my closing remarks he says kenani i want to thank you your collaborators the mods and everyone else here all the time effort and donations put forward to keep this community alive my love to you all keep being awesome may this community last for years to come i feel like that's a toast it will my friend it will ching thank you fred but uh you're one of you're one of the good the good ones that are what makes this community so great thank you it's weird if i crack a beer at six in the morning nah nah all right i have this man this lag like this is actually i know people are commenting on it we've been talking about but this is nothing no it's nothing if you if you entered the latino room on msn gaming zone back in back in the day if you if you went into the latino room the latino hobby back in the day on msn gaming zone you know what i'm talking about all right there's a few of us in adam sure wait a second teal's making a big mistake he doesn't have a unit in the middle so as you buildings do not count as holding the middle you need to have one unit that cannot be garrisoned in that box at all times so if anyone if red even so much squeaks a paladin by he might be able to unless that that one gap where he's powered up is the only way that they can get through otherwise it's next lever maybe that blocks it off i don't know i'm latino and i'm offended there was literally a latino room on msn gaming so yeah no dude it's like anyone like if you ever join someone who's a complete opposite side of the world just like yeah like i avoided the we had like yeah it was just like you go to those game rooms and expect 700 ping because you're so far away from them you know so there's 370 years 370 years it's not bad you know we're light at the end of the tunnel here awesome is dave saying amazon or msn gaming he's saying msn gaming look at yellow please i'm sorry if i've missed people what the what is he doing still playing hey what is that a castle now all right all right we got you know what's surprising is blue's not trying to make a push but i think everything that runs through is just going to get demolished as we're about to see oh god korean cavalier korean cavaliers some of the worst and they're about to run into this death trap i don't think in lag you can realistically push this unless you take out tower by tower by tower by tower oh my goodness i'm gonna stop clicking units if this game crashes now it will be genuinely upset can you bring the score back up sure we're ticking man 340. there you have it kills for teal are probably gonna be insane right um 2400 kills 1200 deaths okay beer at 6am you heard that i heard it i tried to get that asmr like apparently the answer was yes so pilster says if t90 drops i'm still here oh my god have you ever seen so many castles holy in your life what yo that's orange right bubba he has over 60 because i can't you can't select more than 60. he's got like 80 or 90 cash i'd say go on the achievement screen and look but don't because you might run through yeah yeah that's true don't take the risk oh reds in again we've seen this before we know what happens here there's not a different ending to this story can we get a filster year update if you haven't experienced online gaming with 56. he says holy christ and then he's got a whole bunch of spam emotes oh he's talking about the castles okay he has filster castle emotes oh oh yeah okay he does that's true this is probably upset he can't have a hundred guests trying to plug his own stream imagine uh does he ban people on that stream for something because those are the only types of streamers i watch no one sucks on this all right well you're supposed to that sounded really how i was like that was that was a little rude dave by the way sub count on the stream right now i'm gonna go with sub one phil's disturbing the sub count on our stream right now is 69.90 nice ish that's also nuts also haven't been seeing uh lorena in chat so since she went to bed six hours ago she was like i'm staying up with you i'm like no don't want both of us to be exhausted tomorrow thank you for the 25 whoever just donated to me and ed uh sent a 10 donor he says you haven't experienced online gaming oh if you haven't experienced online gaming with a 56k dial up modem you don't even know what lag is you're true yeah you don't no yikes the worst was when you were like three hours into a game and then the phone would ring and everything would just show up dave are you ready to see three champions destroy like 20 bombard cannons because here it comes down okay i exaggerated a little bit this is uh only six bumper kittens but there's still a lot okay we've signals 260 years from gray 260 years okay so we have a fit we're about to hit the halfway mark um so if you have some pog champs or pogers or t90 pog or dave pog whatever use it now halfway halfway through the countdown right i i the only thing red could do i think is what blue's trying to do now as well is just slowly take out the towers but i don't think he can do it halfway through the stream let's go uh lex thanks for seven he says keep up the epic content hey i'll i'll do my best don't know if i can match up to this is if this is what you like though red that's that's an incredible decision i have so much respect for red he is trying so hard same like trying harder than any other player in this game other than teal i mean bilster is that's just putting it's some good effort right now don't forget about him honestly the castle might be good if he can just continue to repair because then he shoots units and also shoots the towers all right yeah what happened to blue [Music] blue just doesn't have it's almost like he has too many teutonic knights look oh my goodness look at his q but he hasn't been attacking really at all look at his q dude he has 170 military oh my because god so much queued up he could have full military i think you need like 30 40 bomber cannons at all times we're getting there tristan two torn hey uh we might be able to circle back to 6k viewers to finish off this crazy stream how we started this game at like 4k well i think europe's waking up yup yup i can see people who are on the stream yesterday waking up good morning sunshine i i also asked who was here for 24 hours and i know a few of the people who were like oh yeah i was here definitely woke up they're eating their cereal gray incoming yeah gray's incoming gray's gonna be uh dead coming hey by the way if you were in here for the full 24 hours that's okay not a big deal i'm just under the crazy one here 200 years wow okay oh god [Music] oh man oof you know st or red's still trying i can't do colors anymore and yellow raiding red what in the dude talk about trying hard look at mantis prime with the hot stars now and the traps going after teal's bass what dude full hustler and treb teal's gonna lose everything teal could actually get pop capped really badly this won't take that long with this many hussars and trebuchets [Music] bad code thank you that's awesome thank you it's uh not measly everyone puts in their uh what's in their best effort just like uh like a villager and a thousand pop each villager is appreciated and so you need to get rid of population from military top space hey nails for lunch thanks yeah i wouldn't delete you guys of course not dave remember what i mentioned about if blue if someone gets a unit close enough he was a 30 pop he was at 30 pop he's losing everything at home he can't reinforce what is this game these people have been so freaking insistent upon staying in this game i would if i'm teal i spread the champions out on stand grounds i i guess i maybe put one or two in the tower dude he might lose this is that you what dave [Music] oh no wait you can't hear me i can't you just sound you sound a bit different it's not awful but it sounds like you're on your phone or something dave is growing up this game has legitimately had everything teal don't how i need i need a year update but i don't know if i want morgan freeman dave to come in here right now let me know if this is better this is i think we're yeah i think what happened man i didn't change anything i just had to unplug my mic and replug it in what the hell happened i have to go morgan freeman dave oh man oh my god dude it was like so much extra it was like so much macho-ness it was really it made me uncomfortable like i called one of those like a weird hotline or something bilster says 110. oh no i think till's dead dude well then someone else is gonna go for it then yeah that one pill there but there's no way you stop sea trams unbelievable oh um tumbleweed thank you for the five months with the twitch prime it's awesome get some primers in chat maybe sort of okay so what if teal randomly like what if he glitches over the gold yeah nope all right that was true like maybe he could have oh nope but what if they can't get the wonder from the other side of this gold what if teal only got that on like a fluke nope nope there you go red's got it now okay so just so i know we can't see the countdown i'm sorry for that but it's at like 180 190 years no it was it was at 85 when when teal lost oh really at 85. yep okay so it goes back up to 100 now we're at like 95 something like that teal is going to household in villagers here i think blue wins this well somebody's got to actually mine through the gold to consistently hold it i think it might be orange though well he's got a korean cavalier it's deceiving but now red's gonna lose all of his but orange has villagers oh yeah to make a castle i like that blue siege workshops i'd like to see too blue could have been a little bit more aggressive like those the units that he has no no i orange can't hold this if blue fights properly he's enough seed to take out the castle and destroys those cats thanks for everything oh god this is the clip that says dave hit canadian puberty david canadian puberty i'm tony man it was really weird i've had issues where like my discord will swap from my phone to my pc did you listen to it whoa whoa orange just got a unit hacker hacker dude he just glitched it glitched in there [Music] 80 years that could actually that korean cavalier listen guys korean cavaliers the worst cavaliers in the game i'm pretty sure right no no malians maybe are but nope nope malay malay magyar's whatever we always confuse it nowadays right mag yard um yet that cavalier right there might win him the game you should have asked me to say something we should have salvaged that moment it was also really loud i think too and it caught my very tired self off guard oh it's so good can they arrange this somehow they can't well i mean they no no no no i lied they can still do it i i can't believe that after seven hours this is actually going to be a back and forth back and forth king of the hill game truly unbelievable i know it's been laggy as any game you've ever seen but i'm impressed orange if orange just runs around with that paladin and doesn't get hit by the trebs sick for the bombard cannons he can do it yeah okay 50 years i assume blue could see that how many treasures trying to attack the gold 50. he might not realize what happened there with the glitch 45 [Music] pilster's giving updates he's typing oh my god i'm really torn i feel like blue blue i've i've become attached to this game oddly attached to this game i don't know what my life will be after this game i'm scared to enter the real world again 35 blue doesn't realize what if he glitches his atomic night through patrol hard and flick through right yeah that's what he's trying to do oh my god wait is he stuck in the monument don't tell me he's stuck in the monument because that doesn't help him no he's out oh my god he's stuck he's stuck no he's good he's out dave wow so now blue will get it it'll be back up to 100. oh my god dude no way and and now his army is truly unstoppable you don't kill lee teutonic knights unless you have a lot of gunpowder which matrix does not have enough of do you remember earlier in the game when i said what's blue up to we haven't talked about blue i knew this would happen i saw it unfolding in my head yeah yeah i think it just comes back down to your your uh experience what if he accidentally like selected his units to garrison's stuff and garrisoned that teutonic knight back into the castle i could see that happening after a seven hour game yellow is incoming and coming in hot by the way with full hustle with guitars and trebs that's not gonna he's gotta run through red but yeah i think that it's not not going to kill teutonic knights a blue fire on the hand cannons this is huge you've got it you've got to hit these things i'm just amazed that okay we look at the bases red is in yellow space i know blue is in yellow's face yellow is in nicki's purple face dave if this didn't have lag do you think this is one of the best community games we've seen like as far as effort goes no because like you don't want to sell anything we gotta separate it the last two hours maybe the first four all right yeah fair fair nothing must happen in terms of in terms of in terms of uh like the funny moments this will is counting down every single member okay what's that 60 60 59 58. i guess it'll say 50 here i don't understand how philster can get those alerts but not move his units no no he's getting it from to matrix wait a second to matrix who's trying to wait a second to matrix who's trying to stop blue is reading off the years no he's not wait a second no he's not he can see it apparently okay gotcha it's confusing all right all right what's gonna say because that's the matrix is kind of distracting himself then i think filter can see everything he's like like he's visually aware in this age of empires coma that he's in but he just can't move oh that's the worst that's the worst at least he can communicate with us [Music] oh my god a lot of hustlers and i love tatars i love their hustlers but teutonic knights open there's a signal from bubba he's like we got to stop this fool you can't boom oh man every there's no siege but still hussar is not going to cut him what if multiple hustlers glitch through that's i guess it's his only hope that's what he's got to try that's what he's trying to do oh and it died immediately [Music] i can't believe he got one i love how we talked about like the bugs and the glitches nature vampires and this i mean blue probably would have done okay anyways but it came down to this 20 years 20 years raised desperate what if they sniped the unit now they can't everything's getting flattened no because there'd be tons of stuff still around there right yeah exactly 15. we're approaching the end all stars from orange only hope is to glitch in and kill that teutonic knight with this amount of lag you could maybe don't be scared fight it the matrix resigns he thinks it's over i don't see the years three two one uh half of one one 1-4 0. [Music] congratulations moopster you have won the most epic slog of a community game ever in the history of age of empires 2. i hope you're proud i'm just i'm just looking at this the basis dave this is that's the matrix for gg in the palisades oh that's perfect he actually had to clear out he had like very he deleted his wonders oh no that happens i think your wonders got destroyed when you resigned but like he cleared out a lot of space there for that oh man this is just insane as you look around there's still a lot of the ring left and we had people in other bases we'd people rebooming we had we had filster feeding us information the whole way through that was a special special special game pilster says he can move now [Laughter] [Music] oh my god oh man guys listen i don't know how many clips have been made throughout the 24 hour stream as a whole if you have them make sure they're in the discord uh we'll try and sort through them at some point but especially this game like just the filter moments i would love to just get a video or a clip of just just the faster moments oh so funny it's a compilation of me reading up and then you have the morgan freeman dave come in and i can't believe i'm so low oh my word it's so funny chad's voting for re or not oh yes this is just great um i'm trying to feel like is there anything i missed here let's do some guesses on how many castles orange has here i'm going to say um i'm going to say 96. ah no no no uh 82 it's going to say 94. there's the kd um largest army is pretty massive for all players um total castles 86 that was pretty close yeah 86 a lot of castles there bubba meanwhile teal had two who had 31 which helped him oh my goodness can we look at the timeline there's the timeline the funny thing is it's very hard to remember where filster went afk because he was he was untouched for a great deal of time well well not afk but his pc was frozen i'm gonna say like one hour 48 i don't think they have an icon for that no i they they really we've been saying it for a long time they really need to change this they need to update it add more stats oh man um came down to composition a lot too i also feel like maybe teal didn't have the production buildings to get reinforcements in there when he had it that's look look at yellow making a resurgence there i know like mantis prime he was the one he deserves credit like he he's the one who chopped and mined and foraged through to get there so yep uh what a game i i surprisingly way too much fun with that i'm not saying to get excited for that ever again but we had to rip that ring nothing band-aid off and what better time than the 24-hour stream right
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 421,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Ring, Nothing, Forest Nothing, Sheep Nothing, Berry Nothing, Hoang Nothing, WTF Nothing, Boar Nothing, AOE2, Age of Empires, Age of Empires 2, Wacky Map, Weird, Crazy, How, T90Official, T90, Spirit Of The Law
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 40sec (13240 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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