Testing EVERYTHING In The New Helldivers 2 Update | HUGE Patch, Bug Fixes, Buffs, Nerfs & More

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hello my friends there has been a huge patch for hell divers 2 which has completely shaken up the meta some very important bug fixes that we have been begging for since day one along with massive changes to some very key weapons and strategems I have spent all day testing out everything in this patch so that you don't have to so let's take a look at the top 15 highlights you need to know from the latest hell divers 2 patch as I take you through what that actually means for you so let's start off by taking a look at the six weapons that have been changed some fantastic Buffs and Nerfs and we'll start off with the biggest upset the rail gun personally I feel like this thing did need nerfing not because I hated how strong it was but because of the fact that I was upset for all the other amazing weapons in this game that weren't being used just because they weren't as powerful to be specific the rail gun has had its armor penetration decreased in safe mode you can offset this still by holding down the reload button and switching into unsafe mode however as you probably know doing so and overcharging the shot means you blow up and the other potentially even big enough is the fact that they have decreased damage against durable enemy Parts this means no more to shotting the armor off of charger's legs so that you can obliterate them in a matter of seconds this also applies for certain Bots bile Titans Hive guards anything that has destructible parts that you can shoot off of enemies the rail gun will still do this it will just be weaker and slower to do so at first during my testing it looked like the rail gun shot was just ricocheting off but this is actually a visual representation of a portion of the damage ricocheting off and as you can see eventually this charger does go down it will penetrate the leg it just takes a lot longer longer and it is definitely now not the most efficient way to do so next up a huge buff for the flamethrower it has had a 50% damage increase uninterrupted this thing can now kill charges in around 7 Seconds as you can see it's melting through brood commanders Hive guards SES of enemies in mere seconds as long as you aren't allowing enemies to get in your face and Hunters aren't transferring their burning status onto your own self then the flamethrower is now a really really viable option and because the Flames ignore armor it is even a fantastic option for heavily armored enemies as I say such as the charger next up we have got the laser cannon which not only moves so much faster now whilst you are using it it also has increased armor penetration and increased damage against dur enemy Parts watch this space I'll be doing a lot of testing with the laser cannon now that it's had these improvements because this could now be the support weapon to use obviously with so many changes to the meta and so many Buffs and Nerfs that means new build guides new most efficient ways to kill all the enemies so make sure you subscribe because I'll be doing loads of testing over the next few days and pumping out a bunch of videos to help you really understand the changes to these weapons but as you can see the laser cannon is now so effective I love the fact that as long as you don't allow it to overheat it effectively has unlimited ammo and unlike bullets there is no drop off range as long as it can hit an enemy even if they are 50 or 100 m away it will do maximum damage to them this is a great weapon for sniping high value targets before they have chance to get anywhere near you before we move into the next section let me thank the sponsor for today's video Factor 75 Factor 75 is a chef prepared ready to eat meal service delivered directly to your door for healthier eating made quick and easy with no hassle pre-prepared food on hand at all times you can have your meal ready in 2 minutes allowing you plenty more time to dispense manage democracy throughout the Galaxy as the meals come pre-prepared there's no mess meaning less time in the kitchen and more time farming samples to stay ahead of your friends whilst also staying healthier than them too and talking of staying healthier these meals will help you easily hit your daily nutritional goals and healthier eating means more energy which means even more gaming and also and probably most importantly for me personally because everything is already done for you it takes the frustration and time loss out of deciding what you're going to eat every meal time and if that sounds good to you you can get 50% off your first Factor box and free wellness shots for Life using my link below that means that you can choose two free wellness shots from the three available flavors for every order whilst you are an active subscriber so to get your first first box 50% off click the link in the description or scan the QR code with your phone and next up we have got changes to three Primary Weapons as well in no particular order the breaker has been nerfed significantly it's magazine capacity being reduced from 16 to 13 and my god when you're using it do you realize that them extra three shots really made a difference this is not as good as it was and I'm very happy about this because means other weapons are now viable everyone just used the breaker because there was no reason not to and on top of the magazine capacity Nerf it also has had a recoil increase nearly twice as much from 30 to 55 meaning you can no longer just spray and prey with it the recoil does start to go a bit Haywire if you try to pump out all 13 Rounds at once so still very good don't get me wrong but there is now more more viable options which makes me so happy and talking of more viable options the next primary weapon we'll look at is the Punisher this was actually my favorite shotgun for the longest time and I'm now so happy how insanely powerful this thing has become it's had a 50% ammo capacity increase from 40 to 60 shots it also has increased stagger Force so as long as at least some of your spread is hitting your taret taret they're going to be staggered for longer meaning this is actually a great offensive weapon to use defensively and on top of that it's bullet damage has been increased from 40 to 45 damage per bullet and the final weapon that we'll be looking at today before we move on to bug fix's strategems and more is the breaker spray and prey firstly and most importantly this has had increased armor penetration if you've seen my video a few weeks ago you will know that it was unable to even even destroy eggs before it can now destroy eggs thank God for that it's also had its fire rate increased from 300 to 330 its number of pellets per shot increased from 12 to 16 and the magazine size reduced down from 32 to 26 overall it shoots faster with even more bullets so it's now even more spray and even more prey than ever with the added bonus that it can now penetrate armor thankk God because this thing was genuinely useless there was not a single situation where you would ever use this gun it was so weak whereas as you can see now it can actually kill things and it is potentially somewhat viable in crowd control situations next up let me show you the three strategems that have been changed the Highlight is that the personal energy Shield backpack has been nerfed and the 120 mm and 300 1880 mm orbital barges have been buffed let me talk to you about the specifics now the energy Shield backpack now has an increased delay before recharging once it has been taken out so when an enemy breaches that Shield it takes longer before it comes back online and starts protecting you again I don't know the exact amount of seconds off the top of my head but the editor for this channel my wonderful wife I'm sure is about to give you a demonstration side by side of how long it took to recharge before and how long it takes to recharge now so let me just pretend I know what that is wa oh my God what a what a Nerf that's that's a long amount of time is that convincing okay swiftly moving on we have also got the 120 mm and 380 mm orbital barges these have had huge Buffs they are now so viable and I'm really excited about this both of them have had their durations doubled so using the 38 80 mil as an example it now lasts for a full 30 seconds dropping down upwards of 20 shots and it also has a decreased spread and please don't take decreased spread to mean Nerf this is a really good thing cuz as you know these barges cover huge huge areas this just means it's now less random less likely to miss it Target less likely to hit you and your teammates and as you can see here on my first ever use of it it manages to take out the entirety of a medium Nest without me even needing to step foot in it I wanted to love these barges before because in theory they sound so cool they look so awesome but they were so unreliable before not anymore with the increased duration and the more accurate spread they are now really viable and really powerful especially for taking out big nests and factories the next update before we take a look at the important fixes is the fact that eradicate missions now require more kills to complete anyone who has seen my leveling guide will know that you could easily drop into an eradicate Mission be it bugs or bot spots being preferred plun down a load of mortars and complete the mission in 2 minutes flat the devs have stated the time to complete the mission was previously far shorter than intended and should now take approximately twice as long to complete doing a solo eradicate Mission here just on medium difficulty to test as you can see the amount of bugs needed to kill now is 225 when previously on a medium Mission it would have been only around a 100 or so even though I was killing them all very quick and very efficiently it took somewhere in the range of 7 minutes to complete as opposed to the 2 minutes that we are used to so yes this has been significantly nerfed no more farming for XP and medals on eradicate missions and on top of that another side effect of this that I want to make sure you're all aware of is that mortar sentries will now become less effective in these missions because they can and almost definitely will run out of ammo far before the end of the mission so if you've just brought in a load of sentries by the time they'll run out of ammo they will still be on cool down and the second half of the mission will now be far more challenging because you will have no strategems to back you up therefore please make sure you are taking a more diverse portfolio of Weaponry into these missions with you or you will really struggle in the latter half now we're on to the seven big important fixes for this patch and I've just realized this video is going on far longer than I initially expected it to so let me try and hurry it up here so I'm not wasting too much of your time so you can get back to diving for Freedom as soon as possible if you stand next to the ICBM during launch the devs have said and I quote hell divers will get properly toasty with a Chance of not so spontaneous combustion and yes as you can see here when you stand by the ICBM it g melt you next up the biggest and best thing for me personally armor rating values not reducing damage as intended has been fixed armor rating now works to test that I put the biggest and beefiest armor on here this one doesn't even have any traits or perks it just has the highest armor rating in the game and as you can see I am taking a beating from hive guards and they are barely doing anything to me it's taking like seven shots just to get me down to low Health having these armor rating values working is going to be such a game Cher no longer are traits the only thing to worry about heavy armor is now very viable and you can and will be a tank next up something that I didn't even realize was an issue but now that it's been fixed it is mindblowing the sand rain weather effect on AATA has been fixed visibility was substantially lower than the developers intended originally as you can see in this older clip I literally cannot see anything it is absolutely abysmal it was pain and of course I died instantly trying to defend myself against waves of basically invisible enemies however now towards the end of this eradicate Mission sand rain weather effect does come into play and as you can see visibility has been lowered but I can still see and this was actually such a relief to read this in the fixes and find out that this was a bug and not something that was intended and talking of bugs certain bug holes that were unnecessarily hard to destroy have been fixed this includes as I'm sure many of you will be praying stalker nests there are certain nests that it seemed you would throw grenade after grenade at and they would not explode unless you got the perfect angle they seemed to be really finicky and only blow up under certain conditions this has been completely fixed and the angle at which you can throw your grenades at holes has become far more generous and even if you're slightly off your grenade will find your way into that hole and it will be destroyed first time as we move into the final three changes For Better or For Worse the button interaction behavior for buttons in bunkers has now been changed you will now automatically let go of the button after holding it for a few seconds meaning you do actually have to coordinate with your fellow hell divers when you press it because if you press and hold for too long when it forces you off the button you'll be locked out of the bunker for a few seconds and on high difficulty missions this is very Val valuable time loss so now you do actually have to synchronize and coordinate when you're going to push the button to allow you to enter the bunker next up and the one change that I think could still do with some improvements apparently the flashlight efficacy has been improved I don't really see any difference at all if I'm entirely honest with you I feel like the flashlight could still be better apparently as I say it has been improved but I don't know I'll leave that one up to you as to whether you feel like the flashlights are any use at all at the moment and finally something that's going to be the cause of a lot of friendly deaths hell divers can now take damage from fire gas Etc generated by other players that's right it was not intended that if someone threw down an orbital gas strike you would be unaffected now if you're anywhere near it just like all of the bugs and Bots you are going to choke and you are going to die so now be very careful when your teammates are throwing down Napalm strikes orbital gas strikes and even the flamethrower that will probably be much more used now with the buff so yes any fire any gas any status effects that your allies produce they can and will hurt you as intended and with that my friends that is the 15 most important highlights from today's patch make sure you give the video a thumbs up so this reaches as many people as possible also your thoughts on this patch down below I'd love to read them and finally subscribe for the plethora of upcoming guides based around all of these huge improvements and with that my friends all that's left for me to say is thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next one byebye
Channel: Doms Roundtable
Views: 419,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guides, Guide, Tutorials, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Full Guide, Full Walkthrough, hints and tips, hint, hints, tip, tips, compilation, funny, fun, amazing, best, Helldivers 2, Helldivers II, action rpg, rpg, weapons, stratagems
Id: QXTmdv5lS8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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