10 Important Things You STILL Didn't Know About Helldivers 2 | Hidden Mechanics

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hello my friends in this video we've got yet 10 more things you may not have known about hell divers 2 from hidden mechanics to interactions that you perhaps didn't know about because they're may be not explained all that well so just before we jump into tip number one I'd like to ask you to subscribe to the channel if you've been enjoying the content it's quick it's easy and it's free to do and a huge number of people who have been really enjoying my videos still aren't subscribed and we're inching ever closer to that 200,000 subscriber Mark and and with that out of the way tip number one is all about super samples these are the rarest samples which only spawn on suicide difficulty plus and I'm talking you through the quickest and easy methods to find and identify them to find super samples you first want to look out for these rocks sometimes they could come in a slightly different shape or even be partially covered by crates which I'll show you in just a second but the Rocks themselves will always have this White Lightning effect shooting all over the surface of the Rock and if you look around the base that is where you will find your super samples they are little floating bubbles of uranium as you see in this clip once I've cleared out the bugs this rock is quite well hidden by these crates however you can see the White Lightning effect round the other side and when we go to the bottom this is where we can loot our super samples on suicide and impossible difficulties there will always be three and they will all be in the same place on Hell dive difficulty there will be six again they will almost always spawn in the same place however I believe there is a chance for two of these rocks to spawn with three samples under each one final very important note as of right now the super samples can be bugged sometimes not allowing you to pick them up and sometimes not allowing them to be retrieved if they are dropped so make sure your party member with your most defensive options available to to them is the one that loots these samples and try to keep them alive by any means because it is absolutely devastating if they die and you are then unable to loot their corpse tip number two is around the supply pack I'm sure everyone here already knows the effectiveness of the supply pack however this tip specifically is to always let your supply pack teammate be the one to collect the resupply when someone with a supply pack interacts with the supplies dropped by the resupply it will both replenish their own inventory and their supply pack so if you want to take this tip to the extreme the most efficient and effective way to do this though very timec consuming and not really possible on higher level difficulties is have each member of your party individually drop the supply pack for the next party member pick it up and then interact with the resupply this way all four of you will be fully restocked and your supply pack will have all four charges ready for your next encounter this way you are doubling the efficiency of every single resupply getting eight full resupplies per cool down and should you want to take this tip to the extreme and make sure that you all have infinite amounts of everything when your supply pack comes off cool down don't forget that every single time you call it back in that's another four supplies I personally think this is a very underutilized backpack item which will allow you to be so frivolous with the likes of your grenades and your stim packs just throwing endless amounts and never ever running out of your equipment to introduce this next tip let me quote an in-game hint word for word automatons are equipped with hyperreactive protocols making them susceptible to suppressive Fire and effectively what this means is the more you shoot the Bots the less accurate they will become now I've tried to do a lot of testing on this to confirm exactly how effective this is and from my initial testing it's not great but it does still make a difference in certain situations so let me share with you now when you should and shouldn't apply this new knowledge firstly it appears as though your weapon of choice needs to actually be doing damage for this to apply therefore when we're all spraying this Hulk here with our assault rifles and our sarts as you can see all the bullets are flying off and he appears to be completely unaffected and no less accurate than usual still obliterating me in the process of my testing however in this next clip you will see no less than 20 perhaps even 30 Bots here ranging from Raiders and Marauders all the way to Rocket Devastators and by the time we have finished clearing out every last one of them all they have managed to do is breach our Shield generators and do a tiny little bit of damage to my teammate and as you see if we play that again the majority of the time I had my focus on the rocket Devastator and as you'll see it did not try to fire a single rocket barrage unlike the machine guns the rocket Devastators have a very short period of lock on and by consistently damaging the rocket Devastator even with on small amounts of damage I was able to stop it from locking on and not fire one single rocket that entire time this will be highly ineffective against heavy Devastators because they have just as much armor as hulks with that giant ballistic shield in front however rocket Raiders rocket Devastators regular Devastators many Bots this method is going to be very effective for so never forget that they are equipped with hyperreactive protocols as the game calls it making them sucess acceptable to suppressive fire so if you've always got a couple of members of your team hanging back spraying and preying you should find you are dying to the Bots a hell of a lot less than you were previously tip number four is about identifying and stopping bot drops and Bug breaches and to kick this off I have a question for you which do you find most annoying both to try and prevent and to deal with once it is happening for me I find that bug breaches are easy easier to prevent and also more difficult to deal with once they have happened because they can literally spring up from under you I have been sat on top of a bile Titan previously when the bug breach has happened underneath me and it's lifted me into the sky and it coming in contact with my body has instakilled me but hopefully after this tip you'll understand how they work at least a little bit more and they will both become a bit easier to deal with firstly the one thing that does potentially make bug breaches hard harder to deal with is that pretty much every bug can do this you will notice one of them becomes suspiciously still before they start to raise the front of their body and make a very unusual sound different to all of the other cheaps chirps and Roars they usually do if you are quick enough when hearing this sound you can shoot and kill them before the bug breach is called in beware though because another bug in this swarm will probably try to take their place however if you do take out the whole swarm you're currently dealing with you will prevent a bug breach from happening entirely at least for the time being and as for the Bots it is easier in the fact that only commissars have a flare gun and can call in a bot drop however I have yet to capture footage of me actually stopping one because the commissars are so frequently protected behind big tough Bots that you just cannot get to them in time they will very quick raise their flare gun and shoot that flare into the sky before you are filled with a sense of dread because two to four drop ships are now on the way to wreck your face so my advice is to try and identify the commissars and take them out with explosions before they have chance to enter the fight you will limit the amount of enemies in this fight making each engagement significantly easier for yourself for tip number five did you know that if you prone you take less damage from explosions now a lot of you probably did know that but I've done the testing and let me show you exactly how effective this is using my own grenades here and trying to keep myself roughly the same distance away from them as you can see if I'm stood up even if the grenade is quite far away I am taking a good 70 to 80% of my health in damage I'm also being propelled back and it's gone all kinds of wrong for me however I can get pretty darn close as long as I am prone take minimal damage I'm talking less than 10% of my health here and I am not stunned I haven't been thrown back I haven't ragged old so as for genuine practical uses for this the first two big ones that come to my mind is any of the rocket Bots if you're fighting a rocket Devastator or a rocket Raider and you start to see them rockets fly towards you just drop to the floor whether you're dolphin diving or just going straight prone not only will you dodge most of the Rockets even if one does hit there's a big chance you will live and the second and perhaps even more practical use of this is when you inevitably get bombed by your friends direct hits obviously will still kill you but if you are caught in one of your friend's air strikes even though you still probably won't live drop to the floor and hopefully that will do something it's better than nothing right tip number six is to remember to check and tailor your settings now this is something that I'm sure most Gamers do as soon as they load up a game but I can almost guarantee something that most of you don't do once you've become familiar with the game when you've got 20 to 40 hours in it is go back into your settings now that you're familiar with everything and see if there is anything that you would like to change and improve just a couple of examples that I know impacted my game drastically is remember aim mode it starts off so your aiming will always start in third person I switched to Global and was using Global for quite some time however I've now realized certain weapons I much prefer first person and others I cannot use without being in third person so I now have this on per weapon and even more importantly to pair with this I have remember weapon functions set to yes so the next time I pick that weapon up it has still remembered my weapon mode and I'm not needing to faf around around and change that every single time I switch back to the weapon also another really key setting for me is switch weapon on pickup some people will love this some people will hate this I personally hate it I don't automatically want to switch to a machine gun or a grenade launcher just because I've picked it up because it can really mess with my flow but double check these settings especially if you haven't gone through them before because it can drastically improve your performance and your downtime I'm not talking about your games performance I'm talking about your actual gameplay on your actual skill level and finally the last two settings I want to show you I'm sure there's a ton I could show off go through yourself but the two other most important ones I strongly recommend you take a look at are the vertical field of view and the camera Shake strength I personally have got a lot of respect for players that can play on a maxed Outfield of view because it gives you the most full view of what's going on you can see everything but because I deal with motion sickness I don't like the fact that the edges of the screen start to warp a bit so I usually stick it on somewhere between 65 to 75 and again that camera Shake strength some of the effects in this game are so intense that it really messes with my head and my eyes when I'm trying to play I don't want it off because I like the experience but changing it down to weak works perfectly for me tip number seven is all around armor and armor perks as of recording this video the armor rating currently doesn't work for anyone that doesn't know this is a bug in the game light armor gives you the same rating as medium armor which gives you the same rating as heavy armor however one thing that does work is the perks and one perk I strongly strongly recommend is the 30% increased throw distance as you can see here when calling in an air strike on a factory it changes my throw distance from around 42 M to 60 6 M and when using certain builds which I will elaborate on in tip eight this can make absolutely giant differences to your gameplay but for now before I get ahead of myself tip number seven armor doesn't work focus on the perks that you want to use or just focus on fashion I would advise light armor unless there is a perk you really specifically want because the stamina regen and the speed increase do still work it's just the armor rating itself that doesn't so make sure you keep that in mind the next time you're choosing your new favorite armor set and as I was just talking about play Styles tip number eight is the viability of stealth in this game why is no one talking about how powerful stealth is one of the perks on some light armor sets such as the Trailblazer here is that it reduces the range at which enemies can detect the wearer by 30% other things also affect this such as whether you're running crouching or crawling and also obviously how much other noise you are making therefore if you are prone with that additional throwing range or if you are wearing this 30% reduction in detection range armor set you are able to take out the likes of bug nests and factories without enemies ever knowing you were there just make sure as soon as you have thrown your equipment or strategy of choice that you prone and you crawl away slowly and nine times out of 10 the enemies won't even know what hit them another fantastic use for stealth as you can see here it really really does work I have a whole Patrol of bots walking past me here including Devastators and Raiders they have no idea I'm here and I am just feet away from them go into a mission Solo or even with friends who are willing to try this out with you and try a full stealth Mission it completely changes the way you play the game it feels like you're playing a mission of OG Metal Gear Solid or something like that it honestly makes it so intense and adrenaline filled in such a completely different way to playing the game normally I cannot recommend trying a few missions in stealth more it's genuinely so fun tip number nine is very all-encompassing and it's basically the most efficient way to gain experience at higher levels and that is to play on Hell dive really any anything suicide plus is going to be great and you want to be doing all objectives you possibly can objectives nests side objectives everything you can do is going to give you bonus experience and that will be multiplied at the end of the mission based on the difficulty you are doing to give you one specific example of exactly how crazy The Experience multiplier is this wasn't even on the 50% increased XP weekend we just had this was before this we completed a hell dive Mission we didn't do all that well two optional objectives two hell divers extracted barely any outposts dealt with and as you can see we got a base experience of 265 however with the hell dive multiplier that was converted into 1,365 experience so once you have a full Squad of people who know what they're doing have all the strategems unlocked go and grind suicide impossible or even hell dive if you can though it has just been buffed in the most recent patch and you will find you are gaining absurd amounts of experience at a very rapid rate provided you can finish the missions that is and don't forget you don't need to extract you have officially finished the mission once you've completed the main objective if what you care about is experience over samples focus on that main mission and don't worry if you get out you'll still get a big XP boost and a big multiplier once you finish and this final tip your friends are either going to love you or hate you for this this is pure evil but what I suggest to try and deter your friends from hitting you and just basically trolling every mission is always run around with an offensive strategy armed in your hands because if they hit you well you're going to drop that cluster bomb and it's probably going to land on them too so this way we can all be kind and polite to each other we can finish our impossible missions without being and we can all go home happy either that or we can continually R bombs down on each other it's up to you just just be warned because if you do follow this advice and you decide you want a dolphin dive off a cliff you will drop it on yourself so maybe take this last tip with a pinch of salt and only do it if you're in a particularly trolly mood and with that that is it for this one my friends so all that's left for me to say is thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Doms Roundtable
Views: 535,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guides, Guide, Tutorials, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Full Guide, Full Walkthrough, hints and tips, hint, hints, tip, tips, compilation, funny, fun, amazing, best, Helldivers 2, Helldivers II, action rpg, rpg
Id: DlruzS_4Ey0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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