Testing Cars vs Smallest Gaps in GTA 5

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All right. We're checking out the only game that literally wants to squeeze my organs out like a tube of toothpaste. It's GTA. We wanted to find out which GTA car could fit through the most ridiculous gaps, so Alex came up with a brand-new custom board. There's multiple tests, each one more ridiculous than the last, and he's given me 12 cars to use to complete this gigantic course. The cars don't respond, but there is a magical repair kit if I can make it that far. Let's do this. Natural gaps, this is where my agony begins. Come on, baby. Aw, leave it to me to do all that wind-up, and then immediately hit a wall. Okay. Well, yes, other than-- Oh, my God. Look at my character inside the car. [laughs] Look at that. [laughs] Other than getting shaking gray syndrome, I don't think I'm getting anywhere. Now, I need to get rid of this thing, but luckily, Alex has given me something very special. That's right, straight out of the set of Cars, and right into my backyard comes the tow truck because I don't know how else I'm going to complete this course with some-- No, there goes a wheel. I'm not running this course with giant wreckages just sitting in the middle of it. Thank you, Alex, for at least giving me the opportunity to do this. Also, I should mention, once the cars blow up, unless I get that secret repair kit, they're done. Just real quick since I'm not going to use it again. [laughs] You know what? There's a lot of supercars here. Now, every once in a while, Alex can give me opportunities that I wouldn't normally have realized are real opportunities. It's totally possible that the sweet supercar, maybe it can deform or something. It's like a piece of very expensive putty, or Play-Doh, or Jell-O, and it can-- Oh, it really does deform. [laughs] That's cool. [laughs] All right, look. Now, the problem is the wheelbase doesn't really change, but the top part of the car compacts in on itself. I just have to compact the rest of the car and turn this thing into a Snickers bar that's been sitting inside of a pair of jeans for six weeks. Come on, just I want to get past this one part. It's getting further each time. Come on. Oh, oh, yes. I can't believe it. [laughs] Look at this thing now. Oh, man. That was like, whatever. A million dollars well spent. [chuckles] What is hanging on the bottom? What is that? Oh, I think it's leaking oil. Look at the wheel. [laughs] Look at the gauges. [laughs] No. All right. We're still in natural gaps, so now I have to-- What is this? [music] We've got sandy walls. Oh, yes. Since my car got compressed, I can make it through this part. No big deal. This is great. Don't mind me, I'm just doing a 285 point turn. All right. Here's the plan. We're going to go all the way back to these rocks, and then we're just going to gun it. We're going to go. Just hit it, just hit it, just-- Oh, my God. Oh, boy. Can I wiggle this thing out? [laughs] Oh, no. My car is bleeding very violently, and I think I broke the axle. Oh, it's happening, this is happening, this is happening right now. Yes, yes. Now, if you notice, my rear tires have kind of derped out to the side, but this car still works. Man, right off the bat. We got a fantastic car that we chose. Now, it looks like it's been doing ecstasy for 35 years, but it's still a fantastic car for this board specifically. Constipation gap, it's also natural. [laughs] Okay. Am I going to go down the digestive tract or something? Is this a piece of petrified excrement sitting inside of the intestine or something? [laughs] Oh, God. Oh, you have to push it. [laughs] Okay. All right. Okay, Alex, touché. Oh, yes. Man, I'm not going to lie. My car is just vomiting out sparks and smoke. Oh, no. I didn't realize the engine would quit on me. No, no, ah. This car was so good. Now, it too is stuck inside of the colon. Please, God of GTA, let this work. I am not pulling that tower all the way back here. I will blast this thing out of the coal, and I don't care what it takes. Get out of here. Now, this is explosive diarrhea. Taco Bell, incoming. Boom. [laughs] It's almost out. Hold on, I got it. Supercars are in the lead so far. Fast. Yes. Where there's a will, there's speed, and when there's speed, there's cars that can jam their way through really tight openings. Yes. Okay. Oh, this is the fastest one yet. This is the furthest we've ever gotten with this type of speed. Yes, get that door out of there. I don't need that. Oh, yes. This is working out great. We're just going to ramp this thing over. Perfect. Right through the very first natural gap. Constipation gap. Did I just see something? Did you notice the walls are moving? Hold on. Did I just see that? Yes, right there. Right there. The walls are moving all the way at the end. Also, getting this thing out of here is kind of a pain. Well, obviously, but you know what I mean. Can this fit down the colon? This thing is stuck. I'm kind of moving it an inch at a time. That's fine. We just need even more speed. Ugh. Yes. Turn sideways. That's awesome. It's going to be even easier to get out of here. Come on. Oh, my God. I almost got colonized. Come on, baby, just go. Yes. Oh, there's a hole right there. [laughs] Oh, my God. Is it real? Oh, it's real. I'm not losing this car down there. This car is doing fantastic so far. I would feel so bad if I lost this car. Glass gap. Well, that's interesting. Looks like broken glass everywhere to just start to-- oh, okay. This is like inside the hall of Mirrors with John Wick. My God. This is not as easy as it looks. Every single pane of glass breaks individually. This is more of a measure of your patience than anything else. Sweet. Oh, that's funny. I went through the glass, and I lost my windshield. What else you got for me? Tube gaps. Tube. Oh, is this like the tube of toothpaste I was talking about in the beginning? Oh, this is a grinder. Oh, this is a grinder. Okay. Oh, wow. Oh, God. This is very OP. How are you supposed to get past this? We just need more speed, obviously, and I just need to get lucky. Luck is my-- Oh, God. Luck is my middle name. [laughs] This car has taken a lot of damage on this. All right, I need to figure out how this is timed. Come on, baby. Whoa. We're just doing it. We're just doing it. That's how you do it. That's how you do it, baby. This one's worse than the last one. Why would you do this to me, Alex? Come on, we're going all the way back. Maximum speed. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Oh, it spit me out. Oh, this car is so messed up right now. I'm like a turtle on its shell. Oh, no. I can't flip it all the way because the walls are here. Oh, God. Come on, just dance. Just dance on the walls. Just twist it. Just twist it. Yes. There we go. Got to get the wheel on the wa-- Oh, this is awful. Come on, baby. Come on. Oh, oh, I moved a little bit. I moved like half an inch right there. Look at it. Look at it. Look at it. It's doing it. This is happening. This is happening right now. It feels awful. This entire board is just agony. I'm probably going to be feeling that for the next two weeks. Yes. Yes. That's what I'm talking about. Human gaps. I can't believe it, I still have a door left. What are human gaps? Oh, it's literally just people. Is it that big of a deal? I've shoved a lot of individuals aside over my time in GTA. Oh, God, there's so much human meat in front of the car. Oh, no. I kick in an attraction. Oh, God. They're standing on the front of car. I had no idea this would cause this kind of trouble. Now, to be fair, the walls are getting very narrow, but the other problem is that there's pieces of people on both sides. It's not only pieces of people, it's whole people. I really wish that you guys could have skipped leg day. Get out of my way. You may say to yourself, great, did you just have half a dozen people standing on your car? Yes, sure did. I am not about to give up yet. The engine on this thing is sounding really bad, and I lost several tires. I'm on a rim, but it still works. Come on. Wiggle it out. Wheel it out. Yes. [laughs] I had five people standing on the car. Your Uber stop is right here. Everyone off the car now except for you good, sir, you get to experience the beauty of GTA 5 close-up. Let me see. This guy is not coming off the roof. That's fantastic. Oh, no. No. No. Ouch. I can't explain to you how much I hate myself right now. Alex, is that you inside of that plane? Supercar. Oh, yes. Yes. Oh, maybe I could just fly around the whole board. Maybe I could just cheat it. Oh, my God. Oh, boy. Stuck the landing. Are you ready? Oh, my God, the car ran me over. That didn't feel good. Oh, yes. Oh yes, there we go. Oh, Alex put some boosts on this thing, too. No wonder he calls it boom. [laughs] This is what I'm talking about. Every once in a while get a little extra special something from Alex. [laughs] I can't even break the glass with my body. I have to use the car. Now, you may say to yourself Gray, every time you slammed into this grass, you've fallen out the front windshield. Are you just going to keep doing this? Yes, sure I am. I'm not the kind of person that tries different ways to get around a problem. There we go. I'm the kind of person that smashes their head against the wall till the wall crumbles. Oh, actually doing this sideway is perfect. Oh, no. I'm losing. I'm starting to lose my doors. Oh, God. Oh, this is just a mess. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it now. Wait for it now. God, I can't believe this is the part-- I'm stuck. No. I guess I'll go drown now. Drink. Oh, drunk. That makes sense. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Now, this is-- Whoa. Wow, this thing can get some air. Oh, my God. Are you kidding me right now? Are you kidding me right now? I got the thing stuck in the worst way possible. [laughs] No. If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. We're back to supercars. It's basically the only thing that hasn't let me down at this point. Every other car in the end has disappointed me. There we go. No problem. So far, so good. Now, on top of that, if you notice, this one is called slim poop respond. Oh, nothing like climbing over a gigantic pile of 7,000-year-old hippopotamus. As long as I don't hit it going 100 miles an hour, I don't think I'll fly out of the front windshield again. This is probably the smoothest I've ever passed that stone. All right. Now, glass gap. This is respond two. We're going to smash our way through this. Oh, yes. Just pure power. Just powering my way through it. Getting straight to the two gaps. Nice. Two gaps. Go. I almost made it. As long as I can keep my axles from breaking, I think I'll be all right. Ah, man, the timing on this is really weird. I feel pretty good, though so far. It's not taken a ton of damage. All right, now it's starting to get damaged. I probably only have another two or three hits on this thing. Oh, no. I got good news, and I got bad news. The good news is I'm on fire. The bad news is I'm on fire. Bye. Oh, yes. Going deep in mom's car. Now, if you remember, mom's car did fantastic on the hill climbing. Maybe it'll be a surprisingly good vehicle to use here. Little flip right there. No big deal. Full spin. Love it. It's also very small. It's not just thin, but it's just small all around. Look at this. I'm trying to save damage from the car, too. All right. Unfortunately, this has respond, so I have to deal with this now. Oh, I think I can pop over this. Sorry, man. You're going to end up keeping the constipation. I'm not dealing with it today. [laughs] Dr. Gray has lit the building [laughs] straight through that obstacle. No big deal. Glass gap. My car is super tiny. I don't even touch the glass until we're almost out. I just thought about something, too. He gave me the submachine gun. I probably could have been shooting the glass to make my life a lot easier. Tube gaps. Oh, what happened? How did I teleport through it? Ah, God. Ah. I think my car got evaporated. No, my car's right here. Oh my God. I can't believe it. [laughs] How did this make it out a lot? Mom's car, y'all. Now it's time for human gaps. Come on. Ooh. Hey. Oh yes. I'm just shoving them to the side. If I don't have to deal with 50 guys getting underneath my wheel well, getting through this is a lot easier. I'm riding. I've actually ramped over the guys to infinity. [laughs] Yes. Hey, human gaps complete. All right. Now, this is a new personal best. What is this? From 240 to 69 inch gaps. That is very specific, Alex. Why would you make it 69 inch gaps? Oh, wait, I know why. Ooh, this car isn't sounding real good. Oh, and my back bumper's slowly starting to fall off. The engine is dying. All right, so move through this. I'm trying to make sure that the-- Yes, see, the wind turbine pulses backward and forward. It goes all the way up and then it comes-- Yes, Now it's coming-- Oh, okay, still going up. Is it coming back yet? No. It goes all the way up and now it comes back. Oh, it starts at the beginning. Okay. Nice. Squeeze through the final gap here. Here we go. Oh yes. Mom's car can totally do this. Bam. Look at that 69 inch gap. Love it. Magnet gaps. Oh. All right. Oh, there's a red line on the ground. Whenever Alex puts a red line on the ground, that's usually bad. Do I wait for something or can I cross the line? All right, I'll cross the line. Here we go. Whoa. Oh my God. Oh, what happened? [laughs] Oh, the magnet yanks you that tiny little tube. Okay. Ow. I have to get away from the magnet before it restarts again. It's on like a timer. Oh. Okay, I'm free again. It's on like a ten-second timer or something that the magnet does its thing. I got to get around this thing. Is there another one? How's it going to squeeze me through this? Also, something just exploded a little second ago. Wait, did it pull a plane from the scene? [laughs] I can see a plane in there or something like that. I'm not going to cross this line yet, but I want to show you something. Come here. The magnet pulled a plane out of the sky. [laughs] Oh my God. That don't look good. I'm sure it will be fine. Cross the line and-- oh God. Oh, sweet Lord. Oh, this is so bad. This is so bad right now. Oh, ah, Alex, how did you come up with this board? [laughs] Ouch. Oh Alex, oh, I was almost on my side. That could've been really good. I don't know how I'm going to do this. I got to, ah, oh God. [laughs] Oh, get ready. [laughs] This challenge is ridiculous. I can't even get in the car because it's vibrating so fast. I hate to tell you guys, but I don't think this car's going to make it, man. It's time for dad's car. I'm saving the best for last, and I'm also putting the top down. You may say yourself, "Gray, why are you putting the top down?" Because this actually makes the car squeeze a little bit better. Don't ask me why I know-- well, okay, you can ask me why I know this. I had to complete another ridiculous challenge by Alex where I had to squeeze a car underneath a death trap. I learned that for some reason, putting the top down makes it squeeze better. Oh, yes. Beautiful. No, look, backhand Pass gets the car over the rock. Beautiful. Right there. That's how we do it in GTA in dad's car. What if I could jump this? No, guess not, so we'll just push it. We still have the go-kart left. I'm saving that one for last because if anything can beat this place, it's the go-kart. The only issue I see with the go-kart is this because I don't know if it can push this turret or not. Well, I've been in this position before, and every time it drives me absolutely insane. [screams] I know you may be seeing yourself, "Gray, are you still struggling?" That's why I struggle because eventually, you can get it. All right, I'm not making the same mistake twice. There. Nice and easy, down the rectum. Beautiful. Now, glass gap. No problem. Come bloop out of this. Now, we've got to do the tube gaps, which don't make any sense, but whatever. Just straight on. Oh, no. It spit me out. [laughs] There's not a whole lot of this cart left, but human gaps. Okay, ow, sorry, sorry. I was trying to hit as few of you as possible. I know it doesn't seem that way, but that was my intent. Can I even blow them up? I don't know if the blast-- Oh, the blast totally hits them. Oh, this is perfect. Come on, baby. Oh, yes. Oh, we got it. Just wiggle it. Just wiggle it, Gray. Wiggle it, wiggle it. There you go. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Come on, come on, baby. It's like a living entity. Look at it, look at it. [laughs] I can't believe that guy didn't fall off the edge of the-- Hold on. Sorry. It didn't sit right with me that he managed to survive all that. My car looks like a human that's been sucking on a lemon for the last 35 years. Now, luckily, my arrow car should fit through this. Oh, beautiful. That's hot. That's what I'm talking about. This is the part that we have not got past yet. Magnet gaps. I'm waiting for it across the line. All right, at first try. Hey. If I can get around to this side of the magnet, it's fine. It doesn't seem to do anything then, or at least it doesn't work on that side. This is the big test. I don't know if we can squeeze through this. I have to get it sideways or something. Oh, no. Oh, God. Oh, my God. How is this car still working? I tried to put the top down. Look at how it's stuck now. No. Sticks to landing. [screams] Oh, my God. Wait, Alex, does that count? It fell off, and it was pulled back up. Oh, I got to go ask Alex if that counts. Alex said if I made it past it and somehow got the car over there, totally counts. Yes. I just got to get this repair. Moop, back to full health, yes. I added a couple more zeros to this one. I didn't think I would get this far. Give me as many zeros as you got. Oh, you got to go under it. There's more magnets, but there's another repair icon after this one. Okay. Hit me. Oh, it's working. Oh, God. Okay. I made it underneath. Hold on. We're halfway there. Hold me the rest of the way. Do it. Do it. Do it. [laughs] Yes. Yes. How does this car still work? Whatever. It's getting tighter gaps. There's nothing I fear now. Oh, that's pretty tall. I don't even know if this car will hit that top. Beautiful. No problem. Got a little narrower there at the end. Number two. Oh boy. I'm putting the top down just in case speed can get me through this. Here we go. I'm 90% of the way there. I'm right there. I'm going to try it. I'll [?] just to get a couple more miles per hour. There it is. That did it. The rest of the you got me enough speed. Yes. [?] view? Oh. Oh, yes. You get to see the walls close in. How satisfying. Yes, getting very narrow in here. Starting to feel like it's strangling me to death. Oh, there we go. Okay, cool. Yes. Well, I thought that was going to be the end. Can I make it through this? I need to get this car deformed again so I can shove my way through this hole. Can I take this view off or-- oh, yes. The view totally comes off. Okay. Then we're going to go straight and then we need to squeeze through this somehow. Wonder if I can get this on its side. I've got bad news. I've been trying-- Well, you can tell from the car. I've been trying to shove this thing down there for a while. There's no way it can make it. I saved this for just such an occasion. Your stones can't stop me. Oh, full flip, sticks the landing out of the way. Poop. Ah, there we go. Perfect. Oh, yes. Tearing up everyone's whatever they are. The ACLs, the ALCs, the ATAs, all those different muscles are getting torn. Oh, I just thought I was-- I don't even need to wait for the magnet. I can fit through this. I don't need the magnet to pull me. I don't need to go through this agony of letting the magnet just destroy my car. I think I can't make it through here. I'm going to wait until it's red. Then we're going to go, hold on. We need to get behind this red line. All right, get ready. I'm trying to line this up. Oh, no. [laughs] We've got a problem. There's one car left. Now, I looked in the back. There's nothing in the back. You know how the last time Alex had put a little hidden car in the trunk there, and I thought maybe-- no way. [chuckles] Are you kidding me. Where did it come from? It just gave birth to this little car. Can I get in this? Is this a-- [laughs] I think I may have found a car that can squeeze through the most gaps in GTA. Here we go. [laughs] Natural gaps. No problem. Come on. Come on. There it is, yes. Glass gap. Now, we have the two gaps. The car is so small. I don't even know if it can get hit. Oh, never mind. I can totally get hit. Just you on through Greg. Oh, it's spat me out. Come on. Timing. There we go. There we go. Just going through the middle. Just going through the middle. Perfect. Okay. Now for the 69 inch gap with the windmill. Windmill almost took me out. Magnet gaps. We're not going to worry about that. We're just going to do it when they're red. I'm putting my life in your hands, Alex. Ah. Good time. It can actually been through. Again, I'm almost sure I can make this. I was going to say without the magnet. That's great. It's getting tighter gaps. Now, this is what we managed to get past in dad's car. Oh, yes. This is it. Can it fit through this? This is the last couple. Now, this is as far as I could get with the go-kart. It couldn't even get past this. Then I had no chance at getting past this. Oh, my God. I think it could fit. I think it could fit. Come on. Oh, yes. Oh, my God. This board. We have a winner. Well, I squeezed through the gaps in my soul was squeezed out of my body every post this episode GT. Till next time, stay Foxy. Much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,655,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, crazy cars in gta 5, testing cars, testing cars in gta 5, in gta 5, smallest gaps in gta 5, testing cars vs smallest gaps
Id: 1n2l5MTS3fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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