Which ramps gives you the longest jump in GTA 5?

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All right. We're checking out the only game where the bigger the ramp is, the more it ruins my life. It's GTA. Everyone knows in order to get to a ramp, you have to be ready to fall to your death. Here we go. Okay, so this is how this works. There are five different ramps. Oh, wow. Each ramp is related to an element. There's water, fire, earth, lightning and air. And I. Okay, this ramp is going a lot faster than I thought it would go. And I have to find out which ramp will get you the furthest. Oh, okay. I can land this. This is fine. Oh. Whew. Ahhhh!!! Okay, I may need to- Sticks the landing! Noooo!!! so I have to find out which ramp goes the furthest. But in order to unlock all the ramps, I have to complete the challenge that each ramp offers. So, first- Hold on, I have an idea. Ow! I'm trying to see if I can land on this target. There's no way I can stop this car. It's impossible. If I can bail. Here we go. And then land it. Oh, come on. Obviously, that must be the fire challenge down below. So it's kind of cool that I'm actually, like, flying over that one. Okay, early bail. Here we go. Right now. That looks good. Ow! Why am I so slippery? It's all the sunscreen. It's typical Floridian stuff. Basically, every morning I like to take a sponge bath with Crisco. I'm getting pretty close to hitting the actual bull's eye. If you notice, there's a there's a motorcycle there, so I don't. I don't need this car- Oh, hold on. I have an idea. I have an idea. I have an idea. Okay, here's my plan. One of the cars I bailed out on is stuck on that platform. Come on, baby. Arc it. Arc it. I'm going to try and line cars up and then run into them and then stop that way. In case you're wondering, this particular board was made by Danny. This is called the I.Q. Islands. Here we go. Here we go. Here. Boom! Got it. That's how you do it. Okay, so now we can grab the bike and we can start on- Oh, that's kind of a cool bike. So now we can grab the bike and we can start of the challenge to open up the next element that's giving us a bigger ramp, allowing us to go further until, I don't know, I guess we end up with the the farthest ramp and I probably just to- I get to transcend time and space. All right. So how does this work? Do I have to.... Oh! Oh, all right. Or I can just drown immediately. That's fine. All right. Here's the plan. You got to go around in a circle and you need to ramp off these edges and then slowly work your way up higher and higher. I'm assuming that's how the I.Q. Islands work. All right, you ready? First one. No problem. Okay, so there's the second one. I can just go on these islands here, right? There we go. Hold on. Check this out. I can actually use the rock as a ramp, too. Danny has not learned the Anti-Cheat methods as well as Alex has quite yet. All right, so ramp it and. Oh, that one's actually kind of far. All right. I may have to run around the side of this. There you go. Okay. Just keep going. Keep going, keep going. Keep going now. Yeah, there it is. Okay. Do I have to get way up there? I don't even know if I can jump that high. He gave me an extra strip over here, if you see. So I can get more speed. But that looks relatively unfair. I don't know if I can jump that high. All right, well, I don't really have a choice. All right, so I'm going to yeetley-deet myself over here. Perfect. I have to make sure that I hit this right as it's open. Otherwise, I'm going to end up just killing myself. All right. We're going to get as much space as humanly possible. Here we go. Yeah, this looks good. Okay, I need to start this way earlier. Man! I just lost part of my hypothalamus. Well, I wasn't really using it anyway, I guess. Jokes on you, Danny. I don't have any I.Q. for your board. I'm just going to. I'm starting now. I'm just going to go now. There we go. There we go. Here we go. Here. Okay. Yeet! Okay, you can make it. Sweet! So from here, it looks like two.... Hold on. So there's another strip. I don't know if I can land on that, though. I could just go for the. Yeah, I'm going to go for it. Hold on. All right. Speed, speed, speed. Yeet! Good landing. Nice. Okay, so now we've got another one and then a third one. Oh, there's a little hidden one here. That's a big ramp. Wait, what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed- Hold on. I need to look at something. Okay, so there's a huge ramp here. If I wait, I'm assuming I can, like, skip- Oh, that's where I started. Okay, so if I mess this up, I actually go straight back to the beginning. Great. All right, we need to wait for that ramp, and we need full distance to do this. Okay. Right now. Oh, no! Too early. Too early. Too early. Too early. Okay. A little bit later. Are you.... Oh, yeah! Oh, no! Oh, no! Noooooo! Noooooo!!!! Back to the beginning! I've got to hit this perfectly. Okay that looks good. That looks good. That looks good. And, yes, way back. We're going to float it. We're going to float it. Float it, float it. Look Yeah! A checkpoint!!! Okay. So.... Oh, okay. Hold on. I take a look. There's a hole. So you don't actually go over this one. You go into it and all. Oh, there's holes everywhere. That's a really small opening. Uhhhh... Am I gonna have to, like, thumbnail hole myself through that? That is not a lot of space. Well, there's one thing I'm good at. It's squeezing my body into places it is not supposed to go. To me, the motorcycle. You and I are in this together. And if you don't like it, well, I'll probably throw you away for the next vehicle that Alex gives me in the next ramp. Gonna do this early. Maybe now? That's a little too early. Okay. Halfway. Halfway. Right here. Right here. Right here. Now. Perfect. Yes. Oh, that's hot. Uhhhhhhhhh..... What do I- Oh there's ramp over here. This is- Oh, okay. Okay, cool. So that's got to be the opening to the next the next ramp. All right. So we're going to gain as much speed as possible. I don't want to screw this up when I've gotten this far. All right, wait for it. Infinite speed. Oh God I'm too early- Ow! *laughter* How is this happening? I know what it's like to be a fly on the windshield. I was stuck to the prop. I can't get back up. I can't die. Someone use some RainX. Scrape me off of this thing. You can't help. Here we go. Okay. Thank God. Okay, let's try that again, but with slightly less fail. All right, here we go. Okay. This one looks good. This one looks good. And... Yeet! Whoa. Huh? What? How? Did he get rid of the water over here? He turned off the water just in this tiny little area. It's got a ramp over here, too. I think it was just made to be a troll or something. Danny, you almost ruined my entire career. Okay, so I hope that this ramp literally goes to the the the teleport so we can open up the next ramp. I assume it does. Right. Like you wouldn't mess with me that bad. Okay? Yeah. All right, cool. So now we can get to the next ramp. All right, we're doing the fire ramp because fire has to be- Oh, my car is on fire. Obviously, this one's by Alex. I assume the epileptic one over on the left is lightning. Let me try and turn the camera away from that. So, everyone. So you guys don't have to look at it. Fire is fat- Oh, got it off to the side. Well, it definitely has great aerodynamics, but I don't think we got far enough. Fire is fast. When I'm not a screw up. Oh, my God. Oh. All right, well, you know what? I'm just going to just. Just hope this works out well. Is that a plane up there? Aaaaand.... Ow! Okay. I know where I'm supposed to land. We're almost there, but we're not quite close enough. Maximum speeeeeeed!!!! There we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, this is happening. I mean, lean forward. Lean forward, lean forward. Looking good. Got a nice, long landing pad here aaaaaand..... No, no! Oh, I flew out the windshield! Ouch! Yeah, well, I guess when you hit a wall like a thousand miles an hour, that kind of makes sense. Actually harder than it looks. Now remember what you can do to get a little bit more distance whenever you're doing something stupid like this. You can arc down a little bit. There. I don't want to overshoot it. Yeah, this was good. This looks good. And sticks the landing. Perfect. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh. Oh. Alex, what did you make? That's kind of cool. It's like a pathway of fire. Oh, it's a loopty loop of fire into a....... is that a wall transfer? It looks like a wall transfer of fire into another wall transfer of fire? Oh, this is actually kind of awesome, huh? All right, let's do it. Are you ready? This is a pretty good car for this, too. It's got a decent wall. Ohhhhhhh..... Everything's orange. I can't see where I'm going. Okay, the fire looks amazing, but it actually makes this very, very tricky. Oh, hold on, I gotta stick this landing. Sticks the- You know, forget I ever said anything. All right, up. And. Annnnnd..... Oh fire.... Oh God.... I'm right back where I started. All right, we're trying this in first person mode. I don't know if this is actually a good idea. I can't see anything. I'm literally just eating fire. I'm not going to lie. Fire. Oh. Doesn't taste great. Tastes like pain and regret. All right. This feels good. I don't want to go too far over to the left There we go. Yeah, I have a tendency to go too far over to the left. Oh my God! Yes! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay, I can do this. And then it looks like there is a launch pad and then a second launch pad and then a third launch pad. And then. I have no idea. Goooooooo!!! This feels good. Okay, now stay over to the left, which I did not do. All right, come out on the left. Not that far left. Not that far left. Not that way. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What a save. I lost too much momentum, though. Noooo!!! Give it to me one time. Left side at the corner! Yes. Okay, stop! Stopstopstopstopstopstop! All right, I need to. I need to make sure what I'm doing here. So this is a launch wall ride into a launch wall ride transfer. Okay, so I have to do a flip eventually. All right. As much distance as possible. This car should get us enough speed. Perfect. Yeah. Oh, God. Okay. And then. Oh, no, I'm screwed. How do you like your burrito? I like it setting my entire body on fire, if you please. Nice. Okay, perfect. And now. Right, plug it. Flip land low. Nice. Is this one up or down? Okay, mid middle. I did that reverse. I went low and I should have went high. Okay, if I can get this perfectly though. It should look awesome. Big loop riding the fire. The fire is in my hair. Well, the well, the fire has now replaced my hair because my hair has probably melted off my scalp onto the first wall ride. Okay, oh no! I might be able to save this. Nope. Okay, first, *nervous sounds* Okay, I can.... I'm pretty sure I can get enough speed to fix this, basically. Okay. First wall ride- Really? Down the loop. Off the corner. Land on the platform. Don't think, Gray, thinking is bad. You're highly allergic to it. Big flip. Perfect. This is this. I'm just like Tom Cruise in Maverick. Don't think. Just do. That's what's happening right now. Oh, yeah. Okay, okay, okay. Up, up, up, up. What happened? Why, why? Why, how? High stop sticks out. How are you supposed to go through it? I don't have to do it backwards, do I? Come on. There's chopsticks the whole- Oh, wait. Oh, okay. Here's my plan. I'm gonna try this to stop sticks are all top. I'm going to try and go bottom. I'm not going to lie if he puts stop sticks on the top and the bottom That's sick. But I've got the curl- I've got that curl down like every time big landing off the ramp into a wall ride. I don't want to skip the front of my car, though. Like that. Good landing there. I can. I can use that cheat wall- Oh, God. Oh, no. I can use the cheat wall a little bit. I can slam the side of my car against it like that. Just not in the- No. Was that my car? They call me all day. Not because I- Not because I- I don't know. Make money all day. Just because I'll end up doing this all day to eventually beat this board! All right. Transfer. Right, low. No, no, no, no, no, no. I was almost there. Okay. You can definitely go low, though. I think I can do this. Split Land it. No! First area. Beautiful landing. Onto the wall. Transfer. Perfect. Tires down. No skipping. Third one. Land it. Low. Ahhhhh!!! I'm not giving up. Okay. Off the curl, onto the platform. Big jump. Landed perfectly. Ride the fire. Twist land. Good. Stay up. Tire roughly onto the brown thing there. Flip good. Low. Stay on the brown thing. Oh, God! Not too low. Not too low. Not too low. Oh, oh. Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Oh, my God. Into the next element. All right. We're doing the wind ramp. Wind. Biggest ramp. Look at this car. Got to be the best. Are you ready? Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm gliding. I'm totally gonna- Whoa! I thought I was going to that mountain. Oh, wow. Oh, my God. This thing has wings. See? He's been chugging Red Bull all morning. All right, passing the- Passing the water board. Well, what- What parts of it can actually render in. Where do I land? What is that? What- Oh, God, no. Oh, God, no. Is that all wind turbines? Are you kidding me? Oh my God! Ow! *weeping in despair* Ow! Wind! Get it? I hate you. Did you make a wall ride out of wind turbines? Oh my God! He made a wall ride out of wind turbines. It's just solid wind turbines. Oh, my God. There's more. How does this not crash the game? All right, let's do it. Oh, my God. I'm going to regret this. All right. Wall riding on wind turbines. Oh, not at the train! I had to come down here real quick and show you this stupidity. How hard can it be? Oh, my God. Oh, no. It's like a- So it's a wall ride- Ow! It's a wall ride of wind turbines into a thong ride. That is bad. Okay, jump onto the wall ride. And now. Okay, there's the thong- Oh my God, it's a wall transfer! Oh Jesus! Okay. Okay, okay. It's a wall. Transfer a small ribbon onto another wall. That's another high ribbon. This better be the hardest board. Okay. Oh, no. All right. Up. Oh, not too high. Not too high.. Okay. Looking good. Get the boost. Left stick. Left stick. Left stick. You know what? I'm just going to dance. I'm going to dance the whole way. Yes, yes. Right. I'm riding the wind turbines. *manic laughter* You used so many wind turbines, Alex. I can ride them. But there's nowhere for me to go after this, because then he stopped the wind turbines at the ribbon, and so I'm kind of screwed. Well, I guess I'm going to go ahead and drop to my death then. Not going to lie. Never thought I would surf. Wind turbines. All right, baby, That- That transfer is is not easy because. Oh. You have to come out at just the right angle and you have no time. Okay. Transfer. Stay high. Low. Nice. Mid. Yes. Yes. Yes, yes. Yes. Yes, yes. Yes. And then. Oh my God, you have the chassis slide. There's an actual segment missing on that wall. Okay, this is something I've never done before. That is a chassis slide. You have to wall ride into a chassis slide into a ribbon ride. Wall ride. Oh, yeah. No, no, no, no, no. Ow! I'm break dancing on top of the wind turbine. I can't fall. What do I do? Bring it onnnnnnn- And that's why you always wear your seatbelts, kids. Oh, this is going to be the death of me. Okay, wall ride. There's the ribbon flip switcheroo- No no no no Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Chassis slide ribbon. Yes. Yes. Yessss!!!! Yes! Yes! Oh,my God. The final ramp. The lightning ramp. With the saddest the saddest ramp of all. It's like. It's like a ramp that forgot how to grow up. Okay, lightning ramp. Yeet inside! Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, it's thunder. Are you ready? Oh. Oh, God. Oh, God. My car's vibrating. Ah! How far does it go? Where does it end? Oh. Oh, I'm just. All right, well, I went right past the planes. I'm going to space! Yayyy! I think I just hit a bird. I love how I'm not actually really, like, driving anywhere. It's almost as if though gravity is simply pulling me off of the planet. The planet can't deal with me anymore. Yayyyyy!!!! Well, never would've thought it, but the smallest ramps in GTA break the most physics. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love!
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,480,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, longest jump, longest jump gta 5, ramps gives you the longest jump, ramp gta 5, tallest ramp gta 5, tallest ramp, gta 5 longest jump, gta longest jump, grand theft auto v
Id: R_y9mrUX1UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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